changeset 217 0f5e3a7fb6af
parent 179 d8ac696cc51f
child 587 85df38eb4012
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/common/docs.ant.xml	Fri Feb 05 11:59:41 2010 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/common/docs.ant.xml	Thu Mar 04 15:10:37 2010 +0200
@@ -20,157 +20,43 @@
+<!--* @package framework -->
 <project name="" xmlns:hlm="" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
     Documentation generation targets.
-    <property name="helium.doc.dir" location="${helium.dir}/doc" />
+    <!-- Location of documentation source.
+    @type string
+    @scope public
+    -->
+    <property name="doc.src.dir" location="${basedir}/doc" />
+    <!-- The location where the docs will be built.
+    @type string
+    @scope private -->
+    <property name="" location="${basedir}/build/doc" />
     <fileset id="python.library.files" dir="${helium.dir}">
         <include name="extensions/nokia/tools/common/python/lib/**/*.py"/>
         <include name="tools/common/python/lib/**/*.py"/>
-        <include name="extensions/nokia/tools/dp/iCreatorDP/**/*.py"/>
+        <include name="external/helium-antlib/python/**/*.py"/>
+        <include name="extensions/nokia/external/helium-nokia-antlib/python/**/*.py"/>
-    <!-- Generate an overview of Helium as HTML tables. -->
-    <target name="overview-to-html">
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/helium_overview.html.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/temp/doc/helium_overview.html"
-              replaceExtension="html.ftl, html" expert="true">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                doc: xml(${helium.doc.dir}/src/helium_overview.xml)
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Macro to generate the tools dependency xml output. -->
-    <macrodef name="createToolsTableMacro" uri="">
-        <attribute name="dir"/>
-        <attribute name="failonerror"/>
-        <attribute name="configs"/>
-        <sequential>
-            <ivy:configure file="${tools.ivy.config.file}" override="true"/>
-            <ivy:resolve file="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml" conf="@{configs}" haltonfailure="@{failonerror}"/>
-            <ivy:report todir="@{dir}" outputpattern="tool-dependencies-[conf].xml"
-                        conf="@{configs}" xml="true" graph="false" xsl="false"/>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Generates the tools dependency xml output. used in the retrieving Helium section to list the tools used within Helium-->
-    <target name="tools-rst-table">
-        <hlm:createToolsTableMacro dir="${}/doc/ivy" failonerror="false" 
-            configs="core,ido"/>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/manual/tool-dependencies.rst.ftl" includes="*.dot.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/temp/doc/nokia/tool-dependencies.rst_include"
-              replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                doc: xml(${}/doc/ivy/tool-dependencies-ido.xml)
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Create a complete dependency graph of Helium libraries. 
+    <fileset id="static.doc.files" dir="${helium.dir}/doc/src">
+        <include name=""/>
+        <include name=".static"/>
+        <include name=".templates/**"/>
+        <include name="*.jpg"/>
+        <include name="*.css"/>
+    </fileset>
-    Currently this does not work correctly but it is useful for future testing of repreport. -->
-    <target name="libraries-dependencies">
-        <ivy:settings file="${tools.ivy.config.file}"/>
-        <!--<ivy:resolve file="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml" conf="" haltonfailure="false"/>-->
-        <delete file="@{dir}/ivy-repository-report.xml"/>
-        <ivy:repreport todir="${}/doc/ivy" organisation="S60_SAM"
-                    xml="true" graph="false" xsl="false"/>
-        <!--<fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/manual/tool-dependencies.rst.ftl" includes="*.dot.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/temp/doc/manual/tool-dependencies.rst_include"
-              replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                doc: xml(${}/doc/ivy/tool-dependencies-ido.xml)
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>-->
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate .rst tables from the property groups in the data model. -->
-    <target name="property-group-tables">
-        <fmpp sourceRoot="${helium.doc.dir}/src" includes="*.dot.ftl" outputRoot="${}/temp/doc/api/helium"
-              replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                doc: xml(${database.file})
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate Python API documentation using epydoc. -->
-    <target name="python-apidocs">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/api/python"/>
-        <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="epydoc.python.modules.path">
-            <fileset refid="python.library.files"/>
-        </pathconvert>
-        <echo>Python modules path: ${epydoc.python.modules.path}</echo>
-        <exec executable="python" dir="${}" failonerror="true">        
-            <arg line="${}/epydoc"/>
-            <arg value="-v"/>
-            <arg value="--config=${helium.dir}/config/epydoc.conf"/>
-            <arg value="--exclude=sgmllib"/>
