changeset 629 541af5ee3ed9
parent 590 360bd6b35136
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/	Fri Aug 13 14:59:05 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/buildrom/tools/	Wed Aug 18 17:23:33 2010 +0300
@@ -1,303 +1,315 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-# features tool version
-use constant TOOL_VERSION=>"0.2";
-# global variables
-my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
-my $ibyPath; # destination path for the iby files
-my $hdrPath; # destination path for the header files
-my $datPath; # destination path for the features.DAT file
-my $convPath; # destination path for the feature registry database convertion
-my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT}; # epcoroot directory
-# xml database file name(s)
-my @xmlDBFile;
-# flags to suppress the output files
-# 0x01 = generate header files only
-# 0x02 = genereate iby files only
-# 0x04 = generate dat files only
-# 0x08 = convert feature registry database to feature manager database
-use constant FLG_GENHDR=>0x01;
-use constant FLG_GENIBY=>0x02;
-use constant FLG_GENDAT=>0x04;
-use constant FLG_CONVFR=>0x08;
-my $flagOut = 0;
-use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
-# check user has a version of perl that will cope
-	require 5.005_03;
-# establish the path to the Perl libraries
-    $PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
-    $PerlLibPath .= "/";
-use  lib $PerlLibPath;
-# Includes the validation perl modules for XML validation against the given DTD.
-use lib "$PerlLibPath/build/lib";
-# Include routines to create the feature header and iby files.
-use features;
-# main - Tool entry function
-	# Default path settings
-	&processPath(\$epocroot);
-	&features::set_DefaultPath($epocroot, \$hdrPath, \$ibyPath, \$datPath, \$convPath);
-	# Process the command line arguments
-	if(&process_cmdline_arguments()) {
-		# Open the xml database
-		if(&features::open_Database(@xmlDBFile)) {
-			# Generate the header file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
-			&features::generate_Headerfile($hdrPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENHDR);
-			# Generate the obey file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
-			&features::generate_Obeyfile($ibyPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENIBY);
-			# Generate the feature dat file
-			&features::generate_DATfile($datPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENDAT);
-			# Convert the feature registry database to feature manager database
-			&features::convert_FeatRegToFeatMgr($convPath,@xmlDBFile) if($flagOut&FLG_CONVFR);
-		}
-	}
-# Process the command line arguments
-sub process_cmdline_arguments
-	my $helpCmd = 0;
-	foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
-	{
-		if( ($arg =~ /^--(\S+)$/)  or ($arg =~ /^-([ridc]=.+)$/) )
-		{
-			$arg = $1;
-			if( (($arg =~ /^hdrfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^hdrfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^r=(.+)/) ) {
-				# option to generate only header files
-				if($1) {
-					$hdrPath = $1;
-					processPath(\$hdrPath);
-				}
-				$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
-			}
-			elsif( (($arg =~ /^ibyfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^ibyfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^i=(.+)/) ) {
-				# option to generate only iby files
-				if($1) {
-					$ibyPath = $1;
-					processPath(\$ibyPath);
-				}
-				$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
-			}
-			elsif( (($arg =~ /^datfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^datfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^d=(.+)/) ) {
-				# option to generate only dat files
-				if($1) {
-					$datPath = $1;
-					processPath(\$datPath);
-				}
-				$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
-			}
-			elsif( (($arg =~ /^convert$/i) || ($arg =~ /^convert=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^c=(.+)/) ) {
-				# option to convert feature registry database
-				if($1) {
-					$convPath = $1;
-					processPath(\$convPath);
-				}
-				$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
-			}
-			elsif( $arg =~ /^verbose$/i ) {
-				# option to enable verbose mode
-				&printTitle(); 
-				&features::set_VerboseMode();
-			}
-			elsif( $arg =~ /^strict$/i ) {
-				# option to enable strict mode
-				&features::set_StrictMode();
-			}
-			elsif( $arg =~ /^help$/i ) {
-				# print the usage on console
-				$helpCmd = 1;
-			}
-			elsif( $arg =~ /^version$/i ) {
-				# print the title on console
-				&printTitle();
-				return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				print "Error: Unknown parameter $arg\n";
-				return 0;
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		elsif( $arg =~ /^-(\S+)$/ )
-		{
-			my @flags = split("",$1);
-			foreach my $opt (@flags) {
-				if( $opt =~ /^r/i ) {
-					# option to generate only header files
-					$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^i/i ) {
-					# option to generate only iby files
-					$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^d/i ) {
-					# option to generate only dat files
-					$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^c/i ) {
-					# option to convert feature registry database
-					$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^v/i ) {
-					# option to enable verbose mode
-					&printTitle(); 
-					&features::set_VerboseMode();
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^s/i ) {
-					# option to enable strict mode
-					&features::set_StrictMode();
-				}
-				elsif( $opt =~ /^h/i ) {
-					# print the usage on console
-					$helpCmd = 1;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					print "Error: Unknown option $opt\n";
-					return 0;
-				}
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		next if(xmlfile($arg));
-		next if(xmlfile("$arg.xml"));
-		next if(xmlfile("$epocroot"."epoc32/rom/include/$arg"));
-		print "Error: Cannot find xml file: $arg\n";
-	}
-	# process the help command
-	if($helpCmd) {
-		&print_usage();
-		return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
-	}
-	if(!@xmlDBFile) {
-		# xml database is must here
-		print "Error: No xml database given\n";
-		&print_usage() if(!$helpCmd);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	# if the suppress output option is not passed then generate both
-	return 1;
-# --Utility Functions
-# check whether the given file exists
-# @param - file name for the existance check
-sub xmlfile
-	my ($file) = shift;
-	if(-e $file) {
-		push @xmlDBFile, $file;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-# Process the given absolute path
-# Add backslash at the end if required
-# @param - path to be processed
-sub processPath
-	my ($path) = shift;
-	return if( $$path =~ /(\\$)/ );
-	return if( $$path =~ /(\/$)/ );
-	$$path .= "/";
-# Print the title
-sub printTitle
-	print "FEATURES - Features manager tool V".TOOL_VERSION."\n";
-	print "Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation.\n\n"
-# print the usage of this tool
-sub print_usage
-	&printTitle();
-	print <<USAGE_EOF;
-  features [options] <xml database> [<xml database> <xml database> ...]
