changeset 655 3f65fd25dfd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/	Mon Oct 18 16:16:46 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+package BuildClient;
+use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib/freezethaw"; # For FreezeThaw
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Msg;
+use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw);
+use Cwd 'chdir';
+use Compress::Zlib;			# For compression library routines
+# Global Varibales
+my $gClientName;
+my ($gHiResTimer) = 0; #Flag - true (1) if HiRes Timer module available
+my ($gDebug) = 0;
+# Check if HiRes Timer is available
+if (eval "require Time::HiRes;") {
+  $gHiResTimer = 1;
+} else {
+  print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module\n";
+# GetClientVersion
+# Inputs
+# Outputs
+# Client Version Number
+# Description
+# This function returns the Client version number
+sub GetClientVersion
+  return "1.3";
+# rcvd_msg_from_server
+# Inputs
+# $iConn (Instance of the Msg Module)
+# $msg (the recieved message from the server)
+# $err (any error message from the Msg Module)
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function processes the incoming message from the Build Server and acts upon them
+sub rcvd_msg_from_server {
+    my ($iConn, $msg, $err) = @_;
+    my ($iResults, $iChdir);
+    # if the message is empty or a "Bad file descriptor" error happens
+    # This usually means the the Build Server has closed the socket connection.
+    # The client is returned to trying to connect to a build server
+    if (($msg eq "") || ($err eq "Bad file descriptor"))
+    {
+      print "Server Disconnected\n";
+      return 0;
+    } elsif ($err ne "") {
+      print "Error is communication occured:$err\n";
+      return 0;
+    }
+    # Thaw the message, this decodes the text string sent from the server back into perl variables
+    my ($sub_name, $iID, $iStage, $iComp, $iCwd, $iCommandline) = thaw ($msg);
+    # The server has determined that this client is using a non-unique client name.
+    # The server has added a random number on to the client name to try and make it unique.
+    # The server send this new name back to the client, so the two are in sync.
+    if ($sub_name eq 'ChangeClientName')
+    {
+      print "ClientName changed to: $iID by the server\n";
+      $BuildClient::gClientName = $iID;
+    }
+    # The server sent and exit message to this client, so exit.
+    if ($sub_name eq 'Exit')
+    {
+      print "Server request the client to exit\n";
+      exit 0;
+    }
+    # If the command sent by the server is "SetEnv", call the SetEnv Function and respond to server when complete
+    if ($sub_name eq 'SetEnv')
+    {
+      &SetEnv($iID, $iStage);
+      # Prepare and send the "SetEnv Ready" message to the server with the client name
+      my $serialized_msg = freeze ("SetEnv Ready", $BuildClient::gClientName);
+      $iConn->transmit_immediately($serialized_msg);
+    } elsif ($sub_name eq 'Execute') {
+      # Process the "Execute" command
+      print "Executing ID ". ($iID+1) ." Stage $iStage\n"; 
+      # Add the client side per command start timestamp
+      &TimeStampStart(\$iResults);
+      eval {
+          no strict 'refs';  # Because we call the subroutine using
+                             # a symbolic reference
+          # Change the working directory, first replacing the environment variables
+          $iCwd =~ s/%(\w+)%/$ENV{$1}/g;
+          $iCommandline =~ s/%(\w+)%/$ENV{$1}/g;
+          # If the changing of the working directory fails it will remain in the current directory
+          $iChdir = chdir "$iCwd";
+          # Don't execute the command if the changing of the working directory failed.
+          if ($iChdir)
+          {
+            # Log the directory change
+            print "Chdir $iCwd\n";
+            $iResults .= "Chdir $iCwd\n";
+            # Execute the "Execute" function, passing it the commandline to execute and collect the results
+            $iResults .= normalize_line_breaks(&{$sub_name} ($iCommandline));
+          } else {
+            $iResults .= "ERROR: Cannot change directory to $iCwd for $iComp\n";
+          }
+      # Add the client side per command end HiRes timestamp if available
+      &TimeStampEnd(\$iResults);
+      };
+      # Send an appropriate message back to the server, depending on error situation
+      if ($@ && $iChdir) {      # Directory changed OK, but an error occurred subsequently
+          # Handle Generic errors
+          $msg = bless \$@, "RPC::Error\n";
+          # Freeze the perl variables into a text string to send to the server
+          $msg = freeze('Results', $BuildClient::gClientName, $iID, $iStage, $iComp, $iCwd, $iCommandline, Compress($msg));
+      } else {                  # Directory change failed OR no error at all.
