changeset 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rombuild/r_areaset.cpp	Tue Oct 27 16:36:35 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* Area-related classes implementation
+#include "r_areaset.h"
+#include "r_global.h"
+#include "r_rom.h"
+extern TBool gGenDepGraph;
+extern char* gDepInfoFile;
+using namespace std;
+Area::Area(const char* aName, TLinAddr aDestBaseAddr, TUint aMaxSize, Area* aNext)
+	: iFirstPagedCode(0),
+	  iName(strdup(aName)),
+	  iDestBaseAddr(aDestBaseAddr),
+	  iSrcBaseAddr(0),
+	  iSrcLimitAddr(0),
+	  iMaxSize(aMaxSize),
+	  iIsDefault(strcmp(aName, AreaSet::KDefaultAreaName) == 0),
+	  iFiles(0),
+	  iNextFilePtrPtr(&iFiles),
+	  iNextArea(aNext)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	ReleaseAllFiles();
+	free(const_cast<char*>(iName));	// allocated with strdup()
+	}
+ Increase the size of the area.
+ The reallocation must not exceed the area maximum size.
+ @param aSrcLimitAddr New source top address
+ @param aOverflow Number of overflow bytes if failure.
+ @return success indication
+TBool Area::ExtendSrcLimitAddr(TLinAddr aSrcLimitAddr, TUint& aOverflow)
+	{
+	// must have been set before
+	assert(iSrcBaseAddr != 0);
+	// can only allocate more
+	assert(aSrcLimitAddr > iSrcBaseAddr);
+	if (aSrcLimitAddr-iSrcBaseAddr > iMaxSize)
+		{
+		aOverflow = aSrcLimitAddr-iSrcBaseAddr-iMaxSize;
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	iSrcLimitAddr = aSrcLimitAddr;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+ Add a file at end of the list of files contained in this area.
+ @param aFile File to add.  Must be allocated on the heap.  Ownership
+ is transfered from the caller to the callee.
+void Area::AddFile(TRomBuilderEntry* aFile)
+	{
+	assert(aFile != 0);
+	*iNextFilePtrPtr = aFile;
+	iNextFilePtrPtr = &(aFile->iNextInArea);
+	}
+void Area::ReleaseAllFiles()
+	{
+	for (TRomBuilderEntry *next = 0, *current = iFiles;
+		 current != 0;
+		 current = next)
+		{
+		next = current->iNextInArea;
+		delete current;
+		}
+	iFiles = 0;
+	iNextFilePtrPtr = &iFiles;
+	}
+void FilesInAreaIterator::GoToNext()
+	{
+	assert(iCurrentFile!=0);
+	iCurrentFile = iCurrentFile->iNextInArea;
+	}
+const char AreaSet::KDefaultAreaName[] = "DEFAULT AREA";
+	: iNonDefaultAreas(0),
+	  iDefaultArea(0),
+	  iAreaCount(0)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	ReleaseAllAreas();
+	}
+inline TBool IsInRange(TLinAddr aAddr, TLinAddr aDestBaseAddr, TLinAddr aEndAddr)
+	{
+	return aDestBaseAddr <= aAddr && aAddr <= aEndAddr;
+	}
+ Add a new area.
+ Areas must have unique name, not overlap one another and not overflow
+ the 32-bit address range.  
+ @param aOverlappingArea On return ptr to name of overlapping area if
+ any, 0 otherwise.
+ @return EAdded if success, an error code otherwise.  
+AreaSet::TAddResult AreaSet::AddArea(const char* aNewName,
+									 TLinAddr aNewDestBaseAddr,
+									 TUint aNewMaxSize,
+									 const char*& aOverlappingArea)
+	{
+	assert(aNewName != 0 && strlen(aNewName) > 0);
+	assert(aNewMaxSize > 0);
+	aOverlappingArea = 0;
+	//
+	// Checking new area validity
+	//
+	if (aNewDestBaseAddr+aNewMaxSize <= aNewDestBaseAddr)
+		return EOverflow;
+	TLinAddr newEndAddr = aNewDestBaseAddr+aNewMaxSize-1;
+	// iterate non default areas first, then the default one if any
+	Area* area=iNonDefaultAreas; 
+	while (area != 0)
+		{
+		if (strcmp(area->Name(), aNewName) == 0)
+			return EDuplicateName;
+		TLinAddr curDestBaseAddr = area->DestBaseAddr();
+		TLinAddr curEndAddr = area->DestBaseAddr()+area->MaxSize()-1;
+		if (IsInRange(newEndAddr, curDestBaseAddr, curEndAddr) ||
+			IsInRange(aNewDestBaseAddr, curDestBaseAddr, curEndAddr) ||
+			IsInRange(curDestBaseAddr, aNewDestBaseAddr, newEndAddr))
+			{
+			aOverlappingArea = area->Name();
+			return EOverlap;
+			}
+		if (area->iNextArea == 0 && area != iDefaultArea)
+			area = iDefaultArea;
+		else
+			area = area->iNextArea;
+		}
+	//
+	// Adding new area
+	//
+	if (strcmp(KDefaultAreaName, aNewName) == 0)
+		iDefaultArea = new Area(aNewName, aNewDestBaseAddr, aNewMaxSize);
+	else
+		iNonDefaultAreas = new Area(aNewName, aNewDestBaseAddr, aNewMaxSize, iNonDefaultAreas);
+	++iAreaCount;
+	return EAdded;
+	}
+ Remove every area added to the set.
