changeset 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_coreimage.cpp	Tue Oct 27 16:36:35 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include <string.h>
+#include "h_utl.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include "rofs.h"
+#include "r_obey.h"
+#include "r_coreimage.h"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+//  RCoreImageReader
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+Constructs reader for the specified file.
+@param aFilename Filename for core image file
+	RCoreImageReader::RCoreImageReader(char* aFilename) : 
+			iImageType(E_UNKNOWN), iCoreImage(0), iFilename(aFilename)
+	{
+	}
+Closes the core image file if it was opened.
+	{
+	if (iCoreImage)
+		fclose(iCoreImage);
+	iCoreImage = 0;
+	}
+Opens the image file that was specified at construction.
+@return ETrue if file was opened successfully otherwise returns EFalse
+TBool RCoreImageReader::Open()
+	{
+	iCoreImage = fopen(iFilename, "rb");
+	if (!iCoreImage)
+		{
+		Print(EError, "Cannot open image file %s\n", iFilename);
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+Reads the image type from the core image file. It reads the value from the
+file and then translates it into the internal enum used for processing 
+the images. 
+@return Image type
+RCoreImageReader::TImageType RCoreImageReader::ReadImageType() 
+	{
+	iImageType = E_UNKNOWN;
+	if ( ReadIdentifier() == KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (iIdentifier[0] == 'R' &&
+				iIdentifier[1] == 'O' &&
+				iIdentifier[2] == 'F')
+			{
+			if (iIdentifier[3] == 'S')
+				iImageType = E_ROFS;
+			else if (iIdentifier[3] == 'x')
+				iImageType = E_ROFX;
+			}
+		}
+	return iImageType;
+	}
+Reads the 4 byte image type identifier from the core image file.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadIdentifier()
+	{
+	int itemsRead = fread(&iIdentifier, sizeof(TUint8), K_ID_SIZE, iCoreImage);
+	TInt result = ImageError(itemsRead,  K_ID_SIZE, "Read Identifier");
+	if (result != KErrNone)
+		{
+		iIdentifier[0] = 0;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Reads the core header from the image file.
+@param aHeader space for the header read from the file. Only valid if KErrNone is returned.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadCoreHeader(TRofsHeader& aHeader) 
+	{
+	int itemsRead = fread (&aHeader.iHeaderSize, 
+			(sizeof(TRofsHeader)) - K_ID_SIZE*sizeof(TUint8), 1, iCoreImage);
+	TInt result = ImageError(itemsRead, 1, "Read Core Header");
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// copy the previously read identifier into the header
+		for (int i=0; i<K_ID_SIZE; i++)
+			aHeader.iIdentifier[i] = iIdentifier[i];
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Reads the extension header from the image file.
+@param aHeader space for the header read from the file. Only valid if KErrNone is returned.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadExtensionHeader(TExtensionRofsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	int itemsRead = fread (&aHeader.iHeaderSize, 
+			(sizeof(TExtensionRofsHeader)) - K_ID_SIZE*sizeof(TUint8), 1, iCoreImage);
+	TInt result = ImageError(itemsRead, 1, "Read Extension Header");
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// copy the previously read identifier into the header
+		for (int i=0; i<K_ID_SIZE; i++)
+			aHeader.iIdentifier[i] = iIdentifier[i];
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Moves the actual file position to the specified location.
+@param aFilePos Desired location for the new position
+void RCoreImageReader::SetFilePosition(long aFilePos)
+	{
+	fseek(iCoreImage, aFilePos, 0);
+	}
+Validates whether the supplied file position exists in the core image file. 
+It is not sufficient to just move to the required position in the file, 
+but a read needs to be performed as well to ensure that the position exists.
+The method preserves the current file position.
+@param aFilePos Desired File Position
+@return ETrue if desired file position exists in file else EFalse
+TBool RCoreImageReader::IsValidPosition(long aFilePos)
+	{
+	TBool valid = EFalse;
+	long currentPos = ftell(iCoreImage); // save current position
+	int result = fseek(iCoreImage, aFilePos, 0);
+	if (result == 0)
+		{
+		int dummy;
+		int itemsRead = fread(&dummy, sizeof(dummy), 1, iCoreImage);
+		if (!ferror(iCoreImage) && !feof(iCoreImage) && result==0 && itemsRead == 1)
+			valid = ETrue;
+		}
+	fseek(iCoreImage, currentPos, 0); // return to previous position
+	return valid;
+	}
+Reads a directory entry from the current position in the core image file. This
+method does not read the variable length TRofsEntry part of the directory entry.