-            <arg line="${epydoc.python.modules.path}"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate Java API documentation using javadoc. -->
-    <target name="java-apidocs" depends="install-cruisecontrol">
-        <path id="classpath-javadoc">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
-            <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external" includes="**/*.jar"/>
-            <pathelement path="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/webapps/dashboard/WEB-INF/classes"/>
-        </path>
-        <javadoc classpathref="classpath-javadoc" 
-            destdir="${}/doc/api/java" useexternalfile="true">
-            <packageset dir="tools/common/java/src" defaultexcludes="yes"/>
-            <packageset dir="tools/common/java/test" defaultexcludes="yes"/>
-            <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>API Documentation</h1>]]></doctitle>
-        </javadoc>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate Ant API documentation using antdoclet. -->
-    <target name="antdoclet" description="Generate Ant Task/Types documentation">
-        <path id="doclet-classpath">
-            <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>
-            <pathelement path="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/webapps/dashboard/WEB-INF/classes"/>
-        </path>
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/api/ant"/>
-        <!-- First copy the "static" resources (images, static html files) -->
-        <copy todir="${}/doc/api/ant" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src/antdoclet/html">
-                <exclude name="*.vm"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Now invoke AntDoclet to generate the "dynamic" content from the templates -->
-        <javadoc access="private" sourcepath="${helium.dir}/tools/common/java/src/"
-                 destdir="${}/doc/api/ant"
-                 packagenames=",,,,,,,,,,nokia.ivy"
-                 docletpathref="doclet-classpath" source="1.6"
-                 useexternalfile="true">
-            <doclet name="com.neuroning.antdoclet.AntDoclet">
-                <param name="-doctitle" value="${}" />
-                <param name="-templatesdir" value="${helium.doc.dir}/src/antdoclet/html"/>
-                <param name="-templates" value="main.vm"/>
-            </doclet>
-        </javadoc>
-        <move file="velocity.log" tofile="build/velocity.log" failonerror="false"/>
-    </target>
     <!-- Cleans the Helium API documentation. -->
-    <target name="clean-helium-apidoc">
-        <delete dir="${}/doc/api/helium"/>
-        <delete dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium"/>
+    <target name="clean-helium-apidocs">
+        <delete dir="${}/api/helium"/>
+        <delete dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium"/>
@@ -179,224 +65,52 @@
     This includes creating a cmap file that is included in the HTML document,
     so the boxes in the image are linked to their targets. -->
     <target name="helium-api-dependency-images">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/api/helium"/>
-        <fmpp sourceRoot="${helium.doc.dir}/src/api" includes="*.dot.ftl" outputRoot="${}/temp/doc/api/helium"
+        <mkdir dir="${}/api/helium"/>
+        <fmpp sourceRoot="${helium.dir}/doc/src/api" includes="*.dot.ftl" outputRoot="${}/temp/doc/api/helium"
               replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot">
             <data expandProperties="yes">
                 doc: xml(${database.file})
         <for param="dot.file" parallel="true" threadCount="${number.of.threads}">
-            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" includes="*.dot"/>
+            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" includes="*.dot"/>
                 <echo>Processing dot file: @{dot.file}</echo>
-                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium">
+                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium">
                     <arg line="-Tcmap @{dot.file} -O"/>
-                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/doc/api">
+                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/api">
                     <arg line="-Tpng @{dot.file} -O"/>
-        <move todir="${}/doc/api" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc/api" includes="*.dot.png"/>
+        <move todir="${}/api/helium" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" includes="*.dot.png"/>
     <!-- Builds the HTML files for the Helium API documentation. -->
     <target name="helium-api-html-docs">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/api/helium"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src/api"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${}/api/helium"/>
+        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/doc/src/api"/>
-        <xslt in="${data.model.file}" out="${data.model.parsed}" style="${data.model.xsl}"/>
-        <hlm:parsemodel output="${}/helium_data_model.xml_parsed" input="${data.model.parsed}"/>
-        <fmpp sourceRoot="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" excludes="*.dot.ftl,**/*.dot,**/*.cmap,*.bak"
-              outputRoot="${}/doc/api/helium"
+        <fmpp sourceRoot="${}/temp/doc/api/helium" excludes="*.dot.png,*.dot.ftl,**/*.dot,**/*.cmap,*.bak"
