--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/platform/cl_codewarrior.pm Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1497 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+package Cl_codewarrior;
+# declare variables global for module
+my @Win32LibList=();
+my $Win32StdHeaders;
+my $BaseAddressFlag;
+my $Win32Resrc;
+my $MWCC;
+my $MWLD;
+my $MWIncludePath;
+my $MWIncludeVar;
+my $CWVersion;
+my $CWVersionReadable;
+my $CWBuildNum;
+my $CWRuntimeLibs="";
+require Exporter;
+ PMHelp_Mmp
+ PMCheckPlatformL
+ PMPlatProcessMmp
+ PMPlatCheckSource
+ PMStartBldList
+ PMBld
+ PMStartSrcList
+ PMBitMapBld
+ PMResrcBld
+ PMAifBld
+ PMStartSrc
+ PMSrcDepend
+ PMSrcBldDepend
+ PMEndSrcBld
+ PMEndSrc
+ PMEndSrcList
+use Winutl;
+use cl_generic;
+use E32Variant;
+my $NamedSymLkup = 0;
+my $stdcpp_tag_file = 'tag_coff';
+my $stdcpp_tag_path = '$(EPOCROOT)epoc32\tools\tag';
+sub RoundUp1k($) {
+ # Accept C hexadecimal number (0xNNN). Convert argument to Kb
+ # rounded up to the next 1kb boundary.
+ use integer;
+ return (hex($_[0]) + 1023) / 1024;
+sub PMHelp_Mmp {
+ &Winutl_Help_Mmp;
+sub SysTrg () {
+ return 1 if &main::SystemTrg;
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ return 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
+ my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+ return 1 if ($Trg =~ /KSRT/i);
+ return 0;
+sub PMCheckPlatformL {
+ my $IsProxyWrapperOption=&main::ProxyWrapperOption();
+ # check version of CodeWarrior for Symbian OS
+ if (defined($ENV{MWCSym2Includes})) {
+ $MWCC = "mwccsym2.exe";
+ $MWLD = "mwldsym2.exe";
+ }
+ if (!defined($MWCC) && defined($ENV{MWSym2Libraries})) {
+ $MWCC = "mwccsym2.exe";
+ $MWLD = "mwldsym2.exe";
+ }
+ if (!defined($MWCC) && defined($ENV{CWFolder})) {
+ $MWCC = "mwcc.exe";
+ $MWLD = "mwld.exe";
+ }
+ if (!defined($MWCC)) {
+ die "ERROR: Unable to identify a valid CodeWarrior for Symbian OS installation\n";
+ }
+ # determine default include path
+ $MWIncludeVar = 'MWCIncludes'; # default, even if it doesn't exist
+ $MWIncludePath = ''; # default is empty
+ foreach my $var ('MWCSym2Includes','MWCWinx86Includes','MWCIncludes') {
+ if (defined($ENV{$var})) {
+ $MWIncludePath = $ENV{$var};
+ $MWIncludeVar = $var;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ open PIPE, "$MWCC |", or &main::FatalError( "Failed to find version information for $MWCC \n");
+ while (<PIPE>) {
+ if($_ =~ /Version\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+build\s+(\d+)/) {
+ my $MajorVer = $1;
+ my $MinorVer = $2;
+ my $PatchNum = $3;
+ $CWBuildNum = $4;
+ $CWVersionReadable = "$1.$2.$3 build $4";
+# The CW compiler documentation says that the compiler version is a 2-byte value as
+# 0xMnpp (the corresponding CW's pre-defined macro is __MWERKS__), where,
+# M is the major version number (which means it is accomodated in the first 4 bits,
+# n is the minor version number (which means it is accomodated in the next 4 bits,
+# pp is the patch number (which means it is accomodated in the next 8 bits.
+# Here, an integer is formed from these 3 values to uniquely identify the compiler version.