+TRofsEntry does not exist for all directory entries. This is read later by 
+other methods
+@param aDir memory where the directory entry is read from the file. This is only valid if KErrNone is returned.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir)
+	{
+	// read directory without the associated TRofsEntry. The TRofsEntry 
+	// is read later when handling subdirectories
+	int bytesRead = sizeof(TRofsDir) - sizeof(TRofsEntry);
+	int itemsRead = fread (&aDir, bytesRead , 1, iCoreImage);
+	if (ImageError(itemsRead, 1, "Read Dir") == KErrNone)
+		return bytesRead;
+	else
+		return 0;
+	}
+Reads a directory entry from the specified position in the core image file.
+This method moves the position of the file to the specified value and then
+uses the other ReadDirEntry method to read the directory entry
+@param aDir memory where the directory entry is read from the file. This is only valid if KErrNone is returned.
+@param aFilePos position in the core image file where the directory
+entry is located
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+@see RCoreImageReader::ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir* aDir)
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir, long aFilePos)
+	{
+	SetFilePosition(aFilePos);
+	return ReadDirEntry(aDir);
+	}
+Reads a TRofsEntry from the current file position within the core image.
+@param aEntry memory to be used for reading the data from the file. This is only valid if the size returned is greater than zero
+@return size of the entry read
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry)
+	{
+	// need to work out how big entry needs to be from the Struct Size
+	// in TRofsEntry
+	int itemsRead = fread(&aEntry.iStructSize, sizeof(TUint16), 1, iCoreImage);
+	int result = ImageError(itemsRead, 1, "Read Entry Size");
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// read rest of entry excluding the iStructSize
+		itemsRead = fread(&aEntry.iUids[0], sizeof(TRofsEntry) -sizeof(TUint16), 
+				          1, iCoreImage);
+		result = ImageError(itemsRead, 1, "Rest of Entry");
+		// return length read - this include includes iStructSize and first char of name
+		if (result == KErrNone)
+			return sizeof(TRofsEntry);	
+		}
+	return 0;
+	}
+Reads a TRofsEntry from the specified position within the core image
+@param aEntry memory to be used for reading the data from the file. This is only valid if the size returned is greater than zero
+@param aFilePos position in the core image file where the entry is located
+@return size of the entry read
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry, long aFilePos)
+	{
+	fseek(iCoreImage, aFilePos, 0);
+	return ReadRofEntry(aEntry);
+	}
+Reads a name of the specified length from the core image file.
+@param aName memory for the name read from the file. Only valid if KErrNone is returned
+@param aLength length of name to be read
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ReadRofEntryName(TUint16* aName, int aLength)
+	{
+	int itemsRead = fread(aName, sizeof(TUint16), aLength, iCoreImage);
+	return ImageError(itemsRead, aLength, "Rof Entry Name");
+	}
+Provides the current file position in the core image file.
+@return Current file position
+long  RCoreImageReader::FilePosition()
+	{
+	return ftell(iCoreImage);
+	}
+Provides the name of the core image file being read.
+@return Core image Filename
+TText* RCoreImageReader::Filename()
+	{
+	return (TText *)iFilename;
+	}
+Determines whether the last read from the file was valid or not.
+It checks that the number of items read where the same number as expected,
+that there are no file errors and that the end of file was not reached. If an
+error is found than a message is printed and the appropriate error number is 
+@param aItemsRead Number of items read
+@param aExpected Number of items expected to have been read
+@param aInfo Used by the caller to identify where the error occurred.
+@return Error number. KErrNone is returned if there are no errors.
+TInt RCoreImageReader::ImageError(int aItemsRead, int aExpected, char *aInfo)
+	{
+	if (aItemsRead != aExpected)
+		{
+		Print(EError, "Read From Core Image Failed (%s) \n", aInfo);
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	if (int errnum = ferror(iCoreImage))
+		{
+		Print(EError, "Core Image File Error (%s) : %d\n", aInfo, errnum);
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	if (feof(iCoreImage))
+		{
+		Print(EError, "Premature End of File Detected (%s)\n", aInfo);
+		return KErrEof;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+//  CCoreImage 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+Initialises the reader to be used for accessing the core image file
+@param aReader Reader to be used for accessing the core image file
+CCoreImage::CCoreImage(RCoreImageReader* aReader) : iReader(aReader),
+	iRootDirectory(0), iFileEntries(0), iDirTreeOffset(0),
+	iDirTreeSize(0), iDirFileEntriesOffset(0),
+iDirFileEntriesSize(0), iRomFileName(0), iImageSize(0)
+	{
+	}
+Deletes the directory tree that was created from the core image.
+	{
+	delete iRootDirectory;
+	iRootDirectory=0;
+	}
+Creates the node to be used as the root directory of the directory tree.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt CCoreImage::CreateRootDir()
+	{
+	iRootDirectory = new TRomNode((TText*)"");
+	if (iRootDirectory == 0 )
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Processes the core image file to produce a directory tree.
