--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/fatimagegenerator.cpp Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "fatimagegenerator.h"
+#include "fatcluster.h"
+#include "fsnode.h"
+#include "h_utl.h"
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+using namespace std;
+const TInt KCharsOfCmdWndLine = 80 ;
+const TInt KRootEntryCount = 0x200;
+const TInt KRootClusterIndex = 0;
+TFatImgGenerator::TFatImgGenerator(TSupportedFatType aType ,ConfigurableFatAttributes& aAttr ) :
+ memset(&iBootSector,0,sizeof(iBootSector));
+ memset(&iFat32Ext,0,sizeof(iFat32Ext));
+ memset(&iFatHeader,0,sizeof(iFatHeader));
+ if(aAttr.iDriveSectorSize != 512 && aAttr.iDriveSectorSize != 1024 && aAttr.iDriveSectorSize != 2048 && aAttr.iDriveSectorSize != 4096) {
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ *((TUint32*)iBootSector.BS_jmpBoot) = 0x00905AEB ;
+ memcpy(iBootSector.BS_OEMName,"SYMBIAN ",8);
+ *((TUint16 *)iBootSector.BPB_BytsPerSec) = aAttr.iDriveSectorSize;
+ iBootSector.BPB_NumFATs = aAttr.iDriveNoOfFATs;
+ iBootSector.BPB_Media = 0xF8 ;
+ iFatHeader.BS_DrvNum = 0x80 ;
+ iFatHeader.BS_BootSig = 0x29 ;
+ time_t rawtime;
+ time(&rawtime);
+ *((TUint32*)iFatHeader.BS_VolID) = (TUint32)rawtime;
+ memcpy(iFatHeader.BS_VolLab,aAttr.iDriveVolumeLabel,sizeof(iFatHeader.BS_VolLab));
+ if(aAttr.iImageSize == 0){
+ if(aType == EFat32)
+ aAttr.iImageSize = 0x100000000LL ;// 4G
+ else
+ aAttr.iImageSize = 0x40000000LL ; // 1G
+ }
+ TUint32 totalSectors = (TUint32)((aAttr.iImageSize + aAttr.iDriveSectorSize - 1) / aAttr.iDriveSectorSize);
+ if(aType == EFat32) {
+ InitAsFat32(totalSectors,aAttr.iSectorPerCluster ,aAttr.iDriveSectorSize);
+ }
+ else if(aType == EFat16) {
+ InitAsFat16(totalSectors,aAttr.iSectorPerCluster,aAttr.iDriveSectorSize);
+ }
+ if(iType == EFatUnknown) return ;
+ iBytsPerClus = iBootSector.BPB_SecPerClus * aAttr.iDriveSectorSize;
+// if(iBytsPerClus > KMaxClusterBytes){
+// Print(EError,"Cluster too large!\n");
+// iType = EFatUnknown;
+// return ;
+// }
+TFatImgGenerator::~TFatImgGenerator() {
+ if(iFatTable)
+ delete []iFatTable;
+ Interator it = iDataClusters.begin();
+ while(it != iDataClusters.end()){
+ TFatCluster* cluster = *it ;
+ delete cluster;
+ it++;
+ }
+void TFatImgGenerator::InitAsFat16(TUint32 aTotalSectors,TUint8 aSecPerClus,TUint16 aBytsPerSec){
+ TUint32 numOfClusters ;
+ if(aSecPerClus == 0) {
+ //Auto-calc the SecPerClus
+ // FAT32 ,Count of clusters must >= 4085 and < 65525 , however , to avoid the "off by xx" warning,
+ // proprositional value >= (4085 + 16) && < (65525 - 16)
+ if(aTotalSectors < (4085 + 16)) { //when SecPerClus is 1, numOfClusters eq to aTotalSectors
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ Print(EError,"Size is too small for FAT16, please set a bigger size !\n");
+ return ;
+ }
+ TUint8 secPerClusMax = KMaxClusterBytes / aBytsPerSec;
+ numOfClusters = (aTotalSectors + secPerClusMax - 1) / secPerClusMax ;
+ if(numOfClusters >= (65525 - 16)) { // too big
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ Print(EError,"Size is too big for FAT16, please use the FAT32 format!\n");
+ return ;
+ }
+ aSecPerClus = 1;
+ while(aSecPerClus < secPerClusMax){
+ numOfClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus ;
