--- a/imgtools/imgcheck/src/cmdlinehandler.cpp Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/imgcheck/src/cmdlinehandler.cpp Wed Jun 23 16:56:47 2010 +0800
@@ -1,786 +1,688 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Commandline handler for imgcheck Tool, responsible to parse the
-* commandline options and preserve the data for later use
- @file
- @internalComponent
- @released
-#include "cmdlinehandler.h"
-Constructor initializes the iOptionMap with short and long option names as key and
-the value pair says whether the respective option can have value or not.
-:iDebuggableFlagVal(false),iXmlFileName(GXmlFileName), iNoImage(true), iCommmandFlag(0), iValidations(0), iSuppressions(0)
- iOptionMap[KLongHelpOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongAllOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongXmlOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongOutputOption] = ESingle; //option can have only 1 value
- iOptionMap[KLongQuietOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongVerboseOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongSuppressOption]= EMultiple; //This value should be updated, while introducing new validations
- iOptionMap[KLongVidValOption]= EMultiple;
- iOptionMap[KShortHelpOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KShortAllOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KShortXmlOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KShortOutputOption] = ESingle; //option can have only 1 value
- iOptionMap[KShortQuietOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KShortVerboseOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KShortSuppressOption] = EMultiple;
- iOptionMap[KShortNoCheck] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongSidAllOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongEnableDepCheck] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongEnableSidCheck] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongEnableVidCheck] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongEnableDbgFlagCheck] = EOptional;
- iOptionMap[KLongE32InputOption] = ENone;
- iOptionMap[KLongNoCheck] = ENone;
- iSuppressVal[KSuppressDependency] = EDep;
- iSuppressVal[KSuppressSid] = ESid;
- iSuppressVal[KSuppressVid] = EVid;
- Version();
- Usage();
- iOptionMap.clear();
- iImageNameList.clear();
- iSuppressVal.clear();
- iVidValList.clear();
-Function to parse the command line options.
-Responsible to
-1. Parse the input values.
-2. Print the usage note.
-3. Identify the valdations to be carried out.
-4. Type of report needs to be generated.
-@param aArgc - argument count
-@param aArgv[] - argument values
-ReturnType CmdLineHandler::ProcessCommandLine(unsigned int aArgc, char* aArgv[])
- if(aArgc < 2)
- {
- std::cout << PrintVersion().c_str() << std::endl;
- std::cout << PrintUsage().c_str() << std::endl;
- return EQuit;
- }
- ArgumentList argumentList(&aArgv[0], aArgv + aArgc);
- int argCount = argumentList.size();
- iInputCommand = KToolName;
- for( int i = 1; i < argCount; i++ ) //Skip tool name
- {
- String name = argumentList.at(i);
- iInputCommand += " ";
- iInputCommand += name;
- int longOptionFlag = 0;
- if(IsOption(name, longOptionFlag))
- {
- String optionName;
- bool optionValue = false;
- StringList optionValueList;
- ParseOption(name, optionName, optionValueList, optionValue);
- char shortOption = KNull;
- if(Validate(ReaderUtil::ToLower(optionName), optionValue, optionValueList.size()))
- {
- if(longOptionFlag)
- {
- shortOption = optionName.at(2);
- }
- else
- {
- shortOption = optionName.at(1);
- }
- }
- switch(shortOption)
- {
- case 'q':
- iCommmandFlag |= QuietMode;
- break;
- case 'a':
- iCommmandFlag |= KAll;
- break;
- case 'x':
- iCommmandFlag |= KXmlReport;
- break;
- case 'o':
- iXmlFileName.assign(optionValueList.front());
- NormaliseName();
- break;
- case 's':
- if((optionName == KShortSuppressOption) || (optionName == KLongSuppressOption))
- {
- String value;
- while(optionValueList.size() > 0)
- {
- value = optionValueList.front();
- if(iSuppressVal[value])
- {
- if(iValidations > 0) //Is any check enabled?
- {
- if(iValidations & iSuppressVal[value])
- {
- iValidations ^= iSuppressVal[value]; //Consider only 3 LSB's
- }
- }
- else //Is this valid value?
