changeset 629 541af5ee3ed9
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/bldmake/	Wed Aug 18 17:23:33 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
+# check user has a version of perl that will cope
+	require 5.005_03;
+# establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
+	$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
+	$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
+	$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
+use lib $PerlLibPath;
+use E32env;
+use CheckSource;
+use FCLoggerUTL;
+use featurevariantparser;
+			$ENV{MAKE} = 'make' unless defined $ENV{MAKE};
+# command data structure
+my %Commands=(
+	BUILD=>{
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		what=>1,
+		subcommands=>['EXPORT','MAKEFILE', 'LIBRARY', 'RESOURCE', 'TARGET', 'FINAL'],
+		savespace=>1,
+        instructionset=>1,
+		debug=>1,
+		no_debug=>1,
+		logfc=>1,
+		checksource=>1,
+		wrap=>1, #To support Compiler wrapper option along with BUILD command
+	},
+	CLEAN=>{
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Removes everything built with ABLD TARGET',
+		what=>1,
+	},
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Removes everything built with ABLD TARGET',
+		what=>1,
+	},
+		function=>'Removes files created by ABLD EXPORT',
+		what=>1,
+		noplatform=>1,
+	},
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Removes files generated by ABLD MAKEFILE',
+		what=>1,
+		hidden=>1,
+	},
+		noplatform=>1,
+		what=>1,
+		function=>'Copies the exported files to their destinations',
+	},
+	FINAL=>{
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Allows extension makefiles to execute final commands',
+	},
+		program=>1,
+		remove=>1,
+		function=>'Freezes exported functions in a .DEF file',
+	},
+	HELP=>{
+		noplatform=>1,
+		function=>'Displays commands, options or help about a particular command',
+		notest=>1,
+	},
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Creates import libraries from the frozen .DEF files',
+	},
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Creates assembler listing file for corresponding source file',
+		source=>1,	
+	},
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Creates makefiles or IDE workspaces',
+		what=>1,
+		savespace=>1,
+		instructionset=>1,
+		debug=>1,
+		no_debug=>1,
+		logfc=>1,
+		wrap=>1, #To support Compiler wrapper option along with MAKEFILE command
+        },
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'As CLEAN, but also removes exported files and makefiles',
+		what=>1,
+		subcommands=>['CLEANEXPORT', 'CLEAN', 'CLEANALL'],
+	},
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Creates resource files, bitmaps and AIFs',
+	},
+#		function=>'Under development - syntax not finalised',
+#		noverbose=>1,
+#		nokeepgoing=>1,
+#		hidden=>1,
+#	},
+		noverbose=>1,
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'generates an IBY file to include in a ROM'
+	},
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		what=>1,
+		function=>'As TARGET, but deletes intermediate files on success',
+		hidden=>1, # hidden because only used internally from savespace flag
+	},
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		what=>1,
+		function=>'Creates the main executable and also the resources',
+		savespace=>1,
+		checksource=>1,
+		wrap=>1, #To support Compiler wrapper option along with TARGET command
+	},
+	TIDY=>{
+		build=>1,
+		program=>1,
+		function=>'Removes executables which need not be released',
+	}
+# get the path to the bldmake-generated files
+# we can perhaps work this out from the current working directory in later versions
+my $BldInfDir;
+my $PrjBldDir;
+	$BldInfDir=shift @ARGV;
+	$PrjBldDir=$E32env::Data{BldPath};
+	$PrjBldDir=~s-^(.*)\\-$1-o;
+	$PrjBldDir.=$BldInfDir;
+	$PrjBldDir=~m-(.*)\\-o; # remove backslash because some old versions of perl can't cope
+	unless (-d $1) {
+		die "ABLD ERROR: Project Bldmake directory \"$PrjBldDir\" does not exist\n";
+	}
+# check the platform module exists and then load it
+	unless (-e "${PrjBldDir}") {
+		die "ABLD ERROR: \"${PrjBldDir}\" not yet created\n";
+	}
+use lib $PrjBldDir;
+use Platform;
+# change directory to the BLD.INF directory - we might begin to do
+# things with relative paths in the future.
