changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 602 3145852acc89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/releasing/cbrtools/perl/Archive/	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,3351 @@
+#! perl -w
+# $Revision: 1.39 $
+# Copyright (c) 2000 Ned Konz. All rights reserved.  This program is free
+# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+# as Perl itself.
+=head1 NAME
+Archive::Zip - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
+ my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+ my $member = $zip->addDirectory( 'dirname/' );
+ $member = $zip->addString( 'This is a test', 'stringMember.txt' );
+ $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_DEFLATED );
+ $member = $zip->addFile( '', '' );
+ die 'write error' if $zip->writeToFileNamed( '' ) != AZ_OK;
+ $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+ die 'read error' if $zip->read( '' ) != AZ_OK;
+ $member = $zip->memberNamed( 'stringMember.txt' );
+ $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+ die 'write error' if $zip->writeToFileNamed( '' ) != AZ_OK;
+The Archive::Zip module allows a Perl program to create,
+manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files.
+Zip archives can be created, or you can read from existing zip files.
+Once created, they can be written to files, streams, or strings.
+Members can be added, removed, extracted, replaced, rearranged,
+and enumerated.
+They can also be renamed or have their dates, comments,
+or other attributes queried or modified.
+Their data can be compressed or uncompressed as needed.
+Members can be created from members in existing Zip files,
+or from existing directories, files, or strings.
+This module uses the L<Compress::Zlib|Compress::Zlib> library
+to read and write the compressed streams inside the files.
+=head1 EXPORTS
+=over 4
+Exports the following constants:
+Exports the following constants (only necessary for extending the module):
+Explained below. Returned from most methods.
+=head2 Inheritance
+ Exporter
+    Archive::Zip                            Common base class, has defs.
+        Archive::Zip::Archive               A Zip archive.
+        Archive::Zip::Member                Abstract superclass for all members.
+            Archive::Zip::StringMember      Member made from a string
+            Archive::Zip::FileMember        Member made from an external file
+                Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember Member that lives in a zip file
+                Archive::Zip::NewFileMember Member whose data is in a file
+            Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember   Member that is a directory
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip
+# Note that the package Archive::Zip exists only for exporting and
+# sharing constants. Everything else is in another package
+# in this file.
+# Creation of a new Archive::Zip object actually creates a new object
+# of class Archive::Zip::Archive.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip;
+require 5.003_96;
+use strict;
+use Carp ();
+use IO::File ();
+use IO::Seekable ();
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use POSIX qw(_exit);
+use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $VERSION $ChunkSize $ErrorHandler );
+if ($Compress::Zlib::VERSION < 1.06)
+    if ($] < 5.006001)
+    {
+       print STDERR "Your current perl libraries are too old; please upgrade to Perl 5.6.1\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       print STDERR "There is a problem with your perl run time environment.\n An old version of Zlib is in use,\n please check your perl installation (5.6.1 or later) and your perl libraries\n"; 
+    }
+    STDERR->flush;
+    POSIX:_exit(1);
+# This is the size we'll try to read, write, and (de)compress.
+# You could set it to something different if you had lots of memory
+# and needed more speed.
+$ChunkSize = 32768;
+$ErrorHandler = \&Carp::carp;
+# BEGIN block is necessary here so that other modules can use the constants.
+	require Exporter;
+	$VERSION = "0.11";
+	@ISA = qw( Exporter );
+	my @MiscConstantNames = qw( FA_AMIGA FA_VAX_VMS FA_VM_CMS FA_ATARI_ST
+	my @UtilityMethodNames = qw( _error _ioError _formatError
+		_subclassResponsibility _binmode _isSeekable _newFileHandle);
+	@EXPORT_OK = ( 'computeCRC32' );
+	%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'CONSTANTS' => \@ConstantNames,
+			'MISC_CONSTANTS' => \@MiscConstantNames,
+			'ERROR_CODES' => \@ErrorCodeNames,
+			# The following two sets are for internal use only
+			'PKZIP_CONSTANTS' => \@PKZipConstantNames,
+			'UTILITY_METHODS' => \@UtilityMethodNames );
+	# Add all the constant names and error code names to @EXPORT_OK
+	Exporter::export_ok_tags( 'CONSTANTS', 'ERROR_CODES',
+# ------------------------- begin exportable error codes -------------------
+Many of the methods in Archive::Zip return error codes.
+These are implemented as inline subroutines, using the C<use constant> pragma.
+They can be imported into your namespace using the C<:CONSTANT>
+    use Archive::Zip qw( :CONSTANTS );
+    ...
+    die "whoops!" if $zip->read( '' ) != AZ_OK;
+=over 4
+=item AZ_OK (0)
+Everything is fine.
+=item AZ_STREAM_END (1)
+The read stream (or central directory) ended normally.
+=item AZ_ERROR (2)
+There was some generic kind of error.
+=item AZ_FORMAT_ERROR (3)
+There is a format error in a ZIP file being read.
+=item AZ_IO_ERROR (4)
+There was an IO error.
+use constant AZ_OK			=> 0;
+use constant AZ_STREAM_END	=> 1;
+use constant AZ_ERROR		=> 2;
+use constant AZ_FORMAT_ERROR => 3;
+use constant AZ_IO_ERROR	=> 4;
+# ------------------------- end exportable error codes ---------------------
+# ------------------------- begin exportable constants ---------------------
+# File types
+# Values of Archive::Zip::Member->fileAttributeFormat()
+use constant FA_MSDOS		=> 0;
+use constant FA_UNIX		=> 3;
+# general-purpose bit flag masks
+# Found in Archive::Zip::Member->bitFlag()
+use constant GPBF_ENCRYPTED_MASK						=> 1 << 0;
+use constant GPBF_DEFLATING_COMPRESSION_MASK			=> 3 << 1;
+use constant GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK				=> 1 << 3;
+# deflating compression types, if compressionMethod == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED
+# ( Archive::Zip::Member->bitFlag() & GPBF_DEFLATING_COMPRESSION_MASK )
+use constant DEFLATING_COMPRESSION_NORMAL		=> 0 << 1;
+use constant DEFLATING_COMPRESSION_MAXIMUM		=> 1 << 1;
+use constant DEFLATING_COMPRESSION_FAST			=> 2 << 1;
+# compression method
+Archive::Zip allows each member of a ZIP file to be compressed (using
+the Deflate algorithm) or uncompressed. Other compression algorithms
+that some versions of ZIP have been able to produce are not supported.
+Each member has two compression methods: the one it's stored as (this
+is always COMPRESSION_STORED for string and external file members),
+and the one you desire for the member in the zip file.
+These can be different, of course, so you can make a zip member that
+is not compressed out of one that is, and vice versa.
+You can inquire about the current compression and set
+the desired compression method:
+    my $member = $zip->memberNamed( 'xyz.txt' );
+    $member->compressionMethod();    # return current compression
+    # set to read uncompressed
+    $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+    # set to read compressed
+    $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_DEFLATED );
+There are two different compression methods:
+=over 4
+file is stored (no compression)
+file is Deflated
+=head2 Compression Levels
+If a member's desiredCompressionMethod is COMPRESSION_DEFLATED,
+you can choose different compression levels. This choice may
+affect the speed of compression and decompression, as well as
+the size of the compressed member data.
+    $member->desiredCompressionLevel( 9 );
+The levels given can be:
+=over 4
+This is the same as saying
+    $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+=item 1 .. 9
+1 gives the best speed and worst compression, and 9 gives the best
+compression and worst speed.
+This is a synonym for level 1.
+This is a synonym for level 9.
+This gives a good compromise between speed and compression, and is
+currently equivalent to 6 (this is in the zlib code).
+This is the level that will be used if not specified.
+# these two are the only ones supported in this module
+use constant COMPRESSION_STORED => 0;	# file is stored (no compression)
+use constant COMPRESSION_DEFLATED => 8;	# file is Deflated
+use constant COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NONE => 0;
+use constant COMPRESSION_LEVEL_DEFAULT => -1;
+# internal file attribute bits
+# Found in Archive::Zip::Member::internalFileAttributes()
+use constant IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK	=> 1;
+use constant IFA_TEXT_FILE		=> 1;	# file is apparently text
+use constant IFA_BINARY_FILE	=> 0;
+# PKZIP file format miscellaneous constants (for internal use only)
+use constant SIGNATURE_FORMAT => "V";
+use constant SIGNATURE_LENGTH => 4;
+use constant LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE	=> 0x04034b50;
+use constant LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT		=> "v3 V4 v2";
+use constant LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH		=> 26;
+use constant DATA_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT	=> "V3";
+use constant DATA_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH	=> 12;
+use constant CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT => "C2 v3 V4 v5 V2";
+use constant END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE => 0x06054b50;
+use constant END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FORMAT => "v4 V2 v";
+use constant FA_AMIGA		=> 1;
+use constant FA_VAX_VMS		=> 2;
+use constant FA_VM_CMS		=> 4;
+use constant FA_ATARI_ST	=> 5;
+use constant FA_OS2_HPFS	=> 6;
+use constant FA_MACINTOSH	=> 7;
+use constant FA_Z_SYSTEM	=> 8;
+use constant FA_CPM			=> 9;
+use constant FA_WINDOWS_NTFS => 10;
+use constant GPBF_IS_COMPRESSED_PATCHED_DATA_MASK		=> 1 << 5;
+# the rest of these are not supported in this module
+use constant COMPRESSION_SHRUNK => 1;	# file is Shrunk
+use constant COMPRESSION_REDUCED_1 => 2;# file is Reduced CF=1
+use constant COMPRESSION_REDUCED_2 => 3;# file is Reduced CF=2
+use constant COMPRESSION_REDUCED_3 => 4;# file is Reduced CF=3
+use constant COMPRESSION_REDUCED_4 => 5;# file is Reduced CF=4
+use constant COMPRESSION_IMPLODED => 6;	# file is Imploded
+use constant COMPRESSION_TOKENIZED => 7;# reserved for Tokenizing compr.