+ As a side-effect every file added to the areas is deleted.
+void AreaSet::ReleaseAllAreas()
+	{
+	for (Area *next = 0, *current = iNonDefaultAreas; current != 0; current = next)
+		{
+		next = current->iNextArea;
+		delete current;
+		}
+	iNonDefaultAreas = 0;
+	delete iDefaultArea;
+	iDefaultArea = 0;
+	}
+ Find an area from its name.
+ @return A pointer to the area or 0 if the name is unknown.  The
+ returned pointer becomes invalid when "this" is destructed.
+Area* AreaSet::FindByName(const char* aName) const
+	{
+	assert(aName != 0 && strlen(aName) > 0);
+	if (iDefaultArea && strcmp(iDefaultArea->Name(), aName) == 0)
+		return iDefaultArea;
+	for (Area* area=iNonDefaultAreas; area != 0; area = area->iNextArea)
+		{
+		if (strcmp(area->Name(), aName) == 0)
+			return area;
+		}
+	return 0;
+	}
+void NonDefaultAreasIterator::GoToNext()
+	{
+	assert(iCurrentArea!=0);
+	iCurrentArea = iCurrentArea->iNextArea;
+	}
+TInt Area::SortFilesForPagedRom()
+	{
+	Print(ELog,"Sorting files to paged/unpaged.\n");
+	TRomBuilderEntry* extention[2] = {0,0};
+	TRomBuilderEntry* unpaged[2] = {0,0};
+	TRomBuilderEntry* normal[2] = {0,0};
+	TRomBuilderEntry* current = iFiles;
+	while(current)
+		{
+		TRomBuilderEntry** list;
+		if((current->iRomImageFlags & (KRomImageFlagPrimary|KRomImageFlagVariant|KRomImageFlagExtension|KRomImageFlagDevice)) ||
+			current->HCRDataFile())
+			list = extention;
+		else if(current->iRomImageFlags&(KRomImageFlagCodeUnpaged))
+			list = unpaged;
+		else if(current->iResource && (current->iOverrideFlags&KOverrideCodeUnpaged) && gPagedRom)
+			list = unpaged;
+		else
+			list = normal;
+		if(list!=normal)
+			{
+			Print(ELog, "Unpaged file %s\n",current->iRomNode->BareName());
+			}
+		if(!list[0])
+			list[0] = current;
+		else
+			list[1]->iNextInArea = current;
+		list[1] = current;
+		current = current->iNext;
+		}
+	if(extention[1])
+		{
+		if(unpaged[0])
+			{
+			extention[1]->iNextInArea = unpaged[0];
+			unpaged[1]->iNextInArea = normal[0];
+			}
+		else
+			extention[1]->iNextInArea = normal[0];
+		if (normal[1])
+			normal[1]->iNextInArea = 0;
+		iFiles = extention[0];
+		}
+	else{
+		Print(EError,"No primary files.\n");
+		return KErrGeneral;
+	}
+	iFirstPagedCode = normal[0];
+	Print(ELog,"\n");
+	if(gGenDepGraph)
+		WriteDependenceGraph();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void Area::WriteDependenceGraph()
+	TDepInfoList::iterator infoIt;
+	TStringList::iterator strIt;
+	TDepInfoList myDepInfoList;
+	TRomBuilderEntry* e = iFirstPagedCode;
+	char buffer[255];
+	TInt count = 0;
+	TStringList nameList;
+	while(e)
+	{
+		DepInfo tmpDepInfo;
+		TRomNode* rn = e->iRomNode;
+		TInt ll = rn->FullNameLength();
+		char* mm = (char*) malloc(ll+1);
+		rn->GetFullName(mm);
+		sprintf(buffer, "f%d", count);
+		tmpDepInfo.portName = buffer;
+		tmpDepInfo.index = count;
+		myDepInfoList[mm] = tmpDepInfo;
+		nameList.push_back(mm);
+		free(mm);
+		e = e->iNextInArea;
+		count++;
+	}
+	e = iFirstPagedCode;
+	count = 0;
+	while(e)
+	{
+		TRomNode* rn = e->iRomNode;
+		TRomFile* rf = rn->iRomFile;
+		TInt j;
+		TStringList depFiles;
+		for(j=0; j < rf->iNumDeps; ++j)
+		{
+			TRomFile* f=rf->iDeps[j];
+			TRomBuilderEntry* start = iFiles;
+			while(start && start->iRomNode->iRomFile != f)
+				start = start->iNextInArea;
+			if(start && (start->iRomNode->iRomFile == f))
+			{
+				TRomNode* target = start->iRomNode;
+				TInt l = target->FullNameLength();
+				char* fname = (char *) malloc(l+1);
+				target->GetFullName(fname);
+				if(myDepInfoList.find(fname) != myDepInfoList.end())
+				{
+					depFiles.push_back(fname);
+					myDepInfoList[fname].beenDepended = ETrue;
+				}
+				free(fname);
+			}
+		}
+		if(depFiles.size() > 0)
+		{
+			myDepInfoList[nameList[count]].depFilesList=depFiles;
+			myDepInfoList[nameList[count]].dependOthers = ETrue;
+		}
+		count++;
+		e=e->iNextInArea;
+	}
+	ofstream os;
+	string filename(gDepInfoFile, strlen(gDepInfoFile) - 3);
+	filename = filename + "dot";
+	os << "digraph ROM {\n";
+	os << "rankdir = LR;\n";
+	os << "fontsize = 10;\n";
+	os << "fontname = \"Courier New\";\n";
+	os << "label = \"ROM DEPENDENCE GRAPH DOT FILE\";\n";
+	os << "node[shape = plaintext];\n";
+	os << "dependence[label=<<FONT FACE=\"Courier new\" POINT-SIZE=\"10pt\">\n";
+	os << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n";
+	//for(infoIt = myDepInfoList.begin(); infoIt != myDepInfoList.end(); infoIt++)
