changeset 590 360bd6b35136
parent 0 044383f39525
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_coreimage.h	Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_coreimage.h	Wed Jun 23 16:56:47 2010 +0800
@@ -1,204 +1,206 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-#ifndef __R_COREIMAGE_H__
-#define __R_COREIMAGE_H__
-class TRomNode;
-class E32Rofs;
-MRofsImage is the interface used to access information held within an image.
-This interface used to remove the dependency between processing of 
-extensions and kernel commands in the obey file
-class MRofsImage
-	{
-	/** Gets the root directory node from the image
-	   @return TRomNode* the first node in the directory tree
-	 */
-	virtual TRomNode* RootDirectory() = 0;
-	/** Copies the specified directory tree.
-	   @param aSourceDirectory The directory that is to be copied
-	   @return The copied directory tree.
-	 */
-	virtual TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aSourceDirectory)=0;
-	/** Sets the root directory to be the specified node.
-	   @param aDir The node that is to be set as the root directory
-	 */
-	virtual void SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir) = 0;
-	/** Gets the filename of the core image 
-	    @returns The filename of the core image file 
-	 */
-	virtual TText* RomFileName() = 0;
-	/** Gets the size of the image file
-	   @returns size of file
-	 */
-	virtual TInt Size() = 0;
-	};
-const int K_ID_SIZE=4; /** Size of the image header identifier */
-Provides the access the actual core image file. All file operations to the 
-core image file are through this class.
-class RCoreImageReader
-	{
-	/** Image Type read from header of image file */
-	enum TImageType 
-		{
-		/** Format of file has not been recognised */
-		/** File is a core RofsImage file */
-		E_ROFS, 
-		/** File is an extension RofsImage file */
-		};
-	RCoreImageReader(char *aFilename);
-	~RCoreImageReader();
-	TBool Open();
-	TImageType ReadImageType();
-	TInt ReadCoreHeader(TRofsHeader& aHeader);
-	TInt ReadExtensionHeader(TExtensionRofsHeader& aHeader);
-	TInt ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir);
-	TInt ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir, long aFilePos);
-	long FilePosition();
-	void SetFilePosition(long aFilePos);
-	TInt ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry);
-	TInt ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry, long aFilePos);
-	TInt ReadRofEntryName(TUint16* aName, int aLength);
-	TBool IsValidPosition(long filePos);
-	TText* Filename();
-	TInt ReadIdentifier();
-	TInt ImageError(int aBytesRead, int aExpected, char* aInfo);
-	/** Image type of the file being read */
-	TImageType iImageType;
-	/** File handle of core image being read */
-	FILE* iCoreImage;
-	/** Filename of core image file */
-	char* iFilename;
-	/** Image type identifier read from image header */
-	TUint8 iIdentifier[K_ID_SIZE];
-	};
-Processes the core image file to create a directory tree.
-It is used when the coreimage option has been specified either
-on the command line or in the obey file. It implements the MRofsImage 
-so it can be used by the extension image processing.
-class CCoreImage : public MRofsImage
-	{
-	CCoreImage(RCoreImageReader* aReader);
-	virtual TInt ProcessImage();
-	void Display(ostream* aOut);
-	virtual ~CCoreImage();
-	// Implementation of MRofsImage
-	TRomNode* RootDirectory();
-	TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aSourceDirectory);
-	void SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir);
-	TText* RomFileName();
-	TInt Size();
-	void SaveDirInfo(TRofsHeader& header);
-	void SaveDirInfo(TExtensionRofsHeader& header);
-	TInt ProcessDirectory(long aAdjustment);
-	TInt CreateRootDir();
-	long DirTreeOffset();
-	/** used to read the core image file*/
-	RCoreImageReader *iReader;
-	/** The node for the root directory */
-	TRomNode *iRootDirectory;
-	/** The first node in list of file entries */
-	TRomBuilderEntry *iFileEntries;
-	/** Offset to the directory tree in the core image */
-	long iDirTreeOffset;
-	/** Size of the directory tree in the core image */
-	long iDirTreeSize;
-	/** Offset to the file entries of the directory in the core image */
-	long iDirFileEntriesOffset;
-	/** Size of the file entries block of the directory */
-	long iDirFileEntriesSize;
-	/** Filename of the rom image file */
-	TText* iRomFileName;
-	/** Size of image */
-	TInt iImageSize;
-	};
-Used for handling a single directory entry in the core image. This class allows
-the directory tree to be created recursively.
-class TDirectoryEntry
-	{
-	TDirectoryEntry(long filePos, RCoreImageReader* aReader, TRomNode* aCurrentDir);
-	~TDirectoryEntry();
-	TInt Process(long adjustment);
-	TInt CreateFileEntry(TText* aName, TRofsEntry& aRofsEntry);
-	TInt AddSubDirs(long endDirPos);
-	TInt AddFiles(long startPos, int size);
-	TText* GetName(TUint16 aFirstChar, TInt aLength);
-	/** Handle to core image file */
-	RCoreImageReader* iReader;
-	/** Node for the current directory */
-	TRomNode* iCurrentDir;
-	/** Current position in the file */
-	long iFilePos;
-	/** 
-	 The references in the extension directory tree are relative the core 
-	 image and not the actual offset in the file. This variable holds the 
-	 difference between the entries in the directory tree and the actual file
-	 position. This allows the same methods to be used for both core and
-	 extension images.
