--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/releasing/cbrtools/perl/NotesCompiler.pm Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+package NotesCompiler;
+use strict;
+use CGI qw(-no_debug :standard start_ul);
+use IniData;
+use RelData;
+use EnvDb;
+use MrpData;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Basename;
+# Constants.
+use constant NOTES_DIREXTENSION => '.RelNotes';
+# Public.
+sub New {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self, $pkg;
+ $self->{iniData} = shift;
+ $self->{comp} = shift;
+ $self->{ver} = shift;
+ $self->{verbose} = shift;
+ $self->{htmlMainFile} = shift;
+ $self->{outputSTDOUTonly} = shift;
+ $self->{htmlNotes} = shift; # flag to render old notes as html or plain text
+ $self->{fh} = undef; # filehandle to write to
+ $self->{envDb} = EnvDb->Open($self->{iniData}, $self->{verbose});
+ # Not using 'use constant' because that requires Utils::PrependEpocRoot to be called at compile-time
+ $self->{notes_store} = Utils::PrependEpocRoot('\\epoc32\\relinfo\\notes'); # constant
+ return $self;
+sub DoStandardNotes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile} )) {
+ my $filename = $self->{comp}.".".$self->{ver};
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{htmlMainFile};
+ }
+ if(!defined ($self->{outputSTDOUTonly})){
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareStandardNotes, undef, 1); # sub, filename, cache
+ }
+ else{
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareStandardNotes, undef, 0); # sub, filename, cache
+ }
+sub DoCompSummary {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile} )) {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$self->{comp}.summary.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{htmlMainFile};
+ }
+ my $relDataObjects = RelData->OpenSet($self->{iniData}, $self->{comp}, $self->{verbose});
+ @$relDataObjects = grep { $self->PassesFilter($_) } @$relDataObjects;
+ foreach my $thisRelData (@$relDataObjects) {
+ my $ver = $thisRelData->Version();
+ my $htmlName;
+ my $filename = $self->{comp}.".".$ver;
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile}) ) {
+ $htmlName = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $htmlName = $self->{htmlMainFile} . NOTES_DIREXTENSION . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareStandardNotes, $htmlName, 1, $thisRelData); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ }
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareSummary, undef, 0, $relDataObjects, 1); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ return $self;
+sub DoEnvSummary {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile} )) {
+ if ($self->{comp} and $self->{ver}) {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$self->{comp}.$self->{ver}.summary.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{notes_store} . "\\current_env_summary.html";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{htmlMainFile};
+ }
+ my $versionInfo;
+ if ($self->{comp} and $self->{ver}) {
+ my $relData = RelData->Open($self->{iniData}, $self->{comp}, $self->{ver}, $self->{verbose});
+ $versionInfo = $relData->Environment();
+ }
+ else {
+ $versionInfo = $self->{envDb}->VersionInfo();
+ }
+ my @relData;
+ foreach my $thisComp (sort keys %$versionInfo) {
+ my $thisVer = $versionInfo->{$thisComp};
+ (my $relData, my $preview) = $self->CreateRelData($thisComp, $thisVer);
+ next unless $self->PassesFilter($relData);
+ push (@relData, $relData);
+ my $htmlName;
+ my $filename = $thisComp.".".$thisVer;
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile} )) {
+ $htmlName = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $htmlName = $self->{htmlMainFile} . NOTES_DIREXTENSION . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareStandardNotes, $htmlName, 1, $relData, $preview); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ }
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareSummary, undef, 0, \@relData); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ return $self;
+sub DoDiffEnvSummary {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $comp2 = shift;
+ my $ver2 = shift;
+ require EnvDifferencer;
+ my $comp1 = $self->{comp};
+ my $ver1 = $self->{ver};
+ $comp2 ||= $comp1;
+ $ver2 ||= $self->{envDb}->VersionInfo()->{$comp2};
+ unless ($ver2) {
+ die "Error: $comp2 not installed in current environment\n";
+ }
+ if( !defined ($self->{htmlMainFile} )) {
+ my $filename = $comp1.".".$ver1.".".$comp2.".".$ver2."-full";
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{notes_store} . "\\$filename.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{htmlName} = $self->{htmlMainFile};
+ }
+ if(!defined ($self->{outputSTDOUTonly})){
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareDiffEnvReport, undef, 1, $comp2, $ver2); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ }
+ else{
+ $self->WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled(\&PrepareDiffEnvReport, undef, 0, $comp2, $ver2); # sub, filename, cache, @args
+ }
+sub HtmlFileName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{htmlName};
+sub HtmlMainFile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{htmlMainFile};
+sub SetProjectFilter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{filter}->{project} = shift;
+sub SetVersionNumberFilter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{filter}->{versionregex} = shift;
+# Private.
