changeset 629 541af5ee3ed9
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1/abld/group/setupprj.bat	Wed Aug 18 17:23:33 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+@REM Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+@REM All rights reserved.
+@REM This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+@REM under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+@REM which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+@REM at the URL "".
+@REM Initial Contributors:
+@REM Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+@REM Contributors:
+@REM Description:
+@REM builds bld.bat files for subprojects within this component
+@if exist %0.bat perl -w -x %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
+@if exist %0 perl -w -x %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
+@GOTO End
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+my $EPOCRoot;
+	$EPOCRoot .= "\\" unless($EPOCRoot =~ /\\$/);
+	die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable\n" if (!defined($EPOCRoot));
+	$EPOCRoot =~ s-/-\\-go;	# for those working with UNIX shells
+	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path\n" if ($EPOCRoot =~ /^\\\\/);
+	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash\n" if ($EPOCRoot !~ /\\$/);
+	die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory\n" if (!-d $EPOCRoot);
+my $EPOCToolsPath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools";
+my $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config";
+my $DocsPath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\EngDoc\\E32toolp";
+my $TemplateFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates";
+my $ShellFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\shell";
+my $BinFilePath="${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools";
+if (scalar @ARGV > 1) {
+	die "Too many arguments for setupprj.bat\n";
+# only the secure platform is now supported, but keep the argument
+# checking as insurance against future developments.
+my $secure = 1;
+if (scalar @ARGV == 1) {
+	my $option = $ARGV[0];
+	if ($option !~ /^secure$/i) {
+		die "Unknown option $ARGV[0] - did you mean \"secure\"?\n";
+	}
+my $GroupDir=$0;  # $0 is this script
+$GroupDir=~s-^\w:(.*)$-$1-o;  # remove drive letter
+unless ($GroupDir=~m-^\\-o)
+	{
+	# $GroupDir is relative
+	my $Cwd=cwd();
+	$Cwd=~s-^\w:(.*)$-$1-o;  # remove drive letter
+	$Cwd=~s-\/-\\-go;
+	$Cwd=~s-^\\$--o;  # make sure we don't end in a backslash
+	$GroupDir="$Cwd\\$GroupDir";  # append relative group dir to absolute Cwd
+	}
+$GroupDir=~s-^(.*\\)[^\\]+$-$1-o; # remove filename, leaving just path
+# strip the resulting path of excess occurrences of . and ..
+while ($GroupDir=~s-\\\.\\-\\-go) { }
+while ($GroupDir=~s-\\(?!\.{2}\\)[^\\]*\\\.{2}(?=\\)--go) { }
+$GroupDir=~s-\\$--o;	# remove trailing backslash
+chdir "$GroupDir" or die "Can't cd to $GroupDir: $!\n";
+my %Files=();
+# read the component
+opendir E32TOOLP, ".." or die "ERROR: Can't open dir ..\n";
+my $SubDir;
+foreach $SubDir (grep /^[^\.]/o, map lc $_, readdir E32TOOLP) {
+	if ($SubDir!~/^(group|doc|test|binutils|maksym)$/o) {
+		opendir SUBDIR, "..\\$SubDir" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\$SubDir\"\n";
+		my @FileList = map lc $_, readdir SUBDIR;
+		foreach my $file (grep /^[^_\.].+\.(pm|pl|bat|cmd|config|bsf|xml|cwlink|txt)$/o, @FileList) {
+			$Files{$file} = "$SubDir\\$file";
+		}
+		if ($secure) {
+			# Look for additional files whose names start with _secure_
+			my @securefiles = grep /^_secure_.+\.(pm|pl|bat|cmd|config|bsf|xml|cwlink|txt)$/o, @FileList;
+			foreach my $file (@securefiles) {
+				my $dstfile = $file;
+				$dstfile =~ s/^_secure_//;
+				if (defined($Files{$dstfile})) {
+					print "$dstfile: $SubDir\\$file overrides $Files{$dstfile}\n";
+				}