-Generation of C++ header file and IBY file for the given featuremanger 
-database file. It also generates features DAT file for the given 
-featuemanager/featureregistry database file
-   -r or --hdrfile[=<destination path>] - generates only header file
-   -i or --ibyfile[=<destination path>] - generates only IBY file
-   -d or --datfile[=<destination path>] - generates only features.DAT file
-   -c or --convert[=<destination path>] - converts feature registry database
-   -s or --strict        - enable strict mode
-   -v or --verbose       - enable verbose mode
-   -h or --help          - displays this help
-   --version             - displays the tools version
-Ex: option combination \"-ri\" generates header and IBY files
-Default destination paths:
-   <header file>         - $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\include\\
-   <iby file>            - $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\
-   <features.dat file>   - generates in current directory
-Note: The conversion(--convert) of feature registry database requires the 
-feature registry dtd file(featureuids.dtd) in $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\tools\\
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# features tool version
+use constant TOOL_VERSION=>"0.3";
+# global variables
+my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
+my $PerlEPOCPath;   # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing epoc tools
+my $ibyPath; # destination path for the iby files
+my $hdrPath; # destination path for the header files
+my $datPath; # destination path for the features.DAT file
+my $convPath; # destination path for the feature registry database convertion
+my $epocroot = &get_epocroot; # epcoroot directory
+# xml database file name(s)
+my @xmlDBFile;
+# flags to suppress the output files
+# 0x01 = generate header files only
+# 0x02 = genereate iby files only
+# 0x04 = generate dat files only
+# 0x08 = convert feature registry database to feature manager database
+use constant FLG_GENHDR=>0x01;
+use constant FLG_GENIBY=>0x02;
+use constant FLG_GENDAT=>0x04;
+use constant FLG_CONVFR=>0x08;
+my $flagOut = 0;
+use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
+# check user has a version of perl that will cope
+	require 5.005_03;
+# establish the path to the Perl libraries
+    $PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;
+    $PerlLibPath =~ s/\\/\//g;
+    $PerlLibPath .= "\/" unless $PerlLibPath =~ /\/$/;
+    $PerlEPOCPath = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
+    $PerlEPOCPath =~ s/\\/\//g;
+    $PerlEPOCPath .= "\/" unless $PerlEPOCPath =~ /\/$/;
+    $PerlEPOCPath .= "epoc32\/tools\/";
+# Includes the validation perl modules for XML validation against the given DTD.
+use lib "${PerlEPOCPath}build/lib";
+use lib $PerlEPOCPath;
+use lib $PerlLibPath;
+# Include routines to create the feature header and iby files.