+              outputRoot="${}/api/helium"
               replaceExtension="html.ftl, html">
             <data expandProperties="yes">
                 ant: antProperties()
                 doc: xml(${database.file})
-                data: xml(${}/helium_data_model.xml_parsed)
     <!-- Builds the Helium API documentation. -->
-    <target name="helium-apidocs" depends="clean-helium-apidoc,database,
-        find-python-dependencies,helium-api-dependency-images,helium-api-html-docs"/>
-    <!-- Builds the Helium API documentation for customer. -->
-    <target name="customer-apidocs">
-        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
-        <antcall target="helium-apidocs">
-            <param name="helium.dir" value="."/>
-            <param name="home.files.only" value="true"/>
-            <param name="database.file" location="${}/database.xml"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <!--
-        <antform title="login information">
-            <textProperty label="password:" property="noe.password" password="true"/>
-        </antform>
-        <antcall target="upload-docs">
-            <param name="helium.dir" value="."/>
-            <param name="documentation.path.root" value="/var/local/www/helium/doc/${customer}"/>
-        </antcall>
-        -->
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate documentation from the source code. -->
-    <target name="apidocs" depends="python-apidocs,helium-apidocs,java-apidocs,antdoclet,apidocs-search"/>
-    <!-- Macro to generate html docs from rst. -->
-    <macrodef name="rstMacro" uri="">
-        <attribute name="version" default="${helium.version}"/>
-        <attribute name="src" default="${}/temp/doc"/>
-        <attribute name="output" default="${}/doc"/>
-        <sequential>
-            <property name="sphinx.lib.dir" location="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib/common/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx" />
-            <if>
-                <available file="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff"/>
-                <then>
-                    <patch patchfile="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff" originalfile="${sphinx.lib.dir}/"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-            <exec executable="python" failonerror="${failonerror}">        
-                <arg file="${python.dir}/common/"/>
-                <arg value="-b" />
-                <arg value="html" />            
-                <arg value="-D" />
-                <arg value="version=@{version}" />
-                <arg value="-D" />
-                <arg value="release=@{version}" />
-                <arg file="@{src}" />
-                <arg file="@{output}" />
-            </exec>
-            <if>
-                <available file="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff"/>
-                <then>
-                    <patch reverse="true" patchfile="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff" originalfile="${sphinx.lib.dir}/"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
+    <target name="helium-apidocs" depends="clean-helium-apidocs,database,
+                    helium-api-dependency-images,helium-api-html-docs"/>
-    <!-- Generate rst files for docs -->
-    <target name="prep-textdocs" depends="clean-doc-dir,overview-to-html,tools-rst-table,dependency-diagram,dependency-logs,release-diff,helium-user-graph">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc"/>
-        <delete dir="${}/doc/.doctrees"/>
-        <delete file="${}/doc/searchindex.json"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/doc/images">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/images"/>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Temporarily copy the image directory so that doc generation will complete happily. -->
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/images">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc/images"/>
-        </copy>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src">
-                <include name="**/*.rst"/>
-                <include name="**/*.css"/>
-                <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
-                <include name="**/*.dot"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/nokia" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${nokia.dir}/doc/src">
-                <include name="**/*.rst"/>
-                <include name="**/*.css"/>
-                <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${}/temp/doc/minibuilds"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/minibuilds" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/tests/minibuilds/">
-                <include name="*/doc/**/*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/quick_start_guide.rst.ftl" outputFile="${}/temp/doc/quick_start_guide.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-            </data>            
-        </fmpp>
-        <fileset id="internal.ref.minibuilds" dir="${}/temp/doc/minibuilds" includes="*/**/index.rst"/>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/minibuilds.rst.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/temp/doc/minibuilds/index.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                project: antProject()
-            </data>            