+chdir($BldInfDir) or die "ABLD ERROR: Can't CD to \"$BldInfDir\"\n";
+	my %Options=();
+	unless (@ARGV) {
+		&Usage();
+	}
+#	Process options and check that all are recognised
+# modified start: added functionality checkwhat
+	unless (GetOptions(\%Options, 'checkwhat|cw','check|c', 'keepgoing|k', 'savespace|s', 'verbose|v',
+						'what|w', 'remove|r', 'instructionset|i=s',
+						'checksource|cs', 'debug','no_debug', 'logfc|fc','wrap:s')) { 
+		exit 1;
+	}
+# modified end: added functionality checkwhat
+#	check the option combinations
+# modified start: added functionality checkwhat
+	if ($Options{checkwhat} ) { 
+		$Options{check}=1;
+	}
+# modified end: added functionality checkwhat
+	if (($Options{check} and $Options{what})) {
+		&Options;
+	}
+	if (($Options{check} or $Options{what}) and ($Options{keepgoing} or $Options{savespace} or $Options{verbose})) {
+		&Options();
+	}
+	if ($Options{checksource} and $Options{what}) {
+		&Options();
+	}
+#	take the test parameter out of the command-line if it's there
+	my $Test='';
+	if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0]=~/^test$/io) {
+		$Test='test';
+		shift @ARGV;
+	}
+#	if there's only the test parameter there, display usage
+	unless (@ARGV) {
+		&Usage();
+	}
+#	get the command parameter out of the command line
+	my $Command=uc shift @ARGV;
+	unless (defined $Commands{$Command}) {
+		&Commands();
+	}
+	my %CommandHash=%{$Commands{$Command}};
+#	check the test parameter is not specified where it shouldn't be
+	if ($Test and $CommandHash{notest}) {
+		&Help($Command);
+	}
+#	check the options are suitable for the commands
+#	-verbose and -keepgoing have no effect in certain cases
+	if ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{what}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	#Function Call Logger
+	if ($Options{logfc}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{logfc}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{savespace}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{savespace}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{instructionset}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{instructionset}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{debug}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{debug}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{no_debug}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{no_debug}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{keepgoing}) {
+		if ($CommandHash{nokeepgoing}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{verbose}) {
+		if ($CommandHash{noverbose}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{remove}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{remove}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	if ($Options{checksource}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{checksource}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+	#Compiler Wrapper support 
+	if (exists $Options{wrap}) {
+		unless ($CommandHash{wrap}) {
+			&Help($Command);
+		}
+	}
+#	process help command if necessary
+	if ($Command eq 'HELP') {
+		if (@ARGV) {
+			my $Tmp=uc shift @ARGV;
+			if (defined $Commands{$Tmp}) {
+				&Help($Tmp);
+			}
+			elsif ($Tmp eq 'OPTIONS') {
+				&Options();
+			}
+			elsif ($Tmp eq 'COMMANDS') {
+				&Commands();
+			}
+		}
+		&Usage();
+	}
+#	process parameters
+	my ($Plat, $Bld, $Program, $Source)=('','','','');
+	my %MakefileVariations;
+	my $FeatureVariantArg;
+#	platform parameter first
+	unless ($CommandHash{noplatform}) {
+		unless ($Plat=uc shift @ARGV) {
+			$Plat='ALL'; # default
+		}
+		else {
+			# Explicit feature variant platforms take the form <base platform>.<variant name>
+			# e.g. armv5.variant1.
