--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/platform/ide_cw.pm Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,4517 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Makmake-module for creating XML files which can be imported as CodeWarrior IDE projects
+package Ide_cw;
+my $CW_minimum_supported_version = 2.8;
+# declare variables global for module
+my $BaseAddress="";
+my %IdeBlds=();
+my %PrjHdrs=();
+my @Win32LibList=();
+my $Win32Resrc;
+my $Win32StdHeaders;
+my $ExtraFilesPath="";
+my @KnownRoots=();
+my @addedFiles=();
+my $addHeaders = 1;
+my $addDocuments = 1;
+my %processedPlatforms;
+require Exporter;
+ PMHelp_Mmp
+ PMCheckPlatformL
+ PMPlatProcessMmp
+ PMStartBldList
+ PMBld
+ PMResrcBld
+ PMEndSrcList
+require Cl_bpabi;
+use BPABIutl;
+use E32Variant;
+use E32Plat;
+use Winutl;
+use Armutl;
+use Pathutl;
+use Win32API::Registry qw( :ALL );
+use Preprocessor;
+use RVCT_plat2set;
+sub PMHelp_Mmp {
+ &Winutl_Help_Mmp;
+my $RVCTMajorVersion = Armutl_RVCTMajorVersion();
+my $RVCTMinorVersion = Armutl_RVCTMinorVersion();
+my $RVCTVersion = "${RVCTMajorVersion}_${RVCTMinorVersion}";
+my $oP = "--";
+$oP = "-" if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2);
+my $cfgMacro = &Variant_GetMacro();
+use FindBin;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin."\\perllib";
+#use the DOM xml module
+use XML::DOM;
+my $projectTemplate;
+my $linkDescriptorTemplate;
+my $xmlParser;
+my $xmlProjectDoc;
+my $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc;
+my $xmlLinkDescriptorCommandParent;
+my $xmlLinkDescriptorSymbolParent;
+my $xmlLinkDescriptorDumpFileParent;
+my $xmlLinkOrder; # for accumulating the link order
+my $xmlFileList; # for accumulating the file list
+my $xmlSourceGroup; # for accumulating the source
+my $xmlHeadersGroup; # for accumulating local header files
+my $xmlRootGroup; # for accumulating files to be added outside of project groups
+my $xmlLinkGroup; # for accumulating the link descriptor files
+my $xmlLibGroup; # for accumulating the libraries
+my $xmlResourcesGroup; # for accumulating resource related files
+my $xmlDocumentsGroup; # for accumulating supported files specified with DOCUMENT in the .mmp file
+my $MmpFile;
+my $VariantFile;
+my $PrefixFile;
+my $CW_major_version;
+my $CW_minor_version;
+my $CW_libpath;
+my @CW_librarypath;
+my @ToolChainLibList;
+# Hash to store configuration makefile data for furthur processing
+my %configdata;
+sub RoundUp1k($) {
+ # Accept C hexadecimal number (0xNNN). Convert argument to Kb
+ # rounded up to the next 1kb boundary.
+ use integer;
+ return (hex($_[0]) + 1023) / 1024;
+use Genutl;
+use cl_generic;
+my $ToolPrefix='';
+my $HelperLib='';
+my %PlatOpt=(
+ 'Dlltool'=>'',
+ 'Entry'=>'-e',
+ 'Gcc'=>'',
+ 'Ld'=>'',
+ 'Petran'=>'',
+ 'Optimize'=>'-O'
+my $Dlltool;
+my $Archive;
+my $Link;
+my $Objcopy;
+my %CompatibleABIs=(
+ ARMI=>['ARM4', 'THUMB'],
+ ARM4=>['ARMI'],
+ THUMB=>['ARMI'],
+ ARMV5=>['ARMV5_ABIV1'],
+ GCCE=>['GCCE'],
+my @CompatibleABIs;
+my $Makecmd;
+my %ABILibPath=();
+sub SystemTarget() {
+ return 1 if &main::SystemTrg;
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ # N.B. should get better way to detect kernel probably!!
+ return 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
+ return 0;
+sub SysTrg () {
+ return 1 if &main::SystemTrg;
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ return 1 if ($ExportLibrary =~ /EKERN/i);
+ my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+ return 1 if ($Trg =~ /KSRT/i);
+ return 0;
+sub PMUnderlyingABI($) {
+ my ($ABI) = @_;
+ if ($ABI eq 'ARM4T') {
+ if (&main::BuildAsARM) {
+ return 'ARMI';
+ }
+ elsif (SystemTarget()) {
+ return 'ARM4';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'ARMV4';
+ }
+ }
+ return $ABI;
+##### ARMV5 specific options #####
+my $diag_suppressions;
+my $diag_warnings;
+my $diag_errors;
+#The options here are handcoded for ABIV1 mode.
+my $contingentOptions;
+my $exceptions = ' --exceptions --exceptions_unwind';
+my $thumbOptions = '--thumb ';
+my $armOptions = '--arm ';
+my $kernelOptions = '--arm --no_exceptions --no_exceptions_unwind';
+my $invariantOptions =
+ '--cpu 5T --enum_is_int -Ono_known_library --fpmode ieee_no_fenv --export_all_vtbl --no_vfe --apcs /inter';
+$invariantOptions .= ' --dllimport_runtime' unless ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2);
+# specify floating point model here
+my $floatingpointmodel = "softvfp";
+if (&main::ARMFPU && (&main::ARMFPU =~ /^VFPV2$/i)) {
+ $floatingpointmodel = "vfpv2";
+my $floatingpoint = ' --fpu '.$floatingpointmodel.'';
+# Set compiler settings
+$diag_suppressions = '--diag_suppress 66,161,611,654,997,1152,1300,1464,1488,6318,6331';
+$diag_warnings = '';
+$diag_errors = '--diag_error 1267';
+my $commonOptions = "$diag_suppressions $diag_warnings $diag_errors";
+# variables added to fetch the options from the BSF files
+my @commonOptions;
+my @thumbOptions;
+my @armOptions;
+my @kernelOptions;
+my @invariantOptions;
+my @linkerOptions;
+my @archiverOptions;
+my $linkCommand = "";
+# variables to process and store the default and BSF file options
+my $invopts = $invariantOptions;
+my $linkeropts;
+my $archiveropts;
+#varible to store the BSF add options
+my $bsfaddoptions = undef;
+#variable to store the compiler flags, defs and other options
+my $CCFLAGS = undef;
+my $CCDEFS = undef;
+my $CCUREL = undef;
+my $CCUDEB = undef;
+#GCCE specific OPIONS
+my $GCCE_CompilerOption = '-march=armv5t -mthumb-interwork -mapcs';
+$GCCE_CompilerOption .= " -msoft-float -fexceptions -pipe -nostdinc -Wall -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-unknown-pragmas";
+#Flag to check for the customized GCCE platform
+my $CustGCCE=0;
+#Variable to fetch the Customized platform
+my %CustPlat=&main::PlatRec;
+#Flags to read the options
+my $kernelOption=0;
+my $buildAsArmOption=0;
+my $thumbOption=0;
+my $ArmIncDir;
+my @ArmLibList;
+my $ArmRT;
+my %BSF_keywords = (
+ LD_OPTIONS => 1,
+ );
+sub PMStartBldList($)
+ ($Makecmd) = @_;
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+ my $ABI=&main::ABI;
+ my $kernelOption=0;
+ my $buildAsArmOption=0;
+ my $thumbOption=0;
+ my @MacroList=&main::MacroList();
+ push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ ";
+ my %plat = &main::PlatRec();
+ $CCFLAGS = "";
+ $CCDEFS = "";
+ $CCUREL = "";
+ $CCUDEB = "";
+ $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
+ #read the configuration make file into the hash for only the BPABI platforms
+ my $config_file = BPABIutl_Config_Path(&main::Plat);
+ if ($config_file) {
+ collect_config_data($config_file);
+ }
+ Read_BSF_Options() if ($plat{'CUSTOMIZES'});
+ if (SysTrg()) {
+ $kernelOption=1;
+ } elsif (main::BuildAsARM() or ($ABI eq 'ARMV4')) {
+ $buildAsArmOption=1;
+ } else {
+ $thumbOption=1;
+ }
+ my $OtherOpts = undef;
+ my $toolchain = $configdata{COMPILER_PLAT};
+ $OtherOpts = &main::CompilerOption($toolchain);
+ if($kernelOption==1)
+ {
+ if(@kernelOptions) {
+# Kernel options as read from BSF file (KERNEL_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('KERNEL_OPTIONS',\@kernelOptions);
+ }
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".fetch_config_data($configdata{KERNEL_OPTIONS});
+ }
+ elsif($buildAsArmOption==1)
+ {
+ if(@armOptions) {
+# Arm options as read from BSF file (ARM_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('ARM_OPTIONS',\@armOptions);
+ }
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".fetch_config_data($configdata{ARM_OPTIONS});
+ }
+ elsif($thumbOption==1)
+ {
+ if(@thumbOptions) {
+# Thumb options as read from BSF file (THUMB_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('THUMB_OPTIONS',\@thumbOptions);
+ }
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".fetch_config_data($configdata{THUMB_OPTIONS});
+ }
+ if($thumbOption==1 || $buildAsArmOption==1)
+ {
+ if (&main::ARMFPU && (&main::ARMFPU =~ /^VFPV2$/i))
+ {
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".$configdata{VFP2MODE_OPTION};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".$configdata{SOFTVFPMODE_OPTION};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($thumbOption==1)
+ {
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".$configdata{COMPILER_THUMB_DEFINES};
+ }
+ $OtherOpts .= " ".$configdata{COMPILER_INTERWORK_DEFINES};
+ if((&main::Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1") || (&main::Plat eq "ARMV5" && !$cfgMacro)
+ || ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'}
+ && (($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5_ABIV1" && $cfgMacro)
+ || ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5" && !$cfgMacro)))) {
+ ComputeCompilerOpts();
+ }
+ elsif($config_file) {
+ $CCFLAGS = &Cl_bpabi::getConfigVariable('CCFLAGS');
+ }
+ $CCFLAGS .= $OtherOpts;
+ if(@invariantOptions)
+ {
+ # Invariant options as read from BSF file (INVARIANT_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('INVARIANT_OPTIONS',\@invariantOptions);
+ }
+ if(@commonOptions)
+ {
+ # Common options as read from BSF file (COMMON_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('COMMON_OPTIONS',\@commonOptions);
+ }
+ if(@linkerOptions)
+ {
+ # Invariant options as read from BSF file (LD_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('LD_OPTIONS',\@linkerOptions);
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ if(@archiverOptions)
+ {
+ # Invariant options as read from BSF file (AR_OPTIONS keyword)
+ Set_BSF_Options('AR_OPTIONS',\@archiverOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ if($bsfaddoptions)
+ {
+ fixbsfoptions($bsfaddoptions);
+ }
+ $CCFLAGS .= $bsfaddoptions;
+ $CCDEFS = $configdata{COMPILER_DEFINES};
+ $CCDEFS .= printlist("-D", @MacroList);
+ $CCDEFS .= $configdata{PLATFORM_DEFINES};
+ if($kernelOption==1)
+ {
+ }
+ if($VariantFile) {
+ $CCDEFS .= " -D__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__="."\\\"".&main::Path_Split('File',$VariantFile)."\\\"";
+ }
+ foreach (@BldList)
+ {
+ if($kernelOption == 0)
+ {
+ if (/DEB$/o) {
+ $CCUDEB .= " ".$configdata{EXCEPTIONS};
+ }
+ else {
+ $CCUREL .= " ".$configdata{EXCEPTIONS};
+ }
+ }
+ #collect the options and macro's depending on the whether it is a UREL or UDEB
+ my @ml = &main::MacroList($_);
+ if (/DEB$/o) {
+ $CCUDEB .= " ".$CCFLAGS;
+ $CCUDEB .= printlist("-D", @ml);
+ $CCUDEB .= " ".$CCDEFS;
+ }
+ else {
+ $CCUREL .= " ".$CCFLAGS;
+ $CCUREL .= printlist("-D", @ml);
+ $CCUREL .= " ".$CCDEFS;
+ }
+ }
+sub ComputeCompilerOpts() {
+ my %plat = &main::PlatRec();
+ my $ABI=&main::ABI;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ if (SysTrg()) {
+ $contingentOptions = $kernelOptions;
+ } elsif (main::BuildAsARM() or ($ABI eq 'ARMV4')) {
+ $contingentOptions = $armOptions.$floatingpoint.$exceptions;
+ } else {
+ $contingentOptions = $thumbOptions.$floatingpoint.$exceptions.' -D__MARM_THUMB__';
+ }
+ # change support for ARMV4
+ if ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') {
+ $invopts =~ s/5T/4/;
+ $invopts =~ s/inter/nointer/;
+ } else {
+ $contingentOptions .= ' -D__MARM_INTERWORK__';
+ }
+ $CCFLAGS = $commonOptions.' '.$contingentOptions.' '.$invopts.' -c '.' '.&main::CompilerOption("ARMCC");
+sub GetMajorVersion ($)
+ {
+ my ($versionString) = @_;
+ if ($versionString =~ /^\d\.\d\.\d$/)
+ {
+ $versionString =~ s/\.\d$//;
+ }
+ return $versionString;
+ }
+sub GetMinorVersion ($)
+ {
+ my ($versionString) = @_;
+ if ($versionString =~ /^\d\.\d\.\d$/)
+ {
+ $versionString =~ s/^\d\.\d\.//;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $versionString = 0;
+ }
+ return $versionString;
+ }
+sub PMCheckPlatformL {
+ # check version of CodeWarrior for Symbian OS
+ my @compatibleCWInstallations;
+ $CW_major_version = 0;
+ $CW_minor_version = 0;
+ my $minimumMajorVersion = GetMajorVersion ($CW_minimum_supported_version);
+ my $minimumMinorVersion = GetMinorVersion ($CW_minimum_supported_version);
+ if (defined $ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION})
+ {
+ # CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION is set - either MAKMAKE is being executed by an IDE's .mmp Importer,
+ # or the user is specifying a specific CW version to target from the command line.
+ # Either way, we've been given a single version to target, so we attempt to do just that.
+ $CW_major_version = GetMajorVersion ($ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION});
+ $CW_minor_version = GetMinorVersion ($ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION});
+ push @compatibleCWInstallations, $ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION isn't set - either MAKMAKE is being executed by a pre-OEM3.0 IDE .mmp
+ # Importer or from the command line. Either way, we delve into the registry and attempt to
+ # target the latest CW for Symbian OS installed, recording all CW for Symbian OS installations
+ # too.
