changeset 590 360bd6b35136
parent 0 044383f39525
--- a/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/directory.cpp	Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/imglib/filesystem/source/directory.cpp	Wed Jun 23 16:56:47 2010 +0800
@@ -1,385 +1,550 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-* Directory class exports the functions required to construct either 
-* single entry (constructor) or to construct directory structure.
-* Also initializes the date and time attributes for all newly created
-* entries.
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "directory.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-1. To Initialize the date and time variable
-2. Also to initialize other variable's
-@param aEntryName - the entry name
-FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::CDirectory(char* aEntryName):
-						iEntryName(aEntryName),
-						iAttribute(0),
-						iNtReserved(KNTReserverdByte),
-						iCreationTimeMsecs(KCreateTimeInMsecs),
-						iClusterNumberHi(0),
-						iClusterNumberLow(0),
-						iFileSize (0) 
-	InitializeTime();
-1. To delete all the entries available in the form of directory structure
-2. Also to delete the current entry
-FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::~CDirectory()
-	while(iDirectoryList.size() > 0)
-	{
-		delete iDirectoryList.front();
-		iDirectoryList.pop_front();
-	}
-Function to initialize the time attributes of an entry
-void CDirectory::InitializeTime()
-	time_t rawtime;
-	time ( &rawtime );
-	iDateAndTime = localtime ( &rawtime );
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Day = iDateAndTime->tm_mday;
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Month = iDateAndTime->tm_mon+1; //As per FAT spec
-	iDate.iCurrentDate.Year = iDateAndTime->tm_year - 80;//As per FAT spec
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Hour = iDateAndTime->tm_hour;
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Minute = iDateAndTime->tm_min;
-	iTime.iCurrentTime.Seconds = iDateAndTime->tm_sec / 2;//As per FAT spec
-	iCreationDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iCreatedTime = iTime.iImageTime;
-	iLastAccessDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iLastWriteDate = iDate.iImageDate;
-	iLastWriteTime = iTime.iImageTime;
-Function to initialize the entry name
-@param aEntryName - entry name need to be initialized
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryName(String aEntryName)
-	iEntryName = aEntryName;
-Function to return the entry name
-@return iEntryName - the entry name
-FILESYSTEM_API String CDirectory::GetEntryName() const
-	return iEntryName;
-Function to initialize the file path
-@param aFilePath - where the current entry contents actually stored
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFilePath(char* aFilePath)
-	iFilePath.assign(aFilePath);
-Function to return the file path
-@return iFilePath - the file path
-FILESYSTEM_API String CDirectory::GetFilePath() const
-	return iFilePath;
-Function to set the entry attribute
-@param aAttribute - entry attribute
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryAttribute(char aAttribute)
-	iAttribute = aAttribute;
-Function to return the entry attribute
-@return iAttribute - the entry attribute
-FILESYSTEM_API char CDirectory::GetEntryAttribute() const
-	return iAttribute;
-Function to initialize the file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
-type File.
-@param aFileSize - the current entry file size
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFileSize(unsigned int aFileSize)
-	iFileSize = aFileSize;
-Function to return the entry file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
-type File.
-@return iFileSize - the file size
-FILESYSTEM_API unsigned int CDirectory::GetFileSize() const
-	return iFileSize;
-Function to check whether this is a file 
-@return iFileFlag - the File Flag
-bool CDirectory::IsFile() const 
-	return (iAttribute & EAttrDirectory) == 0  ;
-Function to return the entries Nt Reserved byte
-@return iNtReserverd - the Nt Reserved byte
-char CDirectory::GetNtReservedByte() const
-	return iNtReserved;
-Function to return the entry Creation time in milli-seconds.
-@return iCreatedTimeMsecs - created time in Milli-seconds
-char CDirectory::GetCreationTimeMsecs() const
-	return iCreationTimeMsecs;
-Function to return the entry Created time
-@retun iCreatedTime - created time
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreatedTime() const
-	return iCreatedTime;
-Function to return the entry Created date
-@return iCreationDate - created date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreationDate() const
-	return iCreationDate;
-Function to return the entry last accessed date
-@return iLastAccessDate - last access date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastAccessDate() const
-	return iLastAccessDate;
-Function to set high word cluster number
-@param aHiClusterNumber - high word of current cluster number
-void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberHi(unsigned short int aHiClusterNumber)
-	iClusterNumberHi = aHiClusterNumber;
-Function to return high word cluster number
-@return iClusterNumberHi - high word of cluster number
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberHi() const
-	return iClusterNumberHi;
-Function to set low word cluster number
-@param aLowClusterNumber - low word of current cluster number
-void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberLow(unsigned short int aLowClusterNumber)
-	iClusterNumberLow = aLowClusterNumber;
-Function to return low word cluster number
-@return iClusterNumberLow - low word of cluster number
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberLow() const
-	return iClusterNumberLow;
-Function to return last write date
-@return iLastWriteDate - last write date
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteDate() const
-	return iLastWriteDate;
-Function to return last write time
-@return iLastWriteTime - last write time
-unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteTime() const
-	return iLastWriteTime;
-Function to return sub directory/file list
-@return iDirectoryList -  entry list
-FILESYSTEM_API EntryList* CDirectory::GetEntryList()
-	return &iDirectoryList;
-Function to insert a entry into Directory list. Also this function can be used 
-extensively to construct tree form of directory structure.
