changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/buildsystem/extension/tools/	Wed Jun 30 11:35:58 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# /epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/tools/
+# SBSv2 issues and differences from SBSv1
+# 1/ The shell is different
+# 2/ The msys shell can't handle absolute paths from root without the drive letter e.g. it can't find /epoc32 but it can find x:/epoc32
+# workaround is to go back to TO_ROOT
+# 3/ The current directory is at the bld.inf rather than /epoc32/build
+# 4/ Backslash is problematic
+# 5/ Path variables include the drive letter x: which causes problems for make when used in targets due to :
+# 6/ TO_ROOT is not defined
+# 7/ Some tool compatibility is problematic e.g. createdir doesn't work with paths containing forward slash
+# If this environment variable is defined we're definitely building for win32
+ifdef ComSpec
+LETTERS:=a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
+# If win32 isn't defined yet - then we're probably building on sbsv2
+# So see if EPOCROOT starts with a drive letter to work out if we're building for win32
+ifndef WIN32
+  ifneq ($(subst $(space),,$(foreach let,$(LETTERS),$(if $(findstring $(let):,$(EPOCROOT)),1,))),)
+    WIN32:=1
+  endif
+# To guarantee there is a slash at the end of EPOCROOT in case there is not.
+# This is needed to ensure compatibility with SBSv1.
+TMPROOT:=$(subst \,/,$(EPOCROOT))
+EPOCROOT:=$(patsubst %/,%,$(TMPROOT))/
+# Get standard shell definitions
+include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/tools/shell/$(notdir $(basename $(SHELL))).mk
+# Raptor includes the drive letter on paths - this makefile can't handle the drive letter
+# If we don't do this we get "multiple target patterns" errors in sbsv2
+TMPROOT:=$(strip $(foreach let,$(LETTERS),$(if $(findstring $(let):,$(EPOCROOT)),$(subst $(let):,,$(EPOCROOT)))))
+ifneq ($(TMPROOT),)
+TMPROOT:=$(strip $(foreach let,$(LETTERS),$(if $(findstring $(let):,$(EXTENSION_ROOT)),$(subst $(let):,,$(EXTENSION_ROOT)))))
+ifneq ($(TMPROOT),)
+# Make up for raptor not defining TO_ROOT properly
+# This might get broken if they change the current directory (which should really be in /epoc32/build)
+# We're using TO_ROOT to handle the fact that the msys shell doesn't seem to handle absolute paths
+ifdef WIN32
+  ifeq ($(TO_ROOT),)
+    TMPROOT:=$(strip $(foreach let,$(LETTERS),$(if $(findstring $(let):,$(TO_BLDINF)),$(subst $(let):,,$(TO_BLDINF)))))
+    TO_ROOT:=.$(subst $(space),,$(foreach word,$(subst /,$(space),$(TMPROOT)),/..))
+  endif
+# Handle inconsistent case for build variant
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),DEB)
+  CFG_PATH:=deb
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),REL)
+  CFG_PATH:=rel
+# Set the following to enable code coverage stats
+# Build
+ifdef WIN32
+  TARGET_DIR_REL:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/release/tools2/rel/
+  TARGET_DIR_DEB:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/release/tools2/deb/
+  GCOVDIR:=$(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/gcc_mingw/libgcc/mingw32/3.4.5/)
+  TARGET_DIR_REL:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/release/tools2/linux-i386/rel/
+  TARGET_DIR_DEB:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/release/tools2/linux-i386/deb/
+# The root to the source code - paths are relative to bld.inf if NOT specified
+# If SOURCE_ROOT specified then it's relative to EPOCROOT
+  ROOT:=$(subst \,/,$(EXTENSION_ROOT))
+  ROOT:=$(EPOCROOT)$(subst $(space)/,/,$(SOURCE_ROOT))
+# ***
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),lib)
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_REL:=$(TARGET_DIR_REL)lib$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,.a)
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_DEB:=$(TARGET_DIR_DEB)lib$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,.a)
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),deb)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),rel)
+  endif
+# ***
+# EXE
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),exe)
