changeset 602 3145852acc89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/releasing/cbrtools/perl/Net/	Fri Jun 25 18:37:20 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-8 Graham Barr <>. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# Documentation (at end) improved 1996 by Nathan Torkington <>.
+package Net::FTP;
+require 5.001;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
+use Carp;
+use Socket 1.3;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Time::Local;
+use Net::Cmd;
+use Net::Config;
+$VERSION = "2.72"; # $Id: //depot/libnet/Net/ $
+@ISA     = qw(Exporter Net::Cmd IO::Socket::INET);
+# Someday I will "use constant", when I am not bothered to much about
+# compatability with older releases of perl
+($TELNET_IAC,$TELNET_IP,$TELNET_DM) = (255,244,242);
+# Name is too long for AutoLoad, it clashes with pasv_xfer
+sub pasv_xfer_unique {
+    my($sftp,$sfile,$dftp,$dfile) = @_;
+    $sftp->pasv_xfer($sfile,$dftp,$dfile,1);
+  # make a constant so code is fast'ish
+  my $is_os390 = $^O eq 'os390';
+  *trEBCDIC = sub () { $is_os390 }
+# Having problems with AutoLoader
+sub new
+ my $pkg  = shift;
+ my $peer = shift;
+ my %arg  = @_; 
+ my $host = $peer;
+ my $fire = undef;
+ my $fire_type = undef;
+ if(exists($arg{Firewall}) || Net::Config->requires_firewall($peer))
+  {
+   $fire = $arg{Firewall}
+	|| $NetConfig{ftp_firewall}
+	|| undef;
+   if(defined $fire)
+    {
+     $peer = $fire;
+     delete $arg{Port};
+	 $fire_type = $arg{FirewallType}
+	 || $NetConfig{firewall_type}
+	 || undef;
+    }
+  }
+ my $ftp = $pkg->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => $peer, 
+			    PeerPort => $arg{Port} || 'ftp(21)',
+			    LocalAddr => $arg{'LocalAddr'},
+			    Proto    => 'tcp',
+			    Timeout  => defined $arg{Timeout}
+						? $arg{Timeout}
+						: 120
+			   ) or return undef;
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'}     = $host;		# Remote hostname
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_type'}     = 'A';		# ASCII/binary/etc mode
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_blksize'}  = abs($arg{'BlockSize'} || 10240);
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_localaddr'} = $arg{'LocalAddr'};
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'} = $fire
+	if(defined $fire);
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall_type'} = $fire_type
+	if(defined $fire_type);
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_passive'} = int
+	exists $arg{Passive}
+	    ? $arg{Passive}
+	    : exists $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE}
+		: defined $fire
+		    ? $NetConfig{ftp_ext_passive}
+		    : $NetConfig{ftp_int_passive};	# Whew! :-)
+ $ftp->hash(exists $arg{Hash} ? $arg{Hash} : 0, 1024);
+ $ftp->autoflush(1);
+ $ftp->debug(exists $arg{Debug} ? $arg{Debug} : undef);
+ unless ($ftp->response() == CMD_OK)
+  {
+   $ftp->close();
+   $@ = $ftp->message;
+   undef $ftp;
+  }
+ $ftp;
+## User interface methods
+sub hash {
+    my $ftp = shift;		# self
+    my($h,$b) = @_;
+    unless($h) {
+      delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_hash'};
+      return [\*STDERR,0];
+    }
+    ($h,$b) = (ref($h)? $h : \*STDERR, $b || 1024);
+    select((select($h), $|=1)[0]);
+    $b = 512 if $b < 512;
+    ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_hash'} = [$h, $b];
+sub quit
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ $ftp->_QUIT;
+ $ftp->close;
+sub DESTROY {}
+sub ascii  { shift->type('A',@_); }
+sub binary { shift->type('I',@_); }
+sub ebcdic
+ carp "TYPE E is unsupported, shall default to I";
+ shift->type('E',@_);
+sub byte
+ carp "TYPE L is unsupported, shall default to I";
+ shift->type('L',@_);
+# Allow the user to send a command directly, BE CAREFUL !!
+sub quot
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ $ftp->command( uc $cmd, @_);
+ $ftp->response();
+sub site
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ $ftp->command("SITE", @_);
+ $ftp->response();
+sub mdtm
+ my $ftp  = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ # Server Y2K defect workaround
+ #
+ # sigh; some idiotic FTP servers use ("19%d",tm.tm_year) instead of 
+ # ("%d",tm.tm_year+1900).  This results in an extra digit in the
+ # string returned. To account for this we allow an optional extra
+ # digit in the year. Then if the first two digits are 19 we use the
+ # remainder, otherwise we subtract 1900 from the whole year.