+			# If valid, we actually create and invoke a distinct variation of the "base" makefile
+			if ($Plat =~ /^(\S+)\.(\S+)$/)
+				{
+				$Plat = $1;
+				$FeatureVariantArg = uc($2);
+				if (!$Platform::FeatureVariantSupportingPlats{$Plat})
+					{
+					die "This project does not support platform \"$Plat\.$FeatureVariantArg\"\n";
+					}
+				else
+					{						
+					$MakefileVariations{$Plat} = &GetMakefileVariations($Plat, $FeatureVariantArg);
+					}
+				}
+			COMPARAM1 : {
+				if (grep(/^$Plat$/, ('ALL', @Platform::Plats))) {
+					last COMPARAM1;
+				}
+				if ($Plat =~ /(.*)EDG$/) {
+				    my $SubPlat = $1;
+				    if (grep(/^$SubPlat$/, ('ALL', @Platform::Plats))) {
+					last COMPARAM1;
+				    }
+				}
+#				check whether the platform might in fact be a build, and
+#				set the platform and build accordingly if it is
+				if ($CommandHash{build}) {
+					if ($Plat=~/^(UDEB|UREL|DEB|REL)$/o) {
+						$Bld=$Plat;
+						$Plat='ALL';
+						last COMPARAM1;
+					}
+				}
+#				check whether the platform might in fact be a program, and
+#				set the platform, build and program accordingly if it is
+				if ($CommandHash{program}) {
+					if  (((not $Test) and grep /^$Plat$/, @{$Platform::Programs{ALL}})
+							or ($Test and grep /^$Plat$/, @{$Platform::TestPrograms{ALL}})) {
+						$Program=$Plat;
+						$Plat='ALL';
+						$Bld='ALL';
+						last COMPARAM1;
+					}
+				}
+#				report the error
+				if ($CommandHash{build} and $CommandHash{program}) {
+					die "This project does not support platform, build or $Test program \"$Plat\"\n";
+				}
+				if ($CommandHash{build} and not $CommandHash{program}) {
+					die "This project does not support platform or build \"$Plat\"\n";
+				}
+				if ($CommandHash{program} and not $CommandHash{build}) {
+					die "This project does not support platform or $Test program \"$Plat\"\n";
+				}
+				if (not ($CommandHash{build} or $CommandHash{program})) {
+					die "This project does not support platform \"$Plat\"\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	#Compiler Wrapper support 
+	my $CompilerWrapperFlagMacro = "";
+	if(exists $Options{wrap})
+	{
+		my $error = "Environment variable 'ABLD_COMPWRAP' is not set\n";
+		# If tool name for wrapping compiler is set in environment variable
+		{
+			$CompilerWrapperFlagMacro =" ABLD_COMPWRAP_FLAG=-wrap" .  ($Options{wrap} ? "=$Options{wrap}":"");
+		}
+		elsif($Options{keepgoing})  
+		{
+		    # If Tool name is not set and keepgoing option is specified then ignore -wrap option and continue processing
+		    print $error;
+		    delete $Options{wrap};
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    # Issue error and exit if neither keepgoing option nor tool name is specified		
+		    die $error;
+		}
+	}
+#	process the build parameter for those commands which require it
+	if ($CommandHash{build}) {
+		unless ($Bld) {
+			unless ($Bld=uc shift @ARGV) {
+				$Bld='ALL'; # default
+			}
+			else {
+				COMPARAM2 : {
+					if ($Bld=~/^(ALL|UDEB|UREL|DEB|REL)$/o) {
+#						Change for TOOLS, TOOLS2 and VC6TOOLS platforms
+						if ($Plat ne 'ALL') {
+							if (($Plat!~/TOOLS2?$/o and $Bld=~/^(DEB|REL)$/o) or ($Plat=~/TOOLS2?$/o and $Bld=~/^(UDEB|UREL)$/o)) {
+								die  "Platform \"$Plat\" does not support build \"$Bld\"\n";
+							}
+						}
+						last COMPARAM2;
+					}
+#					check whether the build might in fact be a program, and
+#					set the build and program if it is
+					if ($CommandHash{program}) {
+						if  (((not $Test) and grep /^$Bld$/, @{$Platform::Programs{$Plat}})
+								or ($Test and grep /^$Bld$/, @{$Platform::TestPrograms{$Plat}})) {
+							$Program=$Bld;
+							$Bld='ALL';
+							last COMPARAM2;
+						}
+						my $Error="This project does not support build or $Test program \"$Bld\"";
+						if ($Plat eq 'ALL') {
+							$Error.=" for any platform\n";
+						}
+						else {
+							$Error.=" for platform \"$Plat\"\n";
+						}
+						die $Error;
+					}
+					my $Error="This project does not support build \"$Bld\"";
+					if ($Plat eq 'ALL') {
