changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 602 3145852acc89
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/releasing/cbrtools/perl/Net/	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Graham Barr <> and
+# Alex Hristov <>. All rights reserved. This program is free
+# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+# as Perl itself.
+package Net::PH;
+require 5.001;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
+use Carp;
+use Socket 1.3;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Net::Cmd;
+use Net::Config;
+$VERSION = "2.20"; # $Id: //depot/libnet/Net/$
+@ISA     = qw(Exporter Net::Cmd IO::Socket::INET);
+sub new
+ my $pkg  = shift;
+ my $host = shift if @_ % 2;
+ my %arg  = @_; 
+ my $hosts = defined $host ? [ $host ] : $NetConfig{ph_hosts};
+ my $ph;
+ my $h;
+ foreach $h (@{$hosts})
+  {
+   $ph = $pkg->SUPER::new(PeerAddr => ($host = $h), 
+			  PeerPort => $arg{Port} || 'csnet-ns(105)',
+			  Proto    => 'tcp',
+			  Timeout  => defined $arg{Timeout}
+					? $arg{Timeout}
+					: 120
+			 ) and last;
+  }
+ return undef
+	unless defined $ph;
+ ${*$ph}{'net_ph_host'} = $host;
+ $ph->autoflush(1);
+ $ph->debug(exists $arg{Debug} ? $arg{Debug} : undef);
+ $ph;
+sub status
+ my $ph = shift;
+ $ph->command('status')->response;
+ $ph->code;
+sub login
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my($user,$pass,$encrypted) = @_;
+ my $resp;
+ $resp = $ph->command("login",$user)->response;
+ if(defined($pass) && $resp == CMD_MORE)
+  {
+   if($encrypted)
+    {
+     my $challenge_str = $ph->message;
+     chomp($challenge_str);
+     Net::PH::crypt::crypt_start($pass);
+     my $cryptstr = Net::PH::crypt::encryptit($challenge_str);
+     $ph->command("answer", $cryptstr);
+    }
+   else
+    {
+     $ph->command("clear", $pass);
+    }
+   $resp = $ph->response;
+  }
+ $resp == CMD_OK;
+sub logout
+ my $ph = shift;
+ $ph->command("logout")->response == CMD_OK;
+sub id
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my $id = @_ ? shift : $<;
+ $ph->command("id",$id)->response == CMD_OK;
+sub siteinfo
+ my $ph = shift;
+ $ph->command("siteinfo");
+ my $ln;
+ my %resp;
+ my $cur_num = 0;
+ while(defined($ln = $ph->getline))
+  {
+   $ph->debug_print(0,$ln)
+     if ($ph->debug & 2);
+   chomp($ln);
+   my($code,$num,$tag,$data);
+   if($ln =~ /^-(\d+):(\d+):(?:\s*([^:]+):)?\s*(.*)/o)
+    {
+     ($code,$num,$tag,$data) = ($1, $2, $3 || "",$4);
+     $resp{$tag} = bless [$code, $num, $tag, $data], "Net::PH::Result";
+    }
+   else
+    {
+     $ph->set_status($ph->parse_response($ln));
+     return \%resp;
+    }
+  }
+ return undef;
+sub query
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my $search = shift;
+ my($k,$v);
+ my @args = ('query', _arg_hash($search));
+ push(@args,'return',_arg_list( shift ))
+	if @_;
+ unless($ph->command(@args)->response == CMD_INFO)
+  {
+   return $ph->code == 501
+	? []
+	: undef;
+  }
+ my $ln;
+ my @resp;
+ my $cur_num = 0;
+ my($last_tag);
+ while(defined($ln = $ph->getline))
+  {
+   $ph->debug_print(0,$ln)
+     if ($ph->debug & 2);
+   chomp($ln);
+   my($code,$idx,$num,$tag,$data);
+   if($ln =~ /^-(\d+):(\d+):\s*([^:]*):\s*(.*)/o)
+    {
