changeset 662 60be34e1b006
parent 655 3f65fd25dfd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/lib/XML/	Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,5065 @@
+# Perl module: XML::DOM
+# By Enno Derksen <>
+# To do:
+# * optimize Attr if it only contains 1 Text node to hold the value
+# * fix setDocType!
+# * BUG: setOwnerDocument - does not process default attr values correctly,
+#   they still point to the old doc.
+# * change Exception mechanism
+# * maybe: more checking of sysId etc.
+# * NoExpand mode (don't know what else is useful)
+# * various odds and ends: see comments starting with "??"
+# * normalize(1) could also expand CDataSections and EntityReferences
+# * parse a DocumentFragment?
+# * encoding support
+package XML::DOM;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT
+	     $IgnoreReadOnly $SafeMode $TagStyle
+	     %DefaultEntities %DecodeDefaultEntity
+	   );
+use Carp;
+use XML::RegExp;
+    require XML::Parser;
+    $VERSION = '1.27';
+    my $needVersion = '2.23';
+    die "need at least XML::Parser version $needVersion (current=${XML::Parser::VERSION})"
+	unless $XML::Parser::VERSION >= $needVersion;
+    @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+    # Constants for XML::DOM Node types
+    @EXPORT = qw(
+	     TEXT_NODE
+	    );
+#---- Constant definitions
+# Node types
+sub UNKNOWN_NODE                () { 0 }		# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ELEMENT_NODE                () { 1 }
+sub ATTRIBUTE_NODE              () { 2 }
+sub TEXT_NODE                   () { 3 }
+sub CDATA_SECTION_NODE          () { 4 }
+sub ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE       () { 5 }
+sub ENTITY_NODE                 () { 6 }
+sub COMMENT_NODE                () { 8 }
+sub DOCUMENT_NODE               () { 9 }
+sub DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          () { 10}
+sub DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE      () { 11}
+sub NOTATION_NODE               () { 12}
+sub ELEMENT_DECL_NODE		() { 13 }	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ATT_DEF_NODE 		() { 14 }	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub XML_DECL_NODE 		() { 15 }	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ATTLIST_DECL_NODE		() { 16 }	# not in the DOM Spec
+%DefaultEntities = 
+ "quot"		=> '"',
+ "gt"		=> ">",
+ "lt"		=> "<",
+ "apos"		=> "'",
+ "amp"		=> "&"
+%DecodeDefaultEntity =
+ '"' => "&quot;",
+ ">" => "&gt;",
+ "<" => "&lt;",
+ "'" => "&apos;",
+ "&" => "&amp;"
+# If you don't want DOM warnings to use 'warn', override this method like this:
+# { # start block scope
+#	local *XML::DOM::warning = \&my_warn;
+#	... your code here ...
+# } # end block scope (old XML::DOM::warning takes effect again)
+sub warning	# static
+    warn @_;
+# This method defines several things in the caller's package, so you can use named constants to
+# access the array that holds the member data, i.e. $self->[_Data]. It assumes the caller's package
+# defines a class that is implemented as a blessed array reference.
+# Note that this is very similar to using 'use fields' and 'use base'.
+# E.g. if $fields eq "Name Model", $parent eq "XML::DOM::Node" and
+# XML::DOM::Node had "A B C" as fields and it was called from package "XML::DOM::ElementDecl",
+# then this code would basically do the following:
+# package XML::DOM::ElementDecl;
+# sub _Name  () { 3 }	# Note that parent class had three fields
+# sub _Model () { 4 }
+# # Maps constant names (without '_') to constant (int) value
+# %HFIELDS = ( %XML::DOM::Node::HFIELDS, Name => _Name, Model => _Model );
+# # Define XML:DOM::ElementDecl as a subclass of XML::DOM::Node
+# @ISA = qw{ XML::DOM::Node };
+# # The following function names can be exported into the user's namespace.
+# @EXPORT_OK = qw{ _Name _Model };
+# # The following function names can be exported into the user's namespace
+# # with: import XML::DOM::ElementDecl qw( :Fields );
+# %EXPORT_TAGS = ( Fields => qw{ _Name _Model } );
+sub def_fields	# static
+    my ($fields, $parent) = @_;
+    my ($pkg) = caller;
+    no strict 'refs';
+    my @f = split (/\s+/, $fields);
+    my $n = 0;
+    my %hfields;
+    if (defined $parent)
+    {
+	my %pf = %{"$parent\::HFIELDS"};
+	%hfields = %pf;
+	$n = scalar (keys %pf);
+	@{"$pkg\::ISA"} = ( $parent );
+    }
+    my $i = $n;
+    for (@f)
+    {
+	eval "sub $pkg\::_$_ () { $i }";
+	$hfields{$_} = $i;
+	$i++;
+    }
+    %{"$pkg\::HFIELDS"} = %hfields;
+    @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_OK"} = map { "_$_" } @f;
+    ${"$pkg\::EXPORT_TAGS"}{Fields} = [ map { "_$_" } @f ];
+# sub blesh
+# {
+#     my $hashref = shift;
+#     my $class = shift;
+#     no strict 'refs';
+#     my $self = bless [\%{"$class\::FIELDS"}], $class;
+#     if (defined $hashref)
+#     {
+# 	for (keys %$hashref)
+# 	{
+# 	    $self->{$_} = $hashref->{$_};
+# 	}
+#     }
+#     $self;
+# }
+# sub blesh2
+# {
+#     my $hashref = shift;
+#     my $class = shift;
+#     no strict 'refs';
+#     my $self = bless [\%{"$class\::FIELDS"}], $class;
+#     if (defined $hashref)
+#     {
+# 	for (keys %$hashref)
+# 	{
+# 	    eval { $self->{$_} = $hashref->{$_}; };
+# 	    croak "ERROR in field [$_] $@" if $@;
+# 	}
+#     }
+#     $self;
+# CDATA section may not contain "]]>"
+sub encodeCDATA
+    my ($str) = shift;
+    $str =~ s/]]>/]]&gt;/go;
+    $str;
+# PI may not contain "?>"
+sub encodeProcessingInstruction
+    my ($str) = shift;
+    $str =~ s/\?>/?&gt;/go;
+    $str;
+#?? Not sure if this is right - must prevent double minus somehow...
+sub encodeComment
+    my ($str) = shift;
+    return undef unless defined $str;
+    $str =~ s/--/&#45;&#45;/go;
+    $str;
+# For debugging
+sub toHex
+    my $str = shift;
+    my $len = length($str);
+    my @a = unpack ("C$len", $str);
+    my $s = "";
+    for (@a)
+    {
+	$s .= sprintf ("%02x", $_);
+    }
+    $s;
+# 2nd parameter $default: list of Default Entity characters that need to be 
+# converted (e.g. "&<" for conversion to "&amp;" and "&lt;" resp.)
+sub encodeText
+    my ($str, $default) = @_;
+    return undef unless defined $str;
+    $str =~ s/([\xC0-\xDF].|[\xE0-\xEF]..|[\xF0-\xFF]...)|([$default])|(]]>)/
+	defined($1) ? XmlUtf8Decode ($1) : 
+	defined ($2) ? $DecodeDefaultEntity{$2} : "]]&gt;" /egs;
+#?? could there be references that should not be expanded?
+# e.g. should not replace &#nn; &#xAF; and &abc;
+#    $str =~ s/&(?!($ReName|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);)/&amp;/go;
+    $str;
+# Used by AttDef - default value
+sub encodeAttrValue
+    encodeText (shift, '"&<');
+# Converts an integer (Unicode - ISO/IEC 10646) to a UTF-8 encoded character 
+# sequence.
+# Used when converting e.g. &#123; or &#x3ff; to a string value.
+# Algorithm borrowed from expat/xmltok.c/XmlUtf8Encode()
+# not checking for bad characters: < 0, x00-x08, x0B-x0C, x0E-x1F, xFFFE-xFFFF
+sub XmlUtf8Encode
+    my $n = shift;
+    if ($n < 0x80)
+    {
+	return chr ($n);
+    }
+    elsif ($n < 0x800)
+    {
+	return pack ("CC", (($n >> 6) | 0xc0), (($n & 0x3f) | 0x80));
+    }
+    elsif ($n < 0x10000)
+    {
+	return pack ("CCC", (($n >> 12) | 0xe0), ((($n >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80),
+		     (($n & 0x3f) | 0x80));
+    }
+    elsif ($n < 0x110000)
+    {
+	return pack ("CCCC", (($n >> 18) | 0xf0), ((($n >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80),
+		     ((($n >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80), (($n & 0x3f) | 0x80));
+    }
+    croak "number is too large for Unicode [$n] in &XmlUtf8Encode";
+# Opposite of XmlUtf8Decode plus it adds prefix "&#" or "&#x" and suffix ";"
+# The 2nd parameter ($hex) indicates whether the result is hex encoded or not.