+						$Error.=" for any platform\n";
+					}
+					else {
+						$Error.=" for platform \"$Plat\"\n";
+					}
+					die $Error;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#	get the program parameter for those commands which require it
+	if ($CommandHash{program}) {
+		unless ($Program) {
+			unless ($Program=uc shift @ARGV) {
+				$Program=''; #default - means ALL
+			}
+			else {
+#				check that the program is supported
+				unless (((not $Test) and grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::Programs{$Plat}})
+						or ($Test and grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::TestPrograms{$Plat}})) {
+					my $Error="This project does not support $Test program \"$Program\"";
+					if ($Plat eq 'ALL') {
+						$Error.=" for any platform\n";
+					}
+					else {
+						$Error.=" for platform \"$Plat\"\n";
+					}
+					die $Error;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#	get the source file parameter for those commands which require it
+	if ($CommandHash{source}) {
+		unless ($Source=uc shift @ARGV) {
+			$Source=''; #default - means ALL
+		}
+		else {
+			$Source=" SOURCE=$Source";
+		}
+	}
+#	check for too many arguments
+	if (@ARGV) {
+		&Help($Command);
+	}
+	if ( $Options{instructionset} )
+	{	# we have a -i option.
+		if ($Plat eq 'ARMV5')
+		{
+			if  ( !( ( uc( $Options{instructionset} ) eq "ARM") || ( uc( $Options{instructionset} ) eq "THUMB" ) ) ) {		
+				# Only ARM and THUMB options are valid. 
+				&Options();
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{ # Can only use -i for armv5 builds. 
+			&Options();
+		}
+	}
+	if ($ENV{CHECKSOURCE_OVERRIDE} && (($Plat =~ /^ARMV5/) || ($Plat eq 'WINSCW')) && ($Command eq 'TARGET')  && !$Options{what})
+		{
+		$Options{checksource} = 1;
+		}
+	my $checksourceMakeVariables = " ";	
+	if ($Options{checksource}) {
+		$checksourceMakeVariables .= "CHECKSOURCE_VERBOSE=1 " if ($Options{verbose});
+	}
+#	expand the platform list
+	my @Plats;
+	unless ($CommandHash{noplatform}) {
+		if ($Plat eq 'ALL') {
+			@Plats=@Platform::RealPlats;
+#			Adjust the "ALL" list according to the availability of compilers
+			@Plats=grep !/WINSCW$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MWSym2Libraries});
+			@Plats=grep !/WINS$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MSDevDir});
+			@Plats=grep !/X86$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MSDevDir});
+			@Plats=grep !/X86SMP$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MSDevDir});
+			@Plats=grep !/X86GCC$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MSDevDir});
+			@Plats=grep !/X86GMP$/o, @Plats unless (defined $ENV{MSDevDir});
+			if ($CommandHash{build}) {
+#				remove unnecessary platforms if just building for tools, or building everything but tools
+#				so that the makefiles for other platforms aren't created with abld build
+				if ($Bld=~/^(UDEB|UREL)$/o) {
+					@Plats=grep !/TOOLS2?$/o, @Plats;
+				}
+				elsif ($Bld=~/^(DEB|REL)$/o) {
+					@Plats=grep /TOOLS2?$/o, @Plats;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        else
+        {
+			@Plats=($Plat);
+		}
+		foreach $Plat (@Plats)
+			{
+			# Skip platforms resolved above
+			next if $MakefileVariations{$Plat};
+			# Implicit feature variant platforms apply when a default feature variant exists and the platform supports it
+			# If valid, we actually create and invoke a distinct variation of the "base" makefile
+			if ($Platform::FeatureVariantSupportingPlats{$Plat} && featurevariantparser->DefaultExists())
+				{
+				if($Command eq "REALLYCLEAN")
+					{
+					my @myfeature = featurevariantparser->GetBuildableFeatureVariants();
+					push @{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}, ".".$_ foreach(@myfeature);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+					$MakefileVariations{$Plat} = &GetMakefileVariations($Plat, "DEFAULT");
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				# For non-feature variant platforms we always store a single makefile variation of nothing i.e.