+ if (numOfClusters >= (4085 + 16) && numOfClusters < (65525 - 16)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ aSecPerClus <<= 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( (aSecPerClus * aBytsPerSec) > KMaxClusterBytes){
+ Print(EError,"Cluster too large!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown;
+ return ;
+ }
+ numOfClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus;
+ if(numOfClusters >= (65525 - 16)){
+ Print(EError,"Cluster count is too big for FAT16, please use the FAT32 format or set a new bigger sector count of cluster!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ else if(numOfClusters < (4085 + 16)){
+ Print(EError,"Cluster count is too small for FAT16, please set a new small sector count of cluster or set the size bigger!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ iTotalClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus ;
+ iFatTableBytes = ((iTotalClusters << 1) + aBytsPerSec - 1) & (~(aBytsPerSec - 1));
+ iFatTable = new(std::nothrow) char[iFatTableBytes];
+ if(!iFatTable) {
+ Print(EError,"Memory allocation failed for FAT16 Table!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ memset(iFatTable,0,iFatTableBytes);
+ *((TUint32*)iFatTable) = 0xFFFFFFF8 ;
+ iBootSector.BPB_SecPerClus = aSecPerClus;
+ *((TUint16*)iBootSector.BPB_RsvdSecCnt) = 0x0001 ;
+ *((TUint16*)iBootSector.BPB_RootEntCnt) = KRootEntryCount ;
+ if(aTotalSectors > 0xFFFF)
+ *((TUint32*)iBootSector.BPB_TotSec32) = aTotalSectors;
+ else
+ *((TUint16*)iBootSector.BPB_TotSec16) = (TUint16)aTotalSectors;
+ TUint16 sectorsForFAT = (TUint16)((iFatTableBytes + aBytsPerSec - 1) / aBytsPerSec);
+ *((TUint16*)iBootSector.BPB_FATSz16) = sectorsForFAT ;
+ memcpy(iFatHeader.BS_FilSysType,"FAT16 ",sizeof(iFatHeader.BS_FilSysType));
+void TFatImgGenerator::InitAsFat32(TUint32 aTotalSectors,TUint8 aSecPerClus,TUint16 aBytsPerSec) {
+ TUint32 numOfClusters;
+ if(aSecPerClus == 0) {
+ //Auto-calc the SecPerClus
+ // FAT32 ,Count of clusters must >= 65525, however , to avoid the "off by xx" warning,
+ // proprositional value >= (65525 + 16)
+ if(aTotalSectors < (65525 + 16)) { //when SecPerClus is 1, numOfClusters eq to aTotalSectors
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ Print(EError,"Size is too small for FAT32, please use the FAT16 format, or set the data size bigger!\n");
+ return ;
+ }
+ TUint8 secPerClusMax = KMaxClusterBytes / aBytsPerSec;
+ aSecPerClus = secPerClusMax;
+ while(aSecPerClus > 1){
+ numOfClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus ;
+ if (numOfClusters >= (65525 + 16)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ aSecPerClus >>= 1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( (aSecPerClus * aBytsPerSec) > KMaxClusterBytes){
+ Print(EError,"Cluster too large!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown;
+ return ;
+ }
+ numOfClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus;
+ if(numOfClusters < (65525 + 16)) {
+ Print(EError,"Cluster count is too small for FAT32, please set a new small sector count of cluster or set the size bigger or use the FAT16 format!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ iTotalClusters = (aTotalSectors + aSecPerClus - 1) / aSecPerClus ;
+ iFatTableBytes = ((iTotalClusters << 2) + aBytsPerSec - 1) & (~(aBytsPerSec - 1));
+ iFatTable = new(std::nothrow) char[iFatTableBytes];
+ if(!iFatTable) {
+ Print(EError,"Memory allocation failed for FAT32 Table!\n");