+ $ftp->_MDTM($file) && $ftp->message =~ /((\d\d)(\d\d\d?))(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/
+    ? timegm($8,$7,$6,$5,$4-1,$2 eq '19' ? $3 : ($1-1900))
+    : undef;
+sub size {
+  my $ftp  = shift;
+  my $file = shift;
+  my $io;
+  if($ftp->supported("SIZE")) {
+    return $ftp->_SIZE($file)
+	? ($ftp->message =~ /(\d+)\s*$/)[0]
+	: undef;
+ }
+ elsif($ftp->supported("STAT")) {
+   my @msg;
+   return undef
+       unless $ftp->_STAT($file) && (@msg = $ftp->message) == 3;
+   my $line;
+   foreach $line (@msg) {
+     return (split(/\s+/,$line))[4]
+	 if $line =~ /^[-rwxSsTt]{10}/
+   }
+ }
+ else {
+   my @files = $ftp->dir($file);
+   if(@files) {
+     return (split(/\s+/,$1))[4]
+	 if $files[0] =~ /^([-rwxSsTt]{10}.*)$/;
+   }
+ }
+ undef;
+sub login {
+  my($ftp,$user,$pass,$acct) = @_;
+  my($ok,$ruser,$fwtype);
+  unless (defined $user) {
+    require Net::Netrc;
+    my $rc = Net::Netrc->lookup(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'});
+    ($user,$pass,$acct) = $rc->lpa()
+	 if ($rc);
+   }
+  $user ||= "anonymous";
+  $ruser = $user;
+  $fwtype = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall_type'}
+  || $NetConfig{'ftp_firewall_type'}
+  || 0;
+  if ($fwtype && defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'}) {
+    if ($fwtype == 1 || $fwtype == 7) {
+      $user .= '@' . ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'};
+    }
+    else {
+      require Net::Netrc;
+      my $rc = Net::Netrc->lookup(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'});
+      my($fwuser,$fwpass,$fwacct) = $rc ? $rc->lpa() : ();
+      if ($fwtype == 5) {
+	$user = join('@',$user,$fwuser,${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'});
+	$pass = $pass . '@' . $fwpass;
+      }
+      else {
+	if ($fwtype == 2) {
+	  $user .= '@' . ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'};
+	}
+	elsif ($fwtype == 6) {
+	  $fwuser .= '@' . ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'};
+	}
+	$ok = $ftp->_USER($fwuser);
+	return 0 unless $ok == CMD_OK || $ok == CMD_MORE;
+	$ok = $ftp->_PASS($fwpass || "");
+	return 0 unless $ok == CMD_OK || $ok == CMD_MORE;
+	$ok = $ftp->_ACCT($fwacct)
+	  if defined($fwacct);
+	if ($fwtype == 3) {
+          $ok = $ftp->command("SITE",${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'})->response;
+	}
+	elsif ($fwtype == 4) {
+          $ok = $ftp->command("OPEN",${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'})->response;
+	}
+	return 0 unless $ok == CMD_OK || $ok == CMD_MORE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $ok = $ftp->_USER($user);
+  # Some dumb firewalls don't prefix the connection messages
+  $ok = $ftp->response()
+	 if ($ok == CMD_OK && $ftp->code == 220 && $user =~ /\@/);
+  if ($ok == CMD_MORE) {
+    unless(defined $pass) {
+      require Net::Netrc;
+      my $rc = Net::Netrc->lookup(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_host'}, $ruser);
+      ($ruser,$pass,$acct) = $rc->lpa()
+	 if ($rc);
+      $pass = '-anonymous@'
+         if (!defined $pass && (!defined($ruser) || $ruser =~ /^anonymous/o));
+    }
+    $ok = $ftp->_PASS($pass || "");
+  }
+  $ok = $ftp->_ACCT($acct)
+	 if (defined($acct) && ($ok == CMD_MORE || $ok == CMD_OK));
+  if ($fwtype == 7 && $ok == CMD_OK && defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'}) {
+    my($f,$auth,$resp) = _auth_id($ftp);
+    $ftp->authorize($auth,$resp) if defined($resp);
+  }
+  $ok == CMD_OK;
+sub account
+ @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $ftp->account( ACCT )';
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $acct = shift;
+ $ftp->_ACCT($acct) == CMD_OK;
+sub _auth_id {
+ my($ftp,$auth,$resp) = @_;
+ unless(defined $resp)
+  {
+   require Net::Netrc;
+   $auth ||= eval { (getpwuid($>))[0] } || $ENV{NAME};
+   my $rc = Net::Netrc->lookup(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'}, $auth)
+        || Net::Netrc->lookup(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_firewall'});
+   ($auth,$resp) = $rc->lpa()
+     if ($rc);
+  }
+  ($ftp,$auth,$resp);
+sub authorize
+ @_ >= 1 || @_ <= 3 or croak 'usage: $ftp->authorize( [AUTH [, RESP]])';
+ my($ftp,$auth,$resp) = &_auth_id;
+ my $ok = $ftp->_AUTH($auth || "");
+ $ok = $ftp->_RESP($resp || "")
+	if ($ok == CMD_MORE);
+ $ok == CMD_OK;
+sub rename
+ @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $ftp->rename(FROM, TO)';
+ my($ftp,$from,$to) = @_;
+ $ftp->_RNFR($from)
+    && $ftp->_RNTO($to);
+sub type
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $oldval = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_type'};
+ return $oldval
+	unless (defined $type);
+ return undef
+	unless ($ftp->_TYPE($type,@_));
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_type'} = join(" ",$type,@_);
+ $oldval;
+sub alloc
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $size = shift;
+ my $oldval = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_allo'};
+ return $oldval
+	unless (defined $size);
+ return undef
+	unless ($ftp->_ALLO($size,@_));
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_allo'} = join(" ",$size,@_);
+ $oldval;
+sub abort
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ send($ftp,pack("CCC", $TELNET_IAC, $TELNET_IP, $TELNET_IAC),MSG_OOB);
+ $ftp->command(pack("C",$TELNET_DM) . "ABOR");
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_dataconn'}->close()
+    if defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_dataconn'};
+ $ftp->response();
+ $ftp->status == CMD_OK;
+sub get
+ my($ftp,$remote,$local,$where) = @_;
+ my($loc,$len,$buf,$resp,$data);
+ local *FD;
+ my $localfd = ref($local) || ref(\$local) eq "GLOB";
+ ($local = $remote) =~ s#^.*/##
+	unless(defined $local);
+ croak("Bad remote filename '$remote'\n")
+	if $remote =~ /[\r\n]/s;
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_rest'} = $where