+ my $regKeyHandle;
+ my $topLevelKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
+ my $productVersionKey = 'SOFTWARE\\Metrowerks\\CodeWarrior\\Product Versions';
+ if (!RegOpenKeyEx($topLevelKey, $productVersionKey, 0, KEY_READ, $regKeyHandle))
+ {
+ die "Can't read \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\$productVersionKey\" : ", regLastError(), "\n";
+ }
+ my $subKeyIndex = 0;
+ my $subKeySize = 0;
+ my $subKeyName;
+ my @installedCWForSymbianKeys;
+ while (RegEnumKeyEx($regKeyHandle, $subKeyIndex, $subKeyName, $subKeySize, [], [], [], []))
+ {
+ push (@installedCWForSymbianKeys, $productVersionKey."\\".$subKeyName) unless ($subKeyName !~ /Symbian/);
+ $subKeyIndex++;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey($regKeyHandle) || print STDERR "WARNING: Could not close registry key.";
+ my $versionType;
+ my $versionValue;
+ foreach my $installedCWForSymbianKey (@installedCWForSymbianKeys)
+ {
+ if (!RegOpenKeyEx($topLevelKey, $installedCWForSymbianKey, 0, KEY_READ, $regKeyHandle))
+ {
+ die "Can't read \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\$installedCWForSymbianKey\" : ", regLastError(), "\n";
+ }
+ if (!RegQueryValueEx($regKeyHandle, "VERSION", [], $versionType, $versionValue, []))
+ {
+ die "Can't read \"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\$installedCWForSymbianKey\\VERSION\" : ", regLastError(), "\n";
+ }
+ my $temp_major_version = GetMajorVersion ($versionValue);
+ my $temp_minor_version = GetMinorVersion ($versionValue);
+ if (($temp_major_version > $CW_major_version) ||
+ (($temp_minor_version > $CW_minor_version) &&
+ ($temp_major_version >= $CW_major_version)))
+ {
+ $CW_major_version = $temp_major_version;
+ $CW_minor_version = $temp_minor_version;
+ }
+ if (($temp_major_version > $minimumMajorVersion) ||
+ (($temp_minor_version > $minimumMinorVersion) &&
+ ($temp_major_version >= $minimumMajorVersion)))
+ {
+ push @compatibleCWInstallations, $versionValue;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey($regKeyHandle);
+ }
+ }
+ # We've determined a CW version to target, now we validate if we actually support this
+ if (!$CW_major_version ||
+ ($CW_major_version < $minimumMajorVersion) ||
+ (($CW_major_version >= $minimumMajorVersion) && ($CW_minor_version < $minimumMinorVersion)))
+ {
+ if (defined $ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION})
+ {
+ die "Error: CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION is set to $ENV{CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION}.\n The minimum version supported by these tools is $CW_minimum_supported_version.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "ERROR: Unable to identify a compatible CodeWarrior for Symbian OS installation.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@compatibleCWInstallations > 1)
+ {
+ my $targetVersion = $CW_major_version;
+ $targetVersion .= ".$CW_minor_version" if $CW_minor_version;
+ print ("Info: More than one compatible CodeWarrior for Symbian OS installation has been detected.\n");
+ print (" The generated project will target $targetVersion - to override this, set the CW_SYMBIAN_VERSION\n");
+ print (" environment variable to the version number you wish to target and re-run this command.\n");
+ print (" Supported version numbers detected : @compatibleCWInstallations.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ("Info: Detected CodeWarrior Version Major=$CW_major_version Minor=$CW_minor_version\n");
+ }
+ # CW version has been validated, tailor generated projects on this basis
+ $CW_libpath = 'Symbian_Support\Win32-x86 Support\Libraries\Win32 SDK';
+ push @CW_librarypath,$CW_libpath;
+ # Lib path to support the Carbide runtime libraries
+ $CW_libpath = 'Symbian_Support\Runtime\Runtime_x86\Runtime_Win32\Libs';
+ push @CW_librarypath,$CW_libpath;
+ if ($CW_major_version == 2.8)
+ {
+ $projectTemplate = "CW_project_template_v3.xml";
+ $linkDescriptorTemplate = "cw_link_descriptor_template.cwlink";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $projectTemplate = "CW_project_template_v4.xml";
+ $linkDescriptorTemplate = "cw_link_descriptor_template_v2.cwlink";
+ }
+ $xmlParser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+ $xmlProjectDoc = $xmlParser->parsefile ($FindBin::Bin."\\$projectTemplate");
+# Check if a platform is a customization
+sub IsCustomization($) {
+ my ($plat) = @_;
+ return 1 if (Plat_Customizes($plat));
+ return 0;
+sub PMPlatProcessMmp (@) {
+ my $currentPlat=&main::Plat;
+ return if ($processedPlatforms{$currentPlat});
+ $processedPlatforms{$currentPlat}=1;
+ @ToolChainLibList = &GetLibList;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ if ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'} && ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "GCCE"))
+ {
+ $CustGCCE=1;
+ }
+ if ($currentPlat =~ /^WINSCW$/)
+ {
+ my $includes = $ENV{MWCWinx86Includes};
+ &Winutl_DoMmp_Parse(\@_, $includes);
+ @Win32LibList=&Winutl_Win32LibList;
+ $Win32Resrc=&Winutl_Win32Resrc;
+ $Win32StdHeaders=&Winutl_Win32StdHeaders;
+ $BaseAddress=&Winutl_BaseAddress unless ($TrgType eq 'EXE');
+ }
+ elsif ($currentPlat =~ /^ARMV5/ || IsCustomization($currentPlat))
+ {
+ &Armutl_DoMmp(@_);
+ $ArmIncDir = &Armutl_ArmIncDir;
+ &main::SetStdIncPaths($ArmIncDir);
+ @ArmLibList = &Armutl_ArmLibList;
+ $ArmRT = &Armutl_ArmRT;
+ }
+ my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+ my $MakeFilePath=&main::MakeFilePath;
+ $MmpFile=&main::MmpFile;
+ $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
+ # Set up the list of known roots
+ my $epocroot=&main::Path_Drive . &main::EPOCPath;
+ $epocroot =~ s/EPOC32\\$//i;
+ if ($currentPlat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE)
+ {
+ $PrefixFile=$epocroot.'epoc32\\include\\gcce\\gcce.h';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $PrefixFile=$epocroot.'epoc32\\include\\rvct'.$RVCTVersion.'\\rvct'.$RVCTVersion.'.h';
+ }
+ my $mmproot = &main::Path_Drive . &main::Path_Split('Path',$MmpFile);
+ my $mmprootname = "MMPDir";
+ my $mmpisglobal = 0;
+ if (defined $ENV{CW_ROOT_NAME})
+ {
+ # generate KnownRoots suitable for the IDE MMP importer
+ # This has a global source tree for EPOCROOT, and puts the
+ # project next to the MMP file
+ addKnownRoot($ENV{CW_ROOT_NAME}, 1, $epocroot, "");
+ $mmprootname = "Project";
+ $mmpisglobal = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # generate KnownRoots suitable for command-line generated XML files
+ # We will add a user source tree for MMPDir and EPOCROOT, but can't use
+ # EPOCROOT for the OutputDirectory
+ addKnownRoot("EPOCROOT", 0, $epocroot, "");
+ }
+ addKnownRoot($mmprootname, $mmpisglobal, $mmproot, "");
+ # Allow for MMP files in component subdirectories by matching multiple levels
+ # up to get {MMPDir}..\whatever paths. Stop one level down from the root,
+ # since "everything on this drive" seems a bit extreme
+ #
+ my $tmppath = $mmproot;
+ my $dotdots = '';
+ while ($tmppath =~ /^(.:.+\\)[^\\]+\\$/i)
+ {
+ $tmppath = $1;
+ $dotdots .= "..\\";
+ addKnownRoot($mmprootname, $mmpisglobal, $tmppath, $dotdots);
+ }
+sub findTarget($$$) {
+ my ($name,$platbld,$abibld) = @_;
+ my @targets = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("TARGET",1);
+ foreach my $target (@targets)
+ {
+ my $element = $target->getElementsByTagName("NAME",0)->item(0);
+ $element = $element->getFirstChild;
+ # here we want to get the plat build that is specified in the cw project tempalte
+ # and not the abi build - there are more platbuilds than abibuilds so other targets
+ # (e.g. GCCE) can get the wrong tempalte "NAME" (i.e. it will be ARMV5 rather than GCCE, which is not want we want)
+ if ($element->getData() =~ /$platbld$/)
+ {
+ my $newtarget=$target->cloneNode(1);
+ $target->getParentNode()->appendChild($newtarget);
+ $element = $newtarget->getElementsByTagName("NAME",0)->item(0);
+ $element = $element->getFirstChild;
+ $element->setData("$platbld");
+ # remember name as an attribute: this is removed before
+ # writing out the project.
+ $newtarget->setAttribute("NAME", "$platbld");
+ return $newtarget;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $newtarget=$target->cloneNode(1);
+ my $newplat=&main::Plat." ".&main::Bld;
+ $target->getParentNode()->appendChild($newtarget);
+ $element = $newtarget->getElementsByTagName("NAME",0)->item(0);
+ $element = $element->getFirstChild;
+ $element->setData("$newplat");
+ # remember name as an attribute: this is removed before
+ # writing out the project.
+ $newtarget->setAttribute("NAME", "$newplat");
+ return $newtarget;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub newList($$$) {
+ my ($target, $tag, $replace) = @_;
+ my $newlist = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,$tag);
+ if ($replace==1)
+ {
+ my $elements = $target->getElementsByTagName($tag,0);
+ my $element = $elements->item(0);
+ $target->replaceChild($newlist, $element);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $target->appendChild($newlist);
+ }
+ return $newlist;
+sub changeValue($$) {
+ my ($setting, $replacement) = @_;
+ my $value = $setting->getElementsByTagName("VALUE",0)->item(0);
+ if (defined $value)
+ {
+ if ($value->hasChildNodes)
+ {
+ $value->getFirstChild->setData($replacement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $value->addText($replacement);
+ }
+ }
+sub textSetting($$$$) {
+ my ($element,$name,$value,$insertionpoint)=@_;
+ my $setting = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($setting, "NAME", $name);
+ &textElement($setting, "VALUE", $value);
+ $element->insertBefore($setting, $insertionpoint);
+ $element->addText("\n");
+sub addKnownRoot($$$$) {
+ my ($rootname, $global, $rootpath, $pathprefix) = @_;
+ $rootpath=&main::Path_Chop($rootpath);
+ push @KnownRoots, [$rootname, $global, quotemeta($rootpath), $pathprefix];
+sub addRootedPath($$$) {
+ my ($setting,$needglobal,$path) = @_;
+ my $root = "Absolute";
+ if ($path =~ /^\\/)
+ {
+ $path = &main::Path_Drive . $path; # ensure it has a drive letter
+ }
+ foreach (@KnownRoots)
+ {
+ my ($rootname, $global, $rootpath, $pathprefix) = @{$_};
+ next if ($needglobal && !$global);
+ if ($path =~ /^$rootpath\\/i)
+ {
+ $path =~ s/^$rootpath\\/$pathprefix/i;
+ $root = $rootname;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $path=&main::Path_Chop($path);
+ if ($root eq "Absolute" && $path =~ /^(.:)$/)
+ {
+ $path .= "\\";
+ }
+ &textSetting($setting, "Path", $path);
+ &textSetting($setting, "PathFormat", "Windows");
+ &textSetting($setting, "PathRoot", $root);
+sub changePathSetting($$$) {
+ my ($setting,$global,$value) = @_;
+ my @oldstuff = $setting->getElementsByTagName("SETTING",0);
+ foreach my $old (@oldstuff)
+ {
+ &removeNode($old);
+ }
+ &addRootedPath($setting,$global,$value);
+sub addSourceTrees($) {
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ my $element = $node->getElementsByTagName("VALUE",0)->item(0);
+ &removeNode($element) if (defined $element);
+ if (defined $ENV{CW_ROOT_NAME})
+ {
+ return; # paths were converted to be relative to global source trees
+ }
+ my $sourcepath = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $sourcepath->addText("\n");
+ &textSetting($sourcepath, "Name", "EPOCROOT");
+ &textSetting($sourcepath, "Kind", "AbsolutePath");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "Path");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ my $epocroot=&main::EPOCPath;
+ $epocroot =~ s/\\EPOC32\\$/\\/i;
+ &addRootedPath($pathdata, 1, $epocroot);
+ $sourcepath->appendChild($pathdata);
+ $node->appendChild($sourcepath);
+ my $mmproot = &main::Path_Split('Path',$MmpFile);
+ my $sourcepath2 = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $sourcepath2->addText("\n");
+ &textSetting($sourcepath2, "Name", "MMPDir");
+ &textSetting($sourcepath2, "Kind", "AbsolutePath");
+ my $pathdata2 = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata2, "NAME", "Path");
+ $pathdata2->addText("\n");
+ &addRootedPath($pathdata2, 1, $mmproot);
+ $sourcepath2->appendChild($pathdata2);
+ $node->appendChild($sourcepath2);
+sub addUserSearchPaths($) {
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ my @elements = $node->getElementsByTagName("SETTING",0);
+ foreach (@elements)
+ {
+ &removeNode($_);
+ }
+ my %ordereddirs;
+ my @ordereddirlist=();
+ foreach my $dir (&main::UserIncPaths)
+ {
+ next if (!defined $dir);
+ $dir = &main::Path_Chop($dir)."\\";
+ my $key = uc $dir;
+ if (! defined($ordereddirs{$key}))
+ {
+ $ordereddirs{$key}=1;
+ push @ordereddirlist, $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ # now add the directories used to find source files
+ my %dirs;
+ my $SourceStructRef=&main::SourceStructRef;
+ foreach my $SourceRef (@$SourceStructRef)
+ {
+ $dirs{$$SourceRef{SrcPath}}=1;
+ }
+ my $DefFile = &main::DefFile;
+ if ($DefFile)
+ {
+ $DefFile = &main::Path_Split('Path',$DefFile);
+ $dirs{$DefFile}=1;
+ }
+ my $MmpFilePath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$MmpFile);
+ $dirs{$MmpFilePath}=1;
+ $dirs{$ExtraFilesPath}=1;
+ foreach my $srcdir (sort keys %dirs)
+ {
+ if (!defined($ordereddirs{uc $srcdir}))
+ {
+ push @ordereddirlist, $srcdir;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $srcdir (@ordereddirlist)
+ {
+ my $accesspath = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $accesspath->addText("\n");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "SearchPath");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ &addRootedPath($pathdata, 0, $srcdir);
+ $accesspath->appendChild($pathdata);
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "FrameworkPath", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "HostFlags", "All");
+ $node->appendChild($accesspath);
+ }
+sub addSystemSearchPaths($) {
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ my @elements = $node->getElementsByTagName("SETTING",0);
+ foreach (@elements)
+ {
+ &removeNode($_);
+ }
+ my $ASSPLinkPath;
+ $ASSPLinkPath = &main::ASSPLinkPath if (&main::ASSPLibList);
+ my @extraIncPaths=();
+ push @extraIncPaths, $ArmIncDir if $ArmIncDir;
+ my %ordereddirs;
+ my @ordereddirlist=();
+ foreach my $dir (&main::SysIncPaths, @extraIncPaths, &main::StatLinkPath, $ASSPLinkPath, &main::LinkPath)
+ {
+ next if (!defined $dir);
+ $dir = &main::Path_Chop($dir)."\\";
+ my $key = uc $dir;
+ if (! defined($ordereddirs{$key}))
+ {
+ $ordereddirs{$key}=1;
+ push @ordereddirlist, $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ my %dirs;
+ if ($VariantFile)
+ {
+ my $VariantFilePath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$VariantFile);
+ $dirs{$VariantFilePath}=1;
+ }
+ if (((&main::Plat =~ /^ARMV5/) || (&main::Plat =~ /^GCCE$/) ||(IsCustomization(&main::Plat))) && $PrefixFile)
+ {
+ my $PrefixFilePath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$PrefixFile);
+ $dirs{$PrefixFilePath}=1;
+ }
+ foreach my $srcdir (sort keys %dirs)
+ {
+ if (!defined($ordereddirs{uc $srcdir}))
+ {
+ push @ordereddirlist, $srcdir;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $srcdir (@ordereddirlist)
+ {
+ my $accesspath = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $accesspath->addText("\n");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "SearchPath");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ &addRootedPath($pathdata, 0, $srcdir);
+ $accesspath->appendChild($pathdata);
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "FrameworkPath", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "HostFlags", "All");
+ $node->appendChild($accesspath);
+ }
+ if (&main::Plat =~ /^WINSCW$/)
+ {
+ my $lpath;
+ foreach $lpath (@CW_librarypath)
+ {
+ # only add Win32 SDK for WINSCW system access paths
+ my $accesspath = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $accesspath->addText("\n");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "SearchPath");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "Path", $lpath);
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "PathFormat", "Windows");
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "PathRoot", "CodeWarrior");
+ $accesspath->appendChild($pathdata);
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "FrameworkPath", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "HostFlags", "All");
+ $node->appendChild($accesspath);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'} && ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "GCCE"))
+ {
+ $CustGCCE=1;
+ }
+ if (&main::Plat =~ /^GCCE$/ || $CustGCCE)
+ {
+ my $accesspath = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $accesspath->addText("\n");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "SearchPath");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ my $GCCE_IncludePath = GetGCCELibPath("-print-libgcc-file-name");
+ $GCCE_IncludePath .= '\\include';
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "Path", $GCCE_IncludePath);
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "PathFormat", "Windows");
+ &textSetting($pathdata, "PathRoot", "Absolute");
+ $accesspath->appendChild($pathdata);
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "Recursive", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "FrameworkPath", "false");
+ &textSetting($accesspath, "HostFlags", "All");
+ $node->appendChild($accesspath);
+ }
+sub addDownloadFileList($) {
+ my ($node, @DownloadList) = @_;
+ my @elements = $node->getElementsByTagName("SETTING",0);
+ foreach (@elements)
+ {
+ &removeNode($_);
+ }
+ my $epocdata = &main::EPOCPath . "data\\";
+ foreach my $srcfile (@DownloadList)
+ {
+ my $targetpath = $srcfile;
+ $targetpath =~ s/^Z\\/C:\\/i;
+ my $download = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ $download->addText("\n");
+ my $pathdata = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTING");
+ &textElement($pathdata, "NAME", "HostFilePath");
+ $pathdata->addText("\n");
+ &addRootedPath($pathdata, 0, "$epocdata$srcfile");
+ $download->appendChild($pathdata);
+ &textSetting($download, "TargetFilePath", $targetpath);
+ $node->appendChild($download);
+ }
+ }
+sub kitRelativePath ($) {
+ my ($kitRootBasedPath) = @_;
+ my $kitRoot = &main::EPOCPath;
+ $kitRoot =~ s/EPOC32\\$//i;
+ $kitRoot = quotemeta (&main::Path_Chop($kitRoot));
+ $kitRootBasedPath =~ s/^$kitRoot//i;
+ $kitRootBasedPath;
+sub PMBld() {
+ my %changedsettings;
+ my $ABI=&main::ABI;
+ my $Bld=&main::Bld;
+ my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+ my $BaseName=&main::BaseMak;
+ my @SrcList=&main::SrcList;
+ my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
+ my @BldList=&main::BldList;
+ my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
+ my $FirstLib=&main::FirstLib;
+ # IsCustomDllUseCase() subroutine is called to check if the given executable
+ # is a custom dll or not.