+ iType = EFatUnknown ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ memset(iFatTable,0,iFatTableBytes);
+ TUint32* fat32table = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(iFatTable);
+ fat32table[0] = 0x0FFFFFF8 ;
+ fat32table[1] = 0x0FFFFFFF ;
+ iBootSector.BPB_SecPerClus = aSecPerClus;
+ iBootSector.BPB_RsvdSecCnt[0] = 0x20 ;
+ *((TUint32*)iBootSector.BPB_TotSec32) = aTotalSectors;
+ *((TUint32*)iFat32Ext.BPB_FATSz32) = (iFatTableBytes + aBytsPerSec - 1) / aBytsPerSec;
+ *((TUint32*)iFat32Ext.BPB_RootClus) = 2 ;
+ *((TUint16*)iFat32Ext.BPB_FSInfo) = 1 ;
+ *((TUint16*)iFat32Ext.BPB_BkBootSec) = 6 ;
+ memcpy(iFatHeader.BS_FilSysType,"FAT32 ",sizeof(iFatHeader.BS_FilSysType));
+bool TFatImgGenerator::Execute(TFSNode* aRootDir , const char* aOutputFile){
+ if(EFatUnknown == iType)
+ return false ;
+ ofstream o(aOutputFile,ios_base::binary + ios_base::out + ios_base::trunc);
+ TUint32 writtenBytes = 0 ;
+ if(!o.is_open()) {
+ Print(EError,"Can not open \"%s\" for writing !\n",aOutputFile) ;
+ return false;
+ }
+ TUint16 bytsPerSector = *((TUint16*)iBootSector.BPB_BytsPerSec);
+ Interator it = iDataClusters.begin();
+ while(it != iDataClusters.end()){
+ TFatCluster* cluster = *it ;
+ delete cluster;
+ it++;
+ }
+ iDataClusters.clear();
+ Print(EAlways,"Filesystem ready.\nWriting Header...");
+ if(EFat16 == iType){
+ char* header = new(std::nothrow) char[bytsPerSector];
+ if(!header){
+ Print(EError,"Can not allocate memory for FAT16 header!\n");
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ int offset = 0;
+ memcpy(header,&iBootSector,sizeof(iBootSector));
+ offset = sizeof(iBootSector);
+ memcpy(&header[offset],&iFatHeader,sizeof(iFatHeader));
+ offset += sizeof(iFatHeader);
+ memset(&header[offset],0,bytsPerSector - offset);
+ *((TUint16*)(&header[510])) = 0xAA55 ;
+ o.write(header,bytsPerSector);
+ writtenBytes += bytsPerSector;
+ delete []header ;
+ TUint16 rootDirSectors = (KRootEntryCount * 32) / bytsPerSector ;
+ TUint16 rootDirClusters = (rootDirSectors + iBootSector.BPB_SecPerClus - 1) /iBootSector.BPB_SecPerClus;
+ TUint32 rootDirBytes = KRootEntryCount * 32;
+ TFatCluster* rootDir = new(std::nothrow) TFatCluster(0,rootDirClusters);
+ rootDir->Init(rootDirBytes);
+ iDataClusters.push_back(rootDir);
+ aRootDir->WriteDirEntries(KRootClusterIndex,rootDir->GetData());
+ TUint index = 2 ;
+ Print(EAlways," OK.\nPreparing cluster list...");
+ TFSNode* child = aRootDir->GetFirstChild() ;
+ while(child){
+ if(!PrepareClusters(index,child)){
+ Print(EAlways," Failed.\nError:Image size is expected to be big enough for all the files.\n");
+ return false ;
+ }
+ child = child->GetSibling() ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(EFat32 == iType){
+ TUint headerSize = ( bytsPerSector << 5 ); // 32 reserved sectors for fat32
+ char* header = new(std::nothrow) char[headerSize];
+ if(!header){
+ Print(EError,"Can not allocate memory for FAT32 header!\n");
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ memset(header,0,headerSize);
+ int offset = 0;
+ memcpy(header,&iBootSector,sizeof(iBootSector));
+ offset = sizeof(iBootSector);
+ memcpy(&header[offset],&iFat32Ext,sizeof(iFat32Ext));
+ offset += sizeof(iFat32Ext);
+ memcpy(&header[offset],&iFatHeader,sizeof(iFatHeader));
+ offset += sizeof(iFatHeader);
+ TFAT32FSInfoSector* fsinfo = reinterpret_cast<TFAT32FSInfoSector*>(&header[bytsPerSector]);