+				$Files{$dstfile} = "$SubDir\\$file";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# read the compiler configuration files
+my @ConfigFiles;
+opendir CONFIGDIR, "..\\platform" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\platform\"\n";
+@ConfigFiles = grep /\.(mk|make)/i, readdir CONFIGDIR;
+closedir CONFIGDIR;
+opendir SUBDIR, "..\\doc" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\doc\"\n";
+my @Docs = map lc $_, readdir SUBDIR;
+@Docs = grep /^[^\.].+\.(rtf|doc|changes|txt|html|htm)$/o, @Docs;
+closedir SUBDIR;	
+open TEMPLATEFILESUBDIR, "\"dir \/s \/b \/a-d ..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\" |";
+my @TemplateFiles=();
+my %TemplateDirs;
+	{
+	next if ($_ !~ /\.(mk|meta)$/i);	
+	$_ =~ s/^.*\\buildsystem\\extension\\//i;
+	chomp $_;
+	push @TemplateFiles, $_;
+	$_ =~ /^(.*\\)/o;
+	my $path = $1;
+	$path =~ s/\\$//;
+	$TemplateDirs{$path}=1;	
+	}
+opendir SHELLFILESUBDIR, "..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell" or die "ERROR: Can't open dir \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\"\n";
+my @ShellFiles = map lc $_, readdir SHELLFILESUBDIR;
+@ShellFiles = grep /^[^\.].+\.(mk)$/o, @ShellFiles;
+open BINFILESUBDIR, "\"dir \/s \/b \/a-d ..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\" |";
+my @BinFiles=();
+my %BinDirs;
+    	{
+    	next if ($_ !~ /\.(exe|jar)$/i);	
+    	$_ =~ s/^.*\\buildsystem\\bin\\//i;
+    	chomp $_;
+    	push @BinFiles, $_;
+    	$_ =~ /^(.*\\)/o;
+    	my $path = $1;
+    	$path =~ s/\\$//;
+    	$BinDirs{$path}=1;	
+    	}
+my $PrintGroupDir=$GroupDir;
+# Create BLD.BAT
+my $OutTxt='';
+	"\@echo off\n",
+	"\@goto invoke\n",
+	"\n",
+	"#!perl\n",
+	"unless (\@ARGV==1 && \$ARGV[0]=~/^(deb|rel|clean|releasables)\$/io) {\n",
+	"	die\n",
+	"		\"E32TOOLP's bld.bat - usage\\n\",\n",
+	"		\"BLD [param]\\n\",\n",
+	"		\"where\\n\",\n",
+	"		\"param = DEB or REL or CLEAN\\n\"\n",
+	"	;\n",
+	"}\n",
+	"my \$Param=lc \$ARGV[0];\n",
+	"chdir \"$PrintGroupDir\";\n",
+	"if (\$Param =~ /releasables/i)\n",
+	"{\n",
+	"open PIPE, \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param |\" or die \"Can't invoke make: \$!\\n\";\n",
+	"while (<PIPE>) { print \$_; }\n",
+	"close PIPE;\n",
+	"\n",
+	"exit;\n",
+	"}\n",
+	"print \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param\\n\";\n",
+	"open PIPE, \"..\\\\..\\\\make-abld\\\\make -s -f e32toolp.make \$Param |\" or die \"Can't invoke make: \$!\\n\";\n",
+	"while (<PIPE>) { }\n",
+	"close PIPE;\n",
+	"\n",
+	"__END__\n",
+	"\n",
+	":invoke\n",
+	"perl -x $GroupDir\\bld.bat %1 %2\n"
+my $BLDFILE='bld.bat';
+print "Creating File \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
+open BLDFILE,">$BLDFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
+print BLDFILE "$OutTxt" or die "\nERROR: Can't write output to Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
+close BLDFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Batch file \"$BLDFILE\"\n";
+# Create the make file
+	"\n",
+	"ifeq (\$(OS),Windows_NT)\n",
+	"ERASE = \@erase 2>>nul\n",
+	"else\n",
+	"ERASE = \@erase\n",
+	"endif\n",
+	"\n",
+	"\n",
+	"$EPOCToolsPath :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $EPOCToolsPath\n", 
+	"\n",
+	"$TemplateFilePath :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $TemplateFilePath\n", 
+	"\n"
+foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
+	&Output(
+	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $TemplateFilePath\\$_\n", 
+	"\n"
+	);
+foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ :\n",
+ 	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $BinFilePath\\$_\n", 
+ 	"\n"
+ 	);
+	"$ShellFilePath :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $ShellFilePath\n", 
+	"\n",
+	"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\n", 
+	"\n",
+	"$DocsPath :\n",