- {
- iSuppressions |= iSuppressVal[value];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNSUPPRESSVAL,(char*)(optionValueList.front().c_str()));
- }
- optionValueList.pop_front();
- }
- }
- else if(optionName == KLongEnableSidCheck)
- {
- iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
- iValidations |= ESid;
- }
- else if(optionName == KLongSidAllOption)
- {
- iCommmandFlag |= KSidAll;
- }
- break;
- case 'd':
- if(optionName == KLongEnableDbgFlagCheck)
- {
- iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
- iValidations |= EDbg;
- if(optionValueList.size() > 0)
- {
- if(optionValueList.front() == String("true"))
- {
- iDebuggableFlagVal = true;
- }
- else if (optionValueList.front() == String("false"))
- {
- iDebuggableFlagVal = false;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNDBGVALUE);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (optionName == KLongEnableDepCheck)
- {
- iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
- iValidations |= EDep;
- }
- break;
- case 'e':
- if (optionName == KLongE32InputOption)
- {
- iCommmandFlag |= KE32Input;
- }
- break;
- case 'v':
- if(optionName == KLongVidValOption)
- {
- StringListToUnIntList(optionValueList, iVidValList);
- }
- else if(optionName == KLongEnableVidCheck)
- {
- iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
- iValidations |= EVid;
- }
- else
- {
- iCommmandFlag |= KVerbose;
- /**Initialize ExceptionImplementation class with verbose mode flag
- to print all status information to standard output*/
- ExceptionImplementation::Instance(iCommmandFlag);
- }
- break;
- case 'n':
- iCommmandFlag |= KNoCheck;
- break;
- case 'h':
- std::cout << PrintVersion().c_str() << std::endl;
- std::cout << PrintUsage().c_str() << std::endl;
- return EQuit; //Don't proceed further
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(!AlreadyReceived(name))
- {
- iImageNameList.push_back(name);
- }
- else
- {
- ExceptionReporter(IMAGENAMEALREADYRECEIVED, (char*)name.c_str()).Report();
- }
- iNoImage = false;
- }
- } //While loop ends here
- if((iCommmandFlag || iValidations || iSuppressions) && iNoImage)
- {
- PrintVersion();
- PrintUsage();
- }
- //Always log the version information into log file
- ExceptionImplementation::Instance(iCommmandFlag)->Log(iVersion);
- ValidateArguments();
- ValidateE32NoCheckArguments();
- if(iCommmandFlag & KE32Input)
- {
- ValidateImageNameList();
- }
- return ESuccess;
-Function identify whether the passed string is an option or not.
-@param aName - a string received as part of command line
-@param aLongOptionFlag - this flag is set if the option is long else
-it is assumed as short option.
-@return - returns true or false
-bool CmdLineHandler::IsOption(const String& aName, int& aLongOptionFlag)
- unsigned int prefixCount = 0;
- while(aName.at(prefixCount) == KShortOptionPrefix)
- {
- if(aName.length() == ++prefixCount)
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNOPTION, (char*)aName.c_str());
- }
- }
- switch(prefixCount)
- {
- case 0: //argument can be an image
- return false;
- case 1: // '-'
- return true;
- case 2: // '--'
- aLongOptionFlag = 1;
- return true;
- default:
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNPREFIX, (char*)aName.c_str());
- }
-Function to do syntax validation on the received option.
-1. Identifies whether the received option is valid or not.
-2. Identifies whether the option can have vaue or not.
-3. Throws an error if no value received for an option which should have value.
-4. Throws an error if more number of values received.
-5. Throws an error if an unwanted value received.
-6. Throws an error if the option is not a valid one.
-@param aOption - a string received as part of command line.
-@param aOptionValue - Whether option value received or not.
-@param aNoOfVal - Number of values received for this option.
-@return - returns true if it is a valid option
-bool CmdLineHandler::Validate(const String& aOption, bool aOptionValue, unsigned int aNoOfVal)
- if(iOptionMap.find(aOption) != iOptionMap.end())
- {
- if(iOptionMap[aOption]) //Option can have value?
- {
- if((aNoOfVal == ENone) && (iOptionMap[aOption] != EOptional)) //No values received?
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(VALUEEXPECTED, (char*)aOption.c_str());
- }
- if((iOptionMap[aOption] == ESingle) && (ESingle < aNoOfVal)) //Received values are more than expected
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNEXPECTEDNUMBEROFVALUE,(char*)aOption.c_str());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(aOptionValue) //Is option value received? Any character after the option considered as value.
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(VALUENOTEXPECTED, (char*)aOption.c_str());
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNOPTION, (char*)aOption.c_str());
-Function to split the option name and option values.
