--- a/imgtools/romtools/readimage/src/rom_image_reader.cpp Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/readimage/src/rom_image_reader.cpp Wed Jun 23 16:56:47 2010 +0800
@@ -1,953 +1,913 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* @internalComponent
-* @released
-#include <e32rom.h>
-#include "rom_image_reader.h"
-#include "r_rom.h"
-void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
-RomImageFSEntry::RomImageFSEntry (const char* aName) : iName(aName), iSibling(0), iChildren(0) {
-RomImageFSEntry::~RomImageFSEntry() {
- if(iChildren){
- delete iChildren;
- iChildren = NULL ;
- }
- if(iSibling){
- delete iSibling ;
- iSibling = NULL ;
- }
-//Rom Image header
-RomImageHeader::RomImageHeader(char* aHdr, EImageType aImgType)
- switch( aImgType)
- {
- case EROM_IMAGE:
- iLoaderHdr = (TRomLoaderHeader*)aHdr;
- iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)(aHdr + sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader));
- iExtRomHdr = 0;
- break;
- iExtRomHdr = (TExtensionRomHeader*)(aHdr);
- iRomHdr = 0;
- iLoaderHdr = 0;
- break;
- iLoaderHdr = 0;
- iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)aHdr;
- iExtRomHdr = 0;
- break;
- default:
- iExtRomHdr = 0;
- iRomHdr = 0;
- iLoaderHdr = 0;
- break ;
- }
-void RomImageHeader::DumpRomHdr()
- if(iLoaderHdr)
- *out << "ROM Image " << endl << endl;
- else
- *out << "Bare ROM Image" << endl << endl;
- TUint aPos = 0;
- bool aContinue = true;
- *out << "Image Signature .................";
- if(iLoaderHdr){
- TText *aRomName = reinterpret_cast<TText *>(iLoaderHdr) ;
- while (aPos < KRomNameSize) {
- *out << (char)aRomName[aPos++];
- }
- }
- *out << endl << endl;
- DumpInHex("Timestamp", (iRomHdr->iTime >> 32)) ;
- DumpInHex(" ", (iRomHdr->iTime &0xffffffff), aContinue) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomBase", iRomHdr->iRomBase) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomSize", iRomHdr->iRomSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("KernelDataAddress", iRomHdr->iKernDataAddress) << endl;
- DumpInHex("KernelLimit", iRomHdr->iKernelLimit) << endl;
- DumpInHex("PrimaryFile", iRomHdr->iPrimaryFile) << endl;
- DumpInHex("SecondaryFile", iRomHdr->iSecondaryFile) << endl;
- DumpInHex("CheckSum", iRomHdr->iCheckSum) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Hardware", iRomHdr->iHardware) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Language", (TUint)(iRomHdr->iLanguage >> 32));
- DumpInHex(" ", ((TUint)(iRomHdr->iLanguage & 0xffffffff)), aContinue) <<endl;
- DumpInHex("KernelConfigFlags", iRomHdr->iKernelConfigFlags) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomExceptionSearchTable", iRomHdr->iRomExceptionSearchTable) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomHeaderSize", iRomHdr->iRomHeaderSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomSectionHeader", iRomHdr->iRomSectionHeader) << endl;
- DumpInHex("TotalSvDataSize", iRomHdr->iTotalSvDataSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("VariantFile", iRomHdr->iVariantFile) << endl;
- DumpInHex("ExtensionFile", iRomHdr->iExtensionFile) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RelocInfo", iRomHdr->iRelocInfo) << endl;
- DumpInHex("OldTraceMask", iRomHdr->iOldTraceMask) << endl;
- DumpInHex("UserDataAddress", iRomHdr->iUserDataAddress) << endl;
- DumpInHex("TotalUserDataSize", iRomHdr->iTotalUserDataSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("DebugPort", iRomHdr->iDebugPort) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Version", iRomHdr->iVersion.iMajor, false, 2);
- DumpInHex(".", iRomHdr->iVersion.iMinor, aContinue, 2);
- DumpInHex("(" ,iRomHdr->iVersion.iBuild, aContinue, 2);
- *out << ")" << endl;
- DumpInHex("CompressionType", iRomHdr->iCompressionType) << endl;
- DumpInHex("CompressedSize", iRomHdr->iCompressedSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("UncompressedSize", iRomHdr->iUncompressedSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("HcrFileAddress", iRomHdr->iHcrFileAddress) << endl;
- DumpInHex("DisabledCapabilities", iRomHdr->iDisabledCapabilities[0]);
- DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iDisabledCapabilities[1], aContinue) << endl;
- DumpInHex("TraceMask", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[0]);
- aPos = 1;
- while( aPos < (TUint)KNumTraceMaskWords)
- {
- if(iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos])
- {
- DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos++], aContinue);
- }
- else
- {
- DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos++], aContinue, 1);
- }
- }
- *out << endl << endl;
-void RomImageHeader::DumpRomXHdr()
- *out << "Extension ROM Image" << endl << endl;
- bool aContinue = true;
- DumpInHex("Timestamp", (iExtRomHdr->iTime >> 32)) ;
- DumpInHex(" ", (iExtRomHdr->iTime &0xffffffff), aContinue) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomBase", iExtRomHdr->iRomBase) << endl;
- DumpInHex("RomSize", iExtRomHdr->iRomSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("CheckSum", iExtRomHdr->iCheckSum) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Version", iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iMajor, false, 2);
- DumpInHex(".", iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iMinor, aContinue, 2);
- DumpInHex("(" ,iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iBuild, aContinue, 2);
- *out << ")" << endl;
- DumpInHex("CompressionType", iExtRomHdr->iCompressionType) << endl;
- DumpInHex("CompressedSize", iExtRomHdr->iCompressedSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("UncompressedSize", iExtRomHdr->iUncompressedSize) << endl;
- *out << endl << endl;
-//Rom Image reader
-RomImageReader::RomImageReader(const char* aFile, EImageType aImgType) :
-ImageReader(aFile), iImageHeader(0),
- iRomImageRootDirEntry = new RomImageDirEntry("");
- if(iFile.is_open())
- iFile.close();
- if(iHeaderBuffer)
- delete []iHeaderBuffer;
- if(iRomLayoutData)
- delete []iRomLayoutData;
- delete iRomImageRootDirEntry;
-void RomImageReader::ReadImage()
- if(iFile.is_open()) return ;
- iFile.open(iImgFileName.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in);
- if( !iFile.is_open() ) {
- throw ImageReaderException(iImgFileName.c_str(), "Cannot open file ");
- }
- TUint headerSize = GetHdrSize() ;
- if(headerSize > 0){
- iHeaderBuffer = new char[headerSize];
- iFile.read(iHeaderBuffer,headerSize);
- }
-void RomImageReader::Validate()
-TUint32 RomImageReader::GetImageCompressionType()
- if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
- return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iCompressionType;
- else
- return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iCompressionType;
-TLinAddr RomImageReader::GetRomBase()
- if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
- return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase ;
- else
- return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomBase;
-TLinAddr RomImageReader::GetRootDirList()
- if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
- return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
- else
- return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
-TUint RomImageReader::GetHdrSize()
- TUint headerSize = 0;
- if(EROM_IMAGE == iImgType){
- headerSize = sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) + sizeof(TRomHeader);
- }else if(EROMX_IMAGE == iImgType){
- headerSize = sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader);
- }else if(EBAREROM_IMAGE == iImgType){
- headerSize = sizeof(TRomHeader);
- }
- return headerSize;
-static const TInt KIOBytes = 0x100000;
-// reading a huge buffer at a time is very slow, reading 1MB bytes at a time is much faster
-void RomImageReader::ReadData(char* aBuffer, TUint aLength)
- TUint readBytes = 0 ;
- while(readBytes < aLength){
- TUint toRead = KIOBytes;
- if(readBytes + toRead > aLength)
- toRead = aLength - readBytes ;
- iFile.read(&aBuffer[readBytes],toRead);
- readBytes += toRead ;
- }
-void RomImageReader::ProcessImage()
- if(iRomLayoutData) return ;
- iImageHeader = new RomImageHeader(iHeaderBuffer, iImgType);
- iFile.seekg(0, ios::end);
- // fileSize
- TUint fileSize = iFile.tellg();
- //let's skip the RomLoaderHeader
- TUint romDataBegin = (EROM_IMAGE == iImgType) ? sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) : 0 ;
- iFile.seekg(romDataBegin,ios::beg);
- if(EROMX_IMAGE == iImgType){// EROMX_IMAGE, just set the iUnpagedRomBuffer
- if(GetImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate){
- TUint32 readLen = fileSize - sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader) ;
- iRomSize = iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iUncompressedSize ;
- iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
- char* temp = new char[readLen];
- // header is not compressed.