+sub XmlUtf8Decode
+    my ($str, $hex) = @_;
+    my $len = length ($str);
+    my $n;
+    if ($len == 2)
+    {
+	my @n = unpack "C2", $str;
+	$n = (($n[0] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[1] & 0x3f);
+    }
+    elsif ($len == 3)
+    {
+	my @n = unpack "C3", $str;
+	$n = (($n[0] & 0x1f) << 12) + (($n[1] & 0x3f) << 6) + 
+		($n[2] & 0x3f);
+    }
+    elsif ($len == 4)
+    {
+	my @n = unpack "C4", $str;
+	$n = (($n[0] & 0x0f) << 18) + (($n[1] & 0x3f) << 12) + 
+		(($n[2] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[3] & 0x3f);
+    }
+    elsif ($len == 1)	# just to be complete...
+    {
+	$n = ord ($str);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	croak "bad value [$str] for XmlUtf8Decode";
+    }
+    $hex ? sprintf ("&#x%x;", $n) : "&#$n;";
+$IgnoreReadOnly = 0;
+$SafeMode = 1;
+sub getIgnoreReadOnly
+    $IgnoreReadOnly;
+# The global flag $IgnoreReadOnly is set to the specified value and the old 
+# value of $IgnoreReadOnly is returned.
+# To temporarily disable read-only related exceptions (i.e. when parsing
+# XML or temporarily), do the following:
+# my $oldIgnore = XML::DOM::ignoreReadOnly (1);
+# ... do whatever you want ...
+# XML::DOM::ignoreReadOnly ($oldIgnore);
+sub ignoreReadOnly
+    my $i = $IgnoreReadOnly;
+    $IgnoreReadOnly = $_[0];
+    return $i;
+# XML spec seems to break its own rules... (see ENTITY xmlpio)
+sub forgiving_isValidName
+    $_[0] =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/o;
+# Don't allow names starting with xml (either case)
+sub picky_isValidName
+    $_[0] =~ /^$XML::RegExp::Name$/o and $_[0] !~ /^xml/i;
+# Be forgiving by default, 
+*isValidName = \&forgiving_isValidName;
+sub allowReservedNames		# static
+    *isValidName = ($_[0] ? \&forgiving_isValidName : \&picky_isValidName);
+sub getAllowReservedNames	# static
+    *isValidName == \&forgiving_isValidName;
+# Always compress empty tags by default
+# This is used by Element::print.
+$TagStyle = sub { 0 };
+sub setTagCompression
+    $TagStyle = shift;
+package XML::DOM::PrintToFileHandle;
+# Used by XML::DOM::Node::printToFileHandle
+sub new
+    my($class, $fn) = @_;
+    bless $fn, $class;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $str) = @_;
+    print $self $str;
+package XML::DOM::PrintToString;
+use vars qw{ $Singleton };
+# Used by XML::DOM::Node::toString to concatenate strings
+sub new
+    my($class) = @_;
+    my $str = "";
+    bless \$str, $class;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $str) = @_;
+    $$self .= $str;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    $$self;
+sub reset
+    ${$_[0]} = "";
+$Singleton = new XML::DOM::PrintToString;
+package XML::DOM::DOMImplementation;
+$XML::DOM::DOMImplementation::Singleton =
+  bless \$XML::DOM::DOMImplementation::Singleton, 'XML::DOM::DOMImplementation';
+sub hasFeature 
+    my ($self, $feature, $version) = @_;
+    $feature eq 'XML' and $version eq '1.0';
+package XML::XQL::Node;		# forward declaration
+package XML::DOM::Node;
+use vars qw( @NodeNames @EXPORT @ISA %HFIELDS @EXPORT_OK @EXPORT_TAGS );
+  use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+  import Carp;
+  require FileHandle;
+  @ISA = qw( Exporter XML::XQL::Node );
+  # NOTE: SortKey is used in XML::XQL::Node. 
+  #       UserData is reserved for users (Hang your data here!)
+  XML::DOM::def_fields ("C A Doc Parent ReadOnly UsedIn Hidden SortKey UserData");
+  push (@EXPORT, qw(
+		    TEXT_NODE
+		   ));
+#---- Constant definitions
+# Node types
+sub UNKNOWN_NODE                () {0;}		# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ELEMENT_NODE                () {1;}
+sub ATTRIBUTE_NODE              () {2;}
+sub TEXT_NODE                   () {3;}
+sub CDATA_SECTION_NODE          () {4;}
+sub ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE       () {5;}
+sub ENTITY_NODE                 () {6;}
+sub COMMENT_NODE                () {8;}
+sub DOCUMENT_NODE               () {9;}
+sub DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          () {10;}
+sub DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE      () {11;}
+sub NOTATION_NODE               () {12;}
+sub ELEMENT_DECL_NODE		() {13;}	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ATT_DEF_NODE 		() {14;}	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub XML_DECL_NODE 		() {15;}	# not in the DOM Spec
+sub ATTLIST_DECL_NODE		() {16;}	# not in the DOM Spec
+@NodeNames = (
+	      "UNKNOWN_NODE",	# not in the DOM Spec!
+	      "ELEMENT_NODE",
+	      "TEXT_NODE",
+	      "ENTITY_NODE",
+	      "COMMENT_NODE",
+	      "DOCUMENT_NODE",
+	      "NOTATION_NODE",
+	      "ATT_DEF_NODE",
+	      "XML_DECL_NODE",
+	     );
+sub decoupleUsedIn
+    my $self = shift;
+    undef $self->[_UsedIn]; # was delete
+sub getParentNode
+    $_[0]->[_Parent];
+sub appendChild
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    # REC 7473
+    if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+    {
+					  "node is ReadOnly")
+	    if $self->isReadOnly;
+    }
+    my $doc = $self->[_Doc];
+    if ($node->isDocumentFragmentNode)
+    {
+	if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+	{
+	    for my $n (@{$node->[_C]})
+	    {
+		croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR,
+						  "nodes belong to different documents")
+		    if $doc != $n->[_Doc];
+		croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+						  "node is ancestor of parent node")
+		    if $n->isAncestor ($self);
+		croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+						  "bad node type")
+		    if $self->rejectChild ($n);
+	    }
+	}
+	my @list = @{$node->[_C]};	# don't try to compress this
+	for my $n (@list)
+	{
+	    $n->setParentNode ($self);
+	}
+	push @{$self->[_C]}, @list;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+	{
+	    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR,
+						  "nodes belong to different documents")
+		if $doc != $node->[_Doc];
+	    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+						  "node is ancestor of parent node")
+		if $node->isAncestor ($self);
+	    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+						  "bad node type")
+		if $self->rejectChild ($node);
+	}
+	$node->setParentNode ($self);
+	push @{$self->[_C]}, $node;
+    }
+    $node;
+sub getChildNodes
+    # NOTE: if node can't have children, $self->[_C] is undef.
+    my $kids = $_[0]->[_C];
+    # Return a list if called in list context.