+ $CWVersion = ($MajorVer << 12) + ($MinorVer << 8) + $PatchNum;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close PIPE;
+ if ($IsProxyWrapperOption){
+ }
+sub PMPlatProcessMmp (@) {
+ &Winutl_DoMmp(\@_, $MWIncludePath);
+ $BaseAddressFlag=&Winutl_BaseAddress;
+ if ($BaseAddressFlag ne "") {
+ $BaseAddressFlag=" -imagebase \"$BaseAddressFlag\"";
+ }
+ @Win32LibList=&Winutl_Win32LibList;
+ $Win32Resrc=&Winutl_Win32Resrc;
+ $Win32StdHeaders=&Winutl_Win32StdHeaders;
+sub PMPlatCheckSource () {
+ &Winutl_CheckSourceMMPMetaData ();
+sub PMStartBldList($) {
+ my ($makecmd) = @_;
+ my $AifStructRef=&main::AifStructRef;
+ my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+ my $BitMapStructRef=&main::BitMapStructRef;
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my @ChopSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SysIncPaths);
+ my @ChopUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::UserIncPaths);
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ my $NoExportLibrary=&main::NoExportLibrary;
+ my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
+ my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+ my $LibPath=&main::LibPath;
+ my @MacroList=&main::MacroList();
+ push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__";
+ push @MacroList, "__SYMBIAN_STDCPP_SUPPORT__" if StdCppTarget();
+ my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
+ my $ResourceStructRef=&main::ResourceStructRef;
+ my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+ my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ my $WarningLevel=&main::CompilerOption("CW");
+ my $LinkAs=&main::LinkAs;
+ Generic_Header(0,$makecmd); # define standard things using absolute paths
+ my $TrgDir="";
+ my $AifTrgDir="";
+ if (&Generic_Definition("TRGDIR") ne "") {
+ $TrgDir="\$(TRGDIR)\\";
+ $AifTrgDir=$TrgDir;
+ }
+# Handle migration of binaries to secure location
+ &Winutl_AdjustTargetPath(\$TrgDir);
+# Change - mwwinrc.exe uses MWWinx86Includes or MWCIncludes, but some installations
+# fail to install either. Set MWCIncludes from the chosen variable as part
+# of the Makefile.
+ if (!defined($ENV{MWCIncludes}) && $MWIncludeVar ne 'MWCIncludes') {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "MWCIncludes:=\$($MWIncludeVar)\n",
+ "export MWCIncludes\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ if( ($CWVersion == 0x3205 && $CWBuildNum == 465)){
+ if($TrgType =~ /^(STDDLL|STDEXE|STDLIB)$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "MWSym2LibraryFiles:=msl_all_mse_symbian_d.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;\n",
+ "export MWSym2LibraryFiles\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "MWSym2LibraryFiles:=msl_all_static_mse_symbian_d.lib;gdi32.lib;user32.lib;kernel32.lib;\n",
+ "export MWSym2LibraryFiles\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if($WarningLevel =~ /\-cwd\s\s*include/){
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "INCDIR = -cwd include -i-"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "INCDIR = -cwd source -i-"
+ );
+ }
+ foreach (@ChopUserIncPaths,@ChopSysIncPaths) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n -i \"$_\""
+ );
+ }
+ use Pathutl;
+ if($VariantFile){
+ my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$VariantFile);
+ $VariantFile = Path_Split('FILE',$VariantFile);
+ # workaround for codewarrior defect:
+ # codewarrior at the moment doesn't accept an absolute path with the
+ # the -include option unless it contains a drive letter, this is solved
+ # by including the directory and the file separately
+ &main::Output("\\\n -i \"$variantFilePath \" -include \"$VariantFile\"");
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ );
+ # 'wchar_t' should be treated as default datatype for OE targets because when wchar_t option is turned off,
+ # using 'wchar_t' defaults to the unsigned short int and wrong functionality.
+ if ( $TrgType =~ /^(STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB)$/io || StdCppTarget() )
+ {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -wchar_t on"
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -wchar_t off"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ " -align 4", # long alignment
+ " -warnings on", # selection of warnings
+ " -w nohidevirtual", # turn off "hides inherited virtual function" warning
+ ",nounusedexpr", # turn off "expression has no side effect" warning
+ " -msgstyle gcc", # use GCC-style message format
+ # " -strict on", # strict ANSI/ISO C++ checking
+ " -enum int", # use int for enumeration types
+ " -str pool", # pool strings into a single data object
+ " -exc ms", # SEH C++ exception implementation
+ " -trigraphs on", # Enable recognition of C-style trigraphs, e.g. '??/' -> '\'
+ " $WarningLevel"
+ );
+ if ($Win32StdHeaders or &main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -stdinc" # insist because mwccsym2 has -nostdinc as the default(?)
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -nostdinc" # insist because mwcc has -stdinc as the default.