-@param aEntry - the entry to be inserted
-FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::InsertIntoEntryList(CDirectory* aEntry)
-	iDirectoryList.push_back(aEntry);
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+* Directory class exports the functions required to construct either 
+* single entry (constructor) or to construct directory structure.
+* Also initializes the date and time attributes for all newly created
+* entries.
+* @internalComponent
+* @released
+#include "errorhandler.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+#include "utf16string.h"
+1. To Initialize the date and time variable
+2. Also to initialize other variable's
+@param aEntryName - the entry name
+FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::CDirectory(const char* aEntryName,CDirectory* aParent):
+						iEntryName(aEntryName),
+						iAttribute(0),
+						iNtReserved(KNTReserverdByte),
+						iCreationTimeMsecs(KCreateTimeInMsecs),
+						iClusterNumberHi(0),
+						iClusterNumberLow(0),
+						iFileSize (0), 
+						iParent(aParent) 
+	InitializeTime();
+	memset(iShortName,0x20,11);
+	iShortName[11] = 0 ; 
+	size_t length = iEntryName.length();
+	if(0 == length)
+	    return ;
+	if(0 == strcmp(aEntryName,".")){
+        iShortName[0] = '.' ;
+        return ;
+	}
+	if(0 == strcmp(aEntryName,"..")){
+        iShortName[0] = '.' ;
+        iShortName[1] = '.' ;
+        return ;
+    }
+    size_t lenOfSuffix = 0 ;
+    size_t dotPos = iEntryName.rfind('.',length);
+    size_t lenOfPrefix ;
+    if(dotPos != string::npos) {
+        lenOfSuffix = length - dotPos - 1;
+        lenOfPrefix = dotPos ;
+    }
+    else 
+        lenOfPrefix = length ;
+    size_t p  ;
+    char c ;
+    bool flag = false ;
+    for( p = 0 ; p < lenOfPrefix ; p ++) {
+        c = aEntryName[p];
+        if(c == 0x22 || c == 0x2A || c == 0x2B || c == 0x2C || c == 0x2E || c == 0x2F || \
+           c == 0x3A || c == 0x3B || c == 0x3C || c == 0x3D || c == 0x3E || c == 0x3 || \
+           c == 0x5B || c == 0x5C || c == 0x5D || c == 0x7C )  { // illegal characters ;
+            flag = true ;
+            break ;
+        }  
+    }
+    lenOfPrefix = p ;
+    if(lenOfPrefix > 8){
+        flag = true ;
+    }    
+    if(flag){
+        size_t len =  (6 <= p) ? 6 : p;
+        memcpy(iShortName,aEntryName,len);
+        iShortName[len] = '~';
+        iShortName[len + 1] = '1' ;
+		if(lenOfSuffix > 0){
+			memcpy(&iShortName[8],&aEntryName[dotPos + 1], ((3 <= lenOfSuffix) ? 3 : lenOfSuffix));
+		}
+		for(p = 0 ; p < 11 ; p++){
+			if(iShortName[p] >= 'a' && iShortName[p] <= 'z')
+				iShortName[p] = iShortName[p] + 'A' - 'a' ;
+		}
+		if(iParent)
+			iParent->MakeUniqueShortName(iShortName,len);
+    }
+    else {
+        memcpy(iShortName,aEntryName,lenOfPrefix);
+		if(lenOfSuffix > 0){
+			memcpy(&iShortName[8],&aEntryName[dotPos + 1], ((3 <= lenOfSuffix) ? 3 : lenOfSuffix));
+		}
+		for(p = 0 ; p < 11 ; p++){
+			if(iShortName[p] >= 'a' && iShortName[p] <= 'z')
+				iShortName[p] = iShortName[p] + 'A' - 'a' ;
+		}
+    }
+void CDirectory::MakeUniqueShortName(unsigned char* rShortName,size_t aWavPos) const { 
+	list<CDirectory*>::const_iterator i = iDirectoryList.begin();
+	unsigned char nIndex = 1 ;
+	while(i != iDirectoryList.end()){
+		CDirectory* dir = (CDirectory*)(*i); 
+		if(0 == memcmp(rShortName,dir->iShortName,aWavPos + 1) &&
+			0 == memcmp(&rShortName[8],&(dir->iShortName[8]),3)) {
+			nIndex ++ ;
+		}
+		i++ ;
+	} 
