changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 590 360bd6b35136
parent 606 30b30f9da0b7
child 617 3a747a240983
--- a/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_driveimage.cpp	Wed Jun 23 17:27:59 2010 +0800
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/r_driveimage.cpp	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -20,7 +20,13 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string>
+#include "fsnode.h"
+#include "fatimagegenerator.h"
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <stack>
+#include <utility>
+#include <new>
+using namespace boost ;
 #ifdef __LINUX__
 	#include <dirent.h>
@@ -48,125 +54,96 @@
 #include "r_romnode.h"
 #include "r_rofs.h"
 #include "r_driveimage.h"
-// File format supported by Rofsbuild
-DriveFileFormatSupported CDriveImage::iFormatType[] =
-	{
-		{"FAT16",EFAT16},
-		{"FAT32",EFAT32},
-	};
-File format conversion from char* to coresponding enum value.
-@param aUserFileFormat - pointer to user entered file format.
-@param aDriveFileFormat - Reference to actual variable.
-TBool CDriveImage::FormatTranslation(const char* aUserFileFormat,enum TFileSystem& aDriveFileFormat)
-	{
-	struct DriveFileFormatSupported* strPointer = iFormatType;
-	for( ; (strPointer->iDriveFileFormat) != '\0' ; ++strPointer )
-		{
-		if(!strcmp(aUserFileFormat,strPointer->iDriveFileFormat))
-			{
-			aDriveFileFormat = strPointer->iFileSystem;
-			return ETrue;
-			}
-		}	
-	return EFalse;
-	}
 Constructor: CDriveImage class 
 @param aObey - pointer to Drive obey file.
 CDriveImage::CDriveImage(CObeyFile *aObey)
-	: iObey( aObey ),iParentDirEntry(0),iListReference(0),iTempDirName(NULL), iData(0)
-	{
-	}
-Destructor: CDriveImage class 
-Release the resources allocated in heap.
-	{
-	iNodeAddStore.clear();
-	iNodeList.clear();
-	if(iData)
-		delete[] iData;
-	if(iTempDirName)
-		delete[] iTempDirName;
-	}
+	: iObey( aObey )
-Creates the STL list to interface with file system module.
-Creates the Temp folder for placing the executables
-   (those changed,due to user option like compression,un-compression & fileattribute)
-Updates the excutable options (file attributes, compression etc)
-@return Status - 'KErrNone' - successfully done above operations.
-                 'KErrNoMemory' - Not able to allocate the memory.
-				 'KErrGeneral' - Unable to done the above operations.
-TInt CDriveImage::CreateList()
-	{
-	TRomNode* pRootDir = iObey->iRootDirectory;
-	TInt16 dirCheck = 1;
-	TInt retStatus = 0;
-	// For Creating the temp folder.	
-	iTempDirName = new char[KMaxGenBuffer];
-	if(!iTempDirName)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	// Create the temp folder.
-	// Check for folder exist, if exist it loops until dir created or loop exit.
-	while(dirCheck)
-		{
-		sprintf(iTempDirName,"%s%05d","temp",dirCheck); 
-		retStatus = MKDIR(iTempDirName); 
-		if(!retStatus)
-			break;	
-		++dirCheck;
+	* 
+  */
+TFSNode* CDriveImage::PrepareFileSystem(TRomNode* aRomNode){ 
+	TUint8 attrib ;
+	TFSNode* root = 0;
+	TRomNode* romNode = aRomNode;
+	stack<pair<TRomNode*,TFSNode*> > nodesStack ;
+	TFSNode* parentFS = 0 ;
+	TFSNode* curFS = 0;
+	bool err = false ;
+    while(1) {
+        attrib = 0 ;
+        if(romNode->iAtt & KEntryAttReadOnly)
+			attrib |= ATTR_READ_ONLY ;
+		if(romNode->iAtt & KEntryAttHidden)
+			attrib |= ATTR_HIDDEN ;
+		if(romNode->iAtt & KEntryAttSystem)
+			attrib |= ATTR_SYSTEM ;  
+		if(romNode->IsDirectory()) {		  
+			curFS = new(std::nothrow)  TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iName,attrib | ATTR_DIRECTORY);
+			if(!curFS){
+					err = true ;
+					break ;
+			} 
+			if(!root) root = curFS ;  
+			time_t now = time(NULL); 
+			curFS->Init(now,now,now,0); 
+			TRomNode* child = romNode->Currentchild();
+			if(child){
+				TRomNode* sibling = romNode->Currentsibling(); 
+				if(sibling)
+					nodesStack.push(make_pair(sibling,parentFS));
+				romNode = child ;
+				parentFS = curFS ;
+				continue ;
+			}			
-	if(!dirCheck)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Unable to Create the temp folder,Check directory settings.\n");
-		if(iTempDirName)
-			{
-			delete[] iTempDirName;
-			iTempDirName = 0;
-			}
-		return KErrCancel;
+		else { // file             
+				curFS = new(std::nothrow) TFSNode(parentFS,romNode->iEntry->iName,attrib,romNode->iEntry->iFileName);
+				if(!curFS){
+					err = true ;
+					break ;
+				} 
+				if(!root) root = curFS ;  
+				struct stat statbuf ;
+				stat(romNode->iEntry->iFileName, &statbuf);             
+				curFS->Init(statbuf.st_ctime,statbuf.st_atime,statbuf.st_mtime,statbuf.st_size);   
+		}
+		TRomNode* sibling = romNode->Currentsibling(); 
+		if(sibling) {
+			romNode = sibling ; 
-	// Construct the file options.