+use constant COMPRESSION_DEFLATED_ENHANCED => 9; # reserved for enh. Deflating
+# ------------------------- end of exportable constants ---------------------
+=head1  Archive::Zip methods
+The Archive::Zip class (and its invisible subclass Archive::Zip::Archive)
+implement generic zip file functionality.
+Creating a new Archive::Zip object actually makes an Archive::Zip::Archive
+object, but you don't have to worry about this unless you're subclassing.
+=head2 Constructor
+=over 4
+use constant ZIPARCHIVECLASS 	=> 'Archive::Zip::Archive';
+use constant ZIPMEMBERCLASS		=> 'Archive::Zip::Member';
+=item new( [$fileName] )
+Make a new, empty zip archive.
+    my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+If an additional argument is passed, new() will call read() to read the
+contents of an archive:
+    my $zip = Archive::Zip->new( '' );
+If a filename argument is passed and the read fails for any reason, new
+will return undef. For this reason, it may be better to call read
+sub new	# Archive::Zip
+	my $class = shift;
+	return $class->ZIPARCHIVECLASS->new( @_ );
+=head2  Utility Methods
+These Archive::Zip methods may be called as functions or as object
+methods. Do not call them as class methods:
+    $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
+    $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( 'ghijkl' );    # OK
+    $crc = $zip->computeCRC32( 'ghijkl' );            # also OK
+    $crc = Archive::Zip->computeCRC32( 'ghijkl' );    # NOT OK
+=over 4
+=item Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( $string [, $crc] )
+This is a utility function that uses the Compress::Zlib CRC
+routine to compute a CRC-32.
+You can get the CRC of a string:
+    $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( $string );
+Or you can compute the running CRC:
+    $crc = 0;
+    $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( 'abcdef', $crc );
+    $crc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32( 'ghijkl', $crc );
+sub computeCRC32	# Archive::Zip
+	my $data = shift;
+	$data = shift if ref( $data );	# allow calling as an obj method
+	my $crc = shift;
+	return Compress::Zlib::crc32( $data, $crc );
+=item Archive::Zip::setChunkSize( $number )
+Change chunk size used for reading and writing.
+Currently, this defaults to 32K.
+This is not exportable, so you must call it like:
+    Archive::Zip::setChunkSize( 4096 );
+or as a method on a zip (though this is a global setting).
+Returns old chunk size.
+sub setChunkSize	# Archive::Zip
+	my $chunkSize = shift;
+	$chunkSize = shift if ref( $chunkSize );	# object method on zip?
+	my $oldChunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize;
+	$Archive::Zip::ChunkSize = $chunkSize;
+	return $oldChunkSize;
+=item Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler( \&subroutine )
+Change the subroutine called with error strings.
+This defaults to \&Carp::carp, but you may want to change
+it to get the error strings.
+This is not exportable, so you must call it like:
+    Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler( \&myErrorHandler );
+If no error handler is passed, resets handler to default.
+Returns old error handler.
+Note that if you call Carp::carp or a similar routine
+or if you're chaining to the default error handler
+from your error handler, you may want to increment the number
+of caller levels that are skipped (do not just set it to a number):
+    $Carp::CarpLevel++;
+sub setErrorHandler (&)	# Archive::Zip
+	my $errorHandler = shift;
+	$errorHandler = \&Carp::carp if ! defined( $errorHandler );
+	my $oldErrorHandler = $Archive::Zip::ErrorHandler;
+	$Archive::Zip::ErrorHandler = $errorHandler;
+	return $oldErrorHandler;
+sub _printError	# Archive::Zip
+	my $string = join( ' ', @_, "\n" );
+	my $oldCarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel;
+	$Carp::CarpLevel += 2;
+	&{ $ErrorHandler }( $string );
+	$Carp::CarpLevel = $oldCarpLevel;
+# This is called on format errors.
+sub _formatError	# Archive::Zip
+	shift if ref( $_[0] );
+	_printError( 'format error:', @_ );
+# This is called on IO errors.
+sub _ioError	# Archive::Zip
+	shift if ref( $_[0] );
+	_printError( 'IO error:', @_, ':', $! );
+	return AZ_IO_ERROR;
+# This is called on generic errors.
+sub _error	# Archive::Zip
+	shift if ref( $_[0] );
+	_printError( 'error:', @_ );
+	return AZ_ERROR;
+# Called when a subclass should have implemented
+# something but didn't
+sub _subclassResponsibility 	# Archive::Zip
+	Carp::croak( "subclass Responsibility\n" );
+# Try to set the given file handle or object into binary mode.
+sub _binmode	# Archive::Zip
+	my $fh = shift;
+	return $fh->can( 'binmode' )
+		?	$fh->binmode()
+		:	binmode( $fh );
+# Attempt to guess whether file handle is seekable.
+sub _isSeekable	# Archive::Zip
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my ($p0, $p1);
+	my $seekable = 
+		( $p0 = $fh->tell() ) >= 0
+		&& $fh->seek( 1, IO::Seekable::SEEK_CUR )
+		&& ( $p1 = $fh->tell() ) >= 0
+		&& $p1 == $p0 + 1
+		&& $fh->seek( -1, IO::Seekable::SEEK_CUR )
+		&& $fh->tell() == $p0;
+	return $seekable;
+# Return an opened IO::Handle
+# my ( $status, fh ) = _newFileHandle( 'fileName', 'w' );
+# Can take a filename, file handle, or ref to GLOB
+# Or, if given something that is a ref but not an IO::Handle,
+# passes back the same thing.
+sub _newFileHandle	# Archive::Zip
+	my $fd = shift;
+	my $status = 1;
+	my $handle = IO::File->new();
+	if ( ref( $fd ) )
+	{
+		if ( $fd->isa( 'IO::Handle' ) or $fd->isa( 'GLOB' ) )
+		{
+			$status = $handle->fdopen( $fd, @_ );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$handle = $fd;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$status = $handle->open( $fd, @_ );
+	}
+	return ( $status, $handle );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::Archive (concrete)
+# Generic ZIP archive.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::Archive;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Basename;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( Archive::Zip );
+# Note that this returns undef on read errors, else new zip object.
+sub new	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = bless( {
+		'diskNumber' => 0,
+		'diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory' => 0,
+		'numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk' => 0, # shld be # of members
+		'numberOfCentralDirectories' => 0,	# shld be # of members
+		'centralDirectorySize' => 0,	# must re-compute on write
+		'centralDirectoryOffsetWRTStartingDiskNumber' => 0,	# must re-compute
+		'zipfileComment' => ''
+		}, $class );
+	$self->{'members'} = [];
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		my $status = $self->read( @_ );
+		return $status == AZ_OK ? $self : undef;
+	}
+	return $self;
+=head2 Accessors
+=over 4
+=item members()
+Return a copy of my members array
+    my @members = $zip->members();
+sub members	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ @{ shift->{'members'} } }
+=item numberOfMembers()
+Return the number of members I have
+sub numberOfMembers	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ scalar( shift->members() ) }
+=item memberNames()
+Return a list of the (internal) file names of my members
+sub memberNames	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	return map { $_->fileName() } $self->members();
+=item memberNamed( $string )
+Return ref to member whose filename equals given filename or undef
+sub memberNamed	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $fileName ) = @_;
+	my ( $retval ) = grep { $_->fileName() eq $fileName } $self->members();
+	return $retval;
+=item membersMatching( $regex )
+Return array of members whose filenames match given regular
+expression in list context.
+Returns number of matching members in scalar context.
+    my @textFileMembers = $zip->membersMatching( '.*\.txt' );
+    # or
+    my $numberOfTextFiles = $zip->membersMatching( '.*\.txt' );
+sub membersMatching	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $pattern ) = @_;
+	return grep { $_->fileName() =~ /$pattern/ } $self->members();
+=item diskNumber()
+Return the disk that I start on.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+This had better be 0, as Archive::Zip does not handle multi-volume archives.
+sub diskNumber	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'diskNumber'} }
+=item diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory()
+Return the disk number that holds the beginning of the central directory.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+This had better be 0, as Archive::Zip does not handle multi-volume archives.
+sub diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory'} }
+=item numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk()
+Return the number of CD structures on this disk.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+sub numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk'} }
+=item numberOfCentralDirectories()
+Return the number of CD structures in the whole zip.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+sub numberOfCentralDirectories	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'numberOfCentralDirectories'} }
+=item centralDirectorySize()
+Returns central directory size, as read from an external zip file.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+sub centralDirectorySize	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'centralDirectorySize'} }
+=item centralDirectoryOffsetWRTStartingDiskNumber()
+Returns the offset into the zip file where the CD begins.
+Not used for writing zips, but might be interesting if you read a zip in.
+sub centralDirectoryOffsetWRTStartingDiskNumber	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'centralDirectoryOffsetWRTStartingDiskNumber'} }
+=item zipfileComment( [$string] )
+Get or set the zipfile comment.
+Returns the old comment.
+    print $zip->zipfileComment();
+    $zip->zipfileComment( 'New Comment' );
+sub zipfileComment	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $comment = $self->{'zipfileComment'};
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		$self->{'zipfileComment'} = shift;
+	}
+	return $comment;
+=head2 Member Operations
+Various operations on a zip file modify members.
+When a member is passed as an argument, you can either use a reference
+to the member itself, or the name of a member. Of course, using the
+name requires that names be unique within a zip (this is not enforced).
