--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/e32util/makedef.pl Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# all variables called *Path* are set up to end with a backslash
+# all variables called *Path or *File are stored as absolute (file)paths
+# all variables called UpPath* are stored as relative paths
+use strict ;
+use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $PerlBinPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing this script
+my $EntryPoint;
+my $InternalEntryPoint;
+# establish the path to the Perl binaries
+ require 5.005_03; # check user has a version of perl that will cope
+ $PerlBinPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools
+ if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
+ {
+ $PerlBinPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools
+ }
+use lib $PerlBinPath;
+use Defutl;
+use File::Copy;
+# Version
+my $MajorVersion = 1;
+my $MinorVersion = 1;
+my $PatchVersion = 1;
+my %Options; # command line option information
+my $NamedSymLkup = 0; # This flag is used to enable named lookup on emulator
+my $IgnoreUnfrozenExports = 0; # This flag is used to ignore the 'unfrozen exports' warnings. This is
+ # required for STDEXEs which export symbols just to enable 'named lookup'
+ # from within the STDEXE (via 'dlsym') and are never exposed outside (via def files or
+ # import libraries.
+my $ExportEntrypointE32Dll = 0; # Workaround: To export entry point _E32DLL for target type STDDLL
+ my $INFILE;
+ my $FRZFILE;
+ my $OUTFILE;
+ my @ObjFiles;
+ # process the command-line
+ unless (GetOptions(\%Options, '1=s', '2=s', 'deffile=s', 'frzfile=s', 'inffile=s', 'overwrite', 'absent=s', 'ignore_unfrozen_noncallable', 'SystemTargetType', 'sym_name_lkup', 'ignore_unfrozen_exports','export_entrypoint_E32Dll')) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ unless (@ARGV==1) {
+ &Usage;
+ }
+# check the flags
+ if (($Options{deffile} and $Options{inffile}) or (not ($Options{deffile} or $Options{inffile}))) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: Must specify either -Deffile [file] or -Inf [file]\n";
+ }
+ if ($Options{2} && !$Options{1}) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: Can't specify second export name and not first export name\n";
+ }
+# process the flags
+ if ($Options{deffile}) {
+ $INFILE=$Options{deffile};
+ unless (-e $INFILE) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: $INFILE: Deffile not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $INFILE=$Options{inffile};
+ unless (-e $INFILE) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: $INFILE: Inffile not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Options{frzfile}) {
+ $FRZFILE=$Options{frzfile};
+# check the frozen .DEF file exists
+ unless (-e $FRZFILE) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: $FRZFILE: Frzfile not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $NamedSymLkup = $Options{sym_name_lkup};
+ $IgnoreUnfrozenExports = $Options{ignore_unfrozen_exports};
+ $ExportEntrypointE32Dll = $Options{export_entrypoint_E32Dll}; # Workaround: To export entry point _E32DLL for target type STDDLL
+# Read the Frozen .DEF file if specified
+ my @FrzDataStruct;
+ if ($FRZFILE) {
+ eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@FrzDataStruct, $FRZFILE); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+ if ($Options{1}) {
+# Check that frozen def file matches the -1 and -2 arguments given, if any
+ my $export1="";
+ my $export2="";
+ foreach my $FrzRef (@FrzDataStruct) {
+ next unless $$FrzRef{Name}; # ignore lines not containing an export
+ if ($$FrzRef{Ordinal} == 1) {
+ $export1 = $$FrzRef{Name};
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($$FrzRef{Ordinal} == 2) {
+ $export2 = $$FrzRef{Name};
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Options{1} && ($Options{1} ne $export1)) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: $FRZFILE: Frzfile ordinal 1 does not match command line\n";
+ }
+ if ($Options{2} && ($Options{2} ne $export2)) {
+ die "MAKEDEF ERROR: $FRZFILE: Frzfile ordinal 2 does not match command line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($Options{1}) {
+# create an export structure for the names passed on the command line
+ push @FrzDataStruct, {
+ Name=>$Options{1},
+ ExportName=>$Options{1},
+ Ordinal=>1
+ };
+ if ($Options{2}) {
+ push @FrzDataStruct, {
+ Name=>$Options{2},
+ ExportName=>$Options{2},
+ Ordinal=>2
+ };
+ }
+ }
+# Read the Input .DEF file
+ my @InDataStruct;
+ if ($Options{deffile}) {
+ eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@InDataStruct, $INFILE); };
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { &ReadInfFileL(\@InDataStruct, $INFILE); };
+ }
+ die $@ if $@;
+# Compare the frozen .DEF data with the input .DEF or export info file data
+ my (@NewDataStruct, @MissingDataStruct, @MatchedDataStruct);
+ eval { &CompareFrzInL (\@NewDataStruct, \@MissingDataStruct, \@MatchedDataStruct, \@FrzDataStruct, \@InDataStruct); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+ # MAKEDEF should generate a warning if the def file has no exports (old or new)
+ # and the associated MMP 'targettype' is not a System Target type.