-	if(ConstructOptions() != KErrNone)
-		{
-		return KErrGeneral;
-		}
-	// Construct the List.
-	if((GenTreeTraverse(pRootDir,KNodeTypeRoot)) != KErrNone )
-		{
-		return KErrGeneral;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
+		else { 
+			if(nodesStack.empty()) {
+				break ;
+			}
+			else {
+				romNode =;
+				parentFS = ;
+				nodesStack.pop() ;
+			}
+		}		
+    }
+	if(err) {
+		if(root) delete root ;
+		return NULL ;
+    return root ;
 Creates the Image/Call to file system module.
@@ -179,396 +156,31 @@
 @return Status(r) - returns the status of file system module.
                    'KErrGeneral' - Unable to done the above operations properly.
-TInt CDriveImage::CreateImage(const char* alogfile)
-	{
-	TInt retStatus = 0;
-	retStatus = CreateList();
-	if((retStatus == KErrCancel) || (retStatus == KErrNoMemory))
-		return KErrGeneral;
-	if(retStatus != KErrNone)
-		{
-		Print(EError,"Insufficent Memory/Not able to generate the Structure\n");
-		if(DeleteTempFolder(iTempDirName) != KErrNone )
-			{
-			Print(EWarning,"Not able to delete the temp folder : %s",iTempDirName);
-			}
-		return KErrGeneral;
-		}
-	// Close log file.
-	H.CloseLogFile();		
+TInt CDriveImage::CreateImage(const char* alogfile) {
-	// Convert fileformat to corresponding enum value.
-	enum TFileSystem fileFormat = (TFileSystem)0;
-	FormatTranslation(iObey->iDriveFileFormat,fileFormat);
-	// Call to file system module. create the image.
-	if(iObey->iDataSize)
-		retStatus = CFileSystemInterFace::CreateFilesystem(&iNodeList,fileFormat,
-														(char*)iObey->iDriveFileName,
-														(char*)alogfile,
-														iObey->iConfigurableFatAttributes,																											
-														iObey->iDataSize); 
-	else
-		retStatus = CFileSystemInterFace::CreateFilesystem(&iNodeList,fileFormat,
-														(char*)iObey->iDriveFileName,
-														(char*)alogfile,
-														iObey->iConfigurableFatAttributes);														; 
-	//delete the temp folder.
-	if(DeleteTempFolder(iTempDirName) != KErrNone )
-		{
-		cout << "Warning: Not able to delete the temp folder : " << iTempDirName << "\n" ;
-		}
-	return 	retStatus;
+	TSupportedFatType fst = EFatUnknown ;
+	if(stricmp(iObey->iDriveFileFormat,"FAT16") == 0)
+	    fst = EFat16 ;
+	else if(stricmp(iObey->iDriveFileFormat,"FAT32") == 0)
+	        fst = EFat32 ;
+	if(EFatUnknown == fst){
+        Print(EError,"Unsupported FAT type : %s",iObey->iDriveFileFormat);
+        return KErrGeneral ;
-Delete the temp directory.
-@param aTempDirName - Temporory folder name to be deleted.
-@return Status(r) - returns the status.
-                   'KErrGeneral' - Unable to done the above operations properly.
-				   'KErrNone' - successfully deleted the folder.
