--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/imgcheck/libimgutils/src/romreader.cpp Tue Oct 27 16:36:35 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "romreader.h"
+#include "romfsentry.h"
+#include "romimageheader.h"
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include <e32ldr.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
+Static variable to mark whether TRomLoaderHeader is present in the ROM image or not.
+bool RomReader::iNoRomLoaderHeader = false;
+Constructor intializes the class pointer members and member variables.
+@param aFile - image file name
+@param aImageType - image type
+RomReader::RomReader(const char* aFile, EImageType aImgType)
+: ImageReader(aFile), iImageHeader(0), iData(0), iImgType(aImgType)
+ iRomImageRootDirEntry = new RomImageDirEntry("");
+Destructor deletes the class pointer members.
+ delete [] iData;
+ iRomImageRootDirEntry->Destroy();
+ iRomImageRootDirEntry = 0;
+ DELETE(iImageHeader);
+ iRootDirList = 0;
+ iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.clear();
+Function responsible to read the whole image and assign it to an member
+void RomReader::ReadImage()
+ iInputStream.open(iImgFileName.c_str(), Ios::binary | Ios::in);
+ if(!iInputStream.is_open())
+ {
+ cout << "Error: " << "Can not open file: " << ImageName().c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ iInputStream.seekg(0, Ios::end);
+ iImageSize = iInputStream.tellg();
+ iData = new unsigned char[iImageSize];
+ memset(iData, 0, iImageSize);
+ iInputStream.seekg(0, Ios::beg);
+ iInputStream.read((char*)iData, iImageSize);
+ iInputStream.close();
+Function responsible to return the compression type
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the compression type
+const unsigned long int RomReader::ImageCompressionType() const
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr)
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iCompressionType;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iCompressionType;
+Function responsible to return the Rom header pointer address
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the Rom header pointer address
+const char* RomReader::RomHdrPtr() const
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr)
+ return (char*)(iImageHeader->iRomHdr);
+ else
+ return (char*)(iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr);
+Function responsible to return the Rom base address in the image
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the Rom base address
+const unsigned long int RomReader::RomBase() const
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr)
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase ;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomBase;
+Function responsible to return the Rom root directory list
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the Rom root directory list
+const unsigned long int RomReader::RootDirList() const
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr)
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
+Function responsible to return the Rom header size
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the Rom header size
+const unsigned int RomReader::HdrSize() const
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr)
+ return (sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) + sizeof(TRomHeader));
+ else
+ return sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader);
+Function responsible to return the Rom image size
+Can handle ROM and Extension ROM images.
+@return - returns the Rom Image size
+const unsigned int RomReader::ImgSize() const
+ if(ImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate)
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iUncompressedSize;
+ else
+ return iImageSize;
+Function responsible to process the ROM image
+1. Read the header.
+2. Identify the compression type.
+3. If the image is compressed then uncompress and update the image content buffer iData.
+4. Build the directory tree by reading all the Rood and subdirectory elements.
+void RomReader::ProcessImage()
+ if(iImageSize > sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) || iImageSize > sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader))
+ {
+ iImageHeader = new RomImageHeader((char*)iData, iImgType, iNoRomLoaderHeader);
+ if(ImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate)
+ {
+ unsigned int aDataStart = HdrSize();
+ unsigned char* aData = new unsigned char[iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iUncompressedSize + aDataStart];
+ InflateUnCompress((iData + aDataStart), iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iCompressedSize, (aData + aDataStart), iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iUncompressedSize);
+ memcpy(aData, iData, aDataStart);
+ delete [] iData;
+ iData = aData;
+ //update the header fields...