-        </fmpp>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/index.rst.ftl" outputFile="${}/temp/doc/index.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-            </data>            
-        </fmpp>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/manual/APIs.rst.ftl" outputFile="${}/temp/doc/manual/APIs.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-            </data>            
-        </fmpp>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/manual/stages.rst.ftl" outputFile="${}/temp/doc/manual/stages.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-            </data>            
-        </fmpp>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src">
-                <include name=""/>
-                <include name=".static"/>
-                <include name=".templates/**"/>
-                <include name="*.jpg"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Including Helium antlib doc -->
-        <mkdir dir="${}/temp/doc/helium-antlib"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/helium-antlib" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external/helium-antlib/doc/src">
-                <include name="**/*.rst"/>
-                <include name="**/*.css"/>
-                <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <for param="dot.file">
-            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc/manual" includes="*.dot"/>
-            <sequential>
-                <exec executable="dot">
-                    <arg line="-Tpng @{dot.file} -O"/>
-                </exec>
-            </sequential>
-        </for>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate HTML documentation from .rst documents with Sphinx.
-    All doc .rst files should be generated or copied into build/temp/doc before being processed into HTML.    
-    -->
-    <target name="textdocs" depends="prep-textdocs">        
-        <hlm:rstMacro />
-        <copy file="${database.file}" todir="${}/doc"/>
-        <copy file="${}/temp/doc/default.css" todir="${}/doc/_static" overwrite="true"/>
-        <copy file="${}/temp/doc/helium_pallot_small.jpg" todir="${}/doc/_static" overwrite="true"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/doc" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src">
-                <include name="**/*.zip"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
     <!-- Generate search index for apis -->
     <target name="apidocs-search">
@@ -405,7 +119,7 @@
 import os
 import codecs
 #import traceback
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'${}/doc/api', topdown=False):
+for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'${}/api', topdown=False):
     for fname in files:
         if '.html' in fname:
             filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, fname))
@@ -428,412 +142,157 @@
-        <move todir="${}/temp_search/doc" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc/api">
+        <move todir="${}/temp_search/doc" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${}/api">
                 <include name="**/*.rst"/>
-        <move todir="${}/doc/api_backup" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc/api"/>
+        <move todir="${}/api_backup" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${}/api"/>
-        <copy file="${helium.doc.dir}/src/api/apisearchindex.rst" tofile="${}/temp_search/doc/index.rst"/>
+        <copy file="${helium.dir}/doc/src/api/apisearchindex.rst" tofile="${}/temp_search/doc/index.rst"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/temp_search/doc">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src">
-                <include name=""/>
-                <include name=".static"/>
-                <include name=".templates/**"/>
-                <include name="*.jpg"/>
-            </fileset>
+        <copy todir="${}/temp_search/doc">
+            <fileset refid="static.doc.files"/>
-        <hlm:rstMacro src="${}/temp_search/doc" output="${}/doc/api"/>
+        <hlm:rstMacro src="${}/temp_search/doc" output="${}/api"/>
-        <move todir="${}/doc/api" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc/api_backup"/>
+        <move todir="${}/api" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${}/api_backup"/>
-    <!-- Generate all documentation. -->
-    <target name="add-policies-to-docs" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
-        <hlm:updatePolicy policy="7" filename="distribution.policy.S60">         
-            <dirset dir="${helium.dir}" includes="${}/doc/**/*"/>        
-        </hlm:updatePolicy>   
-    </target>
+    <!-- Generate API documentation from the source code. -->
+    <target name="apidocs" depends="helium-apidocs,apidocs-search"/>
-    <!-- Creates XML and .rst documents describing the difference between
-    this version of Helium and the previous major release. -->
-    <target name="release-diff" depends="database" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc"/>
-        <property name="last.major.release.database.url" value="${documentation.url.root}/${last.major.helium.version}/database.xml"/>
-        <hlm:python>
-import urllib
-import helium.documentation
-old_db_file = urllib.urlopen(r'${last.major.release.database.url}')
-writer = helium.documentation.APIDeltaWriter(old_db_file, r'${database.file}')