+=over 4
+=item removeMember( $memberOrName )
+Remove and return the given member, or match its name and remove it.
+Returns undef if member name doesn't exist in this Zip.
+No-op if member does not belong to this zip.
+sub removeMember	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $member ) = @_;
+	$member = $self->memberNamed( $member ) if ! ref( $member );
+	return undef if ! $member;
+	my @newMembers = grep { $_ != $member } $self->members();
+	$self->{'members'} = \@newMembers;
+	return $member;
+=item replaceMember( $memberOrName, $newMember )
+Remove and return the given member, or match its name and remove it.
+Replace with new member.
+Returns undef if member name doesn't exist in this Zip.
+    my $member1 = $zip->removeMember( 'xyz' );
+    my $member2 = $zip->replaceMember( 'abc', $member1 );
+    # now, $member2 (named 'abc') is not in $zip,
+    # and $member1 (named 'xyz') is, having taken $member2's place.
+sub replaceMember	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $oldMember, $newMember ) = @_;
+	$oldMember = $self->memberNamed( $oldMember ) if ! ref( $oldMember );
+	return undef if ! $oldMember;
+	my @newMembers
+		= map { ( $_ == $oldMember ) ? $newMember : $_ } $self->members();
+	$self->{'members'} = \@newMembers;
+	return $oldMember;
+=item extractMember( $memberOrName [, $extractedName ] )
+Extract the given member, or match its name and extract it.
+Returns undef if member doesn't exist in this Zip.
+If optional second arg is given, use it as the name of the
+extracted member. Otherwise, the internal filename of the member is used
+as the name of the extracted file or directory.
+All necessary directories will be created.
+Returns C<AZ_OK> on success.
+sub extractMember	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $member = shift;
+	$member = $self->memberNamed( $member ) if ! ref( $member );
+	return _error( 'member not found' ) if !$member;
+	my $name = shift;
+	$name = $member->fileName() if not $name;
+	my $dirName = dirname( $name );
+	mkpath( $dirName ) if ( ! -d $dirName );
+	return _ioError( "can't create dir $dirName" ) if ( ! -d $dirName );
+	return $member->extractToFileNamed( $name, @_ );
+=item extractMemberWithoutPaths( $memberOrName [, $extractedName ] )
+Extract the given member, or match its name and extract it.
+Does not use path information (extracts into the current directory).
+Returns undef if member doesn't exist in this Zip.
+If optional second arg is given, use it as the name of the
+extracted member (its paths will be deleted too).
+Otherwise, the internal filename of the member (minus paths) is used
+as the name of the extracted file or directory.
+Returns C<AZ_OK> on success.
+sub extractMemberWithoutPaths	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $member = shift;
+	$member = $self->memberNamed( $member ) if ! ref( $member );
+	return _error( 'member not found' ) if !$member;
+	my $name = shift;
+	$name = $member->fileName() if not $name;
+	$name = basename( $name );
+	return $member->extractToFileNamed( $name, @_ );
+=item addMember( $member )
+Append a member (possibly from another zip file) to the zip file.
+Returns the new member.
+Generally, you will use addFile(), addDirectory(), addString(), or read()
+to add members.
+    # Move member named 'abc' to end of zip:
+    my $member = $zip->removeMember( 'abc' );
+    $zip->addMember( $member );
+sub addMember	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $newMember ) = @_;
+	push( @{ $self->{'members'} }, $newMember ) if $newMember;
+	return $newMember;
+=item addFile( $fileName [, $newName ] )
+Append a member whose data comes from an external file,
+returning the member or undef.
+The member will have its file name set to the name of the external
+file, and its desiredCompressionMethod set to COMPRESSION_DEFLATED.
+The file attributes and last modification time will be set from the file.
+If the name given does not represent a readable plain file or symbolic link,
+undef will be returned.
+The text mode bit will be set if the contents appears to be text (as returned
+by the C<-T> perl operator).
+The optional second argument sets the internal file name to
+something different than the given $fileName.
+sub addFile	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	my $newName = shift;
+	my $newMember = $self->ZIPMEMBERCLASS->newFromFile( $fileName );
+	if (defined($newMember))
+	{
+		$self->addMember( $newMember );
+		$newMember->fileName( $newName ) if defined( $newName );
+	}
+	return $newMember;
+=item addString( $stringOrStringRef [, $name] )
+Append a member created from the given string or string reference.
+The name is given by the optional second argument.
+Returns the new member.
+The last modification time will be set to now,
+and the file attributes will be set to permissive defaults.
+    my $member = $zip->addString( 'This is a test', 'test.txt' );
+sub addString	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newMember = $self->ZIPMEMBERCLASS->newFromString( @_ );
+	return $self->addMember( $newMember );
+=item addDirectory( $directoryName [, $fileName ] )
+Append a member created from the given directory name.
+The directory name does not have to name an existing directory.
+If the named directory exists, the file modification time and permissions
+are set from the existing directory, otherwise they are set to now and
+permissive default permissions.
+The optional second argument sets the name of the archive member
+(which defaults to $directoryName)
+Returns the new member.
+sub addDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $name, $newName ) = @_;
+	my $newMember = $self->ZIPMEMBERCLASS->newDirectoryNamed( $name );
+	$self->addMember( $newMember );
+	$newMember->fileName( $newName ) if defined( $newName );
+	return $newMember;
+=item contents( $memberOrMemberName [, $newContents ] )
+Returns the uncompressed data for a particular member, or undef.
+    print "xyz.txt contains " . $zip->contents( 'xyz.txt' );
+Also can change the contents of a member:
+    $zip->contents( 'xyz.txt', 'This is the new contents' );
+sub contents	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $member, $newContents ) = @_;
+	$member = $self->memberNamed( $member ) if ! ref( $member );
+	return undef if ! $member;
+	return $member->contents( $newContents );
+=item writeToFileNamed( $fileName )
+Write a zip archive to named file.
+Returns C<AZ_OK> on success.
+Note that if you use the same name as an existing
+zip file that you read in, you will clobber ZipFileMembers.
+So instead, write to a different file name, then delete
+the original.
+    my $status = $zip->writeToFileNamed( '' );
+    die "error somewhere" if $status != AZ_OK;
+sub writeToFileNamed	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	foreach my $member ( $self->members() )
+	{
+		if ( $member->_usesFileNamed( $fileName ) )
+		{
+			return _error("$fileName is needed by member " 
+					. $member->fileName() 
+					. "; try renaming output file");
+		}
+	}
+	my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $fileName, 'w' );
+	return _ioError( "Can't open $fileName for write" ) if !$status;
+	my $retval = $self->writeToFileHandle( $fh, 1 );
+	$fh->close();
+	return $retval;
+=item writeToFileHandle( $fileHandle [, $seekable] )
+Write a zip archive to a file handle.
+Return AZ_OK on success.
+The optional second arg tells whether or not to try to seek backwards
+to re-write headers.
+If not provided, it is set by testing seekability. This could fail
+on some operating systems, though.
+    my $fh = IO::File->new( '', 'w' );
+    $zip->writeToFileHandle( $fh );
+If you pass a file handle that is not seekable (like if you're writing
+to a pipe or a socket), pass a false as the second argument:
+    my $fh = IO::File->new( '| cat >', 'w' );
+    $zip->writeToFileHandle( $fh, 0 );   # fh is not seekable
+sub writeToFileHandle	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $fhIsSeekable = @_ ? shift : _isSeekable( $fh );
+	_binmode( $fh );
+	my $offset = 0;
+	foreach my $member ( $self->members() )
+	{
+		$member->{'writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset'} = $offset;
+		my $retval = $member->_writeToFileHandle( $fh, $fhIsSeekable );
+		$member->endRead();
+		return $retval if $retval != AZ_OK;
+		$offset += $member->_localHeaderSize() + $member->_writeOffset();
+		$offset += $member->hasDataDescriptor() ? DATA_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH : 0;
+	}
+	$self->{'writeCentralDirectoryOffset'} = $offset;
+	return $self->_writeCentralDirectory( $fh );
+# Returns next signature from given file handle, leaves
+# file handle positioned afterwards.
+# In list context, returns ($status, $signature)
+sub _readSignature	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	my $signatureData;
+	$fh->read( $signatureData, SIGNATURE_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "reading header signature" );
+	my $signature = unpack( SIGNATURE_FORMAT, $signatureData );
+	my $status = AZ_OK;
+			and $signature != LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE
+	{
+		$status = _formatError(
+			sprintf( "bad signature: 0x%08x at offset %d in file \"%s\"",
+				$signature, $fh->tell() - SIGNATURE_LENGTH, $fileName ) );
+	}
+	return ( $status, $signature );
+# Used only during writing
+sub _writeCentralDirectoryOffset	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'writeCentralDirectoryOffset'} }
+sub _writeEOCDOffset	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+{ shift->{'writeEOCDOffset'} }
+# Expects to have _writeEOCDOffset() set
+sub _writeEndOfCentralDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
+		or return _ioError( 'writing EOCD Signature' );
+		0,	# {'diskNumber'},
+		0,	# {'diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory'},
+		$self->numberOfMembers(),	# {'numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk'},
+		$self->numberOfMembers(),	# {'numberOfCentralDirectories'},
+		$self->_writeEOCDOffset() - $self->_writeCentralDirectoryOffset(),
+		$self->_writeCentralDirectoryOffset(),
+		length( $self->zipfileComment() )
+	 );
+	$fh->write( $header, END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( 'writing EOCD header' );
+	if ( length( $self->zipfileComment() ))
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->zipfileComment(), length( $self->zipfileComment() ))
+			or return _ioError( 'writing zipfile comment' );
+	}
+	return AZ_OK;
+sub _writeCentralDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
+	my $offset = $self->_writeCentralDirectoryOffset();
+	foreach my $member ( $self->members() )
+	{
+		my $status = $member->_writeCentralDirectoryFileHeader( $fh );
+		return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+		$offset += $member->_centralDirectoryHeaderSize();
+	}
+	$self->{'writeEOCDOffset'} = $offset;
+	return $self->_writeEndOfCentralDirectory( $fh );
+=item read( $fileName )
+Read zipfile headers from a zip file, appending new members.