+ if(iImgType == ERomImage)
+ {
+ iImageHeader->iLoaderHdr = (TRomLoaderHeader*)iData;
+ iImageHeader->iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)(iData + sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ImageCompressionType() != 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error: Invalid image: " << ImageName() << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (iImageHeader->iRomHdr && iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomPageIndex) // paged ROM
+ {
+ const int KPageSize = 0x1000;
+ TRomHeader *pRomHdr = iImageHeader->iRomHdr;
+ unsigned int headerSize = HdrSize();
+ TInt numPages = (pRomHdr->iPageableRomStart + pRomHdr->iPageableRomSize+KPageSize-1)/KPageSize;
+ unsigned char* aData = new unsigned char[pRomHdr->iUncompressedSize + headerSize];
+ unsigned char* dest = aData + sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) + pRomHdr->iPageableRomStart;
+ SRomPageInfo* pi = (SRomPageInfo*)((unsigned char*)pRomHdr + pRomHdr->iRomPageIndex);
+ CBytePair bpe(EFalse);
+ for(int i = 0; i < numPages; i++, pi++)
+ {
+ if (pi->iPagingAttributes != SRomPageInfo::EPageable) // skip uncompressed part at the beginning of ROM image
+ continue;
+ switch(pi->iCompressionType)
+ {
+ case SRomPageInfo::ENoCompression:
+ memcpy(dest, (unsigned char*)pRomHdr + pi->iDataStart, pi->iDataSize);
+ dest += pi->iDataSize;
+ break;
+ case SRomPageInfo::EBytePair:
+ {
+ unsigned char* srcNext = 0;
+ int unpacked = bpe.Decompress(dest, KPageSize, (unsigned char*)pRomHdr + pi->iDataStart, pi->iDataSize, srcNext);
+ if (unpacked < 0)
+ {
+ delete [] aData;
+ std::cout << "Error:" << "Corrupted BytePair compressed ROM image" << std::endl;
+ }
+ dest += unpacked;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ delete [] aData;
+ std::cout << "Error:" << "Undefined compression type" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(aData, iData, sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) + pRomHdr->iPageableRomStart);
+ delete [] iData;
+ iData = aData;
+ //update the header fields...
+ if(iImgType == ERomImage)
+ {
+ iImageHeader->iLoaderHdr = (TRomLoaderHeader*)iData;
+ iImageHeader->iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)(iData + sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader));
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned long int aOff = RootDirList() - RomBase();
+ iRootDirList = (TRomRootDirectoryList*)(RomHdrPtr() + aOff);
+ int aDirs = 0;
+ TRomDir *aRomDir;
+ while(aDirs < iRootDirList->iNumRootDirs)
+ {
+ aOff = iRootDirList->iRootDir[aDirs].iAddressLin - RomBase();
+ aRomDir = (TRomDir*)(RomHdrPtr() + aOff);
+ BuildDir(aRomDir, iRomImageRootDirEntry);
+ aDirs++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << "Error: " << "Invalid image: " << iImgFileName.c_str() << std::endl;
+ }
+Function responsible to Get Rom directory table
+@param aBase - base poniter
+@param aCount - No of entries in the table
+@param aRomDir - Current Rom directory.
+void RomReader::GetRomDirTbl(short int** aBase, short int& aCount, TRomDir *aRomDir)
+ short int *aSubDirCnt = 0;
+ short int *aFileCnt = 0;
+ //Sub directories in this directories
+ aSubDirCnt = (short int*)((char*)aRomDir + aRomDir->iSize + sizeof(aRomDir->iSize));
+ //Files within this directory
+ aFileCnt = aSubDirCnt+1;
+ aCount = (*aFileCnt + *aSubDirCnt);
+ *aBase = aFileCnt+1;
+Function responsible to Build directory tree.
+@param aDir - directory
+@param aPaFSEntry - Parent RomImageFSEntry
+void RomReader::BuildDir(TRomDir* aDir, RomImageFSEntry* aPaFSEntry)
+ short int *aBase, aCount;
+ GetRomDirTbl(&aBase, aCount, aDir);
+ /**Images built using option -no-sorted-romfs are compatible with Symbian OS v6.1.
+ But imgcheck tool supports only Symbian OS v9.1 to Future versions.
+ */
+ if(aCount <= 0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Error: Invalid Image " << iImgFileName.c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ BuildDir(aBase, aCount, aDir, aPaFSEntry);
+Function responsible to add the read directory or file into tree.