+ print "MAKEDEF WARNING: $OUTFILE has no EXPORTS\n" unless (@MatchedDataStruct || @NewDataStruct || $Options{SystemTargetType});
+# Create the output .DEF file
+ eval { &CreateDefFileL(\@NewDataStruct, \@MatchedDataStruct, $OUTFILE, $FRZFILE); };
+ die $@ if $@;
+# report missing frozen export errors
+ if (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ my @Errors;
+ my $Num=@MissingDataStruct;
+ my $Ref;
+ if ($FRZFILE) {
+ push @Errors, "MAKEDEF ERROR: $Num Frozen Export(s) missing from object files (POSSIBLE COMPATIBILITY BREAK):\n";
+ foreach $Ref (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ push @Errors, " $FRZFILE($$Ref{LineNum}) : $$Ref{Name} \@$$Ref{Ordinal}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @Errors, "MAKEDEF ERROR: command-line: $Num Frozen Export(s) missing from object files (POSSIBLE COMPATIBILITY BREAK):\n";
+ foreach $Ref (@MissingDataStruct) {
+ push @Errors, " $$Ref{Name} \@$$Ref{Ordinal}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ die "\n", @Errors;
+ }
+ elsif ($Options{overwrite} && -w $FRZFILE) #sag
+ {
+ print "Copying $OUTFILE to $FRZFILE\n";
+ rename $FRZFILE, "$FRZFILE.bak";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+sub Usage () {
+ print(
+ "\n",
+ "MAKEDEF - .DEF file generator V$MajorVersion.$MinorVersion.$PatchVersion\n",
+ "\n",
+ "MAKEDEF {options} [Output .DEF file]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "options: (case-insensitive)\n",
+ " -Deffile [Input .DEF file]\n",
+ " -Inffile [Input export information file]\n",
+ " -Frzfile [Frozen .DEF file]\n",
+ " -1 [first export name] {-2 [second export name]}\n",
+ " -Overwrite\n",
+ " -Absent [symbol to use for absent exports]\n",
+ " -ignore_unfrozen_noncallable\n",
+ " -SystemTargetType\n",
+ " -sym_name_lkup [Enable symbol lookup by name]\n",
+ " -ignore_unfrozen_exports \n",
+ "\n",
+ "Either specify -Deffile or -Inffile, and\n",
+ "either -Frzfile or -1 {-2} if required.\n"
+ );
+ exit 1;
+sub ReadInfFileL ($$$) {
+ my ($DataStructRef, $FILE)=@_;
+# open export information file for reading
+ open (FILE, "<$FILE") or die "could not open $FILE: $!";
+# read the export info. file, and create dummy frozen .DEF file text
+ my $LineNum=0;
+ my $Ordinal=0;
+ my $Comment='';
+ my $Name='';
+ my $InfType=0; # dumpbin output
+ my %exports; # MWLD workaround - record mangled names in case we don't see the demangled ones
+ my $Line;
+ while ($Line=<FILE>) {
+ my $Data=0;
+ my $SymbolSize=0;
+ $LineNum++;
+ if ($InfType == 0) {
+ if ($Line =~ /\*\*\* ARCHIVE SYMBOL TABLE.* \*\*\*/o) {
+ $InfType=1; # mwld disassembly output
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Line =~ /^\s+(\?\S+)(\s+\((.*)\))?$/o) {