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ "CWDEFS = "
+ );
+ foreach(@MacroList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -d \"$_\""
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ " \$(USERDEFS)\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ foreach (@BldList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "CW$_ = $MWCC"
+ );
+ if (/DEB$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -g -O0' # debug information, no optimisation
+ );
+# euser change to apply inlining on the _NAKED functions
+# stdexe/stddll change so that the inline functions dont
+# get exported (in debug build) causing a different export list for debug and release builds
+ if ($BaseTrg!~/^EUSER$/oi && $TrgType !~ /^(STDEXE|STDDLL)$/io) {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -inline off'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/REL$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -O4,s' # highest level of optimisation, optimise for space
+ );
+ }
+ if( ($CWVersion == 0x3205 && $CWBuildNum >= 465) || $CWVersion > 0x3205){
+ if ($TrgType =~ /^(STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB)$/io) {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -runtime dllmulti'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -runtime staticmulti'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ ' $(CWFLAGS)'
+ );
+ foreach (&main::MacroList($_)) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -d $_"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ " \$(CWDEFS) \$(INCDIR)\n"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ foreach (@BldList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "$_ :"
+ );
+ if ($BasicTrgType !~ /IMPLIB/io) {
+ &main::Output (
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$TrgDir$Trg")
+ );
+ if (&Winutl_CopyForStaticLinkage) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$Trg")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+# lib has to come after the main target so that a .DEF file will be generated if the project is not frozen
+ if ($DefFile and not &main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\tLIBRARY\n"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ foreach (@BldList) {
+ my $makework="MAKEWORK$_";
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "RESOURCE$_ : $makework"
+ );
+ my $BitMapRef;
+ foreach $BitMapRef (@$BitMapStructRef) {
+ my $file="\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$$BitMapRef{TrgPath}$$BitMapRef{Trg}";
+ &Generic_MakeWorkFile($makework,$file);
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote($file)
+ );
+ }
+ undef $BitMapRef;
+ my $ResourceRef;
+ foreach $ResourceRef (@$ResourceStructRef) {
+ if(! defined $$ResourceRef{Hdronly}) {
+ my $file="\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$$ResourceRef{Trg}";
+ &Generic_MakeWorkFile($makework,$file);
+ &main::Output( # must come before main target because source for target will depend on the
+ " \\\n", # *.rsg file in $EPOCIncPath
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("$file")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ undef $ResourceRef;
+ my $AifRef;
+ foreach $AifRef (@$AifStructRef) {
+ my $file="\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$AifTrgDir$$AifRef{Trg}";
+ &Generic_MakeWorkFile($makework,$file);
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote($file)
+ );
+ }
+ undef $AifRef;
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ );
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+# code to ensure that the static libraries for all builds are built at the library stage
+ foreach (@BldList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " $_"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ my $LibLinkAs = ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io) ? $LinkAs : $Trg;
+ &main::Output(
+ " ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib"), "\n",
+ "\n",
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote($DefFile), "\n",
+ "\tperl -S prepdef.pl ",&Generic_Quote($DefFile)," \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\"\n",
+ "\t$MWLD \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\" -importlib -o \$\@",
+ " -addcommand \"out:$LibLinkAs\" -warnings off",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ } else {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\t\@echo WARNING: Not attempting to create \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\".\n",
