--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/e32tools/e32lib/e32image/deflate/encode.cpp Tue Oct 27 16:36:35 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32tools\petran\Szip\encode.cpp
+#include "huffman.h"
+#include "panic.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "h_utl.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "farray.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void User::Invariant()
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "User::Invariant() called\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+// local definitions used for Huffman code generation
+typedef TUint16 THuff; /** @internal */
+const THuff KLeaf=0x8000; /** @internal */
+struct TNode
+/** @internal */
+ {
+ TUint iCount;
+ THuff iLeft;
+ THuff iRight;
+ };
+void HuffmanLengthsL(TUint32* aLengths,const TNode* aNodes,TInt aNode,TInt aLen)
+/** recursive function to calculate the code lengths from the node tree
+ @internal
+ {
+ if (++aLen>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength)
+ Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
+ const TNode& node=aNodes[aNode];
+ TUint x=node.iLeft;
+ if (x&KLeaf)
+ aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
+ else
+ HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
+ x=node.iRight;
+ if (x&KLeaf)
+ aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
+ else
+ HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
+ }
+void InsertInOrder(TNode* aNodes, TInt aSize, TUint aCount, TInt aVal)
+/** Insert the {aCount,aValue} pair into the already sorted array of nodes
+ @internal
+ {
+ // Uses Insertion sort following a binary search...
+ TInt l=0, r=aSize;
+ while (l < r)
+ {
+ TInt m = (l+r) >> 1;
+ if (aNodes[m].iCount<aCount)
+ r=m;
+ else
+ l=m+1;
+ }
+ HMem::Copy(aNodes+l+1,aNodes+l,sizeof(TNode)*(aSize-l));
+ aNodes[l].iCount=aCount;
+ aNodes[l].iRight=TUint16(aVal);
+ }
+void Huffman::HuffmanL(const TUint32 aFrequency[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aHuffman[])
+/** Generate a Huffman code
+ This generates a Huffman code for a given set of code frequencies. The output
+ is a table of code lengths which can be used to build canonincal encoding tables
+ or decoding trees for use with the TBitInput and TBitOutput classes.
+ Entries in the table with a frequency of zero will have a zero code length
+ and thus no associated huffman encoding. If each such symbol should have a
+ maximum length encoding, they must be given at least a frequency of 1.
+ For an alphabet of n symbols, this algorithm has a transient memory overhead
+ of 8n, and a time complexity of O(n*log(n)).
+ @param "const TUint32 aFrequency[]" The table of code frequencies
+ @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
+ @param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table for the output code-length table. This must be
+ the same size as the frequency table, and can safely be the same table
+ @leave "KErrNoMemory" If memory used for code generation cannot be allocated
+ @panic "USER ???" If the number of codes exceeds Huffman::KMaxCodes
+ {
+ if(TUint(aNumCodes)>TUint(KMaxCodes))
+ Panic(EHuffmanTooManyCodes);
+ // Sort the values into decreasing order of frequency
+ //
+ TNode* nodes = new TNode[aNumCodes];
+ if(nodes==NULL)
+ Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
+ TInt lCount=0;
+ for (TInt ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt c=aFrequency[ii];
+ if (c!=0)
+ InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount++,c,ii|KLeaf);
+ }
+ // default code length is zero
+ HMem::FillZ(aHuffman,aNumCodes*sizeof(TUint32));
+ if (lCount==0)
+ {
+ // no codes with frequency>0. No code has a length
+ }
+ else if (lCount==1)
+ {
+ // special case for a single value (always encode as "0")
+ aHuffman[nodes[0].iRight&~KLeaf]=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Huffman algorithm: pair off least frequent nodes and reorder
+ //
+ do
+ {
+ --lCount;
+ TUint c=nodes[lCount].iCount + nodes[lCount-1].iCount;
+ nodes[lCount].iLeft=nodes[lCount-1].iRight;
+ // re-order the leaves now to reflect new combined frequency 'c'
+ InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount-1,c,lCount);
+ } while (lCount>1);
+ // generate code lengths in aHuffman[]
+ HuffmanLengthsL(aHuffman,nodes,1,0);
+ }
+ delete [] nodes;
+ if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
+ Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding);
+ }
+TBool Huffman::IsValid(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
+/** Validate a Huffman encoding
+ This verifies that a Huffman coding described by the code lengths is valid.