-        </hlm:python>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/api_changes.rst.ftl" outputFile="${}/temp/doc/api_changes.rst">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                doc: xml(${}/doc/api_changes.xml)
-                old_release: ${last.major.helium.version}
-                new_release: ${helium.version}
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generate docs for Symbian Foundataion -->
-    <target name="docs-sf">
-        <delete dir="${}"/>
-        <antcall target="helium-subcon-release"/>
-        <unzip src="${}/helium_${helium.version}" dest="${}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon" overwrite="true" />
-        <!---->
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon/helium">
-            <env key="HELIUM_HOME" value="${}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon/helium"/>
-            <env key="PYTHONPATH" value="${env.PYTHONPATH}"/>
-            <env key="ANT_ARGS" value="${env.ANT_ARGS}"/>
-            <arg line="/C hlm.bat"/>
-            <arg value="docs"/>
-            <arg value="${}"/>
-            <arg value="-Dsf=true"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- generate all the user documentation for helium -->
-    <target name="docs" depends="clean-doc-dir,database,apidocs,textdocs,add-policies-to-docs"/>
-    <!-- Clean old build/doc dir. -->
-    <target name="clean-doc-dir">
-        <delete dir="build/doc"/>
-        <delete dir="build/temp/doc"/>        
-    </target>
-    <!-- Connect to home drive if it is not connected for .netrc file. -->
-    <target name="check-home-drive">
-        <exec executable="cmd">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="${helium.dir}/tools/common/bin/check_home_drv.bat"/>
-            <arg value=">nul"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Upload generated HTML docs to the Helium server. -->
-    <target name="upload-docs" depends="check-home-drive">
-        <property name="documentation.path" value="${documentation.path.root}"/>
-        <property name="" value="${}/"/>
-        <!-- Python API docs. -->
-        <delete file="${}"/>
-        <zip destfile="${}">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc" includes="**/*"/>
-        </zip>
-        <sshexec host="${}"
-                 username="${}"
-                 keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk"
-                 trust="true"
-                 command="mkdir -p ${documentation.path}"/>
-        <scp todir="${}@${}:${documentation.path}"
-          keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk"
-          passphrase=""
-          trust="true"
-          sftp="true"
-          file="${}"/>
-        <sshexec host="${}"
-                 username="${}"
-                 keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk"
-                 trust="true"
-                 command="cd ${documentation.path}; unzip -u -o"/>
-    </target>
+    <!-- Macro to generate HTML docs from rst. -->
+    <macrodef name="rstMacro" uri="">
+        <attribute name="version" default="${helium.version}"/>
+        <attribute name="src" default="${}/temp/doc"/>
+        <attribute name="output" default="${}"/>
+        <sequential>
+            <property name="sphinx.lib.dir" location="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib/common/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx" />
+            <if>
+                <available file="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff"/>
+                <then>
+                    <patch patchfile="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff" originalfile="${sphinx.lib.dir}/"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <if>
+                <resourcecount when="greater" count="0">
+                    <fileset dir="@{src}" includes="**/*.rst"/>
+                </resourcecount>
+                <then>
+                    <exec executable="python" failonerror="true">        
+                        <arg file="${python.dir}/common/"/>
+                        <arg value="-b" />
+                        <arg value="html" />            
+                        <arg value="-D" />
+                        <arg value="version=@{version}" />
+                        <arg value="-D" />
+                        <arg value="release=@{version}" />
+                        <arg file="@{src}" />
+                        <arg file="@{output}" />
+                    </exec>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <if>
+                <available file="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff"/>
+                <then>
+                    <patch reverse="true" patchfile="${}/sphinxfixsearch.diff" originalfile="${sphinx.lib.dir}/"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+        </sequential>
+    </macrodef>
-    <!-- Upload generated HTML docs to the Helium server. -->
-    <target name="upload-release-docs">
-        <property name="documentation.path" value="${documentation.path.root}/${helium.version}"/>
-        <antcall target="upload-docs"/>
-    </target>
-  <!-- create slides from images -->
-    <target name="slides">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/slides"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/slides">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/slides"/>
+    <!-- Generate rst files for docs -->