+sub WriteUnlessAlreadyCompiled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sub = shift;
+ my $filename = shift || $self->{htmlName};
+ my $cache = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ if ($cache) {
+ return if $self->NotesFileAlreadyCompiled($filename, $self->{comp}, $self->{ver});
+ }
+ my $output = $sub->($self, @args);
+ if (!defined ($self->{outputSTDOUTonly})) {
+ my $fh = $self->OpenFileForWriting($filename);
+ print "FILE LOCATION: $filename\n" if ($self->{verbose});
+ print $fh $output;
+ $fh = undef; # close file
+ }
+ else {
+ print $output;
+ }
+sub OpenFileForWriting {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ Utils::MakeDir(dirname($filename));
+ return new IO::File($filename, "w") or die "Couldn't open file \"$filename\" for writing: $!";
+sub PrepareDiffEnvReport {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $endcomp = shift;
+ my $endver = shift;
+ my $startcomp = $self->{comp};
+ my $startver = $self->{ver};
+ $self->{envDb} = EnvDb->Open($self->{iniData}, $self->{verbose});
+ my $envDifferencer = EnvDifferencer->New($self->{iniData}, $self->{verbose});
+ $envDifferencer->SetStartCompVer($startcomp, $startver);
+ $envDifferencer->SetEndCompVer($endcomp, $endver);
+ my @contentsrows;
+ my $bodies;
+ my $changedcomps = $envDifferencer->ChangedComps();
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach my $comp (sort @$changedcomps) {
+ $i++; # counter for debug output only
+ my $endReldata = $envDifferencer->EndReldata($comp);
+ my $intermediateReldatas = $envDifferencer->IntermediateReldatas($comp);
+ my @allreldatas = (@$intermediateReldatas, $endReldata);
+ @allreldatas = grep { $self->PassesFilter($_) } @allreldatas;
+ print "Processing $comp ($i/".(scalar @$changedcomps)."): ".(scalar @allreldatas)." releases to process\n" if $self->{verbose};
+ next unless @allreldatas;
+ my @versions;
+ $bodies .= hr . h2(a({name=>$comp},$comp));
+ my $firstver;
+ foreach my $reldata (sort { $b->ReleaseTime() <=> $a->ReleaseTime() } @allreldatas) {
+ my $ver = $reldata->Version();
+ my $link = "$comp$ver";
+ if(defined $self->{htmlMainFile})
+ {
+ $link = $self->{htmlMainFile} . NOTES_DIREXTENSION . "/" . $link;
+ }
+ # First add an entry to our contents table
+ push @versions, td(a{href=>"#$link"}, $ver);
+ # Now prepare the body itself
+ $bodies .= a({name=>$link}, h3($ver));
+ $bodies .= ul($self->MainBody($reldata, 1)); # 1 = concise
+ }
+ push @contentsrows, Tr(th(a({href=>"#$comp"},$comp)), @versions);
+ }
+ my $output = "";
+ $output .= h1("Differences between $startcomp $startver and $endcomp $endver");
+ $output .= h1("Contents");
+ $output .= p("Newer releases are on the left.");
+ $output .= table({border=>1},@contentsrows);
+ if(defined $bodies){
+ $output .= $bodies;
+ }
+ return $output;
+sub PrepareStandardNotes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $relData = shift;
+ my $preview;
+ my $comp;
+ my $ver;
+ if ($relData) {
+ $comp = $relData->Component();
+ $ver = $relData->Version();
+ } else {
+ $comp = $self->{comp};
+ $ver = $self->{ver};
+ ($relData, $preview) = $self->CreateRelData($comp, $ver);