+     ($code,$idx,$tag,$data) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+     my $num = $idx - 1;
+     $resp[$num] ||= {};
+     $tag = $last_tag
+	unless(length($tag));
+     $last_tag = $tag;
+     if(exists($resp[$num]->{$tag}))
+      {
+       $resp[$num]->{$tag}->[3] .= "\n" . $data;
+      }
+     else
+      {
+       $resp[$num]->{$tag} = bless [$code, $idx, $tag, $data], "Net::PH::Result";
+      }
+    }
+   else
+    {
+     $ph->set_status($ph->parse_response($ln));
+     return \@resp;
+    }
+  }
+ return undef;
+sub change
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my $search = shift;
+ my $make = shift;
+ $ph->command(
+	"change", _arg_hash($search),
+	"make",   _arg_hash($make)
+ )->response == CMD_OK;
+sub _arg_hash
+ my $hash = shift;
+ return $hash
+	unless(ref($hash));
+ my($k,$v);
+ my @r;
+ while(($k,$v) = each %$hash)
+  {
+   my $a = $v;
+   $a =~ s/\n/\\n/sog;
+   $a =~ s/\t/\\t/sog;
+   $a = '"' . $a . '"'
+	if $a =~ /\W/;
+   $a = '""'
+	unless length $a;
+   push(@r, "$k=$a");   
+  }
+ join(" ", @r);
+sub _arg_list
+ my $arr = shift;
+ return $arr
+	unless(ref($arr));
+ my $v;
+ my @r;
+ foreach $v (@$arr)
+  {
+   my $a = $v;
+   $a =~ s/\n/\\n/sog;
+   $a =~ s/\t/\\t/sog;
+   $a = '"' . $a . '"'
+	if $a =~ /\W/;
+   push(@r, $a);   
+  }
+ join(" ",@r);
+sub add
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my $arg = @_ > 1 ? { @_ } : shift;
+ $ph->command('add', _arg_hash($arg))->response == CMD_OK;
+sub delete
+ my $ph = shift;
+ my $arg = @_ > 1 ? { @_ } : shift;
+ $ph->command('delete', _arg_hash($arg))->response == CMD_OK;
+sub force
+ my $ph = shift; 
+ my $search = shift;
+ my $force = shift;
+ $ph->command(
+	"change", _arg_hash($search),
+	"force",  _arg_hash($force)
+ )->response == CMD_OK;
+sub fields
+ my $ph = shift;
+ $ph->command("fields", _arg_list(\@_));
+ my $ln;
+ my %resp;
+ my $cur_num = 0;
+ my @tags = ();
+ while(defined($ln = $ph->getline))
+  {
+   $ph->debug_print(0,$ln)
+     if ($ph->debug & 2);
+   chomp($ln);
+   my($code,$num,$tag,$data,$last_tag);
+   if($ln =~ /^-(\d+):(\d+):\s*([^:]*):\s*(.*)/o)
+    {
+     ($code,$num,$tag,$data) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+     $tag = $last_tag
+	unless(length($tag));
+     $last_tag = $tag;
+     if(exists $resp{$tag})
+      {
+       $resp{$tag}->[3] .= "\n" . $data;
+      }
+     else
+      {
+       $resp{$tag} = bless [$code, $num, $tag, $data], "Net::PH::Result";
+       push @tags, $tag;
+      }
+    }
+   else
+    {
+     $ph->set_status($ph->parse_response($ln));
+     return wantarray ? (\%resp, \@tags) : \%resp;
+    }
+  }
+ return;
+sub quit
+ my $ph = shift;
+ $ph->close
+	if $ph->command("quit")->response == CMD_OK;
+## Net::Cmd overrides
+sub parse_response
+ return ()
+    unless $_[1] =~ s/^(-?)(\d\d\d):?//o;
+ ($2, $1 eq "-");
+sub debug_text { $_[2] =~ /^(clear)/i ? "$1 ....\n" : $_[2]; }
+package Net::PH::Result;
+sub code  { shift->[0] }
+sub value { shift->[1] }
+sub field { shift->[2] }
+sub text  { shift->[3] }
+package Net::PH::crypt;
+#  The code in this package is based upon 'cryptit.c', Copyright (C) 1988 by
+#  Steven Dorner, and Paul Pomes, and the University of Illinois Board
+#  of Trustees, and by CSNET.
