--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/genbuild/genbuild.pl Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Given a baseline list of components, generate scripts to do the build
+use strict;
+if (@ARGV<1 || ! -e $ARGV[0])
+ {
+ print <<USAGE_EOF;
+ genbuild complist1 [complist2 ...] -- generate build scripts
+Given a list of components, generate the scripts necessary to
+build them all using the automated build system. The scripts
+will be named after the component list, so
+ genbuild \\batch\\build\\somename.txt
+will generate the following scripts:
+ somename_bldfiles.cmd - run "bldmake bldfiles" on every component
+ somename_export.cmd - run "abld export" on every component
+ somename_makefile.cmd - run "abld makefile" on every component
+ somename_library.cmd - run "abld library" on every component
+ somename_resource.cmd - run "abld resource" on every component
+ somename_target.cmd - run "abld target" on every component
+ somename_final.cmd - run "abld final" on every component
+ somename_check.cmd - run "abld -check build" on every component
+ somename_what.cmd - run "abld -what build" on every component
+ somename_clean.cmd - run "abld clean" on every component
+ somename_reallyclean.cmd - run "abld reallyclean" on every component
+ somename_build.cmd - use appropriate combination of above scripts
+ somename_pbuild.cmd - alternative build script for multi-machine builds
+The somename_build.cmd script is controlled by options specified in the
+list of components, and calls the other scripts in the correct sequence.
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# Check for EPOCROOT
+# It's not used directly by GENBUILD, but this is a good early stage at which
+# to discover that it hasn't been set...
+my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
+die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable\n" if (!defined($epocroot));
+$epocroot =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
+die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not include a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^.:/);
+die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must be an absolute path without a drive letter\n" if ($epocroot !~ /^\\/);
+die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path\n" if ($epocroot =~ /^\\\\/);
+die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash\n" if ($epocroot !~ /\\$/);
+die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory\n" if (!-d $epocroot);
+my $basename = $ARGV[0];
+if ($basename =~ /^.*\\([^\\]+)$/)
+ {
+ $basename = $1; # lose the leading path, if any
+ }
+if ($basename =~ /^([^.]+)\..*$/)
+ {
+ $basename = $1; # lose the trailing extensions, if any
+ }
+my @components;
+my %arm_assplist;
+my $savespace="";
+my $keepgoing="";
+my $build_tools=0;
+my $build_cwtools=0;
+my $build_winc=0;
+my $build_wins=0;
+my $build_arm4=0;
+my $build_armi=0;
+my $build_thumb=0;
+my $build_arm3=0;
+my $build_armv5=0;
+my $epoc_only=0;
+my $build_winscw=0;
+my $backwards_compatible_defaults = 1;
+# Read from all supplied argument files, not just the first
+# Supplied options apply to all components listed.
+while (<>)
+ {
+ s/\s*#.*$//;
+ s/^\s*//;
+ my $line = lc $_;
+ if ($line =~ /^$/)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /<option (\w+)\s*(.*)>/)
+ {
+ my $option = $1;
+ my $optargs= $2;
+ if ($option eq "savespace")
+ {
+ $savespace = "-savespace";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "keepgoing")
+ {
+ $keepgoing = "-keepgoing";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "tools")
+ {
+ $build_tools = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "cwtools")
+ {
+ $build_cwtools = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "winc")
+ {
+ $build_winc = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "wins")
+ {
+ $build_wins = 1;
+ $backwards_compatible_defaults = 0; # explicit <option wins>
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "epoconly")
+ {
+ $build_winc = 0;
+ $epoc_only = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "arm4")
+ {
+ $build_arm4 = 1;
+ $backwards_compatible_defaults = 0; # explicit <option arm4>
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "armi")
+ {
+ $build_armi = 1;
+ $backwards_compatible_defaults = 0; # explicit <option armi>
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "thumb")
+ {
+ $build_thumb = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "arm3")
+ {
+ $build_arm3 = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "armv5")
+ {
+ $build_armv5 = 1;
+ $backwards_compatible_defaults = 0; # explicit <option armv5>
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "winscw")
+ {
+ $build_winscw = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($option eq "arm_assp")
+ {
+ $arm_assplist{$optargs} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ print "Option $1 not yet implemented\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^([^<]\S+)\s+(\S+)/)
+ {
+ if (!-e "$2\\bld.inf")
+ {
+ print STDERR "MISSING COMPONENT $1: can't find $2\\bld.inf\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ push @components, $line;
+ }
+if ($backwards_compatible_defaults)
+ {
+ # Older versions automatically built these targets, without <option xxx>
+ $build_wins = 1;
+ $build_arm4 = 1;
+ $build_armi = 1;
+ }
+my %specials = (
+ "bldfiles e32toolp" =>
+ "cd tools\\e32toolp\\group\n".
