--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/releasing/makecbr/CBROutputFile.xml Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+ <Error>Line .* in .* has circular reference in .*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>.* is pending release and contains a path which is .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: CheckPathLength<-->
+ <Error>Failed to extract .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ExtractFile<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT must not be a UNC path</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open directory ".*": .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ExecuteAllSignatures<-->
+ <Error>Problem generating makefile for .* .* in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: CallMakMake<-->
+ <Error>No path environment variable</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: FindInPath<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT must specify an existing directory</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Unzip reported error code .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckUnzipError<-->
+ <Error>Unable to overwrite the hidden file .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ExtractFile<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot provide remote archive path for existing component.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: RemoteArchivePathForExistingComponent<-->
+ <Error>Component .* version .* didn't exist</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: AddUpEnvSize<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't remove .* from .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: RemoveSourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open .* for writing: .*</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: WriteToFile CatData.pm: WriteToFile<-->
+ <Error>Zipping failed with error code .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipList<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>No category was provided</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleBinFile<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open database DB_NAME: .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: Open<-->
+ <Error>.* is not a valid version number</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ValidateOldFormatVersion PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>.* is not within SRCROOT</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckWithinSourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't delete .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: DeleteFilesInSignature CleanEnv.pm: CleanEnv, RemoveDirIfEmpty<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot provide local archive path for new component.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: LocalArchivePathForNewComponent<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT must not include a drive letter</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>Unable to create component release successfully, archive might be corrupted.</Error>
+ <!--> MakeRel.pm: MakeReleases<-->
+ <Error>abld .* returned an error code .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GatherAbldOutput<-->
+ <Error>No versions were found.</Error>
+ <!--> LatestVer: PrintLatestVersions<-->
+ <Error>.* .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ReadFromFile, ReadFromSpecificFile CatData.pm: ReadFromFile, ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error>Could not create the table formatter .* for format .*</Error>
+ <!--> TableFormatter.pm: CreateFormatter<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot return a list of versions.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: ListVersions<-->
+ <Error>.* would be overwritten by unpacking .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckZipFileContentsNotPresent<-->
+ <Error>Invalid date specification: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: TextDateToEpochSeconds<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>.* not found in path</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: FindInPath<-->
+ <Error>.* contains unclassified source code</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ClassifySourceFile<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open abld cache data file '.*'</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleBinSet<-->
+ <Error>Can't validate against an external environment, because the current environment database is not empty</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ValidateEnv<-->
+ <Error>Problem stating .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ListBinsStandard<-->
+ <Error><NOTESRC_RELEASE_REASON> not specified in .*</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ValidateSource<-->
+ <Error>Invalid number of arguments to 'testbinary' keyword in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp<-->
+ <Error>.* not installed; could not work out what version to use. Please specify a version number.</Error>
+ <!--> PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>.* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp Utils.pm: CheckExists Manifest.pm: new<-->
+ <Error>Invalid line in signature file .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ExecuteSignature<-->
+ <Error>Unzip reported disk full (though this might mean it's trying to overwrite files in use)</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckUnzipError<-->
+ <Error>Project path .* does not correspond to a real directory</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: ListComponents<-->
+ <Error>.* is not a file</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckIsFile<-->
+ <Error>.* is not a valid version number; patch number must be given</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ValidateNewFormatVersion<-->
+ <Error>.* .* was not a valid release (can't find .*\\reldata)</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error>'notes_src' keyword used more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp<-->
+ <Error>Can't find IPR category for export .* in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: AddExport<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't cope with archive path arguments .*: possibly the wrong number of arguments?</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: ProcessLine<-->
+ <Error>Release environment is dirty</Error>
+ <!--> MakeEnv: CheckEnvironment<-->
+ <Error>No 'component' keyword specified in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: Validate<-->
+ <Error>No components are pending release</Error>