+ my $IsCustomDll = Cl_bpabi::IsCustomDllUseCase();
+ # ABI flags set depending on the ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE macro set in the variant file.
+ my $ABIV1 = 0;
+ my $ABIV2 = 0;
+ if (($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1" && $cfgMacro) || ($Plat eq "ARMV5" && !$cfgMacro)
+ || ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'}
+ && (($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5_ABIV1" && $cfgMacro) || ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5" && !$cfgMacro))))
+ {
+ $ABIV1=1;
+ }
+ elsif (($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2" && !$cfgMacro) || ($Plat eq "ARMV5" && $cfgMacro)
+ || ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'}
+ && (($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5_ABIV2" && !$cfgMacro) || ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "ARMV5" && $cfgMacro))))
+ {
+ $ABIV2=1;
+ }
+ if ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'} && ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "GCCE"))
+ {
+ $CustGCCE=1;
+ }
+ if ($ABIV1 && ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2)) {
+ # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
+ # Rename FirstLib.lib static lib used with RVCT2.1 as FirstLib2_1.lib
+ if ($FirstLib=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
+ if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
+ $FirstLib=$1.$RVCTVersion.".lib";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
+ my @LibList;
+ my @StatLibList=&main::StatLibList;
+ if ($ABIV1 && ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2)) {
+ # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
+ # Rename all the static libs used with RVCT2.1 as libname2_1.lib
+ for (my $i =0; $i < scalar(@StatLibList); $i++) {
+ if ($StatLibList[$i]=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
+ if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
+ $StatLibList[$i]=$1.$RVCTVersion.".lib";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @ASSPLibList = &main::ASSPLibList;
+ my $Trg=&main::Trg;
+ if ($ABIV1 && ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2)) {
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ # Temporary Workaround for RVCT2.1 static libs problem with RVCT2.2 builds
+ # Rename all the static libs produced with RVCT2.1 as {libname}2_1.lib
+ if ($Trg=~/^\s*(\S+)(\.lib)$/io) {
+ if ($1!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
+ $Trg=$1.$RVCTVersion.".lib";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($BaseTrg!~/$RVCTVersion/i) {
+ $BaseTrg .= $RVCTVersion;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $TrgPath=&main::TrgPath;
+ my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
+ my $epocroot=&main::Path_Drive . &main::EPOCPath;
+ $epocroot =~ s/EPOC32\\$//i;
+ my $UIDFile;
+ $ExtraFilesPath = &main::MakeFilePath;
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
+ @LibList=&main::DebugLibList;
+ } else {
+ @LibList=&main::LibList;
+ }
+ my $xmlTarget;
+ if ($ABI =~ /BPABI/)
+ {
+ $ABI = "GCCE";
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE || $ABIV2) {
+ if ($CW_major_version < 3.1) {
+ die "FATAL ERROR: Target $Plat requires CodeWarrior for Symbian release 3.1 at minimum.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ABIV2 && ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2))
+ {
+ die "FATAL ERROR: Target ARMV5_ABIV2 requires RVCT version 2.2 and greater. Detected RVCT $RVCTMajorVersion.$RVCTMinorVersion.\n";
+ }
+ if (($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion >= 2) && $CW_major_version < 3.1 && $ABIV2)
+ {
+ die "FATAL ERROR: Detected RVCT Version $RVCTMajorVersion.$RVCTMinorVersion and CodeWarrior version $CW_major_version. RVCT 2.2 and greater requies CodeWarrior version 3.1 at minimum.\n";
+ }
+ $xmlTarget = findTarget($BaseName, "$Plat $Bld", "$ABI $Bld");
+ return if (!defined($xmlTarget));
+ my $targetname = $xmlTarget->getAttribute("NAME");
+ my $UnderlyingABI=PMUnderlyingABI($ABI);
+ my @ChopRTWSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_RltToWork(&main::SysIncPaths));
+ my @ChopRTWUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_RltToWork(&main::UserIncPaths));
+ my $EPOCPath=&main::EPOCPath;
+ my $LinkAs=&main::LinkAs;
+ my $LibPath=&main::LibPath;
+ my @UidList=&main::UidList;
+ my $WarningLevelGCC=&main::CompilerOption("GCC");
+ my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
+ my $NoExportLibrary=&main::NoExportLibrary;
+ my $SystemTrg = SystemTarget();
+ my %Version = &main::Version();
+ my $ExtraExportLibrary;
+ my $PrimaryExportLibrary = $ExportLibrary;
+ unless ($Version{explicit}) {
+ $ExtraExportLibrary = $ExportLibrary;
+ $ExtraExportLibrary =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;
+ $PrimaryExportLibrary = $ExtraExportLibrary;
+ }
+ my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
+ my $EPOCIncPath=&main::EPOCIncPath;
+ my $ChopRelPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::RelPath);
+ my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
+ my $StatLinkPath=&main::StatLinkPath;
+ my $ParentPlat;
+# Check if a platform is customization, if yes find the parent platform.
+ my $IsPlatCustomization=IsCustomization($Plat);
+ if ($IsPlatCustomization) {
+ $ParentPlat = Plat_Customizes($Plat);
+ }
+ my @RTLibList;
+ if ($ABIV1) {
+ @RTLibList = ('dfpaeabi.lib', "dfprvct${RVCTVersion}.lib", 'drtaeabi.lib', 'drtaeabi.lib(VtblExports.o)');
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion >= 2) {
+ # The scppnwdl.lib should come before drtrvct2_2.lib
+ push @RTLibList, "scppnwdl.lib";
+ push @RTLibList, "drtrvct${RVCTVersion}.lib";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @RTLibList, "dfprvct${RVCTVersion}-thunk.lib";
+ push @RTLibList, "drtrvct${RVCTVersion}.lib";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ABIV2)
+ {
+ @RTLibList = ('drtaeabi.dso', 'dfpaeabi.dso', "dfprvct${RVCTVersion}.dso");
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion >= 2) {
+ # The scppnwdl.lib should come before drtrvct2_2.lib
+ push @RTLibList, "scppnwdl.dso";
+ push @RTLibList, "drtrvct${RVCTVersion}.dso";
+ }
+ }
+ my @compatibleDOCUMENTExtensions = ("cfg", "h", "hrh", "iby", "inf", "ini", "loc", "mmpi", "policy", "ra", "rh", "rls", "rss", "script", "txt");
+ my @DocList = &main::DocList;
+ @addedFiles=();
+# set up LinkAs
+ $UidList[2]=~/^0x(.*)$/o;
+ if ($1 ne '00000000') { # have to make sure than series of noughts in brackets doesn't appear in name for null uids
+ $LinkAs=join '', &main::Path_Split('Base',$LinkAs),"[$1]",&main::Path_Split('Ext',$LinkAs);
+ }
+# set up dlltool flag hash
+ my %ABIDlltool=(
+ ARMI=>'-m arm_interwork',
+ ARM4=>'-m arm',
+ THUMB=>'-m thumb'
+ );
+# work out the flags for various platforms
+ if ($ABI eq 'ARMI') {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-march=armv4t -mthumb-interwork';
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{ARMI};
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq 'ARM4T') {
+ if (&main::BuildAsARM) {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-march=armv4t -mthumb-interwork';
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{ARMI};
+ }
+ elsif ($SystemTrg) {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-march=armv4';
+# allow thumb for ARM4 ABI where necessary
+ unless (&main::PlatABI eq 'ARM4') {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}.='t';
+ }
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{ARM4};
+ }
+ else {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-mthumb-interwork -D__MARM_THUMB__';
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{THUMB};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq 'ARM4') {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-march=armv4';
+# allow thumb for ARM4 ABI where necessary
+ unless (&main::PlatABI eq 'ARM4') {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}.='t';
+ }
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{ARM4};
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq 'THUMB') {
+ $PlatOpt{Gcc}='-mthumb-interwork';
+ $PlatOpt{Dlltool}=$ABIDlltool{THUMB};
+ }
+ elsif ($Plat ne 'WINSCW' && $Plat ne 'ARMV5' && !$IsPlatCustomization && $Plat ne 'GCCE' && $Plat ne 'ARMV5_ABIV2' && $Plat ne 'ARMV5_ABIV1') {
+ &main::FatalError("Platform module - ABI \"$ABI\" unrecognised");
+ }
+ if ($Plat ne 'WINSCW') {
+ @CompatibleABIs=@{$CompatibleABIs{$UnderlyingABI}};
+ }
+# set up CompatibleABI lib path hash
+ foreach (@CompatibleABIs) {
+ $ABILibPath{$_}=&main::Path_Strip("$LibPath..\\..\\$_\\");
+ }
+ $Dlltool=$ToolPrefix.'dlltool.exe';
+ $Archive=$ToolPrefix.'ar.exe';
+ $Link=$ToolPrefix.'ld.exe';
+ $Objcopy=$ToolPrefix.'objcopy.exe';
+ my $WarningLevelCW=&main::CompilerOption("CW");
+ $xmlFileList = newList($xmlTarget,"FILELIST",1);
+ $xmlFileList->addText("\n");
+ $xmlLinkOrder = newList($xmlTarget,"LINKORDER",1);
+ $xmlLinkOrder->addText("\n");
+ # Create temporary sublists, which will be
+ # removed during finaliseProject
+ $xmlSourceGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"SOURCEGROUP",0);
+ $xmlSourceGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlSourceGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlHeadersGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"HEADERSGROUP",0);
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlRootGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"ROOTGROUP",0);
+ $xmlRootGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlRootGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlLinkGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"LINKGROUP",0);
+ $xmlLinkGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlLinkGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlLibGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"LIBGROUP",0);
+ $xmlLibGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlLibGroup->setAttribute("PLAT", $Plat);
+ $xmlLibGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlResourcesGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"RESOURCESGROUP",0);
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->addText("\n");
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup = newList($xmlTarget,"DOCUMENTSGROUP",0);
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->setAttribute("TARGET", $targetname);
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->addText("\n");
+ my $debug="";
+ $debug="Debug" if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/);
+ my @RuntimeLibs = (); # add platform-specific runtime libraries here
+ if (&main::PlatCompiler eq "GCC32")
+ {
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o)
+ { # Add the DLL stub library
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "EDLLSTUB.LIB";
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o)
+ { # Add the GCC helper fns
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "EGCC.LIB";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE)
+ {
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "usrt2_2.lib"; # UDEB/UREL Specific
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "dfpaeabi.dso";
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "dfprvct2_2.dso";
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "drtaeabi.dso";
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "scppnwdl.dso";
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "drtrvct2_2.dso";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) { # Add the DLL stub library
+ push @RuntimeLibs, "EDLLSTUB.LIB"; # UDEB/UREL Specific
+ }
+ }
+ addFile(&main::Path_Split('File',$MmpFile), "Text", "", "", "Root");
+ # Create the uid.cpp file
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW" && $BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE|DLL)$/oi)
+ {
+ my @UidList=&main::UidList;
+ # create the UID source file
+ my $priority = "EPriorityForeground";
+ if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
+ $priority="EPriority".&main::ProcessPriority;
+ }
+ my $UidText=join(
+ "\n",
+ '// Makmake-generated uid source file',
+ '#include <e32cmn.h>',
+ '#pragma data_seg(".SYMBIAN")',
+ );
+ foreach (@UidList) {
+ $UidText.="$_,";
+ }
+ my $vstr = "0x".&Genutl_VersionToHexString(&main::Version);
+ my $vid = &main::VendorId;
+ if(!$vid) { $vid="0"; }
+ $UidText.="$priority,".(&main::CapabilityFlags)[0]."u,".(&main::CapabilityFlags)[1]."u,".&main::SecureId.",".$vid.",$vstr,"; # second capability word always 0 for now
+ if (&main::AllowDllData) {
+ $UidText.="1,";
+ } else {
+ $UidText.="0,";
+ }
+ chop $UidText;
+ $UidText.=")\n";
+ $UidText.="#pragma data_seg()\n";
+ $UIDFile = $BaseTrg.'_UID_.cpp';
+ &main::CreateExtraFile("${ExtraFilesPath}$UIDFile", $UidText);
+ }
+ if (-e $DefFile)
+ {
+ addFile(&main::Path_Split('File',$DefFile), "Text", "", &main::DefFileType."\\");
+ }
+ # Add resources: rsc files, mbm files and aif files
+ my $mmpdir = &main::Path_Split('Path',$MmpFile);
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianResourcesMMPFileLocation"} = "{0}$mmpdir";
+ my $ResourcesText="";
+ my @ResourceDownloadList=();
+ # --- MBM files
+ my $BitMapStructRef = &main::BitMapStructRef();
+ my $BitMapRef;
+ foreach my $BitMapRef (@$BitMapStructRef) {
+ my $trgfile = $$BitMapRef{Trg};
+# change - only use colour resource files
+ next if ($trgfile =~ /\.MBW$/i); # ignore greyscale MBM files
+ $trgfile =~ s/\.MCL$/.MBM/; # convert MCL to MBM for immediate use
+ my $entry = " <mbm targetfile = \"$trgfile\"";
+ $entry .= " targetpath = \"".&main::Path_Chop($$BitMapRef{TrgPath})."\"";
+ push @ResourceDownloadList, $$BitMapRef{TrgPath}.$trgfile;
+ if (defined $$BitMapRef{Hdr})
+ {
+ $entry .= " header = \"true\"";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $entry .= " header = \"false\"";
+ }
+ $entry .= ">\n";
+ foreach my $SrcRef (@{$$BitMapRef{Source}}) {
+ $entry .= " <bmp bpp = \"$$SrcRef{ClDepth}\"";
+ my $bmpfile = &main::Path_Split('File',$$SrcRef{Src});
+ my $bmppath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$$SrcRef{Src});
+ my $sourcepath = &main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_MakeRltToBase($mmpdir,$bmppath));
+ $entry .= " sourcepath = \"$sourcepath\"";
+ $entry .= " sourcefile = \"$bmpfile\"/>\n";
+ }
+ $ResourcesText .= $entry . " </mbm>\n";
+ }
+ # --- AIF files
+ my $AifStructRef = &main::AifStructRef();
+ my $AifRef;
+ foreach $AifRef (@$AifStructRef) {
+# regression change - workaround lack of AIF directory
+ my $trgpath=&main::TrgPath;
+ my $trgfile=&main::Path_Split('File',$$AifRef{Trg});
+ my $path=&main::Path_Split('Path',"$trgpath$$AifRef{Trg}");
+ $path=&main::Path_Chop($path);
+# change - only use colour resource files
+ next if ($trgfile =~ /\.ABW$/i); # ignore greyscale AIF files
+ $trgfile =~ s/\.ACL$/.AIF/; # convert ACL to AIF for immediate use
+ my $rssfile = &main::Path_Split('File',$$AifRef{Source});
+ my $rsspath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$$AifRef{Source});
+ my $sourcepath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_MakeRltToBase($mmpdir,$rsspath));
+ my $entry = " <aif sourcefile = \"$rssfile\"";
+ $entry .= " sourcepath = \"$sourcepath\"";
+ $entry .= " targetfile = \"$trgfile\" targetpath = \"$path\">\n";
+ push @ResourceDownloadList, "$path\\$trgfile";
+ foreach my $BitmapRef (@{$$AifRef{BitMaps}}) {
+ $entry .= " <bmp bpp = \"$$BitmapRef{ClDepth}\"";
+ my $bmpfile = &main::Path_Split('File',$$BitmapRef{Src});
+ my $bmppath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$$BitmapRef{Src});
+ $sourcepath = &main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_MakeRltToBase($mmpdir,$bmppath));
+ $entry .= " sourcepath = \"$sourcepath\"";
+ $entry .= " sourcefile = \"$bmpfile\"/>\n";
+ }
+ $ResourcesText .= $entry . " </aif>\n";
+ }
+ # --- RSC files, which must come after .MBM files since they may use the .MBG header files
+ my $ResourceStructRef=&main::ResourceStructRef;
+ my @resourcefiles;
+ my %resourcetargets;
+ # NOTE: An <rsc/> block is now created for each START RESOURCE blocks LANG entries. This
+ # shouldn't be necessary as <rsc/> blocks support multiple <language/> tags, and the generation
+ # of separate localised binaries should be dealt with by the Symbian Resources IDE plugin.