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_REL:=$(TARGET_DIR_REL)$(TARGET_SUB_DIR)$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,$(if $(WIN32),.exe))
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_DEB:=$(TARGET_DIR_DEB)$(TARGET_SUB_DIR)$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,$(if $(WIN32),.exe))
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),deb)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),rel)
+  endif
+  LIBS+=symexestub
+  ifdef STLPORT
+    LIBS+=-lstlport.5.1
+  endif
+# ***
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),dll)
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_REL:=$(TARGET_DIR_REL)$(TARGET_SUB_DIR)lib$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,$(if $(WIN32),.dll,.so))
+  TARGET_FULLNAME_DEB:=$(TARGET_DIR_DEB)$(TARGET_SUB_DIR)lib$(TARGET_NAME)$(if $(findstring .,$(TARGET_NAME)),,$(if $(WIN32),.dll,.so))
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),deb)
+  endif
+  ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),rel)
+  endif
+  ifdef STLPORT
+    LIBS+=-lstlport.5.1
+  endif
+# Pick up MINGW compiler from epoc32 on Windows
+ifdef WIN32
+  AR:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/gcc_mingw/bin/ar
+  CXX:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/gcc_mingw/bin/g++
+# Product include files are different for S60
+ifdef S60_BUILD
+  PRODUCT_INCLUDE:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/oem/bldvariant.hrh
+  PRODUCT_INCLUDE:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/variant/Symbian_OS.hrh
+# Define macros we need
+# Setup the command line options for the compiler
+CXXOPT_DEB:=-fshort-wchar -x c++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -include $(PREINC) -masm=intel
+OPTIMISE:=-fdefer-pop -fmerge-constants -fthread-jumps -floop-optimize -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2 -fguess-branch-probability -fcprop-registers -fforce-mem -foptimize-sibling-calls -fstrength-reduce -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -fgcse -fgcse-lm -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -fdelete-null-pointer-checks -fexpensive-optimizations -fregmove -fschedule-insns -fschedule-insns2 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fcaller-saves -fpeephole2 -freorder-blocks -freorder-functions -fstrict-aliasing -funit-at-a-time -falign-functions -falign-jumps -falign-loops -falign-labels -fcrossjumping
+CXXOPT_REL:=-fshort-wchar -x c++ -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -include $(PREINC) $(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-O0,$(OPTIMISE)) -masm=intel
+# Allow specification of additional build include file
+  CXXOPT_DEB+= -include $(BUILDINC)
+  CXXOPT_REL+= -include $(BUILDINC)
+# Extra options needed for cia files
+# Linker options for DLL
+  DLL_WIN_LINKER_OPTS:= $(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-lgcov) -Wl,-export-all-symbols
+  DLL_LIN_LINKER_OPTS:= -Wl,-export-all-symbols $(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-lgcov) -ldl
+# Source files to scan for in a directory
+# Note that CPP and cpp will match on the same files - so a sort is necessary on wildcard results
+SOURCE_EXT:=CPP cpp c cia
+# Source code assumed to be all cpp/cia files in supplied directories
+SOURCE_FILES:=$(foreach dir,$(SOURCE_DIRS),$(sort $(foreach ext,$(SOURCE_EXT),$(wildcard $(ROOT)/$(dir)/*.$(ext))))) \
+  $(foreach src,$(SOURCE),$(ROOT)/$(if $(SOURCE_FOLDER),$(SOURCE_FOLDER)/)$(src)) \
+  $(foreach src,$(SOURCE_MOD),$(subst \,/,$(EXTENSION_ROOT))/$(src)) \
+  $(foreach id,$(SOURCE_IDS),$(foreach src,$($(id)_SOURCE),$(subst $(space)/,/,$(if $($(id)_SOURCE_ROOT),$(EPOCROOT)$($(id)_SOURCE_ROOT),$(ROOT))/$(src))))
+# Include folders
+CXXINC:=$(foreach inc,$(INCLUDES) $(SOURCE_DIRS),-I$(ROOT)/$(inc)) \
+  $(foreach inc,$(SYS_INCLUDES),-I$(EPOCROOT)$(inc)) -I$(ROOT) \
+  $(foreach id,$(SOURCE_IDS),$(foreach inc,$($(id)_SOURCE_INC),-I$(subst $(space)/,/,$(if $($(id)_SOURCE_ROOT),$(EPOCROOT)$($(id)_SOURCE_ROOT),$(ROOT)))/$(inc)))
+# Add standard include paths?