+ }
+ my $output = "";
+ if ($self->{verbose}) { print "Compiling release notes for $comp $ver...\n"; }
+ if ($preview) {
+ $output .= start_html({-title => "$comp $ver release notes PREVIEW"})
+ .h1({-style=>'Color: red;'}, 'Release Notes Preview'). hr
+ .h1("$comp")
+ .hr;
+ }
+ else {
+ $output .= start_html({-title => "$comp $ver release notes"})
+ .h1("$comp")
+ .hr;
+ }
+ $output .= $self->MainBody($relData);
+ $output .= $self->EnvDetails($relData, $preview);
+ $output .= $self->SrcFilterErrors($relData, $preview);
+ $output .= end_html();
+ return $output;
+sub PrepareSummary {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $relDataObjects = shift;
+ my $compSummary = shift;
+ my $output = "";
+ if ($compSummary) {
+ if ($self->{verbose}) { print "Writing component summary for $self->{comp}...\n"; }
+ $output .= (start_html({-title => "Release note summary for component $self->{comp}"})
+ .h1("Release note summary for component $self->{comp}")
+ .hr);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($self->{comp} and $self->{ver}) {
+ if ($self->{verbose}) { print "Writing environment summary for $self->{comp} $self->{ver}...\n"; }
+ $output .= (start_html({-title => "Release note summary for environment $self->{comp} $self->{ver}"})
+ .h1("Release note summary for environment $self->{comp} $self->{ver}")
+ .hr);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($self->{verbose}) { print "Writing environment summary for current environment...\n"; }
+ $output .= (start_html({-title => "Release note summary for the current environment"})
+ .h1("Release note summary for the current environment")
+ .hr);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $thisRelData (@$relDataObjects) {
+ my $thisVer = $thisRelData->Version();
+ my $thisComp = $thisRelData->Component();
+ my $thisIntVer = $thisRelData->InternalVersion();
+ my $link;
+ if ($compSummary) {
+ my $filename = $self->{comp}.".".$thisVer;
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ $link = "$filename.html";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $filename = $thisComp.".".$thisVer;
+ if ($self->{htmlNotes}) {
+ $filename.=".htmlnotes";
+ } else {
+ $filename.=".textnotes";
+ }
+ $link = "$filename.html";
+ }
+ if(defined $self->{htmlMainFile})
+ {
+ $link = $self->{htmlMainFile} . NOTES_DIREXTENSION . "/" . $link;
+ }
+ my $caption = $thisVer;
+ if ($thisIntVer) {
+ $caption .= " [$thisIntVer]";
+ }
+ unless ($compSummary) {
+ $caption = "$thisComp $caption";
+ }
+ my $notesSrc = $thisRelData->NotesSource();
+ $output .= a({ -href => $link }, $caption). ' - ';
+ $output .= ("Made by $notesSrc->{releaser} on $notesSrc->{date}");
+ $output .= (p(""));
+ }
+ $output .= (end_html());
+ return $output;
+sub CreateRelData {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $comp = shift;
+ my $ver = shift;
+ my $installedVer = $self->{envDb}->Version($comp);
+ my $preview = 0;
+ my $relData;
+ if (defined $installedVer) {
+ if ($ver eq $installedVer) {
+ if ($self->{envDb}->Status($comp) == EnvDb::STATUS_PENDING_RELEASE) {
+ # This release has not yet been made, so preview the notes.