+Returns C<AZ_OK> or error code.
+    my $zipFile = Archive::Zip->new();
+    my $status = $zipFile->read( '/some/' );
+sub read	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	return _error( 'No filename given' ) if ! $fileName;
+	my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $fileName, 'r' );
+	return _ioError( "opening $fileName for read" ) if !$status;
+	_binmode( $fh );
+	$status = $self->_findEndOfCentralDirectory( $fh );
+	return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+	my $eocdPosition = $fh->tell();
+	$status = $self->_readEndOfCentralDirectory( $fh );
+	return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+	$fh->seek( $eocdPosition - $self->centralDirectorySize(),
+		IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+			or return _ioError( "Can't seek $fileName" );
+	for ( ;; )
+	{
+		my $newMember = 
+			$self->ZIPMEMBERCLASS->_newFromZipFile( $fh, $fileName );
+		my $signature;
+		( $status, $signature ) = $self->_readSignature( $fh, $fileName );
+		return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+		last if $signature == END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE;
+		$status = $newMember->_readCentralDirectoryFileHeader();
+		return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+		$status = $newMember->endRead();
+		return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+		$newMember->_becomeDirectoryIfNecessary();
+		push( @{ $self->{'members'} }, $newMember );
+	}
+	$fh->close();
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Read EOCD, starting from position before signature.
+# Return AZ_OK on success.
+sub _readEndOfCentralDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	# Skip past signature
+	$fh->seek( SIGNATURE_LENGTH, IO::Seekable::SEEK_CUR )
+		or return _ioError( "Can't seek past EOCD signature" );
+	my $header = '';
+	$fh->read( $header, END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "reading end of central directory" );
+	my $zipfileCommentLength;
+	(
+		$self->{'diskNumber'},
+		$self->{'diskNumberWithStartOfCentralDirectory'},
+		$self->{'numberOfCentralDirectoriesOnThisDisk'},
+		$self->{'numberOfCentralDirectories'},
+		$self->{'centralDirectorySize'},
+		$self->{'centralDirectoryOffsetWRTStartingDiskNumber'},
+		$zipfileCommentLength
+	 ) = unpack( END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FORMAT, $header );
+	if ( $zipfileCommentLength )
+	{
+		my $zipfileComment = '';
+		$fh->read( $zipfileComment, $zipfileCommentLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading zipfile comment" );
+		$self->{'zipfileComment'} = $zipfileComment;
+	}
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Seek in my file to the end, then read backwards until we find the
+# signature of the central directory record. Leave the file positioned right
+# before the signature. Returns AZ_OK if success.
+sub _findEndOfCentralDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Archive
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $data = '';
+	$fh->seek( 0, IO::Seekable::SEEK_END )
+		or return _ioError( "seeking to end" );
+	my $fileLength = $fh->tell();
+	if ( $fileLength < END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LENGTH + 4 )
+	{
+		return _formatError( "file is too short" )
+	}
+	my $seekOffset = 0;
+	my $pos = -1;
+	for ( ;; )
+	{
+		$seekOffset += 512;
+		$seekOffset = $fileLength if ( $seekOffset > $fileLength );
+		$fh->seek( -$seekOffset, IO::Seekable::SEEK_END )
+			or return _ioError( "seek failed" );
+		$fh->read( $data, $seekOffset )
+			or return _ioError( "read failed" );
+		last if ( $pos > 0
+			or $seekOffset == $fileLength
+			or $seekOffset >= $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize );
+	}
+	if ( $pos >= 0 )
+	{
+		$fh->seek( $pos - $seekOffset, IO::Seekable::SEEK_CUR )
+			or return _ioError( "seeking to EOCD" );
+		return AZ_OK;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return _formatError( "can't find EOCD signature" );
+	}
+=head2 Class Methods
+Several constructors allow you to construct members without adding
+them to a zip archive.
+These work the same as the addFile(), addDirectory(), and addString()
+zip instance methods described above, but they don't add the new members
+to a zip.
+=over 4
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::Member
+# A generic member of an archive ( abstract )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::Member;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip );
+use Time::Local ();
+use Compress::Zlib qw( Z_OK Z_STREAM_END MAX_WBITS );
+use File::Path;
+use File::Basename;
+use constant ZIPFILEMEMBERCLASS	=> 'Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember';
+use constant NEWFILEMEMBERCLASS	=> 'Archive::Zip::NewFileMember';
+use constant STRINGMEMBERCLASS	=> 'Archive::Zip::StringMember';
+use constant DIRECTORYMEMBERCLASS	=> 'Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember';
+# Unix perms for default creation of files/dirs.
+use constant DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS => 040755;
+use constant DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS => 0100666;
+use constant DIRECTORY_ATTRIB => 040000;
+use constant FILE_ATTRIB => 0100000;
+# Returns self if successful, else undef
+# Assumes that fh is positioned at beginning of central directory file header.
+# Leaves fh positioned immediately after file header or EOCD signature.
+sub _newFromZipFile # Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = $class->ZIPFILEMEMBERCLASS->_newFromZipFile( @_ );
+	return $self;
+=item Archive::Zip::Member->newFromString( $stringOrStringRef [, $fileName] )
+Construct a new member from the given string. Returns undef on error.
+    my $member = Archive::Zip::Member->newFromString( 'This is a test',
+                                                     'xyz.txt' );
+sub newFromString	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = $class->STRINGMEMBERCLASS->_newFromString( @_ );
+	return $self;
+=item newFromFile( $fileName )
+Construct a new member from the given file. Returns undef on error.
+    my $member = Archive::Zip::Member->newFromFile( 'xyz.txt' );
+sub newFromFile	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = $class->NEWFILEMEMBERCLASS->_newFromFileNamed( @_ );
+	return $self;
+=item newDirectoryNamed( $directoryName )
+Construct a new member from the given directory.
+Returns undef on error.
+    my $member = Archive::Zip::Member->newDirectoryNamed( 'CVS/' );
+sub newDirectoryNamed # Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = $class->DIRECTORYMEMBERCLASS->_newNamed( @_ );
+	return $self;
+sub new	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = {
+		'lastModFileDateTime' => 0,
+		'fileAttributeFormat' => FA_UNIX,
+		'versionMadeBy' => 20,
+		'versionNeededToExtract' => 20,
+		'bitFlag' => 0,
+		'compressionMethod' => COMPRESSION_STORED,
+		'desiredCompressionMethod' => COMPRESSION_STORED,
+		'desiredCompressionLevel' => COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NONE,
+		'internalFileAttributes' => 0,
+		'externalFileAttributes' => 0,	# set later
+		'fileName' => '',
+		'cdExtraField' => '',
+		'localExtraField' => '',
+		'fileComment' => '',
+		'crc32' => 0,
+		'compressedSize' => 0,
+		'uncompressedSize' => 0,
+		@_
+	};
+	bless( $self, $class );
+	$self->unixFileAttributes( $self->DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS );
+	return $self;
+sub _becomeDirectoryIfNecessary	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->_become( DIRECTORYMEMBERCLASS )
+		if $self->isDirectory();
+	return $self;
+# Morph into given class (do whatever cleanup I need to do)
+sub _become	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	return bless( $_[0], $_[1] );
+=head2 Simple accessors
+These methods get (and/or set) member attribute values.
+=over 4
+=item versionMadeBy()
+Gets the field from my member header.
+sub versionMadeBy	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'versionMadeBy'} }
+=item fileAttributeFormat( [$format] )
+Gets or sets the field from the member header.
+These are C<FA_*> values.
+sub fileAttributeFormat	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	( $#_ > 0 ) ? ( $_[0]->{'fileAttributeFormat'} = $_[1] )
+		: $_[0]->{'fileAttributeFormat'}
+=item versionNeededToExtract()
+Gets the field from my member header.
+sub versionNeededToExtract	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'versionNeededToExtract'} }
+=item bitFlag()
+Gets the general purpose bit field from my member header.
+This is where the C<GPBF_*> bits live.
+sub bitFlag	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'bitFlag'} }
+=item compressionMethod()
+Returns my compression method. This is the method that is
+currently being used to compress my data.
+This will be COMPRESSION_STORED for added string or file members,
+or any of the C<COMPRESSION_*> values for members from a zip file.
+However, this module can only handle members whose data is in
+sub compressionMethod	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'compressionMethod'} }
+=item desiredCompressionMethod( [$method] )
+Get or set my desiredCompressionMethod
+This is the method that will be used to write.
+Returns prior desiredCompressionMethod.
+Changing to COMPRESSION_STORED will change my desiredCompressionLevel
+to 0; changing to COMPRESSION_DEFLATED will change my
+desiredCompressionLevel to COMPRESSION_LEVEL_DEFAULT.
+sub desiredCompressionMethod	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newDesiredCompressionMethod = shift;
+	my $oldDesiredCompressionMethod = $self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'};
+	if ( defined( $newDesiredCompressionMethod ))
+	{
+		$self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'} = $newDesiredCompressionMethod;
+		if ( $newDesiredCompressionMethod == COMPRESSION_STORED )
+		{
+			$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = 0;
+		}
+		elsif ( $oldDesiredCompressionMethod == COMPRESSION_STORED )
+		{
+			$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
+		}
+	}
+	return $oldDesiredCompressionMethod;
+=item desiredCompressionLevel( [$method] )
+Get or set my desiredCompressionLevel
+This is the method that will be used to write.