-TInt CDriveImage::DeleteTempFolder(const char* aTempDirName)
-	{
-	TInt fileDeleted = 1;
-	string dirPath(aTempDirName); 
-	string fileName(aTempDirName); 
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-	// Open directory
-	DIR *dirHandler = opendir(aTempDirName);
-	struct dirent *dirEntry;
-	if(!dirHandler)
-		return KErrGeneral;
-	dirPath.append("/");
-	fileName.append("/");
-	// Go through each entry
-	while((dirEntry = readdir(dirHandler)))
-		{
-		if(dirEntry->d_type != DT_DIR) 
-			{
-			fileName.append((char*)dirEntry->d_name);
-			remove(fileName.c_str());
-			fileName.assign(dirPath);
-			}
-		}
-	//Close dir
-	if(!closedir(dirHandler))
-		{
-		fileDeleted = rmdir(aTempDirName);
-		}
-	WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
-	dirPath.append("\\*");
-	fileName.append("\\");
-	// find the first file
-	hFind = FindFirstFile(dirPath.c_str(),&FindFileData);
-		return KErrGeneral;
+	TFatImgGenerator generator(fst,iObey->iConfigurableFatAttributes);
-	dirPath.assign(fileName);   
-	do
-	{
-	// Check for directory or file.
-	if(!(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes  & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
-		{
-		// Delete the file.
-		fileName.append((char*)FindFileData.cFileName);
-		remove(fileName.c_str());
-		fileName.assign(dirPath);
-		}
-	} while(FindNextFile(hFind,&FindFileData));
-	FindClose(hFind);
-	if(ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES != GetLastError())
-		{
-		cout << "Warning: FindNextFile error. Error is " << GetLastError() << "\n" ;
-		}
-	fileDeleted = _rmdir(aTempDirName);
-	if(!fileDeleted)
-		return KErrNone;
-	else
-		return KErrGeneral;
+	if(!generator.IsValid()){
+	    return KErrGeneral; 
-General Tree Traverse to create the List.
-Recursive call to update the list.
-@param anode - Current Node in the tree.
-@param anodeType - Node type(root,child,sibling)
-@return r - returns 'KErrNoMemory' if fails to generate the list or memory not allocated.
-            or 'KErrNone'
-TInt CDriveImage::GenTreeTraverse(TRomNode* anode,enum KNodeType anodeType)    
-	{
-	TInt r =0;			
-	if((r = CreateDirOrFileEntry(anode,anodeType)) != KErrNone) 
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	if(anode->Currentchild())
-		{
-		if((r = GenTreeTraverse(anode->Currentchild(),KNodeTypeChild)) != KErrNone)
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-		if(iNodeAddStore.size())	
-			iNodeAddStore.pop_back();
-		--iListReference;
-		}
-	if(anode->Currentsibling())
-		{
-		if((r = GenTreeTraverse(anode->Currentsibling(),KNodeTypeSibling)) != KErrNone)
-			return KErrNoMemory;
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-Generate the List. required for drive image creation.
-Hidden file node is not placed in list.
-@param atempnode - Current Node in the tree.
-@param aType - Node type(root,child,sibling)
-@return r - returns 'KErrNoMemory' if memory is not allocated or 'KErrNone'
-TInt CDriveImage::CreateDirOrFileEntry(TRomNode* atempnode,enum KNodeType aType)    
-	{
-	CDirectory* parentDirectory = NULL ;
-	if(KNodeTypeChild == aType)
-		parentDirectory = iParentDirEntry;
-	else if(KNodeTypeSibling == aType)
-		parentDirectory = (CDirectory*)(iNodeAddStore[iListReference-1]);
+	TFSNode* root = PrepareFileSystem(iObey->iRootDirectory);
+	if(!root)
+	    return KErrGeneral;
-	CDirectory* iDirectory = new CDirectory(atempnode->iName,parentDirectory);
-	if(!iDirectory)									
-		return KErrNoMemory;
+	TInt retVal = generator.Execute(root,iObey->iDriveFileName) ? KErrNone : KErrGeneral;
+	delete root ;
-	char attrib = 0 ;
-	if(atempnode->iAtt & KEntryAttReadOnly)
-		attrib |= EAttrReadOnly ;
-	if(atempnode->iAtt & KEntryAttHidden)
-		attrib |= EAttrHidden ;
-	if(atempnode->iAtt & KEntryAttSystem)
-		attrib |= EAttrSystem ;
-	// for files only.
-	if(atempnode->iEntry)
-		{
-		iDirectory->SetEntryAttribute(attrib);
-		// don't place the hidden files to list.