+    wantarray ? (defined ($kids) ? @{ $kids } : ()) :
+	        (defined ($kids) ? $kids : $XML::DOM::NodeList::EMPTY);
+sub hasChildNodes
+    my $kids = $_[0]->[_C];
+    defined ($kids) && @$kids > 0;
+# This method is overriden in Document
+sub getOwnerDocument
+    $_[0]->[_Doc];
+sub getFirstChild
+    my $kids = $_[0]->[_C];
+    defined $kids ? $kids->[0] : undef; 
+sub getLastChild
+    my $kids = $_[0]->[_C];
+    defined $kids ? $kids->[-1] : undef; 
+sub getPreviousSibling
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $pa = $self->[_Parent];
+    return undef unless $pa;
+    my $index = $pa->getChildIndex ($self);
+    return undef unless $index;
+    $pa->getChildAtIndex ($index - 1);
+sub getNextSibling
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $pa = $self->[_Parent];
+    return undef unless $pa;
+    $pa->getChildAtIndex ($pa->getChildIndex ($self) + 1);
+sub insertBefore
+    my ($self, $node, $refNode) = @_;
+    return $self->appendChild ($node) unless $refNode;	# append at the end
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my @nodes = ($node);
+    @nodes = @{$node->[_C]}
+	if $node->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
+    my $doc = $self->[_Doc];
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR,
+					  "nodes belong to different documents")
+	    if $doc != $n->[_Doc];
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "node is ancestor of parent node")
+	    if $n->isAncestor ($self);
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "bad node type")
+	    if $self->rejectChild ($n);
+    }
+    my $index = $self->getChildIndex ($refNode);
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR,
+				      "reference node not found")
+	if $index == -1;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	$n->setParentNode ($self);
+    }
+    splice (@{$self->[_C]}, $index, 0, @nodes);
+    $node;
+sub replaceChild
+    my ($self, $node, $refNode) = @_;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my @nodes = ($node);
+    @nodes = @{$node->[_C]}
+	if $node->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR,
+					  "nodes belong to different documents")
+	    if $self->[_Doc] != $n->[_Doc];
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "node is ancestor of parent node")
+	    if $n->isAncestor ($self);
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "bad node type")
+	    if $self->rejectChild ($n);
+    }
+    my $index = $self->getChildIndex ($refNode);
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR,
+				      "reference node not found")
+	if $index == -1;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	$n->setParentNode ($self);
+    }
+    splice (@{$self->[_C]}, $index, 1, @nodes);
+    $refNode->removeChildHoodMemories;
+    $refNode;
+sub removeChild
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my $index = $self->getChildIndex ($node);
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR,
+				      "reference node not found")
+	if $index == -1;
+    splice (@{$self->[_C]}, $index, 1, ());
+    $node->removeChildHoodMemories;
+    $node;
+# Merge all subsequent Text nodes in this subtree
+sub normalize
+    my ($self) = shift;
+    my $prev = undef;	# previous Text node
+    return unless defined $self->[_C];
+    my @nodes = @{$self->[_C]};
+    my $i = 0;
+    my $n = @nodes;
+    while ($i < $n)
+    {
+	my $node = $self->getChildAtIndex($i);
+	my $type = $node->getNodeType;
+	if (defined $prev)
+	{
+	    # It should not merge CDATASections. Dom Spec says:
+	    #  Adjacent CDATASections nodes are not merged by use
+	    #  of the Element.normalize() method.
+	    if ($type == TEXT_NODE)
+	    {
+		$prev->appendData ($node->getData);
+		$self->removeChild ($node);
+		$i--;
+		$n--;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		$prev = undef;
+		if ($type == ELEMENT_NODE)
+		{
+		    $node->normalize;
+		    if (defined $node->[_A])
+		    {
+			for my $attr (@{$node->[_A]->getValues})
+			{
+			    $attr->normalize;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    if ($type == TEXT_NODE)
+	    {
+		$prev = $node;
+	    }
+	    elsif ($type == ELEMENT_NODE)
+	    {
+		$node->normalize;
+		if (defined $node->[_A])
+		{
+		    for my $attr (@{$node->[_A]->getValues})
+		    {
+			$attr->normalize;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	$i++;
+    }
+# Return all Element nodes in the subtree that have the specified tagName.
+# If tagName is "*", all Element nodes are returned.
+# NOTE: the DOM Spec does not specify a 3rd or 4th parameter
+sub getElementsByTagName
+    my ($self, $tagName, $recurse, $list) = @_;
+    $recurse = 1 unless defined $recurse;
+    $list = (wantarray ? [] : new XML::DOM::NodeList) unless defined $list;
+    return unless defined $self->[_C];
+    # preorder traversal: check parent node first
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	if ($kid->isElementNode)
+	{
+	    if ($tagName eq "*" || $tagName eq $kid->getTagName)
+	    {
+		push @{$list}, $kid;
+	    }
+	    $kid->getElementsByTagName ($tagName, $recurse, $list) if $recurse;
+	}
+    }
+    wantarray ? @{ $list } : $list;
+sub getNodeValue
+    undef;
+sub setNodeValue
+    # no-op
+# Redefined by XML::DOM::Element
+sub getAttributes
+    undef;
+# Extra method implementations
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    return unless defined $self->[_C];
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	$kid->setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    }
+sub cloneChildren
+    my ($self, $node, $deep) = @_;
+    return unless $deep;
+    return unless defined $self->[_C];
+    local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
+    for my $kid (@{$node->[_C]})
+    {
+	my $newNode = $kid->cloneNode ($deep);
+	push @{$self->[_C]}, $newNode;
+	$newNode->setParentNode ($self);
+    }
+# For internal use only!
+sub removeChildHoodMemories
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    undef $self->[_Parent]; # was delete
+# Remove circular dependencies. The Node and its children should
+# not be used afterwards.
+sub dispose
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->removeChildHoodMemories;
+    if (defined $self->[_C])
+    {
+	$self->[_C]->dispose;
+	undef $self->[_C]; # was delete
+    }
+    undef $self->[_Doc]; # was delete
+# For internal use only!
+sub setParentNode
+    my ($self, $parent) = @_;
+    # REC 7473
+    my $oldParent = $self->[_Parent];
+    if (defined $oldParent)
+    {
+	# remove from current parent
+	my $index = $oldParent->getChildIndex ($self);
+	# NOTE: we don't have to check if [_C] is defined,
+	# because were removing a child here!
+	splice (@{$oldParent->[_C]}, $index, 1, ());
+	$self->removeChildHoodMemories;
+    }
+    $self->[_Parent] = $parent;
+# This function can return 3 values:
+# 1: always readOnly
+# 0: never readOnly
+# undef: depends on parent node 
+# Returns 1 for DocumentType, Notation, Entity, EntityReference, Attlist, 
+# ElementDecl, AttDef. 
+# The first 4 are readOnly according to the DOM Spec, the others are always 
+# children of DocumentType. (Naturally, children of a readOnly node have to be
+# readOnly as well...)
+# These nodes are always readOnly regardless of who their ancestors are.
+# Other nodes, e.g. Comment, are readOnly only if their parent is readOnly,
+# which basically means that one of its ancestors has to be one of the
+# aforementioned node types.
+# Document and DocumentFragment return 0 for obvious reasons.
+# Attr, Element, CDATASection, Text return 0. The DOM spec says that they can 
+# be children of an Entity, but I don't think that that's possible
+# with the current XML::Parser.
+# Attr uses a {ReadOnly} property, which is only set if it's part of a AttDef.
+# Always returns 0 if ignoreReadOnly is set.
+sub isReadOnly
+    # default implementation for Nodes that are always readOnly
+    ! $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly;
+sub rejectChild
+    1;
+sub getNodeTypeName
+    $NodeNames[$_[0]->getNodeType];
+sub getChildIndex
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    my $i = 0;
+    return -1 unless defined $self->[_C];
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	return $i if $kid == $node;
+	$i++;
+    }
+    -1;
+sub getChildAtIndex
+    my $kids = $_[0]->[_C];
+    defined ($kids) ? $kids->[$_[1]] : undef;
+sub isAncestor
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    do
+    {
+	return 1 if $self == $node;
+	$node = $node->[_Parent];
+    }
+    while (defined $node);
+    0;
+# Added for optimization. Overriden in XML::DOM::Text
+sub isTextNode
+    0;
+# Added for optimization. Overriden in XML::DOM::DocumentFragment
+sub isDocumentFragmentNode
+    0;
+# Added for optimization. Overriden in XML::DOM::Element
+sub isElementNode
+    0;
+# Add a Text node with the specified value or append the text to the
+# previous Node if it is a Text node.
+sub addText
+    # REC 9456 (if it was called)
+    my ($self, $str) = @_;
+    my $node = ${$self->[_C]}[-1];	# $self->getLastChild
+    if (defined ($node) && $node->isTextNode)
+    {
+	# REC 5475 (if it was called)
+	$node->appendData ($str);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$node = $self->[_Doc]->createTextNode ($str);
+	$self->appendChild ($node);
+    }
+    $node;
+# Add a CDATASection node with the specified value or append the text to the
+# previous Node if it is a CDATASection node.