+ "call setupprj\n".
+ "call bld rel\n"
+ );
+print_batch("bldfiles", "cd %2\n", "call bldmake bldfiles $keepgoing");
+print_batch("export", "cd %2\n", "call abld export $keepgoing");
+print_batch("makefile", "cd %2\n", "call abld makefile $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("library", "cd %2\n", "call abld library $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("resource", "cd %2\n", "call abld resource $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("target", "cd %2\n", "call abld target $keepgoing $savespace %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("final", "cd %2\n", "call abld final $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("clean", "cd %2\n", "call abld clean $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("reallyclean", "cd %2\n", "call abld reallyclean $keepgoing %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("check", "cd %2\n", "call abld -check build %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+print_batch("what", "cd %2\n", "call abld -what build %arg1% %arg2% %arg3%");
+sub print_batch
+ {
+ my ($label, @actions) = @_;
+ my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
+ open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";
+ print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
+\@echo off
+echo ===-------------------------------------------------
+echo === $scriptbase %1 %2 %3
+echo ===-------------------------------------------------
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$label,' started ', \$time"
+echo .
+set arg1=%1
+set arg2=%2
+set arg3=%3
+goto :doit
+echo === $label == %3
+perl -e "print '===+ ',time"
+echo .
+goto :EOF
+ my $line;
+ foreach $line (@components)
+ {
+ if ($line =~ /<special (\w+)\s+(\w+)(.*)>/)
+ {
+ if ($1 eq $label)
+ {
+ print FILE "REM special $1 $2\n";
+ print FILE "echo === $label == $2\n";
+ print FILE "setlocal\n\n";
+ print FILE $specials{"$1 $2"};
+ print FILE "\nendlocal\n\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my @MyList;
+ my $tempvar;
+ @MyList = split(/\s+/,$line);
+ $tempvar= lc $MyList[$#MyList];
+ $tempvar =~ s/\\group//;
+ push @MyList, $tempvar;
+ print FILE "call :$label\t$MyList[0]\t$MyList[1]\t$MyList[2]\n";
+ }
+ print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$label,' finished ', \$time"
+echo .
+perl -e "print '===+ ',time"
+echo .
+ close FILE;
+ print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";
+ }
+# Overall build
+sub print_control
+ {
+ my ($label) = @_;
+ my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
+ open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";
+ print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
+\@echo off
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' started ', \$time"
+echo .