+ In particular, it ensures that no code exceeds the maximum length and
+ that it is possible to generate a canonical coding for the specified lengths.
+ @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
+ @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
+ @return True if the code is valid, otherwise false
+ {
+ // The code is valid if one of the following holds:
+ // (a) the code exactly fills the 'code space'
+ // (b) there is only a single symbol with code length 1
+ // (c) there are no encoded symbols
+ //
+ TUint remain=1<<KMaxCodeLength;
+ TInt totlen=0;
+ for (const TUint32* p=aHuffman+aNumCodes; p>aHuffman;)
+ {
+ TInt len=*--p;
+ if (len>0)
+ {
+ totlen+=len;
+ if (len>KMaxCodeLength)
+ return EFalse;
+ TUint c=1<<(KMaxCodeLength-len);
+ if (c>remain)
+ return EFalse;
+ remain-=c;
+ }
+ }
+ return remain==0 || totlen<=1;
+ }
+void Huffman::Encoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aEncodeTable[])
+/** Create a canonical Huffman encoding table
+ This generates the huffman codes used by TBitOutput::HuffmanL() to write huffman
+ encoded data. The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
+ and must represent a valid huffman code.
+ @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
+ @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
+ @param "TUint32 aEncodeTable[]" The table for the output huffman codes. This must be
+ the same size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same table
+ @panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
+ @see IsValid()
+ @see HuffmanL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes),Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding));
+ TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> lenCount;
+ lenCount.Reset();
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt len=aHuffman[ii]-1;
+ if (len>=0)
+ ++lenCount[len];
+ }
+ TFixedArray<TUint,KMaxCodeLength> nextCode;
+ TUint code=0;
+ for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
+ {
+ code<<=1;
+ nextCode[ii]=code;
+ code+=lenCount[ii];
+ }
+ for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
+ if (len==0)
+ aEncodeTable[ii]=0;
+ else
+ {
+ aEncodeTable[ii] = (nextCode[len-1]<<(KMaxCodeLength-len))|(len<<KMaxCodeLength);
+ ++nextCode[len-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** the encoding table for the externalised code
+ @internal
+const TUint32 HuffmanEncoding[]=
+ {
+ 0x10000000,
+ 0x1c000000,
+ 0x12000000,
+ 0x1d000000,
+ 0x26000000,
+ 0x26800000,
+ 0x2f000000,
+ 0x37400000,
+ 0x37600000,
+ 0x37800000,
+ 0x3fa00000,
+ 0x3fb00000,
+ 0x3fc00000,
+ 0x3fd00000,
+ 0x47e00000,
+ 0x47e80000,
+ 0x47f00000,
+ 0x4ff80000,
+ 0x57fc0000,
+ 0x5ffe0000,
+ 0x67ff0000,
+ 0x77ff8000,
+ 0x7fffa000,
+ 0x7fffb000,
+ 0x7fffc000,
+ 0x7fffd000,
+ 0x7fffe000,
+ 0x87fff000,
+ 0x87fff800
+ };
+void EncodeRunLengthL(TBitOutput& aOutput, TInt aLength)
+/** encode 0a as '0' and 0b as '1', return number of symbols created
+ @internal
+ {
+ if (aLength>0)
+ {
+ EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,(aLength-1)>>1);
+ aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[1-(aLength&1)]);
+ }
+ }
+void Huffman::ExternalizeL(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
+/** Store a canonical huffman encoding in compact form
+ As the encoding is canonical, only the code lengths of each code needs to be saved.
+ Due to the nature of code length tables, these can usually be stored very compactly
+ by encoding the encoding itself, hence the use of the bit output stream.
+ @param "TBitOutput& aOutput" The output stream for the encoding
+ @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
+ @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
+ @leave "TBitOutput::HuffmanL()"
+ {
+ // We assume that the code length table is generated by the huffman generator,
+ // in which case the maxmimum code length is 27 bits.
+ //
+ // We apply three transformations to the data:
+ // 1. the data goes through a move-to-front coder
+ // 2. apply a rle-0 coder which replace runs of '0' with streams of '0a' and '0b'
+ // 3. encode the result using a predefined (average) huffman coding
+ //
+ // This can be done in a single pass over the data, avoiding the need for additional
+ // memory.