+use integer;
+use strict;
+sub ROTORSZ () { 256 }
+sub MASK () { 255 }
+sub crypt_start {
+    my $pass = shift;
+    $n1 = 0;
+    $n2 = 0;
+    crypt_init($pass);
+sub crypt_init {
+    my $pw = shift;
+    my $i;
+    @t2 = @t3 = (0) x ROTORSZ;
+    my $buf = crypt($pw,$pw);
+    return -1 unless length($buf) > 0;
+    $buf = substr($buf . "\0" x 13,0,13);
+    my @buf = map { ord $_ } split(//, $buf);
+    my $seed = 123;
+    for($i = 0 ; $i < 13 ; $i++) {
+	$seed = $seed * $buf[$i] + $i;
+    }
+    @t1 = (0 .. ROTORSZ-1);
+    for($i = 0 ; $i < ROTORSZ ; $i++) {
+	$seed = 5 * $seed + $buf[$i % 13];
+	my $random = $seed % 65521;
+	my $k = ROTORSZ - 1 - $i;
+	my $ic = ($random & MASK) % ($k + 1);
+	$random >>= 8;
+	@t1[$k,$ic] = @t1[$ic,$k];
+	next if $t3[$k] != 0;
+	$ic = ($random & MASK) % $k;
+	while($t3[$ic] != 0) {
+	    $ic = ($ic + 1) % $k;
+	}
+	$t3[$k] = $ic;
+	$t3[$ic] = $k;
+    }
+    for($i = 0 ; $i < ROTORSZ ; $i++) {
+	$t2[$t1[$i] & MASK] = $i
+    }
+sub encode {
+    my $sp = shift;
+    my $ch;
+    my $n = scalar(@$sp);
+    my @out = ($n);
+    my $i;
+    for($i = 0 ; $i < $n ; ) {
+	my($f0,$f1,$f2) = splice(@$sp,0,3);
+	push(@out,
+	    $f0 >> 2,
+	    ($f0 << 4) & 060 | ($f1 >> 4) & 017,
+	    ($f1 << 2) & 074 | ($f2 >> 6) & 03,
+	    $f2 & 077);
+	$i += 3;
+   }
+   join("", map { chr((($_ & 077) + 35) & 0xff) } @out);  # ord('#') == 35
+sub encryptit {
+    my $from = shift;
+    my @from = map { ord $_ } split(//, $from);
+    my @sp = ();
+    my $ch;
+    while(defined($ch = shift @from)) {
+	push(@sp,
+	    $t2[($t3[($t1[($ch + $n1) & MASK] + $n2) & MASK] - $n2) & MASK] - $n1);
+	$n1++;
+	if($n1 == ROTORSZ) {
+	    $n1 = 0;
+	    $n2++;
+	    $n2 = 0 if $n2 == ROTORSZ;
+	}
+    }
+    encode(\@sp);
+=head1 NAME
+Net::PH - CCSO Nameserver Client class
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Net::PH;
+    $ph = Net::PH->new("",
+                       Port    => 105,
+                       Timeout => 120,
+                       Debug   => 0);
+    if($ph) {
+        $q = $ph->query({ field1 => "value1" },
+                        [qw(name address pobox)]);
+        if($q) {
+        }
+    }
+    # Alternative syntax
+    if($ph) {
+        $q = $ph->query('field1=value1',
+                        'name address pobox');
+        if($q) {
+        }
+    }
+C<Net::PH> is a class implementing a simple Nameserver/PH client in Perl
+as described in the CCSO Nameserver -- Server-Client Protocol. Like other
+modules in the Net:: family the C<Net::PH> object inherits methods from
+=over 4
+=item new ( [ HOST ] [, OPTIONS ])
+    $ph = Net::PH->new("",
+                       Port    => 105,
+                       Timeout => 120,
+                       Debug   => 0
+                      );
+This is the constructor for a new Net::PH object. C<HOST> is the
+name of the remote host to which a PH connection is required.