+	if(nIndex < 10)
+		rShortName[aWavPos + 1] =  ('0' + nIndex) ;
+	else if( nIndex < 36) 
+		rShortName[aWavPos + 1] =  ('A' + nIndex - 10) ;
+	else {
+		nIndex = 10 ;
+		rShortName[aWavPos-1] = '~';
+		i = iDirectoryList.begin();
+		while(i != iDirectoryList.end()){
+			CDirectory* dir = (CDirectory*)(*i);
+			if(0 == memcmp(rShortName,dir->iShortName,aWavPos) &&
+				0 == memcmp(&rShortName[8],&(dir->iShortName[8]),3))
+				nIndex ++ ;
+			i++ ;
+		}
+		sprintf((char*)(&rShortName[aWavPos]),"%u",(unsigned int)(nIndex));
+		rShortName[aWavPos + 2] = 0x20;
+	}
+1. To delete all the entries available in the form of directory structure
+2. Also to delete the current entry
+FILESYSTEM_API CDirectory::~CDirectory()
+	while(iDirectoryList.size() > 0)
+	{
+		delete iDirectoryList.front();
+		iDirectoryList.pop_front();
+	}
+Function to initialize the time attributes of an entry
+void CDirectory::InitializeTime()
+	time_t rawtime;
+	time ( &rawtime );
+	iDateAndTime = localtime ( &rawtime );
+	iDate.iCurrentDate.Day = iDateAndTime->tm_mday;
+	iDate.iCurrentDate.Month = iDateAndTime->tm_mon+1; //As per FAT spec
+	iDate.iCurrentDate.Year = iDateAndTime->tm_year - 80;//As per FAT spec
+	iTime.iCurrentTime.Hour = iDateAndTime->tm_hour;
+	iTime.iCurrentTime.Minute = iDateAndTime->tm_min;
+	iTime.iCurrentTime.Seconds = iDateAndTime->tm_sec / 2;//As per FAT spec
+	iCreationDate = iDate.iImageDate;
+	iCreatedTime = iTime.iImageTime;
+	iLastAccessDate = iDate.iImageDate;
+	iLastWriteDate = iDate.iImageDate;
+	iLastWriteTime = iTime.iImageTime;
+Function to initialize the entry name
+@param aEntryName - entry name need to be initialized
+FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryName(string aEntryName)
+	iEntryName = aEntryName;
+Function to return the entry name
+@return iEntryName - the entry name
+FILESYSTEM_API string CDirectory::GetEntryName() const
+	return iEntryName;
+Function to initialize the file path
+@param aFilePath - where the current entry contents actually stored
+FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFilePath(char* aFilePath)
+	iFilePath.assign(aFilePath);
+Function to return the file path
+@return iFilePath - the file path
+FILESYSTEM_API string CDirectory::GetFilePath() const
+	return iFilePath;
+Function to set the entry attribute
+@param aAttribute - entry attribute
+FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetEntryAttribute(char aAttribute)
+	iAttribute = aAttribute;
+Function to return the entry attribute
+@return iAttribute - the entry attribute
+FILESYSTEM_API char CDirectory::GetEntryAttribute() const
+	return iAttribute;
+Function to initialize the file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
+type File.
+@param aFileSize - the current entry file size
+FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::SetFileSize(unsigned int aFileSize)
+	iFileSize = aFileSize;
+Function to return the entry file size, this function is called only if the entry is of
+type File.
+@return iFileSize - the file size
+FILESYSTEM_API unsigned int CDirectory::GetFileSize() const
+	return iFileSize;
+Function to check whether this is a file 
+@return iFileFlag - the File Flag
+bool CDirectory::IsFile() const 
+	return (iAttribute & EAttrDirectory) == 0  ;
+Function to return the entries Nt Reserved byte
+@return iNtReserverd - the Nt Reserved byte
+char CDirectory::GetNtReservedByte() const
+	return iNtReserved;
+Function to return the entry Creation time in milli-seconds.