+ *((TUint32*)fsinfo->FSI_LeadSig) = 0x41615252 ;
+ *((TUint32*)fsinfo->FSI_StrucSig) = 0x61417272 ;
+ memset(fsinfo->FSI_Free_Count,0xFF,8);
+ char* tailed = header + 510 ;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++ , tailed += bytsPerSector )
+ *((TUint16*)tailed) = 0xAA55 ;
+ TUint index = 2 ;
+ Print(EAlways," OK.\nPreparing cluster list...");
+ if(!PrepareClusters(index,aRootDir)) {
+ Print(EAlways," Failed.\nERROR: Image size is expected to be big enough for all the files.\n");
+ delete []header ;
+ return false;
+ }
+ *(TUint32*)(fsinfo->FSI_Free_Count) = iTotalClusters - index + 3;
+ *(TUint32*)(fsinfo->FSI_Nxt_Free) = index ;
+ // write bakup boot sectors
+ memcpy(&header[bytsPerSector * 6],header,(bytsPerSector << 1));
+ o.write(header,headerSize);
+ writtenBytes += headerSize;
+ delete []header ;
+ }
+ //iDataClusters.sort();
+ it = iDataClusters.end() ;
+ it -- ;
+ int clusters = (*it)->GetIndex() + (*it)->ActualClusterCount() - 1;
+ Print(EAlways," OK.\n%d clusters of data need to be written.\nWriting Fat table...",clusters);
+ for(TUint8 w = 0 ; w < iBootSector.BPB_NumFATs ; w++){
+ o.write(iFatTable,iFatTableBytes);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EAlways,"\nERROR:Writting failed. Please check the filesystem\n");
+ delete []iFatTable,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += iFatTableBytes;
+ }
+ char* buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[KBufferedIOBytes];
+ if(!buffer){
+ Print(EError,"Can not allocate memory for I/O buffer !\n");
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ o.flush();
+ Print(EAlways," OK.\nWriting clusters data...");
+ int bytesInBuffer = 0;
+ int writeTimes = 24;
+ TFatCluster* lastClust = 0 ;
+ for(it = iDataClusters.begin(); it != iDataClusters.end() ; it++ ){
+ TFatCluster* cluster = *it ;
+ TUint fileSize = cluster->GetSize();
+ TUint toProcess = cluster->ActualClusterCount() * iBytsPerClus ;
+ if(toProcess > KBufferedIOBytes){ // big file
+ if(bytesInBuffer > 0){
+ o.write(buffer,bytesInBuffer);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EError,"Writting failed.\n");
+ delete []buffer,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += bytesInBuffer;
+ bytesInBuffer = 0;
+ Print(EAlways,".");
+ writeTimes ++ ;
+ if((writeTimes % KCharsOfCmdWndLine) == 0){
+ o.flush();
+ cout << endl ;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cluster->IsLazy()){
+ ifstream ifs(cluster->GetFileName(), ios_base::binary + ios_base::in);
+ if(!ifs.is_open()){
+ Print(EError,"Can not open file \"%s\"\n",cluster->GetFileName()) ;
+ o.close();
+ delete []buffer;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ if(!ifs.good()) ifs.clear();
+ TUint processedBytes = 0 ;
+ while(processedBytes < fileSize){
+ TUint ioBytes = fileSize - processedBytes ;
+ if(ioBytes > KBufferedIOBytes)
+ ioBytes = KBufferedIOBytes;
+ ifs.read(buffer,ioBytes);
+ processedBytes += ioBytes;
+ o.write(buffer,ioBytes);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EError,"Writting failed.\n");
+ delete []iFatTable,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += ioBytes;
+ Print(EAlways,".");
+ writeTimes ++ ;
+ if((writeTimes % KCharsOfCmdWndLine) == 0){
+ o.flush();
+ Print(EAlways,"\n") ;
+ }
+ }
+ TUint paddingBytes = toProcess - processedBytes;
+ if( paddingBytes > 0 ){