+ # However, a defect in the plugin's processing of <rsc/> "targetfile" attributes means that is
+ # doesn't correctly generate separate localised binaries with per-LANG extensions.
+ my %headerProcessed;
+ foreach my $ResourceRef (@$ResourceStructRef) {
+ my $fullsource=$$ResourceRef{Source};
+ my $rssfile=&main::Path_Split('File', $fullsource);
+ my $rsspath=&main::Path_Split('Path', $fullsource);
+ my $entry = " <rsc sourcefile = \"$rssfile\"";
+ $entry .= " targetpath = \"".&main::Path_Chop($$ResourceRef{TrgPath})."\"";
+ #############################################################
+ # if CW version is 3.1 or greater, add TARGET file if present
+ # tkelly 4-May-05
+ if ($CW_major_version >= 3.1)
+ {
+ my $trgfile=&main::Path_Split('File',$$ResourceRef{Trg});
+ $entry .= " targetfile = \"$trgfile\"\n"; #tk
+ }
+ ##############################################################
+ if ((defined $$ResourceRef{Hdr}) && (!$headerProcessed{$fullsource}))
+ {
+ $entry .= " header = \"true\"";
+ $headerProcessed{$fullsource} = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $entry .= " header = \"false\"";
+ }
+ my $sourcepath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_MakeRltToBase($mmpdir,$rsspath));
+ $entry .= " sourcepath = \"$sourcepath\">\n";
+ # ignore the UidList for now..
+ $resourcetargets{$fullsource} = $$ResourceRef{TrgPath}.&main::Path_Split('Base', $rssfile);
+ $entry .= " <language id = \"$$ResourceRef{Lang}\"/>\n";
+ push @resourcefiles, $entry;
+ push @ResourceDownloadList, $resourcetargets{$fullsource}.".R".$$ResourceRef{Lang};
+ }
+ foreach my $resourceEntry (@resourcefiles) {
+ $ResourcesText .= $resourceEntry . " </rsc>\n";
+ }
+ # --- If required, generate .resources file per platform
+ if ($ResourcesText ne "")
+ {
+ my $resourcesfile = "$BaseTrg$Plat.resources";
+ &main::CreateExtraFile("${ExtraFilesPath}$resourcesfile", "<resources>\n$ResourcesText</resources>\n");
+ addFile($resourcesfile, "Text", "", "", "Resources");
+ }
+ # Build the rest of the file list
+ if ($BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o)
+ {
+ addFile($FirstLib, "Library", $debug, "$Bld\\"); # static library, build-specific
+ }
+ my $file;
+ foreach $file (@SrcList)
+ {
+ # ensure the case of the extension is what GCC expects
+ $file =~ s/\.CPP$/.cpp/i;
+ $file =~ s/\.C$/.c/i;
+ $file =~ s/\.s$/.S/i;
+ my $srcfile=&main::Path_Split('File',$file);
+ addFile($srcfile, "Text", $debug, "");
+ }
+ # If required, add the uid.cpp file so that it appears after all other source files in the link order
+ if (defined $UIDFile)
+ {
+ addFile($UIDFile, "Text", "", "");
+ }
+ if ($Plat ne "GCCE" && !$CustGCCE)
+ {
+ # linking with GCCE, Runtime libs need to be at the end to match with make, otherwise evalid can fail.
+ foreach $file (@RuntimeLibs)
+ {
+ next if ( $file eq $FirstLib ); #skip if file equals FirstLib.
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, "$Bld\\"); # static library, build specific
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $file (@StatLibList)
+ {
+ next if ( $file eq $FirstLib ); #skip if file equals FirstLib.
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, "$Bld\\"); # static library, build specific
+ }
+ foreach $file (@ASSPLibList, @LibList)
+ {
+ next if ( $file eq $FirstLib ); #skip if file equals FirstLib.
+ if ($Plat eq "GCCE" or $ABIV2 or $CustGCCE) {
+ $file =~ s/\.LIB$/.DSO/;
+ $file =~ s/\.lib$/.dso/;
+ }
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, "");
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE)
+ {
+ foreach $file (@RuntimeLibs)
+ {
+ next if ( $file eq $FirstLib ); #skip if file equals FirstLib.
+ #change to prevent multiple libs being listed when they are shared between targets.
+ if ($file eq "usrt2_2.lib" || $file eq "EDLLSTUB.LIB") {
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, "$Bld\\"); # static library, build specific
+ }
+ else {
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, ""); # static library, build non-specific
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ my $defaults = $ENV{'MWSym2LibraryFiles'};
+ # look out for paths?
+ foreach $file (@Win32LibList)
+ {
+ # skip default libs and FirstLib
+ next if ( ($defaults =~ /;$file/) || ($file eq $FirstLib) );
+ addFile($file, "Library", $debug, "");
+ }
+ }
+ # Update the project settings
+ $changedsettings{"UserSourceTrees"} = "{}";
+ $changedsettings{"UserSearchPaths"} = "{}";
+ $changedsettings{"SystemSearchPaths"} = "{}";
+ $changedsettings{"Targetname"} = $targetname;
+ my $outputdir = $RelPath;
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ my $trgpath = &main::TrgPath;
+ &Winutl_AdjustTargetPath(\$trgpath);
+ $outputdir .= $trgpath;
+ }
+ $changedsettings{"OutputDirectory"} = "{1}".&main::Path_Chop($outputdir);
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianInstallationContentSearchLocation"} = "{0}".&main::Path_Chop($RelPath);
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianResourcesHeaderFileOutputLocation"} = "{0}".&main::Path_Chop(&main::EPOCIncPath());
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianResourcesBinaryOutputLocation"} = "{0}".&main::Path_Chop($RelPath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianResourcesBinaryOutputLocation"} = "{0}".&main::Path_Chop(&main::EPOCDataPath());
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ if ($TrgType eq "EXE")
+ {
+ # IDE would do the right thing, but we might as well make sure...
+ $changedsettings{"MWRuntimeSettings_HostApplication"} = "{0}$outputdir$Trg";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"MWRuntimeSettings_HostApplication"} = "{0}${RelPath}epoc.exe";
+ }
+ }
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianEpocToolsPath"} = "{0}${epocroot}";
+ if ($Plat ne "WINSCW")
+ {
+ my $downloadpath = &main::TrgPath;
+ if (&main::EPOCSecurePlatform && $downloadpath !~ /^Z\\sys\\bin\\/)
+ {
+ my @hrhMacros = &Variant_GetMacroList;
+ if (grep /^SYMBIAN_IGNORE_BIN_TARGETPATH\s*$/, @hrhMacros)
+ {
+ $downloadpath = "Z\\sys\\bin\\";
+ }
+ }
+ $downloadpath =~ s/^Z\\/C:\\/i;
+ $changedsettings{"DownloadPath"} = $downloadpath;
+ $changedsettings{"FileList"} = "{}";
+ }
+ my @MacroList;
+ @MacroList = &main::MacroList();
+ push @MacroList, "__${Plat}__" if ($Plat ne $ABI);
+ push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__" if ($Plat eq "WINSCW");
+ push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__" if (($Plat eq "ARMV5") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1") || ($Plat eq "GCCE") || $IsPlatCustomization);
+ # Symbian Compiler Panel
+ my $compiler="";
+ my $compilerargs="";
+ my $macros="";
+ if ((($Plat eq "ARMV5") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1") || ($Plat eq "GCCE") || $IsPlatCustomization) && $VariantFile)
+ {
+ push @MacroList, '__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__=\\"'.&main::Path_Split('File',$VariantFile).'\\"' if $VariantFile;
+ }
+ foreach (@MacroList)
+ {
+ $_ =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $macros .= "$_,";
+ }
+# WINSCW compilation settings #
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ $compiler = "WINSCW";
+ $compilerargs .= "-wchar_t off -align 4 -warnings on -w nohidevirtual, nounusedexpr -msgstyle gcc -enum int -str pool ";
+ $compilerargs .= "-exc ms ";
+ $compilerargs .= "-trigraphs on ";
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB/)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-O0 ";
+ # euser change to apply inlining on the _NAKED functions
+ if ($BaseTrg !~ /^EUSER$/oi)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-inline off ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-O4,s ";
+ }
+ if ($Win32StdHeaders || $Win32Resrc )
+ {
+ $macros .= "WIN32,_WINDOWS,";
+ # Callisto defect workaround
+ # NOTE: persisting with this for consistency
+ $compilerargs .= "-stdinc ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-nostdinc ";
+ }
+ $compilerargs .= &main::CompilerOption("CW");
+ $changedsettings{"Macros"} = $macros;
+ if ($VariantFile)
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"PrefixFile"} = &main::Path_Split('File',$VariantFile);
+ }
+ }
+# RVCT compilation settings #
+ elsif ((($Plat eq "ARMV5") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2") || ($Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1") || $ABIV1 || $ABIV2) && ($CW_major_version >= 3)) #|| $IsPlatCustomization
+ {
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
+ $changedsettings{"CompilerXMLDescriptor"} = "ARM RVCT";
+ }
+ else {
+ if(($CW_major_version == 3))
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"CompilerXMLDescriptor"} = "ARM RVCT";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # RVCT 2.2
+ $changedsettings{"CompilerXMLDescriptor"} = "ARM RVCT2_2";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Bld =~ /REL$/)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= $configdata{"REL_OPTIMISATION"}." ".$configdata{"RUNTIME_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY_OPTION"}.$CCUREL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unless (&main::SrcDbg)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= $configdata{"DEBUG_OPTIMISATION"}." ".$configdata{"RUNTIME_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY_OPTION"}.$CCUDEB;
+ }
+ }
+ $changedsettings{"PrefixFile"} = &main::Path_Split('File',$PrefixFile);
+ }
+# GCC compilation settings #
+ elsif ($Plat eq "ARM4")
+ {
+ $compiler = "ARM";
+ if ($Bld =~ /REL$/)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-s -fomit-frame-pointer -O "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unless (&main::SrcDbg)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-O ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ABI eq "ARMI")
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-march=armv4t -mthumb-interwork";
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq "ARM4T")
+ {
+ if (&main::BuildAsARM)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-march=armv4t -mthumb-interwork";
+ }
+ elsif ($SystemTrg)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-march=armv4";
+ unless (&main::PlatABI eq "ARM4")
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "t";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $compiler = "THUMB";
+ $compilerargs .= "-mthumb-interwork";
+ $macros .= "__MARM_THUMB__,";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq "ARM4")
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "-march=armv4";
+ unless (&main::PlatABI eq "ARM4")
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= "t";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ABI eq "THUMB")
+ {
+ $compiler = "THUMB";
+ $compilerargs .= "-mthumb-interwork";
+ }
+ if ($VariantFile)
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"PrefixFile"} = &main::Path_Split('File',$VariantFile);
+ }
+ }
+# GCCE BPABI compilation settings #
+ elsif ((($Plat eq "GCCE") || $CustGCCE)) # || $IsPlatCustomization) && ($CW_major_version >= 3))
+ {
+ $compiler = "ARM GCCE";
+ #Change setting CompilerXMLDescriptor is only good for CW 3.0 and greater.