+	"\t\@perl -w ..\\genutil\\ $DocsPath\n", 
+	"\n",
+	"\n",
+	"deb : $EPOCToolsPath $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath $DocsPath $TemplateFilePath $ShellFilePath "
+foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
+	&Output(
+	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ "
+	);
+foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ "
+ 	);
+my $File;
+foreach $File (keys %Files) {
+	&Output(
+		"\tcopy \"..\\$Files{$File}\" \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"
+	);
+my $ConfigFile;
+foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
+	&Output(
+		"\tcopy \"..\\platform\\$ConfigFile\" \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+foreach $File (@Docs) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\doc\\$File\" \"$DocsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"
+	);
+my $tfile;
+foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\\$tfile\" \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+my $bfile;
+foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\\$bfile\" \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\" >nul\n"
+ 	);
+my $sfile;
+foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\\$sfile\" \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+	"\n",
+	"\n",
+	"rel : $EPOCToolsPath $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath $DocsPath $TemplateFilePath $ShellFilePath "
+foreach (sort keys %TemplateDirs) {
+	&Output(
+	"$TemplateFilePath\\$_ "
+	);
+foreach (sort keys %BinDirs) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 	"$BinFilePath\\$_ "
+ 	);
+foreach $File (keys %Files) {
+	&Output(
+		"\t.\\perlprep.bat \"..\\$Files{$File}\" \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\"\n"
+	);
+foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
+	&Output(
+		"\tcopy \"..\\platform\\$ConfigFile\" \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+foreach $File (@Docs) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\doc\\$File\" \"$DocsPath\\$File\" >nul\n"
+	);
+foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\extension\\$tfile\" \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\bin\\$bfile\" \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\" >nul\n"
+ 	);
+foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\tcopy \"..\\..\\buildsystem\\shell\\$sfile\" \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\" >nul\n"
+	);
+	"\n",
+	"rel deb : $EPOCToolsPath\\make.exe\n",
+	"$EPOCToolsPath\\make.exe: ..\\..\\make-abld\\make.exe\n",
+	"\tcopy \$\? \$\@\n"
+	"\n",
+	"rel deb : $EPOCToolsPath\\scpp.exe\n",
+	"$EPOCToolsPath\\scpp.exe: ..\\..\\scpp-abld\\scpp.exe\n",
+	"\tcopy \$\? \$\@\n"
+	"\n",
+	"clean :\n"
+foreach $File (keys %Files) {
+	&Output(
+		"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$EPOCToolsPath\\$File\"\n"
+	);
+foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
+	&Output(
+		"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\"\n"
+	);
+foreach $File (@Docs) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$DocsPath\\$File\"\n"
+	);
+foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\"\n"
+	);
+foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$BinFilePath\\$bfile\"\n"
+ 	);
+foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t-\$(ERASE) \"$ShellFilePath\\$sfile\"\n"
+	);
+	"\n",
+	"releasables :\n"
+foreach $File (keys %Files) {
+	&Output(
+		"\t\@echo $EPOCToolsPath\\$File\n"
+	);
+foreach $ConfigFile (@ConfigFiles) {
+	&Output(
+		"\t\@echo $EPOCToolsConfigFilePath\\$ConfigFile\n"
+	);
+foreach $File (@Docs) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t\@echo $DocsPath\\$File\n"
+	);
+foreach $tfile (@TemplateFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t\@echo $TemplateFilePath\\$tfile\n"
+	);