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # Generic stuff first
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_export\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # TOOLS, if any
+ if ($build_tools)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile tools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library tools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target tools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what tools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check tools rel\n\n";
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # CWTOOLS, if any
+ if ($build_cwtools)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile cwtools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library cwtools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target cwtools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what cwtools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check cwtools rel\n\n";
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # Emulator things, WINS and WINC
+ unless ($epoc_only)
+ {
+ if ($build_winc)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winc\n";
+ # No resource step for WINC
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check winc\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ if ($build_wins)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_resource wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target wins\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ if ($build_winscw)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_resource winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target winscw\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ if ($build_wins)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_final wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check wins\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ if ($build_winscw)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_final winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check winscw\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # ARM things
+ # Generic build(s) first, followed by the ASSPs (if any)
+ #
+ my $name;
+ my $stage;
+ my @armthings = ();
+ if ($build_arm4)
+ {
+ push @armthings, "arm4";
+ }
+ if ($build_armi)
+ {
+ push @armthings, "armi";
+ }
+ if ($build_thumb)
+ {
+ push @armthings, "thumb";
+ }
+ if ($build_arm3)
+ {
+ push @armthings, "arm3";
+ }
+ if ($build_armv5)
+ {
+ push @armthings, "armv5";
+ }
+ push @armthings, (sort keys %arm_assplist);
+ foreach $stage ("makefile", "resource", "library", "target", "final", "what", "check")
+ {
+ foreach $name (@armthings)
+ {
+ printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
+ }
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' finished ', \$time"
+echo .
+ close FILE;
+ print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";
+ }
+# Overall build, subdivided for multi-machine building
+sub print_pcontrol
+ {
+ my ($label) = @_;
+ my $scriptbase = $basename."_".$label;
+ open FILE, ">$scriptbase.cmd" or die "can't create $scriptbase.cmd";
+ print FILE <<HEAD_EOF;
+\@echo off
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' started ', \$time"
+echo .
+goto build_%1
+ #========================================================
+ # Getting Ready
+ #
+ # Building tools, include files, makefiles, resources
+ # and libraries
+ #
+ print FILE ":build_libs\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # Generic stuff first
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_export\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # TOOLS, if any
+ if ($build_tools)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile tools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library tools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target tools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what tools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check tools rel\n\n";
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # CWTOOLS, if any
+ if ($build_cwtools)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile cwtools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library cwtools\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target cwtools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what cwtools rel\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check cwtools rel\n\n";
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # Emulator things, WINS and WINC, up to resources
+ if ($build_winc)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what winc\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check winc\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ if ($build_wins)
+ {
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_makefile wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_resource wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_library wins\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ #--------------------------------------------------------
+ # ARM things
+ # Generic build(s) first, followed by the ASSPs (if any)
+ #
+ my $name;
+ my $stage;
+ my @epocthings = ();
+ if ($build_arm4)
+ {
+ push @epocthings, "arm4";
+ }
+ if ($build_armi)
+ {
+ push @epocthings, "armi";
+ }
+ if ($build_thumb)
+ {
+ push @epocthings, "thumb";
+ }
+ if ($build_arm3)
+ {
+ push @epocthings, "arm3";
+ }
+ if ($build_armv5)
+ {
+ push @epocthings, "armv5";
+ }
+ push @epocthings, (sort keys %arm_assplist);
+ # For all EPOC things...
+ foreach $stage ("makefile", "resource", "library")
+ {
+ foreach $name (@epocthings)
+ {
+ printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
+ }
+ if ($build_winscw)
+ {
+ printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s winscw\n", $stage;
+ }
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ #========================================================
+ # Completing the Emulator
+ #
+ print FILE ":build_wins\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target wins\n";
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE ":build_wins_final\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_final wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what wins\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check wins\n";
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ #========================================================
+ if ($build_winscw){
+ # Completing the Emulator using CodeWarrior
+ #
+ print FILE ":build_winscw\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_target winscw\n";
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE ":build_winscw_final\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_final winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_what winscw\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_check winscw\n";
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ #========================================================
+ # Completing the ARM targets
+ #
+ foreach $name (@epocthings)
+ {
+ print FILE ":build_$name\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ print FILE "call ${basename}_bldfiles\n";
+ foreach $stage ("target", "final", "what", "check")
+ {
+ printf FILE "call ${basename}_%-8s $name\n", $stage;
+ }
+ print FILE "goto :EOF\n";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ print FILE <<TAIL_EOF;
+perl -e "\$time=localtime; print '=== ',$scriptbase,' finished ', \$time"
+echo .
+ close FILE;
+ print "Created $scriptbase.cmd\n";
+ }