+# ??0TAgnAlarmDefaults@@QAE@XZ (public: __thiscall TAgnAlarmDefaults::TAgnAlarmDefaults(void))
+ $Name=$1;
+ $Comment=$3;
+ }
+ elsif ($Line =~ /^\s+_(\S+)(\s+\((.*)\))?$/o) {
+# frozen ordinals like "UserNoLongerSupported01" seem to inherit a leading underscore in the dumpbin output
+ $Name=$1;
+ $Comment=$3;
+ }
+ elsif ($Line =~ /^\s+_(\S+) DATA (\d+)(\s+\((.*)\))?$/o) {
+# Mark the data symbols and retain their sizes
+ $Name=$1;
+ $Data=1;
+ $SymbolSize=$2;
+ $Comment=$4;
+ }
+ else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # The Windows CW linker produces .inf files with a 'something' unmangled comment at the end, the Linux CW linker doesn't
+ if ($Line =~ /^\s*\d+\s+\(.+\)\s+__imp_((.)(\S+))(\s+'__declspec\(dllimport\)\s+(.*)')?$/o) {
+ if ($2 eq "_") {
+ $Name = $3; # C symbol, so remove leading underscore
+ $Comment = $5 if ($4); # name isn't mangled anyway
+ } else {
+ $Name = $1; # C++ mangled name
+ $Comment = $5 if ($4); # can't unmangle names...
+ }
+ # One side-effect of ignoring comments if they're not present is that Windows entry points need to be
+ # specifically ignored. Previously they were ignored by virture of the fact they had no comment.
+ next if ($Name eq "_E32Dll" || $Name eq "_E32Startup");
+ $Comment = $4 ? $5 : $Name;
+ # need to save both the line number and
+ # comment
+ my %entry;
+ $entry{'lineNum'} = $LineNum;
+ $entry{'comment'} = $Comment;
+ $exports{$Name}=\%entry;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Line =~ /\*\*\* Unmangled Symbols \*\*\*/o) {
+ # Currently for Linux "Unmangled Symbols" section is blank
+ <FILE>;
+ $Line = <FILE>;
+ $LineNum+=2;
+ if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
+ if ($Line !~ /^\s*\d+:\s+(\S+)$/o) {
+ print STDERR "MAKEDEF WARNING: unknown inf file format\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $Name = length $1 ? $1 : '';
+# Workaround: if MWLD can't demangle the name, we will see only the __imp_ version.
+ if ($Name =~ /^__imp_(\S+)$/o) {
+ $Name = $1;
+ }
+ $Line = <FILE>;
+ $LineNum++;
+ next if ($Line !~ /^\s+(.+)$/o);
+ $Comment = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($Line =~ /^0x\S{8}\s+__imp__(\S+)$/o) {
+ $Name = $1; # leading underscore already removed
+ $Comment = ''; # a C symbol, and therefore not mangled
+ }
+ else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+# Check for WINS entrypoint symbols
+ if ($Name eq "_E32Dll" || $Name eq "_E32Startup") {
+ $EntryPoint = $Name;
+ # when mwld resolves an exported symbol S coming from
+ # the def file, it looks both for S() and _S() in
+ # every object file but only for _S() in static
+ # libraries.
+ #
+ # As a consequence, we need to distinguish the
+ # internal entry point name from the external one.