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt CCoreImage::ProcessImage()
+	{
+	iRomFileName = iReader->Filename();
+	int result = CreateRootDir();
+	if (result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (iReader->Open())
+			{
+			RCoreImageReader::TImageType imageType = iReader->ReadImageType();
+			if (imageType == RCoreImageReader::E_ROFS)
+				{
+				TRofsHeader header;
+				result = iReader->ReadCoreHeader(header);
+				if (result == KErrNone)
+					{
+					SaveDirInfo(header);
+					result = ProcessDirectory(0);
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				result = KErrNotSupported;
+			}
+		else
+			result = KErrGeneral;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Processes the directory in the core image file.
+@param aAdjustment The difference between offsets in the core image directory and
+@return KErrNone for successful read or error number if failed 
+TInt CCoreImage::ProcessDirectory(long aAdjustment)
+	{
+	long filePos = iDirTreeOffset - aAdjustment;
+	TDirectoryEntry *firstDir = new TDirectoryEntry(filePos, iReader, iRootDirectory);
+	if (firstDir == 0)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	TInt result = firstDir->Process(aAdjustment);
+	delete firstDir;
+	return result;
+	}
+Saves directory information from core image header for later usage.
+@param aHeader Header containing information to be saved
+void CCoreImage::SaveDirInfo(TRofsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iDirTreeOffset = aHeader.iDirTreeOffset;
+	iDirTreeSize = aHeader.iDirTreeSize;
+	iDirFileEntriesOffset = aHeader.iDirFileEntriesOffset;
+	iDirFileEntriesSize = aHeader.iDirFileEntriesSize;
+	iImageSize = aHeader.iMaxImageSize;
+	}
+Saves directory information from extension image header for later usage.
+@param aHeader Header containing information to be saved
+void CCoreImage::SaveDirInfo(TExtensionRofsHeader& aHeader)
+	{
+	iDirTreeOffset = aHeader.iDirTreeOffset;
+	iDirTreeSize = aHeader.iDirTreeSize;
+	iDirFileEntriesOffset = aHeader.iDirFileEntriesOffset;
+	iDirFileEntriesSize = aHeader.iDirFileEntriesSize;
+	iImageSize = aHeader.iMaxImageSize;
+	}
+Displays the directory tree. This is used for debug purposes only.
+void CCoreImage::Display(ostream* aOut)
+	{
+	iRootDirectory->DisplayStructure(aOut);
+	}
+Reads offset where directory tree starts in core image.
+@return offset of directory tree in image
+long CCoreImage::DirTreeOffset()
+	{
+	return iDirTreeOffset;
+	}
+TRomNode* CCoreImage::CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aSourceDirectory)
+	{
+	return iRootDirectory->CopyDirectory(aSourceDirectory);
+	}
+TRomNode* CCoreImage::RootDirectory()
+	{
+	return iRootDirectory;
+	}
+void CCoreImage::SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir)
+	{
+	iRootDirectory = aDir;
+	}
+TText* CCoreImage::RomFileName()
+	{
+	return iRomFileName;
+	}
+TInt CCoreImage::Size()
+	{
+	return iImageSize;
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+//  TDirectoryEntry 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------
+Initialises the directory entry
+@param aFilePos Position within file where the directory entry is located
+@param aReader Handle used to access the file;
+@param aDir The TRomNode associated with this directory
+TDirectoryEntry::TDirectoryEntry(long aFilePos, RCoreImageReader* aReader, 
+		TRomNode* aDir) :
+			iReader(aReader),  iCurrentDir(aDir),iFilePos(aFilePos),
+			iAdjustment(0) 
+	{
+	}
+Empty destructor.