+				# we use the "normal" makefile generated for the platform
+				$MakefileVariations{$Plat} = &GetMakefileVariations($Plat, "");
+				}
+			}
+		foreach $Plat (@Plats) {
+			foreach my $makefileVariation (@{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}) {
+				unless (-e "$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make") {
+					die "ABLD ERROR: \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\" not yet created\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		undef $Plat;
+	}
+#	set up a list of commands where there are sub-commands
+	my @Commands=($Command);
+	if ($CommandHash{subcommands}) {
+		@Commands=@{$CommandHash{subcommands}};
+		if ($Command eq 'BUILD') { # avoid makefile listings here
+			if ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+				@Commands=grep !/^MAKEFILE$/o, @{$CommandHash{subcommands}};
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#	implement savespace if necessary
+	if ($Options{savespace}) {
+		foreach $Command (@Commands) {
+			if ($Command eq 'TARGET') {
+				$Command='SAVESPACE';
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#	set up makefile call flags and macros from the options
+	my $KeepgoingFlag='';
+	my $KeepgoingMacro='';
+        my $NoDependencyMacro='';
+	my $VerboseMacro=' VERBOSE=-s';
+	if ($Options{keepgoing}) {
+		$KeepgoingFlag=' -k';
+		$KeepgoingMacro=' KEEPGOING=-k';
+	}
+	if ($Options{verbose}) {
+		$VerboseMacro='';
+	}
+	my $RemoveMacro='';
+	if ($Options{remove}) {
+		$RemoveMacro=' EFREEZE_ALLOW_REMOVE=1';
+	}
+	if ( ($Options{savespace}) and ($Options{keepgoing}) ){
+		$NoDependencyMacro=' NO_DEPENDENCIES=-nd';
+	}
+    my $AbldFlagsMacro="";
+	$AbldFlagsMacro = "-iarm " if (uc $Options{instructionset} eq "ARM");
+	$AbldFlagsMacro = "-ithumb " if (uc $Options{instructionset} eq "THUMB");
+	if ($Options{debug}) {
+		$AbldFlagsMacro .= "-debug ";
+	}
+	elsif($Options{no_debug}) {
+		$AbldFlagsMacro .= "-no_debug ";
+	}
+	#Function call logging flag for makmake
+	if ($Options{logfc}) {
+		#Check the availability and version of logger
+		if (&FCLoggerUTL::PMCheckFCLoggerVersion()) {
+			$AbldFlagsMacro .= "-logfc ";
+		}
+	}
+	if(!($AbldFlagsMacro eq "") ){
+		$AbldFlagsMacro =" ABLD_FLAGS=\"$AbldFlagsMacro\"";
+	}
+#	set up a list of make calls
+	my @Calls;
+#	handle the exports related calls first
+	if (($Command)=grep /^(.*EXPORT)$/o, @Commands) { # EXPORT, CLEANEXPORT
+		unless (-e "${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make") {
+			die "ABLD ERROR: \"${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make\" not yet created\n";
+		}
+		unless ($Options {checksource}) {
+				unless ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+					push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make\" $Command$VerboseMacro$KeepgoingMacro";
+				}
+				else {
+					push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r -f \"${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make\" WHAT";
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				unless ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+					push @Calls, "make -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make\" $Command$VerboseMacro$KeepgoingMacro";
+				}
+				else {
+					push @Calls, "make -r -f \"${PrjBldDir}EXPORT$Test.make\" WHAT";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		@Commands=grep !/EXPORT$/o, @Commands;
+	}
+#	then do the rest of the calls
+	COMMAND: foreach $Command (@Commands) {
+		if ($Options {checksource} && ($Command eq "TARGET" || $Command eq "SAVESPACE")) {
+				push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r -f \"".$PrjBldDir."EXPORT.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE";
+			}
+			else {
+				push @Calls, "make -r -f \"".$PrjBldDir."EXPORT.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE";
+			}
+		}
+		my $Plat;
+		PLATFORM: foreach $Plat (@Plats) {