+ $changedsettings{"CompilerXMLDescriptor"} = "ARM GCCE";
+ if ($Bld =~ /REL$/)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= $configdata{"REL_OPTIMISATION"}." ".$configdata{"RUNTIME_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY_OPTION"}.$CCUREL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unless (&main::SrcDbg)
+ {
+ $compilerargs .= $configdata{"DEBUG_OPTIMISATION"}." ".$configdata{"RUNTIME_SYMBOL_VISIBILITY_OPTION"}.$CCUDEB
+ }
+ }
+ $changedsettings{"PrefixFile"} = &main::Path_Split('File',$PrefixFile);
+ }
+# General settings #
+ $macros =~ s/,$//;
+ $compilerargs =~ s/ $//;
+ $changedsettings{"Compiler"} = $compiler; # in CW 3.0, "Compiler" no longer exists. This line has no effect on those versions
+ $changedsettings{"Arguments"} = $compilerargs;
+ # Symbian Linker Panel
+ $changedsettings{"LinkOutputFile"} = $Trg;
+ if ($Plat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE || $ABIV2) {
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianImportLibrary"} = $ExportLibrary.'.dso';
+ }
+ else {
+ $changedsettings{"SymbianImportLibrary"} = $ExportLibrary.'.lib';
+ }
+ # Template defaults for canDebug/canRun are both "true"
+ if ($Bld =~ /REL/)
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"canDebug"} = "false";
+ }
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ if ($TrgType ne "APP" && $TrgType ne "EXE" && $TrgType ne "EXEDLL" && $TrgType ne "EPOCEXE")
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"canDebug"} = "false";
+ $changedsettings{"canRun"} = "false";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"canRun"} = "false";
+ if ($TrgType eq "LIB" || $TrgType eq "KLIB")
+ {
+ $changedsettings{"canDebug"} = "false";
+ }
+ }
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc = $xmlParser->parsefile ($FindBin::Bin."\\$linkDescriptorTemplate");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorCommandParent = $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc->getElementsByTagName("array",1)->item(0);
+ if ($CW_major_version >= 3)
+ {
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorSymbolParent = $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc->getElementsByTagName("array",1)->item(1);
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorDumpFileParent = $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc->getElementsByTagName("array",1)->item(2);
+ }
+ my $linkDescriptorFile = "$BaseTrg$Plat$Bld.cwlink";
+ my $copyCommand = 'perl.exe -S ecopyfile.pl ';
+ my $deleteCommand = 'cmd.exe /C del ';
+ my $tempFilenameRoot = '${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}';
+ if ($CW_major_version < 3)
+ {
+ $tempFilenameRoot = $ExportLibrary;
+ }
+ my $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage = 'Created "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" '.
+ 'from "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def" as EXPORTUNFROZEN specified.';
+# WINSCW library generation and link stage #
+ if ($Plat eq "WINSCW")
+ {
+ # Generate library
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary)
+ {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ my $LibLinkAs = ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io) ? $LinkAs : $Trg;
+ $linkCommand = 'perl.exe -S prepdef.pl "${var:DEF_FILE}" "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = 'mwldsym2.exe "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def" -importlib -o "'.
+ '${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" -addcommand "out:'.$LibLinkAs.'" -warnings off';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((2.8 == $CW_major_version) && (0 == $CW_minor_version))
+ {
+ # For OEM2.8, create a file containing all objects required in the link. This is used in all
+ # calls to mwldsym2 in order to avoid exceeding the Windows command line
+ # length in projects containing a large amount of source files
+ $linkCommand ='cmd.exe /C echo ${var:LINK_OBJS}>"${target.data}\${output.file.root}.lst"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ my $stage1linkflags = "";
+ my $linkflags = "";
+ my $commonLinkFlags = '-msgstyle gcc -stdlib';
+ my $libPath = "epoc32\\release\\winscw\\".lc $Bld;
+ if ($SystemTrg){
+ $commonLinkFlags .=" ${libPath}\\scppnwdl_kern.lib";
+ }
+ else{
+ $commonLinkFlags .=" ${libPath}\\scppnwdl.lib";
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE|DLL)$/o) {
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' ${var:FIRST_LIB} '
+ }
+ foreach my $lib (@Win32LibList)
+ {
+ my $win32lib = $lib;
+ $win32lib = "-l$win32lib" unless ($win32lib =~ /\\/);
+ $commonLinkFlags .= " ". lc $win32lib;
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType =~ /^DLL$/o || $TrgType =~ /^EXEXP$/o)
+ {
+ if ($BaseAddress ne "")
+ {
+ $commonLinkFlags .= " -imagebase $BaseAddress";
+ }
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' -noentry -shared';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType =~ /^EXE$/o)
+ {
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' -m "?_E32Bootstrap@@YGXXZ"';
+ }
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' -subsystem windows';
+ if (&main::HeapSize)
+ {
+ my %HeapSize = &main::HeapSize;
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' -heapreserve='.RoundUp1k($HeapSize{Max}).' -heapcommit='.RoundUp1k($HeapSize{Min});
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType =~ /^(DLL|EXE)$/o)
+ {
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/o)
+ {
+ $commonLinkFlags .= ' -g';
+ }
+ }
+ my $EntrySymbol='';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o)
+ {
+ my $Include="";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o)
+ {
+ $Include="-m __E32Dll";
+ $EntrySymbol='__E32Dll';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $Include="-m __E32Startup";
+ $EntrySymbol='__E32Startup';
+ }
+ $stage1linkflags = $commonLinkFlags.' ${var:LIBS}'.
+ ' -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"'.
+ ' -export dllexport '.
+ $Include.
+ ' -nocompactimportlib'.
+ ' -implib "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"'.
+ ' -addcommand "out:${output.file.name}"'.
+ ' -warnings off';
+ }
+ my $AbsentSubst = "";
+ if ($EntrySymbol)
+ {
+ $AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
+ }
+ $linkflags = $commonLinkFlags.' ${var:LIBS}'.
+ ' -o "${output}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ if ($Bld=~/REL$/o && $BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o)
+ {
+ # Generate map file for release build executables
+ $linkflags .= ' -map "${output}\\${output.file.name}.map"';
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o)
+ {
+ $linkflags .= ' -f "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"';
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $linkflags .= ' -implib "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"'.
+ ' -addcommand "out:${output.file.name}" -warnings off';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkflags .= ' -noimplib ';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkflags .= ' -noimplib ';
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o)
+ {
+ if (($CW_major_version >= 3) ||
+ ((2.8 == $CW_major_version) && ($CW_minor_version >= 1)))
+ {
+ # For OEM2.8.1 onwards, make use of ${var:LINK_OBJS_NO_PATH} in order to reduce link
+ # command line lengths
+ $linkCommand = 'mwldsym2.exe '.$stage1linkflags.' ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} -l "${target.data}\\ObjectCode" -search ${var:LINK_OBJS_NO_PATH}';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkCommand = 'mwldsym2.exe '.$stage1linkflags.' ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} @"${target.data}\${output.file.root}.lst"';
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ my $show_options = 'names,unmangled,verbose';
+ $linkCommand = 'mwldsym2.exe -S -show only,'.$show_options.' -o "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf" "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = 'perl.exe -S makedef.pl '.$AbsentSubst.' -Inffile "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf"';
+ if (-e $DefFile)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -Frzfile "'.$DefFile.'"';
+ }
+ my $Export;
+ my $Ordinal=1;
+ foreach $Export (&main::Exports)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= " -$Ordinal $Export";
+ $Ordinal++;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ $linkCommand = "mwldsym2.exe ";
+ if ($BasicTrgType =~/^LIB$/o)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= '-library ';
+ }
+ if (($CW_major_version >= 3) ||
+ ((2.8 == $CW_major_version) && ($CW_minor_version >= 1)))
+ {
+ # For OEM2.8.1 onwards, make use of ${var:LINK_OBJS_NO_PATH} in order to reduce link
+ # command line lengths
+ $linkCommand .= $linkflags.' ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} -l "${target.data}\\ObjectCode" -search ${var:LINK_OBJS_NO_PATH}';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= $linkflags.'${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} @"${target.data}\${output.file.root}.lst"';
+ }
+ my $warningMessage;
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $warningMessage = $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage;
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType =~/^LIB$/o)
+ {
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef, $warningMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib, $warningMessage);
+ }
+ if (&Winutl_CopyForStaticLinkage)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand.
+ '"${output}\\${output.file.name}" '.
+ '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($RelPath).'${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ }
+ }
+# RVCT library generation and link stage #
+ elsif ($ABIV1 && ($CW_major_version >= 3))
+ {
+ my $InterWorking = ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') ? "" : "--inter";
+ # Generate library
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary)
+ {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = 'perl.exe -S prepdef.pl "${var:DEF_FILE}" "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = 'def2dll.bat --path="${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'\\" --bldpath="${target.data}" --import='.$tempFilenameRoot.' '.
+ '--deffile="${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def" --linkAs='.$LinkAs.' '.$InterWorking;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ if ($ExtraExportLibrary)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand.'"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" '.
+ '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).$ExtraExportLibrary.'.lib"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand,"false", "false");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return if ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io);
+ # Create custom symbols only required in RVCT builds
+ my $implibs_no_path_vtblexport = "";
+ foreach my $lib (@LibList)
+ {
+ $implibs_no_path_vtblexport.="$lib(VtblExports.o) ";
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorSymbol ('${var:IMPLIBS_NO_PATH_VTBLEXPORT}', $implibs_no_path_vtblexport);
+ my $AbsentSubst = '';
+ my $EntrySymbol;
+ my $Link = '';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Dll';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Startup';
+ }
+ if ($EntrySymbol) {
+ $AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
+ }
+ $Link = 'armlink '.$oP.'diag_suppress 6331,6780'.$linkeropts.' ';
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/o)
+ {
+ $Link .= ' '.$oP.'debug';
+ }
+ #------------
+ # Create "via" file containing all link objects in order to reduce link
+ # command line length
+ addLinkDescriptorDumpFile ('${var:LINK_OBJS}', '${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via');
+ if ($BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $Link .' '.$oP.'partial -o ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" '.$oP.'via "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ # Perform link
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ # reorder the .DEF file taking frozen exports into account if there are any
+ $linkCommand = 'perl -S elf2inf.pl -o "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf" "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = 'perl -S makedef.pl '.$AbsentSubst.' -Inf "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf"';
+ if (!$DefFile || $NoExportLibrary) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -ignore_unfrozen_noncallable ';
+ }
+ if (SysTrg()) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -SystemTargetType ';
+ }
+ if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ $linkCommand .= " -Frzfile \"".'${var:DEF_FILE}'."\"";
+ }
+ # freeze ordinals, a maximum of 2, for polymorphic dlls
+ my $Ordinal;
+ my $Num=1;
+ foreach $Ordinal (&main::Exports) {
+ $linkCommand .= " -$Num $Ordinal";
+ $Num++;
+ }
+ $linkCommand.= ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ my $theDefFile = '"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"';
+ $theDefFile = '"${var:DEF_FILE}"' if (-e $DefFile && !&main::ExportUnfrozen);
+ $linkCommand = 'def2dll.bat'.$AbsentSubst.' --path="${target.data}" --bldpath="${target.data}" --export='.$tempFilenameRoot.' --deffile='.$theDefFile.' --linkAs='.$LinkAs.' '.$InterWorking;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+# generate an export object from the ordered .DEF file
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ $linkCommand = 'def2dll.bat --path="${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'\\" --bldpath="${target.data}" --import='.$tempFilenameRoot.
+ ' --deffile="${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def" --linkAs='.$LinkAs.' '.$InterWorking;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef, $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage);
+ }
+ }
+# get rid of any -symbols produced .map file
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${output}\\${output.file.name}.map"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false", undef, undef, undef, undef, (0,1));
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ my $datalinkbase = "0x400000";
+ $datalinkbase = &main::DataLinkAddress if (&main::DataLinkAddress);
+ $linkCommand = "$Link ".$oP.'shl '.$oP.'reloc '.$oP.'split '.$oP."rw-base $datalinkbase ".$oP.'noscanlib '."$PlatOpt{Ld}";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ # get the right object file for the entry point
+ my $ObjFile = "UC_DLL_.o";
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EDEV/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "D_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EKLL/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "L_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EEXT/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "X_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EVAR/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "V_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+# If platform is a customization, take libs from parent directory.
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Dll "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"';
+ if($IsCustomDll)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"';
+ }
+ } elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ # get the right object file for the entry point
+ my $ObjFile = "UC_EXE_.o" ;
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /KC_EXE/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "K_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if($IsPlatCustomization)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Startup "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Startup "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"';
+ }
+ if ($TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"';
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' '.$oP.'symbols '.$oP.'list "${output}\\${output.file.name}.map"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in"';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) { # Add the DLL stub library
+ if($IsPlatCustomization)
+ {
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB'.$RVCTVersion.'.LIB"';
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB.LIB"';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB'.$RVCTVersion.'.LIB"';
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB.LIB"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:LIBS}';
+ my $runtimeLibs = "";
+ my $StaticRTLib = "usrt".$RVCTVersion;
+ # use ksrt for system code and for user ARM code
+ $StaticRTLib = "ksrt".$RVCTVersion if ($SystemTrg);
+ $runtimeLibs .= $StaticRTLib.".lib" unless ($Trg =~ /(U|K)SRT/i || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o));
+ unless ($ArmRT || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o)) {
+ my $TargLib = "$ExportLibrary.lib";
+ $TargLib =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;
+ unless ($SystemTrg) {
+ foreach (@RTLibList) {
+ $runtimeLibs .= " ".$_ unless ($_ =~ /$TargLib/i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@ArmLibList)
+ {
+ $runtimeLibs.= " ".$_;
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorSymbol ('${var:RUNTIME_LIBS}', $runtimeLibs);
+ if($IsPlatCustomization)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --userlibpath "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\\'.$ParentPlat.'\\'.$Bld.'","${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\\'.$ParentPlat.'\LIB" ${var:RUNTIME_LIBS} ${var:IMPLIBS_NO_PATH_VTBLEXPORT}';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addLinkDescriptorSymbol ('${var:RUNTIME_LIBS}', 'usrt'.$RVCTVersion.'.lib dfpaeabi.lib dfprvct'.$RVCTVersion.'.lib dfprvct'.$RVCTVersion.'-thunk.lib drtaeabi.lib drtaeabi.lib(VtblExports.o) drtrvct'.$RVCTVersion.'.lib');
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --userlibpath "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'","${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\LIB" ${var:RUNTIME_LIBS} ${var:IMPLIBS_NO_PATH_VTBLEXPORT}';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ if ($Bld=~/^U?DEB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand. ' "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.root}.sym"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ }
+ $linkCommand = 'elftran -version '. &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version).' -sid '. &main::SecureId();
+ if (&main::CompressTarget) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -nocompress ';
+ }
+ # change - exexps are allowed data, but they look like dlls to elftran....
+ if (&main::AllowDllData || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -allow';
+ }
+ if (not &main::CallDllEntryPoints ) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -nocall';
+ }
+ if (&main::DataLinkAddress) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -datalinkaddress '.&main::DataLinkAddress;
+ }
+ if (&main::FixedProcess) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -fixed';
+ }
+ if (&main::HeapSize) {
+ my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
+ $linkCommand.=' -heap '.$HeapSize{Min}.' '.$HeapSize{Max};
+ }
+ if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -priority '.&main::ProcessPriority;
+ }
+ if (&main::StackSize) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -stack '.&main::StackSize;
+ }
+ my $i=1;
+ foreach (@UidList) {
+ $linkCommand.=" -uid$i $_";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if(&main::VendorId) {
+ $linkCommand.=' -vid '.&main::VendorId;
+ }
+ $linkCommand.=' -fpu '.$floatingpointmodel;
+ $linkCommand.=' -capability '.&main::Capability. ' "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false");
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'armar '.$oP.'create "${output}\\${output.file.name}" '.$oP.'via "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via"'.' '.$archiveropts;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+# BPABI library generation and link stage #
+# Assumes use of RVCT 2.2 #
+ elsif ($ABIV2 && ($CW_major_version >= 3.1)) {
+ # prolly don't need this...
+ my $InterWorking = ($ABI eq 'ARMV4') ? "" : "--inter";
+ return if ($BasicTrgType=~/^IMPLIB$/io);
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'armar --create ${output}\\${output.file.name} ${var:LINK_OBJS} ${var:LIBS}'.' '.$archiveropts;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $AbsentSubst = '';
+ my $EntrySymbol;
+ my $Link = '';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Dll';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Startup';
+ }
+ if ($EntrySymbol) {
+ $AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
+ }
+ $Link = 'armlink '.$oP.'diag_suppress 6331,6780'.$linkeropts.' ';
+ if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/o)
+ {
+ $Link .= ' '.$oP.'debug';
+ }
+ #------------
+ # Create "via" file containing all link objects in order to reduce link
+ # command line length
+ addLinkDescriptorDumpFile ('${var:LINK_OBJS}', '${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via');
+ if ($BasicTrgType!~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $Link .' '.$oP.'partial -o ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" '.$oP.'via "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via"';
+ }
+# get rid of any -symbols produced .map file
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${output}\\${output.file.name}.map"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false", undef, undef, undef, undef, (0,1));
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ my $datalinkbase = "0x400000";
+ my $librarylist;
+ my $expr;
+ @ToolChainLibList = &GetLibList;
+ foreach $expr (@ToolChainLibList) {
+ $librarylist .= $expr.' ';
+ }
+ $datalinkbase = &main::DataLinkAddress if (&main::DataLinkAddress);
+ $linkCommand = "$Link ".$oP.'bpabi '.$oP.'reloc '.$oP.'split '.$oP.'no_scanlib '.$oP.'datacompressor=off '.$oP."rw-base $datalinkbase "."$PlatOpt{Ld}";
+ $linkCommand .= ' --dll --symver_soname --soname '.$LinkAs.' ';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ # get the right object file for the entry point
+ my $ObjFile = "UC_DLL_.o";
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EDEV/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "D_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EKLL/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "L_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EEXT/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "X_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /EVAR/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "V_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+# If platform is a customization, take libs from parent directory.
+ if($IsCustomDll)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Dll "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"'.
+ ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # ARMV5 hardcoded here...
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Dll "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"';
+ }
+ } elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
+ # get the right object file for the entry point
+ my $ObjFile = "UC_EXE_.o" ;
+ if ($FirstLib =~ /KC_EXE/i) {
+ $ObjFile = "K_ENTRY_.o";
+ }
+ # Should this use $ParentPlat rather than hardcoded ARMV5 dir?
+ $linkCommand .= $oP.'entry _E32Startup "'.$FirstLib.'('.$ObjFile.')"';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) { # Add the DLL stub library
+ if($IsPlatCustomization)
+ {
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\\'.$ParentPlat.'\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB'.$RVCTVersion.'.LIB"';
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\\'.$ParentPlat.'\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB.LIB"';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($RVCTMajorVersion == 2 && $RVCTMinorVersion < 2) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB'.$RVCTVersion.'.LIB"';
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'\EDLLSTUB.LIB"';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:LIBS}';
+ my $runtimeLibs = "";
+ my $StaticRTLib = "usrt".$RVCTVersion;
+ # use ksrt for system code and for user ARM code
+ $StaticRTLib = "ksrt".$RVCTVersion if ($SystemTrg);
+ $runtimeLibs .= $StaticRTLib.".lib" unless ($Trg =~ /(U|K)SRT/i || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o));
+ unless ($ArmRT || ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o)) {
+ my $TargLib = "$ExportLibrary.lib";
+ $TargLib =~ s/\{(\d|a|b|c|d|e|f){8}\}//i;
+ unless ($SystemTrg) {
+ foreach (@RTLibList) {
+ $runtimeLibs .= " ".$_ unless ($_ =~ /$TargLib/i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@ArmLibList)
+ {
+ $runtimeLibs.= " ".$_;
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorSymbol ('${var:RUNTIME_LIBS}', $runtimeLibs);
+ $linkCommand .= ' --userlibpath "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\\'.$Bld.'","${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\RELEASE\ARMV5\LIB" '.$oP.'via "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}_'.$Bld.'_objects.via" ${var:RUNTIME_LIBS} '.$librarylist.' ';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ }
+ #### Create the .sym file
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.root}.sym"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ #### copy the project .def file for prep
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary)
+ {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${var:DEF_FILE}" "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.prep.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ # Section needs to be generic for BPABI (e.g. GCCE & ARMV5_ABIV2)
+ $linkCommand = '${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\epoc32\\tools\\elf2e32.exe ';
+ # Change - exexps are allowed data, but they look like dlls to elftran....
+ if (&main::AllowDllData || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --dlldata';
+ }
+ if (&main::DataLinkAddress) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --datalinkaddress=',&main::DataLinkAddress;
+ }
+ if (&main::FixedProcess) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --fixedaddress';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --sid='.&main::SecureId();
+ $linkCommand .= ' --version='. &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version);
+ if (&main::HeapSize) {
+ my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
+ $linkCommand.=' --heap '.$HeapSize{Min} .','.$HeapSize{Max};
+ }
+ if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --priority='.&main::ProcessPriority;
+ }
+ if (&main::StackSize) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --stack='.&main::StackSize;
+ }
+ my $i=1;
+ foreach (@UidList) {
+ $linkCommand .= " --uid$i=$_";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if (&main::VendorId) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --vid='.&main::VendorId;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --capability='.&main::Capability;
+ # ARMFPU only currently supported for RVCT BPABI builds
+ if (&main::ARMFPU && (&main::ARMFPU =~ /^VFPV2$/i)) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --fpu=vfpv2'
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --fpu=softvfp'
+ }
+ if(($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL/ && $TrgType!~/^DLL/ ) || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP/) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --targettype='.$TrgType;
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --targettype='.$BasicTrgType;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --output="${output}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ my $warningMessage;
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --definput="${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.prep.def"';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --dso=';
+ $linkCommand .= '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' --defoutput=';
+ $linkCommand .= '"${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def"';
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ $warningMessage = $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage;
+ $linkCommand .= ' --unfrozen';
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --elfinput="${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' --linkas='.$LinkAs;
+ #Change - LIB path is hardcoded here...
+ $linkCommand .= ' --libpath="${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB"';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o && $TrgType!~/^DLL/){
+ my $Export;
+ my $Ordinal=1;
+ foreach $Export (&main::Exports)
+ {
+ if ($Ordinal eq 1) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --sysdef=';
+ }
+ elsif ($Ordinal ne 1) {
+ $linkCommand .= ';';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= "$Export,".$Ordinal;
+ $Ordinal++;
+ }
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef, $warningMessage);
+ }
+ # copy def file output
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def" "${Project}\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand($linkCommand);
+ }
+ # copy the import lib (dso) created
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy ${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY} ${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${output.file.root}.dso';
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand($linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+# GCC library generation and link stage #
+ elsif ($Plat eq "ARM4")
+ {
+ # Generate library
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary)
+ {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = 'perl.exe -S prepdef.pl "${var:DEF_FILE}" "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ $linkCommand = "$Dlltool $PlatOpt{Dlltool}".' --output-lib "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" --def "'.
+ '${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def" --dllname "'.$LinkAs.'"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ if ($ExtraExportLibrary)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand.'"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" '.
+ '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).$ExtraExportLibrary.'.lib"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand,"false", "false");
+ }
+ foreach (@CompatibleABIs)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = "$Dlltool $ABIDlltool{$_}".' --output-lib "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($ABILibPath{$_}).'UREL\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" --def "'.
+ '${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.prep.def" --dllname "'.$LinkAs.'"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ if ($ExtraExportLibrary)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand.'"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($ABILibPath{$_}).'UREL\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}" '.
+ '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($ABILibPath{$_}).'UREL\\'.$ExtraExportLibrary.'.lib"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand,"false", "false");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #------------
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false", undef, undef, undef, undef, (0,1));
+ $linkCommand = 'ar.exe cr "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" ${var:LINK_OBJS}';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ # Perform Link
+ # Establish the entry point symbol
+ my $EntrySymbol;
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Dll';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ $EntrySymbol = '_E32Startup';
+ }
+ my $AbsentSubst = '';
+ if ($EntrySymbol) {
+ $AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ # generate a .DEF file from the objects and static libraries
+ $linkCommand = "$Dlltool $PlatOpt{Dlltool} --output-def ".'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf" "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in"';
+ foreach (@StatLibList) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($StatLinkPath).$_.'"';
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ # reorder the .DEF file taking frozen exports into account if there are any
+ # call perl on the script here so nmake will die if there are errors - this doesn't happen if calling perl in a batch file
+ $linkCommand = 'perl.exe -S makedef.pl -Deffile "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf" '.$AbsentSubst;
+ if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
+ $linkCommand .= " -Frzfile \"".'${var:DEF_FILE}'."\"";
+ }
+ # freeze ordinals, a maximum of 2, for polymorphic dlls
+ my $Ordinal;
+ my $Num=1;
+ foreach $Ordinal (&main::Exports) {
+ $linkCommand .= " -$Num $Ordinal";
+ $Num++;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ # delete the unordered definition file
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.inf"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ # generate an export object from the ordered .DEF file
+ $linkCommand = "$Dlltool $PlatOpt{Dlltool} --def".' "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def"'.
+ ' --output-exp "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"'.
+ " --dllname \"$LinkAs\"";
+ my $warningMessage;
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ $warningMessage = $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage;
+ $linkCommand .= ' --output-lib "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($LibPath).'${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"';
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef, $warningMessage);
+ }
+ # call ld to do base relocations (and dll exports)
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ $linkCommand = "$Link $PlatOpt{Ld} -s";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= " $PlatOpt{Entry} $EntrySymbol -u $EntrySymbol ".'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp" --dll ';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= " $PlatOpt{Entry} $EntrySymbol -u $EntrySymbol ";
+ }
+ # --whole-archive is required here apparently because of a defect in the gcc toolchain
+ # the flag can probably be removed with a later version of gcc
+ $linkCommand .= '--base-file "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.bas" -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" '.
+ '${var:FIRST_LIB} --whole-archive "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" '.
+ "--no-whole-archive";
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS} ${var:LIBS}';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ # delete temporary files
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false", undef, undef, undef, undef, (0,1));
+ }
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ # call dlltool to do base relocations (and dll exports)
+ $linkCommand = "$Dlltool $PlatOpt{Dlltool} ";
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= '--def "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.def" '.
+ "--dllname \"$LinkAs\" ";
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= '--base-file "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.bas" '.
+ '--output-exp "${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp" ';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ # delete temporary files
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.bas"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ # call ld to link the target
+ $linkCommand = "$Link $PlatOpt{Ld}";
+ if ($Bld=~/^U?REL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= " -s";
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= " $PlatOpt{Entry} $EntrySymbol -u $EntrySymbol --dll ";
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= " $PlatOpt{Entry} $EntrySymbol -u $EntrySymbol ";
+ }
+ # --whole-archive is required here apparently because of a defect in the gcc toolchain
+ # the flag can probably be removed with a later version of gcc
+ $linkCommand .= '"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp" '.
+ '-Map "${output}\\${output.file.name}.map" -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" '.
+ '${var:FIRST_LIB} --whole-archive "${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" '.
+ "--no-whole-archive";
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:LIBS}';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef);
+ }
+ else {
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ }
+ # delete temporary files
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\'.$tempFilenameRoot.'.exp"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $Objcopy.' -X "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.root}.sym"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ $linkCommand = "petran.exe $PlatOpt{Petran} -version ". &Genutl_VersionToUserString(%Version). " -sid ". &main::SecureId(). ' "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.name}" ';
+ if (&main::CompressTarget) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -nocompress';
+ }
+ if (&main::AllowDllData) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -allow';
+ }
+ if (not &main::CallDllEntryPoints) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -nocall';
+ }
+ if (&main::DataLinkAddress) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -datalinkaddress '.&main::DataLinkAddress;
+ }
+ if (&main::FixedProcess) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -fixed';
+ }
+ if (&main::HeapSize) {
+ my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
+ $linkCommand .= ' -heap '.$HeapSize{Min}.' '.$HeapSize{Max};
+ }
+ if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -priority '.&main::ProcessPriority;
+ }
+ if (&main::StackSize) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -stack '.&main::StackSize;
+ }
+ my $i=1;
+ foreach (@UidList) {
+ $linkCommand .= " -uid$i $_";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' -capability '.&main::Capability;
+ if (&main::VendorId) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -vid '.&main::VendorId;
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false");
+ $linkCommand = $deleteCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, "false", "false");
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = $copyCommand.'"${target.data}\\${output.file.root}.in" "${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}'.kitRelativePath($StatLinkPath).'${output.file.name}"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand,"false", "false");
+ }
+ }
+# GCCE library generation and link stage #
+# GCCE only supported for CW 3.1 and greater #
+ elsif ($Plat eq "GCCE" || $CustGCCE)
+ {
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'ar cr ${output}\\${output.file.name} ${var:LINK_OBJS} ${var:LIBS}';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'arm-none-symbianelf-ld';
+ my $GCCE_LibGCCPath = ' -L';
+ $GCCE_LibGCCPath .= '"'.GetGCCELibPath("-print-file-name=libsupc++.a").'"';
+ $GCCE_LibGCCPath .= ' -L';
+ $GCCE_LibGCCPath .= '"'.GetGCCELibPath("-print-libgcc-file-name").'"';
+ $linkCommand .= $GCCE_LibGCCPath;
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:COMMON_LINK_FLAGS}';
+ $linkCommand .= ' --target1-abs --no-undefined -nostdlib -Ttext 0x8000 -Tdata 0x400000';
+ $linkCommand .= ' -shared --default-symver -soname '.$LinkAs." ";
+ if ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' -Map "${output}\\${output.file.name}.map"';
+ }
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --entry _E32Dll -u _E32Dll';
+ }
+ elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o)
+ {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --entry _E32Startup -u _E32Startup';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' ${var:FIRST_LIB}';
+ $linkCommand .= ' -o "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" ${var:LINK_OBJS} ${var:LIBS}';
+ $linkCommand .= ' -lsupc++ -lgcc'.' '.$linkeropts;
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, $FirstLib);
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${target.data}\\${output.file.name}" "${output}\\${output.file.root}.sym"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ # copy the project .def file for prep
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary)
+ {
+ unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen)
+ {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${var:DEF_FILE}" "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.prep.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand = '${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\epoc32\\tools\\elf2e32.exe ';
+ # Change - exexps are allowed data, but they look like dlls to elftran....