+Returns prior desiredCompressionLevel.
+Valid arguments are 0 through 9, COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NONE,
+0 or COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NONE will change the desiredCompressionMethod
+to COMPRESSION_STORED. All other arguments will change the
+desiredCompressionMethod to COMPRESSION_DEFLATED.
+sub desiredCompressionLevel	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newDesiredCompressionLevel = shift;
+	my $oldDesiredCompressionLevel = $self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'};
+	if ( defined( $newDesiredCompressionLevel ))
+	{
+		$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = $newDesiredCompressionLevel;
+		$self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'} = ( $newDesiredCompressionLevel
+	}
+	return $oldDesiredCompressionLevel;
+=item fileName()
+Get or set my internal filename.
+Returns the (possibly new) filename.
+Names will have backslashes converted to forward slashes,
+and will have multiple consecutive slashes converted to single ones.
+sub fileName	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newName = shift;
+	if ( $newName )
+	{
+		$newName =~ s{[\\/]+}{/}g;	# deal with dos/windoze problems
+		$self->{'fileName'} = $newName;
+	}
+	return $self->{'fileName'}
+=item lastModFileDateTime()
+Return my last modification date/time stamp in MS-DOS format.
+sub lastModFileDateTime	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'lastModFileDateTime'} }
+=item lastModTime()
+Return my last modification date/time stamp,
+converted to unix localtime format.
+    print "Mod Time: " . scalar( localtime( $member->lastModTime() ) );
+sub lastModTime	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return _dosToUnixTime( $self->lastModFileDateTime() );
+=item setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix()
+Set my lastModFileDateTime from the given unix time.
+    $member->setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix( time() );
+sub setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $time_t = shift;
+	$self->{'lastModFileDateTime'} = _unixToDosTime( $time_t );
+# Convert DOS date/time format to unix time_t format
+sub _dosToUnixTime	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $dt = shift;
+	my $year = ( ( $dt >> 25 ) & 0x7f ) + 80;
+	my $mon  = ( ( $dt >> 21 ) & 0x0f ) - 1;
+	my $mday = ( ( $dt >> 16 ) & 0x1f );
+	my $hour = ( ( $dt >> 11 ) & 0x1f );
+	my $min  = ( ( $dt >> 5 ) & 0x3f );
+	my $sec  = ( ( $dt << 1 ) & 0x3e );
+	my $time_t = Time::Local::timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year );
+	return $time_t;
+=item internalFileAttributes()
+Return the internal file attributes field from the zip header.
+This is only set for members read from a zip file.
+sub internalFileAttributes	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'internalFileAttributes'} }
+=item externalFileAttributes()
+Return member attributes as read from the ZIP file.
+Note that these are NOT UNIX!
+sub externalFileAttributes	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'externalFileAttributes'} }
+# Convert UNIX permissions into proper value for zip file
+sub _mapPermissionsFromUnix	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $perms = shift;
+	return $perms << 16;
+# Convert ZIP permissions into Unix ones
+sub _mapPermissionsToUnix	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $perms = shift;
+	return $perms >> 16;
+=item unixFileAttributes( [$newAttributes] )
+Get or set the member's file attributes using UNIX file attributes.
+Returns old attributes.
+    my $oldAttribs = $member->unixFileAttributes( 0666 );
+Note that the return value has more than just the file permissions,
+so you will have to mask off the lowest bits for comparisions.
+sub unixFileAttributes	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $oldPerms = _mapPermissionsToUnix( $self->{'externalFileAttributes'} );
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		my $perms = shift;
+		if ( $self->isDirectory() )
+		{
+			$perms &= ~FILE_ATTRIB;
+			$perms |= DIRECTORY_ATTRIB;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$perms &= ~DIRECTORY_ATTRIB;
+			$perms |= FILE_ATTRIB;
+		}
+		$self->{'externalFileAttributes'} = _mapPermissionsFromUnix( $perms);
+	}
+	return $oldPerms;
+=item localExtraField( [$newField] )
+Gets or sets the extra field that was read from the local header.
+This is not set for a member from a zip file until after the
+member has been written out.
+The extra field must be in the proper format.
+sub localExtraField	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	( $#_ > 0 ) ? ( $_[0]->{'localExtraField'} = $_[1] )
+		: $_[0]->{'localExtraField'}
+=item cdExtraField( [$newField] )
+Gets or sets the extra field that was read from the central directory header.
+The extra field must be in the proper format.
+sub cdExtraField	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	( $#_ > 0 ) ? ( $_[0]->{'cdExtraField'} = $_[1] )
+		: $_[0]->{'cdExtraField'}
+=item extraFields()
+Return both local and CD extra fields, concatenated.
+sub extraFields	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->localExtraField() . $self->cdExtraField();
+=item fileComment( [$newComment] )
+Get or set the member's file comment.
+sub fileComment	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	( $#_ > 0 ) ? ( $_[0]->{'fileComment'} = $_[1] )
+		: $_[0]->{'fileComment'}
+=item hasDataDescriptor()
+Get or set the data descriptor flag.
+If this is set, the local header will not necessarily
+have the correct data sizes. Instead, a small structure
+will be stored at the end of the member data with these
+This should be transparent in normal operation.
+sub hasDataDescriptor	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		my $shouldHave = shift;
+		if ( $shouldHave )
+		{
+			$self->{'bitFlag'} |= GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$self->{'bitFlag'} &= ~GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK
+		}
+	}
+	return $self->{'bitFlag'} & GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK;
+=item crc32()
+Return the CRC-32 value for this member.
+This will not be set for members that were constructed from strings
+or external files until after the member has been written.
+sub crc32	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'crc32'} }
+=item crc32String()
+Return the CRC-32 value for this member as an 8 character printable
+hex string.  This will not be set for members that were constructed
+from strings or external files until after the member has been written.
+sub crc32String	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ sprintf( "%08x", shift->{'crc32'} ); }
+=item compressedSize()
+Return the compressed size for this member.
+This will not be set for members that were constructed from strings
+or external files until after the member has been written.
+sub compressedSize	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'compressedSize'} }
+=item uncompressedSize()
+Return the uncompressed size for this member.
+sub uncompressedSize	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'uncompressedSize'} }
+=item isEncrypted()
+Return true if this member is encrypted.
+The Archive::Zip module does not currently create or extract
+encrypted members.
+sub isEncrypted	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->bitFlag() & GPBF_ENCRYPTED_MASK }
+=item isTextFile( [$flag] )
+Returns true if I am a text file.
+Also can set the status if given an argument (then returns old state).
+Note that this module does not currently do anything with this flag
+upon extraction or storage.
+That is, bytes are stored in native format whether or not they came
+from a text file.
+sub isTextFile	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $bit = $self->internalFileAttributes() & IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		my $flag = shift;
+		$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} &= ~IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
+		$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} |=
+			( $flag ? IFA_TEXT_FILE : IFA_BINARY_FILE );
+	}
+	return $bit == IFA_TEXT_FILE;
+=item isBinaryFile()
+Returns true if I am a binary file.
+Also can set the status if given an argument (then returns old state).
+Note that this module does not currently do anything with this flag
+upon extraction or storage.
+That is, bytes are stored in native format whether or not they came
+from a text file.
+sub isBinaryFile	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $bit = $self->internalFileAttributes() & IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
+	if ( @_ )
+	{
+		my $flag = shift;
+		$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} &= ~IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
+		$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} |=
+			( $flag ? IFA_BINARY_FILE : IFA_TEXT_FILE );
+	}
+	return $bit == IFA_BINARY_FILE;
+=item extractToFileNamed( $fileName )
+Extract me to a file with the given name.
+The file will be created with default modes.
+Directories will be created as needed.
+Returns AZ_OK on success.
+sub extractToFileNamed	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	return _error( "encryption unsupported" ) if $self->isEncrypted();
+	mkpath( dirname( $name ) );	# croaks on error
+	my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $name, 'w' );
+	return _ioError( "Can't open file $name for write" ) if !$status;
+	my $retval = $self->extractToFileHandle( $fh );
+	$fh->close();
+	return $retval;
+=item isDirectory()
+Returns true if I am a directory.
+sub isDirectory	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ return 0 }
+# The following are used when copying data
+sub _writeOffset	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'writeOffset'} }
+sub _readOffset	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'readOffset'} }
+sub _writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset'} }
+sub _dataEnded	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'dataEnded'} }
+sub _readDataRemaining	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'readDataRemaining'} }
+sub _inflater	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'inflater'} }
+sub _deflater	# Archive::Zip::Member
+{ shift->{'deflater'} }
+# Return the total size of my local header
+sub _localHeaderSize	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+		+ length( $self->fileName() )
+		+ length( $self->localExtraField() )
+# Return the total size of my CD header
+sub _centralDirectoryHeaderSize	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+		+ length( $self->fileName() )
+		+ length( $self->cdExtraField() )
+		+ length( $self->fileComment() )
+# convert a unix time to DOS date/time
+sub _unixToDosTime	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $time_t = shift;
+	my ( $sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year ) = localtime( $time_t );
+	my $dt = 0;
+	$dt += ( $sec >> 1 );
+	$dt += ( $min << 5 );
+	$dt += ( $hour << 11 );
+	$dt += ( $mday << 16 );
+	$dt += ( ( $mon + 1 ) << 21 );
+	$dt += ( ( $year - 80 ) << 25 );
+	return $dt;
+# Write my local header to a file handle.