+#			set up a list of builds to carry out commands for if appropriate
+			my @Blds=($Bld);
+			if (${$Commands{$Command}}{build}) {
+				if ($Bld eq 'ALL') {
+					unless ($Plat=~/TOOLS2?$/o) { # change for platforms TOOLS, TOOLS2 and VC6TOOLS
+						@Blds=('UDEB', 'UREL');
+					}
+					else {
+						@Blds=('DEB', 'REL');
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+#					check the build is suitable for the platform - TOOLS, TOOLS2 and VC6TOOLS are annoyingly atypical
+					unless (($Plat!~/TOOLS2?$/o and $Bld=~/^(UDEB|UREL)$/o) or ($Plat=~/TOOLS2?$/o and $Bld=~/^(DEB|REL)$/o)) {
+						next;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				@Blds=('IRRELEVANT');
+			}
+			# You get CHECKSOURCE_GENERIC "for free" if no component is specified in the call
+			if ($Options {checksource} && ($Command eq "TARGET" || $Command eq "SAVESPACE") && $Program) {
+				foreach my $makefileVariation (@{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}) {
+						push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE_GENERIC";
+					}
+					else {
+						push @Calls, "make -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE_GENERIC";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			my $LoopBld;
+			foreach $LoopBld (@Blds) {
+				my $CFG='';
+				if ($LoopBld ne 'IRRELEVANT') {
+					$CFG=" CFG=$LoopBld";
+				}
+				if ($Options {checksource}) {
+					if ($Command eq "TARGET" || $Command eq "SAVESPACE") {
+						foreach my $makefileVariation (@{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}) {
+								push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE$Program$CFG";	  
+							}
+							else {	
+								push @Calls, "make -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\"".$checksourceMakeVariables."CHECKSOURCE$Program$CFG";
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					next;
+				}
+				unless ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+					if ($Program) { # skip programs if they're not supported for a platform
+						unless ($Test) {
+							unless (grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::Programs{$Plat}}) {
+								next PLATFORM;
+							}
+						}
+						else {
+							unless (grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::TestPrograms{$Plat}}) {
+								next PLATFORM;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+   					my $AbldFlagsMacroTmp="";
+					my $CompilerWrapperFlagMacroTemp="";
+					if ($Command eq "MAKEFILE")
+					{	# Only want ABLD_FLAGS for Makefile
+                        $AbldFlagsMacroTmp=$AbldFlagsMacro;
+						if(exists ($Options{wrap}))
+						{
+							# Require ABLD_COMPWRAP_FLAG when --wrap option is specified
+							$CompilerWrapperFlagMacroTemp = $CompilerWrapperFlagMacro;
+						}
+					}
+					foreach my $makefileVariation (@{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}) {
+								if ( ($Command eq "TARGET") && (-e $PerlLibPath . "") )
+								{
+									not scalar grep(/tracecompiler\.pl $Plat/,@Calls) and push @Calls, "perl " . $PerlLibPath . " $Plat $Program";
+								}
+								push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\""
+								." $Command$Program$CFG$Source$VerboseMacro" .
+								"$KeepgoingMacro$RemoveMacro$NoDependencyMacro" .
+								"$AbldFlagsMacroTmp$CompilerWrapperFlagMacroTemp";
+								#Compiler Wrapper support
+								if ( exists($Options{wrap}) && ($Options{wrap} eq "") && ($Command eq "TARGET") )
+								{
+									my $CFGCOMPWRAP='';
+									if ($LoopBld ne 'IRRELEVANT')
+									{
+										$CFGCOMPWRAP =" CFG=COMPWRAP".$LoopBld;	
+									}
+									push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\""." TARGET$Program$CFGCOMPWRAP";
+								}
+							}
+							else {	
+								push @Calls, "make -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\""
+								." $Command$Program$CFG$Source$VerboseMacro" .