+ if (&main::AllowDllData || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --dlldata';
+ }
+ if (&main::DataLinkAddress) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --datalinkaddress=',&main::DataLinkAddress;
+ }
+ if (&main::FixedProcess) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --fixedaddress';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --sid='.&main::SecureId();
+ if (&main::HeapSize) {
+ my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
+ $linkCommand.=' --heap '.$HeapSize{Min} .','.$HeapSize{Max};
+ }
+ if (&main::ProcessPriority) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --priority='.&main::ProcessPriority;
+ }
+ if (&main::StackSize) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --stack='.&main::StackSize;
+ }
+ my $i=1;
+ foreach (@UidList) {
+ $linkCommand .= " --uid$i=$_";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if (&main::VendorId) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --vid='.&main::VendorId;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --capability='.&main::Capability;
+ if(($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL/ && $TrgType!~/^DLL/ ) || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP/) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --targettype='.$TrgType;
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --targettype='.$BasicTrgType;
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --output="${output}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ my $warningMessage;
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --definput="${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.prep.def"';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --dso=';
+ $linkCommand .= '"${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY}"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' --defoutput=';
+ $linkCommand .= '"${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def"';
+ if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
+ $warningMessage = $exportUnfrozenWarningMessage;
+ $linkCommand .= ' --unfrozen';
+ }
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= ' --elfinput="${target.data}\\${output.file.name}"';
+ $linkCommand .= ' --linkas='.$LinkAs;
+ #Change - LIB path is hardcoded here...
+ $linkCommand .= ' --libpath="${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB"';
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o && $TrgType!~/^DLL/){
+ my $Export;
+ my $Ordinal=1;
+ foreach $Export (&main::Exports)
+ {
+ if ($Ordinal eq 1) {
+ $linkCommand .= ' --sysdef=';
+ }
+ elsif ($Ordinal ne 1) {
+ $linkCommand .= ';';
+ }
+ $linkCommand .= "$Export,".$Ordinal;
+ $Ordinal++;
+ }
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand ($linkCommand, undef, undef, undef, undef, $warningMessage);
+ } # end...elsif if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)/o)
+ # copy def file output
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy "${target.data}\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def" "${Project}\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY_NO_EXT}.def"';
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand($linkCommand);
+ }
+ # copy the import lib (dso) created
+ if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEDLL$/o) {
+ if ($DefFile and !$NoExportLibrary) {
+ $linkCommand = 'cmd.exe /C copy ${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${var:IMPORT_LIBRARY} ${var:KIT_EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\RELEASE\\ARMV5\\LIB\\${output.file.root}.dso';
+ }
+ addLinkDescriptorCommand($linkCommand);
+ }
+ } # end GCCE link stage... elsif ($Plat eq "GCCE")
+ if ($addHeaders)
+ {
+ # Ideally we would do this for all targets, both UREL and UDEB. This would,
+ # however, be very slow - so we just do it for the first target we come to.
+ my $cpp = &PreprocessorToUseExe();
+ my $cppCommandLine = "$cpp.EXE -M -MG -nostdinc ";
+ my $preInclude = "";
+ if (($Plat eq "ARMV5" || $Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2" || $Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV1" || $Plat eq "GCCE" || $IsPlatCustomization) && $PrefixFile)
+ {
+ $preInclude = $PrefixFile;
+ $preInclude =~ s/^.*://;
+ }
+ elsif($VariantFile)
+ {
+ $preInclude = $VariantFile;
+ }
+ $cppCommandLine .= '-include '.Path_RltToWork($preInclude).' ' if $preInclude;
+ foreach (&main::UserIncPaths, &main::SysIncPaths)
+ {
+ $cppCommandLine .= '-I '.&Path_Chop(&Path_RltToWork($_)).' ';
+ }
+ foreach (@MacroList)
+ {
+ #ARMCC requires escaped '"', but CPP doesn't like them
+ s/\\\"/\"/g if /^__PRODUCT_INCLUDE__/;
+ $cppCommandLine .= '-D'.$_.' ';
+ }
+ my $SourceStructRef=&main::SourceStructRef;
+ my %localIncludes;
+ foreach my $SourceRef (@$SourceStructRef)
+ {
+ $file = Path_RltToWork(($$SourceRef{SrcPath}.$$SourceRef{CurFile}));
+ # ensure the case of the extension is what GCC expects
+ $file =~ s/\.CPP$/.cpp/i;
+ $file =~ s/\.C$/.c/i;
+ $file =~ s/\.s$/.S/i;
+ open CPPPIPE,$cppCommandLine.$file." |" or die "ERROR: Can't invoke CPP.EXE\n";
+ while (<CPPPIPE>)
+ {
+ #convert any Unix slashes found in CPP output to DOS slashes
+ s/\//\\/g;
+ while (/\.(\.\\|\\){1}\S+\.(hrh|h|inl){1}/gi)
+ {
+ my $file = $&;
+ my $filePath = &main::Path_Split('Path',$file);
+ # Ignore files that are clearly not local to the project
+ next if ($filePath =~ /\\epoc32\\/i);
+ # Ignore files that are #included with intermediate directories -
+ # we can't guarantee these will be on an Access Path.
+ next if ($filePath =~ /\w+\\\.\./);
+ # Finally confirm that the file we have is definitely on an Access Path
+ my $presentOnAccessPath = 0;
+ foreach my $accessPath (&main::UserIncPaths, &main::SysIncPaths)
+ {
+ my $accessPathCompare = $accessPath;
+ $accessPathCompare =~ s/\\/_/g;
+ my $filePathCompare = $filePath;
+ $filePathCompare =~ s/(\.\\|\.\.\\)//g;
+ $filePathCompare =~ s/\\/_/g;
+ $presentOnAccessPath = 1 if ($accessPathCompare =~ /$filePathCompare$/i);
+ }
+ next if (!$presentOnAccessPath);
+ # Maintain availability of original case of filename using a lc keyed hash
+ my $localInclude = &main::Path_Split('Base',$file).&main::Path_Split('Ext',$file);
+ $localIncludes{lc ($localInclude)} = $localInclude unless (!-e $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $localInclude (sort keys %localIncludes)
+ {
+ addFile($localIncludes{$localInclude}, "Text", 0, "", "Headers");
+ }
+ $addHeaders = 0;
+ }
+ # Add DOCUMENT specified files that we know we can add - we only add these for one target,
+ # as they should be identical through-out
+ if ($addDocuments)
+ {
+ foreach my $document (@DocList)
+ {
+ # Only add files as Documents if they haven't already been added to
+ # the target (it's not possible to have duplicate entries) and if they
+ # have an extension we know about.
+ next if (grep (/$document/i, @addedFiles));
+ my $extension = $document;
+ $extension =~ s/^.*\.//;
+ next if (!grep (/$extension/i, @compatibleDOCUMENTExtensions));
+ addFile($document, "Text", "", "", "Documents");
+ }
+ $addDocuments = 0;
+ }
+ # Create the link descriptor file
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorCommandParent->addText("\n\t\t\t");
+ if ($CW_major_version >= 3)
+ {
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorDumpFileParent->addText("\n\t\t\t");
+ }
+ &main::CreateExtraFile("${ExtraFilesPath}$linkDescriptorFile", $xmlLinkDescriptorDoc->toString);
+ addFile($linkDescriptorFile, "Text", "", "", "Link");
+ # Apply the changed settings
+ my $settinglist = $xmlTarget->getElementsByTagName("SETTINGLIST",0)->item(0);
+ my @settingnodes = $settinglist->getElementsByTagName("SETTING",0);
+ foreach my $setting (@settingnodes)
+ {
+ my $element = $setting->getElementsByTagName("NAME",0)->item(0);
+ my $settingname = $element->getFirstChild->getData();
+ my $replacement = $changedsettings{$settingname};
+ if (defined $replacement)
+ {
+ if ($replacement eq "{}")
+ {
+ if ($settingname eq "UserSearchPaths")
+ {
+ &addUserSearchPaths($setting);
+ }
+ elsif ($settingname eq "SystemSearchPaths")
+ {
+ &addSystemSearchPaths($setting);
+ }
+ elsif ($settingname eq "UserSourceTrees")
+ {
+ &addSourceTrees($setting);
+ }
+ elsif ($settingname eq "FileList")
+ {
+ &addDownloadFileList($setting, @ResourceDownloadList);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($replacement =~ /^{(.+)}(.+)$/)
+ {
+ &changePathSetting($setting,$1,$2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &changeValue($setting,$replacement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub addLinkDescriptorCommand($$;$;$;$;$;$;$;) {
+ my ($linkCommand, $parseStdOut, $parseStdErr, $outputParser, $firstLibProcessing,
+ $linkWarning, $linkInformation, @successCodes) = @_;
+ my $structIndent = "\n\t\t\t\t";
+ my $settingIndent = "$structIndent\t";
+ my $simpleIndent = "$settingIndent\t";
+ my $successCodeArrayIndent = $simpleIndent;
+ my $successCodeSimpleIndent = "$successCodeArrayIndent\t";
+ my $structElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"struct");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorCommandParent->addText("$structIndent");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorCommandParent->appendChild ($structElement);
+ my $settingElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"setting");
+ $settingElementTemplate->setAttribute("uuid-alias", ".");
+ my $simpleElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"simple");
+ my $settingElement;
+ my $simpleElement;
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute ("entry", "linkCommand");
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $simpleElement->addText ($linkCommand);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ if (defined $parseStdOut)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "parseStdOut");
+ $simpleElement->addText($parseStdOut);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (defined $parseStdErr)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "parseStdErr");
+ $simpleElement->addText($parseStdErr);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (defined $outputParser)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "outputParser");
+ $simpleElement->addText($outputParser);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (defined $firstLibProcessing)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "firstLibProcessing");
+ $simpleElement->addText($firstLibProcessing);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (defined $linkWarning)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "linkWarning");
+ $simpleElement->addText($linkWarning);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (defined $linkInformation)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "linkInformation");
+ $simpleElement->addText($linkInformation);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ $settingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ }
+ if (@successCodes)
+ {
+ $settingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $settingElement->setAttribute("entry", "successCodes");
+ my $arrayElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"array");
+ $arrayElement->setAttribute("inheritance", "none");
+ foreach my $successCode (@successCodes)
+ {
+ $simpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $simpleElement->addText($successCode);
+ $arrayElement->addText ($successCodeSimpleIndent);
+ $arrayElement->appendChild ($simpleElement);
+ }
+ $arrayElement->addText ($successCodeArrayIndent);
+ $settingElement->addText ($successCodeArrayIndent);
+ $settingElement->appendChild ($arrayElement);
+ $settingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($settingElement);
+ }
+ $structElement->addText($structIndent);
+sub addLinkDescriptorSymbol ($$) {
+ my ($symbolName, $symbolValue) = @_;
+ my $structIndent = "\n\t\t\t\t";
+ my $settingIndent = "$structIndent\t";
+ my $simpleIndent = "$settingIndent\t";
+ my $structElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"struct");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorSymbolParent->addText("$structIndent");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorSymbolParent->appendChild ($structElement);
+ my $settingElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"setting");
+ $settingElementTemplate->setAttribute("uuid-alias", ".");
+ my $simpleElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"simple");
+ my $symbolNameSettingElement;
+ my $symbolNameSimpleElement;
+ my $symbolValueSettingElement;
+ my $symbolValueSimpleElement;
+ $symbolNameSettingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $symbolNameSimpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $symbolValueSettingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $symbolValueSimpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $symbolNameSettingElement->setAttribute("entry", "symbolName");
+ $symbolNameSimpleElement->addText ($symbolName);
+ $symbolValueSettingElement->setAttribute("entry", "symbolValue");
+ $symbolValueSimpleElement->addText ($symbolValue);
+ $symbolNameSettingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $symbolNameSettingElement->appendChild ($symbolNameSimpleElement);
+ $symbolNameSettingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ $symbolValueSettingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $symbolValueSettingElement->appendChild ($symbolValueSimpleElement);
+ $symbolValueSettingElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($symbolNameSettingElement);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($symbolValueSettingElement);
+ $structElement->addText ($structIndent);
+ }
+sub addLinkDescriptorDumpFile ($$) {
+ my ($dumpFileContent, $dumpFileName) = @_;
+ my $structIndent = "\n\t\t\t\t";
+ my $settingIndent = "$structIndent\t";
+ my $simpleIndent = "$settingIndent\t";
+ my $structElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"struct");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorDumpFileParent->addText("$structIndent");
+ $xmlLinkDescriptorDumpFileParent->appendChild ($structElement);
+ my $settingElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"setting");
+ $settingElementTemplate->setAttribute("uuid-alias", ".");
+ my $simpleElementTemplate = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlLinkDescriptorDoc,"simple");
+ my $dumpFileContentSettingElement;
+ my $dumpFileContentSimpleElement;
+ my $dumpFileNameSettingElement;
+ my $dumpFileNameSimpleElement;
+ $dumpFileContentSettingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $dumpFileContentSimpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $dumpFileNameSettingElement = $settingElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $dumpFileNameSimpleElement = $simpleElementTemplate->cloneNode(0);
+ $dumpFileContentSettingElement->setAttribute("entry", "dumpFileContent");
+ $dumpFileContentSimpleElement->addText ($dumpFileContent);
+ $dumpFileNameSettingElement->setAttribute("entry", "dumpFileName");
+ $dumpFileNameSimpleElement->addText ($dumpFileName);
+ $dumpFileContentSettingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $dumpFileContentSettingElement->appendChild ($dumpFileContentSimpleElement);
+ $dumpFileContentSettingElement->addText($settingIndent);
+ $dumpFileNameSettingElement->addText ($simpleIndent);
+ $dumpFileNameSettingElement->appendChild ($dumpFileNameSimpleElement);
+ $dumpFileNameSettingElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($dumpFileContentSettingElement);
+ $structElement->addText ($settingIndent);
+ $structElement->appendChild ($dumpFileNameSettingElement);
+ $structElement->addText ($structIndent);
+ }
+sub ExtraPlat($) {
+# Call PmBld again after reprocessing the MMP file and tweaking various main:: variables
+ my ($Plat) = @_;
+ &main::SetVarsFromMmp($Plat);
+ &main::InitLinkPaths();
+ foreach (&main::BldList) {
+ &main::SetCurBld($_);
+ &PMPlatProcessMmp(&main::PlatTxt2D);
+ &PMStartBldList;
+ &PMBld;
+ }
+sub disconnectNode($) {
+# Remove a node from its parent, also removing the following text node (if any)
+# The text node is assumed to contain whitespace for file formatting.
+ my ($node)=@_;
+ my $parent = $node->getParentNode;
+ my $sibling = $node->getNextSibling;
+ $parent->removeChild($node);
+ if (defined $sibling && $sibling->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE)
+ {
+ $parent->removeChild($sibling);
+ }
+ return $node;
+sub removeNode($) {
+# disconnect the node and dispose of it
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ &disconnectNode($node);
+ $node->dispose; # setAttribute("disposed",1);
+sub textElement($$$$) {
+ my ($element,$name,$value,$insertionpoint)=@_;
+ my $subElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,$name);
+ $subElement->appendChild($xmlProjectDoc->createTextNode($value));
+ $element->insertBefore($subElement, $insertionpoint);
+sub addFile($$$$;$) {
+ my ($src, $kind, $debug, $shared, $group) = @_;
+ my $linkElement = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"FILEREF");
+ &textElement($linkElement, "PATHTYPE", "Name");
+ &textElement($linkElement, "PATH", $src);
+ &textElement($linkElement, "PATHFORMAT", "Windows");
+ my $fileElement = $linkElement->cloneNode(1);
+ $fileElement->setTagName("FILE");
+ &textElement($fileElement, "FILEKIND", $kind);
+ &textElement($fileElement, "FILEFLAGS", "Debug") if ($debug);
+ $xmlLinkOrder->appendChild($linkElement);
+ $xmlFileList->appendChild($fileElement);
+ $xmlLinkOrder->addText("\n");
+ $xmlFileList->addText("\n");
+ # Accumulate source group information
+ my $groupfile = $linkElement->cloneNode(1);
+ $groupfile->setAttribute("NAME", "$shared$src"); # convenience - remove this later!