- iFile.read(iRomLayoutData,sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
- ReadData(temp ,readLen);
- TUint8* uncompressDest = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(iRomLayoutData + sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
- InflateUnCompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(temp),readLen,uncompressDest,iRomSize - sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
- delete []temp ;
- }else{
- iRomSize = fileSize ;
- iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
- ReadData(iRomLayoutData,iRomSize);
- }
- } // end EROMX_IMAGE
- else {
- const TInt KPageSize = 0x1000;
- TRomHeader *hdr = iImageHeader->iRomHdr;
- iRomSize = hdr->iUncompressedSize ;
- iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
- char* curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData ;
- TUint totalReadBytes = 0;
- bool hasPageableSec = (hdr->iPageableRomStart > 0 && hdr->iPageableRomSize > 0) ;
- // read data before unpaged
- ReadData(curDataPointer,hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart);
- curDataPointer += hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart ;
- totalReadBytes += hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
- // read the unpaged part, if compressed , then decompress
- if(GetImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate){
- char* temp = new char[hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize];
- ReadData(temp,hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize);
- totalReadBytes += hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize;
- InflateUnCompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(temp),hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize,reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(curDataPointer) ,hdr->iUnpagedUncompressedSize);
- delete []temp ;
- }else{
- TUint unpagedSeclen ;
- if(hasPageableSec) { // there is paged section
- unpagedSeclen = hdr->iPageableRomStart - hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
- }else{
- unpagedSeclen = iRomSize - hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
- }
- ReadData(curDataPointer,unpagedSeclen);
- totalReadBytes += unpagedSeclen ;
- }
- curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData + totalReadBytes;
- //if there is a paged section , read and extract it
- // read the paged section,
- if(hasPageableSec){
- if((TUint)(hdr->iPageableRomStart + hdr->iPageableRomSize) > iRomSize){
- throw ImageReaderException("Incorrect values of ROM header fields.", "");
- }
- if(0 == hdr->iRomPageIndex){ //
- // no compression for paged section ,just read it
- iFile.read(curDataPointer,iRomSize - totalReadBytes);
- }
- else{
- //aligment calculation
- TUint pagedSecOffset = (totalReadBytes + KPageSize - 1) & (~(KPageSize - 1));
- if(pagedSecOffset > totalReadBytes){
- // there are gap bytes between unpaged and paged sections
- iFile.read(curDataPointer,pagedSecOffset - totalReadBytes);
- curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData + pagedSecOffset;
- }
- TUint pagedIndexCount = ( hdr->iUncompressedSize + KPageSize - 1) / KPageSize;
- // how many bytes ?
- // the page index table include the unpaged part ;
- TUint firstPagedIndexTblItem = hdr->iPageableRomStart / KPageSize;
- TUint tempBufLen = KPageSize << 8;
- char* readBuffer = new char[tempBufLen];
- TUint8* src,*srcNext = NULL;
- SRomPageInfo* pageInfo = reinterpret_cast<SRomPageInfo*>(&iRomLayoutData[hdr->iRomPageIndex]);
- CBytePair bp(EFalse);
- for(TUint i = firstPagedIndexTblItem ; i < pagedIndexCount ; i+= 256){
- TUint endIndex = i + 255 ;
- if(endIndex >= pagedIndexCount)
- endIndex = pagedIndexCount - 1;
- TUint readLen = pageInfo[endIndex].iDataStart + pageInfo[endIndex].iDataSize - pageInfo[i].iDataStart ;
- iFile.read(readBuffer,readLen);
- src = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(readBuffer);
- for(TUint j = i ; j <= endIndex ; j++){
- switch(pageInfo[j].iCompressionType)
- {
- case SRomPageInfo::EBytePair:
- {
- TInt unpacked = bp.Decompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(curDataPointer), KPageSize, src, pageInfo[j].iDataSize, srcNext);
- if (unpacked < 0) {
- delete []readBuffer;
- throw ImageReaderException("Corrupted BytePair compressed ROM image", "");
- }
- curDataPointer += unpacked;
- break ;
- }
- case SRomPageInfo::ENoCompression:
- memcpy(curDataPointer,src,pageInfo[j].iDataSize);
- curDataPointer += pageInfo[j].iDataSize ;
- break ;
- default:
- delete []readBuffer;
- throw ImageReaderException("Undefined compression type", "");
- break ;
- }
- src += pageInfo[j].iDataSize;
- } // end for(TUint j = i ; j <= endIndex ; j++)
- } // end for(TUint i = firstPagedIndexTblItem ; i < pagedIndexCount ; i+= 256)
- delete []readBuffer ;
- }// else
- } // if(hasPageableSec)
- }
- TUint32 offset = GetRootDirList() - GetRomBase();
- TRomRootDirectoryList* rootDirList = reinterpret_cast<TRomRootDirectoryList*>(iRomLayoutData + offset );
- TInt dirCount = rootDirList->iNumRootDirs ;
- string tempName ;
- for(TInt i = 0 ; i < dirCount ; i++) {
- offset = rootDirList->iRootDir[i].iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
- TRomDir* romDir = reinterpret_cast<TRomDir*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
- Name(tempName,reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(romDir->iEntry.iName),romDir->iEntry.iNameLength);
- BuildDir(romDir, iRomImageRootDirEntry);
- }
-void RomImageReader::BuildDir(TRomDir* aDir, RomImageFSEntry* aPaFSEntry)
- TInt processBytes = 0 ;
- TInt totalDirBytes = aDir->iSize - sizeof(aDir->iSize);
- TRomEntry* entry = &aDir->iEntry;
- RomImageFSEntry *fsEntry ;
- string name ;
- const char* pritableName = "";
- while(processBytes < totalDirBytes){
- Name(name,reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(entry->iName),entry->iNameLength);
- pritableName = name.c_str();
- if(entry->iAtt & 0x10) { // is a directory
- fsEntry = new RomImageDirEntry(pritableName);
- AddChild(aPaFSEntry,fsEntry,NULL);
- TUint offset = entry->iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
- TRomDir* subFolder = reinterpret_cast<TRomDir*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
- BuildDir(subFolder,fsEntry);
- }
- else{
- fsEntry = new RomImageFileEntry(pritableName);
- AddChild(aPaFSEntry,fsEntry,entry);
- }
- // increase the processedBytes
- processBytes += (entry->iNameLength << 1) + reinterpret_cast<TInt>(entry->iName) - reinterpret_cast<TInt>(entry);
- //align to next 4 bytes
- processBytes = (processBytes + 3) & ( ~3 );
- // get next entry
- entry = reinterpret_cast<TRomEntry*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&aDir->iEntry) + processBytes);
- }
-void RomImageReader::AddChild(RomImageFSEntry *aParent, RomImageFSEntry *aChild, TRomEntry* aRomEntry)
- if(!aParent->iChildren)
- aParent->iChildren = aChild;
- else {
- RomImageFSEntry *aLast = aParent->iChildren;
- while(aLast->iSibling)
- aLast = aLast->iSibling;
- aLast->iSibling = aChild;
- }
- if(!aChild->IsDirectory()) {
- RomImageFileEntry* file = static_cast<RomImageFileEntry*>(aChild);
- file->iTRomEntryPtr = aRomEntry;
- if(aRomEntry->iAddressLin > GetRomBase()) {
- TUint32 offset = aRomEntry->iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
- TRomImageHeader* imgHdr = reinterpret_cast<TRomImageHeader*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
- file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = imgHdr;
- TUint8 aUid1[4];
- memcpy(aUid1, &file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry->iUid1, 4);
- if( ReaderUtil::IsExecutable(aUid1) ) {
- file->iExecutable = true;
- }
- else {
- file->iExecutable = false;
- file->ImagePtr.iDataFileAddr = aRomEntry->iAddressLin;
- }
- }
- else {
- file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = NULL;
- }
- }
- if(aParent != iRomImageRootDirEntry) {
- aChild->iPath = aParent->iPath;
- aChild->iPath += DIR_SEPARATOR;
- aChild->iPath += aParent->iName.c_str();
- }
-void RomImageReader::Name(string& aName, const wchar_t* aUnicodeName, TUint aLen)
- char* temp = (char*)_alloca((aLen << 1) + 1) ;
- size_t n = wcsrtombs(temp,&aUnicodeName,aLen,NULL);
- if(n == (size_t)-1){ // the unicode string can not be coverted.