+sub addCDATA
+    my ($self, $str) = @_;
+    my $node = ${$self->[_C]}[-1];	# $self->getLastChild
+    if (defined ($node) && $node->getNodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+    {
+	$node->appendData ($str);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$node = $self->[_Doc]->createCDATASection ($str);
+	$self->appendChild ($node);
+    }
+    $node;
+sub removeChildNodes
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cref = $self->[_C];
+    return unless defined $cref;
+    my $kid;
+    while ($kid = pop @{$cref})
+    {
+	undef $kid->[_Parent]; # was delete
+    }
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $pr = $XML::DOM::PrintToString::Singleton;
+    $pr->reset;
+    $self->print ($pr);
+    $pr->toString;
+sub to_sax
+    my $self = shift;
+    unshift @_, 'Handler' if (@_ == 1);
+    my %h = @_;
+    my $doch = exists ($h{DocumentHandler}) ? $h{DocumentHandler} 
+					    : $h{Handler};
+    my $dtdh = exists ($h{DTDHandler}) ? $h{DTDHandler} 
+				       : $h{Handler};
+    my $enth = exists ($h{EntityResolver}) ? $h{EntityResolver} 
+					   : $h{Handler};
+    $self->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+sub printToFile
+    my ($self, $fileName) = @_;
+    my $fh = new FileHandle ($fileName, "w") || 
+	croak "printToFile - can't open output file $fileName";
+    $self->print ($fh);
+    $fh->close;
+# Use print to print to a FileHandle object (see printToFile code)
+sub printToFileHandle
+    my ($self, $FH) = @_;
+    my $pr = new XML::DOM::PrintToFileHandle ($FH);
+    $self->print ($pr);
+# Used by AttDef::setDefault to convert unexpanded default attribute value
+sub expandEntityRefs
+    my ($self, $str) = @_;
+    my $doctype = $self->[_Doc]->getDoctype;
+    $str =~ s/&($XML::RegExp::Name|(#([0-9]+)|#x([0-9a-fA-F]+)));/
+	defined($2) ? XML::DOM::XmlUtf8Encode ($3 || hex ($4)) 
+		    : expandEntityRef ($1, $doctype)/ego;
+    $str;
+sub expandEntityRef
+    my ($entity, $doctype) = @_;
+    my $expanded = $XML::DOM::DefaultEntities{$entity};
+    return $expanded if defined $expanded;
+    $expanded = $doctype->getEntity ($entity);
+    return $expanded->getValue if (defined $expanded);
+#?? is this an error?
+    croak "Could not expand entity reference of [$entity]\n";
+#    return "&$entity;";	# entity not found
+sub isHidden
+    $_[0]->[_Hidden];
+package XML::DOM::Attr;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Name Specified", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name, $value, $specified) = @_;
+    if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,
+					  "bad Attr name [$name]")
+	    unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    }
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self->[_Name] = $name;
+    if (defined $value)
+    {
+	$self->setValue ($value);
+	$self->[_Specified] = (defined $specified) ? $specified : 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$self->[_Specified] = 0;
+    }
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub isSpecified
+    $_[0]->[_Specified];
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getValue
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $value = "";
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	$value .= $kid->getData;
+    }
+    $value;
+sub setValue
+    my ($self, $value) = @_;
+    # REC 1147
+    $self->removeChildNodes;
+    $self->appendChild ($self->[_Doc]->createTextNode ($value));
+    $self->[_Specified] = 1;
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->getName;
+sub getNodeValue
+    $_[0]->getValue;
+sub setNodeValue
+    $_[0]->setValue ($_[1]);
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self) = @_;	# parameter deep is ignored
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createAttribute ($self->getName);
+    $node->[_Specified] = $self->[_Specified];
+    $node->[_ReadOnly] = 1 if $self->[_ReadOnly];
+    $node->cloneChildren ($self, 1);
+    $node;
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    # ReadOnly property is set if it's part of a AttDef
+    ! $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly && defined ($_[0]->[_ReadOnly]);
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_Name];
+    $FILE->print ("$name=\"");
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	if ($kid->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE)
+	{
+	    $FILE->print (XML::DOM::encodeAttrValue ($kid->getData));
+	}
+	{
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	}
+    }
+    $FILE->print ("\"");
+sub rejectChild
+    my $t = $_[1]->getNodeType;
+    $t != TEXT_NODE 
+package XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Target Data", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $target, $data, $hidden) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,
+			      "bad ProcessingInstruction Target [$target]")
+	unless (XML::DOM::isValidName ($target) && $target !~ /^xml$/io);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Target] = $target;
+    $self->[_Data] = $data;
+    $self->[_Hidden] = $hidden;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getTarget
+    $_[0]->[_Target];
+sub getData
+    $_[0]->[_Data];
+sub setData
+    my ($self, $data) = @_;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    $self->[_Data] = $data;
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_Target];
+# Same as getData
+sub getNodeValue
+    $_[0]->[_Data];
+sub setNodeValue
+    $_[0]->setData ($_[1]);
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createProcessingInstruction ($self->getTarget, 
+						$self->getData,
+						$self->isHidden);
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    return 0 if $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly;
+    my $pa = $_[0]->[_Parent];
+    defined ($pa) ? $pa->isReadOnly : 0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    $FILE->print ("<?");
+    $FILE->print ($self->[_Target]);
+    $FILE->print (" ");
+    $FILE->print (XML::DOM::encodeProcessingInstruction ($self->[_Data]));
+    $FILE->print ("?>");
+package XML::DOM::Notation;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Name Base SysId PubId", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name, $base, $sysId, $pubId, $hidden) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+				      "bad Notation Name [$name]")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Name] = $name;
+    $self->[_Base] = $base;
+    $self->[_SysId] = $sysId;
+    $self->[_PubId] = $pubId;
+    $self->[_Hidden] = $hidden;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getPubId
+    $_[0]->[_PubId];
+sub setPubId
+    $_[0]->[_PubId] = $_[1];
+sub getSysId
+    $_[0]->[_SysId];
+sub setSysId
+    $_[0]->[_SysId] = $_[1];
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub setName
+    $_[0]->[_Name] = $_[1];
+sub getBase
+    $_[0]->[_Base];
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_Name];
+    my $sysId = $self->[_SysId];
+    my $pubId = $self->[_PubId];
+    $FILE->print ("<!NOTATION $name ");
+    if (defined $pubId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" PUBLIC \"$pubId\"");	
+    }
+    if (defined $sysId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" SYSTEM \"$sysId\"");	
+    }
+    $FILE->print (">");
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createNotation ($self->[_Name], $self->[_Base], 
+				   $self->[_SysId], $self->[_PubId],
+				   $self->[_Hidden]);
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Notation ($self->getName, $self->getBase, 
+		     $self->getSysId, $self->getPubId);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $dtdh->notation_decl ( { Name => $self->getName, 
+			     Base => $self->getBase, 
+			     SystemId => $self->getSysId, 
+			     PublicId => $self->getPubId });
+package XML::DOM::Entity;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("NotationName Parameter Value Ndata SysId PubId", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $par, $notationName, $value, $sysId, $pubId, $ndata, $hidden) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+				      "bad Entity Name [$notationName]")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($notationName);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_NotationName] = $notationName;
+    $self->[_Parameter] = $par;
+    $self->[_Value] = $value;
+    $self->[_Ndata] = $ndata;
+    $self->[_SysId] = $sysId;
+    $self->[_PubId] = $pubId;
+    $self->[_Hidden] = $hidden;
+    $self;
+#?? maybe Value should be a Text node
+sub getNodeType
+sub getPubId
+    $_[0]->[_PubId];
+sub getSysId
+    $_[0]->[_SysId];
+# Dom Spec says: 
+#  For unparsed entities, the name of the notation for the
+#  entity. For parsed entities, this is null.
+#?? do we have unparsed entities?