+	if ($where);
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'};
+ $data = $ftp->retr($remote) or
+	return undef;
+ if($localfd)
+  {
+   $loc = $local;
+  }
+ else
+  {
+   $loc = \*FD;
+   unless(sysopen($loc, $local, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | ($where ? O_APPEND : O_TRUNC)))
+    {
+     carp "Cannot open Local file $local: $!\n";
+     $data->abort;
+     return undef;
+    }
+  }
+ if($ftp->type eq 'I' && !binmode($loc))
+  {
+   carp "Cannot binmode Local file $local: $!\n";
+   $data->abort;
+   close($loc) unless $localfd;
+   return undef;
+  }
+ $buf = '';
+ my($count,$hashh,$hashb,$ref) = (0);
+ ($hashh,$hashb) = @$ref
+   if($ref = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_hash'});
+ my $blksize = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_blksize'};
+ local $\; # Just in case
+ while(1)
+  {
+   last unless $len = $data->read($buf,$blksize);
+   if (trEBCDIC && $ftp->type ne 'I')
+    {
+     $buf = $ftp->toebcdic($buf);
+     $len = length($buf);
+    }
+   if($hashh) {
+    $count += $len;
+    print $hashh "#" x (int($count / $hashb));
+    $count %= $hashb;
+   }
+   unless(print $loc $buf)
+    {
+     carp "Cannot write to Local file $local: $!\n";
+     $data->abort;
+     close($loc)
+        unless $localfd;
+     return undef;
+    }
+  }
+ print $hashh "\n" if $hashh;
+ unless ($localfd)
+  {
+   unless (close($loc))
+    {
+     carp "Cannot close file $local (perhaps disk space) $!\n";
+     return undef;
+    }
+  }
+ unless ($data->close()) # implied $ftp->response
+  {
+   carp "Unable to close datastream";
+   return undef;
+  }
+ return $local;
+sub cwd
+ @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $ftp->cwd( [ DIR ] )';
+ my($ftp,$dir) = @_;
+ $dir = "/" unless defined($dir) && $dir =~ /\S/;
+ $dir eq ".."
+    ? $ftp->_CDUP()
+    : $ftp->_CWD($dir);
+sub cdup
+ @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $ftp->cdup()';
+ $_[0]->_CDUP;
+sub pwd
+ @_ == 1 || croak 'usage: $ftp->pwd()';
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ $ftp->_PWD();
+ $ftp->_extract_path;
+# rmdir( $ftp, $dir, [ $recurse ] )
+# Removes $dir on remote host via FTP.
+# $ftp is handle for remote host
+# If $recurse is TRUE, the directory and deleted recursively.
+# This means all of its contents and subdirectories.
+# Initial version contributed by Dinkum Software
+sub rmdir
+    @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 or croak('usage: $ftp->rmdir( DIR [, RECURSE ] )');
+    # Pick off the args
+    my ($ftp, $dir, $recurse) = @_ ;
+    my $ok;
+    return $ok
+	if $ok = $ftp->_RMD( $dir ) or !$recurse;
+    # Try to delete the contents
+    # Get a list of all the files in the directory
+    my $filelist = $ftp->ls($dir);
+    return undef
+	unless $filelist && @$filelist; # failed, it is probably not a directory
+    # Go thru and delete each file or the directory
+    my $file;
+    foreach $file (map { m,/, ? $_ : "$dir/$_" } @$filelist)
+    {
+	next  # successfully deleted the file
+	    if $ftp->delete($file);
+	# Failed to delete it, assume its a directory
+	# Recurse and ignore errors, the final rmdir() will
+	# fail on any errors here
+	return $ok
+	    unless $ok = $ftp->rmdir($file, 1) ;
+    }
+    # Directory should be empty
+    # Try to remove the directory again
+    # Pass results directly to caller
+    # If any of the prior deletes failed, this
+    # rmdir() will fail because directory is not empty
+    return $ftp->_RMD($dir) ;
+sub restart
+  @_ == 2 || croak 'usage: $ftp->restart( BYTE_OFFSET )';
+  my($ftp,$where) = @_;
+  ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_rest'} = $where;
+  return undef;
+sub mkdir
+ @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 or croak 'usage: $ftp->mkdir( DIR [, RECURSE ] )';
+ my($ftp,$dir,$recurse) = @_;
+ $ftp->_MKD($dir) || $recurse or
+    return undef;
+ my $path = $dir;
+ unless($ftp->ok)
+  {
+   my @path = split(m#(?=/+)#, $dir);
+   $path = "";
+   while(@path)
+    {
+     $path .= shift @path;
+     $ftp->_MKD($path);
+     $path = $ftp->_extract_path($path);
+    }
+   # If the creation of the last element was not successful, see if we
+   # can cd to it, if so then return path
+   unless($ftp->ok)
+    {
+     my($status,$message) = ($ftp->status,$ftp->message);
+     my $pwd = $ftp->pwd;
+     if($pwd && $ftp->cwd($dir))
+      {
+       $path = $dir;
+       $ftp->cwd($pwd);
+      }
+     else
+      {
+       undef $path;
+      }
+     $ftp->set_status($status,$message);
+    }
+  }
+ $path;
+sub delete
+ @_ == 2 || croak 'usage: $ftp->delete( FILENAME )';
+ $_[0]->_DELE($_[1]);
+sub put        { shift->_store_cmd("stor",@_) }
+sub put_unique { shift->_store_cmd("stou",@_) }
+sub append     { shift->_store_cmd("appe",@_) }
+sub nlst { shift->_data_cmd("NLST",@_) }
+sub list { shift->_data_cmd("LIST",@_) }
+sub retr { shift->_data_cmd("RETR",@_) }
+sub stor { shift->_data_cmd("STOR",@_) }
+sub stou { shift->_data_cmd("STOU",@_) }
+sub appe { shift->_data_cmd("APPE",@_) }
+sub _store_cmd 
+ my($ftp,$cmd,$local,$remote) = @_;
+ my($loc,$sock,$len,$buf);
+ local *FD;
+ my $localfd = ref($local) || ref(\$local) eq "GLOB";
+ unless(defined $remote)
+  {
+   croak 'Must specify remote filename with stream input'
+	if $localfd;
+   require File::Basename;
+   $remote = File::Basename::basename($local);
+  }
+ if( defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_allo'} ) 
+  {
+   delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_allo'};
+  } else 
+  {
+   # if the user hasn't already invoked the alloc method since the last 
+   # _store_cmd call, figure out if the local file is a regular file(not
+   # a pipe, or device) and if so get the file size from stat, and send
+   # an ALLO command before sending the STOR, STOU, or APPE command.