+ <!--> MakeEnv: CheckEnvironment<-->
+ <Error>.* already exists</Error>
+ <!--> MakeRel.pm: CheckDirs<-->
+ <Error>Problem creating temporary directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: InitialiseTempDir<-->
+ <Error>Incorrect syntax to 'export_file' keyword in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp<-->
+ <Error>Can't find .*\\exports.* .* .* is an incompatible release</Error>
+ <!--> CatData.pm: ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error>Invalid component name .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: GetMrpData<-->
+ <Error>Invalid line in .* (Line .*) - .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp<-->
+ <Error>Could not load the table formatter .* for format .* because .*</Error>
+ <!--> TableFormatter.pm: CreateFormatter<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reltools.ini. Cannot return list of projects.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: ListProjects<-->
+ <Error>Unknown keyword .* for project-based path data</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: ProcessLine<-->
+ <Error>.* is pending release and cannot be refreshed; use 'preprel' to remove it from your environment</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: RefreshComponent<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't decode signature name .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: DecodeSignatureName<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ReadDir, CrossCheckDirsOneWay<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT must end with a backslash</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Could not return the list of source statements used in the MRP file.</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: SourceItems<-->
+ <Error>Component .* .* didn't exist</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: AddUpReleaseSize<-->
+ <Error>Cannot run .* because another command is already running</Error>
+ <!--> CommandController.pm: New<-->
+ <Error>Unable to overwrite the read-only file .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ExtractFile<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't parse abld cache data in '.*': .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleBinSet<-->
+ <Error>'component' keyword used more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp<-->
+ <Error>Unable to create directory.</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipSourceList<-->
+ <Error>Problem emptying temporary directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: RemoveTempDir<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't run bldmake bldfiles -v | in abldPath: .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ExportMakeFile<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't run EValid: .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: EvalidateDirectories<-->
+ <Error>Version number .* has an invalid patch number</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ValidateNewFormatVersion, ValidateNewFormatVersion<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't parse reldata in .*</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ReadFromSpecificFile CatData.pm: ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error><NOTESRC_RELEASER> not specified in .*</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ValidateSource<-->
+ <Error>Path does not contain EPOCROOT - EPOCROOT:.* - Path:.*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: RemoveEpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot provide local archive path for importing component.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: LocalArchivePathForImportingComponent<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT already present in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: PrependSourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>couldn't create a formatter without a type</Error>
+ <!--> TableFormatter.pm: CreateFormatter<-->
+ <Error>Problem extracting export IPR categories for .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ClassifyAutomaticExports<-->
+ <Error>problem reading .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ListZip, SignificantZipDir<-->
+ <Error>.* .* already exists</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: EnsureDoesNotExist PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>.* does not exist, so can not add to .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipSourceList<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot return list of components.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: ListComponents<-->
+ <Error>Unknown archive_path related keyword: </Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: SubclassifyMyselfByKeyword<-->
+ <Error>Local archive path .* is not a directory</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: CreateLocalDirectory<-->
+ <Error>Cannot add file '.*' to new zip.</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipSourceList<-->
+ <Error>Component name in MRP file is .* whilst the name of this component in the environment database is .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: GetMrpData<-->
+ <Error>.* is not within EPOCROOT</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckWithinEpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>Unknown tag .* in .*</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: AddLine<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open .* for reading: .*</Error>
+ <!--> ValidateRel: ProcessCommandLine EnvDb.pm: ExecuteSignature RelData.pm: ReadFromSpecificFile CatData.pm: ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't make path .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: MakeDir<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't make directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: MakeDir EnvDb.pm: Open<-->
+ <Error>Failed to write ZIP file '.*'</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipSourceList<-->
+ <Error>Invalid line in .*:.*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadIni, ReadIni, ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>Unable to find EXPORT.MAKE or EXPORTTEST.MAKE for .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ExportMakeFile<-->
+ <Error>Invalid line in .*:.* does not exist or is an invalid directory name</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadIni<-->
+ <Error>.* .* is dirty</Error>
+ <!--> MakeEnv: CheckEnvironment<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't change working directory back to .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ReadMrp Utils.pm: ZipList<-->