+sub getNotationName
+    $_[0]->[_NotationName];
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_NotationName];
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createEntity ($self->[_Parameter], 
+				 $self->[_NotationName], $self->[_Value], 
+				 $self->[_SysId], $self->[_PubId], 
+				 $self->[_Ndata], $self->[_Hidden]);
+sub rejectChild
+    return 1;
+#?? if value is split over subnodes, recode this section
+# also add:				   C => new XML::DOM::NodeList,
+    my $t = $_[1];
+    return $t == TEXT_NODE
+	|| $t == COMMENT_NODE
+	|| $t == ELEMENT_NODE;
+sub getValue
+    $_[0]->[_Value];
+sub isParameterEntity
+    $_[0]->[_Parameter];
+sub getNdata
+    $_[0]->[_Ndata];
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_NotationName];
+    my $par = $self->isParameterEntity ? "% " : "";
+    $FILE->print ("<!ENTITY $par$name");
+    my $value = $self->[_Value];
+    my $sysId = $self->[_SysId];
+    my $pubId = $self->[_PubId];
+    my $ndata = $self->[_Ndata];
+    if (defined $value)
+    {
+#?? Not sure what to do if it contains both single and double quote
+	$value = ($value =~ /\"/) ? "'$value'" : "\"$value\"";
+	$FILE->print (" $value");
+    }
+    if (defined $pubId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" PUBLIC \"$pubId\"");	
+    }
+    elsif (defined $sysId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" SYSTEM");
+    }
+    if (defined $sysId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" \"$sysId\"");
+    }
+    $FILE->print (" NDATA $ndata") if defined $ndata;
+    $FILE->print (">");
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    my $name = ($self->isParameterEntity ? '%' : "") . $self->getNotationName; 
+    $iter->Entity ($name,
+		   $self->getValue, $self->getSysId, $self->getPubId, 
+		   $self->getNdata);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    my $name = ($self->isParameterEntity ? '%' : "") . $self->getNotationName; 
+    $dtdh->entity_decl ( { Name => $name, 
+			   Value => $self->getValue, 
+			   SystemId => $self->getSysId, 
+			   PublicId => $self->getPubId, 
+			   Notation => $self->getNdata } );
+package XML::DOM::EntityReference;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("EntityName Parameter", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name, $parameter) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+		      "bad Entity Name [$name] in EntityReference")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_EntityName] = $name;
+    $self->[_Parameter] = ($parameter || 0);
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_EntityName];
+# Extra method implementations
+sub getEntityName
+    $_[0]->[_EntityName];
+sub isParameterEntity
+    $_[0]->[_Parameter];
+sub getData
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = $self->[_EntityName];
+    my $parameter = $self->[_Parameter];
+    my $data = $self->[_Doc]->expandEntity ($name, $parameter);
+    unless (defined $data)
+    {
+#?? this is probably an error
+	my $pc = $parameter ? "%" : "&";
+	$data = "$pc$name;";
+    }
+    $data;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_EntityName];
+#?? or do we expand the entities?
+    my $pc = $self->[_Parameter] ? "%" : "&";
+    $FILE->print ("$pc$name;");
+# Dom Spec says:
+#     [...] but if such an Entity exists, then
+#     the child list of the EntityReference node is the same as that of the
+#     Entity node. 
+#     The resolution of the children of the EntityReference (the replacement
+#     value of the referenced Entity) may be lazily evaluated; actions by the
+#     user (such as calling the childNodes method on the EntityReference
+#     node) are assumed to trigger the evaluation.
+sub getChildNodes
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $entity = $self->[_Doc]->getEntity ($self->[_EntityName]);
+    defined ($entity) ? $entity->getChildNodes : new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createEntityReference ($self->[_EntityName], 
+					 $self->[_Parameter]);
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->EntityRef ($self->getEntityName, $self->isParameterEntity);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    my @par = $self->isParameterEntity ? (Parameter => 1) : ();
+#?? not supported by PerlSAX: $self->isParameterEntity
+    $doch->entity_reference ( { Name => $self->getEntityName, @par } );
+# NOTE: an EntityReference can't really have children, so rejectChild
+# is not reimplemented (i.e. it always returns 0.)
+package XML::DOM::AttDef;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Name Type Fixed Default Required Implied Quote", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+# Extra method implementations
+# AttDef is not part of DOM Spec
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name, $attrType, $default, $fixed, $hidden) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,
+				      "bad Attr name in AttDef [$name]")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Name] = $name;
+    $self->[_Type] = $attrType;
+    if (defined $default)
+    {
+	if ($default eq "#REQUIRED")
+	{
+	    $self->[_Required] = 1;
+	}
+	elsif ($default eq "#IMPLIED")
+	{
+	    $self->[_Implied] = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    # strip off quotes - see Attlist handler in XML::Parser
+	    $default =~ m#^(["'])(.*)['"]$#;
+	    $self->[_Quote] = $1;	# keep track of the quote character
+	    $self->[_Default] = $self->setDefault ($2);
+#?? should default value be decoded - what if it contains e.g. "&amp;"
+	}
+    }
+    $self->[_Fixed] = $fixed if defined $fixed;
+    $self->[_Hidden] = $hidden if defined $hidden;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+# So it can be added to a NamedNodeMap
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getType
+    $_[0]->[_Type];
+sub setType
+    $_[0]->[_Type] = $_[1];
+sub getDefault
+    $_[0]->[_Default];
+sub setDefault
+    my ($self, $value) = @_;
+    # specified=0, it's the default !
+    my $attr = $self->[_Doc]->createAttribute ($self->[_Name], undef, 0);
+    $attr->[_ReadOnly] = 1;
+#?? this should be split over Text and EntityReference nodes, just like other
+# Attr nodes - just expand the text for now
+    $value = $self->expandEntityRefs ($value);
+    $attr->addText ($value);
+#?? reimplement in NoExpand mode!
+    $attr;
+sub isFixed
+    $_[0]->[_Fixed] || 0;
+sub isRequired
+    $_[0]->[_Required] || 0;
+sub isImplied
+    $_[0]->[_Implied] || 0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_Name];
+    my $type = $self->[_Type];
+    my $fixed = $self->[_Fixed];
+    my $default = $self->[_Default];
+    $FILE->print ("$name $type");
+    $FILE->print (" #FIXED") if defined $fixed;
+    if ($self->[_Required])
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" #REQUIRED");
+    }
+    elsif ($self->[_Implied])
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" #IMPLIED");
+    }
+    elsif (defined ($default))
+    {
+	my $quote = $self->[_Quote];
+	$FILE->print (" $quote");
+	for my $kid (@{$default->[_C]})
+	{
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	}
+	$FILE->print ($quote);	
+    }
+sub getDefaultString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $default;
+    if ($self->[_Required])
+    {
+	return "#REQUIRED";
+    }
+    elsif ($self->[_Implied])
+    {
+	return "#IMPLIED";
+    }
+    elsif (defined ($default = $self->[_Default]))
+    {
+	my $quote = $self->[_Quote];
+	$default = $default->toString;
+	return "$quote$default$quote";
+    }
+    undef;
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $node = new XML::DOM::AttDef ($self->[_Doc], $self->[_Name], $self->[_Type],
+				     undef, $self->[_Fixed]);
+    $node->[_Required] = 1 if $self->[_Required];
+    $node->[_Implied] = 1 if $self->[_Implied];
+    $node->[_Fixed] = $self->[_Fixed] if defined $self->[_Fixed];
+    $node->[_Hidden] = $self->[_Hidden] if defined $self->[_Hidden];
+    if (defined $self->[_Default])
+    {
+	$node->[_Default] = $self->[_Default]->cloneNode(1);
+    }
+    $node->[_Quote] = $self->[_Quote];
+    $node;
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    if (defined $self->[_Default])
+    {
+	$self->[_Default]->setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    }
+package XML::DOM::AttlistDecl;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::AttDef qw{ :Fields };
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("ElementName", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+# Extra method implementations
+# AttlistDecl is not part of the DOM Spec
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+			      "bad Element TagName [$name] in AttlistDecl")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self->[_ReadOnly] = 1;
+    $self->[_ElementName] = $name;
+    $self->[_A] = new XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (Doc	=> $doc,
+					      ReadOnly	=> 1,
+					      Parent	=> $self);
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_ElementName];
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_ElementName];
+sub getAttDef
+    my ($self, $attrName) = @_;
+    $self->[_A]->getNamedItem ($attrName);
+sub addAttDef
+    my ($self, $attrName, $type, $default, $fixed, $hidden) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->getAttDef ($attrName);
+    if (defined $node)
+    {
+	# data will be ignored if already defined
+	my $elemName = $self->getName;
+	XML::DOM::warning ("multiple definitions of attribute $attrName for element $elemName, only first one is recognized");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$node = new XML::DOM::AttDef ($self->[_Doc], $attrName, $type, 
+				      $default, $fixed, $hidden);
+	$self->[_A]->setNamedItem ($node);
+    }
+    $node;
+sub getDefaultAttrValue
+    my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+    my $attrNode = $self->getAttDef ($attr);
+    (defined $attrNode) ? $attrNode->getDefault : undef;
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self, $deep) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createAttlistDecl ($self->[_ElementName]);
+    $node->[_A] = $self->[_A]->cloneNode ($deep);
+    $node;