+ //
+ // initialise the list for the MTF coder
+ TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
+ list[i]=TUint8(i);
+ TInt last=0;
+ TInt rl=0;
+ const TUint32* p32=aHuffman;
+ const TUint32* e32=p32+aNumCodes;
+ while (p32<e32)
+ {
+ TInt c=*p32++;
+ if (c==last)
+ ++rl; // repeat of last symbol
+ else
+ {
+ // encode run-length
+ EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
+ rl=0;
+ // find code in MTF list
+ TInt j;
+ for (j=1;list[j]!=c;++j)
+ ;
+ // store this code
+ aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[j+1]);
+ // adjust list for MTF algorithm
+ while (--j>0)
+ list[j+1]=list[j];
+ list[1]=TUint8(last);
+ last=c;
+ }
+ }
+ // encod any remaining run-length
+ EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
+ }
+/** Construct a bit stream output object
+ Following construction the bit stream is ready for writing bits, but will first call
+ OverflowL() as the output buffer is 'full'. A derived class can detect this state as
+ Ptr() will return null.
+ :iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(0),iEnd(0)
+ {}
+TBitOutput::TBitOutput(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize)
+/** Construct a bit stream output object over a buffer
+ Data will be written to the buffer until it is full, at which point OverflowL() will
+ be called. This should handle the data and then can Set() again to reset the buffer
+ for further output.
+ @param "TUint8* aBuf" The buffer for output
+ @param "TInt aSize" The size of the buffer in bytes
+ :iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(aBuf),iEnd(aBuf+aSize)
+ {}
+void TBitOutput::HuffmanL(TUint aHuffCode)
+/** Write a huffman code
+ This expects a huffman code value as generated by Huffman::Encoding()
+ @param "TUint aHuffCode" The huffman code write to the stream
+ @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
+ {
+ DoWriteL(aHuffCode<<(32-Huffman::KMaxCodeLength),aHuffCode>>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength);
+ }
+void TBitOutput::WriteL(TUint aValue,TInt aLength)
+/** Write an arbitrary integer value
+ Write an unsigned integer using the number of bits specified. Only
+ the low order bits of the value are written to the output, most
+ significant bit first.
+ @param "TUint aValue" The value to write to the stream
+ @param "TUint aLength" The number of bits to output
+ @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
+ {
+ if (aLength)
+ DoWriteL(aValue<<=32-aLength,aLength);
+ }
+void TBitOutput::PadL(TUint aPadding)
+/** Pad the bitstream to the next byte boundary
+ Terminate the bitstream by padding the last byte with the requested value.
+ Following this operation the bitstream can continue to be used, the data will
+ start at the next byte.
+ @param "TUint aPadding" The bit value to pad the final byte with
+ @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
+ {
+ if (iBits>-8)
+ WriteL(aPadding?0xffffffffu:0,-iBits);
+ }
+void TBitOutput::DoWriteL(TUint aBits,TInt aSize)
+/** Write the higher order bits to the stream
+ @internal
+ {
+ if (aSize>25)
+ {
+ // cannot process >25 bits in a single pass
+ // so do the top 8 bits first
+ ASSERT(aSize<=32);
+ DoWriteL(aBits&0xff000000u,8);
+ aBits<<=8;
+ aSize-=8;
+ }
+ TInt bits=iBits;
+ TUint code=iCode|(aBits>>(bits+8));
+ bits+=aSize;
+ if (bits>=0)
+ {
+ TUint8* p=iPtr;
+ do
+ {
+ if (p==iEnd)
+ {
+ // run out of buffer space so invoke the overflow handler
+ iPtr=p;
+ OverflowL();
+ p=iPtr;
+ ASSERT(p!=iEnd);
+ }
+ *p++=TUint8(code>>24);
+ code<<=8;
+ bits-=8;
+ } while (bits>=0);
+ iPtr=p;
+ }
+ iCode=code;
+ iBits=bits;
+ }
+void TBitOutput::OverflowL()
+/** Handle a full output buffer
+ This virtual function is called when the output buffer is full. It should deal
+ with the data in the buffer before reseting the buffer using Set(), allowing
+ further data to be written.
+ A derived class can replace this to write the data to a file (for example)
+ before marking the buffer as empty.
+ @leave "KErrOverflow" The default implementation leaves
+ {
+ Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
+ }