-	 */
-	long iAdjustment;
-	};
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#ifndef __R_COREIMAGE_H__
+#define __R_COREIMAGE_H__
+class TRomNode;
+class E32Rofs;
+MRofsImage is the interface used to access information held within an image.
+This interface used to remove the dependency between processing of 
+extensions and kernel commands in the obey file
+class MRofsImage
+	{
+	/** Gets the root directory node from the image
+	   @return TRomNode* the first node in the directory tree
+	 */
+	virtual TRomNode* RootDirectory() = 0;
+	/** Copies the specified directory tree.
+	   @param aSourceDirectory The directory that is to be copied
+	   @return The copied directory tree.
+	 */
+	virtual TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aSourceDirectory)=0;
+	/** Sets the root directory to be the specified node.
+	   @param aDir The node that is to be set as the root directory
+	 */
+	virtual void SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir) = 0;
+	/** Gets the filename of the core image 
+	    @returns The filename of the core image file 
+	 */
+	virtual const char* RomFileName() const = 0;
+	/** Gets the size of the image file
+	   @returns size of file
+	 */
+	virtual TInt Size() const = 0;
+#ifdef __LINUX__
+	virtual ~MRofsImage(){}
+	};
+const int K_ID_SIZE=4; /** Size of the image header identifier */
+Provides the access the actual core image file. All file operations to the 
+core image file are through this class.
+class RCoreImageReader
+	{
+	/** Image Type read from header of image file */
+	enum TImageType 
+		{
+		/** Format of file has not been recognised */
+		/** File is a core RofsImage file */
+		E_ROFS, 
+		/** File is an extension RofsImage file */
+		};
+	RCoreImageReader(const char *aFilename);
+	~RCoreImageReader();
+	TBool Open();
+	TImageType ReadImageType();
+	TInt ReadCoreHeader(TRofsHeader& aHeader);
+	TInt ReadExtensionHeader(TExtensionRofsHeader& aHeader);
+	TInt ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir);
+	TInt ReadDirEntry(TRofsDir& aDir, size_t aFilePos);
+	size_t FilePosition();
+	void SetFilePosition(size_t aFilePos);
+	TInt ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry);
+	TInt ReadRofEntry(TRofsEntry& aEntry, size_t aFilePos);
+	TInt ReadRofEntryName(TUint16* aName, int aLength);
+	TBool IsValidPosition(size_t aFilePos);
+	const char* Filename() const ;
+	TInt ReadIdentifier();
+	TInt ImageError(int aBytesRead, int aExpected, char* aInfo);
+	/** Image type of the file being read */
+	TImageType iImageType;
+	/** File object of core image being read */
+	ifstream iCoreImage;
+	/** Filename of core image file */
+	string iFilename;
+	/** Image type identifier read from image header */
+	TUint8 iIdentifier[K_ID_SIZE];
+	};
+Processes the core image file to create a directory tree.
+It is used when the coreimage option has been specified either
+on the command line or in the obey file. It implements the MRofsImage 
+so it can be used by the extension image processing.
+class CCoreImage : public MRofsImage
+	{
+	CCoreImage(RCoreImageReader* aReader);
+	virtual TInt ProcessImage();
+	void Display(ostream* aOut);
+	virtual ~CCoreImage();
+	// Implementation of MRofsImage
+	TRomNode* RootDirectory();
+	TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aSourceDirectory);
+	void SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir);
+	const char* RomFileName() const;
+	TInt Size() const;
+	void SaveDirInfo(TRofsHeader& header);
+	void SaveDirInfo(TExtensionRofsHeader& header);
+	TInt ProcessDirectory(long aAdjustment);
+	TInt CreateRootDir();
+	long DirTreeOffset();
+	/** used to read the core image file*/
+	RCoreImageReader *iReader;
+	/** The node for the root directory */
+	TRomNode *iRootDirectory;
+	/** The first node in list of file entries */
+	TRomBuilderEntry *iFileEntries;
+	/** Offset to the directory tree in the core image */
+	long iDirTreeOffset;
+	/** Size of the directory tree in the core image */
+	long iDirTreeSize;
+	/** Offset to the file entries of the directory in the core image */
+	long iDirFileEntriesOffset;
+	/** Size of the file entries block of the directory */
+	long iDirFileEntriesSize;
+	/** Filename of the rom image file */
+	string iRomFileName;
+	/** Size of image */
+	TInt iImageSize;
+	};
+Used for handling a single directory entry in the core image. This class allows
+the directory tree to be created recursively.
+class TDirectoryEntry
+	{
+	TDirectoryEntry(long filePos, RCoreImageReader* aReader, TRomNode* aCurrentDir);
+	~TDirectoryEntry();
+	TInt Process(long adjustment);
+	TInt CreateFileEntry(const char* aName, TRofsEntry& aRofsEntry);
+	TInt AddSubDirs(long endDirPos);
+	TInt AddFiles(long startPos, int size);
+	/** Handle to core image file */
+	RCoreImageReader* iReader;
+	/** Node for the current directory */
+	TRomNode* iCurrentDir;
+	/** Current position in the file */
+	long iFilePos;
+	/** 
+	 The references in the extension directory tree are relative the core 
+	 image and not the actual offset in the file. This variable holds the 
+	 difference between the entries in the directory tree and the actual file
+	 position. This allows the same methods to be used for both core and
+	 extension images.
+	 */
+	long iAdjustment;
+	};