+If C<HOST> is not given, then the C<SNPP_Host> specified in C<Net::Config>
+will be used.
+C<OPTIONS> is an optional list of named options which are passed in
+a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. Possible options are:-
+B<Port> - Port number to connect to on remote host.
+B<Timeout> - Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the
+Nameserver, a value of zero will cause all IO operations to block.
+(default: 120)
+B<Debug> - Enable the printing of debugging information to STDERR
+=head1 METHODS
+Unless otherwise stated all methods return either a I<true> or I<false>
+value, with I<true> meaning that the operation was a success. When a method
+states that it returns a value, failure will be returned as I<undef> or an
+empty list.
+=over 4
+=item query( SEARCH [, RETURN ] )
+    $q = $ph->query({ name => $myname },
+		    [qw(name email schedule)]);
+    foreach $handle (@{$q}) {
+	foreach $field (keys %{$handle}) {
+            $c = ${$handle}{$field}->code;
+            $v = ${$handle}{$field}->value;
+            $f = ${$handle}{$field}->field;
+            $t = ${$handle}{$field}->text;
+            print "field:[$field] [$c][$v][$f][$t]\n" ;
+	}
+    }
+Search the database and return fields from all matching entries.
+The C<SEARCH> argument is a reference to a HASH which contains field/value
+pairs which will be passed to the Nameserver as the search criteria.
+C<RETURN> is optional, but if given it should be a reference to a list which
+contains field names to be returned.
+The alternative syntax is to pass strings instead of references, for example
+    $q = $ph->query('name=myname',
+		    'name email schedule');
+The C<SEARCH> argument is a string that is passed to the Nameserver as the 
+search criteria. The strings being passed should B<not> contain any carriage
+returns, or else the query command might fail or return invalid data.
+C<RETURN> is optional, but if given it should be a string which will
+contain field names to be returned.
+Each match from the server will be returned as a HASH where the keys are the
+field names and the values are C<Net::PH:Result> objects (I<code>, I<value>, 
+I<field>, I<text>).
+Returns a reference to an ARRAY which contains references to HASHs, one
+per match from the server.
+=item change( SEARCH , MAKE )
+    $r = $ph->change({ email => "*" },
+                     { schedule => "busy");
+Change field values for matching entries.
+The C<SEARCH> argument is a reference to a HASH which contains field/value
+pairs which will be passed to the Nameserver as the search criteria.
+The C<MAKE> argument is a reference to a HASH which contains field/value
+pairs which will be passed to the Nameserver that
+will set new values to designated fields.
+The alternative syntax is to pass strings instead of references, for example
+    $r = $ph->change('email="*"',
+                     'schedule="busy"');
+The C<SEARCH> argument is a string to be passed to the Nameserver as the 
+search criteria. The strings being passed should B<not> contain any carriage
+returns, or else the query command might fail or return invalid data.
+The C<MAKE> argument is a string to be passed to the Nameserver that
+will set new values to designated fields.
+Upon success all entries that match the search criteria will have
+the field values, given in the Make argument, changed.
+=item login( USER, PASS [, ENCRYPT ])
+    $r = $ph->login('username','password',1);
+Enter login mode using C<USER> and C<PASS>. If C<ENCRYPT> is given and
+is I<true> then the password will be used to encrypt a challenge text 
+string provided by the server, and the encrypted string will be sent back
+to the server. If C<ENCRYPT> is not given, or I<false> then the password 
+will be sent in clear text (I<this is not recommended>)
+=item logout()
+    $r = $ph->logout();
+Exit login mode and return to anonymous mode.