+   my $size = -f $local && -s _; # no ALLO if sending data from a pipe
+   $ftp->_ALLO($size) if $size;
+  }
+ croak("Bad remote filename '$remote'\n")
+	if $remote =~ /[\r\n]/s;
+ if($localfd)
+  {
+   $loc = $local;
+  }
+ else
+  {
+   $loc = \*FD;
+   unless(sysopen($loc, $local, O_RDONLY))
+    {
+     carp "Cannot open Local file $local: $!\n";
+     return undef;
+    }
+  }
+ if($ftp->type eq 'I' && !binmode($loc))
+  {
+   carp "Cannot binmode Local file $local: $!\n";
+   return undef;
+  }
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'};
+ $sock = $ftp->_data_cmd($cmd, $remote) or 
+	return undef;
+ $remote = ($ftp->message =~ /FILE:\s*(.*)/)[0]
+   if 'STOU' eq uc $cmd;
+ my $blksize = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_blksize'};
+ my($count,$hashh,$hashb,$ref) = (0);
+ ($hashh,$hashb) = @$ref
+   if($ref = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_hash'});
+ while(1)
+  {
+   last unless $len = read($loc,$buf="",$blksize);
+   if (trEBCDIC && $ftp->type ne 'I')
+    {
+     $buf = $ftp->toascii($buf); 
+     $len = length($buf);
+    }
+   if($hashh) {
+    $count += $len;
+    print $hashh "#" x (int($count / $hashb));
+    $count %= $hashb;
+   }
+   my $wlen;
+   unless(defined($wlen = $sock->write($buf,$len)) && $wlen == $len)
+    {
+     $sock->abort;
+     close($loc)
+	unless $localfd;
+     print $hashh "\n" if $hashh;
+     return undef;
+    }
+  }
+ print $hashh "\n" if $hashh;
+ close($loc)
+	unless $localfd;
+ $sock->close() or
+	return undef;
+ if ('STOU' eq uc $cmd and $ftp->message =~ m/unique\s+file\s*name\s*:\s*(.*)\)|"(.*)"/)
+  {
+   require File::Basename;
+   $remote = File::Basename::basename($+) 
+  }
+ return $remote;
+sub port
+ @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $ftp->port([PORT])';
+ my($ftp,$port) = @_;
+ my $ok;
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_intern_port'};
+ unless(defined $port)
+  {
+   # create a Listen socket at same address as the command socket
+   ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'} ||= IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen    => 5,
+				    	    	        Proto     => 'tcp',
+							Timeout   => $ftp->timeout,
+							LocalAddr => $ftp->sockhost,
+				    	    	       );
+   my $listen = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'};
+   my($myport, @myaddr) = ($listen->sockport, split(/\./,$listen->sockhost));
+   $port = join(',', @myaddr, $myport >> 8, $myport & 0xff);
+   ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_intern_port'} = 1;
+  }
+ $ok = $ftp->_PORT($port);
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'} = $port;
+ $ok;
+sub ls  { shift->_list_cmd("NLST",@_); }
+sub dir { shift->_list_cmd("LIST",@_); }
+sub pasv
+ @_ == 1 or croak 'usage: $ftp->pasv()';
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_intern_port'};
+ $ftp->_PASV && $ftp->message =~ /(\d+(,\d+)+)/
+    ? ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'} = $1
+    : undef;    
+sub unique_name
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_unique'} || undef;
+sub supported {
+    @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $ftp->supported( CMD )';
+    my $ftp = shift;
+    my $cmd = uc shift;
+    my $hash = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_supported'} ||= {};
+    return $hash->{$cmd}
+        if exists $hash->{$cmd};
+    return $hash->{$cmd} = 0
+	unless $ftp->_HELP($cmd);
+    my $text = $ftp->message;
+    if($text =~ /following\s+commands/i) {
+	$text =~ s/^.*\n//;
+        while($text =~ /(\*?)(\w+)(\*?)/sg) {
+            $hash->{"\U$2"} = !length("$1$3");
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+	$hash->{$cmd} = $text !~ /unimplemented/i;
+    }
+    $hash->{$cmd} ||= 0;
+## Deprecated methods
+sub lsl
+ carp "Use of Net::FTP::lsl deprecated, use 'dir'"
+    if $^W;
+ goto &dir;
+sub authorise
+ carp "Use of Net::FTP::authorise deprecated, use 'authorize'"
+    if $^W;
+ goto &authorize;
+## Private methods
+sub _extract_path
+ my($ftp, $path) = @_;
+ # This tries to work both with and without the quote doubling
+ # convention (RFC 959 requires it, but the first 3 servers I checked
+ # didn't implement it).  It will fail on a server which uses a quote in
+ # the message which isn't a part of or surrounding the path.