-1. Ignore's the '=' symbol which is following the option. But this is an error, if that
-option does not expecting any value.
-2. Parses the value received with options.
-@param aFullName - Option with its value
-@param aOptionName - Option name put into this parameter
-@param aOptionValues - Option values put into this parameter
-@param aOptionValue - Set this flag if any value received with the option.
-void CmdLineHandler::ParseOption(const String& aFullName, String& aOptionName, StringList& aOptionValues, bool& aOptionValue)
- unsigned int optionEndLocation = aFullName.find("=");
- if(optionEndLocation != String::npos)
- {
- aOptionValue = true;
- aOptionName = aFullName.substr(0, optionEndLocation++);
- if(aFullName.length() == optionEndLocation)
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(VALUEEXPECTED, (char*)aOptionName.c_str());
- }
- String sub = aFullName.substr(optionEndLocation);
- char* optionValues = (char*)sub.c_str();
- //Get all the values; use (,) as delimiter
- char* value = strtok(optionValues,",");
- while(value != KNull)
- {
- String str(value);
- aOptionValues.push_back(ReaderUtil::ToLower(str));
- value = strtok(KNull,",");
- }
- return;
- }
- aOptionName = aFullName;
-Function to initialize the usage.
-void CmdLineHandler::Usage(void)
- iUsage.assign("imgcheck [options] <img1> [<img2 .. imgN>] \n"
- "imgcheck --e32input [options] (<file> | <directory>) \n"
- "\n"
- "options: \n"
- " -a, --all, Report all executable's status\n"
- " -q, --quiet, Command line display off\n"
- " -x, --xml, Generate XML report\n"
- " -o=xxx, --output=xxx Override default XML file name\n"
- " -v, --verbose, Verbose mode output\n"
- " -h, --help, Display this message\n"
- " -s=val1[,val2][...], --suppress=val1[,val2][...] \n"
- " Suppress one or more check,\n"
- " Possible values are dep, sid and vid\n"
- " --vidlist=val1[,val2][...] \n"
- " One or more VID value(s) \n"
- " --dep Enable dependency check\n"
- " --vid Enable VID check\n"
- " --sid Enable SID check, only EXEs are considered by default\n"
- " --sidall Include DLL also into SID check\n"
- " --dbg[=val] Enable Debug flag check,\n"
- " Optionally over ride the default value 'false'\n"
- " --e32input Switches the tool to filesystem mode\n"
- " -n, --nocheck Don't report any check(s) status\n");
-Function to return the usage.
-const String& CmdLineHandler::PrintUsage(void) const
- return iUsage;
-Function to prepare the version information.
-void CmdLineHandler::Version(void)
- iVersion.append(gToolDesc);
- iVersion.append(gMajorVersion);
- iVersion.append(gMinorVersion);
- iVersion.append(gMaintenanceVersion);
- iVersion.append(gCopyright);
-Function to return the version information.
-const String& CmdLineHandler::PrintVersion(void) const
- return iVersion;
-Function to return the image name one by one.
-@return - returns image name
-String CmdLineHandler::NextImageName(void)
- String imageName = iImageNameList.front();
- iImageNameList.pop_front();
- return imageName;
-Function to return the iCommmandFlag.
-@return - returns iCommmandFlag value.
-const unsigned int CmdLineHandler::ReportFlag(void) const
- return iCommmandFlag;
-Function to return the iXmlFileName.
-@return - returns iXmlFileName value.
-const String& CmdLineHandler::XmlReportName(void) const
- return iXmlFileName;
-Function to append the XML extension to the received XML name.
-void CmdLineHandler::NormaliseName(void)
- if (iXmlFileName.find(KXmlExtension) == String::npos)
- {
- iXmlFileName.append(KXmlExtension);
- }
-Function to validate the arguements to ensure that the tool is invoked with proper
-void CmdLineHandler::ValidateArguments(void) const
- unsigned int validations = EnabledValidations();
- validations = (validations & KMarkEnable) ? iValidations ^ KMarkEnable:validations; //disable MSB
- if( iCommmandFlag & QuietMode && !(iCommmandFlag & KXmlReport))
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(QUIETMODESELECTED);
- }
- if(!(iCommmandFlag & KXmlReport) && (iXmlFileName != GXmlFileName))
- {
- ExceptionReporter(XMLOPTION).Report();
- }
- if((iVidValList.size() > 0) && (validations & EVid) == 0)
- {
- }
- if((iCommmandFlag & KSidAll) && ((validations & ESid)==0))
- {
- ExceptionReporter(SIDALLCOMBINEDWITHSID).Report();
- }
- if( validations == ENone)
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(ALLCHECKSSUPPRESSED);
- }
- if(iNoImage)
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(NOIMAGE);
- }
-Function to return number of images received through command line.