+ <Error>.* not found in environment database</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: SetInternalVersion, Status, SetStatus, MrpName, SetMrpName<-->
+ <Error>Line .* in .* has forward reference to .*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT must not include a drive letter</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>".*" does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipList<-->
+ <Error>Reldata in .* is blank</Error>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: ReadFromSpecificFile CatData.pm: ReadFromFile<-->
+ <Error>.* not currently installed; aborting refreshing of binaries</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: RefreshComponent<-->
+ <Error>Unknown keyword .* in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp IniData.pm: ReadIni<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ProcessExportMakeFile Utils.pm: ToolsVersion EnvDb.pm: GenerateSignature, GenerateFakeSignature, GenerateEmptySignature Symbian/DistributionPolicy/Reader.pm: readfile<-->
+ <Error>Problem reading stats of .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: GenerateSignature<-->
+ <Error>bldmake bldfiles failed in .* (exit status .*)</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: CallBldMake<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot provide remote archive path for exporting component.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: RemoteArchivePathForExportingComponent<-->
+ <Error>No targets detected for .*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>You cannot have multiple archive_path lines with the same project name ("..*")</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: ProcessLine<-->
+ <Error>Problem unpacking .* from .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: UnzipSingleFile<-->
+ <Error>Multiple targets in list declared <EMPTY> for alias .*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>.* contains unclassified source code</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleSourceDir<-->
+ <Error>.* not currently installed, aborting removal of binaries</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: RemoveComponent<-->
+ <Error>Could not remove directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: DeleteFilesInSignature, DeleteFilesInSignature<-->
+ <Error>Unable to decode string .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SplitQuotedString<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't run .*\\abld</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GetPlatforms<-->
+ <Error>SRCROOT must be an absolute path without a drive letter</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SourceRoot<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't parse filename .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SplitFileName<-->
+ <Error>The path .* contains too many characters and can not be extracted</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ExtractFile, Unzip<-->
+ <Error>Fatal parser error.</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>creating local archive path "..*"</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: CreateLocalDirectory<-->
+ <Error>Unable to open .* for reading: .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: DoReadMrp IniData.pm: ReadIni, ReadTargetAliasFile RelData.pm: ParseNotesSource<-->
+ <Error>.* .* not found</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: CheckReleaseExists<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't open directory .* because .*</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: AddUpReleaseSize<-->
+ <Error>.* is not a file or directory in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ClassifySource<-->
+ <Error>Component name not found in mrp</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: Component<-->
+ <Error>Platform .* not supported</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GatherAbldOutput<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't make .* writable: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SetFileWritable<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT already present in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: PrependEpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot provide local archive path for existing component.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: LocalArchivePathForExistingComponent<-->
+ <Error>Internal version number not specified for .* .*</Error>
+ <!--> PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>didn't find any platforms</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GetPlatforms<-->
+ <Error>Problem generating makefile for .* in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: CallMakMake<-->
+ <Error>No path data found in reldata.ini. Cannot return which project a component belongs to.</Error>
+ <!--> pathdata.pm: ComponentProjects<-->
+ <Error>Unable to create environment successfully, archive might be corrupted.</Error>
+ <!--> MakeRel.pm: MakeReleases<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't make .* read only: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: SetFileReadOnly<-->
+ <Error>Problem calling bldmake in .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: CallBldMake<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't change working directory to .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ExportMakeFile, ExportMakeFile, ReadMrp, CallBldMake Utils.pm: ZipList<-->
+ <Error>Failed to read ipr category for directory .*: .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ClassifyDir<-->
+ <Error>Unzip reported an out-of-memory error</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckUnzipError<-->
+ <Error>Mrp name not specified for .*</Error>
+ <!--> PrepRel.pm: PrepRel, EnvDb.pm: CheckComp<-->
+ <Error>.* has unknown origin</Error>
+ <!--> MakeEnv: CheckEnvironment<-->
+ <Error>Invalid arguments</Error>
+ <!--> MakeEnv: ProcessCommandLine LatestVer: ProcessCommandLine BinInfo: ProcessCommandLine<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT must end with a backslash</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>Network share .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: MakeDir<-->
+ <Error>EPOCROOT must be an absolute path without a drive letter</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: EpocRoot<-->
+ <Error>Unzip reported a problem with the zip file</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: CheckUnzipError<-->
+ <Error>Notes source not found in mrp for .*</Error>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: NotesSource<-->
+ <Error>New version not specified</Error>