- aName = "???";
- }
- temp[n] = 0;
- if(n > 0)
- aName.assign(temp,n) ;
- else
- aName = "";
-void RomImageReader::DumpTree()
- RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry = iRomImageRootDirEntry;
- if( aFsEntry->iChildren )
- DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iChildren);
-void RomImageReader::DumpDirStructure()
- *out << "Directory Listing" << endl;
- *out << "=================" << endl;
- int aPadding = 0;
- if( iRomImageRootDirEntry ){
- DumpDirStructure(iRomImageRootDirEntry, aPadding);
- }
- *out << endl << endl;
-void RomImageReader::DumpDirStructure(RomImageFSEntry* aEntry, int &aPadding)
- if(!aEntry)
- return;
- int aPadLen = 2 * aPadding;//scaling for legibility
- for (int i = 0; i < aPadLen; i++)
- *out << " ";
- *out << aEntry->Name() << endl;
- if( aEntry->iChildren){
- aPadding++;
- DumpDirStructure(aEntry->iChildren, aPadding);
- aPadding--;
- }
- DumpDirStructure(aEntry->iSibling, aPadding);
-void RomImageReader::DumpSubTree(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry)
- if(!aFsEntry)
- return;
- if( aFsEntry->iChildren ){
- DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iChildren);
- }
- if( aFsEntry->iSibling )
- DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iSibling);
- RomImageFSEntry *aEntry = aFsEntry;
- if(!aEntry->IsDirectory()) {
- *out << "********************************************************************" << endl;
- *out << "File........................" << aEntry->iPath.c_str() << DIR_SEPARATOR << aEntry->Name() << endl;
- if( ((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry)->iExecutable ) {
- DumpImage((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry);
- }
- else{
- *out << "Linear Addr................." << ((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry)->ImagePtr.iDataFileAddr << endl;
- }
- }
-void RomImageReader::DumpImage(RomImageFileEntry * aEntry)
- bool aContinue = true;
- DumpInHex("Load Address", aEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Size", aEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize) << endl;
- TRomImageHeader *aRomImgEntry = aEntry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
- if( !aRomImgEntry )
- return;
- //UIDs
- DumpInHex("Uids", aRomImgEntry->iUid1);
- DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUid2, aContinue);
- DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUid3, aContinue);
- DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUidChecksum, aContinue) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Entry point", aRomImgEntry->iEntryPoint) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Code start addr", aRomImgEntry->iCodeAddress) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Data start addr", aRomImgEntry->iDataAddress) << endl;
- DumpInHex("DataBssLinearBase", aRomImgEntry->iDataBssLinearBase) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Text size", aRomImgEntry->iTextSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Code size", aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Data size", aRomImgEntry->iDataSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Bss size", (aRomImgEntry->iBssSize)) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Total data size", aRomImgEntry->iTotalDataSize) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Heap min", aRomImgEntry->iHeapSizeMin) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Heap max", aRomImgEntry->iHeapSizeMax) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Stack size", aRomImgEntry->iStackSize) << endl;
- TDllRefTable *aRefTbl = NULL;
- if( aRomImgEntry->iDllRefTable ) {
- TUint32 aOff = (TUint32)aRomImgEntry->iDllRefTable - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
- aRefTbl = (TDllRefTable*) ((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aOff);
- TUint32 aVirtualAddr = (TUint32)aRefTbl->iEntry[0];
- DumpInHex("Dll ref table", aVirtualAddr) << endl;
- }
- DumpInHex("Export directory", aRomImgEntry->iExportDir) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Export dir count", aRomImgEntry->iExportDirCount) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Hardware variant", aRomImgEntry->iHardwareVariant) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Flags", aRomImgEntry->iFlags) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Secure ID", aRomImgEntry->iS.iSecureId) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Vendor ID", aRomImgEntry->iS.iVendorId) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Capability", aRomImgEntry->iS.iCaps[1]);
- DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iS.iCaps[0], aContinue) << endl;
- *out << "Tools Version..............." << dec << (TUint)aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iMajor;
- *out << "." ;
- out->width(2) ;
- out->fill('0');
- *out << dec << (TUint)aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iMinor ;
- *out << "(" << dec << aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iBuild << ")";
- *out << endl;
- *out << "Module Version.............." << dec << (aRomImgEntry->iModuleVersion >> 16) << endl;
- DumpInHex("Exception Descriptor", aRomImgEntry->iExceptionDescriptor) << endl;
- *out << "Priority...................." << dec << aRomImgEntry->iPriority << endl;
- if( aRefTbl )
- DumpInHex("Dll ref table size", aRefTbl->iNumberOfEntries*8) << endl;
- else
- DumpInHex("Dll ref table size", 0) << endl;
- if( iDisplayOptions & DUMP_E32_IMG_FLAG){
- if(stricmp(iE32ImgFileName.c_str(), aEntry->Name()) == 0){
- TUint aSectionOffset = aRomImgEntry->iCodeAddress - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
- TUint* aCodeSection = (TUint*)((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aSectionOffset);
- *out << "\nCode (Size=0x" << hex << aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize << ")" << endl;
- DumpData(aCodeSection, aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize);
- aSectionOffset = aRomImgEntry->iDataAddress - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
- TUint* aDataSection = (TUint*)((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aSectionOffset);
- if( aRomImgEntry->iDataSize){
- *out << "\nData (Size=0x" << hex << aRomImgEntry->iDataSize << ")" << endl;
- DumpData(aDataSection, aRomImgEntry->iDataSize);
- }
- }
- }
- *out << endl << endl;
-void RomImageReader::DumpAttribs(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry)
-// a larger rom image cause stack overflow under visual studio if we use recursion algorithm here.
-// can gcc compiler guarantee this overflow will never be happen ?