-unsigned int CmdLineHandler::NoOfImages(void) const
- return iImageNameList.size();
-Function to return Validations needs to be performed.
-1. If any validation is enabled, then only enabled validations are carried.
-2. If any validation is suppressed, then all validations are carried execept the suppressed ones.
-@return - returns the enabled Validations
-const unsigned int CmdLineHandler::EnabledValidations(void) const
- if(iValidations > 0)
- {
- return iValidations;
- }
- return (iSuppressions ^ EAllValidation); //Enable unsuppressed options
-Function to convert strings to integers.
-1. If any validation is enabled, then only enabled validations are carried.
-2. If any validation is suppressed, then all validations are carried execept the suppressed ones.
-3. Throws an error if the value is not a decimal or hexadecimal one.
-@param aStrList - List VID values received at command line
-@param aUnIntList - Received values are validated and put into this container.
-void CmdLineHandler::StringListToUnIntList(StringList& aStrList, UnIntList& aUnIntList)
- String tempString;
- Long64 intValue = 0;
- while(aStrList.size() > 0)
- {
- tempString = aStrList.front();
- if(tempString.length() >= 2) //Hex number should start with '0x'
- {
- //is this an Hexadecimal number?
- if((tempString.at(0) == '0') && (tempString.at(1) == 'x'))
- {
- tempString = tempString.substr(2);
- unsigned int location = 0;
- if(!tempString.empty())
- {
- while(location < tempString.length()) //Ignore proceeding zeros.
- {
- if(tempString.at(location) == '0')
- {
- location++;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(INVALIDVIDVALUE,(char*)aStrList.front().c_str());
- }
- tempString = tempString.substr(location);
- if(tempString.empty() && location != 0)
- {
- tempString = '0';
- }
- unsigned int strLength = tempString.length();
- if(strLength <= KHexEightByte && strLength > 0)
- {
- if(tempString.find_first_not_of(KHexNumber) == String::npos)
- {
- aUnIntList.push_back(ReaderUtil::HexStrToInt(tempString));
- aStrList.pop_front();
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(DATAOVERFLOW,(char*)tempString.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- //is this an Decimal number?
- if(tempString.find_first_not_of(KDecNumber) == String::npos)
- {
- intValue = ReaderUtil::DecStrToInt(tempString);
- if(intValue <= KDecHighValue)
- {
- aUnIntList.push_back(intValue);
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(DATAOVERFLOW,(char*)tempString.c_str());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(INVALIDVIDVALUE,(char*)tempString.c_str());
- }
- aStrList.pop_front();
- }
-Function to return vid value list.
-@return - returns vid value list.
-UnIntList& CmdLineHandler::VidValueList()
- return iVidValList;
-Function to return input command string.
-@return - returns iInputCommand.
-const String& CmdLineHandler::Command() const
- return iInputCommand;
-Function identifies whether the image is already received or not.
-@return - returns true if the image is already received.
- - returns false if the image is not received already.
-bool CmdLineHandler::AlreadyReceived(String& aName)
- StringList::iterator nameBegin = iImageNameList.begin();
- StringList::iterator nameEnd = iImageNameList.end();
- while(nameBegin != nameEnd)
- {
- if(aName == *nameBegin)
- {
- return true;
- }
- ++nameBegin;
- }
- return false;
-Function to return debug flag value.
-@return - returns iDebuggableFlagVal.
-bool CmdLineHandler::DebuggableFlagVal()
- return iDebuggableFlagVal;
-Function to validate the e32 input.
-void CmdLineHandler::ValidateImageNameList(void)
- if(iImageNameList.size() > 1)
- {
- }
-Function to validate the e32 and no check option arguments.