+								"$KeepgoingMacro$RemoveMacro$NoDependencyMacro" .
+								"$AbldFlagsMacroTmp$CompilerWrapperFlagMacroTemp";
+								#Compiler Wrapper support
+								if ( exists($Options{wrap}) && ($Options{wrap} eq "") && ($Command eq "TARGET") )
+								{
+									my $CFGCOMPWRAP='';
+									if ($LoopBld ne 'IRRELEVANT')
+									{
+										$CFGCOMPWRAP =" CFG=COMPWRAP".$LoopBld;	
+									}
+									push @Calls, "make -r $KeepgoingFlag -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\""." TARGET$Program$CFGCOMPWRAP";
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						next;
+				}
+				unless (${$Commands{$Command}}{what}) {
+					next COMMAND;
+				}
+				if ($Program) { # skip programs if they're not supported for a platform
+					unless ($Test) {
+						unless (grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::Programs{$Plat}}) {
+							next PLATFORM;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						unless (grep /^$Program$/, @{$Platform::TestPrograms{$Plat}}) {
+							next PLATFORM;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				my $Makefile='';
+				if ($Command=~/MAKEFILE$/o) {
+					$Makefile='MAKEFILE';
+				}
+				foreach my $makefileVariation (@{$MakefileVariations{$Plat}}) {
+					push @Calls, "$ENV{MAKE} -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\" WHAT$Makefile$Program $CFG";
+					}
+					else {
+					push @Calls, "make -r -f \"$PrjBldDir$Plat$makefileVariation$Test.make\" WHAT$Makefile$Program $CFG";
+				    }
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#	make the required calls
+	my $Call;
+	my %checkSourceUniqueOutput;
+	unless ($Options{what} or $Options{check}) {
+		foreach $Call (@Calls) {
+			print "  $Call\n" unless ($Options{checksource} && !$Options {verbose});
+			open PIPE, "$Call |";
+			$|=1; # bufferring is disabled
+			while (<PIPE>) {
+				if ($Options {checksource})
+					{
+					if ($Options{verbose})
+						{
+						print $_;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						$checkSourceUniqueOutput{$_} = 1;
+						}
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					print;
+					}
+			}
+			close PIPE;
+		}
+		print $_ foreach (sort keys %checkSourceUniqueOutput);
+	}
+	else {
+		my %WhatCheck; # check for duplicates
+		foreach $Call (@Calls) {
+			open PIPE, "$Call |";
+			while (<PIPE>) {
+				next if (/(Nothing to be done for|Entering directory|Leaving directory) \S+\.?$/o);
+#				releasables split on whitespace - quotes possible -stripped out
+				while (/("([^"\t\n\r\f]+)"|([^ "\t\n\r\f]+))/go) {
+					my $Releasable=($2 ? $2 : $3);
+					$Releasable =~ s/\//\\/g;	# convert forward slash into backslash
+					unless ($WhatCheck{$Releasable}) {
+						$WhatCheck{$Releasable}=1;
+						if ($Options{what}) {
+							print "$Releasable\n";
+						}
+						else {
+							if (!-e $Releasable) {
+								print STDERR "MISSING: $Releasable\n";
+							} 
+							# modified start: added functionality checkwhat
+							elsif ($Options{checkwhat}) {						 
+								print "$Releasable\n";
+							}
+							# modified end: added functionality checkwhat
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			close PIPE;
+		}
+	}
+sub Usage () {
+Common usage : abld [test] command [options] [platform[.Feature Variant]] [build] [program]
+  where command is build, target, etc.
+    (type \"abld help commands\" for a list of commands)
+  where options are -c, -k, etc.