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    $self->[_A]->setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->getName;
+    my @attlist = @{$self->[_A]->getValues};
+    my $hidden = 1;
+    for my $att (@attlist)
+    {
+	unless ($att->[_Hidden])
+	{
+	    $hidden = 0;
+	    last;
+	}
+    }
+    unless ($hidden)
+    {
+	$FILE->print ("<!ATTLIST $name");
+	if (@attlist == 1)
+	{
+	    $FILE->print (" ");
+	    $attlist[0]->print ($FILE);	    
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    for my $attr (@attlist)
+	    {
+		next if $attr->[_Hidden];
+		$FILE->print ("\x0A  ");
+		$attr->print ($FILE);
+	    }
+	}
+	$FILE->print (">");
+    }
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    my $tag = $self->getName;
+    for my $a ($self->[_A]->getValues)
+    {
+	my $default = $a->isImplied ? '#IMPLIED' :
+	    ($a->isRequired ? '#REQUIRED' : 
+	     ($a->[_Quote] . $a->getDefault->getValue . $a->[_Quote]));
+	$iter->Attlist ($tag, $a->getName, $a->getType, $default, $a->isFixed); 
+    }
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    my $tag = $self->getName;
+    for my $a ($self->[_A]->getValues)
+    {
+	my $default = $a->isImplied ? '#IMPLIED' :
+	    ($a->isRequired ? '#REQUIRED' : 
+	     ($a->[_Quote] . $a->getDefault->getValue . $a->[_Quote]));
+	$dtdh->attlist_decl ({ ElementName => $tag, 
+			       AttributeName => $a->getName, 
+			       Type => $a->[_Type], 
+			       Default => $default, 
+			       Fixed => $a->isFixed }); 
+    }
+package XML::DOM::ElementDecl;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Name Model", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+# Extra method implementations
+# ElementDecl is not part of the DOM Spec
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $name, $model, $hidden) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+			      "bad Element TagName [$name] in ElementDecl")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Name] = $name;
+    $self->[_ReadOnly] = 1;
+    $self->[_Model] = $model;
+    $self->[_Hidden] = $hidden;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getModel
+    $_[0]->[_Model];
+sub setModel
+    my ($self, $model) = @_;
+    $self->[_Model] = $model;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_Name];
+    my $model = $self->[_Model];
+    $FILE->print ("<!ELEMENT $name $model>")
+	unless $self->[_Hidden];
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createElementDecl ($self->[_Name], $self->[_Model], 
+				      $self->[_Hidden]);
+sub to_expat
+#?? add support for Hidden?? (allover, also in _to_sax!!)
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Element ($self->getName, $self->getModel);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $dtdh->element_decl ( { Name => $self->getName, 
+			    Model => $self->getModel } );
+package XML::DOM::Element;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("TagName", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap;
+use Carp;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $tagName) = @_;
+    if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+				      "bad Element TagName [$tagName]")
+	    unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($tagName);
+    }
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self->[_TagName] = $tagName;
+# Now we're creating the NamedNodeMap only when needed (REC 2313 => 1147)    
+#    $self->[_A] = new XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (Doc	=> $doc,
+#					     Parent	=> $self);
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getTagName
+    $_[0]->[_TagName];
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_TagName];
+sub getAttributeNode
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    return undef unless defined $self->[_A];
+    $self->getAttributes->{$name};
+sub getAttribute
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    my $attr = $self->getAttributeNode ($name);
+    (defined $attr) ? $attr->getValue : "";
+sub setAttribute
+    my ($self, $name, $val) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,
+				      "bad Attr Name [$name]")
+	unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($name);
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my $node = $self->getAttributes->{$name};
+    if (defined $node)
+    {
+	$node->setValue ($val);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$node = $self->[_Doc]->createAttribute ($name, $val);
+	$self->[_A]->setNamedItem ($node);
+    }
+sub setAttributeNode
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    my $attr = $self->getAttributes;
+    my $name = $node->getNodeName;
+    # REC 1147
+    if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR,
+					  "nodes belong to different documents")
+	    if $self->[_Doc] != $node->[_Doc];
+					  "node is ReadOnly")
+	    if $self->isReadOnly;
+	my $attrParent = $node->[_UsedIn];
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR,
+					  "Attr is already used by another Element")
+	    if (defined ($attrParent) && $attrParent != $attr);
+    }
+    my $other = $attr->{$name};
+    $attr->removeNamedItem ($name) if defined $other;
+    $attr->setNamedItem ($node);
+    $other;
+sub removeAttributeNode
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my $attr = $self->[_A];
+    unless (defined $attr)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR);
+	return undef;
+    }
+    my $name = $node->getNodeName;
+    my $attrNode = $attr->getNamedItem ($name);
+#?? should it croak if it's the default value?
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR)
+	unless $node == $attrNode;
+    # Not removing anything if it's the default value already
+    return undef unless $node->isSpecified;
+    $attr->removeNamedItem ($name);
+    # Substitute with default value if it's defined
+    my $default = $self->getDefaultAttrValue ($name);
+    if (defined $default)
+    {
+	local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
+	$default = $default->cloneNode (1);
+	$attr->setNamedItem ($default);
+    }
+    $node;
+sub removeAttribute
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    my $attr = $self->[_A];
+    unless (defined $attr)
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (NOT_FOUND_ERR);
+	return;
+    }
+    my $node = $attr->getNamedItem ($name);
+    if (defined $node)
+    {
+#?? could use dispose() to remove circular references for gc, but what if
+#?? somebody is referencing it?
+	$self->removeAttributeNode ($node);
+    }
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self, $deep) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createElement ($self->getTagName);
+    # Always clone the Attr nodes, even if $deep == 0
+    if (defined $self->[_A])
+    {
+	$node->[_A] = $self->[_A]->cloneNode (1);	# deep=1
+	$node->[_A]->setParentNode ($node);
+    }
+    $node->cloneChildren ($self, $deep);
+    $node;
+sub getAttributes
+    $_[0]->[_A] ||= XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap->new (Doc	=> $_[0]->[_Doc],
+						 Parent	=> $_[0]);
+# Extra method implementations
+# Added for convenience
+sub setTagName
+    my ($self, $tagName) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR, 
+				      "bad Element TagName [$tagName]")
+        unless XML::DOM::isValidName ($tagName);
+    $self->[_TagName] = $tagName;
+sub isReadOnly
+    0;
+# Added for optimization.
+sub isElementNode
+    1;
+sub rejectChild
+    my $t = $_[1]->getNodeType;
+    $t != TEXT_NODE
+    && $t != COMMENT_NODE
+    && $t != CDATA_SECTION_NODE
+    && $t != ELEMENT_NODE;
+sub getDefaultAttrValue
+    my ($self, $attr) = @_;
+    $self->[_Doc]->getDefaultAttrValue ($self->[_TagName], $attr);
+sub dispose
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_A]->dispose if defined $self->[_A];
+    $self->SUPER::dispose;
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    $self->[_A]->setOwnerDocument ($doc) if defined $self->[_A];
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;    
+    my $name = $self->[_TagName];
+    $FILE->print ("<$name");
+    if (defined $self->[_A])
+    {
+	for my $att (@{$self->[_A]->getValues})
+	{
+	    # skip un-specified (default) Attr nodes
+	    if ($att->isSpecified)
+	    {
+		$FILE->print (" ");
+		$att->print ($FILE);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    my @kids = @{$self->[_C]};
+    if (@kids > 0)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (">");
+	for my $kid (@kids)
+	{
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	}
+	$FILE->print ("</$name>");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	my $style = &$XML::DOM::TagStyle ($name, $self);
+	if ($style == 0)
+	{
+	    $FILE->print ("/>");
+	}
+	elsif ($style == 1)
+	{
+	    $FILE->print ("></$name>");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    $FILE->print (" />");
+	}
+    }
+sub check
+    my ($self, $checker) = @_;
+    die "Usage: \$xml_dom_elem->check (\$checker)" unless $checker; 
+    $checker->InitDomElem;
+    $self->to_expat ($checker);
+    $checker->FinalDomElem;
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    my $tag = $self->getTagName;
+    $iter->Start ($tag);
+    if (defined $self->[_A])
+    {
+	for my $attr ($self->[_A]->getValues)
+	{
+	    $iter->Attr ($tag, $attr->getName, $attr->getValue, $attr->isSpecified);
+	}
+    }
+    $iter->EndAttr;
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	$kid->to_expat ($iter);
+    }
+    $iter->End;
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    my $tag = $self->getTagName;
+    my @attr = ();
+    my $attrOrder;
+    my $attrDefaulted;
+    if (defined $self->[_A])
+    {
+	my @spec = ();		# names of specified attributes
+	my @unspec = ();	# names of defaulted attributes
+	for my $attr ($self->[_A]->getValues) 
+	{
+	    my $attrName = $attr->getName;
+	    push @attr, $attrName, $attr->getValue;
+	    if ($attr->isSpecified)
+	    {
+		push @spec, $attrName;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		push @unspec, $attrName;
+	    }
+	}
+	$attrOrder = [ @spec, @unspec ];
+	$attrDefaulted = @spec;
+    }
+    $doch->start_element (defined $attrOrder ? 