+ "\t\@echo When exports are frozen in \"$DefFile\", regenerate Makefile.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\t\@echo Not attempting to create \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
+ "\t\@echo from frozen .DEF file, since EXPORTUNFROZEN specified.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "FREEZE :\n"
+ );
+ if ($DefFile and $BasicTrgType!~/^IMPLIB$/io) {
+ &main::Output(
+# call perl on the script here so nmake will die if there are errors - this doesn't happen if calling perl in a batch file
+ "\tperl -S efreeze.pl \$(EFREEZE_ALLOW_REMOVE) \"$DefFile\" \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.def\" \n"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output( "\tperl -e \"print \\\"warning: freeze could not be supported or \\
+ you need to declare an explicitly specified def file using the keyword \\
+ DEFFILE in the MMP file!\\n\\\"\"");
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ );
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t-\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &Generic_MakeWorkDir('MAKEWORKLIBRARY',"${LibPath}UDEB");
+ &Generic_Releaseables;
+my $uidfile;
+sub PMBld {
+ my $AifStructRef=&main::AifStructRef;
+ my @SrcList=&main::SrcList;
+ my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+ my $BitMapStructRef=&main::BitMapStructRef;
+ my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+ my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ my $NoExportLibrary=&main::NoExportLibrary;
+ my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
+ my $EPOCIncPath=&main::EPOCIncPath;
+ my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+ my @LibList;
+ my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
+ my $ResourceStructRef=&main::ResourceStructRef;
+ my @StatLibList=&main::StatLibList;
+ my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+ my $TrgPath=&main::TrgPath;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ # Get the information regarding supporting Compiler Wrapper Option
+ my $IsCompilerWrapperOption=&main::CompilerWrapperOption();
+ $NamedSymLkup = 1 if($TrgType =~ /^(STDDLL|STDEXE)$/o);
+ $uidfile = "$BaseTrg.UID";
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
+ @LibList=&main::DebugLibList;
+ } else {
+ @LibList=&main::LibList;
+ }
+ # OE Glue Code
+ my @oe_exe_libs=("libcrt0.lib");
+ my @oe_exe_libs_wchar=("libwcrt0.lib");
+ # OE Import Libraries
+ my @oe_import_libs=("euser.lib");
+ if(not (grep /^libc.lib$/i, @LibList)){
+ push @oe_import_libs, "libc.lib";
+ }
+ # Handle migration of binaries to secure location
+ my $BLDTRGPATH = "";
+ if ($TrgPath) {
+ $BLDTRGPATH = "\$(TRGDIR)\\"; # handles TARGETPATH
+ &Winutl_AdjustTargetPath(\$BLDTRGPATH);
+ }
+ #-------------
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n"
+ );
+# releasables
+ my @releaseables;
+ unless (&main::Plat() eq 'TOOLS') {
+ if ($TrgType !~ /^IMPLIB$/io) {
+ if ($TrgType !~ /^NONE/io) {
+ push @releaseables, "$BLDTRGPATH$Trg";
+ if ($Bld=~/REL$/o && $BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o) {
+ push @releaseables,"$BLDTRGPATH$Trg.map";
+ }
+ if (&Winutl_CopyForStaticLinkage) {
+ push @releaseables, "\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$Trg";
+ }
+ }
+ my $BitMapRef;
+ foreach $BitMapRef (@$BitMapStructRef) {
+ push @releaseables, "\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$$BitMapRef{TrgPath}$$BitMapRef{Trg}";
+ }
+ my $ResourceRef;
+ foreach $ResourceRef (@$ResourceStructRef) {
+ if(! defined $$ResourceRef{Hdronly}) {
+ push @releaseables,"\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$$ResourceRef{Trg}";
+ }
+ }
+ my $AifRef;
+ foreach $AifRef (@$AifStructRef) {
+ push @releaseables, "$AIFBLDTRGPATH$$AifRef{Trg}";
+ }
+ }
+ if (-e $DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ push @releaseables, "\$(EPOCLIB$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib";
+ }
+ if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
+ # debugging support files?
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($BasicTrgType !~ /^IMPLIB$/io) {
+ my $toolspath=&main::EPOCToolsPath();
+ push @releaseables, "$toolspath$Trg";
+ }
+ }
+ my $firstlib = "";
+ my $newlib = "";
+ if ( $BasicTrgType =~ /^(EXE|DLL)$/o && main::Plat() ne 'TOOLS' ) {
+ $firstlib = main::FirstLib();
+ unless ( StdCppTarget() || ! main::StdCppSupport()) {
+ $newlib = main::NewLib(); # Check if has been set in the MMP file.