- if( aFsEntry->iChildren )
- DumpAttribs(aFsEntry->iChildren);
- if(aFsEntry->iSibling)
- DumpAttribs(aFsEntry->iSibling);
- if(aFsEntry->IsDirectory()) return ;
- RomImageFileEntry* file = static_cast<RomImageFileEntry*>(aFsEntry);
- if(!file->iExecutable) return ;
- TRomImageHeader* aRomImgEntry = file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
- if( !aRomImgEntry) return;
- const char* prefix ;
- if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagPrimary){
- prefix = "Primary";
- }
- else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagVariant){
- prefix = "Variant";
- }
- else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagExtension){
- prefix = "Extension";
- }
- else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagDevice){
- prefix = "Device";
- }
- else
- return;
- out->width(10);
- out->fill(' ');
- *out << left << prefix;
- out->width(40);
- *out << right << file->Name() << "[" ;
- DumpInHex( "", aRomImgEntry->iHardwareVariant, true) << "] ";
- DumpInHex( " DataSize=", (aRomImgEntry->iBssSize + aRomImgEntry->iDataSize), true) << endl;
-void RomImageReader::Dump()
- if( !((iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG) ||
- (iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG) ||
- (iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILE_SET_FLAG)) ) {
- *out << "Image Name................." << iImgFileName.c_str() << endl;
- if( iImageHeader->iRomHdr )
- iImageHeader->DumpRomHdr();
- else
- iImageHeader->DumpRomXHdr();
- DumpAttribs(iRomImageRootDirEntry);
- *out << endl ;
- if(iDisplayOptions & DUMP_VERBOSE_FLAG) {
- DumpDirStructure();
- DumpTree();
- }
- if(iDisplayOptions & DUMP_DIR_ENTRIES_FLAG) {
- DumpDirStructure();
- }
- }
-Function iterates through all the entries in the image
-by making a call to TraverseImage function.
-void RomImageReader::ExtractImageContents()
- if( (iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILE_SET_FLAG) )
- {
- //TODO:
- ImageReader::ExtractFileSet(iRomLayoutData);
- }
- if( iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG || iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG )
- {
- if(iRomImageRootDirEntry)
- {
- // name of the log file.
- string logFile;
- // output stream for the log file.
- ofstream oFile;
- if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG){
- if( ImageReader::iZdrivePath.compare("")){
- // create a string to hold path information.
- string filePath(ImageReader::iZdrivePath);
- string delimiter("\\");
- // replace backslash with double backslash.
- FindAndInsertString(filePath,delimiter,delimiter);
- logFile = filePath;
- // create specified directory.
- CreateSpecifiedDir(&filePath[0],"\\\\");
- logFile.append("\\\\");
- logFile.append(ImageReader::iLogFileName);
- }
- else
- {
- logFile = ImageReader::iLogFileName;
- }
- // open the specified file in append mode.
- oFile.open(logFile.c_str() ,ios::out|ios::app);
- if(!oFile.is_open()){
- throw ImageReaderException((char*)ImageReader::iLogFileName.c_str(), "Failed to open the log file");
- }
- }
- TraverseImage(iRomImageRootDirEntry,oFile);
- if(oFile.is_open()) oFile.close();
- }
- }
-Function to traverse entire image and check for an entity.If the entity found in the image is a file
-then it makes a call to CheckFileExtension to check for extension.
-@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
-@param aFile - output stream.
-void RomImageReader::TraverseImage(RomImageFSEntry* aEntity,ofstream& aFile)
- if(!aEntity->IsDirectory()) {
- CheckFileExtension(aEntity,aFile);
- }
- if (aEntity->iChildren) {
- TraverseImage(aEntity->iChildren,aFile);
- }
- if (aEntity->iSibling) {
- TraverseImage(aEntity->iSibling,aFile);
- }
-Function to get check extension of the given file.If the extension of the file is "sis"
-then call ExtractFile function to extract the file from the image.
-@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
-@param aFile - output stream.
-void RomImageReader::CheckFileExtension(RomImageFSEntry* aEntity,ofstream& aFile)
- RomImageFileEntry* romEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aEntity;
- // get the size of the entity.
- TUint32 size = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize;
- // get the offset of the entity.
- TUint32 offset = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin - GetRomBase() ;
- const char* fileName = aEntity->iName.c_str();
- // create a string to hold the path information.
- string romfilePath(romEntry->iPath);
- string forwardSlash("/");
- string slash("\\");
- //replace slash with double backward slash.
- FindAndReplaceString( romfilePath, forwardSlash, slash );
- if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG && iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG ) {
- // get the position.
- size_t pos = aEntity->iName.find_last_of(".");
- const char* extName = fileName + ( pos + 1 );
- if ( !stricmp(extName ,"SIS") || !stricmp(extName ,"DAT") ) {
- // if the two strings are same then extract the corresponding file.
- ImageReader::ExtractFile(offset,size,fileName,&romfilePath[0],&ImageReader::iZdrivePath[0],iRomLayoutData);
- }
- else {
- LogRomEnrtyToFile(romfilePath.c_str(),fileName,aFile);
- }
- }
- else if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG ) {
- LogRomEnrtyToFile(romfilePath.c_str(),fileName,aFile);
- }
- else {
- if(romEntry->iExecutable) {
- size += sizeof(TRomImageHeader);
- }
- // extract the corresponding file.
- ImageReader::ExtractFile(offset,size,fileName,&romfilePath[0],&ImageReader::iZdrivePath[0],iRomLayoutData);
- }
-Function to log the rom entry to a specified file.
-@param aPath - Complete path of an entity.
-@param aEntityName - Entity name.
-@param aFile - output stream.
-void RomImageReader::LogRomEnrtyToFile(const char* aPath,const char* aEntityName,ofstream& aFile)
- if(aFile.is_open())
- {
- aFile.seekp(0,ios::end);
- aFile<<aPath<<"\\"<<aEntityName<<"\n";
- }
-Function to read the directory structure details of te ROM image.
-@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
-@param aFileMap - map of filename with its size and offset values.
-@param aImgSize - Image size
-void RomImageReader::ProcessDirectory(RomImageFSEntry *aEntity, FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap)
- if(!aEntity->IsDirectory()) {
- RomImageFileEntry* romEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aEntity;
- PFILEINFO fileInfo = new FILEINFO;
- // get the size of the entity.
- fileInfo->iSize = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize;
- // get the offset of the entity.
- fileInfo->iOffset = (romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin - GetRomBase());
- if(romEntry->iExecutable) {
- fileInfo->iSize += sizeof(TRomImageHeader);
- }
- if((fileInfo->iOffset + fileInfo->iSize) > iRomSize) {
- fileInfo->iOffset = 0;
- fileInfo->iSize = 0;
- }
- string fileName(romEntry->iPath);
- fileName.append(DIR_SEPARATOR);
- fileName.append(aEntity->iName);
- aFileMap[fileName] = fileInfo;
- }
- if (aEntity->iChildren) {
- ProcessDirectory(aEntity->iChildren, aFileMap);
- }
- if (aEntity->iSibling) {
- ProcessDirectory(aEntity->iSibling, aFileMap);
- }
-Function to read the directory structure details of te ROM image.
-@param aFileMap - map of filename with its size and offset values.
-void RomImageReader::GetFileInfo(FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap) {
- ProcessDirectory(iRomImageRootDirEntry, aFileMap);
-Function to get the ROM image size.