-void CmdLineHandler::ValidateE32NoCheckArguments(void)
- if((iCommmandFlag & KE32Input) && !iValidations)
- {
- throw ExceptionReporter(NOVALIDATIONSENABLED);
- }
- if((iCommmandFlag & KE32Input) && (iValidations & (EDep | ESid)))
- {
- ExceptionReporter(INCORRECTVALUES).Report();
- }
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Commandline handler for imgcheck Tool, responsible to parse the
+* commandline options and preserve the data for later use
+#include "cmdlinehandler.h"
+Constructor initializes the iOptionMap with short and long option names as key and
+the value pair says whether the respective option can have value or not.
+:iDebuggableFlagVal(false),iXmlFileName(GXmlFileName), iNoImage(true), iCommmandFlag(0), iValidations(0), iSuppressions(0) {
+ iOptionMap[KLongHelpOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongAllOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongXmlOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongOutputOption] = ESingle; //option can have only 1 value
+ iOptionMap[KLongQuietOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongVerboseOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongSuppressOption]= EMultiple; //This value should be updated, while introducing new validations
+ iOptionMap[KLongVidValOption]= EMultiple;
+ iOptionMap[KShortHelpOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KShortAllOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KShortXmlOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KShortOutputOption] = ESingle; //option can have only 1 value
+ iOptionMap[KShortQuietOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KShortVerboseOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KShortSuppressOption] = EMultiple;
+ iOptionMap[KShortNoCheck] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongSidAllOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongEnableDepCheck] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongEnableSidCheck] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongEnableVidCheck] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongEnableDbgFlagCheck] = EOptional;
+ iOptionMap[KLongE32InputOption] = ENone;
+ iOptionMap[KLongNoCheck] = ENone;
+ iSuppressVal[KSuppressDependency] = EDep;
+ iSuppressVal[KSuppressSid] = ESid;
+ iSuppressVal[KSuppressVid] = EVid;
+ Version();
+ Usage();
+CmdLineHandler::~CmdLineHandler() {
+ iOptionMap.clear();
+ iImageNameList.clear();
+ iSuppressVal.clear();
+ iVidValList.clear();
+Function to parse the command line options.
+Responsible to
+1. Parse the input values.
+2. Print the usage note.
+3. Identify the valdations to be carried out.
+4. Type of report needs to be generated.
+@param aArgc - argument count
+@param aArgv[] - argument values
+ReturnType CmdLineHandler::ProcessCommandLine(unsigned int aArgc, char* aArgv[]) {
+ if(aArgc < 2) {
+ cout << PrintVersion().c_str() << endl;
+ cout << PrintUsage().c_str() << endl;
+ return EQuit;
+ }
+ //ArgumentList argumentList(&aArgv[0], aArgv + aArgc);
+ //int argCount = argumentList.size();
+ iInputCommand = KToolName;
+ for(unsigned int i = 1; i < aArgc; i++ ) {//Skip tool name
+ iInputCommand.append(1,' ');
+ char* arg = aArgv[i];
+ iInputCommand.append(arg);
+ int longOptionFlag = 0;
+ if(IsOption(arg, longOptionFlag)) {
+ bool optionValue = false;
+ cstrings optionValueList;
+ ParseOption(arg, optionValueList, optionValue);
+ string optionName(arg) ;
+ ReaderUtil::ToLower(optionName);
+ char shortOption = 0;
+ if(Validate(optionName, optionValue, optionValueList.size())) {
+ if(longOptionFlag) {
+ shortOption = optionName.at(2);
+ }
+ else {
+ shortOption = optionName.at(1);
+ }
+ }
+ switch(shortOption) {
+ case 'q':
+ iCommmandFlag |= QuietMode;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ iCommmandFlag |= KAll;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ iCommmandFlag |= KXmlReport;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ iXmlFileName = string(optionValueList.front());
+ NormaliseName();
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if((optionName == KShortSuppressOption) || (optionName == KLongSuppressOption)) {
+ int size = optionValueList.size();
+ for(int idx = 0 ; idx < size ; idx++) {
+ string value(optionValueList.at(idx));
+ SuppressionsMap::iterator it = iSuppressVal.find(value);
+ if(it != iSuppressVal.end()) {
+ if(iValidations > 0) { //Is any check enabled?
+ if(iValidations & it->second) {
+ iValidations ^= it->second; //Consider only 3 LSB's
+ }
+ }
+ else {//Is this valid value?