-		if(!atempnode->iHidden)	
-			{
-			iDirectory->SetFilePath(atempnode->iEntry->iFileName);
-			iDirectory->SetFileSize(atempnode->iSize);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iNodeAddStore.push_back((void*)iParentDirEntry);
-			++iListReference;
-			return KErrNone;  
-			}	
-		}
-	else
-		iDirectory->SetEntryAttribute(attrib | EAttrDirectory);
-	switch(aType)
-		{
-		case KNodeTypeRoot:
-			iDirectory->SetEntryAttribute(EAttrVolumeId);
-			iNodeList.push_back(iDirectory);	
-			iParentDirEntry = iDirectory; 
-			break;
-		case KNodeTypeChild:
-			iNodeAddStore.push_back((void*)iParentDirEntry);
-			++iListReference;
-			parentDirectory->InsertIntoEntryList(iDirectory); 
-			iParentDirEntry = iDirectory ;
-			break;
-		case KNodeTypeSibling:
-			parentDirectory->InsertIntoEntryList(iDirectory); 
-			iParentDirEntry = iDirectory ;
-			break;
-		default: 
-			break;
-		}
-	return KErrNone;                                             
-	}
-Traverses all entries and update compress/uncompress and file attribute options.
-Place executables in temp folder.(if changed)
-Hidden file node is not placed in temp folder.
-@return r - returns 'KErrNoMemory/KErrGeneral' if fails to update the options or memory
-            not allocated or else 'KErrNone' for Succesfully operation.
-TInt CDriveImage::ConstructOptions()  {
-	TInt32 len = 0;
-	TRomNode* node = TRomNode::FirstNode();
-        CBytePair bpe;
-	while(node)
-		{
-		// Don't do anything for hidden files.
-		if(node->IsFile() && (!node->iHidden))
-			{
-			TInt32 size=HFile::GetLength(node->iEntry->iFileName);    
-			if(size <= 0)
-				{
-				Print(EWarning,"File %s does not exist or is 0 bytes in length.\n",node->iEntry->iFileName);
-				}
-			node->iSize = size;
-			if(node->iEntry->iExecutable && (size > 0))
-				{
-				if((node->iFileUpdate) || (node->iOverride))
-					{
-					size_t allocSize = size << 1 ;
-					iData = new char[allocSize];
-					if(!iData)
-						return KErrNoMemory;
-					HMem::Set(iData, 0xff, allocSize);
-                    TUint8* aData = (TUint8*)iData;
-					len = node->PlaceFile(aData,0,allocSize,&bpe);
-					if(len < KErrNone)
-						{	
-						delete[] iData;
-						iData = 0;
-						return KErrGeneral;
-						}
-					// Place the file in Newly created Folder. 
-					TInt r = PlaceFileTemporary(len,node);
-					delete[] iData;
-					iData = 0;
-					if(r != KErrNone)
-						{
-						return r;
-						}
-					} // file update end.
-				}
-			} // is file end
-		node = node->NextNode();
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Place the modified exe's(e32 format) in Temp Folder. 
-Place executables in temp folder.(if changed)
-@param afileSize    - No. of bytes to be palced in the file.
-@param acurrentNode - file node, to modify its source path.
-@return r - returns 'KErrNoMemory' if fails to allocate the memory.
-            or 'KErrNone'
-TInt CDriveImage::PlaceFileTemporary(const TInt afileSize,TRomNode* acurrentNode) 
-	{
-	TInt randomValue = 0;
-	char randomString[KMaxGenBuffer] = "\0";
-	char* fileSourcePath = acurrentNode->iEntry->iName;
-	string newFileName;
-	do
-		{
-		newFileName.append(iTempDirName);
-		newFileName.append("/");
-		if(!randomValue)	
-			{
-			newFileName.append(fileSourcePath);
-			}
-		else
-			{  
-			newFileName.append(randomString);
-			newFileName.append(fileSourcePath);
-			}
-		ifstream test(newFileName.c_str());
-		if (!test)
-			{
-			test.close();
-			ofstream driveFile(newFileName.c_str(),ios_base::binary);
-			if (!driveFile)
-				{
-				Print(EError,"Cannot open file %s for output\n",newFileName.c_str());
-				return KErrGeneral;
-				}
-			driveFile.write(iData,afileSize);
-			driveFile.close();
-			// Update the new source path.
-			delete[] acurrentNode->iEntry->iFileName;
-			acurrentNode->iEntry->iFileName = new char[ newFileName.length() + 1 ];
-			if(!acurrentNode->iEntry->iFileName)
-				return KErrNoMemory;
-			memcpy(acurrentNode->iEntry->iFileName,newFileName.c_str(),newFileName.length());
-			acurrentNode->iEntry->iFileName[newFileName.length()] = 0;
-			break;
-			}
-		test.close();
-		newFileName.erase();
-		++randomValue;
-		sprintf(randomString,"%d",randomValue);
-		}
-	while(randomValue);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
+	return 	retVal;