-TUint32 RomImageReader::GetImageSize() {
- return iRomSize;
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* @internalComponent
+* @released
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include "rom_image_reader.h"
+#include "r_rom.h"
+#ifdef __LINUX__
+#define _alloca alloca
+#include "utf16string.h"
+void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
+RomImageFSEntry::RomImageFSEntry (const char* aName) : iName(aName), iSibling(0), iChildren(0) {
+RomImageFSEntry::~RomImageFSEntry() {
+ if(iChildren){
+ delete iChildren;
+ iChildren = NULL ;
+ }
+ if(iSibling){
+ delete iSibling ;
+ iSibling = NULL ;
+ }
+//Rom Image header
+RomImageHeader::RomImageHeader(char* aHdr, EImageType aImgType) {
+ switch( aImgType) {
+ case EROM_IMAGE:
+ iLoaderHdr = (TRomLoaderHeader*)aHdr;
+ iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)(aHdr + sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader));
+ iExtRomHdr = 0;
+ break;
+ iExtRomHdr = (TExtensionRomHeader*)(aHdr);
+ iRomHdr = 0;
+ iLoaderHdr = 0;
+ break;
+ iLoaderHdr = 0;
+ iRomHdr = (TRomHeader*)aHdr;
+ iExtRomHdr = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iExtRomHdr = 0;
+ iRomHdr = 0;
+ iLoaderHdr = 0;
+ break ;
+ }
+void RomImageHeader::DumpRomHdr() {
+ if(iLoaderHdr)
+ *out << "ROM Image " << endl << endl;
+ else
+ *out << "Bare ROM Image" << endl << endl;
+ TUint aPos = 0;
+ bool aContinue = true;
+ *out << "Image Signature .................";
+ if(iLoaderHdr){
+ char temp[KRomNameSize + 1];
+ memcpy(temp,reinterpret_cast<char*>(iLoaderHdr),KRomNameSize);
+ temp[KRomNameSize] = 0;
+ *out << temp;
+ }
+ *out << endl << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Timestamp", (iRomHdr->iTime >> 32)) ;
+ DumpInHex(" ", (iRomHdr->iTime &0xffffffff), aContinue) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomBase", iRomHdr->iRomBase) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomSize", iRomHdr->iRomSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("KernelDataAddress", iRomHdr->iKernDataAddress) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("KernelLimit", iRomHdr->iKernelLimit) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("PrimaryFile", iRomHdr->iPrimaryFile) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("SecondaryFile", iRomHdr->iSecondaryFile) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CheckSum", iRomHdr->iCheckSum) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Hardware", iRomHdr->iHardware) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Language", (TUint)(iRomHdr->iLanguage >> 32));
+ DumpInHex(" ", ((TUint)(iRomHdr->iLanguage & 0xffffffff)), aContinue) <<endl;
+ DumpInHex("KernelConfigFlags", iRomHdr->iKernelConfigFlags) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomExceptionSearchTable", iRomHdr->iRomExceptionSearchTable) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomHeaderSize", iRomHdr->iRomHeaderSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomSectionHeader", iRomHdr->iRomSectionHeader) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("TotalSvDataSize", iRomHdr->iTotalSvDataSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("VariantFile", iRomHdr->iVariantFile) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("ExtensionFile", iRomHdr->iExtensionFile) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RelocInfo", iRomHdr->iRelocInfo) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("OldTraceMask", iRomHdr->iOldTraceMask) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("UserDataAddress", iRomHdr->iUserDataAddress) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("TotalUserDataSize", iRomHdr->iTotalUserDataSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("DebugPort", iRomHdr->iDebugPort) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Version", iRomHdr->iVersion.iMajor, false, 2);
+ DumpInHex(".", iRomHdr->iVersion.iMinor, aContinue, 2);
+ DumpInHex("(" ,iRomHdr->iVersion.iBuild, aContinue, 2);
+ *out << ")" << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CompressionType", iRomHdr->iCompressionType) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CompressedSize", iRomHdr->iCompressedSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("UncompressedSize", iRomHdr->iUncompressedSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("HcrFileAddress", iRomHdr->iHcrFileAddress) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("DisabledCapabilities", iRomHdr->iDisabledCapabilities[0]);
+ DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iDisabledCapabilities[1], aContinue) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("TraceMask", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[0]);
+ aPos = 1;
+ while( aPos < (TUint)KNumTraceMaskWords) {
+ if(iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos]) {
+ DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos++], aContinue);
+ }
+ else {
+ DumpInHex(" ", iRomHdr->iTraceMask[aPos++], aContinue, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ *out << endl << endl;
+void RomImageHeader::DumpRomXHdr() {
+ *out << "Extension ROM Image" << endl << endl;
+ bool aContinue = true;
+ DumpInHex("Timestamp", (iExtRomHdr->iTime >> 32)) ;
+ DumpInHex(" ", (iExtRomHdr->iTime &0xffffffff), aContinue) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomBase", iExtRomHdr->iRomBase) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("RomSize", iExtRomHdr->iRomSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CheckSum", iExtRomHdr->iCheckSum) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Version", iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iMajor, false, 2);
+ DumpInHex(".", iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iMinor, aContinue, 2);
+ DumpInHex("(" ,iExtRomHdr->iVersion.iBuild, aContinue, 2);
+ *out << ")" << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CompressionType", iExtRomHdr->iCompressionType) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("CompressedSize", iExtRomHdr->iCompressedSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("UncompressedSize", iExtRomHdr->iUncompressedSize) << endl;
+ *out << endl << endl;
+//Rom Image reader
+RomImageReader::RomImageReader(const char* aFile, EImageType aImgType) :
+ImageReader(aFile), iImageHeader(0),
+iRomLayoutData(0),iImgType(aImgType) {
+ iRomImageRootDirEntry = new RomImageDirEntry("");
+RomImageReader::~RomImageReader() {
+ if(iFile.is_open())
+ iFile.close();
+ if(iHeaderBuffer)
+ delete []iHeaderBuffer;
+ if(iRomLayoutData)
+ delete []iRomLayoutData;
+ delete iRomImageRootDirEntry;
+void RomImageReader::ReadImage() {
+ if(iFile.is_open()) return ;
+ iFile.open(iImgFileName.c_str(), ios_base::binary | ios_base::in);
+ if( !iFile.is_open() ) {
+ throw ImageReaderException(iImgFileName.c_str(), "Cannot open file ");
+ }
+ TUint headerSize = GetHdrSize() ;
+ if(headerSize > 0){
+ iHeaderBuffer = new char[headerSize];
+ iFile.read(iHeaderBuffer,headerSize);
+ }
+void RomImageReader::Validate() {
+TUint32 RomImageReader::GetImageCompressionType() {
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iCompressionType;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iCompressionType;
+TLinAddr RomImageReader::GetRomBase() {
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase ;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomBase;
+TLinAddr RomImageReader::GetRootDirList() {
+ if(iImageHeader->iRomHdr )// iImageType == EROM_IMAGE
+ return iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
+ else
+ return iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iRomRootDirectoryList;
+TUint RomImageReader::GetHdrSize() {
+ TUint headerSize = 0;
+ if(EROM_IMAGE == iImgType){
+ headerSize = sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) + sizeof(TRomHeader);
+ }else if(EROMX_IMAGE == iImgType){
+ headerSize = sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader);
+ }else if(EBAREROM_IMAGE == iImgType){
+ headerSize = sizeof(TRomHeader);
+ }
+ return headerSize;
+static const TInt KIOBytes = 0x100000;
+// reading a huge buffer at a time is very slow, reading 1MB bytes at a time is much faster
+void RomImageReader::ReadData(char* aBuffer, TUint aLength) {
+ TUint readBytes = 0 ;
+ while(readBytes < aLength){
+ TUint toRead = KIOBytes;
+ if(readBytes + toRead > aLength)
+ toRead = aLength - readBytes ;
+ iFile.read(&aBuffer[readBytes],toRead);
+ readBytes += toRead ;
+ }
+void RomImageReader::ProcessImage() {
+ if(iRomLayoutData) return ;
+ iImageHeader = new RomImageHeader(iHeaderBuffer, iImgType);
+ iFile.seekg(0, ios_base::end);
+ // fileSize
+ TUint fileSize = iFile.tellg();
+ //let's skip the RomLoaderHeader
+ TUint romDataBegin = (EROM_IMAGE == iImgType) ? sizeof(TRomLoaderHeader) : 0 ;
+ iFile.seekg(romDataBegin,ios_base::beg);
+ if(EROMX_IMAGE == iImgType){// EROMX_IMAGE, just set the iUnpagedRomBuffer
+ if(GetImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate){
+ TUint32 readLen = fileSize - sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader) ;
+ iRomSize = iImageHeader->iExtRomHdr->iUncompressedSize ;
+ iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
+ char* temp = new char[readLen];
+ // header is not compressed.