+ $preview = 1;
+ my $intVer = $self->{envDb}->InternalVersion($comp);
+ unless (defined $intVer) {
+ $intVer = ' ';
+ }
+ my $mrpData = MrpData->New($self->{envDb}->MrpName($comp),
+ $ver, $intVer, $self->{iniData}, $self->{verbose});
+ $relData = RelData->New($self->{iniData}, $mrpData,
+ Utils::PrependSourceRoot($mrpData->NotesSource()), $self->{envDb}->VersionInfo(), 'viewnotes', $self->{verbose}, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (defined $relData) {
+ # This release has already been made, so we can read it's reldata.
+ $relData = RelData->Open($self->{iniData}, $comp, $ver, $self->{verbose});
+ }
+ return ($relData, $preview);
+sub MainBody {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $relData = shift;
+ my $concise = shift;
+ my $output = "";
+ if ($self->{verbose} > 1) {
+ print "Compiling release notes main body for ".$relData->Component()." ".$relData->Version()."...\n";
+ }
+ my $notesSrc = $relData->NotesSource();
+ my $release_version = $relData->MadeWithVersion();
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$notesSrc}) {
+ my $html_markers;
+ my $note = $notesSrc->{$key};
+ if (ref $note eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $html_markers = $self->CheckHtmlMarkers(join("",@$note));
+ } else {
+ $html_markers = $self->CheckHtmlMarkers($note);
+ }
+ if (!$html_markers) {
+ if (Utils::CompareVers($release_version, "2.83.1013") > 0) {
+ # 'Recent' release: escape html chars
+ $notesSrc->{$key} = $self->EscapeHtmlChars($note);
+ } else {
+ # Old release
+ if (!($self->{htmlNotes})) {
+ # User hasn't set html_notes: escape html chars
+ $notesSrc->{$key} = $self->EscapeHtmlChars($note);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($concise) {
+ my $comp = $relData->Component();
+ my $ver = $relData->Version();
+ my $intVer = $relData->InternalVersion();
+ my $toolsver = $relData->MadeWith();
+ my $sourcecode = $relData->SourceIncluded();
+ my $mrpName = $relData->MrpName();
+ my $project = $self->ComponentProject($comp, $ver);
+ my $envUserName = $relData->EnvUserName() || "";
+ my $firstCompatibleVersion = $relData->FirstCompatibleVersion() || "<unknown>";
+ my $zipsize;
+ eval {
+ $zipsize = $self->{envDb}->GetReleaseSize($relData->Component(), $relData->Version());
+ };
+ $zipsize ||= "-"; # for example, if we're pending release...
+ $output .= table({-border=>0}, Tr({-align =>'left'},
+ [td([b('Version'), $ver]),
+ td([b('Internal version'), ($intVer || "<none>")]),
+ td([b('Made by'), $notesSrc->{releaser}]),
+ td([b('Date'), $notesSrc->{date}]),
+ td([b('Made with'), $toolsver]),
+ td([b('Earliest compatible tools'), $firstCompatibleVersion]),
+ td([b('Source included'), tt($sourcecode)]),
+ td([b('Size of release zips'), tt($zipsize)]),
+ td([b('Project storage archive'), $project]),
+ td([b('MRP file used'), tt($mrpName)]),
+ td([b('Environment username'), $envUserName])
+ ]));
+ }
+ $output .= hr;
+ $output .= h2("Release Summary");
+ $output .= h3("Reason for release");
+ foreach my $line (@{$notesSrc->{releaseReason}}) {
+ $output .= tt($line). br;
+ }
+ $output .= h3("General release comments");
+ foreach my $line (@{$notesSrc->{generalComments}}) {
+ $output .= tt($line). br;
+ }
+ $output .= h3("Known omissions, deviations and discrepancies");
+ foreach my $line (@{$notesSrc->{knownDeviations}}) {
+ $output .= tt($line). br;
+ }
+ @{$notesSrc->{bugsFixed}} = map tt($_), @{$notesSrc->{bugsFixed}};
+ @{$notesSrc->{bugsRemaining}} = map tt($_), @{$notesSrc->{bugsRemaining}};
+ @{$notesSrc->{otherChanges}} = map tt($_), @{$notesSrc->{otherChanges}};
+ $output .= hr;
+ $output .= h2("Bugs fixed");
+ $output .= ul(li($notesSrc->{bugsFixed}));
+ $output .= hr;
+ $output .= h2("Known bugs remaining");
+ $output .= ul(li($notesSrc->{bugsRemaining}));