+			  { Name => $tag, 
+			    Attributes => { @attr },
+			    AttributeOrder => $attrOrder,
+			    Defaulted => $attrDefaulted
+			  } :
+			  { Name => $tag, 
+			    Attributes => { @attr } 
+			  }
+			 );
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	$kid->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+    }
+    $doch->end_element ( { Name => $tag } );
+package XML::DOM::CharacterData;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Data", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+# CharacterData nodes should never be created directly, only subclassed!
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $data) = @_;
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Data] = $data;
+    $self;
+sub appendData
+    my ($self, $data) = @_;
+    if ($XML::DOM::SafeMode)
+    {
+					  "node is ReadOnly")
+	    if $self->isReadOnly;
+    }
+    $self->[_Data] .= $data;
+sub deleteData
+    my ($self, $offset, $count) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "bad offset [$offset]")
+	if ($offset < 0 || $offset >= length ($self->[_Data]));
+#?? DOM Spec says >, but >= makes more sense!
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "negative count [$count]")
+	if $count < 0;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    substr ($self->[_Data], $offset, $count) = "";
+sub getData
+    $_[0]->[_Data];
+sub getLength
+    length $_[0]->[_Data];
+sub insertData
+    my ($self, $offset, $data) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "bad offset [$offset]")
+	if ($offset < 0 || $offset >= length ($self->[_Data]));
+#?? DOM Spec says >, but >= makes more sense!
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    substr ($self->[_Data], $offset, 0) = $data;
+sub replaceData
+    my ($self, $offset, $count, $data) = @_;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "bad offset [$offset]")
+	if ($offset < 0 || $offset >= length ($self->[_Data]));
+#?? DOM Spec says >, but >= makes more sense!
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "negative count [$count]")
+	if $count < 0;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    substr ($self->[_Data], $offset, $count) = $data;
+sub setData
+    my ($self, $data) = @_;
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    $self->[_Data] = $data;
+sub substringData
+    my ($self, $offset, $count) = @_;
+    my $data = $self->[_Data];
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "bad offset [$offset]")
+	if ($offset < 0 || $offset >= length ($data));
+#?? DOM Spec says >, but >= makes more sense!
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "negative count [$count]")
+	if $count < 0;
+    substr ($data, $offset, $count);
+sub getNodeValue
+    $_[0]->getData;
+sub setNodeValue
+    $_[0]->setData ($_[1]);
+package XML::DOM::CDATASection;
+    import XML::DOM::CharacterData qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("", "XML::DOM::CharacterData");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+sub getNodeName
+    "#cdata-section";
+sub getNodeType
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createCDATASection ($self->getData);
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    $FILE->print ("<![CDATA[");
+    $FILE->print (XML::DOM::encodeCDATA ($self->getData));
+    $FILE->print ("]]>");
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->CData ($self->getData);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $doch->start_cdata;
+    $doch->characters ( { Data => $self->getData } );
+    $doch->end_cdata;
+package XML::DOM::Comment;
+    import XML::DOM::CharacterData qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("", "XML::DOM::CharacterData");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+#?? setData - could check comment for double minus
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    "#comment";
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createComment ($self->getData);
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    return 0 if $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly;
+    my $pa = $_[0]->[_Parent];
+    defined ($pa) ? $pa->isReadOnly : 0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    my $comment = XML::DOM::encodeComment ($self->[_Data]);
+    $FILE->print ("<!--$comment-->");
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Comment ($self->getData);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $doch->Comment ( { Data => $self->getData });
+package XML::DOM::Text;
+    import XML::DOM::CharacterData qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("", "XML::DOM::CharacterData");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use Carp;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    "#text";
+sub splitText
+    my ($self, $offset) = @_;
+    my $data = $self->getData;
+    croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (INDEX_SIZE_ERR,
+				      "bad offset [$offset]")
+	if ($offset < 0 || $offset >= length ($data));
+#?? DOM Spec says >, but >= makes more sense!
+				      "node is ReadOnly")
+	if $self->isReadOnly;
+    my $rest = substring ($data, $offset);
+    $self->setData (substring ($data, 0, $offset));
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createTextNode ($rest);
+    # insert new node after this node
+    $self->[_Parent]->insertAfter ($node, $self);
+    $node;
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Doc]->createTextNode ($self->getData);
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    $FILE->print (XML::DOM::encodeText ($self->getData, "<&"));
+sub isTextNode
+    1;
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Char ($self->getData);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $doch->characters ( { Data => $self->getData } );
+package XML::DOM::XMLDecl;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Version Encoding Standalone", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+# Extra method implementations
+# XMLDecl is not part of the DOM Spec
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc, $version, $encoding, $standalone) = @_;
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_Version] = $version if defined $version;
+    $self->[_Encoding] = $encoding if defined $encoding;
+    $self->[_Standalone] = $standalone if defined $standalone;
+    $self;
+sub setVersion
+    if (defined $_[1])
+    {
+	$_[0]->[_Version] = $_[1];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	undef $_[0]->[_Version]; # was delete
+    }
+sub getVersion
+    $_[0]->[_Version];
+sub setEncoding
+    if (defined $_[1])
+    {
+	$_[0]->[_Encoding] = $_[1];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	undef $_[0]->[_Encoding]; # was delete
+    }
+sub getEncoding
+    $_[0]->[_Encoding];
+sub setStandalone
+    if (defined $_[1])
+    {
+	$_[0]->[_Standalone] = $_[1];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	undef $_[0]->[_Standalone]; # was delete
+    }
+sub getStandalone
+    $_[0]->[_Standalone];
+sub getNodeType
+sub cloneNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    new XML::DOM::XMLDecl ($self->[_Doc], $self->[_Version], 
+			   $self->[_Encoding], $self->[_Standalone]);
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    my $version = $self->[_Version];
+    my $encoding = $self->[_Encoding];
+    my $standalone = $self->[_Standalone];
+    $standalone = ($standalone ? "yes" : "no") if defined $standalone;
+    $FILE->print ("<?xml");
+    $FILE->print (" version=\"$version\"")	 if defined $version;    
+    $FILE->print (" encoding=\"$encoding\"")	 if defined $encoding;
+    $FILE->print (" standalone=\"$standalone\"") if defined $standalone;
+    $FILE->print ("?>");
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->XMLDecl ($self->getVersion, $self->getEncoding, $self->getStandalone);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $dtdh->xml_decl ( { Version => $self->getVersion, 
+			Encoding => $self->getEncoding, 
+			Standalone => $self->getStandalone } );
+package XML::DOM::DocumentFragment;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+sub new
+    my ($class, $doc) = @_;
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    "#document-fragment";
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self, $deep) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createDocumentFragment;
+    $node->cloneChildren ($self, $deep);
+    $node;
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    for my $node (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	$node->print ($FILE);
+    }
+sub rejectChild
+    my $t = $_[1]->getNodeType;
+    $t != TEXT_NODE
+	&& $t != COMMENT_NODE
+	&& $t != ELEMENT_NODE;
+sub isDocumentFragmentNode
+    1;
+package XML::DOM::Document;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Doctype XmlDecl", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use Carp;
+use XML::DOM::NodeList;
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+sub new
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    # keep Doc pointer, even though getOwnerDocument returns undef
+    $self->[_Doc] = $self;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    "#document";
+#?? not sure about keeping a fixed order of these nodes....