+ iSuppressions |= it->second;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNSUPPRESSVAL,optionValueList.at(idx));
+ }
+ }
+ optionValueList.clear();
+ }
+ else if(optionName == KLongEnableSidCheck) {
+ iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
+ iValidations |= ESid;
+ }
+ else if(optionName == KLongSidAllOption) {
+ iCommmandFlag |= KSidAll;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if(optionName == KLongEnableDbgFlagCheck) {
+ iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
+ iValidations |= EDbg;
+ if(optionValueList.size() > 0) {
+ if(strcmp(optionValueList.front(),"true") == 0) {
+ iDebuggableFlagVal = true;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(optionValueList.front(),"false") == 0) {
+ iDebuggableFlagVal = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNDBGVALUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (optionName == KLongEnableDepCheck) {
+ iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
+ iValidations |= EDep;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if (optionName == KLongE32InputOption) {
+ iCommmandFlag |= KE32Input;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if(optionName == KLongVidValOption) {
+ StringListToUnIntList(optionValueList, iVidValList);
+ }
+ else if(optionName == KLongEnableVidCheck) {
+ iValidations |= KMarkEnable;
+ iValidations |= EVid;
+ }
+ else {
+ iCommmandFlag |= KVerbose;
+ /**Initialize ExceptionImplementation class with verbose mode flag
+ to print all status information to standard output*/
+ ExceptionImplementation::Instance(iCommmandFlag);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ iCommmandFlag |= KNoCheck;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ cout << PrintVersion().c_str() << endl;
+ cout << PrintUsage().c_str() << endl;
+ return EQuit; //Don't proceed further
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!AlreadyReceived(arg)) {
+ iImageNameList.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ ExceptionReporter(IMAGENAMEALREADYRECEIVED, arg).Report();
+ }
+ iNoImage = false;
+ }
+ } //While loop ends here
+ if((iCommmandFlag || iValidations || iSuppressions) && iNoImage) {
+ PrintVersion();
+ PrintUsage();
+ }
+ //Always log the version information into log file
+ ExceptionImplementation::Instance(iCommmandFlag)->Log(iVersion);
+ ValidateArguments();
+ ValidateE32NoCheckArguments();
+ if(iCommmandFlag & KE32Input) {
+ ValidateImageNameList();
+ }
+ return ESuccess;
+Function identify whether the passed string is an option or not.
+@param aName - a string received as part of command line
+@param aLongOptionFlag - this flag is set if the option is long else
+it is assumed as short option.
+@return - returns true or false
+bool CmdLineHandler::IsOption(const char* aName, int& aLongOptionFlag) {
+ int prefixCount = 0;
+ int len = strlen(aName);
+ while(aName[prefixCount] == KShortOptionPrefix) {
+ if(len == ++prefixCount) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNOPTION, aName);
+ }
+ }
+ switch(prefixCount) {
+ case 0: //argument can be an image
+ return false;
+ case 1: // '-'
+ return true;
+ case 2: // '--'
+ aLongOptionFlag = 1;
+ return true;
+ default:
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNPREFIX, aName);
+ }
+Function to do syntax validation on the received option.
+1. Identifies whether the received option is valid or not.
+2. Identifies whether the option can have vaue or not.
+3. Throws an error if no value received for an option which should have value.
+4. Throws an error if more number of values received.
+5. Throws an error if an unwanted value received.
+6. Throws an error if the option is not a valid one.
+@param aOption - a string received as part of command line.
+@param aOptionValue - Whether option value received or not.
+@param aNoOfVal - Number of values received for this option.
+@return - returns true if it is a valid option
+bool CmdLineHandler::Validate(const string& aOption, bool aOptionValue, unsigned int aNoOfVal) {
+ if(iOptionMap.find(aOption) != iOptionMap.end()) {
+ if(iOptionMap[aOption]) {//Option can have value?
+ if((aNoOfVal == ENone) && (iOptionMap[aOption] != EOptional)) {//No values received?
+ throw ExceptionReporter(VALUEEXPECTED, aOption.c_str());
+ }
+ if((iOptionMap[aOption] == ESingle) && (ESingle < aNoOfVal)){ //Received values are more than expected
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNEXPECTEDNUMBEROFVALUE,aOption.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(aOptionValue) {//Is option value received? Any character after the option considered as value.
+ throw ExceptionReporter(VALUENOTEXPECTED, aOption.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ throw ExceptionReporter(UNKNOWNOPTION, aOption.c_str());
+Function to split the option name and option values.