+ $output .= hr;
+ $output .= h2("Other changes");
+ $output .= ul(li($notesSrc->{otherChanges}));
+ $output .= hr;
+ return $output;
+sub EscapeHtmlChars {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $note = shift;
+ my $newnote;
+ if (ref $note eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $newnote = [];
+ foreach my $line (@$note) {
+ my $newline = $line;
+ $newline =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $newline =~ s/</</g;
+ $newline =~ s/>/>/g;
+ push @$newnote, $newline;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $newnote = $note;
+ $newnote =~ s/&/&/g;
+ $newnote =~ s/</</g;
+ $newnote =~ s/>/>/g;
+ }
+ return $newnote;
+sub CheckHtmlMarkers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $note = shift;
+ if ($note =~ /^\s*<\s*html\s*>.*<\s*[\/\\]\s*html\s*>\s*$/i) {
+ # Note begins with <html> and ends with </html> or something along those lines
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub EnvDetails {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $relData = shift;
+ my $preview = shift;
+ my $contents = "";
+ if ($preview) {
+ $contents .= h2("Release environment");
+ $contents .= span({-style=>'Color: red;'}, '[not yet known]');
+ $contents .= br();
+ }
+ else {
+ my $env = $relData->Environment();
+ if (defined $env) {
+ $contents .= h2("Release environment");
+ my $tableData;
+ $contents .= p("Number of components: ".(scalar keys %$env));
+ foreach my $comp (sort keys %{$env}) {
+ push (@$tableData, td([b($comp), $env->{$comp}]));
+ }
+ $contents .= table({-border=>0}, Tr({-align =>'left'}, $tableData));
+ }
+ }
+ return $contents;
+sub SrcFilterErrors {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $relData = shift;
+ my $preview = shift;
+ my $notesSrc = $relData->NotesSource();
+ my $contents = "";
+ if (defined $notesSrc->{srcFilterErrors} and scalar(@{$notesSrc->{srcFilterErrors}}) > 0) {
+ $contents .= hr, h2("Source filter errors");
+ foreach my $errorLine (@{$notesSrc->{srcFilterErrors}}) {
+ $contents .= $errorLine, br();
+ }
+ }
+ return $contents;
+sub NotesFileAlreadyCompiled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fileName = shift;
+ my $comp = shift;
+ my $ver = shift;
+ my $alreadyCompiled = 0;
+ if(!(defined $self->{htmlMainFile})) {
+ if (-e $fileName && $comp && $ver) {
+ my $reldata = $self->{iniData}->PathData->LocalArchivePathForExistingOrNewComponent($comp, $ver) . '\\reldata';
+ if (-e $reldata and Utils::FileModifiedTime($reldata) < Utils::FileModifiedTime($fileName)) {
+ $alreadyCompiled = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $alreadyCompiled;
+sub PassesFilter {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rd = shift;
+ my $comp = $rd->Component();
+ my $ver = $rd->Version();
+ if ($self->{filter}->{project}) {
+ return 0 unless $self->ComponentProject($comp, $ver) eq $self->{filter}->{project};
+ }
+ if ($self->{filter}->{versionregex}) {
+ my $re = $self->{filter}->{versionregex};
+ return 0 unless $ver =~ m/$re/i;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub ComponentProject {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $comp = shift;
+ my $ver = shift;
+ return $self->{iniData}->PathData->ComponentProject($comp, $ver);
+=head1 NAME
+NotesCompiler.pm - Compiles a set of release notes into HTML.
+=head2 New
+Expects to be passed an C<IniData> reference, a component name, a version, a verbosity level, an output HTML file name and an output STDOUT only flag. Creates a C<RelData> object for the component release and uses the information contained within it to compile the output HTML file.
+=head1 KNOWN BUGS
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ All rights reserved.
+ This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ Contributors:
+ Description: