changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/platform/	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+package Cl_tools;
+# declare variables global for module
+my @Win32LibList=();
+my $BaseAddressFlag;
+my $Win32Resrc;
+my $MWCC;
+my $MWLD;
+require Exporter;
+	PMHelp_Mmp
+	PMCheckPlatformL
+	PMPlatProcessMmp
+	PMStartBldList
+	PMBld
+	PMStartSrcList
+	PMStartSrc
+	PMSrcDepend
+	PMSrcBldDepend
+	PMEndSrcBld
+	PMEndSrc
+	PMEndSrcList
+use Winutl;
+use cl_generic;
+sub PMHelp_Mmp {
+	&Winutl_Help_Mmp;
+sub PMCheckPlatformL {
+	if ((&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') and (&main::BasicTrgType ne 'EXE') and (&main::BasicTrgType ne 'LIB')) {
+		die "Can't specify anything but EXE or LIB targettypes for this platform\n";
+	}
+sub PMPlatProcessMmp (@) {
+	&Winutl_DoMmp(\@_, $ENV{MWCSym2Includes});
+	$BaseAddressFlag=&Winutl_BaseAddress;
+	if ($BaseAddressFlag ne "") {
+		$BaseAddressFlag=" -imagebase \"$BaseAddressFlag\"";
+	}
+	@Win32LibList=&Winutl_Win32LibList;
+	$Win32Resrc=&Winutl_Win32Resrc;
+sub PMStartBldList($) {
+	my ($makecmd) = @_;
+	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+	my @ChopSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SysIncPaths);
+	my @ChopUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::UserIncPaths);
+	my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
+	my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+	my $LibPath=&main::LibPath;
+	my @MacroList=&main::MacroList();
+	my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
+	my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+	my $WarningLevel=&main::CompilerOption("CW");
+	# check version of CodeWarrior for Symbian OS
+	if (defined($ENV{MWSym2Libraries})) {
+		my $allthere=1;
+		foreach (split/;/,$ENV{MWSym2Libraries}) {
+			s/^\+//;	# remove leading "+", if any
+			if (!-d $_) {
+				$allthere=0;
+				last;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($allthere) {
+			$MWCC = "mwccsym2.exe";
+			$MWLD = "mwldsym2.exe";
+			print "Detected CodeWarrior for Symbian OS, version 2.0\n";
+		}
+	}
+	if (!defined($MWCC)) {
+		if (defined($ENV{CWFolder}) && -d $ENV{CWFolder}) {
+			$MWCC = "mwcc.exe";
+			$MWLD = "mwld.exe";
+			print "Detected CodeWarrior for Symbian OS, version 1.0\n";
+			die "ERROR: This version of CodeWarrior is not suitable for Symbian OS version 8\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			die "ERROR: Unable to identify a valid CodeWarrior for Symbian OS installation\n";
+		}
+	}
+	Generic_Header(0,$makecmd);	# define standard things using absolute paths
+	my $TrgDir="";
+	if (&Generic_Definition("TRGDIR") ne "") {
+		$TrgDir="\$(TRGDIR)\\";
+	}
+# Change - checks MWCWinx86Includes, but mwccsym2.exe seems to use MWCIncludes
+	if ($MWCC eq "mwccsym2.exe" && !defined($ENV{MWCIncludes})) {
+		&main::Output(
+			"\n",
+			"MWCIncludes:=\$(MWCSym2Includes)\n",
+			"export MWCIncludes\n",
+			"\n"
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"INCDIR  = -cwd source -i-"
+	);
+	foreach (@ChopUserIncPaths,@ChopSysIncPaths) {
+		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n -i \"$_\""
+		);
+	}
+	use Pathutl;
+	if($VariantFile){
+	    my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$VariantFile);
+	    $VariantFile  = Path_Split('FILE',$VariantFile);
+	    # workaround for codewarrior defect:
+	    # codewarrior at the moment doesn't accept an absolute path with the
+	    # the -include option unless it contains a drive letter, this is solved
+	    # by including the directory and the file separately
+	    &main::Output("\\\n -i \"$variantFilePath\" -include \"$VariantFile\"");
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"CWFLAGS =",
+		" -wchar_t off",	# do not treat wchar_t as a predefined type
+		" -align 4",		# long alignment
+		" -warnings on",	# selection of warnings
+		" -w nohidevirtual",	# turn off "hides inherited virtual function" warning
+		   ",nounusedexpr",	# turn off "expression has no side effect" warning
+		" -msgstyle gcc",	# use GCC-style message format
+		# " -strict on",		# strict ANSI/ISO C++ checking
+		" -enum int",		# use int for enumeration types
+		" -str pool",		# pool strings into a single data object
+		" $WarningLevel"		
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		" -stdinc"		# insist because mwccsym2 has -nostdinc as the default(?)