+ $InternalEntryPoint = "_$Name" if ($InfType != 0);
+ my $entry = $exports{$Name};
+ $entry->{'lineNum'} = 0; # indicates processed name
+ next;
+ }
+ $Ordinal++;
+ $Comment='' if (!defined $Comment);
+ push @$DataStructRef, {
+ Ordinal=>$Ordinal,
+ Name=>$Name,
+ Data=>$Data,
+ Size=>$SymbolSize,
+ ExportName=>$Name,
+ Comment=>$Comment,
+ LineNum=>$LineNum
+ };
+ my $entry = $exports{$Name};
+ $entry->{'lineNum'} = 0; # indicates processed name
+ }
+ foreach $Name (keys %exports) {
+ my $entry = $exports{$Name};
+ $LineNum = $entry->{'lineNum'};
+ if ($LineNum > 0) {
+ $Ordinal++;
+ push @$DataStructRef, {
+ Ordinal=>$Ordinal,
+ Name=>$Name,
+ ExportName=>$Name,
+ Comment=> $entry->{'comment'},
+ LineNum=>$LineNum
+ };
+ }
+ }
+sub CompareFrzInL ($$$$$) {
+ my ($NewStructRef, $MissingStructRef, $MatchedStructRef, $FrzStructRef, $InStructRef)=@_;
+ my $AbsentSubst = $Options{absent};
+ my $IgnoreNoncallable = $Options{ignore_unfrozen_noncallable};
+# compare the input export data with the frozen data
+# this function trashes the frozen .DEF data structure and the new .DEF data structure
+# nullify non-export statements in the structures
+ foreach (@$FrzStructRef,@$InStructRef) {
+ next if $$_{Name};
+ undef $_;
+ }
+ my $LastOrdinal=0;
+ my $FrzRef;
+ my $InRef;
+ FRZLOOP: foreach $FrzRef (@$FrzStructRef) {
+ next unless $$FrzRef{Name}; # ignore lines in the .DEF file not containing an export
+ if ($LastOrdinal<$$FrzRef{Ordinal}) {
+ $LastOrdinal=$$FrzRef{Ordinal};
+ }
+ foreach $InRef (@$InStructRef) {
+ next unless defined $InRef; # ignore nullified entries in the temporary array
+# does the function name match?
+ if ($$InRef{Name} eq $$FrzRef{Name}) {
+# give the generated export the same number as the corresponding frozen one
+ $$InRef{Ordinal}=$$FrzRef{Ordinal};
+ $$InRef{Data}=$$FrzRef{Data};
+ $$InRef{Size}=$$FrzRef{Size};
+# if the export is marked as absent, redirect it appropriately
+ if ($$FrzRef{Absent}) {
+ if ($AbsentSubst) {
+ $$InRef{Name} = $AbsentSubst;
+ $$InRef{ExportName} = sprintf("\"_._.absent_export_%d\"", $$InRef{Ordinal});
+ }
+ }
+ push @$MatchedStructRef, $InRef;
+ undef $InRef;
+ next FRZLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+# these frozen exports haven't been found in the object files
+# first check for ABSENT declarations
+ if ($AbsentSubst and $$FrzRef{Absent}) {
+ $$FrzRef{Name} = $AbsentSubst;
+ $$FrzRef{ExportName} = sprintf("\"_._.absent_export_%d\"", $$FrzRef{Ordinal});
+ push @$MatchedStructRef, $FrzRef;
+ next FRZLOOP;
+ }
+# No - it's really missing
+ push @$MissingStructRef, $FrzRef;
+# put a comment in the generated .DEF file to that effect
+ $$FrzRef{Missing}=1;
+ push @$MatchedStructRef, $FrzRef;
+ }
+# all the exports left in the new .DEF file aren't frozen - give them the right ordinals
+ foreach $InRef (@$InStructRef) {
+ next unless defined $InRef; # ignore nullified entries
+ if ($$InRef{Name} =~ /^_ZTV|_ZTI/) {
+ # EABI non-callable exports
+ next if ($IgnoreNoncallable);
+ }
+ $LastOrdinal++;
+ $$InRef{Ordinal}=$LastOrdinal;
+ push @$NewStructRef, $InRef;
+ }
+sub CreateDefFileL ($$$$) {
+# creates a new .DEF file
+ my ($NewStructRef, $MatchedStructRef, $FILE, $FRZFILE)=@_;
+ my @Text=("EXPORTS\n");
+ my $LineNum=1;
+ my $InRef;
+ foreach $InRef (@$MatchedStructRef) {
+ my $Comment='';
+ if ($$InRef{Comment}) {
+ $Comment=" ; $$InRef{Comment}";
+ }
+ if ($$InRef{Missing}) {
+ push @Text, '; MISSING:';
+ }
+ my $Data = "";
+ if( defined $$InRef{Data} && $$InRef{Data} == 1) {
+ $Data = " DATA $$InRef{Size}" ;
+ }
+ my $r3unused = $$InRef{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+# A def file entry with the keyword 'NONAME' indicates the MW linker that a named-lookup is not enabled.