+ $ftp->ok &&
+    $ftp->message =~ /(?:^|\s)\"(.*)\"(?:$|\s)/ &&
+    ($path = $1) =~ s/\"\"/\"/g;
+ $path;
+## Communication methods
+sub _dataconn
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $data = undef;
+ my $pkg = "Net::FTP::" . $ftp->type;
+ eval "require " . $pkg;
+ $pkg =~ s/ /_/g;
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_dataconn'};
+ if(defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'})
+  {
+   my @port = split(/,/,${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'});
+   $data = $pkg->new(PeerAddr => join(".",@port[0..3]),
+    	    	     PeerPort => $port[4] * 256 + $port[5],
+		     LocalAddr => ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_localaddr'},
+    	    	     Proto    => 'tcp'
+    	    	    );
+  }
+ elsif(defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'})
+  {
+   $data = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'}->accept($pkg);
+   close(delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'});
+  }
+ if($data)
+  {
+   ${*$data} = "";
+   $data->timeout($ftp->timeout);
+   ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_dataconn'} = $data;
+   ${*$data}{'net_ftp_cmd'} = $ftp;
+   ${*$data}{'net_ftp_blksize'} = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_blksize'};
+  }
+ $data;
+sub _list_cmd
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $cmd = uc shift;
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'};
+ my $data = $ftp->_data_cmd($cmd,@_);
+ return
+	unless(defined $data);
+ require Net::FTP::A;
+ bless $data, "Net::FTP::A"; # Force ASCII mode
+ my $databuf = '';
+ my $buf = '';
+ my $blksize = ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_blksize'};
+ while($data->read($databuf,$blksize)) {
+   $buf .= $databuf;
+ }
+ my $list = [ split(/\n/,$buf) ];
+ $data->close();
+ if (trEBCDIC)
+  {
+   for (@$list) { $_ = $ftp->toebcdic($_) }
+  }
+ wantarray ? @{$list}
+           : $list;
+sub _data_cmd
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $cmd = uc shift;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $where = delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_rest'} || 0;
+ my $arg;
+ for $arg (@_) {
+   croak("Bad argument '$arg'\n")
+	if $arg =~ /[\r\n]/s;
+ }
+ if(${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_passive'} &&
+     !defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'} &&
+     !defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'})
+  {
+   my $data = undef;
+   $ok = defined $ftp->pasv;
+   $ok = $ftp->_REST($where)
+	if $ok && $where;
+   if($ok)
+    {
+     $ftp->command($cmd,@_);
+     $data = $ftp->_dataconn();
+     $ok = CMD_INFO == $ftp->response();
+     if($ok) 
+      {
+       $data->reading
+         if $data && $cmd =~ /RETR|LIST|NLST/;
+       return $data
+      }
+     $data->_close
+	if $data;
+    }
+   return undef;
+  }
+ $ok = $ftp->port
+    unless (defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'} ||
+            defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'});
+ $ok = $ftp->_REST($where)
+    if $ok && $where;
+ return undef
+    unless $ok;
+ $ftp->command($cmd,@_);
+ return 1
+    if(defined ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'});
+ $ok = CMD_INFO == $ftp->response();
+ return $ok 
+    unless exists ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_intern_port'};
+ if($ok) {
+   my $data = $ftp->_dataconn();
+   $data->reading
+         if $data && $cmd =~ /RETR|LIST|NLST/;
+   return $data;
+ }
+ close(delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_listen'});
+ return undef;
+## Over-ride methods (Net::Cmd)
+sub debug_text { $_[2] =~ /^(pass|resp|acct)/i ? "$1 ....\n" : $_[2]; }
+sub command
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
+ $ftp->SUPER::command(@_);
+sub response
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ my $code = $ftp->SUPER::response();
+ delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'}
+    if ($code != CMD_MORE && $code != CMD_INFO);
+ $code;
+sub parse_response
+ return ($1, $2 eq "-")
+    if $_[1] =~ s/^(\d\d\d)(.?)//o;
+ my $ftp = shift;
+ return ()
+	unless ${*$ftp}{'net_cmd_code'} + 0;
+ (${*$ftp}{'net_cmd_code'},1);
+## Allow 2 servers to talk directly
+sub pasv_xfer {
+    my($sftp,$sfile,$dftp,$dfile,$unique) = @_;
+    ($dfile = $sfile) =~ s#.*/##
+	unless(defined $dfile);
+    my $port = $sftp->pasv or
+	return undef;
+    $dftp->port($port) or
+	return undef;
+    return undef
+	unless($unique ? $dftp->stou($dfile) : $dftp->stor($dfile));
+    unless($sftp->retr($sfile) && $sftp->response == CMD_INFO) {
+	$sftp->retr($sfile);
+	$dftp->abort;
+	$dftp->response();
+	return undef;
+    }
+    $dftp->pasv_wait($sftp);
+sub pasv_wait
+ @_ == 2 or croak 'usage: $ftp->pasv_wait(NON_PASV_FTP)';
+ my($ftp, $non_pasv) = @_;
+ my($file,$rin,$rout);
+ vec($rin='',fileno($ftp),1) = 1;
+ select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, undef);
+ $ftp->response();
+ $non_pasv->response();
+ return undef
+	unless $ftp->ok() && $non_pasv->ok();
+ return $1
+	if $ftp->message =~ /unique file name:\s*(\S*)\s*\)/;
+ return $1
+	if $non_pasv->message =~ /unique file name:\s*(\S*)\s*\)/;
+ return 1;
+sub cmd { shift->command(@_)->response() }
+# RFC959 commands
+sub _ABOR { shift->command("ABOR")->response()	 == CMD_OK }
+sub _ALLO { shift->command("ALLO",@_)->response() == CMD_OK}
+sub _CDUP { shift->command("CDUP")->response()	 == CMD_OK }
+sub _NOOP { shift->command("NOOP")->response()	 == CMD_OK }
+sub _PASV { shift->command("PASV")->response()	 == CMD_OK }
+sub _QUIT { shift->command("QUIT")->response()	 == CMD_OK }
+sub _DELE { shift->command("DELE",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _CWD  { shift->command("CWD", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _PORT { shift->command("PORT",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _RMD  { shift->command("RMD", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _MKD  { shift->command("MKD", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _PWD  { shift->command("PWD", @_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _TYPE { shift->command("TYPE",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _RNTO { shift->command("RNTO",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _RESP { shift->command("RESP",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _MDTM { shift->command("MDTM",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _SIZE { shift->command("SIZE",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _HELP { shift->command("HELP",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _STAT { shift->command("STAT",@_)->response() == CMD_OK }