+ <!--> PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>Couldn't execute _zip.exe - .*</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipList<-->
+ <Error>Invalid number of arguments</Error>
+ <!--> RemoveRel: ProcessCommandLine ValidateRel: ProcessCommandLine ValidateEnv: ProcessCommandLine<-->
+ <Error>Unable to create new zip.</Error>
+ <!--> Utils.pm: ZipSourceList<-->
+ <Error>Line .* in .* has duplicate key .*</Error>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Error>.* is not a valid internal version number</Error>
+ <!--> PrepRel.pm: PrepRel<-->
+ <Error>MD5 info incomplete</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: Compare<-->
+ <Error>File is neither an MRP file nor a manifest file.</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: new<-->
+ <Error>Directory path does not exist : .*</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: Save<-->
+ <Error>Can't write manifest file:.*</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: Save<-->
+ <Error>Component names does not match between manifest versions</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: Compare<-->
+ <Error>Can't read manifest file '.*':.*</Error>
+ <!--> Manifest.pm: LoadManifestFile<-->
+ <Error>Component name undefined.*</Error>
+ <!--> PathData::ProjectBased.pm: multiple<-->
+ <Error>Version number undefined.*</Error>
+ <!--> PathData::ProjectBased.pm: multiple<-->
+ <Error>Unexpected entry in .* could be corrupt or tampered with</Error>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: GenerateSignature<-->
+ <Error>No project paths are defined</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: BasicChecks<-->
+ <Error>Project .* unknown</Error>
+ <!--> PathData/ProjectBased.pm: CheckProject<-->
+ <Error>.* failed check</Error>
+ <!--> CBR Patch<-->
+ <Error>IPR category .* is invalid</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/IPR.pm: SetIPR<-->
+ <Error>Notes source .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetNotesSource<-->
+ <Error>Source .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetSource<-->
+ <Error>'exports' entry for .* defined more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetExports<-->
+ <Error>Exports path .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetExports<-->
+ <Error>Incorrect syntax to 'export_file' keyword in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetExportFile<-->
+ <Error>Export file .* does not exist</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: SetExportFile<-->
+ <Error>'component' keyword used more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP/Reader: ReadFile<-->
+ <Error>Invalid number of arguments to .* keyword in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP/Reader: ReadFile<-->
+ <Error>'notes_source' keyword used more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP/Reader: ReadFile<-->
+ <Error>'source' entry for .* defined more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP/Reader: ReadFile<-->
+ <Error>IPR information for .* specified more than once in .*</Error>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP/Reader: ReadFile<-->
+ <Warning>Exported file .* is not within EPOCROOT</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleExports<-->
+ <Warning>(.*) -export_file: could not remove .*, as it hadn't been added. Perhaps the lines in your MRP are in the wrong order, or you meant -binary\?</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: HandleExportFile<-->
+ <Warning>Using .* version found in .*</Warning>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadIni<-->
+ <Warning>could not examine .* .* because .*</Warning>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: OpenSet<-->
+ <Warning>.* not found in .*, using version found in .*</Warning>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadIni<-->
+ <Warning>Installed component does not match existing signature; updating signature</Warning>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: RefreshComponent<-->
+ <Warning>(.*) The MRP line .* does not .* any files. Therefore is this line necessary?</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: WarnRedundantMRPLine<-->
+ <Warning>Not checking for new binaries; .*</Warning>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ValidateCompOld<-->
+ <Warning>skipping the check for added files, for the component .* All other source code validation checks passed. The reason is: .*</Warning>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ValidateCompOld<-->
+ <Warning>Line .* in .* has duplicate value entry .* in key .*</Warning>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: ReadTargetAliasFile<-->
+ <Warning>could not convert path .* to an absolute path because: .*</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GatherAbldOutput<-->
+ <Warning>Couldn't delete .*: .*</Warning>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: DeleteSignature<-->
+ <Warning>.* requires Release Tools version .* or later. You have .*</Warning>
+ <!--> RelData.pm: WarnIfReleaseTooNew<-->
+ <Warning>Not checking for new binaries; MRP file not present</Warning>
+ <!--> EnvDb.pm: ValidateCompOld, ValidateComp<-->
+ <Warning>.* not found.</Warning>
+ <!--> IniData.pm: CheckAliasWarning<-->
+ <Warning>Couldn't run abld .*</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: GatherAbldOutput<-->
+ <Warning>IPR information for .* defined more than once in MRP files and differs and so will be ignored</Warning>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/IPR/MRP.pm: AddToTree<-->
+ <Warning>.* contains an export .* which is not included as source for this component, and does not contain dependencies on another component</Warning>
+ <!--> MrpData.pm: ProcessExports<-->
+ <Warning>IPR information for .* could not be obtained from either MRP files or distribution policy files</Warning>
+ <!--> Symbian/IPR.pm: GetRequestedInformation<-->
+ <Warning>The default IPR entry does not apply to any source statements in .*</Warning>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: ValidateParsing, MrpData.pm: validateparsing<-->
+ <Warning>The IPR entry for .* does not apply to any source statements in .*</Warning>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/MRP.pm: ValidateParsing, MrpData.pm: validateparsing<-->
+ <Remark>Evalid is not available (.*)</Remark>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/Component/Manifest.pm: PopulateDataFromMRP, RefreshMetaData<-->
+ <Remark>Evalid is not available (.*)</Remark>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/Component/Manifest.pm: PopulateDataFromMRP, RefreshMetaData<-->
+ <Remark>Incompatible evalid versions</Remark>
+ <!--> Symbian/CBR/Component/Manifest.pm: Compare<-->
\ No newline at end of file