+ iFile.read(iRomLayoutData,sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
+ ReadData(temp ,readLen);
+ TUint8* uncompressDest = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(iRomLayoutData + sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
+ InflateUnCompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(temp),readLen,uncompressDest,iRomSize - sizeof(TExtensionRomHeader));
+ delete []temp ;
+ }else{
+ iRomSize = fileSize ;
+ iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
+ ReadData(iRomLayoutData,iRomSize);
+ }
+ } // end EROMX_IMAGE
+ else {
+ const TInt KPageSize = 0x1000;
+ TRomHeader *hdr = iImageHeader->iRomHdr;
+ iRomSize = hdr->iUncompressedSize ;
+ iRomLayoutData = new char[iRomSize];
+ char* curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData ;
+ TUint totalReadBytes = 0;
+ bool hasPageableSec = (hdr->iPageableRomStart > 0 && hdr->iPageableRomSize > 0) ;
+ // read data before unpaged
+ ReadData(curDataPointer,hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart);
+ curDataPointer += hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart ;
+ totalReadBytes += hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
+ // read the unpaged part, if compressed , then decompress
+ if(GetImageCompressionType() == KUidCompressionDeflate){
+ char* temp = new char[hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize];
+ ReadData(temp,hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize);
+ totalReadBytes += hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize;
+ InflateUnCompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(temp),hdr->iUnpagedCompressedSize,reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(curDataPointer) ,hdr->iUnpagedUncompressedSize);
+ delete []temp ;
+ }else{
+ TUint unpagedSeclen ;
+ if(hasPageableSec) { // there is paged section
+ unpagedSeclen = hdr->iPageableRomStart - hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
+ }else{
+ unpagedSeclen = iRomSize - hdr->iCompressedUnpagedStart;
+ }
+ ReadData(curDataPointer,unpagedSeclen);
+ totalReadBytes += unpagedSeclen ;
+ }
+ curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData + totalReadBytes;
+ //if there is a paged section , read and extract it
+ // read the paged section,
+ if(hasPageableSec){
+ if((TUint)(hdr->iPageableRomStart + hdr->iPageableRomSize) > iRomSize){
+ throw ImageReaderException("Incorrect values of ROM header fields.", "");
+ }
+ if(0 == hdr->iRomPageIndex){ //
+ // no compression for paged section ,just read it
+ iFile.read(curDataPointer,iRomSize - totalReadBytes);
+ }
+ else{
+ //aligment calculation
+ TUint pagedSecOffset = (totalReadBytes + KPageSize - 1) & (~(KPageSize - 1));
+ if(pagedSecOffset > totalReadBytes){
+ // there are gap bytes between unpaged and paged sections
+ iFile.read(curDataPointer,pagedSecOffset - totalReadBytes);
+ curDataPointer = iRomLayoutData + pagedSecOffset;
+ }
+ TUint pagedIndexCount = ( hdr->iUncompressedSize + KPageSize - 1) / KPageSize;
+ // how many bytes ?
+ // the page index table include the unpaged part ;
+ TUint firstPagedIndexTblItem = hdr->iPageableRomStart / KPageSize;
+ TUint tempBufLen = KPageSize << 8;
+ char* readBuffer = new char[tempBufLen];
+ TUint8* src,*srcNext = NULL;
+ SRomPageInfo* pageInfo = reinterpret_cast<SRomPageInfo*>(&iRomLayoutData[hdr->iRomPageIndex]);
+ CBytePair bpe;
+ for(TUint i = firstPagedIndexTblItem ; i < pagedIndexCount ; i+= 256){
+ TUint endIndex = i + 255 ;
+ if(endIndex >= pagedIndexCount)
+ endIndex = pagedIndexCount - 1;
+ TUint readLen = pageInfo[endIndex].iDataStart + pageInfo[endIndex].iDataSize - pageInfo[i].iDataStart ;
+ iFile.read(readBuffer,readLen);
+ src = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(readBuffer);
+ for(TUint j = i ; j <= endIndex ; j++){
+ switch(pageInfo[j].iCompressionType) {
+ case SRomPageInfo::EBytePair: {
+ TInt unpacked = bpe.Decompress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(curDataPointer), KPageSize, src, pageInfo[j].iDataSize, srcNext);
+ if (unpacked < 0) {
+ delete []readBuffer;
+ throw ImageReaderException("Corrupted BytePair compressed ROM image", "");
+ }
+ curDataPointer += unpacked;
+ break ;
+ }
+ case SRomPageInfo::ENoCompression:
+ memcpy(curDataPointer,src,pageInfo[j].iDataSize);
+ curDataPointer += pageInfo[j].iDataSize ;
+ break ;
+ default:
+ delete []readBuffer;
+ throw ImageReaderException("Undefined compression type", "");
+ break ;
+ }
+ src += pageInfo[j].iDataSize;
+ } // end for(TUint j = i ; j <= endIndex ; j++)
+ } // end for(TUint i = firstPagedIndexTblItem ; i < pagedIndexCount ; i+= 256)
+ delete []readBuffer ;
+ }// else
+ } // if(hasPageableSec)
+ }
+ TUint32 offset = GetRootDirList() - GetRomBase();
+ TRomRootDirectoryList* rootDirList = reinterpret_cast<TRomRootDirectoryList*>(iRomLayoutData + offset );
+ TInt dirCount = rootDirList->iNumRootDirs ;
+ string tempName ;
+ for(TInt i = 0 ; i < dirCount ; i++) {
+ offset = rootDirList->iRootDir[i].iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
+ TRomDir* romDir = reinterpret_cast<TRomDir*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
+ UTF16String unistr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(romDir->iEntry.iName),romDir->iEntry.iNameLength);
+ if(!unistr.ToUTF8(tempName)) //not utf16?