+sub _APPE { shift->command("APPE",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _LIST { shift->command("LIST",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _NLST { shift->command("NLST",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _RETR { shift->command("RETR",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _STOR { shift->command("STOR",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _STOU { shift->command("STOU",@_)->response() == CMD_INFO }
+sub _RNFR { shift->command("RNFR",@_)->response() == CMD_MORE }
+sub _REST { shift->command("REST",@_)->response() == CMD_MORE }
+sub _USER { shift->command("user",@_)->response() } # A certain brain dead firewall :-)
+sub _PASS { shift->command("PASS",@_)->response() }
+sub _ACCT { shift->command("ACCT",@_)->response() }
+sub _AUTH { shift->command("AUTH",@_)->response() }
+sub _SMNT { shift->unsupported(@_) }
+sub _MODE { shift->unsupported(@_) }
+sub _SYST { shift->unsupported(@_) }
+sub _STRU { shift->unsupported(@_) }
+sub _REIN { shift->unsupported(@_) }
+=head1 NAME
+Net::FTP - FTP Client class
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Net::FTP;
+    $ftp = Net::FTP->new("", Debug => 0)
+      or die "Cannot connect to $@";
+    $ftp->login("anonymous",'-anonymous@')
+      or die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message;
+    $ftp->cwd("/pub")
+      or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message;
+    $ftp->get("that.file")
+      or die "get failed ", $ftp->message;
+    $ftp->quit;
+C<Net::FTP> is a class implementing a simple FTP client in Perl as
+described in RFC959.  It provides wrappers for a subset of the RFC959
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  It is a way of transferring
+files between networked machines.  The protocol defines a client
+(whose commands are provided by this module) and a server (not
+implemented in this module).  Communication is always initiated by the
+client, and the server responds with a message and a status code (and
+sometimes with data).
+The FTP protocol allows files to be sent to or fetched from the
+server.  Each transfer involves a B<local file> (on the client) and a
+B<remote file> (on the server).  In this module, the same file name
+will be used for both local and remote if only one is specified.  This
+means that transferring remote file C</path/to/file> will try to put
+that file in C</path/to/file> locally, unless you specify a local file
+The protocol also defines several standard B<translations> which the
+file can undergo during transfer.  These are ASCII, EBCDIC, binary,
+and byte.  ASCII is the default type, and indicates that the sender of
+files will translate the ends of lines to a standard representation
+which the receiver will then translate back into their local
+representation.  EBCDIC indicates the file being transferred is in
+EBCDIC format.  Binary (also known as image) format sends the data as
+a contiguous bit stream.  Byte format transfers the data as bytes, the
+values of which remain the same regardless of differences in byte size
+between the two machines (in theory - in practice you should only use
+this if you really know what you're doing).
+=over 4
+=item new (HOST [,OPTIONS])
+This is the constructor for a new Net::FTP object. C<HOST> is the
+name of the remote host to which an FTP connection is required.
+C<OPTIONS> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs.
+Possible options are:
+B<Firewall> - The name of a machine which acts as an FTP firewall. This can be
+overridden by an environment variable C<FTP_FIREWALL>. If specified, and the
+given host cannot be directly connected to, then the
+connection is made to the firewall machine and the string C<@hostname> is
+appended to the login identifier. This kind of setup is also refered to
+as an ftp proxy.
+B<FirewallType> - The type of firewall running on the machine indicated by
+B<Firewall>. This can be overridden by an environment variable
+C<FTP_FIREWALL_TYPE>. For a list of permissible types, see the description of
+ftp_firewall_type in L<Net::Config>.
+B<BlockSize> - This is the block size that Net::FTP will use when doing
+transfers. (defaults to 10240)
+B<Port> - The port number to connect to on the remote machine for the
+FTP connection
+B<Timeout> - Set a timeout value (defaults to 120)
+B<Debug> - debug level (see the debug method in L<Net::Cmd>)
+B<Passive> - If set to a non-zero value then all data transfers will be done
+using passive mode. This is not usually required except for some I<dumb>
+servers, and some firewall configurations. This can also be set by the
+environment variable C<FTP_PASSIVE>.
+B<Hash> - If given a reference to a file handle (e.g., C<\*STDERR>),
+print hash marks (#) on that filehandle every 1024 bytes.  This
+simply invokes the C<hash()> method for you, so that hash marks
+are displayed for all transfers.  You can, of course, call C<hash()>
+explicitly whenever you'd like.
+B<LocalAddr> - Local address to use for all socket connections, this
+argument will be passed to L<IO::Socket::INET>
+If the constructor fails undef will be returned and an error message will
+be in $@
+=head1 METHODS
+Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a I<true> or I<false>
+value, with I<true> meaning that the operation was a success. When a method
+states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as I<undef> or an
+empty list.
+=over 4
+=item login ([LOGIN [,PASSWORD [, ACCOUNT] ] ])
+Log into the remote FTP server with the given login information. If
+no arguments are given then the C<Net::FTP> uses the C<Net::Netrc>
+package to lookup the login information for the connected host.
+If no information is found then a login of I<anonymous> is used.
+If no password is given and the login is I<anonymous> then I<anonymous@>
+will be used for password.