+ memset(buffer,0,paddingBytes);
+ o.write(buffer,paddingBytes);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EError,"Writting failed.\n");
+ delete []buffer,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += paddingBytes;
+ }
+ ifs.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ // impossible
+ Print(EError,"Unexpected result!\n");
+ o.close();
+ delete []buffer;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(toProcess > (KBufferedIOBytes - bytesInBuffer)){
+ o.write(buffer,bytesInBuffer);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EError,"Writting failed.\n");
+ delete []buffer,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += bytesInBuffer;
+ Print(EAlways,".");
+ writeTimes ++ ;
+ if((writeTimes % KCharsOfCmdWndLine) == 0){
+ o.flush();
+ cout << endl ;
+ }
+ bytesInBuffer = 0;
+ }
+ if(cluster->IsLazy()){
+ ifstream ifs(cluster->GetFileName(), ios_base::binary + ios_base::in);
+ if(!ifs.is_open()){
+ Print(EError,"Can not open file \"%s\"\n",cluster->GetFileName()) ;
+ o.close();
+ delete []buffer;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ if(!ifs.good()) ifs.clear();
+ ifs.read(&buffer[bytesInBuffer],fileSize);
+ bytesInBuffer += fileSize;
+ if(toProcess > fileSize) { // fill padding bytes
+ memset(&buffer[bytesInBuffer],0,toProcess - fileSize);
+ bytesInBuffer += (toProcess - fileSize);
+ }
+ ifs.close();
+ }
+ else{
+ if(toProcess != cluster->GetSize() && cluster->GetIndex() != KRootClusterIndex){
+ Print(EError,"Unexpected size!\n");
+ o.close();
+ delete []buffer;
+ return false ;
+ }
+ memcpy(&buffer[bytesInBuffer],cluster->GetData(),cluster->GetSize());
+ bytesInBuffer += cluster->GetSize();
+ }
+ }
+ lastClust = cluster ;
+ }
+ if(bytesInBuffer > 0){
+ o.write(buffer,bytesInBuffer);
+ if(o.bad() || o.fail()){
+ Print(EError,"Writting failed.\n");
+ delete []buffer,
+ o.close();
+ return false ;
+ }
+ writtenBytes += bytesInBuffer;
+ o.flush();
+ }
+ Print(EAlways,"\nDone.\n\n");
+ o.close();
+ return true ;
+bool TFatImgGenerator::PrepareClusters(TUint& aNextClusIndex,TFSNode* aNode) {
+ TUint sizeOfItem = aNode->GetSize();
+ TUint clusters = (sizeOfItem + iBytsPerClus - 1) / iBytsPerClus;
+ if(iTotalClusters < aNextClusIndex + clusters)
+ return false ;
+ TUint16* fat16Table = reinterpret_cast<TUint16*>(iFatTable);
+ TUint32* fat32Table = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(iFatTable);
+ for(TUint i = aNextClusIndex + clusters - 1 ; i > aNextClusIndex ; i--){
+ if(iType == EFat16)
+ fat16Table[i - 1] = i ;
+ else
+ fat32Table[i - 1] = i ;
+ }
+ if(iType == EFat16)
+ fat16Table[aNextClusIndex + clusters - 1] = 0xffff ;
+ else
+ fat32Table[aNextClusIndex + clusters - 1] = 0x0fffffff ;
+ TFatCluster* cluster = new TFatCluster(aNextClusIndex,clusters);
+ if(aNode->IsDirectory()) {
+ TUint bytes = clusters * iBytsPerClus ;
+ cluster->Init(bytes);
+ aNode->WriteDirEntries(aNextClusIndex,cluster->GetData());
+ }
+ else {
+ cluster->LazyInit(aNode->GetPCSideName(),sizeOfItem);
+ aNode->WriteDirEntries(aNextClusIndex,NULL);
+ }
+ iDataClusters.push_back(cluster);
+ aNextClusIndex += clusters;
+ if(aNode->GetFirstChild()){
+ if(!PrepareClusters(aNextClusIndex,aNode->GetFirstChild()))
+ return false ;
+ }
+ if(aNode->GetSibling()){
+ if(!PrepareClusters(aNextClusIndex,aNode->GetSibling()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true ;