+    <target name="prep-textdocs">
+        <echo>Building docs into ${}.</echo>
+        <mkdir dir="${}/images"/>
+        <delete dir="${}/.doctrees"/>
+        <delete file="${}/searchindex.json"/>
+        <copy todir="${}/images" failonerror="false">
+            <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/images"/>
+        </copy>
+        <!-- Temporarily copy the image directory so that doc generation will complete happily.-->
+        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc/images" failonerror="false">
+            <fileset dir="${}/images"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/slides/images">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/slides/images"/>
-        </copy>
-        <for param="document">
-            <fileset dir="${}/slides" includes="**/*.rst"/>
-            <sequential>
-                <propertyregex property="" input="@{document}" regexp="\.rst$" replace="" override="true"/>
-                <if>
-                    <not>
-                        <uptodate srcfile="@{document}" targetfile="${}.html"/>
-                    </not>
-                    <then>
-                        <echo>Building doc: @{document}</echo>
-                        <exec executable="python" dir="${helium.doc.dir}" failonerror="${failonerror}">
-                            <arg value="${}/"/>
-                            <arg value="@{document}"/>
-                            <arg value="${}.html"/>
-                        </exec>
-                    </then>
-                </if>
-            </sequential>
-        </for>
-    </target>
+        <if>
+            <available file="${doc.src.dir}/src"/>
+            <then>
+                <copy todir="${}/temp/doc">
+                    <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/src">
+                        <include name="**/*.rst"/>
+                        <include name="**/*.css"/>
+                        <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
+                        <include name="**/*.dot"/>
+                    </fileset>
+                </copy>
+                <!--<fileset id="internal.ref.minibuilds" dir="${}/temp/doc/minibuilds" includes="*/**/index.rst"/>-->
+                <fmpp sourceRoot="${doc.src.dir}/src"
+                      outputRoot="${}/temp/doc" includes="*.rst.ftl" removeExtensions="ftl" excludes="api_changes.rst.ftl,minibuilds.rst.ftl">
+                    <data expandProperties="yes">
+                        ant: antProperties()
+                        project: antProject()
+                    </data>
+                </fmpp>
+            </then>
+        </if>
-    <!-- Generate HTML documentation from .rst documents.
-    TODO: Remove this old method. -->
-    <target name="textdocs-old" depends="overview-to-html">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/doc-old">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/src" excludes="cover.rst"/>
-            <fileset dir="${nokia.dir}/doc/src"/>
+        <!-- Copy static content files from Helium -->
+        <copy todir="${}/temp/doc">
+            <fileset refid="static.doc.files"/>
-        <copy todir="${}/doc-old/images">
-            <fileset dir="${helium.doc.dir}/images"/>
-        </copy>
-        <for param="document">
-            <fileset dir="${}/doc-old">
-                <include name="**/*.rst" />
-                <exclude name="index.rst" /><!-- index.rst is the top-level doc for new-style docs -->
-            </fileset>
+        <for param="dot.file">
+            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc" includes="manual/*.dot"/>
-                <propertyregex property="" input="@{document}" regexp="\.rst$" replace="" override="true"/>
-                <if>
-                    <not>
-                        <uptodate srcfile="@{document}" targetfile="${}.html"/>
-                    </not>
-                    <then>
-                        <echo>Building doc: @{document}</echo>                        
-                        <exec executable="python" dir="${helium.doc.dir}" failonerror="${failonerror}">
-                            <!--<env key="PYTHONPATH" value="${helium.dir}\${python25.lib};tools\common\python\lib"/>-->
-                            <arg value="${}\"/>
-                            <arg line="--traceback --no-toc-backlinks"/>
-                            <!-- -stylesheet-path nokia_style.css -->
-                            <arg value="@{document}"/>
-                            <arg value="${}.html"/>
-                        </exec>
-                    </then>
-                </if>
+                <echo>Building dot file: @{dot.file}</echo>
+                <exec executable="dot">
+                    <arg line="-Tpng @{dot.file} -O"/>
+                </exec>
-    <!-- Search Python internal module used in helium -->
-    <target name="find-python-dependencies" depends="database">    
-        <hlm:assertPropertySet property="helium.dir" message="Property helium.dir is not defined." />
-        <hlm:assertPropertySet property="database.file" message="Property database.file is not defined."/>
-        <hlm:python>
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import re
-import os
-import string
-import amara
-import codecs
-import ant
-import docs
+    <!-- Generate HTML documentation from .rst documents with Sphinx.