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"CWDEFS  = "
+	);
+	foreach(@MacroList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			" -d \"$_\""
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		" \$(USERDEFS)\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	foreach (@BldList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			"CW$_ = $MWCC"
+		);
+		if (/DEB$/o) {
+			&main::Output(
+				' -g -O0'   # debug information, no optimisation
+			);
+		}
+		elsif (/REL$/o) {
+			&main::Output(
+				' -O4,s'    # highest level of optimisation, optimise for space
+			);
+		}
+		&main::Output(
+			' $(CWFLAGS)'
+		);
+		foreach (&main::MacroList($_)) {
+			&main::Output(
+				" -d $_"
+			);
+		}
+		&main::Output(
+			" \$(CWDEFS) \$(INCDIR)\n"
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	foreach (@BldList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			"$_ :"
+		);
+		&main::Output (
+			" \\\n",
+			"\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCTRG$_)\\$TrgDir$Trg")
+		);
+#		lib has to come after the main target so that a .DEF file will be generated if the project is not frozen
+		if ($DefFile and not &main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+			&main::Output(
+				" \\\n",
+				"\tLIBRARY\n"
+			);
+		}
+		&main::Output(
+			"\n",
+			"\n"
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"FREEZE :\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+	);
+	&Generic_MakeWorkDir('MAKEWORKLIBRARY',"${LibPath}UDEB");
+	&Generic_Releaseables;
+my $uidfile;
+sub PMBld {
+	my @SrcList=&main::SrcList;
+	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+	my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
+	my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
+	my $EPOCIncPath=&main::EPOCIncPath;
+	my $FirstLib=&main::FirstLib;
+	my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+	my @LibList;
+	my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
+	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+	my $TrgPath=&main::TrgPath;
+	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+	$uidfile = "$BaseTrg.UID";
+	if ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
+		@LibList=&main::DebugLibList;
+	} else {
+		@LibList=&main::LibList;
+	}
+	my $BLDTRGPATH = "\$(EPOCTRG$Bld)\\";
+	if ($TrgPath) {
+		$BLDTRGPATH .= "\$(TRGDIR)\\";	    # handles TARGETPATH
+	}
+#	releasables
+	my @releaseables;
+	my $toolspath=&main::EPOCToolsPath();
+	push @releaseables, "$toolspath$Trg";
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n",
+		"CLEANBUILD$Bld : \n",
+		"\t\@perl -S \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\"\n",
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&Generic_WhatCleanTargets($Bld, "WHAT$Bld", "CLEANRELEASE$Bld", @releaseables);
+	&Generic_MakeWorkDir("MAKEWORK$Bld", &main::BldPath);
+	&Generic_MakeWorkDir("MAKEWORK$Bld", "$RelPath$TrgPath");
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+	);
+	foreach (@SrcList) {
+		my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
+		my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
+		$BaseSrc = "uid" if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+   		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n\tLISTING$Bld$BaseSrc"
+   		);
+   	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"LIBS$Bld="
+	);
+	foreach (@LibList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCLINK$Bld)\\$_")
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"LINK_OBJS$Bld="
+	);
+	my $have_uidfile = 0;
+	foreach (@SrcList) {
+		my $BaseSrc = &main::Path_Split('Base', $_);
+		my $Ext = &main::Path_Split('Ext', $_);
+		if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile) {
+			$have_uidfile = 1;
+			next;
+		}
+   		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n",
+			"\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o")
+   		);
+   	}
+	if ($have_uidfile) {
+		# ensure that the uid file is at the end of the list, as it's implicit in
+		# CodeWarrior IDE projects.