+          # $iResults will contain the error string if changing working directories failed
+          #     otherwise it will contain the output of the execution of the commandline
+          # Freeze the perl variables into a text string to send to the server
+          $msg = freeze('Results', $BuildClient::gClientName, $iID, $iStage, $iComp, $iCwd, $iCommandline, Compress($iResults));
+      }
+      # Send the message back to the server
+      $iConn->transmit_immediately($msg);
+    } 
+# normalize_line_breaks
+# Inputs
+# $lines  Text string which may consist of many lines
+# Outputs
+# $lines  Text string which may consist of many lines
+# Description
+# This subroutine converts any Unix, Macintosh or other line breaks into the DOS/Windows CRLF sequence
+# Text in each line remains unchanged. Empty lines are discarded.
+sub normalize_line_breaks
+    my $lines = '';
+    foreach my $line (split /\r|\n/, shift)
+        {
+        unless ($line) { next; }    # Discard empty line
+        $lines .= "$line\n";
+        }
+    return $lines;    
+# Execute
+# Inputs
+# @args
+# Outputs
+# @results
+# Description
+# This Executes the command in the args, must return and array
+# It combines STDERR into STDOUT
+sub Execute
+  my (@iCommandline) = @_;
+  print "Executing '@iCommandline'\n";
+  if (! defined($BuildClient::gDebug))
+  {
+    return my $ireturn= `@iCommandline 2>&1`;   # $ireturn is not used but ensures that a scalar is returned.
+  } else {
+    if ($BuildClient::gDebug ne "")
+    {
+      # Open log file for append, if cannot revert to STDOUT
+      open DEBUGLOG, ">>$BuildClient::gDebug" || $BuildClient::gDebug== "";
+    }
+    my $iResults;
+    print DEBUGLOG "Executing '@iCommandline'\n" if ($BuildClient::gDebug ne "");
+    open PIPE, "@iCommandline 2>&1 |";
+    while (<PIPE>)
+    {
+      if ($BuildClient::gDebug ne "")
+      {
+        print DEBUGLOG $_;
+      } else {
+        print $_;
+      }
+      $iResults .= $_;
+    }
+    close PIPE;
+    close DEBUGLOG if ($BuildClient::gDebug ne "");
+    return $iResults;
+  }
+# SetEnv
+# Inputs
+# @args
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function sets the local Environment.
+sub SetEnv
+  my ($iKey, $iValue) = @_;
+  # Replace an environment Variable referenced using %Variable% with the contents of the Environment Variable
+  # This allows the use of one Environment Variable in another as long as it is already set
+  $iValue =~ s/%(\w+)%/$ENV{$1}/g;
+  print "Setting Environment Variable $iKey to $iValue\n";
+  $ENV{$iKey} = $iValue;
+# Connect
+# Inputs
+# $iDataSource - Reference to array of Hostname:Port of BuildServers to connect to)
+# $iConnectWait (How often it polls for a build server)
+# $iClientName (Client name used to help identify the machine, Must be unique)
+# $iDebug - Debug Option
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function connects to the BuildServer and reads commands to run
+sub Connect
+  my ($iDataSource, $iConnectWait, $iClientName, $iExitAfter, $iDebug) = @_;
+  my ($iSuccessConnect);
+  # Set the Client name
+  $BuildClient::gClientName = $iClientName;
+  # Set Global Debug flag/filename
+  $BuildClient::gDebug = $iDebug;
+  # In continual loop try and connect to the datasource
+  while (($iExitAfter == -1) || ($iSuccessConnect < $iExitAfter))
+  {
+    # Cycle through the datasource list
+    my $iMachine = shift @$iDataSource;
+    push @$iDataSource, $iMachine;
+    print "Connecting to $iMachine\n";
+    # Process the datasource into hostname and port number
+    my ($iHostname,$iPort) = $iMachine =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)/;
+    # Create an instance of the message Module to handle the TCP/IP connection
+    my $iConn = Msg->associate($iPort, $iHostname, \&rcvd_msg_from_server);
+    # Check the status of the connection attempt
+    if ($iConn)
+    {
+      # Connection was succesful
+      print "Connection successful to $iMachine\n";
+      $iSuccessConnect++;
+      # Send a "Ready" command to the Server
+      my $serialized_msg = freeze ("Ready", $BuildClient::gClientName, &GetClientVersion);
+      print "Sending Ready\n";
+      $iConn->transmit_immediately($serialized_msg);
+      # Start the message processing loop with inital timeout of 300 seconds
+      Msg->result_iteration(300);
+      # Server disconnected, clean up by chdir to root
+      chdir "\\";
+      # Set the client name back to the name specified on the commandline just in case it has had it's name changed.