+# Stores the offset to the start of the header in my
+# writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset member.
+# Returns AZ_OK on success.
+sub _writeLocalFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	$fh->write( $signatureData, SIGNATURE_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "writing local header signature" );
+	my $header = pack( LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT,
+		$self->versionNeededToExtract(),
+		$self->bitFlag(),
+		$self->desiredCompressionMethod(),
+		$self->lastModFileDateTime(),
+		$self->crc32(),
+		$self->compressedSize(),		# may need to be re-written later
+		$self->uncompressedSize(),
+		length( $self->fileName() ),
+		length( $self->localExtraField() )
+		 );
+	$fh->write( $header, LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "writing local header" );
+	if ( length( $self->fileName() ))
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->fileName(), length( $self->fileName() ))
+			or return _ioError( "writing local header filename" );
+	}
+	if ( length( $self->localExtraField() ))
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->localExtraField(), length( $self->localExtraField() ))
+			or return _ioError( "writing local header signature" );
+	}
+	return AZ_OK;
+sub _writeCentralDirectoryFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $sigData = pack( SIGNATURE_FORMAT,
+	$fh->write( $sigData, SIGNATURE_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "writing central directory header signature" );
+	my $fileNameLength = length( $self->fileName() );
+	my $extraFieldLength = length( $self->cdExtraField() );
+	my $fileCommentLength = length( $self->fileComment() );
+		$self->versionMadeBy(),
+		$self->fileAttributeFormat(),
+		$self->versionNeededToExtract(),
+		$self->bitFlag(),
+		$self->desiredCompressionMethod(),
+		$self->lastModFileDateTime(),
+		$self->crc32(),			# these three fields should have been updated
+		$self->_writeOffset(),	# by writing the data stream out
+		$self->uncompressedSize(),	#
+		$fileNameLength,
+		$extraFieldLength,
+		$fileCommentLength,
+		0,						# {'diskNumberStart'},
+		$self->internalFileAttributes(),
+		$self->externalFileAttributes(),
+		$self->_writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset()
+	 );
+		or return _ioError( "writing central directory header" );
+	if ( $fileNameLength )
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->fileName(), $fileNameLength )
+			or return _ioError( "writing central directory header signature" );
+	}
+	if ( $extraFieldLength )
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->cdExtraField(), $extraFieldLength )
+			or return _ioError( "writing central directory extra field" );
+	}
+	if ( $fileCommentLength )
+	{
+		$fh->write( $self->fileComment(), $fileCommentLength )
+			or return _ioError( "writing central directory file comment" );
+	}
+	return AZ_OK;
+# This writes a data descriptor to the given file handle.
+# Assumes that crc32, writeOffset, and uncompressedSize are
+# set correctly (they should be after a write).
+# Further, the local file header should have the
+sub _writeDataDescriptor	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $header = pack( DATA_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT,
+		$self->crc32(),
+		$self->_writeOffset(),
+		$self->uncompressedSize()
+	 );
+	$fh->write( $header, DATA_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "writing data descriptor" );
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Re-writes the local file header with new crc32 and compressedSize fields.
+# To be called after writing the data stream.
+# Assumes that filename and extraField sizes didn't change since last written.
+sub _refreshLocalFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $here = $fh->tell();
+	$fh->seek( $self->_writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset() + SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
+		IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+			or return _ioError( "seeking to rewrite local header" );
+	my $header = pack( LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT,
+		$self->versionNeededToExtract(),
+		$self->bitFlag(),
+		$self->desiredCompressionMethod(),
+		$self->lastModFileDateTime(),
+		$self->crc32(),
+		$self->_writeOffset(),
+		$self->uncompressedSize(),
+		length( $self->fileName() ),
+		length( $self->localExtraField() )
+		 );
+	$fh->write( $header, LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "re-writing local header" );
+	$fh->seek( $here, IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+			or return _ioError( "seeking after rewrite of local header" );
+	return AZ_OK;
+=head2 Low-level member data reading
+It is possible to use lower-level routines to access member
+data streams, rather than the extract* methods and contents().
+For instance, here is how to print the uncompressed contents
+of a member in chunks using these methods:
+    my ( $member, $status, $bufferRef );
+    $member = $zip->memberNamed( 'xyz.txt' );
+    $member->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+    $status = $member->rewindData();
+    die "error $status" if $status != AZ_OK;
+    while ( ! $member->readIsDone() )
+    {
+        ( $bufferRef, $status ) = $member->readChunk();
+        die "error $status" if $status != AZ_OK;
+        # do something with $bufferRef:
+        print $$bufferRef;
+    }
+    $member->endRead();
+=over 4
+=item readChunk( [$chunkSize] )
+This reads the next chunk of given size from the member's data stream and
+compresses or uncompresses it as necessary, returning a reference to the bytes
+read and a status.
+If size argument is not given, defaults to global set by
+Status is AZ_OK on success. Returns C<( \$bytes, $status)>.
+    my ( $outRef, $status ) = $self->readChunk();
+    print $$outRef if $status != AZ_OK;
+sub readChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my ( $self, $chunkSize ) = @_;
+	if ( $self->readIsDone() )
+	{
+		$self->endRead();
+		my $dummy = '';
+		return ( \$dummy, AZ_STREAM_END );
+	}
+	$chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize if not defined( $chunkSize );
+	$chunkSize = $self->_readDataRemaining()
+		if $chunkSize > $self->_readDataRemaining();
+	my $buffer = '';
+	my $outputRef;
+	my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->_readRawChunk( \$buffer, $chunkSize );
+	return ( \$buffer, $status) if $status != AZ_OK;
+	$self->{'readDataRemaining'} -= $bytesRead;
+	$self->{'readOffset'} += $bytesRead;
+	if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED )
+	{
+		$self->{'crc32'} = $self->computeCRC32( $buffer, $self->{'crc32'} );
+	}
+	( $outputRef, $status) = &{$self->{'chunkHandler'}}( $self, \$buffer );
+	$self->{'writeOffset'} += length( $$outputRef );
+	$self->endRead()
+		if $self->readIsDone();
+	return ( $outputRef, $status);
+# Read the next raw chunk of my data. Subclasses MUST implement.
+#	my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->_readRawChunk( \$buffer, $chunkSize );
+sub _readRawChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->_subclassResponsibility();
+# A place holder to catch rewindData errors if someone ignores
+# the error code.
+sub _noChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return ( \undef, _error( "trying to copy chunk when init failed" ));
+# Basically a no-op so that I can have a consistent interface.
+# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_copyChunk( \$buffer );
+sub _copyChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my ( $self, $dataRef ) = @_;
+	return ( $dataRef, AZ_OK );
+# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_deflateChunk( \$buffer );
+sub _deflateChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my ( $self, $buffer ) = @_;
+	my ( $out, $status ) = $self->_deflater()->deflate( $buffer );
+	if ( $self->_readDataRemaining() == 0 )
+	{
+		my $extraOutput;
+		( $extraOutput, $status ) = $self->_deflater()->flush();
+		$out .= $extraOutput;
+		$self->endRead();
+		return ( \$out, AZ_STREAM_END );
+	}
+	elsif ( $status == Z_OK )
+	{
+		return ( \$out, AZ_OK );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$self->endRead();
+		my $retval = _error( 'deflate error', $status);
+		my $dummy = '';
+		return ( \$dummy, $retval );
+	}
+# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_inflateChunk( \$buffer );
+sub _inflateChunk	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my ( $self, $buffer ) = @_;
+	my ( $out, $status ) = $self->_inflater()->inflate( $buffer );
+	my $retval;
+	$self->endRead() if ( $status != Z_OK );
+	if ( $status == Z_OK || $status == Z_STREAM_END )
+	{
+		$retval = ( $status == Z_STREAM_END )
+		return ( \$out, $retval );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$retval = _error( 'inflate error', $status);
+		my $dummy = '';
+		return ( \$dummy, $retval );
+	}
+=item rewindData()
+Rewind data and set up for reading data streams or writing zip files.
+Can take options for C<inflateInit()> or C<deflateInit()>,
+but this isn't likely to be necessary.
+Subclass overrides should call this method.
+Returns C<AZ_OK> on success.
+sub rewindData	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $status;
+	# set to trap init errors
+	$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can( '_noChunk' );
+	# Work around WinZip defect with 0-length DEFLATED files
+	$self->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED )
+		if $self->uncompressedSize() == 0;
+	# assume that we're going to read the whole file, and compute the CRC anew.
+	$self->{'crc32'} = 0 if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED );
+	# These are the only combinations of methods we deal with right now.
+	if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED
+			and $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED )
+	{
+		( $self->{'deflater'}, $status ) = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(
+			'-Level' => $self->desiredCompressionLevel(),
+			'-WindowBits' => - MAX_WBITS(), # necessary magic
+			@_ );	# pass additional options
+		return _error( 'deflateInit error:', $status ) if $status != Z_OK;
+		$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can( '_deflateChunk' );
+	}
+	elsif ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED
+			and $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED )
+	{
+		( $self->{'inflater'}, $status ) = Compress::Zlib::inflateInit(
+			'-WindowBits' => - MAX_WBITS(), # necessary magic
+			@_ );	# pass additional options
+		return _error( 'inflateInit error:', $status ) if $status != Z_OK;
+		$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can( '_inflateChunk' );
+	}
+	elsif ( $self->compressionMethod() == $self->desiredCompressionMethod() )
+	{
+		$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can( '_copyChunk' );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return _error(
+			sprintf( "Unsupported compression combination: read %d, write %d",
+				$self->compressionMethod(),
+				$self->desiredCompressionMethod() )
+		 );
+	}
+	$self->{'dataEnded'} = 0;
+	$self->{'readDataRemaining'} = $self->compressedSize();
+	$self->{'readOffset'} = 0;
+	return AZ_OK;
+=item endRead()
+Reset the read variables and free the inflater or deflater.