+	{
+	}
+Processes the current directory entry. If the directory has any files it will 
+create the appropriate file entries in the directory tree. If the directory 
+has any subdirectories it will create nodes in the directory tree and will 
+create an TDirectoryEntry and then use that to process the subdirectory
+@param aAdjustment The difference between offsets in the core image directory and
+the actual position in the file
+TInt TDirectoryEntry::Process(long aAdjustment)
+	{
+	TRofsDir dir;
+	iAdjustment = aAdjustment;
+	long dirStartPos = iFilePos;
+	int result = KErrNone;
+	int dirSize = iReader->ReadDirEntry(dir, iFilePos);
+	if (dirSize != 0)
+		{
+		if (dir.iFileBlockAddress != 0)
+			{
+			// directory has files in it
+			result = AddFiles(dir.iFileBlockAddress-iAdjustment, dir.iFileBlockSize);
+			}
+		if (result == KErrNone && dir.iStructSize > dirSize)
+			{
+			// directory has subdirectories
+			result = AddSubDirs(dirStartPos + dir.iStructSize);
+			}
+		}
+	else 
+		result = KErrGeneral;
+	return result;
+	}
+Processes the subdirectories in the current directory. For each subdirectory
+a TDirectoryEntry is created and is then used to process the directory
+@param aEndDirPos Position where the directory block finishes. This is to determine when all subdirectories have been processed
+TInt TDirectoryEntry::AddSubDirs(long aEndDirPos)
+	{
+	TRofsEntry entry;
+	iFilePos = iReader->FilePosition();
+	TInt result = KErrNone;
+	while (iFilePos < aEndDirPos && result == KErrNone)
+		{
+		TInt size = iReader->ReadRofEntry(entry, iFilePos);
+		if (size >0)
+			{
+			TText* nameStr = GetName(entry.iName[0], entry.iNameLength);
+			if (nameStr !=0)
+				{
+				TRomNode *dir = iCurrentDir->NewSubDir(nameStr);
+				TDirectoryEntry *subDir = new TDirectoryEntry(
+						entry.iFileAddress-iAdjustment, iReader, dir);
+				if (subDir != 0)
+					{
+					// now process the subdirectory
+					subDir->Process(iAdjustment);
+					iFilePos += entry.iStructSize;
+					// round to nearest word boundary
+					iFilePos += (4-entry.iStructSize) & 3;
+					}
+				else
+					result = KErrNoMemory;
+                if (subDir)
+                {
+                    delete subDir;
+                }
+				}
+			else
+				result = KErrNoMemory;
+			if(nameStr != 0)
+				delete [] nameStr;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			result = KErrGeneral;
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Processes a file entries block in the directory and creates the appropriate 
+nodes for each file in the block
+@param aStartPosition start for file block in the core image file
+@param aSize size of the file entries block
+TInt TDirectoryEntry::AddFiles(long aStartPosition, int aSize )
+	{
+	long savedPosition = iReader->FilePosition();
+	long currentPos = aStartPosition;
+	iReader->SetFilePosition(aStartPosition);
+	long endPos = aStartPosition+aSize;
+	TRofsEntry entry;
+	TInt result = KErrNone;
+	while (currentPos < endPos && result == KErrNone)	
+		{
+		TInt size = iReader->ReadRofEntry(entry, currentPos);
+		if (size > 0)
+			{
+			TText *nameStr = GetName(entry.iName[0], entry.iNameLength);
+			if (nameStr != 0)
+				{
+				result = CreateFileEntry(nameStr, entry);
+				currentPos += entry.iStructSize;
+				}
+			else
+				result = KErrNoMemory;
+			if(nameStr != 0)
+			    delete [] nameStr;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			result = KErrGeneral;
+			}
+		}
+	iReader->SetFilePosition(savedPosition);
+	return result;
+	}
+Creates a new node for a file entry and the associated TRomBuilderEntry.
+@param aNameStr Name of the file entry to be created
+@param aFileAddress Address of file in the core image
+@param aFileSize Size of the file
+TInt TDirectoryEntry::CreateFileEntry(TText* aNameStr, TRofsEntry& aRofsEntry)
+	{
+	TRomBuilderEntry *fileEntry = new TRomBuilderEntry(0,aNameStr);
+	if (fileEntry == 0)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	memcpy(&fileEntry->iUids[0], &aRofsEntry.iUids[0], sizeof(fileEntry->iUids));
+	fileEntry->iFileOffset = aRofsEntry.iFileAddress;
+	fileEntry->SetRealFileSize(aRofsEntry.iFileSize);
+	TRomNode *file = new TRomNode(aNameStr, fileEntry);
+	file->iSize = aRofsEntry.iFileSize;
+	if (file == 0)
+		{
+		delete fileEntry;
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	file->iAtt = aRofsEntry.iAtt;
+	file->iAttExtra = aRofsEntry.iAttExtra;
+	iCurrentDir->AddFile(file);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Gets the name of a file or directory from the core image. The first character
+of the name has already been read.
+@param aFirstChar first character of name (already read by TRofsEntry)
+@param aLength Length of name to be read (including the first character)
+TText* TDirectoryEntry::GetName(TUint16 aFirstChar, TInt aLength)
+	{
+	TText *nameStr = 0;
+	TUint16* name = new TUint16[aLength];
+	if (name !=0)
+		{
+		name[0] = aFirstChar;
+		TInt result = iReader->ReadRofEntryName(&name[1], aLength-1);
+		if (result == KErrNone)
+			{
+			nameStr = new TText[aLength+1];
+			if (nameStr != 0)
+				{
+				for (int i=0; i< aLength; i++)
+					{
+					nameStr[i] = (TText) name[i];
+					}
+				nameStr[aLength]=0;
+				}
+			}
+		delete [] name;
+		}
+	return nameStr;
+	}