+ unless ($newlib) {
+ if ( main::SystemTrg() ) {
+ $newlib = 'scppnwdl_kern.lib';
+ }
+ else {
+ $newlib = 'scppnwdl.lib';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "CLEANBUILD$Bld : \n",
+ "\t\@perl -S ermdir.pl \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &Generic_WhatCleanTargets($Bld, "WHAT$Bld", "CLEANRELEASE$Bld", @releaseables);
+ my $adjustedTargetPath=$TrgPath;
+ &Winutl_AdjustTargetPath(\$adjustedTargetPath);
+ &Generic_MakeWorkDir("MAKEWORK$Bld", &main::BldPath);
+ &Generic_MakeWorkDir("MAKEWORK$Bld", "$RelPath$adjustedTargetPath");
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ return if ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io);
+ &main::Output(
+ );
+ foreach (@SrcList) {
+ my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
+ my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
+ $BaseSrc.='_' if (lc($Ext) eq '.cia');
+ $BaseSrc =~ s/\.UID/_UID_/i if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\tLISTING$Bld$BaseSrc"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ #Compiler wrapper support starts
+ if($IsCompilerWrapperOption)
+ {
+ my $Platcmpwrap=&main::Plat;
+ &main::Output(
+ "$Platcmpwrap\_$Bld",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ );
+ foreach (@SrcList) {
+ my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
+ my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
+ $BaseSrc.='_' if (lc($Ext) eq '.cia');
+ $BaseSrc =~ s/\.UID/_UID_/i if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\tCOMPWRAP$Bld$BaseSrc"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ #--Compiler wrapper support ends
+ # Flag that tells whether to run checklib.exe on static libraries.
+ my $run_checklib = 0;
+ if (@StatLibList && $BasicTrgType =~ /^(EXE|DLL)$/o && !main::SystemTrg() && main::StdCppSupport()) {
+ # There are user-added static libraries. They should be checked for
+ # consistent use of operator new.
+ $run_checklib = 1;
+ #Create a make variable for the libraries.
+ main::Output("\nUSER_ADDED_ARCHIVES_$Bld=");
+ for (@StatLibList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ main::Output("\n\n");
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "LIBS$Bld="
+ );
+ foreach (@StatLibList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ #OE Glue Code
+ if ($TrgType=~/^STDEXE$/o) {
+ if (&main::IsWideCharMain()) {
+ foreach (@oe_exe_libs_wchar) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach (@oe_exe_libs) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@LibList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ #OE Import Libraries
+ if ($TrgType =~ /^STDEXE$/o || $TrgType =~ /^STDDLL$/o) {
+ foreach (@oe_import_libs) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ "LINK_OBJS$Bld="
+ );
+ my $have_uidfile = 0;
+ foreach (@SrcList) {
+ my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
+ my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
+ if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile) {
+ $have_uidfile = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ $BaseSrc.='_' if (lc($Ext) eq '.cia');
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o")
+ );
+ }
+ my $add_stdcpp_tag = 0;
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o && StdCppTarget() ) {
+ $add_stdcpp_tag = 1;
+ }
+ if ($add_stdcpp_tag) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("$stdcpp_tag_path\\$stdcpp_tag_file")
+ );
+ }
+ if ($Win32Resrc) {
+ my $resbase=&main::Path_Split('Base',$Win32Resrc);
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$resbase.res")
+ );
+ }
+ if ($have_uidfile) {
+ # ensure that the uid file is at the end of the list, as it's implicit in
+ # CodeWarrior IDE projects.
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseTrg"."_UID_.o")
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -msgstyle gcc',
+ ' -stdlib' # use default runtime library for compiler help functions
+ );
+ if ($MWLD =~ /mwcc.exe/) {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -warnings on' # on by default in mwccsym2.exe
+ );
+ }
+ main::OutFormat(" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$firstlib\" ") if $firstlib;
+ main::OutFormat(" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$newlib\" ") if $newlib;
+ foreach my $lib (@Win32LibList) {
+ my $win32lib = $lib; # take a copy, to avoid updating contents of Win32LibList!