+    All doc .rst files should be generated or copied into build/temp/doc before being processed into HTML.    
+    -->
+    <target name="textdocs" depends="prep-textdocs">        
+        <hlm:rstMacro />
+        <copy file="${database.file}" todir="${}"/>
+        <copy file="${}/temp/doc/default.css" todir="${}/_static" overwrite="true" failonerror="true"/>
+        <copy file="${}/temp/doc/helium_pallot_small.jpg" todir="${}/_static" overwrite="true"/>
+        <copy todir="${}" overwrite="true">
+            <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/src">
+                <include name="**/*.zip"/>
+            </fileset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
-setpath = r'${helium.dir}'+'/tools'
-print "Searching under "+setpath
-dbPath = r'${database.file}'
-dbPath = 'file:///'+ dbPath.replace('\\','/')
-dbPrj = amara.parse(dbPath)
-docs.find_python_dependencies(setpath, dbPath, dbPrj)
-file_object ='${database.file}', 'w', "utf_8")
-        </hlm:python>
+    <!-- Clean old build/doc dir. -->
+    <target name="clean-docs">
+        <delete dir="${}"/>
-    <!-- Reads the Java libraries and extracts a list of their versions. -->
-    <target name="library-versions">    
-        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
-import java.util.jar
-antlibsDir ='external/antlibs')
-print antlibsDir
-jarFiles = antlibsDir.listFiles()
-for jar in jarFiles:
-    if jar.getName().endswith('jar'):
-        jarFile = java.util.jar.JarFile(jar)
-        manifest = jarFile.getManifest()
-        attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes()
-        implementationVersion = attributes.getValue('Implementation-Version')
-        print jar.getName() + ': ' + str(implementationVersion)
-        </script>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generates a subcon dependancy diagram based on Egg and Jars files -->
-    <target name="dependency-diagram-subcon">
-        <fileset id="subcon.jar.files" dir="${helium.dir}">
-            <include name="external/antlibs/*.jar"/>
-            <include name="external/jep/**/*.jar"/>
-            <include name="external/helium-antlib/bin/**/*.jar"/>
-            <include name="tools/**/*.jar"/>
-        </fileset>
-        <antcall target="dependency-diagram">
-            <reference refid="subcon.jar.files" torefid="jar.files"/>
-            <param name="python.exclude.dir" value="${helium.dir}\external\python\lib\2.5\internal"/>
-            <param name="dependency.grph" value="${}/doc/images/dependencies_subcon.grph"/>
-            <param name="subcon" value="true"/>
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <fileset id="jar.files" dir="${helium.dir}">
-        <include name="external/antlibs/**/*.jar"/>
-        <include name="external/jep/**/*.jar"/>
-        <include name="external/helium-antlib/**/*.jar"/>
-        <include name="tools/**/*.jar"/>
-        <include name="extensions/nokia/external/antlibs/**/*.jar"/>
-    </fileset>
-    <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram based on Egg and Jars files -->
-    <target name="dependency-diagram">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/images"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
-        <property name="dependency.grph" value="${}/doc/images/dependencies.grph"/>
-        <!---->
-        <copy todir="${}/dependencylibs" flatten="true">
-            <fileset refid="jar.files"/>
-        </copy>
-        <hlm:antdependency outputFile="${}/antdependencies.grph">
-            <fileset dir="${}/dependencylibs" includes="*.jar"/>
-        </hlm:antdependency>
-        <taskdef name="jaranalyzer" classname="com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.JarAnalyzerTask"/>
-        <jaranalyzer srcdir="${}/dependencylibs" destfile="${dependency.grph}" summaryclass="com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.DOTSummary"/>
-        <loadfile srcfile="${}/antdependencies.grph" property="antdependencies"/>
-        <replace file="${dependency.grph}" token="}" value="${antdependencies}}"/>
-        <antcall target="dependency-grouping"/>