+# Note that although it may seem, but named lookup is either enabled or disabled on a per-binary basis and not
+# per-symbol.
+ my $noname = $NamedSymLkup ? "": " NONAME";
+ if ($$InRef{ExportName} and ($$InRef{ExportName} ne $$InRef{Name})) {
+ push @Text, "\t$$InRef{ExportName}=$$InRef{Name} \@ $$InRef{Ordinal} $noname$Data$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ } else {
+ push @Text, "\t$$InRef{Name} \@ $$InRef{Ordinal} $noname$Data$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ }
+ $LineNum++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (@$NewStructRef) {
+# warn about unfrozen exports and add them to the end of the generated .DEF file
+ my $Num=@$NewStructRef;
+ my @Warnings;
+ if(!$IgnoreUnfrozenExports) {
+ my $warning = "MAKEDEF WARNING: $Num export(s) not yet Frozen";
+ if ($FRZFILE)
+ {
+ $warning .= " in $FRZFILE";
+ }
+ $warning .= ":\n";
+ push @Warnings, $warning;
+ }
+ push @Text, "; NEW:\n";
+ $LineNum++;
+ foreach $InRef (@$NewStructRef) {
+ my $Comment='';
+ if ($$InRef{Comment}) {
+ $Comment=" ; $$InRef{Comment}";
+ }
+ my $Data = "";
+ if(defined $$InRef{Data} && $$InRef{Data} == 1){
+ $Data = " DATA $$InRef{Size}";
+ }
+ my $r3unused = $$InRef{R3Unused} ? " R3UNUSED" : "";
+ my $noname = $NamedSymLkup ? "": " NONAME";
+ if ($$InRef{ExportName} and ($$InRef{ExportName} ne $$InRef{Name})) {
+ push @Text, "\t$$InRef{ExportName}=$$InRef{Name} \@ $$InRef{Ordinal} $noname$Data$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ } else {
+ push @Text, "\t$$InRef{Name} \@ $$InRef{Ordinal} $noname$Data$r3unused$Comment\n";
+ }
+ $LineNum++;
+ if(!$IgnoreUnfrozenExports) {
+ push @Warnings, " $FILE($LineNum) : $$InRef{Name} \@$$InRef{Ordinal}\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ print @Warnings;
+ }
+ if ($EntryPoint) {
+ push @Text, "\t$EntryPoint";
+ push @Text, "=$InternalEntryPoint" if ($InternalEntryPoint);
+ push @Text, "\t; Entry point for emulation\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($ExportEntrypointE32Dll) { # Workaround: To export entry point _E32DLL for target type STDDLL
+ push @Text, "\t_E32Dll";
+ push @Text, "=__E32Dll" ;
+ push @Text, "\t; Entry point for STDDLL emulation\n";
+ }
+# add a terminating newline
+ push @Text, "\n";
+# write the new .DEF file
+ eval { &Def_WriteFileL(\@Text, $FILE); };
+ die $@ if $@;