+@param aOffsetTbl - Table offset
+@param aOffsetTblCount - No of entries in the table
+@param aPaRomDir - Parent TRomDir
+@param aPaFSEntry - Parent RomImageFSEntry
+void RomReader::BuildDir(short int *aOffsetTbl, short int aOffsetTblCount,
+ TRomDir *aPaRomDir, RomImageFSEntry* aPaFSEntry)
+ RomImageFSEntry *aNewFSEntry;
+ TRomDir *aNewDir;
+ TRomEntry *aRomEntry;
+ unsigned long int aOffsetFromBase;
+ unsigned int aOffset;
+ String aName;
+ char *aPtr;
+ while(aOffsetTblCount--)
+ {
+ aOffsetFromBase = *aOffsetTbl;
+ aOffsetFromBase <<= 2;
+ aRomEntry = (TRomEntry*)((char*)aPaRomDir + sizeof(int) + aOffsetFromBase);
+ aPtr = (char*)aRomEntry->iName;
+ Name(aName, aPtr, aRomEntry->iNameLength);
+ if(aRomEntry->iAtt & 0x10)//KEntryAttDir
+ {
+ aNewFSEntry = new RomImageDirEntry((char*)aName.data());
+ AddChild(aPaFSEntry, aNewFSEntry, KNull);
+ aOffset = aRomEntry->iAddressLin - RomBase();
+ aNewDir = (TRomDir*)(RomHdrPtr() + aOffset);
+ BuildDir(aNewDir, aNewFSEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aNewFSEntry = new RomImageFileEntry((char*)aName.data());
+ AddChild(aPaFSEntry, aNewFSEntry, aRomEntry);
+ }
+ aOffsetTbl++;
+ }
+Function responsible to add current entry as child to aPa.
+@param aPa - Parent RomImageFSEntry.
+@param aChild - child RomImageFSEntry.
+@param aRomEntry - Current entry.
+void RomReader::AddChild(RomImageFSEntry *aPa, RomImageFSEntry *aChild, TRomEntry* aRomEntry)
+ if(!aPa->iChildren)
+ {
+ aPa->iChildren = aChild;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RomImageFSEntry *aLast = aPa->iChildren;
+ while(aLast->iSibling)
+ aLast = aLast->iSibling;
+ aLast->iSibling = aChild;
+ }
+ if(!aChild->IsDirectory())
+ {
+ TRomImageHeader* aImgHdr;
+ unsigned long int aOff;
+ RomImageFileEntry* entry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aChild;
+ entry->iTRomEntryPtr = aRomEntry;
+ if(aRomEntry->iAddressLin > RomBase())
+ {
+ aOff = aRomEntry->iAddressLin - RomBase();
+ aImgHdr = (TRomImageHeader*)(RomHdrPtr() + aOff);
+ entry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = aImgHdr;
+ unsigned char aUid1[4];
+ memcpy(aUid1, &((RomImageFileEntry*)aChild)->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry->iUid1, 4);
+ //Skip the E32 executables included as a DATA files in ROM image.
+ if(ReaderUtil::IsExecutable(aUid1) && aImgHdr->iCodeAddress > RomBase() &&
+ aImgHdr->iCodeAddress < (RomBase() + ImgSize()))
+ {
+ iExeAvailable = true;
+ entry->iExecutable = true;
+ iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(entry->iName, aChild));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry->iExecutable = false;
+ entry->ImagePtr.iDataFileAddr = aRomEntry->iAddressLin;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = KNull;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aPa != iRomImageRootDirEntry)
+ {
+ aChild->iPath = aPa->iPath;
+ aChild->iPath += KDirSeperaor;
+ aChild->iPath += aPa->iName.data();
+ }
+Function responsible to return the complete name by taking its unicode and length.
+@param aName - Name to be returned
+@param aUnicodeName - Unicode name
+@param aLen - Length of the name
+void RomReader::Name(String& aName, const char * aUnicodeName, const int aLen)
+ int aPos = 0;
+ int uncodeLen = aLen << 1;
+ aName = ("");
+ while(aPos < uncodeLen)
+ {
+ if(aUnicodeName[aPos])
+ aName += aUnicodeName[aPos];
+ aPos++;
+ }
+Function responsible to prepare Executable List by traversing through iExeVsRomFsEntryMap
+void RomReader::PrepareExecutableList()
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeBegin = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.begin();
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeEnd = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.end();
+ while(exeBegin != exeEnd)
+ {
+ String str = exeBegin->first;
+ iExecutableList.push_back(ReaderUtil::ToLower(str));
+ ++exeBegin;
+ }
+Function responsible to create address vs executable map.