+Must be called to close files, etc.
+Returns AZ_OK on success.
+sub endRead	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	delete $self->{'inflater'};
+	delete $self->{'deflater'};
+	$self->{'dataEnded'} = 1;
+	$self->{'readDataRemaining'} = 0;
+	return AZ_OK;
+=item readIsDone()
+Return true if the read has run out of data or errored out.
+sub readIsDone	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return ( $self->_dataEnded() or ! $self->_readDataRemaining() );
+=item contents()
+Return the entire uncompressed member data or undef in scalar context.
+When called in array context, returns C<( $string, $status )>; status
+will be AZ_OK on success:
+    my $string = $member->contents();
+    # or
+    my ( $string, $status ) = $member->contents();
+    die "error $status" if $status != AZ_OK;
+Can also be used to set the contents of a member (this may change
+the class of the member):
+    $member->contents( "this is my new contents" );
+sub contents	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newContents = shift;
+	if ( defined( $newContents ) )
+	{
+		$self->_become( STRINGMEMBERCLASS );
+		return $self->contents( $newContents );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		my $oldCompression = 
+			$self->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+		my $status = $self->rewindData( @_ );
+		if ( $status != AZ_OK )
+		{
+			$self->endRead();
+			return $status;
+		}
+		my $retval = '';
+		while ( $status == AZ_OK )
+		{
+			my $ref;
+			( $ref, $status ) = $self->readChunk( $self->_readDataRemaining() );
+			# did we get it in one chunk?
+			if ( length( $$ref ) == $self->uncompressedSize() )
+			{ $retval = $$ref }
+			else
+			{ $retval .= $$ref }
+		}
+		$self->desiredCompressionMethod( $oldCompression );
+		$self->endRead();
+		$status = AZ_OK if $status == AZ_STREAM_END;
+		$retval = undef if $status != AZ_OK;
+		return wantarray ? ( $retval, $status ) : $retval;
+	}
+=item extractToFileHandle( $fh )
+Extract (and uncompress, if necessary) my contents to the given file handle.
+Return AZ_OK on success.
+sub extractToFileHandle	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	return _error( "encryption unsupported" ) if $self->isEncrypted();
+	my $fh = shift;
+	_binmode( $fh );
+	my $oldCompression = $self->desiredCompressionMethod( COMPRESSION_STORED );
+	my $status = $self->rewindData( @_ );
+	$status = $self->_writeData( $fh ) if $status == AZ_OK;
+	$self->desiredCompressionMethod( $oldCompression );
+	$self->endRead();
+	return $status;
+# write local header and data stream to file handle
+sub _writeToFileHandle	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $fhIsSeekable = shift;
+	# Determine if I need to write a data descriptor
+	# I need to do this if I can't refresh the header
+	# and I don't know compressed size or crc32 fields.
+	my $headerFieldsUnknown = ( ( $self->uncompressedSize() > 0 )
+		and ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED
+			or $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED ) );
+	my $shouldWriteDataDescriptor =
+		( $headerFieldsUnknown and not $fhIsSeekable );
+	$self->hasDataDescriptor( 1 )
+		if ( $shouldWriteDataDescriptor );
+	$self->{'writeOffset'} = 0;
+	my $status = $self->rewindData();
+	( $status = $self->_writeLocalFileHeader( $fh ) )
+		if $status == AZ_OK;
+	( $status = $self->_writeData( $fh ) )
+		if $status == AZ_OK;
+	if ( $status == AZ_OK )
+	{
+		if ( $self->hasDataDescriptor() )
+		{
+			$status = $self->_writeDataDescriptor( $fh );
+		}
+		elsif ( $headerFieldsUnknown )
+		{
+			$status = $self->_refreshLocalFileHeader( $fh );
+		}
+	}
+	return $status;
+# Copy my (possibly compressed) data to given file handle.
+# Returns C<AZ_OK> on success
+sub _writeData	# Archive::Zip::Member
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $writeFh = shift;
+	return AZ_OK if ( $self->uncompressedSize() == 0 );
+	my $status;
+	my $chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize;
+	while ( $self->_readDataRemaining() > 0 )
+	{
+		my $outRef;
+		( $outRef, $status ) = $self->readChunk( $chunkSize );
+		return $status if ( $status != AZ_OK and $status != AZ_STREAM_END );
+		$writeFh->write( $$outRef, length( $$outRef ) )
+			or return _ioError( "write error during copy" );
+		last if $status == AZ_STREAM_END;
+	}
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Return true if I depend on the named file
+sub _usesFileNamed
+	return 0;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember;
+use File::Path;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::Member );
+BEGIN { use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :UTILITY_METHODS ) }
+sub _newNamed	# Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $self = $class->new( @_ );
+	$self->fileName( $name );
+	if ( -d $name )
+	{
+		my @stat = stat( _ );
+		$self->unixFileAttributes( $stat[2] );
+		$self->setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix( $stat[9] );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		$self->unixFileAttributes( $self->DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS );
+		$self->setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix( time() );
+	}
+	return $self;
+sub isDirectory	# Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember
+{ return 1; }
+sub extractToFileNamed	# Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $attribs = $self->unixFileAttributes() & 07777;
+	mkpath( $name, 0, $attribs );	# croaks on error
+	return AZ_OK;
+sub fileName	# Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newName = shift;
+	$newName =~ s{/?$}{/} if defined( $newName );
+	return $self->SUPER::fileName( $newName );
+=head1 Archive::Zip::FileMember methods
+The Archive::Zip::FileMember class extends Archive::Zip::Member.
+It is the base class for both ZipFileMember and NewFileMember classes.
+This class adds an C<externalFileName> and an C<fh> member to keep
+track of the external file.
+=over 4
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::FileMember
+# Base class for classes that have file handles
+# to external files
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::FileMember;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::Member );
+BEGIN { use Archive::Zip qw( :UTILITY_METHODS ) }
+=item externalFileName()
+Return my external filename.
+sub externalFileName	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+{ shift->{'externalFileName'} }
+# Return true if I depend on the named file
+sub _usesFileNamed
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	return $self->externalFileName eq $fileName;
+=item fh()
+Return my read file handle.
+Automatically opens file if necessary.
+sub fh	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->_openFile() if ! $self->{'fh'};
+	return $self->{'fh'};
+# opens my file handle from my file name
+sub _openFile	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $self->externalFileName(), 'r' );
+	if ( !$status )
+	{
+		_ioError( "Can't open", $self->externalFileName() );
+		return undef;
+	}
+	$self->{'fh'} = $fh;
+	_binmode( $fh );
+	return $fh;
+# Closes my file handle
+sub _closeFile	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->{'fh'} = undef;
+# Make sure I close my file handle
+sub endRead	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->_closeFile();
+	return $self->SUPER::endRead( @_ );
+sub _become	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newClass = shift;
+	return $self if ref( $self ) eq $newClass;
+	delete( $self->{'externalFileName'} );
+	delete( $self->{'fh'} );
+	return $self->SUPER::_become( $newClass );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::NewFileMember
+# Used when adding a pre-existing file to an archive
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::NewFileMember;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::FileMember );
+# Given a file name, set up for eventual writing.
+sub _newFromFileNamed	# Archive::Zip::NewFileMember
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $fileName = shift;
+	return undef if ! ( -r $fileName && ( -f _ || -l _ ) );
+	my $self = $class->new( @_ );
+	$self->fileName( $fileName );
+	$self->{'externalFileName'} = $fileName;
+	$self->{'compressionMethod'} = COMPRESSION_STORED;
+	my @stat = stat( _ );
+	$self->{'compressedSize'} = $self->{'uncompressedSize'} = $stat[7];
+	$self->desiredCompressionMethod( ( $self->compressedSize() > 0 )
+	$self->unixFileAttributes( $stat[2] );
+	$self->setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix( $stat[9] );
+	$self->isTextFile( -T _ );
+	return $self;
+sub rewindData	# Archive::Zip::NewFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $status = $self->SUPER::rewindData( @_ );
+	return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+	return AZ_IO_ERROR if ! $self->fh();
+	$self->fh()->clearerr();
+	$self->fh()->seek( 0, IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+		or return _ioError( "rewinding", $self->externalFileName() );
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Return bytes read. Note that first parameter is a ref to a buffer.
+# my $data;
+# my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->readRawChunk( \$data, $chunkSize );
+sub _readRawChunk	# Archive::Zip::NewFileMember
+	my ( $self, $dataRef, $chunkSize ) = @_;
+	return ( 0, AZ_OK ) if ( ! $chunkSize );
+	my $bytesRead = $self->fh()->read( $$dataRef, $chunkSize )
+		or return ( 0, _ioError( "reading data" ) );
+	return ( $bytesRead, AZ_OK );
+# If I already exist, extraction is a no-op.
+sub extractToFileNamed	# Archive::Zip::NewFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	if ( $name eq $self->fileName() and -r $name )
+	{
+		return AZ_OK;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return $self->SUPER::extractToFileNamed( $name, @_ );
+	}
+=head1 Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember methods
+The Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember class represents members that have
+been read from external zip files.