+ $win32lib = "-l$win32lib" unless ($win32lib =~ /\\/);
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ " ",lc $win32lib
+ );
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ "$BaseAddressFlag",
+ ' -main __Win32DllMain@12',
+ ' -shared'
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ "$BaseAddressFlag",
+ ' -noentry',
+ ' -shared'
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ unless (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -m "?_E32Bootstrap@@YGXXZ"'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (&main::Plat=~/^(WINC|TOOLS)$/o && $BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -subsystem console'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -subsystem windows'
+ );
+ }
+ if (&main::HeapSize) {
+ my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -heapreserve=',RoundUp1k($HeapSize{Max}),' -heapcommit=',RoundUp1k($HeapSize{Min})
+ );
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) {
+ if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
+ &main::OutFormat(
+ ' -g'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ if($TrgType =~/^(STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB)$/o) {
+ if(! (( $CWVersion == 0x3205 && $CWBuildNum >= 465 ) || $CWVersion > 0x3205 ) ) {
+ &main::FatalError("TargetType $TrgType requires CodeWarrior version `3.2.5 build 465' or later but you have $CWVersionReadable.");
+ }
+ }
+ my $EntrySymbol='';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $NamedSymLkup) {
+ my $Include="";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $Include="-m __E32Dll";
+ $EntrySymbol='__E32Dll';
+ }
+ else {
+ $Include="-m __E32Startup";
+ $EntrySymbol='__E32Startup';
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "STAGE1_LINK_FLAGS$Bld= \$(COMMON_LINK_FLAGS$Bld) \$(LIBS$Bld) \\\n\t",
+ " -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"");
+ if ($NamedSymLkup) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -export all",
+ " -map \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg.map\""
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(' -export dllexport');
+ }
+ if($CWRuntimeLibs ne "") {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -l$CWRuntimeLibs "
+ );
+ }
+ if($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " $Include",
+ ' -nocompactimportlib',
+ " -implib \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"",
+ " -addcommand \"out:$Trg\" -warnings off",
+ "\n",
+ );
+ }
+ else{
+# Dont generate import libs for an Exe
+ &main::Output(
+ " $Include",
+ " -addcommand \"out:$Trg\" -warnings off",
+ "\n",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ my $AbsentSubst = '';
+ if ($EntrySymbol) {
+ $AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "LINK_FLAGS$Bld= \$(COMMON_LINK_FLAGS$Bld) \$(LIBS$Bld) \\\n\t",
+ " -o \"$BLDTRGPATH$Trg\" ", &main::LinkerOption("CW")
+ );
+ if($CWRuntimeLibs ne "") {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -l$CWRuntimeLibs "
+ );
+ }
+ if ($Bld=~/REL$/o && $BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o) {
+ # Generate map file for release build executables
+ &main::Output(
+ " -map \"$BLDTRGPATH$Trg.map\"",
+ );
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -f \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.def\"", # use generated .DEF file
+ );
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -implib \"\$(EPOCLIB)\\UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"",
+ " -addcommand \"out:$Trg\" -warnings off"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -noimplib'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ ' -noimplib'
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("$BLDTRGPATH$Trg"), " : \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld) "
+ );
+ if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote($DefFile)
+ );
+ }
+ main::Output(" ", Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$firstlib") ) if $firstlib;
+ main::Output(" ", Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$newlib") ) if $newlib;
+ &main::Output(
+ " \$(LIBS$Bld)\n"
+ );
+ my $checklib = "checklib";
+ if ( StdCppTarget() ) {
+ $checklib .= " stdc++ --coff";
+ }
+ else {
+ $checklib .= " symc++ --coff";
+ }
+ &main::Output( "\t$checklib ","\$(USER_ADDED_ARCHIVES_$Bld)\n" ) if ($run_checklib);
+# Link by name first time round for dlls
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t$MWLD \$(STAGE1_LINK_FLAGS$Bld) -l \$(EPOCBLD$Bld) -search \$(notdir \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld))\n",
+ );
+ if(!$NamedSymLkup){
+# Dont delete the binary as we need to extract symbol/dependency info
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"\n",
+ );
+ }
+# Generate an export info file
+ my $show_options = "names,verbose";
+ $show_options = "names,unmangled,verbose" if ($MWLD =~ /mwldsym2.exe/);
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t$MWLD -S -show only,$show_options -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\" \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n"
+ );
+# call makedef to reorder the export information
+ &main::Output(
+# call perl on the script here so nmake will die if there are errors - this doesn't happen if calling perl in a batch file
+ "\tperl -S makedef.pl $AbsentSubst -Inffile \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\""
+ );
+ if (SysTrg()) {
+ &main::Output( "\t\t-SystemTargetType \\\n" );
+ }
+ if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ &main::Output(
+ " -Frzfile \"$DefFile\""
+ );
+ }
+ my $Export;
+ my $Ordinal=1;
+ foreach $Export (&main::Exports) {
+# replace "$" with "$$" so that NMAKE doesn't think there's a macro in the function name
+ $Export=~s-\$-\$\$-go;
+ &main::Output(
+ " -$Ordinal $Export"
+ );
+ $Ordinal++;
+ }
+ &main::Output(" -sym_name_lkup") if($NamedSymLkup);
+ &main::Output(" -export_entrypoint_E32Dll") if ($TrgType =~ /^STDDLL$/i); # Workaround: To export entry point _E32DLL for target type STDDLL
+ &main::Output(
+ " \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.def\" \n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n"
+ );
+ }
+ elsif($NamedSymLkup) {
+# 2-stage linking required for all those targets that enable symbol lookup
+ &main::Output( "\t$checklib ","\$(USER_ADDED_ARCHIVES_$Bld)\n" ) if ($run_checklib);
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t$MWLD \$(STAGE1_LINK_FLAGS$Bld) -l \$(EPOCBLD$Bld) -search \$(notdir \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld))\n",
+ );
+ }
+ my $gen_src_file = "";
+ if($NamedSymLkup){
+# pick the symbols and the dependencies.