+If the connection is via a firewall then the C<authorize> method will
+be called with no arguments.
+=item authorize ( [AUTH [, RESP]])
+This is a protocol used by some firewall ftp proxies. It is used
+to authorise the user to send data out.  If both arguments are not specified
+then C<authorize> uses C<Net::Netrc> to do a lookup.
+=item site (ARGS)
+Send a SITE command to the remote server and wait for a response.
+Returns most significant digit of the response code.
+=item ascii
+Transfer file in ASCII. CRLF translation will be done if required
+=item binary
+Transfer file in binary mode. No transformation will be done.
+B<Hint>: If both server and client machines use the same line ending for
+text files, then it will be faster to transfer all files in binary mode.
+=item rename ( OLDNAME, NEWNAME )
+Rename a file on the remote FTP server from C<OLDNAME> to C<NEWNAME>. This
+is done by sending the RNFR and RNTO commands.
+=item delete ( FILENAME )
+Send a request to the server to delete C<FILENAME>.
+=item cwd ( [ DIR ] )
+Attempt to change directory to the directory given in C<$dir>.  If
+C<$dir> is C<"..">, the FTP C<CDUP> command is used to attempt to
+move up one directory. If no directory is given then an attempt is made
+to change the directory to the root directory.
+=item cdup ()
+Change directory to the parent of the current directory.
+=item pwd ()
+Returns the full pathname of the current directory.
+=item restart ( WHERE )
+Set the byte offset at which to begin the next data transfer. Net::FTP simply
+records this value and uses it when during the next data transfer. For this
+reason this method will not return an error, but setting it may cause
+a subsequent data transfer to fail.
+=item rmdir ( DIR [, RECURSE ])
+Remove the directory with the name C<DIR>. If C<RECURSE> is I<true> then
+C<rmdir> will attempt to delete everything inside the directory.
+=item mkdir ( DIR [, RECURSE ])
+Create a new directory with the name C<DIR>. If C<RECURSE> is I<true> then
+C<mkdir> will attempt to create all the directories in the given path.
+Returns the full pathname to the new directory.
+=item ls ( [ DIR ] )
+=item alloc ( SIZE [, RECORD_SIZE] )
+The alloc command allows you to give the ftp server a hint about the size
+of the file about to be transfered using the ALLO ftp command. Some storage
+systems use this to make intelligent decisions about how to store the file.
+The C<SIZE> argument represents the size of the file in bytes. The
+C<RECORD_SIZE> argument indicates a mazimum record or page size for files
+sent with a record or page structure.
+The size of the file will be determined, and sent to the server
+automatically for normal files so that this method need only be called if
+you are transfering data from a socket, named pipe, or other stream not
+associated with a normal file.
+Get a directory listing of C<DIR>, or the current directory.
+In an array context, returns a list of lines returned from the server. In
+a scalar context, returns a reference to a list.
+=item dir ( [ DIR ] )
+Get a directory listing of C<DIR>, or the current directory in long format.
+In an array context, returns a list of lines returned from the server. In
+a scalar context, returns a reference to a list.
+=item get ( REMOTE_FILE [, LOCAL_FILE [, WHERE]] )
+Get C<REMOTE_FILE> from the server and store locally. C<LOCAL_FILE> may be
+a filename or a filehandle. If not specified, the file will be stored in
+the current directory with the same leafname as the remote file.
+If C<WHERE> is given then the first C<WHERE> bytes of the file will
+not be transfered, and the remaining bytes will be appended to
+the local file if it already exists.
+Returns C<LOCAL_FILE>, or the generated local file name if C<LOCAL_FILE>
+is not given. If an error was encountered undef is returned.
+=item put ( LOCAL_FILE [, REMOTE_FILE ] )
+Put a file on the remote server. C<LOCAL_FILE> may be a name or a filehandle.
+If C<LOCAL_FILE> is a filehandle then C<REMOTE_FILE> must be specified. If
+C<REMOTE_FILE> is not specified then the file will be stored in the current
+directory with the same leafname as C<LOCAL_FILE>.
+Returns C<REMOTE_FILE>, or the generated remote filename if C<REMOTE_FILE>
+is not given.
+B<NOTE>: If for some reason the transfer does not complete and an error is
+returned then the contents that had been transfered will not be remove
+=item put_unique ( LOCAL_FILE [, REMOTE_FILE ] )
+Same as put but uses the C<STOU> command.
+Returns the name of the file on the server.
+=item append ( LOCAL_FILE [, REMOTE_FILE ] )
+Same as put but appends to the file on the remote server.
+Returns C<REMOTE_FILE>, or the generated remote filename if C<REMOTE_FILE>
+is not given.
+=item unique_name ()
+Returns the name of the last file stored on the server using the
+C<STOU> command.
+=item mdtm ( FILE )
+Returns the I<modification time> of the given file
+=item size ( FILE )
+Returns the size in bytes for the given file as stored on the remote server.
+B<NOTE>: The size reported is the size of the stored file on the remote server.
+If the file is subsequently transfered from the server in ASCII mode
+and the remote server and local machine have different ideas about
+"End Of Line" then the size of file on the local machine after transfer
+may be different.
+=item supported ( CMD )
+Returns TRUE if the remote server supports the given command.
+Called without parameters, or with the first argument false, hash marks
+are suppressed.  If the first argument is true but not a reference to a 
+file handle glob, then \*STDERR is used.  The second argument is the number
+of bytes per hash mark printed, and defaults to 1024.  In all cases the
+return value is a reference to an array of two:  the filehandle glob reference
+and the bytes per hash mark.
+The following methods can return different results depending on
+how they are called. If the user explicitly calls either
+of the C<pasv> or C<port> methods then these methods will
+return a I<true> or I<false> value. If the user does not
+call either of these methods then the result will be a
+reference to a C<Net::FTP::dataconn> based object.