+=item fields( [ FIELD_LIST ] )
+    $fields = $ph->fields();
+    foreach $field (keys %{$fields}) {
+        $c = ${$fields}{$field}->code;
+        $v = ${$fields}{$field}->value;
+        $f = ${$fields}{$field}->field;
+        $t = ${$fields}{$field}->text;
+        print "field:[$field] [$c][$v][$f][$t]\n";
+    }
+In a scalar context, returns a reference to a HASH. The keys of the HASH are
+the field names and the values are C<Net::PH:Result> objects (I<code>,
+I<value>, I<field>, I<text>).
+In an array context, returns a two element array. The first element is a
+reference to a HASH as above, the second element is a reference to an array
+which contains the tag names in the order that they were returned from the
+C<FIELD_LIST> is a string that lists the fields for which info will be
+=item add( FIELD_VALUES )
+    $r = $ph->add( { name => $name, phone => $phone });
+This method is used to add new entries to the Nameserver database. You
+must successfully call L<login> before this method can be used.
+B<Note> that this method adds new entries to the database. To modify
+an existing entry use L<change>.
+C<FIELD_VALUES> is a reference to a HASH which contains field/value
+pairs which will be passed to the Nameserver and will be used to 
+initialize the new entry.
+The alternative syntax is to pass a string instead of a reference, for example
+    $r = $ph->add('name=myname phone=myphone');
+C<FIELD_VALUES> is a string that consists of field/value pairs which the
+new entry will contain. The strings being passed should B<not> contain any
+carriage returns, or else the query command might fail or return invalid data.
+=item delete( FIELD_VALUES )
+    $r = $ph->delete('name=myname phone=myphone');
+This method is used to delete existing entries from the Nameserver database.
+You must successfully call L<login> before this method can be used.
+B<Note> that this method deletes entries to the database. To modify
+an existing entry use L<change>.
+C<FIELD_VALUES> is a string that serves as the search criteria for the
+records to be deleted. Any entry in the database which matches this search 
+criteria will be deleted.
+=item id( [ ID ] )
+    $r = $ph->id('709');
+Sends C<ID> to the Nameserver, which will enter this into its
+logs. If C<ID> is not given then the UID of the user running the
+process will be sent.
+=item status()
+Returns the current status of the Nameserver.
+=item siteinfo()
+    $siteinfo = $ph->siteinfo();
+    foreach $field (keys %{$siteinfo}) {
+        $c = ${$siteinfo}{$field}->code;
+        $v = ${$siteinfo}{$field}->value;
+        $f = ${$siteinfo}{$field}->field;
+        $t = ${$siteinfo}{$field}->text;
+        print "field:[$field] [$c][$v][$f][$t]\n";
+    }
+Returns a reference to a HASH containing information about the server's 
+site. The keys of the HASH are the field names and values are
+C<Net::PH:Result> objects (I<code>, I<value>, I<field>, I<text>).
+=item quit()
+    $r = $ph->quit();
+Quit the connection
+=head1 Q&A
+How do I get the values of a Net::PH::Result object?
+    foreach $handle (@{$q}) {
+        foreach $field (keys %{$handle}) {
+            $my_code  = ${$q}{$field}->code;
+            $my_value = ${$q}{$field}->value;
+            $my_field = ${$q}{$field}->field;
+            $my_text  = ${$q}{$field}->text;
+        }
+    }
+How do I get a count of the returned matches to my query?
+    $my_count = scalar(@{$query_result});
+How do I get the status code and message of the last C<$ph> command?
+    $status_code    = $ph->code;
+    $status_message = $ph->message;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Graham Barr <>
+Alex Hristov <>
+Password encryption code ported to perl by Broc Seib <>,
+Purdue University Computing Center.
+Otis Gospodnetic <> suggested
+passing parameters as string constants. Some queries cannot be 
+executed when passing parameters as string references.
+        Example: query first_name last_name email="*.domain"
+The encryption code is based upon cryptit.c, Copyright (C) 1988 by
+Steven Dorner, and Paul Pomes, and the University of Illinois Board
+of Trustees, and by CSNET.
+All other code is Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Graham Barr <>
+and Alex Hristov <>. All rights reserved. This program is
+free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.