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t$MWLD -S -show only,names,verbose -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.sym\" \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"\n",
+ );
+# Generate the source file with symbol and dependency information in the named data segment.
+ $gen_src_file = "${BaseTrg}_SYM_";
+ if($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o){
+# For an EXE, generate the symbols as well as the dependencies
+ &main::Output(
+ "\tperl -S sym_lkup_util.pl -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.cpp\" -sym \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.sym\" -map \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg.map\"\n"
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+# For DLLs, generate only the dependencies.
+ &main::Output(
+ "\tperl -S sym_lkup_util.pl -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.cpp\" -sym \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.sym\" --ignore_export_dir\n"
+ );
+ }
+ main::Output(
+ "\t\$(CW$Bld) -c \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.cpp\" -o \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.o\"\n",
+ );
+ }
+# Perform the final link step
+ &main::Output(
+ "\t$MWLD "
+ );
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ &main::Output(
+ "-library "
+ );
+ &main::Output( "-l $stdcpp_tag_path ") if ($add_stdcpp_tag);
+ }
+ if($NamedSymLkup){
+# Final linking and cleanup
+ main::Output(
+ "\$(LINK_FLAGS$Bld) -l \$(EPOCBLD$Bld) -search \$(notdir \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld))",
+ " \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.o\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.cpp\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$gen_src_file.o\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.sym\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg.map\"\n",
+ "\t\$(ERASE) \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"\n",
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\$(LINK_FLAGS$Bld) -l \$(EPOCBLD$Bld) -search \$(notdir \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld))\n",
+ );
+ }
+ if (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\tcopy \"BLDTRGPATH$Trg\" \"",&main::EPOCToolsPath,"$Trg\"\n"
+ );
+ }
+ if (&Winutl_CopyForStaticLinkage) {
+ &Generic_MakeWorkDir("MAKEWORK$Bld", "\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)");
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$Trg"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$BLDTRGPATH$Trg"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction(),
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMStartSrcList {
+ &main::Output(
+ "# SOURCES\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMBitMapBld {
+ &Generic_BitMapBld;
+ # Need to copy generic resource into emulated Z drive
+ my $BitMapRef=&main::BitMapRef;
+ my $ChopTrgPath="";
+ if ($$BitMapRef{TrgPath}) {
+ $ChopTrgPath.="\\$$BitMapRef{TrgPath}";
+ chop $ChopTrgPath;
+ }
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my $Bld;
+ foreach $Bld (@BldList) {
+ my $path="\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)$ChopTrgPath";
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("$path\\$$BitMapRef{Trg}"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$$BitMapRef{GenericTrg}"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction(),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+sub PMResrcBld {
+ &Generic_ResrcBld;
+ # Need to copy generic resource into emulated Z drive
+ my $ResourceRef=&main::ResourceRef;
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ foreach my $Bld (@BldList)
+ {
+ if(! defined $$ResourceRef{Hdronly})
+ {
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\$$ResourceRef{Trg}"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$$ResourceRef{GenericTrg}"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction(),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+sub PMAifBld {
+ &Generic_AifBld;
+ # Need to copy generic resource into emulated Z drive
+ my $AifRef=&main::AifRef;
+ my $TrgDir="";
+ if (&Generic_Definition("TRGDIR") ne "") {
+ $TrgDir="\\\$(TRGDIR)";
+ }
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my $Bld;
+ foreach $Bld (@BldList) {
+ my $path="\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)$TrgDir";
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("$path\\$$AifRef{Trg}"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$$AifRef{GenericTrg}"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction(),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+sub PMStartSrc {
+ my $Src=&main::Src;
+ &main::Output(
+ "# Source $Src\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMSrcDepend {
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my @DepList=&main::DepList;