+ push (@addedFiles, $src) unless ($kind eq "Documents");
+ if ($kind eq "Library")
+ {
+ $xmlLibGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlLibGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ elsif (defined $group)
+ {
+ if ($group eq "Link")
+ {
+ $xmlLinkGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlLinkGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($group eq "Resources")
+ {
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($group eq "Root")
+ {
+ $xmlRootGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlRootGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($group eq "Headers")
+ {
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($group eq "Documents")
+ {
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $xmlSourceGroup->appendChild($groupfile);
+ $xmlSourceGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+sub addGroup($$) {
+ my ($grouplist,$name)=@_;
+ my $group = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"GROUP");
+ $grouplist->appendChild($group);
+ $grouplist->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($group, "NAME", $name);
+ $group->addText("\n");
+ return $group;
+sub addSubTarget($$) {
+ my ($subtargetlist,$name)=@_;
+ my $subtarget = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SUBTARGET");
+ $subtargetlist->appendChild($subtarget);
+ $subtargetlist->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($subtarget, "TARGETNAME", $name);
+sub addOrderedTarget($$) {
+ my ($targetorder,$name)=@_;
+ my $orderedtarget = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"ORDEREDTARGET");
+ $targetorder->appendChild($orderedtarget);
+ $targetorder->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($orderedtarget, "NAME", $name);
+sub finaliseProject {
+ # Run through the project, removing all unused targets
+ # and build up the TARGETORDER list and the "Build All" target
+ my $target;
+ my $targetname;
+ my $xmlSubTargetList = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SUBTARGETLIST");
+ my $xmlTargetOrder = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"TARGETORDER");
+ $xmlTargetOrder->addText("\n");
+ my @targets = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("TARGET",1);
+ my @emulatortargetnames;
+ my @othertargetnames;
+ foreach $target (@targets)
+ {
+ $targetname = $target->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if ($targetname eq "")
+ {
+ &removeNode($target);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $target->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ if ($targetname =~ /^WINSCW/)
+ {
+ push (@emulatortargetnames, $targetname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push (@othertargetnames, $targetname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $targetname ((sort @emulatortargetnames), (sort @othertargetnames))
+ {
+ &addSubTarget($xmlSubTargetList, $targetname);
+ &addOrderedTarget($xmlTargetOrder, $targetname);
+ }
+ # Build the GROUPLIST
+ my $xmlGroupList = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"GROUPLIST");
+ # Build the "Root" group
+ my %rootfiles;
+ my @rootgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("ROOTGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@rootgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $rootfiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $rootfiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlGroupList->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlGroupList->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Source" group
+ my $xmlSourceGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList,"Source");
+ my %sourcefiles;
+ my @sourcegroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("SOURCEGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@sourcegroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $sourcefiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $sourcefiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlSourceGroup->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlSourceGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Headers" group
+ my $xmlHeadersGroup;
+ my %headerfiles;
+ my @headersgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("HEADERSGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@headersgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ # Only create the "Headers" group if there are some files to add to it
+ if (!defined $xmlHeadersGroup)
+ {
+ $xmlHeadersGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList,"Headers");
+ }
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $headerfiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $headerfiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlHeadersGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Resources" group
+ my $xmlResourcesGroup;
+ my %resourcesfiles;
+ my @resourcesgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("RESOURCESGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@resourcesgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ # Only create the main "Resources" groups if there are some files to add
+ # to them
+ if (!defined $xmlResourcesGroup)
+ {
+ $xmlResourcesGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList,"Resources");
+ }
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $resourcesfiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $resourcesfiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlResourcesGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Link" group
+ my $xmlLinkGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList,"Link");
+ my %linkfiles;
+ my @linkgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("LINKGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@linkgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $linkfiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $linkfiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlLinkGroup->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlLinkGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Documents" group
+ my $xmlDocumentsGroup;
+ my %documentfiles;
+ my @documentgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("DOCUMENTSGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@documentgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ # Only create the "Documents" group if there are some files to add to it
+ if (!defined $xmlDocumentsGroup)
+ {
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList,"Documents");
+ }
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $documentfiles{$name})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $documentfiles{$name}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->appendChild($file);
+ $xmlDocumentsGroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Build the "Lib" group and its subgroups
+ my $xmlLibGroup = &addGroup($xmlGroupList, "Libraries");
+ my %libplats;
+ my @libgroups = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("LIBGROUP",1);
+ foreach my $group (@libgroups)
+ {
+ $targetname = $group->getAttribute("TARGET");
+ my $plat = $group->getAttribute("PLAT");
+ if (!defined $libplats{$plat})
+ {
+ $libplats{$plat} = &addGroup($xmlLibGroup, $plat);
+ }
+ my $platgroup = $libplats{$plat};
+ my @files = $group->getElementsByTagName("FILEREF",0);
+ foreach my $file (@files)
+ {
+ my $name = $file->getAttribute("NAME");
+ if (!defined $sourcefiles{"$plat\\$name"})
+ {
+ # first occurrence - add to list
+ $sourcefiles{"$plat\\$name"}=1;
+ &textElement($file, "TARGETNAME", $targetname, $file->getFirstChild);
+ $file->removeAttribute("NAME");
+ &disconnectNode($file);
+ $platgroup->appendChild($file);
+ $platgroup->addText("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ &removeNode($group);
+ }
+ # Replace the GROUPLIST & TARGETORDER in the template document
+ my $node = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("GROUPLIST",1)->item(0);
+ $node->getParentNode->replaceChild($xmlGroupList, $node);
+ $node = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("TARGETORDER",1)->item(0);
+ $node->getParentNode->replaceChild($xmlTargetOrder, $node);
+ # Insert the "Build All" target
+ my $xmlBuildAll = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"TARGET");
+ $xmlBuildAll->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($xmlBuildAll, "NAME", "Build All");
+ my $settinglist = new XML::DOM::Element($xmlProjectDoc,"SETTINGLIST");
+ &textSetting($settinglist, "Linker", "None");
+ &textSetting($settinglist, "Targetname", "Build All");
+ $xmlBuildAll->appendChild($settinglist);
+ $xmlBuildAll->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($xmlBuildAll, "FILELIST", "");
+ $xmlBuildAll->addText("\n");
+ &textElement($xmlBuildAll, "LINKORDER", "");
+ $xmlBuildAll->addText("\n");
+ $xmlBuildAll->appendChild($xmlSubTargetList);
+ &addOrderedTarget($xmlTargetOrder, "Build All");
+ $node = $xmlProjectDoc->getElementsByTagName("TARGETLIST",1)->item(0);
+ $node->appendChild($xmlBuildAll);
+ # Output the result
+ &main::Output(
+ $xmlProjectDoc->toString
+ );
+sub PMEndSrcList {
+ my @PlatList=&main::PlatOverrideList();
+ if (scalar @PlatList == 0)
+ {
+ @PlatList = ("WINSCW", "ARM4", "ARMV5");
+ if ($CW_major_version >= 3)
+ {
+ push @PlatList, "ARMV5_ABIV1";
+ }
+ }
+ shift @PlatList; # we've already done the first one in the list
+ foreach (@PlatList)
+ {
+ ExtraPlat($_);
+ }
+ &finaliseProject();
+sub GetGCCELibPath($) {
+ my $gnulibgccPath;
+ open PIPE, "arm-none-symbianelf-g++ $_[0] 2>&1 | ";
+ while(<PIPE>){
+ $gnulibgccPath = $_;
+ $gnulibgccPath =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ close PIPE;
+ my $SearchlibgccDir = &main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_Split('Path', $gnulibgccPath));
+ return $SearchlibgccDir;
+sub Read_BSF_Options() {
+ my %plat = (main::PlatRec());
+ my @Customization_Data = split(/\n/,$plat{'CUSTOMIZATION_DATA'});
+ foreach my $option (@Customization_Data) {
+ next if ($option =~ /^$/);
+ warn "Unrecognized BSF syntax: $option.\n"
+ unless ($option =~ /\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$/);
+ my $key = uc $1;
+ my $val = $2;
+ warn "Unrecognized BSF keyword: $key.\n"
+ unless ($BSF_keywords{$key});
+ if ($key =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @commonOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @thumbOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @armOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @kernelOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @invariantOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /LD_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @linkerOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($key =~ /AR_OPTIONS/) {
+ push @archiverOptions, $val;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+# Set the options passed from BSF file
+# @param OptionName - BSF Keyword using which the options would be overridden in the BSF file
+# @param Options - List of options read from the BSF keyword
+sub Set_BSF_Options($$)
+ my ($OptionName,$Options) = @_;
+ my @Fragments=();
+ if ($CustPlat{'CUSTOMIZES'} && ($CustPlat{'ROOTPLATNAME'} eq "GCCE"))
+ {
+ $CustGCCE=1;
+ }
+ foreach my $val (@{$Options})
+ {
+ # Check if the value of BSF option is to be set or added/removed.
+ if($val =~ /\+\[.*\]\+|\-\[.*\]\-/)
+ {
+ if (@Fragments = Cl_bpabi::Split_BSF_Options($val,'RemoveOptions'))
+ {
+ foreach my $Opt (@Fragments)
+ {
+ # Remove trailing white spaces
+ $Opt =~ s/\s+$//;
+ # Substitute '=' with '%' which is a wild card character in makefile.
+ # This is required for cases where option to be removed contains '=' (e.g.'-march=armv5t').
+ # When such options are to be removed, "$(INVARIANT_OPTIONS:-march=armv5t=)" is written in the makefile.
+ # However, because of the occurence of '=', pattern match fails in the makefile and such options are not removed.
+ # To resolve this, '=' is replaced with '%' in the makefile so that the substitution pattern looks like
+ # "$(INVARIANT_OPTIONS:-march%armv5t=)" in makefile (e.g."$(INVARIANT_OPTIONS:-march%armv5t=)").
+ $Opt =~ s/=/%/;
+ if((($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/))
+ && ($CustGCCE))
+ {
+ $GCCE_CompilerOption = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$GCCE_CompilerOption);
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $CCFLAGS = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$CCFLAGS);
+ }
+ elsif(($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/))
+ {
+ $CCFLAGS = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$CCFLAGS);
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $CCFLAGS = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$CCFLAGS);
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /LD_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $linkeropts = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$Link);
+ $linkCommand = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$Link);
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /AR_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $archiveropts = RemoveBsfOptions($Opt,$linkCommand);
+ }
+ }
+ @Fragments=();
+ }
+ if (@Fragments = Cl_bpabi::Split_BSF_Options($val,'AddOptions'))
+ {
+ my $v;
+ foreach $v (@Fragments)
+ {
+ if((($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/))
+ && ($CustGCCE))
+ {
+ $GCCE_CompilerOption .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ elsif(($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/))
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /LD_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $linkeropts .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /AR_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $archiveropts .= ' '.$v.' ';
+ }
+ }
+ @Fragments=();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/))
+ && ($CustGCCE))
+ {
+ $GCCE_CompilerOption .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /COMMON_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ elsif(($OptionName =~ /THUMB_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /ARM_OPTIONS/)
+ || ($OptionName =~ /KERNEL_OPTIONS/))
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /INVARIANT_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $bsfaddoptions .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /LD_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $linkeropts .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ elsif($OptionName =~ /AR_OPTIONS/)
+ {
+ $archiveropts .= ' '.$val.' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub RemoveBsfOptions($$)
+ my ($Opt_to_replace,$Opt_replaced_in) = @_;
+ $Opt_replaced_in =~ s/$Opt_to_replace//g;
+ return $Opt_replaced_in;
+# function to expand the macro as pass with appropriate options
+sub printlist {
+ my $option =shift @_;
+ my @list = @_,
+ my $data;
+ my $finalval=undef;
+ foreach $data (@list)
+ {
+ if($option =~ "-D") {
+ $finalval .= " ".$option.$data;
+ }
+ else {
+ $finalval .= " ".$option." ".$data;
+ }
+ }
+ return $finalval;
+#read the configuration make file into the HASH and use them for further processing
+sub collect_config_data {
+ my($configfile) = @_;
+ open(DATA, "<$configfile");
+ while(<DATA>)
+ {
+ my $line = $_;
+ if($line =~ /=/)
+ {
+ if ($line =~ /(.*):=(.*)/)
+ {
+ $configdata{$1}=$2;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /(.*)=(.*=.*)/)
+ {
+ $configdata{$1}=$2;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /(.*)=(.*)/)
+ {
+ $configdata{$1}=$2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(DATA)
+#function is ti fetch the contents of the config data which is read from the configuration make file,
+sub fetch_config_data {
+ my($list) = @_;
+ my $op;
+ my $op1;
+ my $finaldata = undef;
+ my @ip_options = split(/\s+/, $list);
+ foreach $op (@ip_options)
+ {
+ $op =~ s/\)//g;
+ $op =~ s/\$\(//g;
+ if($op =~ /-/) {
+ $finaldata .= " ".$op;
+ }
+ else {
+ $finaldata .= " ".$configdata{$op};
+ }
+ }
+ return $finaldata;
+# function to fix the bsf options, if the bsf option is already present in the CCFLAGS then remove from it so that it can be added from bsf,
+# this is to avoid the duplication of the options passed to the compiler.
+sub fixbsfoptions {
+ my ($options) = @_;
+ my $ccflgs = $CCFLAGS;
+ my $d;
+ my $Pattern = '-{1,2}\S+\s*(?!-)\S*';
+ my @list = $options =~ /$Pattern/g;
+ foreach $d (@list) {
+ if($ccflgs =~ /$d/) {
+ $ccflgs =~ s/$d//g;
+ }
+ else {
+ if($d =~ /(.*)\s+(.*)/) {
+ my $a = $1;
+ if($ccflgs =~ /$a\s+\S+/) {
+ $ccflgs =~ s/$a\s+\S+//g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $CCFLAGS = $ccflgs;
+# funtion to get the list if the libraries to be linked during linking
+sub GetLibList() {
+ my @LibList;
+ my @StaticLibList;
+ my $Plat=&main::Plat;
+ unless(defined($ENV{RVCT_VER_MAJOR})){
+ my ($rvct_M, $rvct_m, $rvct_b) = RVCT_plat2set::get_version_list($Plat);
+ }
+ &Cl_bpabi::getVariableForNewPlat();
+ my $list = &Cl_bpabi::getConfigVariable('STATIC_LIBS_LIST') ;
+ if (length($list) >0)
+ {
+ @StaticLibList = split(/\s+/, $list);
+ }
+ if($Plat eq "ARMV5" || $Plat eq "ARMV5_ABIV2" || IsCustomization($Plat)) {
+ @LibList=&Armutl_ArmLibList;
+ if(@LibList==0) {
+ my $LibDir = Armutl_ArmLibDir();
+ if (@StaticLibList) {
+ foreach my $lib (@StaticLibList) {
+ push @LibList, ("$LibDir\\$lib");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @LibList = ('$(STATIC_LIBS_LIST)');
+ }
+ return @LibList;