+Later this address is used as a key to get executable name
+void RomReader::PrepareAddVsExeMap()
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeBegin = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.begin();
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeEnd = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.end();
+ while(exeBegin != exeEnd)
+ {
+ UintVsString sizeVsExeName;
+ unsigned int address;
+ RomImageFileEntry* fileEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)exeBegin->second;
+ TRomImageHeader *aRomImgEntry = fileEntry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
+ if(aRomImgEntry != KNull)
+ {
+ address = aRomImgEntry->iCodeAddress;
+ sizeVsExeName[aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize] = ReaderUtil::ToLower(exeBegin->second->iName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ address = fileEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin;
+ sizeVsExeName[fileEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize] = ReaderUtil::ToLower(exeBegin->second->iName);
+ }
+ iAddVsExeMap.insert(std::make_pair(address, sizeVsExeName));
+ iImageAddress.push_back(address);
+ ++exeBegin;
+ }
+ std::sort(iImageAddress.begin(), iImageAddress.end(), std::greater < unsigned int>());
+Function responsible to say whether it is an ROM image or not.
+@param aWord - which has the identifier string
+@return - returns true or false.
+bool RomReader::IsRomImage(const String& aWord)
+ //Epoc Identifier should start at 0th location, Rom Identifier should start at 8th location
+ if((aWord.find(KEpocIdentifier) == 0) && (aWord.find(KRomImageIdentifier) == 8))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iNoRomLoaderHeader = true;
+ //TRomLoaderHeader is not present
+ TRomHeader *romHdr = (TRomHeader*)aWord.c_str();
+ /**If the ROM image is built without TRomLoaderHeaderi, ROM specific identifier will not be available
+ hence these two header variables used.*/
+ if((romHdr->iRomBase >= KRomBase) && (romHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList > KRomBase)
+ && (romHdr->iRomBase < KRomBaseMaxLimit) && (romHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList < KRomBaseMaxLimit))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Function responsible to say whether it is an ROM extension image or not.
+@param aWord - which has the identifier string
+@return - retruns true or false.
+bool RomReader::IsRomExtImage(const String& aWord)
+ if(aWord.at(0) == KNull && aWord.at(1) == KNull &&
+ aWord.at(2) == KNull && aWord.at(3) == KNull &&
+ aWord.at(4) == KNull && aWord.at(5) == KNull)
+ {
+ //Since no specific identifier is present in the ROM Extension image these two header variables used.
+ TExtensionRomHeader* romHdr = (TExtensionRomHeader*)aWord.c_str();
+ if((romHdr->iRomBase > KRomBase) && (romHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList > KRomBase)
+ && (romHdr->iRomBase < KRomBaseMaxLimit) && (romHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList < KRomBaseMaxLimit))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Function responsible to gather dependencies for all the executables.
+@return iImageVsDepList - returns all executable's dependencies
+ExeNamesVsDepListMap& RomReader::GatherDependencies()
+ PrepareAddVsExeMap();
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeBegin = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.begin();
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeEnd = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.end();
+ while(exeBegin != exeEnd)
+ {
+ if(((RomImageFileEntry*)exeBegin->second)->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin > RomBase())
+ {
+ StringList importExecutableNameList;
+ CollectImportExecutableNames(exeBegin->second, importExecutableNameList);
+ iImageVsDepList.insert(std::make_pair(exeBegin->second->iName, importExecutableNameList));
+ }
+ ++exeBegin;
+ }
+ return iImageVsDepList;
+Function responsible to read the dependency names.
+@param aRomReader - ROM reader pointer
+@param aEntry - Current RomImageFSEntry
+@param aImportExecutableNameList - Executable list.(output)
+void RomReader::CollectImportExecutableNames(const RomImageFSEntry* aEntry, StringList& aImportExecutableNameList)
+ unsigned int sectionOffset = 0;
+ unsigned int codeSize = 0;
+ unsigned int dependencyAddress = 0;
+ unsigned int* codeSection = 0;
+ bool patternFound = false;
+ RomImageFileEntry* fileEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry;
+ TRomImageHeader *romImgEntry = fileEntry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
+ sectionOffset = romImgEntry->iCodeAddress - RomBase();
+ codeSection = (unsigned int*)((char*)RomHdrPtr() + sectionOffset);
+ codeSize = romImgEntry->iCodeSize;
+ UintVsString* CodeSizeVsExeNameAddress = 0;
+ RomAddrVsExeName::iterator addVsSizeExeName;
+ UintVsString::iterator CodeSizeVsExeName;
+ // Checking for LDR Instruction in PLT section(Inside Code section)
+ // to get the import address.
