changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/toolinfo/	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This module provides a mapping from RVCT versions to the corresponding environment
+# settings. The information is obtained from a configuration file pointed to by the
+# environment variable ABLD_RVCT_INI. The following example shows the file's
+# structure:
+# [2.2.616]
+# bin=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\2.2.616\bin
+# inc=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\2.2.616\inc
+# lib=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\2.2.616\lib
+# [3.1.700]
+# bin=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\3.1.700\bin
+# inc=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\3.1.700\inc
+# lib=C:\Apps\ARM-RVCT\3.1.700\lib
+# If the file is used, it must contain at least one section.
+package RVCT_ver2set;
+# Returns a list of available RVCT versions, for example ["2.2.435", "2.2.616"].
+sub get_versions();
+# Returns true if the given RVCT version exists.
+sub compiler_exists($);
+# Given an RVCT version, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??BIN
+# variable would be. 
+sub get_bin_name($);
+sub get_bin_path($);
+# Given an RVCT version, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??INC
+# variable would be. 
+sub get_inc_name($);
+sub get_inc_path($);
+# Given an RVCT version, returns what the name and value of the RVCT??LIB
+# variable would be. 
+sub get_lib_name($);
+sub get_lib_path($);
+# Prints an error message and then terminates.
+sub _err_and_die(@);
+# Contains all the information read from the configuration file.
+my %g_data;
+sub get_versions()
+    return sort(keys %g_data);
+sub compiler_exists($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return ( $g_data{$vers} ); 
+sub get_bin_name($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{bin_name}; 
+sub get_bin_path($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{bin_path}; 
+sub get_inc_name($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{inc_name}; 
+sub get_inc_path($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{inc_path}; 
+sub get_lib_name($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{lib_name}; 
+sub get_lib_path($)
+    my $vers = shift;
+    return $g_data{$vers}->{lib_path}; 
+sub _err_and_die(@)
+    print STDERR "error: @_\n";
+    exit 1;
+# initialize module
+    my $fname = $ENV{ABLD_RVCT_INI};
+    if ($fname) # The environment varaible is set.
+    {
+        _err_and_die("ABLD_RVCT_INI doesn't point to a file.") unless -f $fname;
+        open (my $in,  "<",  $fname) or _err_and_die("couldn't open ABLD_RVCT_INI = $fname.");
+        my @lines = ();
+        while (<$in>)
+        {
+            chomp;
+            next if /^\s*;/ ;
+            next if /^\s*#/ ;
+            next if /^\s*$/ ;
+            push @lines, $_;
+        }
+        close $in or _err_and_die("couldn't close ABLD_RVCT_INI = $fname.");
+        while (@lines)
+        {
+            my $ver = shift @lines;
+            my $kv1 = shift @lines;
+            my $kv2 = shift @lines;
+            my $kv3 = shift @lines;
+            my $Mm = "";
+            if ( $ver =~ /^\s*\[(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\]\s*$/ )
+            {
+                _err_and_die("$fname: duplicate section: $ver.") if $g_data{$1};
+                $ver = "$1.$2.$3";
+                $Mm  = "$1$2";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                _err_and_die("$fname: invalid section header: $ver.");
+            }
+            my %kv = ();
+            for ($kv1, $kv2, $kv3)
+            {
+                _err_and_die("$fname: not enough data in section $ver.") unless $_;
+                if ( $_ =~ /^\s*(bin|inc|lib)\s*=(.*)$/i )
+            {
+                    my $key = uc($1);
+                    my $val = $2;
+                    $val =~ s/^\s+//;
+                    $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+                    _err_and_die("$fname: in section $ver: \"$key\" doesn't point to a directory.") unless -d $val;
+                    _err_and_die("$fname: in section $ver: duplicate key \"$key\".") if $kv{$key};
+                    $kv{$key} = $val;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    _err_and_die("$fname: in section $ver: invalid line \"$_\".");
+                }
+            }
+            $g_data{$ver}->{bin_name} = "RVCT${Mm}BIN";
+            $g_data{$ver}->{bin_path} = "$kv{BIN}";
+            $g_data{$ver}->{inc_name} = "RVCT${Mm}INC";
+            $g_data{$ver}->{inc_path} = "$kv{INC}";
+            $g_data{$ver}->{lib_name} = "RVCT${Mm}LIB";
+            $g_data{$ver}->{lib_path} = "$kv{LIB}";
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        # ABLD_RVCT_INI isn't set. This is not an error. All public functions will
+        # return NULL.
+    }