+1. Ignore's the '=' symbol which is following the option. But this is an error, if that
+option does not expecting any value.
+2. Parses the value received with options.
+@param aFullName - Option with its value
+@param aOptionValues - Option values put into this parameter
+@param aOptionValue - Set this flag if any value received with the option.
+void CmdLineHandler::ParseOption(char* aFullName, cstrings& aOptionValues, bool& aOptionValue) {
+ //unsigned int optionEndLocation = aFullName.find('=');
+ char* p = strchr(aFullName,'=');
+ if(NULL != p) {
+ aOptionValue = true;
+ *p = 0 ;
+ p++ ;
+ if(0 == *p) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(VALUEEXPECTED, aFullName);
+ }
+ //Get all the values; use (,) as delimiter
+ char* start = p , *stop = p ;
+ bool cont = true ;
+ while(cont){
+ while(*stop != ',' && *stop != 0)
+ stop ++;
+ cont = (0 != *stop) ;
+ if(stop > start){
+ *stop = 0 ;
+ aOptionValues.push_back(start);
+ }
+ start = stop + 1;
+ stop = start ;
+ }
+ }
+Function to initialize the usage.
+void CmdLineHandler::Usage(void) {
+ iUsage.assign("syntax: imgcheck [options] <img1> [<img2 .. imgN>] \n"
+ "imgcheck --e32input [options] (<file> | <directory>) \n"
+ "\n"
+ "options: \n"
+ " -a, --all, Report all executable's status\n"
+ " -q, --quiet, Command line display off\n"
+ " -x, --xml, Generate XML report\n"
+ " -o=xxx, --output=xxx Override default XML file name\n"
+ " -v, --verbose, Verbose mode output\n"
+ " -h, --help, Display this message\n"
+ " -s=val1[,val2][...], --suppress=val1[,val2][...] \n"
+ " Suppress one or more check,\n"
+ " Possible values are dep, sid and vid\n"
+ " --vidlist=val1[,val2][...] \n"
+ " One or more VID value(s) \n"
+ " --dep Enable dependency check\n"
+ " --vid Enable VID check\n"
+ " --sid Enable SID check, only EXEs are considered by default\n"
+ " --sidall Include DLL also into SID check\n"
+ " --dbg[=val] Enable Debug flag check,\n"
+ " Optionally over ride the default value 'false'\n"
+ " --e32input Switches the tool to filesystem mode\n"
+ " -n, --nocheck Don't report any check(s) status\n");
+Function to return the usage.
+const string& CmdLineHandler::PrintUsage(void) const {
+ return iUsage;
+Function to prepare the version information.
+void CmdLineHandler::Version(void) {
+ iVersion.append(gToolDesc);
+ iVersion.append(gMajorVersion);
+ iVersion.append(gMinorVersion);
+ iVersion.append(gMaintenanceVersion);
+ iVersion.append(gCopyright);
+Function to return the version information.
+const string& CmdLineHandler::PrintVersion(void) const {
+ return iVersion;
+Function to return the image name one by one.
+@return - returns image name
+const char* CmdLineHandler::NextImageName(void) {
+ const char* imageName = 0 ;
+ if( iImageNameList.size() > 0 ) {
+ imageName = iImageNameList.at(0);
+ iImageNameList.erase(iImageNameList.begin());
+ }
+ return imageName;
+Function to return the iCommmandFlag.
+@return - returns iCommmandFlag value.
+const unsigned int CmdLineHandler::ReportFlag(void) const {
+ return iCommmandFlag;
+Function to return the iXmlFileName.
+@return - returns iXmlFileName value.
+const string& CmdLineHandler::XmlReportName(void) const {
+ return iXmlFileName;
+Function to append the XML extension to the received XML name.
+void CmdLineHandler::NormaliseName(void) {
+ if (iXmlFileName.find(KXmlExtension) == string::npos) {
+ iXmlFileName.append(KXmlExtension);
+ }
+Function to validate the arguements to ensure that the tool is invoked with proper
+void CmdLineHandler::ValidateArguments(void) const {
+ unsigned int validations = EnabledValidations();
+ validations = (validations & KMarkEnable) ? iValidations ^ KMarkEnable:validations; //disable MSB
+ if( iCommmandFlag & QuietMode && !(iCommmandFlag & KXmlReport)) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(QUIETMODESELECTED);
+ }
+ if(!(iCommmandFlag & KXmlReport) && (iXmlFileName != GXmlFileName)) {
+ ExceptionReporter(XMLOPTION).Report();
+ }
+ if((iVidValList.size() > 0) && (validations & EVid) == 0) {
+ }
+ if((iCommmandFlag & KSidAll) && ((validations & ESid)==0)) {
+ ExceptionReporter(SIDALLCOMBINEDWITHSID).Report();
+ }
+ if( validations == ENone) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(ALLCHECKSSUPPRESSED);
+ }
+ if(iNoImage) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(NOIMAGE);
+ }
+Function to return number of images received through command line.
