changeset 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/imgcheck/libimgutils/src/rofsreader.cpp	Tue Oct 27 16:36:35 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "rofsreader.h"
+#include "r_romnode.h"
+Constructor intializes the class pointer members.
+@param aFile - image file name
+@param aImageType - image type
+RofsReader::RofsReader(char* aFile, EImageType aImageType)
+:ImageReader(aFile), iImageType(aImageType)
+	iImageReader = new RCoreImageReader(aFile);
+	iImage = new RofsImage(iImageReader);
+, Ios::binary | Ios::in);
+Destructor deletes the class pointer members.
+	ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator e32ImageBegin = iExeVsE32ImageMap.begin();
+    ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator e32ImageEnd  = iExeVsE32ImageMap.end();
+	while(e32ImageBegin != e32ImageEnd)
+	{
+		DELETE(e32ImageBegin->second);
+		++e32ImageBegin;
+	}
+	iRootDirEntry->Destroy();
+	iExeVsOffsetMap.clear();
+	DELETE(iImageReader);
+	iInputStream.close();
+	iExeVsE32ImageMap.clear();
+Dummy function for compatibility
+void RofsReader::ReadImage()
+Function responsible to 
+1. Invoke E32Imagefile process method which will read the header part and identifies the 
+   compression method.
+2. Prepare executable vs E32Image map, which will be used later to read the E32Image contents.
+void RofsReader::ProcessImage()
+	int retVal = iImage->ProcessImage();
+	if(retVal != KErrNone)
+	{
+		exit(retVal);
+	}
+	iRootDirEntry = iImage->RootDirectory();
+	PrepareExeVsE32ImageMap(iRootDirEntry, iImage, iImageType, iInputStream, iExeVsE32ImageMap, iExeVsOffsetMap, iHiddenExeList);
+Function to check whether the node is an executable or not.
+@param aName - Executable name
+bool RofsReader::IsExecutable(String aName)
+	unsigned int extOffset = aName.find_last_of('.');
+	if(extOffset != String::npos)
+	{
+		aName = aName.substr(extOffset);
+		if(aName.length() <= 4)
+		{
+			ReaderUtil::ToLower(aName);
+			if (aName.find(".exe") != String::npos || aName.find(".dll") != String::npos || 
+				aName.find(".prt") != String::npos || aName.find(".nif") != String::npos || 
+				aName.find(".tsy") != String::npos || aName.find(".pdl") != String::npos || 
+				aName.find(".csy") != String::npos || aName.find(".agt") != String::npos || 
+				aName.find(".ani") != String::npos || aName.find(".loc") != String::npos || 
+				aName.find(".pdd") != String::npos || aName.find(".ldd") != String::npos ||
+				aName.find(".drv") != String::npos) 
+			{
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+Function responsible to prepare iExeVsE32ImageMap by traversing the tree recursively.
+@param aEntry - Root directory entry
+@param aImage - core image
+@param aImageType - Image type
+@param aInputStream - Input stream to read image file
+@param aExeVsE32ImageMap - Container to be filled
+@param aExeVsOffsetMap - Container to be filled
+@param aHiddenExeList - Hidden executables filled here.
+void RofsReader::PrepareExeVsE32ImageMap(TRomNode* aEntry, CCoreImage *aImage, EImageType aImageType, Ifstream& aInputStream, ExeVsE32ImageMap& aExeVsE32ImageMap, ExeVsOffsetMap& aExeVsOffsetMap, StringList& aHiddenExeList)
+    String name((char*)aEntry->iName);
+	bool insideRofs = false;
+    E32Image* e32Image;
+    if(IsExecutable(name))
+    {
+		iExeAvailable = true;
+		//V9.1 images has hidden file offset as 0x0
+		//V9.2 to V9.6 has hidden file offset as 0xFFFFFFFFF
+        if(aEntry->iEntry->iFileOffset != KFileHidden && aEntry->iEntry->iFileOffset != KFileHidden_9_1)
+        {
+            long fileOffset = 0;
+            if(aImageType == ERofsExImage)
+            {
+				if(aEntry->iEntry->iFileOffset > (long)((RofsImage*)aImage)->iAdjustment)
+				{
+	            // File exists in Rofs extension 
+		            fileOffset = aEntry->iEntry->iFileOffset - ((RofsImage*)aImage)->iAdjustment;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					insideRofs = true;
+				}
+            }
+            else
+            {
+	            // For rofs files
+	            fileOffset = aEntry->iEntry->iFileOffset;
+            }
+            aInputStream.seekg(fileOffset, Ios::beg);
+            /*
+            Due to the complexities involved in sending the physical file size to E32Reader class, 
+            here we avoided using it for gathering dependencies. Hence class E32ImageFile is used
+            directly.
