changeset 674 37ee82a83d43
parent 590 360bd6b35136
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Tue Nov 02 16:54:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/	Fri Nov 12 14:49:36 2010 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 # All rights reserved.
 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -36,6 +36,53 @@
 	def formatWarning(self, message):
 		return "sbs: warning: " + message + "\n"	
+	def parseNamedParams(self, names, params):
+		''' Match named parameters e.g. ['a=b','c=d'] against a list of expected
+		names.  Allow for abbreviations.
+		'''
+		r = {}
+		# Shorten all the names so they match abbreviations
+		shortnames = []
+		for name in names:
+			shortname = ""
+			conflict = True
+			while len(shortname)<len(name) and conflict:
+				shortname+=name[len(shortname)]
+				conflict = False
+				othernames = names[:] # Copy
+				othernames.remove(name)
+				for othername in othernames:
+					if othername.startswith(shortname):
+						conflict = True
+						break
+				if conflict == False:
+					shortnames.append((shortname,name))
+					r[name] = [] # Prime the hash key for this param
+			if conflict:
+				raise KeyError("Parameter name '{0}' duplicated".format(name))
+		# Parse the params
+		for param in params:
+			if '=' in param:
+				(key,value) = param.split('=')
+				matched = False
+				for (shortname, name) in shortnames:
+					if key.strip().startswith(shortname):
+						r[name].append(value.strip())
+						matched = True
+						break
+				if not matched:
+					raise ValueError("Named parameter '{0}' not valid in filter {1}".format(key,self.__class__.__name__))
+			else:
+				# Unnamed arg
+				if not '' in names:
+					raise ValueError("All parameters to the {0} filter must be named".format(self.__class__.__name__))
+				else:
+					r[''].append(param.strip())
+		return r	
 import sys
 import xml.sax
@@ -82,29 +129,20 @@
 		self.params = params
+		self.parser = xml.sax.make_parser(['xml.sax.expatreader'])
+		self.parser.setContentHandler(self)
+		self.parser.setErrorHandler(self)
 		self.ok = True
-		try:
-			self.parser = xml.sax.make_parser(['xml.sax.expatreader'])
-			self.parser.setContentHandler(self)
-			self.parser.setErrorHandler(self)
+		return self.ok
-		except Exception, ex:
-			sys.stderr.write(self.formatError(str(ex)))
-			self.ok = False
-		return self.ok
 	def write(self, text):
 		"process some log text"
-		try:
+		if self.ok:
-		except Exception, ex:
-			sys.stderr.write(self.formatError(str(ex)))
-			self.ok = False
 		return self.ok
 	def close(self):
 		"finish off"
@@ -116,5 +154,107 @@
 		return self.ok
+class RaptorLogNotValid(Exception):
+	pass
+class PerRecipeFilter(FilterSAX):
+	# Define this in your class
+	def handleRecipe(self):
+		# These variables are available to you:
+		#
+		#
+		#
+		# self.layer
+		# self.component
+		# self.bldinf
+		# self.mmp
+		# self.config
+		# self.platform
+		# self.phase
+		# self.source
+		# self.prereqs
+		# self.text
+		# self.exit
+		# self.attempt (final attempt number)
+		# self.flags
+		# self.start
+		# self.elapsed
+		return False
+	# Helper functions
+	def formatData(self, key, hash='self'):
+		'''Output prettifier - return the attribute value, or just return 'undef' if the attribute is not set.'''
+		if hash=='self':
+			hash=self.__dict__
+		if hash.has_key(key):
+			return hash[key]
+		else:
+			return 'undef'
+	# data keys
+	recipeData = set(['name','target','host','layer','component','bldinf','mmp','config','platform','phase','source','prereqs'])
+	statusData = set(['exit','attempt','flags'])
+	timeData = set(['start','elapsed'])
+	# methods from the SAX parser
+	def startDocument(self):
+		self.inRecipe = False
+		self.text = ""
+	def startElement(self, name, attributes):
+		if name == "recipe":
+			if self.inRecipe:
+				self.error(RaptorLogNotValid("Nested recipes; {0} recipe for {1} inside {2} recipe for {3}".format(self.formatData('name', hash=attributes), self.formatData('target',hash=attributes), self.formatData('name'), self.formatData('target') )))
+			else:
+				self.inRecipe = True
+				self.__setHashElements(attributes, self.__dict__, self.recipeData )		
+		elif self.inRecipe:
+			if name == "status":
+				self.__setHashElements(attributes, self.__dict__, self.statusData)
+			elif name == "time":
+				self.__setHashElements(attributes, self.__dict__, self.timeData)
+			else:
+				self.error(RaptorLogNotValid("Unexpected <{0}> tag in {1} recipe for {2}".format(name, self.formatData('name'), self.formatData('target'))))
+	def endElement(self, name):
+		if name == "recipe":
+			if not self.inRecipe:
+				self.error(RaptorLogNotValid("Extra recipe close tag"))
+			else:
+				if not self.handleRecipe():
+					self.error(RaptorLogNotValid('Handling of {0} recipe for {1} failed'.format(self.formatData('name'), self.formatData('target'))))
+				self.inRecipe = False
+				self.__delData(self.recipeData|self.statusData|self.timeData)
+				self.text=""
+	def characters(self, char):
+		if self.inRecipe:
+			self.text += char
+	def error(self, exception):
+		"the parse found an error which is (possibly) recoverable"
+		pass
+	def fatalError(self, exception):
+		"the parser thinks an error occurred which should stop everything"
+		pass
+	def warning(self, exception):
+		"the parser found something to complain about that might not matter"
+		pass
+	# Private methods
+	def __setHashElements(self, fro, to, keys):
+		for key in keys:
+			if fro.has_key(key):
+				to[key] = fro[key]
+	def __delData(self, keys):
+		for key in keys:
+			if self.__dict__.has_key(key):
+				del self.__dict__[key]
 # the end