+ tempName.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(romDir->iEntry.iName),romDir->iEntry.iNameLength) ;
+ BuildDir(romDir, iRomImageRootDirEntry);
+ }
+void RomImageReader::BuildDir(TRomDir* aDir, RomImageFSEntry* aPaFSEntry)
+ TInt processBytes = 0 ;
+ TInt totalDirBytes = aDir->iSize - sizeof(aDir->iSize);
+ TRomEntry* entry = &aDir->iEntry;
+ RomImageFSEntry *fsEntry ;
+ string pritableName ;
+ while(processBytes < totalDirBytes){
+ UTF16String unistr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(entry->iName),entry->iNameLength);
+ if(!unistr.ToUTF8(pritableName))
+ pritableName.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(entry->iName),entry->iNameLength);
+ if(entry->iAtt & 0x10) { // is a directory
+ fsEntry = new RomImageDirEntry(pritableName.c_str());
+ AddChild(aPaFSEntry,fsEntry,NULL);
+ TUint offset = entry->iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
+ TRomDir* subFolder = reinterpret_cast<TRomDir*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
+ BuildDir(subFolder,fsEntry);
+ }
+ else{
+ fsEntry = new RomImageFileEntry(pritableName.c_str());
+ AddChild(aPaFSEntry,fsEntry,entry);
+ }
+ // increase the processedBytes
+ processBytes += (entry->iNameLength << 1) + reinterpret_cast<TInt>(entry->iName) - reinterpret_cast<TInt>(entry);
+ //align to next 4 bytes
+ processBytes = (processBytes + 3) & ( ~3 );
+ // get next entry
+ entry = reinterpret_cast<TRomEntry*>( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&aDir->iEntry) + processBytes);
+ }
+void RomImageReader::AddChild(RomImageFSEntry *aParent, RomImageFSEntry *aChild, TRomEntry* aRomEntry) {
+ if(!aParent->iChildren)
+ aParent->iChildren = aChild;
+ else {
+ RomImageFSEntry *aLast = aParent->iChildren;
+ while(aLast->iSibling)
+ aLast = aLast->iSibling;
+ aLast->iSibling = aChild;
+ }
+ if(!aChild->IsDirectory()) {
+ RomImageFileEntry* file = static_cast<RomImageFileEntry*>(aChild);
+ file->iTRomEntryPtr = aRomEntry;
+ if(aRomEntry->iAddressLin > GetRomBase()) {
+ TUint32 offset = aRomEntry->iAddressLin - GetRomBase();
+ TRomImageHeader* imgHdr = reinterpret_cast<TRomImageHeader*>(iRomLayoutData + offset);
+ file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = imgHdr;
+ TUint8 aUid1[4];
+ memcpy(aUid1, &file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry->iUid1, 4);
+ if( ReaderUtil::IsExecutable(aUid1) ) {
+ file->iExecutable = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ file->iExecutable = false;
+ file->ImagePtr.iDataFileAddr = aRomEntry->iAddressLin;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aParent != iRomImageRootDirEntry) {
+ aChild->iPath = aParent->iPath;
+ aChild->iPath += SLASH_CHAR1;
+ aChild->iPath += aParent->iName.c_str();
+ }
+void RomImageReader::DumpTree() {
+ RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry = iRomImageRootDirEntry;
+ if( aFsEntry->iChildren )
+ DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iChildren);
+void RomImageReader::DumpDirStructure() {
+ *out << "Directory Listing" << endl;
+ *out << "=================" << endl;
+ int aPadding = 0;
+ if( iRomImageRootDirEntry ){
+ DumpDirStructure(iRomImageRootDirEntry, aPadding);
+ }
+ *out << endl << endl;
+void RomImageReader::DumpDirStructure(RomImageFSEntry* aEntry, int &aPadding) {
+ if(!aEntry)
+ return;
+ int aPadLen = 2 * aPadding;//scaling for legibility
+ for (int i = 0; i < aPadLen; i++)
+ *out << " ";
+ *out << aEntry->Name() << endl;
+ if( aEntry->iChildren){
+ aPadding++;
+ DumpDirStructure(aEntry->iChildren, aPadding);
+ aPadding--;
+ }
+ DumpDirStructure(aEntry->iSibling, aPadding);
+void RomImageReader::DumpSubTree(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry) {
+ if(!aFsEntry)
+ return;
+ if( aFsEntry->iChildren ){
+ DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iChildren);
+ }
+ if( aFsEntry->iSibling )
+ DumpSubTree(aFsEntry->iSibling);
+ RomImageFSEntry *aEntry = aFsEntry;
+ if(!aEntry->IsDirectory()) {
+ *out << "********************************************************************" << endl;
+ *out << "File........................" << aEntry->iPath.c_str() << SLASH_CHAR1 << aEntry->Name() << endl;
+ if( ((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry)->iExecutable ) {
+ DumpImage((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry);
+ }
+ else{
+ *out << "Linear Addr................." << ((RomImageFileEntry*)aEntry)->ImagePtr.iDataFileAddr << endl;
+ }
+ }
+void RomImageReader::DumpImage(RomImageFileEntry * aEntry) {
+ bool aContinue = true;
+ DumpInHex("Load Address", aEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Size", aEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize) << endl;
+ TRomImageHeader *aRomImgEntry = aEntry->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
+ if( !aRomImgEntry )
+ return;
+ //UIDs
+ DumpInHex("Uids", aRomImgEntry->iUid1);
+ DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUid2, aContinue);
+ DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUid3, aContinue);
+ DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iUidChecksum, aContinue) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Entry point", aRomImgEntry->iEntryPoint) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Code start addr", aRomImgEntry->iCodeAddress) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Data start addr", aRomImgEntry->iDataAddress) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("DataBssLinearBase", aRomImgEntry->iDataBssLinearBase) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Text size", aRomImgEntry->iTextSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Code size", aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Data size", aRomImgEntry->iDataSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Bss size", (aRomImgEntry->iBssSize)) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Total data size", aRomImgEntry->iTotalDataSize) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Heap min", aRomImgEntry->iHeapSizeMin) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Heap max", aRomImgEntry->iHeapSizeMax) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Stack size", aRomImgEntry->iStackSize) << endl;
+ TDllRefTable *aRefTbl = NULL;
+ if( aRomImgEntry->iDllRefTable ) {
+ TUint32 aOff = (TUint32)aRomImgEntry->iDllRefTable - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
+ aRefTbl = (TDllRefTable*) ((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aOff);
+ TUint32 aVirtualAddr = (TUint32)aRefTbl->iEntry[0];
+ DumpInHex("Dll ref table", aVirtualAddr) << endl;
+ }
+ DumpInHex("Export directory", aRomImgEntry->iExportDir) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Export dir count", aRomImgEntry->iExportDirCount) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Hardware variant", aRomImgEntry->iHardwareVariant) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Flags", aRomImgEntry->iFlags) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Secure ID", aRomImgEntry->iS.iSecureId) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Vendor ID", aRomImgEntry->iS.iVendorId) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Capability", aRomImgEntry->iS.iCaps[1]);
+ DumpInHex(" ", aRomImgEntry->iS.iCaps[0], aContinue) << endl;
+ *out << "Tools Version..............." << dec << (TUint)aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iMajor;
+ *out << "." ;
+ out->width(2) ;
+ out->fill('0');
+ *out << dec << (TUint)aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iMinor ;
+ *out << "(" << dec << aRomImgEntry->iToolsVersion.iBuild << ")";
+ *out << endl;
+ *out << "Module Version.............." << dec << (aRomImgEntry->iModuleVersion >> 16) << endl;
+ DumpInHex("Exception Descriptor", aRomImgEntry->iExceptionDescriptor) << endl;
+ *out << "Priority...................." << dec << aRomImgEntry->iPriority << endl;
+ if( aRefTbl )
+ DumpInHex("Dll ref table size", aRefTbl->iNumberOfEntries*8) << endl;
+ else
+ DumpInHex("Dll ref table size", 0) << endl;
+ if( iDisplayOptions & DUMP_E32_IMG_FLAG){
+ if(stricmp(iE32ImgFileName.c_str(), aEntry->Name()) == 0){
+ TUint aSectionOffset = aRomImgEntry->iCodeAddress - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
+ TUint* aCodeSection = (TUint*)((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aSectionOffset);
+ *out << "\nCode (Size=0x" << hex << aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize << ")" << endl;
+ DumpData(aCodeSection, aRomImgEntry->iCodeSize);
+ aSectionOffset = aRomImgEntry->iDataAddress - iImageHeader->iRomHdr->iRomBase;
+ TUint* aDataSection = (TUint*)((char*)iImageHeader->iRomHdr + aSectionOffset);
+ if( aRomImgEntry->iDataSize){
+ *out << "\nData (Size=0x" << hex << aRomImgEntry->iDataSize << ")" << endl;
+ DumpData(aDataSection, aRomImgEntry->iDataSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *out << endl << endl;
+void RomImageReader::DumpAttribs(RomImageFSEntry* aFsEntry) {
+ // a larger rom image cause stack overflow under visual studio if we use recursion algorithm here.
+ // can gcc compiler guarantee this overflow will never be happen ?
+ if( aFsEntry->iChildren )
+ DumpAttribs(aFsEntry->iChildren);
+ if(aFsEntry->iSibling)
+ DumpAttribs(aFsEntry->iSibling);
+ if(aFsEntry->IsDirectory()) return ;
+ RomImageFileEntry* file = static_cast<RomImageFileEntry*>(aFsEntry);
+ if(!file->iExecutable) return ;
+ TRomImageHeader* aRomImgEntry = file->ImagePtr.iRomFileEntry;
+ if( !aRomImgEntry) return;
+ const char* prefix ;
+ if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagPrimary){
+ prefix = "Primary";
+ }
+ else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagVariant){
+ prefix = "Variant";
+ }
+ else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagExtension){
+ prefix = "Extension";
+ }
+ else if(aRomImgEntry->iFlags & KRomImageFlagDevice){
+ prefix = "Device";
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ out->width(10);
+ out->fill(' ');
+ *out << left << prefix;
+ out->width(40);
+ *out << right << file->Name() << "[" ;
+ DumpInHex( "", aRomImgEntry->iHardwareVariant, true) << "] ";
+ DumpInHex( " DataSize=", (aRomImgEntry->iBssSize + aRomImgEntry->iDataSize), true) << endl;
+void RomImageReader::Dump() {
+ if( !((iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG) ||
+ (iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG) ||
+ (iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILE_SET_FLAG)) ) {
+ *out << "Image Name................." << iImgFileName.c_str() << endl;
+ if( iImageHeader->iRomHdr )
+ iImageHeader->DumpRomHdr();
+ else
+ iImageHeader->DumpRomXHdr();
+ DumpAttribs(iRomImageRootDirEntry);
+ *out << endl ;
+ if(iDisplayOptions & DUMP_VERBOSE_FLAG) {
+ DumpDirStructure();
+ DumpTree();
+ }
+ if(iDisplayOptions & DUMP_DIR_ENTRIES_FLAG) {
+ DumpDirStructure();
+ }
+ }
+Function iterates through all the entries in the image
+by making a call to TraverseImage function.
+void RomImageReader::ExtractImageContents() {
+ if( (iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILE_SET_FLAG) ) {
+ ImageReader::ExtractFileSet(iRomLayoutData);
+ }
+ if( iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG || iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG ) {
+ if(iRomImageRootDirEntry) {
+ // name of the log file.
+ string logFile;
+ // output stream for the log file.
+ ofstream oFile;
+ if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG){
+ if( ImageReader::iZdrivePath.compare("")){
+ // create specified directory.
+ CreateSpecifiedDir(ImageReader::iZdrivePath);
+ int len = ImageReader::iZdrivePath.length() ;
+ const char* z = ImageReader::iZdrivePath.c_str();
+ logFile = "";
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++){
+ if(z[i] == SLASH_CHAR2)
+ logFile += SLASH_CHAR1;
+ else
+ logFile += z[i];
+ }
+ len -- ;
+ if(z[len] != SLASH_CHAR1)
+ logFile += SLASH_CHAR1;
+ logFile += ImageReader::iLogFileName ;
+ }
+ else {
+ logFile = ImageReader::iLogFileName;
+ }
+ // open the specified file in append mode.
+ oFile.open(logFile.c_str() ,ios_base::out|ios_base::app);
+ if(!oFile.is_open()){
+ throw ImageReaderException(ImageReader::iLogFileName.c_str(), "Failed to open the log file");
+ }
+ }
+ TraverseImage(iRomImageRootDirEntry,oFile);
+ if(oFile.is_open()) oFile.close();
+ }
+ }
+Function to traverse entire image and check for an entity.If the entity found in the image is a file
+then it makes a call to CheckFileExtension to check for extension.
+@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
+@param aFile - output stream.
+void RomImageReader::TraverseImage(RomImageFSEntry* aEntity,ofstream& aFile) {
+ if(!aEntity->IsDirectory()) {
+ CheckFileExtension(aEntity,aFile);
+ }
+ if (aEntity->iChildren) {
+ TraverseImage(aEntity->iChildren,aFile);
+ }
+ if (aEntity->iSibling) {
+ TraverseImage(aEntity->iSibling,aFile);
+ }
+Function to get check extension of the given file.If the extension of the file is "sis"
+then call ExtractFile function to extract the file from the image.
+@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
+@param aFile - output stream.
+void RomImageReader::CheckFileExtension(RomImageFSEntry* aEntity,ofstream& aFile) {
+ RomImageFileEntry* romEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aEntity;
+ // get the size of the entity.
+ TUint32 size = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize;
+ // get the offset of the entity.
+ TUint32 offset = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin - GetRomBase() ;
+ const char* fileName = aEntity->iName.c_str();
+ // create a string to hold the path information.
+ string romfilePath(romEntry->iPath);
+ int len = romfilePath.length();
+ char* str = const_cast<char*>(romfilePath.c_str());
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++){
+ if(str[i] == SLASH_CHAR2)
+ str[i] = SLASH_CHAR1;
+ }
+ if(str[len - 1] != SLASH_CHAR1)
+ romfilePath += SLASH_CHAR1;
+ if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG && iDisplayOptions & EXTRACT_FILES_FLAG ) {
+ // get the position.
+ size_t pos = aEntity->iName.find_last_of(".");
+ const char* extName = fileName + ( pos + 1 );
+ if ( !stricmp(extName ,"SIS") || !stricmp(extName ,"DAT") ) {
+ // if the two strings are same then extract the corresponding file.
+ ImageReader::ExtractFile(offset,size,fileName,romfilePath.c_str(),ImageReader::iZdrivePath.c_str(),iRomLayoutData);
+ }
+ else {
+ LogRomEnrtyToFile(romfilePath.c_str(),fileName,aFile);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( iDisplayOptions & LOG_IMAGE_CONTENTS_FLAG ) {
+ LogRomEnrtyToFile(romfilePath.c_str(),fileName,aFile);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(romEntry->iExecutable) {
+ size += sizeof(TRomImageHeader);
+ }
+ // extract the corresponding file.
+ ImageReader::ExtractFile(offset,size,fileName,romfilePath.c_str(),ImageReader::iZdrivePath.c_str(),iRomLayoutData);
+ }
+Function to log the rom entry to a specified file.
+@param aPath - Complete path of an entity.
+@param aEntityName - Entity name.
+@param aFile - output stream.
+void RomImageReader::LogRomEnrtyToFile(const char* aPath,const char* aEntityName,ofstream& aFile) {
+ if(aFile.is_open()) {
+ aFile.seekp(0,ios_base::end);
+ aFile<<aPath <<aEntityName << endl;
+ }
+Function to read the directory structure details of te ROM image.
+@param aEntity - pointer to the entry in rom image.
+@param aFileMap - map of filename with its size and offset values.
+@param aImgSize - Image size
+void RomImageReader::ProcessDirectory(RomImageFSEntry *aEntity, FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap) {
+ if(!aEntity->IsDirectory()) {
+ RomImageFileEntry* romEntry = (RomImageFileEntry*)aEntity;
+ PFILEINFO fileInfo = new FILEINFO;
+ // get the size of the entity.
+ fileInfo->iSize = romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iSize;
+ // get the offset of the entity.
+ fileInfo->iOffset = (romEntry->iTRomEntryPtr->iAddressLin - GetRomBase());
+ if(romEntry->iExecutable) {
+ fileInfo->iSize += sizeof(TRomImageHeader);
+ }
+ if((fileInfo->iOffset + fileInfo->iSize) > iRomSize) {
+ fileInfo->iOffset = 0;
+ fileInfo->iSize = 0;
+ }
+ string fileName(romEntry->iPath);
+ fileName += SLASH_CHAR1;
+ fileName.append(aEntity->iName);
+ aFileMap[fileName] = fileInfo;
+ }
+ if (aEntity->iChildren) {
+ ProcessDirectory(aEntity->iChildren, aFileMap);
+ }
+ if (aEntity->iSibling) {
+ ProcessDirectory(aEntity->iSibling, aFileMap);
+ }
+Function to read the directory structure details of te ROM image.
+@param aFileMap - map of filename with its size and offset values.
+void RomImageReader::GetFileInfo(FILEINFOMAP &aFileMap) {
+ ProcessDirectory(iRomImageRootDirEntry, aFileMap);
+Function to get the ROM image size.
+TUint32 RomImageReader::GetImageSize() {
+ return iRomSize;