+ my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+ $BaseSrc =~ s/\.UID/_UID_/i if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+ return if (@DepList == 0);
+ foreach (@BldList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " \\\n",
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ ":"
+ );
+ foreach (@DepList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote($_)
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMSrcBldDepend {
+ my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+ my @DepList=&main::DepList;
+ my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+ $BaseSrc =~ s/\.UID/_UID_/i if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+ return if (@DepList == 0);
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " :",
+ );
+ foreach (@DepList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote($_)
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMEndSrcBld {
+ my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+ $BaseSrc =~ s/\.UID/_UID_/i if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+ my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+ my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+ my $Src=&main::Src;
+ my $SrcPath=&main::SrcPath;
+ my $Ext=&main::ExtSrc;
+ my $Cia = (lc($Ext) eq '.cia') ? 1 : 0;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ # Get the information regarding supporting Compiler Wrapper Option
+ my $IsCompilerWrapperOption=&main::CompilerWrapperOption();
+ if ($Cia) {
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.o"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$SrcPath$Src"), "\n",
+ "\techo $Src\n",
+ "\t\$(CW$Bld) -lang c++ -o \"\$\@\" -c \"$SrcPath$Src\"\n",
+ "\n",
+# assembler listing target - uses implicit rule to do disassembly
+ "LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc\_ : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc\_.lis"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath$BaseSrc\_.$Plat.lst"),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ } else {
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$SrcPath$Src"), "\n",
+ "\techo $Src\n",
+ "\t\$(CW$Bld) -o \"\$\@\" -c \"$SrcPath$Src\" "
+ );
+ # When building for OE target type and source file is of C++ type,
+ # then pass macro "__wchar_t_defined" to indicate that datatype "wchar_t" is enabled.
+ if ( StdCppTarget() || $TrgType =~ /^(STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB)$/io )
+ {
+ if (lc($Ext) =~ /^(.cpp|.cc|.cxx|.c\+\+)$/)
+ {
+ &main::Output(
+ " -d \"__wchar_t_defined\" "
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ &main::Output(
+# assembler listing target - uses implicit rule to do disassembly
+ "LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), "\n",
+ "\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath$BaseSrc.$Plat.lst"),
+ "\n"
+ );
+ # Output files if Compiler Wrapper Option is specified
+ if($IsCompilerWrapperOption)
+ {
+ my $Platcmpwrap=&main::Plat;
+ &main::Output(
+ "COMPWRAP$Bld$BaseSrc : ",
+ &Generic_Quote("$SrcPath$Src"), "\n",
+ "\techo Analysing $Src\n",
+ "\t\$(COMPWRAP) \$(CW$Bld) -o \"\$\@\" -c \"$SrcPath$Src\" ",
+ "\n\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+sub PMEndSrc {
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+sub PMEndSrcList {
+ my $show_options = "source";
+ $show_options = "source,unmangled,comments" if ($MWLD =~ /mwldsym2.exe/);
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "# Implicit rule for generating .lis files\n",
+ "\n",
+ ".SUFFIXES : .lis .o\n",
+ "\n",
+ ".o.lis:\n",
+ "\t$MWLD -S -show $show_options \$< -o \$\@\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ if ($Win32Resrc) {
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my @DepList=&main::Deps_GenDependsL($Win32Resrc);
+ &main::Output(
+ "# Win32 Resource $Win32Resrc\n",
+ "\n",
+ );
+ foreach (@DepList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ " \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote($_)
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ my $Bld;
+ my $resbase=&main::Path_Split('Base',$Win32Resrc);
+ my $respath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_Split('Path',$Win32Resrc));
+ foreach $Bld (@BldList) {
+ &main::Output(
+ &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$resbase.res"), " : ",
+ &Generic_Quote($Win32Resrc), " \$(DEPEND)\n",
+ "\tmwwinrc -o \$\@ \"$Win32Resrc\"\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ &main::Output(
+ "\n",
+ "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ # Deal with accumulated MAKEDIRS etc.
+ &Generic_End;
+sub StdCppTarget() {
+ # STDCPP is supported
+ return 0 if (! main::StdCppSupport());
+ if ( main::NoStdCpp()) { # MMP keyword NOSTDCPP set
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( main::StdCpp() ) { # MMP keyword STDCPP set.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return ( main::TrgType() =~ /^(STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB)$/io );
+ }