+            */
+            e32Image = new E32Image();
+            e32Image->iFileSize = aEntry->iSize;
+            e32Image->Adjust(aEntry->iSize); //Initialise the data pointer to the file size
+            aInputStream >> *e32Image; //Input the E32 file to E32ImageFile class
+            aExeVsOffsetMap[ReaderUtil::ToLower(name)] = fileOffset;
+			if(!insideRofs)
+			{
+				aExeVsE32ImageMap.insert(std::make_pair(ReaderUtil::ToLower(name), e32Image));
+			}
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            aHiddenExeList.push_back(ReaderUtil::ToLower(name));
+        }
+    }
+    if(aEntry->Currentchild())
+    {
+        PrepareExeVsE32ImageMap(aEntry->Currentchild(), aImage, aImageType, aInputStream, aExeVsE32ImageMap, aExeVsOffsetMap, aHiddenExeList);
+    }
+    if(aEntry->Currentsibling())
+    {
+        PrepareExeVsE32ImageMap(aEntry->Currentsibling(), aImage, aImageType, aInputStream, aExeVsE32ImageMap, aExeVsOffsetMap, aHiddenExeList);
+    }
+Function responsible to the executable lists using the container iExeVsE32ImageMap.
+void RofsReader::PrepareExecutableList()
+    ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator e32ImageBegin = iExeVsE32ImageMap.begin();
+    ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator e32ImageEnd  = iExeVsE32ImageMap.end();
+    E32Image* entry;
+    String name;
+    while(e32ImageBegin != e32ImageEnd)
+    {
+        entry = e32ImageBegin->second;
+        name = e32ImageBegin->first;
+        iExecutableList.push_back(name);
+        ++e32ImageBegin;
+    }
+	DeleteHiddenExecutableVsE32ImageEntry();
+Function responsible to delete the hidden executable nodes, in order to
+avoid the dependency data collection for the same.
+void RofsReader::DeleteHiddenExecutableVsE32ImageEntry()
+	StringList::iterator hExeBegin = iHiddenExeList.begin();
+	StringList::iterator hExeEnd = iHiddenExeList.end();
+	ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator loc;
+	while(hExeBegin != hExeEnd)
+	{
+		//Remove the hidden executable entry from executables vs RomNode Map
+		loc = iExeVsE32ImageMap.find(*hExeBegin);
+		if(loc != iExeVsE32ImageMap.end())
+		{
+			iExeVsE32ImageMap.erase(loc);
+		}
+		++hExeBegin;
+	}
+Function responsible to gather dependencies for all the executables using the container iExeVsE32ImageMap.
+@return iImageVsDepList - returns all executable's dependencies
+ExeNamesVsDepListMap& RofsReader::GatherDependencies()
+	ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator begin = iExeVsE32ImageMap.begin();
+	ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator end = iExeVsE32ImageMap.end();
+	StringList executableList;
+	while(begin != end)
+	{
+		PrepareExeDependencyList((*begin).second, executableList);
+		iImageVsDepList.insert(std::make_pair((*begin).first, executableList));
+		executableList.clear();
+		++begin;
+	}
+	return iImageVsDepList;
+Function responsible to prepare the dependency list.
+This function can handle ROFS and ROFS extension images.
+@param - aE32Image, Using this, can get all the information about the executable
+@param - aExecutableList, Excutables placed into this list
+void RofsReader::PrepareExeDependencyList(E32Image* aE32Image, StringList& aExecutableList)
+	int count = 0;
+	char** nameList = aE32Image->GetImportExecutableNames(count);
+	int i = 0;
+	String dependency;
+	for(; i < count; ++i)
+	{
+		dependency.assign(nameList[i]);
+		aExecutableList.push_back(ReaderUtil::ToLower(dependency));
+	}
+	DELETE(nameList);
+Function responsible to say whether it is an ROFS image or not.
+@param - aWord which has the identifier string
+bool RofsReader::IsRofsImage(String& aWord)
+	if(aWord.find(KRofsImageIdentifier) == 0) //Identifier should start at the beginning
+	{
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+Function responsible to say whether it is an ROFS extension image or not.
+@param - aWord which has the identifier string
+bool RofsReader::IsRofsExtImage(String& aWord)
+	if(aWord.find(KRofsExtImageIdentifier) == 0) //Identifier should start at the beginning
+	{
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+Function responsible to traverse through the the map using the container iExeVsE32ImageMap to collect 
+void RofsReader::PrepareExeVsIdMap()
+    ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator begin = iExeVsE32ImageMap.begin();
+    ExeVsE32ImageMap::iterator end = iExeVsE32ImageMap.end();
+    String exeName;
+    E32Image* e32Image;
+    IdData* id;
+    if(iExeVsIdData.size() == 0) //Is not already prepared
+    {
+        while(begin != end)
+        {
+            exeName = begin->first;
+            e32Image = begin->second;
+			id = new IdData;
+			id->iUid = e32Image->iOrigHdr->iUid1;
+			id->iDbgFlag = (e32Image->iOrigHdr->iFlags & KImageDebuggable)? true : false;
+            TUint aHeaderFmt = E32ImageHeader::HdrFmtFromFlags(e32Image->iOrigHdr->iFlags);
+	        if (aHeaderFmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V)
+	        {
+                E32ImageHeaderV* v = e32Image->iHdr;
+                id->iSid = v->iS.iSecureId;
+                id->iVid = v->iS.iVendorId;
+	        }
+			id->iFileOffset = iExeVsOffsetMap[exeName];
+			iExeVsIdData[exeName] = id;
+            ++begin;
+        }
+    }
+	id = KNull;
+Function responsible to return the Executable versus IdData container. 
+@return - returns iExeVsIdData
+const ExeVsIdDataMap& RofsReader::GetExeVsIdMap() const
+    return iExeVsIdData;