+	for(strIt = nameList.begin(); strIt != nameList.end(); strIt++)
+	{
+		string tmp = *strIt;
+		string::iterator charIt;
+		for(charIt=tmp.begin(); charIt != tmp.end(); charIt++)
+		{
+			if(*charIt == '\\')
+				*charIt = '/';
+		}
+		if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].beenDepended && myDepInfoList[*strIt].dependOthers)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"yellow\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"red\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].beenDepended)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"gray\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"red\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].dependOthers)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"cyan\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"blue\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\">";
+			os << tmp;
+			os << "</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	os << "</TABLE>\n";
+	os << "</FONT>>]\n";
+	TBool lastEdge = ETrue;
+	TBool first = ETrue;
+	for(infoIt = myDepInfoList.begin(); infoIt != myDepInfoList.end(); infoIt++)
+	{
+		if(!infoIt->second.dependOthers)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		for(strIt = infoIt->second.depFilesList.begin(); strIt != infoIt->second.depFilesList.end(); strIt++)
+		{
+			TBool tmpEdge = ETrue;
+			if(infoIt->second.index < myDepInfoList[*strIt].index)
+			{	
+				tmpEdge = EFalse;
+			}
+			if(first)
+			{
+				lastEdge = tmpEdge;
+				first = EFalse;
+				if(lastEdge)
+				{
+					os << "edge[color=forestgreen];\n";
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					os << "edge[color=red];\n";
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if(lastEdge != tmpEdge)
+				{
+					lastEdge = tmpEdge;
+					if(lastEdge)
+					{
+						os << "edge[color=forestgreen];\n";
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						os << "edge[color=red];\n";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			os << "dependence: " << infoIt->second.portName << " -> dependence: " << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << ";\n";
+		}
+	}
+	os << "}\n";
+	os.close();
+	filename = filename.substr(0, filename.size()-4);
+	filename = filename + "";
+	os << "digraph ROM {\n";
+	os << "rankdir = LR;\n";
+	os << "fontsize = 10;\n";
+	os << "fontname = \"Courier New\";\n";
+	os << "node[shape = plaintext];\n";
+	os << "dependence[label=<<FONT FACE=\"Courier new\" POINT-SIZE=\"10pt\">\n";
+	os << "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n";
+	//for(infoIt = myDepInfoList.begin(); infoIt != myDepInfoList.end(); infoIt++)
+	for(strIt = nameList.begin(); strIt != nameList.end(); strIt++)
+	{
+		string tmp = *strIt;
+		string::iterator charIt;
+		for(charIt=tmp.begin(); charIt != tmp.end(); charIt++)
+		{
+			if(*charIt == '\\')
+				*charIt = '/';
+		}
+		if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].beenDepended && myDepInfoList[*strIt].dependOthers)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"yellow\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"red\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].beenDepended)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"gray\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"red\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else if(myDepInfoList[*strIt].dependOthers)
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\" BGCOLOR=\"cyan\">\n";
+			os << "\t<FONT COLOR=\"blue\">" << tmp << "</FONT>\n";
+			os << "\t</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			os << "\t<TR><TD PORT=\"" << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << "\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\">";
+			os << tmp;
+			os << "</TD></TR>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	os << "</TABLE>\n";
+	os << "</FONT>>]\n";
+	os << "edge[color=red];\n";
+	for(infoIt = myDepInfoList.begin(); infoIt != myDepInfoList.end(); infoIt++)
+	{
+		if(!infoIt->second.dependOthers)
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		for(strIt = infoIt->second.depFilesList.begin(); strIt != infoIt->second.depFilesList.end(); strIt++)
+		{
+			if(infoIt->second.index < myDepInfoList[*strIt].index)
+			{	
+				os << "dependence: " << infoIt->second.portName << " -> dependence: " << myDepInfoList[*strIt].portName << ";\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	os << "}\n";
+	os.close();