+foreach $bfile (@BinFiles) {
+ 	&Output(
+ 			"\t\@echo $BinFilePath\\$bfile\n"
+ 	);
+foreach $sfile (@ShellFiles) {
+	&Output(
+			"\t\@echo $ShellFilePath\\$sfile\n"
+	);
+my $MAKEFILE="e32toolp.make";
+print "Creating File \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
+open MAKEFILE,">$MAKEFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
+print MAKEFILE "$OutTxt" or die "\nERROR: Can't write output to Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
+close MAKEFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Batch file \"$MAKEFILE\"\n";
+# this code autocreates the .rel file
+my @ToolsDst = ("make.exe", "scpp.exe");
+my @DocsDst = @Docs;
+my @ConfigFilesDst = @ConfigFiles;
+my @TemplateFilesDst = @TemplateFiles;
+my @BinFilesDst = @BinFiles;
+my @ShellFilesDst = @ShellFiles;
+push @ToolsDst, keys %Files;
+# TOOLS.REL file 
+my $RELFILE="tools.rel";
+print "Creating File \"$RELFILE\"\n";
+open RELFILE,">$RELFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create Rel file \"$RELFILE\"\n";
+print RELFILE "${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\";
+print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\", sort @ToolsDst);
+print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config\\","", sort @ConfigFilesDst);
+print RELFILE join("\n${EPOCRoot}epoc32\\EngDoc\\E32toolp\\","", sort @DocsDst);
+close RELFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close Rel file \"$RELFILE\"\n";
+# Check MRP file - the modern equivalent of tools.rel
+my $NewMRPText = "component tools_e32toolp\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "# This file is generated by setupprj.bat\n\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "ipr T\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "ipr O  \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\sbsv1_os\\e32toolp\\binutils\n\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "source \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\sbsv1_os\\e32toolp\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "source \\sf\\os\\buildtools\\toolsandutils\\buildsystem\n";
+$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\", "",sort @ToolsDst);
+# Don't include EngDoc files in the MRP file
+$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\compilation_config\\","", sort @ConfigFilesDst);
+$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates\\","", sort @TemplateFilesDst);
+$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\","", sort @BinFilesDst);
+$NewMRPText .= join("\nbinary \\epoc32\\tools\\shell\\","", sort @ShellFilesDst);
+$NewMRPText .= "\n\n";
+$NewMRPText .= "notes_source \\component_defs\\release.src\n";
+my $MRPFILE="abld.mrp";
+open MRPFILE,"<$MRPFILE" or die "\nERROR: Can't read MRP file \"$MRPFILE\"\n";
+my $OldMRPText = "";
+sysread MRPFILE, $OldMRPText, 100000;	# assumes MRP file is less than 100,000 bytes
+close MRPFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close MRP file \"$MRPFILE\"\n";
+if ($OldMRPText ne $NewMRPText) {
+	print "REMARK: MRP file \"$MRPFILE\" differs from setupprj.bat generated content\n";
+	print "Creating suggested new MRP file \"$\"\n";
+	open MRPFILE,">$" or die "\nERROR: Can't open or create MRP file \"$\"\n";
+	print MRPFILE $NewMRPText;
+	close MRPFILE or die "\nERROR: Can't close MRP file \"$\"\n";
+sub Output (@) {
+	my $Txt;
+	foreach $Txt (@_) {
+		$OutTxt.=$Txt;
+	}
+sub UpToRoot ($) {	#args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
+# return the path that will lead from the directory the path passed into the function
+# specifies back up to the root directory
+	return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
+	my $Path=$_[0];
+	my $UpP;
+	while ($Path=~m-\\-go)
+		{
+		$UpP.="..\\";
+		}
+	undef $Path;
+	$UpP=~s-^(.*)\.\.\\-$1-o;
+	$UpP=".\\" unless $UpP;