+		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n",
+			"\t", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\uid.o")
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::OutFormat(
+		' -msgstyle gcc',
+		' -stdlib'		# use default runtime library for compiler help functions
+	);
+	if ($MWLD eq "mwcc.exe") {
+		&main::OutFormat(
+			' -warnings on'	# on by default in mwccsym2.exe
+		);
+	}
+	&main::OutFormat(
+		' -subsystem console'
+	);
+	if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
+		&main::OutFormat(
+				' -g'
+			);
+		}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"LINK_FLAGS$Bld= \$(COMMON_LINK_FLAGS$Bld) \$(LIBS$Bld) \\\n\t",
+		" -o \"$BLDTRGPATH$Trg\"" 
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		' -noimplib'
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		&Generic_Quote("$BLDTRGPATH$Trg"), " : \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld) "
+	);
+	if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+		&main::Output(
+			&Generic_Quote($DefFile)
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		" \$(LIBS$Bld)\n"
+	);
+#	Perform the final link step
+	&main::Output(
+		"\t$MWLD "
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\$(LINK_FLAGS$Bld) \$(LINK_OBJS$Bld)\n",
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\tcopy \"$BLDTRGPATH$Trg\" \"",&main::EPOCToolsPath,"$Trg\"\n"
+	);
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMStartSrcList {
+	&main::Output(
+		"# SOURCES\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMStartSrc {
+	my $Src=&main::Src;
+	&main::Output(
+		"# Source $Src\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMSrcDepend {
+	my @BldList=&main::BldList;	
+	my @DepList=&main::DepList;
+	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+	$BaseSrc = "uid" if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+	return if (@DepList == 0);
+	foreach (@BldList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$_)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " \\\n",
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		":"
+	);
+	foreach (@DepList) {
+		&main::Output(
+		" \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote($_)
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMSrcBldDepend {
+	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+	my @DepList=&main::DepList;
+	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+	$BaseSrc = "uid" if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+	return if (@DepList == 0);
+	&main::Output(
+		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " :",
+	);
+	foreach (@DepList) {
+		&main::Output(
+			" \\\n\t", &Generic_Quote($_)
+		);
+	}
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMEndSrcBld {
+	my $BaseSrc=&main::BaseSrc;
+	$BaseSrc = "uid" if ($BaseSrc eq $uidfile);
+	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+	my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+	my $Src=&main::Src;
+	my $SrcPath=&main::SrcPath;
+	&main::Output(
+		&Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.o"), " : ",
+		&Generic_Quote("$SrcPath$Src"), "\n",
+		"\t\$(CW$Bld) -o \"\$\@\" -c \"$SrcPath$Src\"\n",
+		"\n",
+#		assembler listing target - uses implicit rule to do disassembly
+		"LISTING$Bld$BaseSrc : ", &Generic_Quote("\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$BaseSrc.lis"), "\n",
+		"\t", &Generic_CopyAction("$SrcPath$BaseSrc.$Plat.lst"),
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMEndSrc {
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+sub PMEndSrcList {
+	my $show_options = "source";
+	$show_options = "source,unmangled,comments" if ($MWLD eq "mwldsym2.exe");
+	&main::Output(
+		"\n",
+		"# Implicit rule for generating .lis files\n",
+		"\n",
+		".SUFFIXES : .lis .o\n",
+		"\n",
+		".o.lis:\n",
+		"\t$MWLD -S -show $show_options \$< -o \$\@\n",
+		"\n",
+		"\n"
+	);
+	# Deal with accumulated MAKEDIRS etc.
+	&Generic_End;