+ while(codeSize > 0)
+ {
+ if(*codeSection++ == KLdrOpcode)
+ {
+ patternFound = true;
+ dependencyAddress = *codeSection++;
+ addVsSizeExeName = iAddVsExeMap.find(CodeSectionAddress(dependencyAddress));
+ CodeSizeVsExeNameAddress = &addVsSizeExeName->second;
+ CodeSizeVsExeName = CodeSizeVsExeNameAddress->begin();
+ if(!(dependencyAddress < (addVsSizeExeName->first + CodeSizeVsExeName->first)))
+ {
+ aImportExecutableNameList.push_back(KUnknownDependency);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aImportExecutableNameList.push_back(CodeSizeVsExeName->second);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(patternFound == true)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ --codeSize;
+ }
+ aImportExecutableNameList.sort();
+ aImportExecutableNameList.unique();
+typedef std::iterator_traits<VectorList::iterator>::difference_type Distance;
+static VectorList::iterator get_lower_bound(VectorList aVec, const unsigned int& aVal){
+ VectorList::iterator first = aVec.begin();
+ VectorList::iterator last = aVec.end();
+ Distance len = std::distance(first, last);
+ Distance half;
+ VectorList::iterator middle;
+ while (len > 0) {
+ half = len >> 1;
+ middle = first;
+ std::advance(middle, half);
+ if (*middle > aVal) {
+ first = middle;
+ ++first;
+ len = len - half - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ len = half;
+ }
+ return first;
+Function responsible to read the dependency address from the Exe Map container.
+@param aImageAddress - Dependency address (function address)
+@returns - e32image start address(code section).
+unsigned int RomReader::CodeSectionAddress(unsigned int& aImageAddress)
+ /*
+ This invocation leads to a warning, due to the stlport implememtation
+ VectorList::iterator lowerAddress = std::lower_bound(iImageAddress.begin(),
+ iImageAddress.end(), aImageAddress, std::greater <unsigned int>());
+ */
+ VectorList::iterator lowerAddress = get_lower_bound(iImageAddress,aImageAddress);
+ return *lowerAddress;
+Function responsible to fill iExeVsIdData and iSidVsExeName containers.
+@param iRomImageRootDirEntry - Root directory entry
+@param iExeVsIdData - Container
+@param iSidVsExeName - Container
+void RomReader::PrepareExeVsIdMap()
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeBegin = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.begin();
+ ExeVsRomFsEntryMap::iterator exeEnd = iExeVsRomFsEntryMap.end();
+ IdData* id = KNull;
+ RomImageFileEntry* entry = KNull;
+ if(iExeVsIdData.size() == 0) //Is not already prepared
+ {
+ while(exeBegin != exeEnd)
+ {
+ id = new IdData;
+ entry = (RomImageFileEntry*)exeBegin->second;
+ id->iUid = entry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry->iUid1;
+ id->iDbgFlag = (entry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry->iFlags & KImageDebuggable) ? true : false;
+ if(entry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin > RomBase())
+ {
+ String& exeName = exeBegin->second->iName;
+ //This header contains the SID and VID, so create the instance of IdData.
+ TRomImageHeader *aRomImgEntry = entry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
+ id->iSid = aRomImgEntry->iS.iSecureId;
+ id->iVid = aRomImgEntry->iS.iVendorId;
+ id->iFileOffset = aRomImgEntry->iEntryPoint;
+ iExeVsIdData[exeName] = id;
+ }
+ ++exeBegin;
+ }
+ }
+ id = KNull;
+Function responsible to return the Executable versus IdData container.
+@return - returns iExeVsIdData
+const ExeVsIdDataMap& RomReader::GetExeVsIdMap() const
+ return iExeVsIdData;