+  CXXINC+= -I$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/x86tool -I$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include
+  ifdef S60_BUILD
+    CXXINC+= -I$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/oem
+  endif
+# Support for building JNI
+ifdef JAVA_JNI
+  CXXINC+= -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include"
+  ifdef WIN32
+    CXXINC+= -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/win32"
+  else
+    CXXINC+= -I"$(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux"
+  endif
+# STL Port support needed? Note STL and Symbian won't mix!
+ifdef STLPORT
+  CXXINC+= -I$(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/tools/stlport 
+# ***
+# Object files are the same name as the source files with a .o extension
+OBJECTFILES_DEB:=$(foreach src,$(SOURCE_FILES),deb$(src).o)
+# Compile
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Making: $@
+	$(call createdir,$(dir $@))
+	$(CXX) $(CXXDEFS_DEB) $(CXXINC) -I$(subst deb$(OBJSUBST),$(OBJSUBST),$(dir $@)) $(CXXOPT_DEB) $(if $(findstring .cia,$@),$(ASMOPT),$(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage)) -o$@ $(subst deb$(OBJSUBST),$(OBJSUBST),$(basename $@))
+# Link
+$(TARGET_FULLNAME_DEB) : $(OBJECTFILES_DEB) $(foreach lib,$(LIBS),$(TARGET_DIR_DEB)lib$(lib).a) $(foreach lib,$(SHARED_LIBS),$(TARGET_DIR_DEB)lib$(lib)$(if $(WIN32),.a,.so))
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),lib)
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating lib: $@
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),exe)
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating exe: $@
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+		$(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-lgcov) $(if $(WIN32),,-ldl)
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),dll)
+  ifdef WIN32
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating Windows dll: $@
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+		-Wl,-out-implib,$(@D)/$(basename $(@F)).a \
+  else
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating Linux shared object: $@
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+  endif
+# ***
+# Object files are the same name as the source files with a .o extension
+OBJECTFILES_REL:=$(foreach src,$(SOURCE_FILES),rel$(src).o)
+# Compile
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Making: $@
+	$(call createdir,$(dir $@))
+	$(CXX) $(CXXDEFS_REL) $(CXXINC) -I$(subst rel$(OBJSUBST),$(OBJSUBST),$(dir $@)) $(CXXOPT_REL) $(if $(findstring .cia,$@),$(ASMOPT),$(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage)) -o$@ $(subst rel$(OBJSUBST),$(OBJSUBST),$(basename $@))
+# Link
+$(TARGET_FULLNAME_REL) : $(OBJECTFILES_REL) $(foreach lib,$(LIBS),$(TARGET_DIR_REL)lib$(lib).a) $(foreach lib,$(SHARED_LIBS),$(TARGET_DIR_REL)lib$(lib)$(if $(WIN32),.a,.so))
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),lib)
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating lib: $@
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),exe)
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating exe: $@
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+		$(if $(CODE_COVERAGE),-lgcov) $(if $(WIN32),,-ldl)
+ifeq ($(TARGET_TYPE),dll)
+  ifdef WIN32
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating Windows dll: $@	
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+		-Wl,-out-implib,$(@D)/$(basename $(@F)).a \
+  else
+	@echo ***
+	@echo Creating Linux shared object: $@
+		$(foreach lib,$(LIBS) $(SHARED_LIBS), -l$(lib)) \
+  endif
+# The targets invoked by abld...
+MAKMAKE : do_nothing
+FREEZE : do_nothing
+RESOURCE : do_nothing
+CLEANLIB : do_nothing
+FINAL : do_nothing
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),deb)
+	$(call remove,$(OBJECTFILES_DEB))
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),rel)
+	$(call remove,$(OBJECTFILES_REL))
+	$(call remove,$(foreach file,$(TARGET_LIB) $(TARGET_BLD),$(TO_ROOT)$(file)))
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),deb)
+	$(call remove,$(OBJECTFILES_DEB))
+ifeq ($(CFG_PATH),rel)
+	$(call remove,$(OBJECTFILES_REL))