--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/romtools/rofsbuild/src/cache/cache.cpp Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+* Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <new>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <queue>
+#include <map>
+#include "e32image.h"
+#include <filesystem.hpp>
+#include <thread/thread.hpp>
+#include <thread/mutex.hpp>
+#include <thread/condition_variable.hpp>
+#include "cache/cacheexception.hpp"
+#include "cache/cacheentry.hpp"
+#include "cache/cacheablelist.hpp"
+#include "cache/cache.hpp"
+#include "cache/cachegenerator.hpp"
+#include "cache/cachevalidator.hpp"
+#include "cache/cachemanager.hpp"
+#include <malloc.h>
+#ifdef __LINUX__
+#define _alloca alloca
+Cache* Cache::Only = (Cache*)0;
+Cache* Cache::GetInstance(void) throw (CacheException)
+ if(! Cache::Only)
+ {
+ Cache::Only = new (std::nothrow) Cache();
+ if(! Cache::Only)
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE);
+ }
+ return Cache::Only;
+void Cache::Initialize(void) throw (CacheException)
+ //create and open cache meta data file.
+ metafile = CacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheRoot();
+ metafile += "/.rofsmeta";
+ boost::filesystem::path metafilepath(metafile.c_str());
+ if(!exists(metafilepath))
+ {
+ //create cache root directory if it's not present.
+ boost::filesystem::path createcacheroot(CacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheRoot());
+ create_directory(createcacheroot);
+ //create cache index file.
+ ofstream openmetafile(metafilepath.file_string().c_str(), ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
+ if(! openmetafile.is_open())
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::CACHE_INVALID);
+ openmetafile.close();
+ }
+ printf("Loading cache meta file : %s\r\n", metafilepath.file_string().c_str());
+ ifstream metafileref(metafilepath.file_string().c_str(), ios_base::in);
+ if(! metafileref.is_open())
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::HARDDRIVE_FAILURE);
+ //read ROFS meta file and construct entry map.
+ string inboundbuffer;
+ while(getline(metafileref, inboundbuffer))
+ {
+ //validate cache index record.
+ if(! ValidateEntry(inboundbuffer))
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::CACHE_INVALID);
+ //instantiate a new instance of class CacheEntry.
+ CacheEntry* entryref = new (nothrow) CacheEntry();
+ if(!entryref)
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE);
+ //set entry's attributes.
+ char* attrwalker = (char*)_alloca(inboundbuffer.length() + 1);
+ memcpy(attrwalker,inboundbuffer.c_str(),inboundbuffer.length() + 1);
+ char* start = attrwalker ;
+ while(*start != ';')
+ start++;
+ *start++ = 0;
+ entryref->SetOriginalFilename(attrwalker);
+ attrwalker = start;
+ while(*start != ';')
+ start++;
+ *start++ = 0;
+ entryref->SetOriginalFileCreateTime(attrwalker);
+ attrwalker = start;
+ while(*start != ';')
+ start++;
+ *start++ = 0;
+ entryref->SetOriginalFileCompression(attrwalker);
+ attrwalker = start;
+ while(*start != ';')
+ start++;
+ *start++ = 0;
+ entryref->SetCachedFilename(attrwalker);
+ attrwalker = start;
+ entryref->SetCachedFileCompression(attrwalker);
+ //add newly created entry into entry-map.
+ string newentrystring(entryref->GetOriginalFilename());
+ CacheEntry* existentryref = entrymap[newentrystring];
+ if(existentryref) {
+ while(existentryref->GetNextEntry())
+ existentryref = existentryref->GetNextEntry();
+ existentryref->AppendEntry(entryref);
+ }
+ else {
+ entrymap[newentrystring] = entryref;
+ }
+ //reinitialize inbound buffer.
+ inboundbuffer.clear();
+ }
+ return;
+CacheEntry* Cache::GetEntryList(const char* OriginalFilename)
+ //retrieval could be performed concurrently.
+ boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(cachemutex);
+ string originalfile(OriginalFilename);
+ CacheEntry* resultentries = entrymap[originalfile];
+ return resultentries;
+void Cache::AddEntry(const char* OriginalFilename, CacheEntry* EntryRef)
+ string originalfile(OriginalFilename);
+ //addtions could be performed concurrently.
+ boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(cachemutex);
+ entrymap[originalfile] = EntryRef;
+ return;
+void Cache::CloseCache(void) throw (CacheException)
+ //open up the cache meta file.
+ boost::filesystem::path metafilepath(metafile);
+ ofstream metafileref;
+ if(! exists(metafilepath))
+ metafileref.open(metafilepath.file_string().c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::app);
+ else
+ metafileref.open(metafilepath.file_string().c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
+ if(! metafileref.is_open())
+ throw CacheException(CacheException::HARDDRIVE_FAILURE);
+ //save cache meta onto hard drive along with changed cache files.
+ char* delimiter = ";";
+ map<string, CacheEntry*>::iterator mapitem;
+ for(mapitem=entrymap.begin(); mapitem != entrymap.end(); mapitem++)
+ {
+ CacheEntry* concreteentryref = (*mapitem).second;
+ while(concreteentryref)
+ {
+ metafileref.write(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFilename(), strlen(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFilename()));
+ metafileref.write(delimiter, strlen(delimiter));
+ metafileref.write(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFileCreateTime(), strlen(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFileCreateTime()));
+ metafileref.write(delimiter, strlen(delimiter));
+ metafileref.write(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFileCompressionID(), strlen(concreteentryref->GetOriginalFileCompressionID()));
+ metafileref.write(delimiter, strlen(delimiter));
+ metafileref.write(concreteentryref->GetCachedFilename(), strlen(concreteentryref->GetCachedFilename()));
+ metafileref.write(delimiter, strlen(delimiter));
+ metafileref.write(concreteentryref->GetCachedFileCompressionID(), strlen(concreteentryref->GetCachedFileCompressionID()));
+ metafileref.write("\n", strlen("\n"));
+// CacheEntry* tobedeletedentryref = concreteentryref;
+ concreteentryref = concreteentryref->GetNextEntry();
+// delete tobedeletedentryref;
+ }
+ }
+ //close cache meta file.
+ metafileref.close();
+ return;
+bool Cache::ValidateEntry(string& EntryRawText)
+ //an entry is formed as original_filename;original_file_create_time;original_file_compression_id;cached_filename;cached_file_compression_id(end of line - '\n')
+ //format validation.
+ int semicolon = 0;
+ size_t semicolonposition = 0;
+ while(1) {
+ semicolonposition = EntryRawText.find(';', semicolonposition);
+ if(semicolonposition != string::npos) {
+ semicolonposition++;
+ semicolon++;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if(semicolon != 4)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ return;