+=over 4
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+# This represents a member in an existing zip file on disk.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::FileMember );
+# Create a new Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+# given a filename and optional open file handle
+sub _newFromZipFile	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $fh = shift;
+	my $externalFileName = shift;
+	my $self = $class->new(
+		'crc32' => 0,
+		'diskNumberStart' => 0,
+		'localHeaderRelativeOffset' => 0,
+		'dataOffset' =>  0,	# localHeaderRelativeOffset + header length
+		@_
+	 );
+	$self->{'externalFileName'} = $externalFileName;
+	$self->{'fh'} = $fh;
+	return $self;
+sub isDirectory	# Archive::Zip::FileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	return ( substr( $self->fileName(), -1, 1 ) eq '/'
+		and $self->uncompressedSize() == 0 );
+# Because I'm going to delete the file handle, read the local file
+# header if the file handle is seekable. If it isn't, I assume that
+# I've already read the local header.
+# Return ( $status, $self )
+sub _become	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newClass = shift;
+	return $self if ref( $self ) eq $newClass;
+	my $status = AZ_OK;
+	if ( _isSeekable( $self->fh() ) )
+	{
+		my $here = $self->fh()->tell();
+		$status = $self->fh()->seek(
+			$self->localHeaderRelativeOffset() + SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
+			IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET );
+		if ( ! $status )
+		{
+			$self->fh()->seek( $here );
+			_ioError( "seeking to local header" );
+			return $self;
+		}
+		$self->_readLocalFileHeader();
+		$self->fh()->seek( $here, IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET );
+	}
+	delete( $self->{'diskNumberStart'} );
+	delete( $self->{'localHeaderRelativeOffset'} );
+	delete( $self->{'dataOffset'} );
+	return $self->SUPER::_become( $newClass );
+=item diskNumberStart()
+Returns the disk number that my local header resides
+in. Had better be 0.
+sub diskNumberStart	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+{ shift->{'diskNumberStart'} }
+=item localHeaderRelativeOffset()
+Returns the offset into the zip file where my local header is.
+sub localHeaderRelativeOffset	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+{ shift->{'localHeaderRelativeOffset'} }
+=item dataOffset()
+Returns the offset from the beginning of the zip file to
+my data.
+sub dataOffset	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+{ shift->{'dataOffset'} }
+# Skip local file header, updating only extra field stuff.
+# Assumes that fh is positioned before signature.
+sub _skipLocalFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $header;
+	$self->fh()->read( $header, LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "reading local file header" );
+	my $fileNameLength;
+	my $extraFieldLength;
+	(	undef, 	# $self->{'versionNeededToExtract'},
+		undef,	# $self->{'bitFlag'},
+		undef,	# $self->{'compressionMethod'},
+		undef,	# $self->{'lastModFileDateTime'},
+		undef,	# $crc32,
+		undef,	# $compressedSize,
+		undef,	# $uncompressedSize,
+		$fileNameLength,
+		$extraFieldLength ) = unpack( LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT, $header );
+	if ( $fileNameLength )
+	{
+		$self->fh()->seek( $fileNameLength, IO::Seekable::SEEK_CUR )
+			or return _ioError( "skipping local file name" );
+	}
+	if ( $extraFieldLength )
+	{
+		$self->fh()->read( $self->{'localExtraField'}, $extraFieldLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading local extra field" );
+	}
+	$self->{'dataOffset'} = $self->fh()->tell();
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Read from a local file header into myself. Returns AZ_OK if successful.
+# Assumes that fh is positioned after signature.
+# Note that crc32, compressedSize, and uncompressedSize will be 0 if
+# GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK is set in the bitFlag.
+sub _readLocalFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $header;
+	$self->fh()->read( $header, LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH )
+		or return _ioError( "reading local file header" );
+	my $fileNameLength;
+	my $crc32;
+	my $compressedSize;
+	my $uncompressedSize;
+	my $extraFieldLength;
+	(	$self->{'versionNeededToExtract'},
+		$self->{'bitFlag'},
+		$self->{'compressionMethod'},
+		$self->{'lastModFileDateTime'},
+		$crc32,
+		$compressedSize,
+		$uncompressedSize,
+		$fileNameLength,
+		$extraFieldLength ) = unpack( LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_FORMAT, $header );
+	if ( $fileNameLength )
+	{
+		my $fileName;
+		$self->fh()->read( $fileName, $fileNameLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading local file name" );
+		$self->fileName( $fileName );
+	}
+	if ( $extraFieldLength )
+	{
+		$self->fh()->read( $self->{'localExtraField'}, $extraFieldLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading local extra field" );
+	}
+	$self->{'dataOffset'} = $self->fh()->tell();
+	# Don't trash these fields from the CD if we already have them.
+	if ( not $self->hasDataDescriptor() )
+	{
+		$self->{'crc32'} = $crc32;
+		$self->{'compressedSize'} = $compressedSize;
+		$self->{'uncompressedSize'} = $uncompressedSize;
+	}
+	# We ignore data descriptors (we don't read them,
+	# and we compute elsewhere whether we need to write them ).
+	# And, we have the necessary data from the CD header.
+	# So mark this entry as not having a data descriptor.
+	$self->hasDataDescriptor( 0 );
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Read a Central Directory header. Return AZ_OK on success.
+# Assumes that fh is positioned right after the signature.
+sub _readCentralDirectoryFileHeader	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $fh = $self->fh();
+	my $header = '';
+		or return _ioError( "reading central dir header" );
+	my ( $fileNameLength, $extraFieldLength, $fileCommentLength );
+	(
+		$self->{'versionMadeBy'},
+		$self->{'fileAttributeFormat'},
+		$self->{'versionNeededToExtract'},
+		$self->{'bitFlag'},
+		$self->{'compressionMethod'},
+		$self->{'lastModFileDateTime'},
+		$self->{'crc32'},
+		$self->{'compressedSize'},
+		$self->{'uncompressedSize'},
+		$fileNameLength,
+		$extraFieldLength,
+		$fileCommentLength,
+		$self->{'diskNumberStart'},
+		$self->{'internalFileAttributes'},
+		$self->{'externalFileAttributes'},
+		$self->{'localHeaderRelativeOffset'}
+	if ( $fileNameLength )
+	{
+		$fh->read( $self->{'fileName'}, $fileNameLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading central dir filename" );
+	}
+	if ( $extraFieldLength )
+	{
+		$fh->read( $self->{'cdExtraField'}, $extraFieldLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading central dir extra field" );
+	}
+	if ( $fileCommentLength )
+	{
+		$fh->read( $self->{'fileComment'}, $fileCommentLength )
+			or return _ioError( "reading central dir file comment" );
+	}
+	$self->desiredCompressionMethod( $self->compressionMethod() );
+	return AZ_OK;
+sub rewindData	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $status = $self->SUPER::rewindData( @_ );
+	return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+	return AZ_IO_ERROR if ! $self->fh();
+	$self->fh()->clearerr();
+	# Seek to local file header.
+	# The only reason that I'm doing this this way is that the extraField
+	# length seems to be different between the CD header and the LF header.
+	$self->fh()->seek( $self->localHeaderRelativeOffset() + SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
+		IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+			or return _ioError( "seeking to local header" );
+	# skip local file header
+	$status = $self->_skipLocalFileHeader();
+	return $status if $status != AZ_OK;
+	# Seek to beginning of file data
+	$self->fh()->seek( $self->dataOffset(), IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
+		or return _ioError( "seeking to beginning of file data" );
+	return AZ_OK;
+# Return bytes read. Note that first parameter is a ref to a buffer.
+# my $data;
+# my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->readRawChunk( \$data, $chunkSize );
+sub _readRawChunk	# Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember
+	my ( $self, $dataRef, $chunkSize ) = @_;
+	return ( 0, AZ_OK )
+		if ( ! $chunkSize );
+	my $bytesRead = $self->fh()->read( $$dataRef, $chunkSize )
+		or return ( 0, _ioError( "reading data" ) );
+	return ( $bytesRead, AZ_OK );
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Archive::Zip::StringMember ( concrete )
+# A Zip member whose data lives in a string
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+package Archive::Zip::StringMember;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::Member );
+BEGIN { use Archive::Zip qw( :CONSTANTS :ERROR_CODES ) }
+# Create a new string member. Default is COMPRESSION_STORED.
+# Can take a ref to a string as well.
+sub _newFromString	# Archive::Zip::StringMember
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $string = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $self = $class->new( @_ );
+	$self->contents( $string );
+	$self->fileName( $name ) if defined( $name );
+	# Set the file date to now
+	$self->setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix( time() );
+	$self->unixFileAttributes( $self->DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS );
+	return $self;
+sub _become	# Archive::Zip::StringMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $newClass = shift;
+	return $self if ref( $self ) eq $newClass;
+	delete( $self->{'contents'} );
+	return $self->SUPER::_become( $newClass );
+# Get or set my contents. Note that we do not call the superclass
+# version of this, because it calls us.
+sub contents    # Archive::Zip::StringMember
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $string = shift;
+	if ( defined( $string ) )
+	{
+		$self->{'contents'} = ( ref( $string ) eq 'SCALAR' )
+			? $$string
+			: $string;
+		$self->{'uncompressedSize'}
+			= $self->{'compressedSize'}
+			= length( $self->{'contents'} );
+		$self->{'compressionMethod'} = COMPRESSION_STORED;
+	}
+	return $self->{'contents'};
+# Return bytes read. Note that first parameter is a ref to a buffer.
+# my $data;
+# my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->readRawChunk( \$data, $chunkSize );
+sub _readRawChunk	# Archive::Zip::StringMember
+	my ( $self, $dataRef, $chunkSize ) = @_;
+	$$dataRef = substr( $self->contents(), $self->_readOffset(), $chunkSize );
+	return ( length( $$dataRef ), AZ_OK );
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ned Konz,
+Copyright (c) 2000 Ned Konz. All rights reserved.  This program is free
+software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+# vim: ts=4 sw=4 columns=80