+=over 4
+=item nlst ( [ DIR ] )
+Send an C<NLST> command to the server, with an optional parameter.
+=item list ( [ DIR ] )
+Same as C<nlst> but using the C<LIST> command
+=item retr ( FILE )
+Begin the retrieval of a file called C<FILE> from the remote server.
+=item stor ( FILE )
+Tell the server that you wish to store a file. C<FILE> is the
+name of the new file that should be created.
+=item stou ( FILE )
+Same as C<stor> but using the C<STOU> command. The name of the unique
+file which was created on the server will be available via the C<unique_name>
+method after the data connection has been closed.
+=item appe ( FILE )
+Tell the server that we want to append some data to the end of a file
+called C<FILE>. If this file does not exist then create it.
+If for some reason you want to have complete control over the data connection,
+this includes generating it and calling the C<response> method when required,
+then the user can use these methods to do so.
+However calling these methods only affects the use of the methods above that
+can return a data connection. They have no effect on methods C<get>, C<put>,
+C<put_unique> and those that do not require data connections.
+=over 4
+=item port ( [ PORT ] )
+Send a C<PORT> command to the server. If C<PORT> is specified then it is sent
+to the server. If not, then a listen socket is created and the correct information
+sent to the server.
+=item pasv ()
+Tell the server to go into passive mode. Returns the text that represents the
+port on which the server is listening, this text is in a suitable form to
+sent to another ftp server using the C<port> method.
+The following methods can be used to transfer files between two remote
+servers, providing that these two servers can connect directly to each other.
+=over 4
+=item pasv_xfer ( SRC_FILE, DEST_SERVER [, DEST_FILE ] )
+This method will do a file transfer between two remote ftp servers. If
+C<DEST_FILE> is omitted then the leaf name of C<SRC_FILE> will be used.
+=item pasv_xfer_unique ( SRC_FILE, DEST_SERVER [, DEST_FILE ] )
+Like C<pasv_xfer> but the file is stored on the remote server using
+the STOU command.
+=item pasv_wait ( NON_PASV_SERVER )
+This method can be used to wait for a transfer to complete between a passive
+server and a non-passive server. The method should be called on the passive
+server with the C<Net::FTP> object for the non-passive server passed as an
+=item abort ()
+Abort the current data transfer.
+=item quit ()
+Send the QUIT command to the remote FTP server and close the socket connection.
+=head2 Methods for the adventurous
+C<Net::FTP> inherits from C<Net::Cmd> so methods defined in C<Net::Cmd> may
+be used to send commands to the remote FTP server.
+=over 4
+=item quot (CMD [,ARGS])
+Send a command, that Net::FTP does not directly support, to the remote
+server and wait for a response.
+Returns most significant digit of the response code.
+B<WARNING> This call should only be used on commands that do not require
+data connections. Misuse of this method can hang the connection.
+=head1 THE dataconn CLASS
+Some of the methods defined in C<Net::FTP> return an object which will
+be derived from this class.The dataconn class itself is derived from
+the C<IO::Socket::INET> class, so any normal IO operations can be performed.
+However the following methods are defined in the dataconn class and IO should
+be performed using these.
+=over 4
+=item read ( BUFFER, SIZE [, TIMEOUT ] )
+Read C<SIZE> bytes of data from the server and place it into C<BUFFER>, also
+performing any <CRLF> translation necessary. C<TIMEOUT> is optional, if not
+given, the timeout value from the command connection will be used.
+Returns the number of bytes read before any <CRLF> translation.
+=item write ( BUFFER, SIZE [, TIMEOUT ] )
+Write C<SIZE> bytes of data from C<BUFFER> to the server, also
+performing any <CRLF> translation necessary. C<TIMEOUT> is optional, if not
+given, the timeout value from the command connection will be used.
+Returns the number of bytes written before any <CRLF> translation.
+=item bytes_read ()
+Returns the number of bytes read so far.
+=item abort ()
+Abort the current data transfer.
+=item close ()
+Close the data connection and get a response from the FTP server. Returns
+I<true> if the connection was closed successfully and the first digit of
+the response from the server was a '2'.
+The following RFC959 commands have not been implemented:
+=over 4
+=item B<SMNT>
+Mount a different file system structure without changing login or
+accounting information.
+=item B<HELP>
+Ask the server for "helpful information" (that's what the RFC says) on
+the commands it accepts.
+=item B<MODE>
+Specifies transfer mode (stream, block or compressed) for file to be
+=item B<SYST>
+Request remote server system identification.
+=item B<STAT>
+Request remote server status.
+=item B<STRU>
+Specifies file structure for file to be transferred.
+=item B<REIN>
+Reinitialize the connection, flushing all I/O and account information.
+When reporting bugs/problems please include as much information as possible.
+It may be difficult for me to reproduce the problem as almost every setup
+is different.
+A small script which yields the problem will probably be of help. It would
+also be useful if this script was run with the extra options C<Debug => 1>
+passed to the constructor, and the output sent with the defect report. If you
+cannot include a small script then please include a Debug trace from a
+run of your program which does yield the problem.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Graham Barr <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ftp(1), ftpd(8), RFC 959
+For an example of the use of Net::FTP see
+=over 4
+C<autoftp> is a program that can retrieve, send, or list files via
+the FTP protocol in a non-interactive manner.
+=head1 CREDITS
+Henry Gabryjelski <henryg@WPI.EDU> - for the suggestion of creating directories
+Nathan Torkington <> - for some input on the documentation.
+Roderick Schertler <> - for various inputs
+Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Graham Barr. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=for html <hr>
+I<$Id: //depot/libnet/Net/ $>