+unsigned int CmdLineHandler::NoOfImages(void) const {
+ return iImageNameList.size();
+Function to return Validations needs to be performed.
+1. If any validation is enabled, then only enabled validations are carried.
+2. If any validation is suppressed, then all validations are carried execept the suppressed ones.
+@return - returns the enabled Validations
+const unsigned int CmdLineHandler::EnabledValidations(void) const {
+ if(iValidations > 0) {
+ return iValidations;
+ }
+ return (iSuppressions ^ EAllValidation); //Enable unsuppressed options
+static int indexOf(const char* str, char ch){
+ for(int i = 0 ; str[i] != 0 ; i++){
+ if(str[i] == ch)
+ return i ;
+ }
+ return -1 ;
+Function to convert cstrings to integers.
+1. If any validation is enabled, then only enabled validations are carried.
+2. If any validation is suppressed, then all validations are carried execept the suppressed ones.
+3. Throws an error if the value is not a decimal or hexadecimal one.
+@param aStrList - List VID values received at command line
+@param aUnIntList - Received values are validated and put into this container.
+void CmdLineHandler::StringListToUnIntList(cstrings& aStrList, UnIntList& aUnIntList) {
+ int size = aStrList.size();
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
+ const char* arg = aStrList.at(i);
+ unsigned int val = 0 ;
+ if('0' == arg[0] && 'x' == (arg[1] | 0x20)){ // hex
+ arg += 2;
+ const char* savedStr = arg ;
+ int index;
+ while(*arg){
+ if(val > 0x0fffffff)
+ throw ExceptionReporter(DATAOVERFLOW,savedStr);
+ index = indexOf(KHexNumber,*arg);
+ if(-1 == index)
+ throw ExceptionReporter(INVALIDVIDVALUE,savedStr);
+ val <<= 4 ;
+ val += index ;
+ arg ++ ;
+ }
+ }else{ // dec
+ const char* savedStr = arg ;
+ int index;
+ while(*arg){
+ if(val >= 0x1999999A) // 0xffffffff / 10
+ throw ExceptionReporter(DATAOVERFLOW,savedStr);
+ index = indexOf(KDecNumber,*arg);
+ if(-1 == index)
+ throw ExceptionReporter(INVALIDVIDVALUE,savedStr);
+ val *= 10 ;
+ val += index ;
+ arg ++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ aUnIntList.push_back(val);
+ }
+ aStrList.clear();
+Function to return vid value list.
+@return - returns vid value list.
+UnIntList& CmdLineHandler::VidValueList() {
+ return iVidValList;
+Function to return input command string.
+@return - returns iInputCommand.
+const string& CmdLineHandler::Command() const {
+ return iInputCommand;
+Function identifies whether the image is already received or not.
+@return - returns true if the image is already received.
+- returns false if the image is not received already.
+bool CmdLineHandler::AlreadyReceived(const char* aName) {
+ for(cstrings::iterator it = iImageNameList.begin(); it != iImageNameList.end();it++) {
+ if(aName == *it || strcmp(aName,*it) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Function to return debug flag value.
+@return - returns iDebuggableFlagVal.
+bool CmdLineHandler::DebuggableFlagVal() {
+ return iDebuggableFlagVal;
+Function to validate the e32 input.
+void CmdLineHandler::ValidateImageNameList(void) {
+ if(iImageNameList.size() > 1) {
+ }
+Function to validate the e32 and no check option arguments.
+void CmdLineHandler::ValidateE32NoCheckArguments(void) {
+ if((iCommmandFlag & KE32Input) && !iValidations) {
+ throw ExceptionReporter(NOVALIDATIONSENABLED);
+ }
+ if((iCommmandFlag & KE32Input) && (iValidations & (EDep | ESid))) {
+ ExceptionReporter(INCORRECTVALUES).Report();
+ }