+use features;
+use romutl;
+# main - Tool entry function
+	# Default path settings
+	&processPath(\$epocroot);
+	&features::set_DefaultPath($epocroot, \$hdrPath, \$ibyPath, \$datPath, \$convPath);
+	# Process the command line arguments
+	if(&process_cmdline_arguments()) {
+		# Open the xml database
+		if(&features::open_Database(@xmlDBFile)) {
+			# Generate the header file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
+			&features::generate_Headerfile($hdrPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENHDR);
+			# Generate the obey file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
+			&features::generate_Obeyfile($ibyPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENIBY);
+			# Generate the feature dat file
+			&features::generate_DATfile($datPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENDAT);
+			# Convert the feature registry database to feature manager database
+			&features::convert_FeatRegToFeatMgr($convPath,@xmlDBFile) if($flagOut&FLG_CONVFR);
+		}
+	}
+# Process the command line arguments
+sub process_cmdline_arguments
+	my $helpCmd = 0;
+	foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
+	{
+		if( ($arg =~ /^--(\S+)$/)  or ($arg =~ /^-([ridc]=.+)$/) )
+		{
+			$arg = $1;
+			if( (($arg =~ /^hdrfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^hdrfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^r=(.+)/) ) {
+				# option to generate only header files
+				if($1) {
+					$hdrPath = $1;
+					processPath(\$hdrPath);
+				}
+				$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
+			}
+			elsif( (($arg =~ /^ibyfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^ibyfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^i=(.+)/) ) {
+				# option to generate only iby files
+				if($1) {
+					$ibyPath = $1;
+					processPath(\$ibyPath);
+				}
+				$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
+			}
+			elsif( (($arg =~ /^datfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^datfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^d=(.+)/) ) {
+				# option to generate only dat files
+				if($1) {
+					$datPath = $1;
+					processPath(\$datPath);
+				}
+				$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
+			}
+			elsif( (($arg =~ /^convert$/i) || ($arg =~ /^convert=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^c=(.+)/) ) {
+				# option to convert feature registry database
+				if($1) {
+					$convPath = $1;
+					processPath(\$convPath);
+				}
+				$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
+			}
+			elsif( $arg =~ /^verbose$/i ) {
+				# option to enable verbose mode
+				&printTitle(); 
+				&features::set_VerboseMode();
+			}
+			elsif( $arg =~ /^strict$/i ) {
+				# option to enable strict mode
+				&features::set_StrictMode();
+			}
+			elsif( $arg =~ /^help$/i ) {
+				# print the usage on console
+				$helpCmd = 1;
+			}
+			elsif( $arg =~ /^version$/i ) {
+				# print the title on console
+				&printTitle();
+				return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				print "Error: Unknown parameter $arg\n";
+				return 0;
+			}
+			next;
+		}
+		elsif( $arg =~ /^-(\S+)$/ )
+		{
+			my @flags = split("",$1);
+			foreach my $opt (@flags) {
+				if( $opt =~ /^r/i ) {
+					# option to generate only header files
+					$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^i/i ) {
+					# option to generate only iby files
+					$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^d/i ) {
+					# option to generate only dat files
+					$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^c/i ) {
+					# option to convert feature registry database
+					$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^v/i ) {
+					# option to enable verbose mode
+					&printTitle(); 
+					&features::set_VerboseMode();
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^s/i ) {
+					# option to enable strict mode
+					&features::set_StrictMode();
+				}
+				elsif( $opt =~ /^h/i ) {
+					# print the usage on console
+					$helpCmd = 1;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					print "Error: Unknown option $opt\n";
+					return 0;
+				}
+			}
+			next;
+		}
+		next if(xmlfile($arg));
+		next if(xmlfile("$arg.xml"));
+		next if(xmlfile("$epocroot"."epoc32/rom/include/$arg"));
+		print "Error: Cannot find xml file: $arg\n";
+	}
+	# process the help command
+	if($helpCmd) {
+		&print_usage();
+		return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
+	}
+	if(!@xmlDBFile) {
+		# xml database is must here
+		print "Error: No xml database given\n";
+		&print_usage() if(!$helpCmd);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	# if the suppress output option is not passed then generate both
+	return 1;
+# --Utility Functions
+# check whether the given file exists
+# @param - file name for the existance check
+sub xmlfile
+	my ($file) = shift;
+	if(-e $file) {
+		push @xmlDBFile, $file;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+# Process the given absolute path
+# Add backslash at the end if required
+# @param - path to be processed
+sub processPath
+	my ($path) = shift;
+	return if( $$path =~ /(\\$)/ );
+	return if( $$path =~ /(\/$)/ );
+	$$path .= "/";
+# Print the title
+sub printTitle
+	print "FEATURES - Features manager tool V".TOOL_VERSION."\n";
+	print "Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation.\n\n"
+# print the usage of this tool
+sub print_usage
+	&printTitle();
+	print <<USAGE_EOF;
+  features [options] <xml database> [<xml database> <xml database> ...]
+Generation of C++ header file and IBY file for the given featuremanger 
+database file. It also generates features DAT file for the given 
+featuemanager/featureregistry database file
+   -r or --hdrfile[=<destination path>] - generates only header file
+   -i or --ibyfile[=<destination path>] - generates only IBY file
+   -d or --datfile[=<destination path>] - generates only features.DAT file
+   -c or --convert[=<destination path>] - converts feature registry database
+   -s or --strict        - enable strict mode
+   -v or --verbose       - enable verbose mode
+   -h or --help          - displays this help
+   --version             - displays the tools version
+Ex: option combination \"-ri\" generates header and IBY files
+Default destination paths:
+   <header file>         - ${epocroot}epoc32\/include\/
+   <iby file>            - ${epocroot}epoc32\/rom\/include\/
+   <features.dat file>   - generates in current directory
+Note: The conversion(--convert) of feature registry database requires the 
+feature registry dtd file(featureuids.dtd) in ${epocroot}epoc32\/tools\/