+    (type \"abld help options\" for a list of options)
+  where parameters depend upon the command
+    (type \"abld help <command>\" for command-specific help)
+  where parameters default to 'ALL' if unspecified
+	print
+		"project platforms:\n",
+		"   @Platform::Plats\n"
+	;
+	if (%Platform::FeatureVariantSupportingPlats)
+		{
+		my @featureVariants;
+		foreach my $featureVariantSupportingPlat (keys %Platform::FeatureVariantSupportingPlats)
+			{
+			push @featureVariants, $featureVariantSupportingPlat.".".$_ foreach (featurevariantparser->GetValidVariants());
+			}
+		if (@featureVariants)
+			{
+			@featureVariants = map{uc($_)} @featureVariants;
+			print
+				"feature variant platforms:\n",
+				"   @featureVariants\n";		
+			}
+		}
+	exit 1;
+# modified start: added functionality checkwhat
+sub Options () {
+Options (case-insensitive) :
+  -c or -check          check the releasables are present
+  -cw or -checkwhat     combined check and what
+  -k or -keepgoing      build unrelated targets on error
+  -s or -savespace      delete intermediate files on success
+  -v or -verbose        display tools calls as they happen
+  -w or -what           list the releasables
+  -r or -remove         allow FREEZE to remove exports
+  -i thumb or -i arm    override for build ARMV5 platform options
+  -cs or -checksource   checks source conformance to Symbian's filename policy
+  -debug or -no_debug   enable/disable generation of symbolic debug information for ARM ABI compliant platforms
+  -fc or -logfc	        enable function call logging
+  -wrap[=proxy]         enable invocation of external wrapper tool
+ possible combinations :
+	(([-check]|[-what]|[-checkwhat])|([-k][-s][-v][-i [thumb|arm]][-cs][-debug|-no_debug][-fc][-wrap[=proxy]]))
+	exit;
+# modified end: added functionality checkwhat
+sub Help ($) {
+	my ($Command)=@_;
+	my %CommandHash=%{$Commands{$Command}};
+	print 'ABLD';
+	unless ($CommandHash{notest}) {
+		print ' [test]';
+	}
+	print " $Command ";
+	if ($Command eq 'HELP') {
+		print '([OPTIONS|COMMANDS]|[<command>])';
+	}
+	else {
+		if ($CommandHash{what}) {
+			print '(([-c]|[-w])|';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{savespace}) {
+			print '[-s]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{instructionset}) {
+			print '[-i thumb|arm]';
+		}
+        if ($CommandHash{remove}) {
+			print '[-r]';
+		}
+        if ($CommandHash{checksource}) {
+			print '[-cs]';
+		}
+		unless ($CommandHash{nokeepgoing}) {
+			print '[-k]';
+		}
+		unless ($CommandHash{noverbose}) {
+			print '[-v]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{debug}) {
+			print '[-debug|-no_debug]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{logfc}) {
+			print '[-logfc]|[-fc]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{what}) {
+			print '))';
+		}
+		unless ($CommandHash{noplatform}) {
+			print ' [<platform>]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{build}) {
+			print ' [<build>]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{program}) {
+			print ' [<program>]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{source}) {
+			print ' [<source>]';
+		}
+		if ($CommandHash{wrap}) {
+			print '[-wrap[=proxy]]';
+		}
+	}
+	print
+		"\n",
+		"\n",
+		"$CommandHash{function}\n"
+	;
+	exit;
+sub Commands () {
+	print "Commands (case-insensitive):\n";
+	foreach (sort keys %Commands) {
+		next if ${$Commands{$_}}{hidden};
+		my $Tmp=$_;
+		while (length($Tmp) < 12) {
+			$Tmp.=' ';
+		}
+		print "  $Tmp ${$Commands{$_}}{function}\n";
+	}
+	exit;
+sub GetMakefileVariations ($$)
+	{
+	my ($plat, $featureVariantArg) = @_;
+	my @variations = ();
+	if (!$featureVariantArg)
+		{
+		push @variations, "";
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		my @resolvedVariants = featurevariantparser->ResolveFeatureVariant($featureVariantArg);
+# modified start: makefile improvement
+		my %temp_hash =("default" => "");
+		foreach (@resolvedVariants){
+			$temp_hash{$_}="";
+		}
+			push @variations, ".".$_ foreach (keys %temp_hash);
+		}
+# modified end: makefile improvement
+	return \@variations;
+	}