+      $BuildClient::gClientName = $iClientName;
+    } else {
+      # Connection Failed, wait specified time before continuing and trying another connection attempt
+      print "Could not connect to $iHostname:$iPort\n";
+      print "Trying another connection attempt in $iConnectWait seconds\n";
+      sleep $iConnectWait;
+    }
+  }
+# TimeStampStart
+# Inputs
+# $iData - Reference to variable to put the start time stamp
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This places a timestamp in the logs
+sub TimeStampStart
+  my $ref = shift;
+  # Add the client side per command start timestamp
+  $$ref = "++ Started at ".localtime()."\n";
+  # Add the client side per command start HiRes timestamp if available
+  if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
+  {
+    $$ref .= "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
+  } else {
+    # Add the HiRes timer unavailable statement
+    $$ref .= "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
+  }
+# TimeStampEnd
+# Inputs
+# $iData - Reference to variable to put the end time stamp
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This places a timestamp in the logs
+sub TimeStampEnd
+  my $ref = shift;
+  # Add the client side per command end HiRes timestamp if available
+  $$ref .= "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n" if ($gHiResTimer == 1);
+   # Add the client side per command end timestamp
+  $$ref .= "++ Finished at ".localtime()."\n";
+# Subroutine for compressing data stream.
+# Input: message to be compressed.
+# Output: compressed message, ready for sending.
+sub Compress($)
+    my $msg = shift; # Get the message.
+    # Initialise deflation stream
+    my $x;
+    eval {$x = deflateInit() or die "Error: Cannot create a deflation stream\n";};
+    if($@) # Deflation stream creationg has failed.
+    {
+	    return Compress("Error: creation of deflation stream failed: $@\n");
+    }
+    # Compress the message
+    my ($output, $status);
+    my ($output2, $status2);
+    # First attempt to perform the deflation
+    eval { ($output, $status) = $x -> deflate($msg); };
+    if($@) # Deflation has failed.
+    {
+	    $x = deflateInit();
+	    ($output, $status) = $x -> deflate("ERROR: Compression failed: $@\n");
+	    ($output2, $status2) = $x -> flush();
+	    return $output.$output2;
+    }
+    # Now attempt to complete the compression
+    eval { ($output2, $status2) = $x -> flush(); };
+    if($@) # Deflation has failed.
+    {
+	    $x = deflateInit();
+	    ($output, $status) = $x -> deflate("ERROR: Compression failed: $@\n");
+	    ($output2, $status2) = $x -> flush();
+	    return $output.$output2;
+    }
+    if($status != Z_OK) # Deflation has failed.
+    {
+        $x = deflateInit();
+	    ($output, $status) = $x -> deflate("ERROR: Compression failed: $@\n");
+	    ($output2, $status2) = $x -> flush();
+	    return $output.$output2;
+    }
+    # Attempt to complete the compressions
+    if($status2 != Z_OK)
+    {
+        $x = deflateInit();
+	    ($output, $status) = $x -> deflate("ERROR: Compression failed: $@\n");
+	    ($output2, $status2) = $x -> flush();
+	    return $output.$output2;
+    }
+    # Return the compressed output.
+    return $output . $output2;
\ No newline at end of file