-        <exec executable="dot">
-            <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.grph} -O"/>
-        </exec>
-        <delete dir="${}/dependencylibs"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Private: -->
-    <target name="dependency-grouping">
-        <property name="dependency.grph" value="${}/doc/images/dependencies.grph"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/images"/>
-        <property name="python.internal.dir" value="${nokia.dir}\external\python\lib\2.5"/>
-        <property name="subcon" value=""/>
-        <property name="ivy.xml.file" value="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml"/>
-        <hlm:python>
-import os
-import dependancygraph
-dependancygraph.createGraph(r'${ivy.xml.file}', r'${dependency.grph}', r'${python.dir}', r'${python.internal.dir}', r'${subcon}')
-        </hlm:python>
-        <!--
-        <exec executable="dot">
-            <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.egg.grph} -O"/>
-        </exec>
-        -->
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram of ant projects to helium external files -->
-    <target name="dependency-external">
-        <property name="dependency.external.grph" value="${}/doc/images/dependencies_external.grph"/>
-        <copy file="${database.file}" tofile="${database.file}.parsed" overwrite="true">
-            <filterchain>
-                <expandproperties/>
-            </filterchain>
-        </copy>
-        <hlm:python>
-import os
-import dependancygraph
-dependancygraph.externalDependancies(r'${database.file}.parsed', r'${dependency.external.grph}')
-        </hlm:python>
-        <!---->
-        <exec executable="dot">
-            <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.external.grph} -O"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Private: Convert db file -->
-    <target name="dependency-db-convert" depends="database">
-        <copy file="${database.file}" tofile="${database.file}.parsed" overwrite="true">
-            <filterchain>
-                <expandproperties/>
-            </filterchain>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram of log files -->
-    <target name="dependency-logs">
-        <property name="dependency.external.grph" value="${}/doc/images/dependencies_log.grph"/>
-        <antcall target="dependency-db-convert" inheritAll="false">
-            <param name="" value=""/>
-            <param name="" value=""/>
-            <param name="build.log.dir" value="/output/logs"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <hlm:python>
-import os
-import dependancygraph
-dependancygraph.findLogFiles(r'${database.file}.parsed', r'${dependency.external.grph}')
-        </hlm:python>
-        <!---->
-        <exec executable="dot">
-            <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.external.grph} -O"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Creates user flow diagram -->
-    <target name="helium-user-graph">
-        <mkdir dir="${}/doc/api"/>
-        <fmpp sourcefile="${helium.doc.dir}/src/" outputfile="${}/temp/doc/">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-              ant: antProperties()
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-        <for param="dot.file">
-            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc" includes=""/>
-            <sequential>
-                <echo>Processing dot file: @{dot.file}</echo>
-                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/temp/doc/">
-                    <arg line="-Tcmap @{dot.file} -O"/>
-                </exec>
-                <exec executable="dot" dir="${}/doc/api">
-                    <arg line="-Tpng @{dot.file} -O"/>
-                </exec>
-            </sequential>
-        </for>
-        <move todir="${}/doc/images" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${}/temp/doc" includes=""/>
-        </move>
-    </target>
+    <!-- generate all the user documentation for helium -->
+    <target name="docs" depends="clean-docs,apidocs,textdocs"/>