+@return iCreatedTimeMsecs - created time in Milli-seconds
+char CDirectory::GetCreationTimeMsecs() const
+	return iCreationTimeMsecs;
+Function to return the entry Created time
+@retun iCreatedTime - created time
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreatedTime() const
+	return iCreatedTime;
+Function to return the entry Created date
+@return iCreationDate - created date
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetCreationDate() const
+	return iCreationDate;
+Function to return the entry last accessed date
+@return iLastAccessDate - last access date
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastAccessDate() const
+	return iLastAccessDate;
+Function to set high word cluster number
+@param aHiClusterNumber - high word of current cluster number
+void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberHi(unsigned short int aHiClusterNumber)
+	iClusterNumberHi = aHiClusterNumber;
+Function to return high word cluster number
+@return iClusterNumberHi - high word of cluster number
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberHi() const
+	return iClusterNumberHi;
+Function to set low word cluster number
+@param aLowClusterNumber - low word of current cluster number
+void CDirectory::SetClusterNumberLow(unsigned short int aLowClusterNumber)
+	iClusterNumberLow = aLowClusterNumber;
+Function to return low word cluster number
+@return iClusterNumberLow - low word of cluster number
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetClusterNumberLow() const
+	return iClusterNumberLow;
+Function to return last write date
+@return iLastWriteDate - last write date
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteDate() const
+	return iLastWriteDate;
+Function to return last write time
+@return iLastWriteTime - last write time
+unsigned short int CDirectory::GetLastWriteTime() const
+	return iLastWriteTime;
+Function to return sub directory/file list
+@return iDirectoryList -  entry list
+FILESYSTEM_API EntryList* CDirectory::GetEntryList()
+	return &iDirectoryList;
+Function to insert a entry into Directory list. Also this function can be used 
+extensively to construct tree form of directory structure.
+@param aEntry - the entry to be inserted
+FILESYSTEM_API void CDirectory::InsertIntoEntryList(CDirectory* aEntry)
+    aEntry->iParent = this ;
+	iDirectoryList.push_back(aEntry);
+FILESYSTEM_API bool CDirectory::GetShortEntry(TShortDirEntry& rEntry) {
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_Name,iShortName,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_Name)); 
+    rEntry.DIR_Attr = iAttribute;
+    rEntry.DIR_NTRes = 0 ;
+    rEntry.DIR_CrtTimeTenth = 0 ;        
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_CrtTime,&iCreatedTime,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_CrtTime)); 
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_CrtDate,&iCreationDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_CrtDate));
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_LstAccDate,&iLastAccessDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_LstAccDate));
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FstClusHI,&iClusterNumberHi,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FstClusHI)); 
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_WrtTime,&iLastWriteTime,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_WrtTime)); 
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_WrtDate,&iLastWriteDate,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_WrtDate)); 
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FstClusLO,&iClusterNumberLow,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FstClusLO)); 
+    memcpy(rEntry.DIR_FileSize,&iFileSize,sizeof(rEntry.DIR_FileSize)); 
+    return true ;
+static unsigned char ChkSum(const unsigned char* pFcbName) {
+    short fcbNameLen ;
+    unsigned char sum = 0 ;
+    for(fcbNameLen = 11 ; fcbNameLen != 0 ; fcbNameLen --) {
+        sum = ((sum & 1) ? 0x80 : 0 ) + (sum >> 1 ) + *pFcbName++ ; 
+    }
+    return sum ;        
+FILESYSTEM_API bool CDirectory::GetLongEntries(list<TLongDirEntry>& rEntries) {
+    if(0 ==".") || 0 =="..")){
+        return false ;
+    }
+    rEntries.clear();
+    TLongDirEntry entry ; 
+	UTF16String uniStr(iEntryName.c_str() , iEntryName.length());
+    size_t length = uniStr.length() ;
+    const size_t KBytesPerEntry = (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1) + sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2) +  \
+		sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3)) / 2 ;  
+    size_t packs =  (length + KBytesPerEntry) / KBytesPerEntry  ;
+    size_t buflen = packs * KBytesPerEntry;
+    TUint16* buffer = new TUint16[buflen];
+    if(!buffer)
+        return false ;
+    memset(buffer,0xff,(buflen << 1));    
+    memcpy(buffer,uniStr.c_str(),(length << 1)); 
+	buffer[length] = 0;
+    entry.LDIR_Attr = (unsigned char)EAttrLongName;
+    entry.LDIR_Chksum = ChkSum(iShortName);
+    entry.LDIR_FstClusLO[0] = 0;
+	entry.LDIR_FstClusLO[1] = 0;
+    entry.LDIR_Type = 0;
+    TUint16* ptr = buffer ;
+    for(size_t n = 1 ; n <= packs ; n++ ) {
+        entry.LDIR_Ord = n ;
+        if(n == packs ){
+            entry.LDIR_Ord |= 0x40 ;
+        }
+        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name1,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1));
+        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name1) / 2) ;
+        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name2,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2));
+        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name2) / 2);
+        memcpy(entry.LDIR_Name3,ptr,sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3));
+        ptr += (sizeof(entry.LDIR_Name3) / 2);
+        rEntries.push_front(entry);
+    }
+    delete []buffer ;
+    return true ; 