+sub getDoctype
+    $_[0]->[_Doctype];
+sub getDocumentElement
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    for my $kid (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	return $kid if $kid->isElementNode;
+    }
+    undef;
+sub getOwnerDocument
+    undef;
+sub getImplementation 
+    $XML::DOM::DOMImplementation::Singleton;
+# Added extra parameters ($val, $specified) that are passed straight to the
+# Attr constructor
+sub createAttribute
+    new XML::DOM::Attr (@_);
+sub createCDATASection
+    new XML::DOM::CDATASection (@_);
+sub createComment
+    new XML::DOM::Comment (@_);
+sub createElement
+    new XML::DOM::Element (@_);
+sub createTextNode
+    new XML::DOM::Text (@_);
+sub createProcessingInstruction
+    new XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction (@_);
+sub createEntityReference
+    new XML::DOM::EntityReference (@_);
+sub createDocumentFragment
+    new XML::DOM::DocumentFragment (@_);
+sub createDocumentType
+    new XML::DOM::DocumentType (@_);
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self, $deep) = @_;
+    my $node = new XML::DOM::Document;
+    $node->cloneChildren ($self, $deep);
+    my $xmlDecl = $self->[_XmlDecl];
+    $node->[_XmlDecl] = $xmlDecl->cloneNode ($deep) if defined $xmlDecl;
+    $node;
+sub appendChild
+    my ($self, $node) = @_;
+    # Extra check: make sure we don't end up with more than one Element.
+    # Don't worry about multiple DocType nodes, because DocumentFragment
+    # can't contain DocType nodes.
+    my @nodes = ($node);
+    @nodes = @{$node->[_C]}
+        if $node->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
+    my $elem = 0;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	$elem++ if $n->isElementNode;
+    }
+    if ($elem > 0 && defined ($self->getDocumentElement))
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "document can have only one Element");
+    }
+    $self->SUPER::appendChild ($node);
+sub insertBefore
+    my ($self, $node, $refNode) = @_;
+    # Extra check: make sure sure we don't end up with more than 1 Elements.
+    # Don't worry about multiple DocType nodes, because DocumentFragment
+    # can't contain DocType nodes.
+    my @nodes = ($node);
+    @nodes = @{$node->[_C]}
+	if $node->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
+    my $elem = 0;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	$elem++ if $n->isElementNode;
+    }
+    if ($elem > 0 && defined ($self->getDocumentElement))
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "document can have only one Element");
+    }
+    $self->SUPER::insertBefore ($node, $refNode);
+sub replaceChild
+    my ($self, $node, $refNode) = @_;
+    # Extra check: make sure sure we don't end up with more than 1 Elements.
+    # Don't worry about multiple DocType nodes, because DocumentFragment
+    # can't contain DocType nodes.
+    my @nodes = ($node);
+    @nodes = @{$node->[_C]}
+	if $node->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
+    my $elem = 0;
+    $elem-- if $refNode->isElementNode;
+    for my $n (@nodes)
+    {
+	$elem++ if $n->isElementNode;
+    }
+    if ($elem > 0 && defined ($self->getDocumentElement))
+    {
+	croak new XML::DOM::DOMException (HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR,
+					  "document can have only one Element");
+    }
+    $self->SUPER::appendChild ($node, $refNode);
+# Extra method implementations
+sub isReadOnly
+    0;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    my $xmlDecl = $self->getXMLDecl;
+    if (defined $xmlDecl)
+    {
+	$xmlDecl->print ($FILE);
+	$FILE->print ("\x0A");
+    }
+    for my $node (@{$self->[_C]})
+    {
+	$node->print ($FILE);
+	$FILE->print ("\x0A");
+    }
+sub setDoctype
+    my ($self, $doctype) = @_;
+    my $oldDoctype = $self->[_Doctype];
+    if (defined $oldDoctype)
+    {
+	$self->replaceChild ($doctype, $oldDoctype);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#?? before root element, but after XmlDecl !
+	$self->appendChild ($doctype);
+    }
+    $_[0]->[_Doctype] = $_[1];
+sub removeDoctype
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $doctype = $self->removeChild ($self->[_Doctype]);
+    undef $self->[_Doctype]; # was delete
+    $doctype;
+sub rejectChild
+    my $t = $_[1]->getNodeType;
+    $t != ELEMENT_NODE
+	&& $t != COMMENT_NODE
+sub expandEntity
+    my ($self, $ent, $param) = @_;
+    my $doctype = $self->getDoctype;
+    (defined $doctype) ? $doctype->expandEntity ($ent, $param) : undef;
+sub getDefaultAttrValue
+    my ($self, $elem, $attr) = @_;
+    my $doctype = $self->getDoctype;
+    (defined $doctype) ? $doctype->getDefaultAttrValue ($elem, $attr) : undef;
+sub getEntity
+    my ($self, $entity) = @_;
+    my $doctype = $self->getDoctype;
+    (defined $doctype) ? $doctype->getEntity ($entity) : undef;
+sub dispose
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_XmlDecl]->dispose if defined $self->[_XmlDecl];
+    undef $self->[_XmlDecl]; # was delete
+    undef $self->[_Doctype]; # was delete
+    $self->SUPER::dispose;
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    # Do nothing, you can't change the owner document!
+#?? could throw exception...
+sub getXMLDecl
+    $_[0]->[_XmlDecl];
+sub setXMLDecl
+    $_[0]->[_XmlDecl] = $_[1];
+sub createXMLDecl
+    new XML::DOM::XMLDecl (@_);
+sub createNotation
+    new XML::DOM::Notation (@_);
+sub createElementDecl
+    new XML::DOM::ElementDecl (@_);
+sub createAttlistDecl
+    new XML::DOM::AttlistDecl (@_);
+sub createEntity
+    new XML::DOM::Entity (@_);
+sub createChecker
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $checker = XML::Checker->new;
+    $checker->Init;
+    my $doctype = $self->getDoctype;
+    $doctype->to_expat ($checker) if $doctype;
+    $checker->Final;
+    $checker;
+sub check
+    my ($self, $checker) = @_;
+    $checker ||= XML::Checker->new;
+    $self->to_expat ($checker);
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Init;
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	$kid->to_expat ($iter);
+    }
+    $iter->Final;
+sub check_sax
+    my ($self, $checker) = @_;
+    $checker ||= XML::Checker->new;
+    $self->to_sax (Handler => $checker);
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $doch->start_document;
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	$kid->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+    }
+    $doch->end_document;
+package XML::DOM::DocumentType;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :DEFAULT :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::Document qw( :Fields );
+    XML::DOM::def_fields ("Entities Notations Name SysId PubId Internal", "XML::DOM::Node");
+use XML::DOM::DOMException;
+use XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap;
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $doc = shift;
+    my $self = bless [], $class;
+    $self->[_Doc] = $doc;
+    $self->[_ReadOnly] = 1;
+    $self->[_C] = new XML::DOM::NodeList;
+    $self->[_Entities] =  new XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (Doc	=> $doc,
+						      Parent	=> $self,
+						      ReadOnly	=> 1);
+    $self->[_Notations] = new XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap (Doc	=> $doc,
+						      Parent	=> $self,
+						      ReadOnly	=> 1);
+    $self->setParams (@_);
+    $self;
+sub getNodeType
+sub getNodeName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getName
+    $_[0]->[_Name];
+sub getEntities
+    $_[0]->[_Entities];
+sub getNotations
+    $_[0]->[_Notations];
+sub setParentNode
+    my ($self, $parent) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::setParentNode ($parent);
+    $parent->[_Doctype] = $self 
+	if $parent->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE;
+sub cloneNode
+    my ($self, $deep) = @_;
+    my $node = new XML::DOM::DocumentType ($self->[_Doc], $self->[_Name], 
+					   $self->[_SysId], $self->[_PubId], 
+					   $self->[_Internal]);
+#?? does it make sense to make a shallow copy?
+    # clone the NamedNodeMaps
+    $node->[_Entities] = $self->[_Entities]->cloneNode ($deep);
+    $node->[_Notations] = $self->[_Notations]->cloneNode ($deep);
+    $node->cloneChildren ($self, $deep);
+    $node;
+# Extra method implementations
+sub getSysId
+    $_[0]->[_SysId];
+sub getPubId
+    $_[0]->[_PubId];
+sub getInternal
+    $_[0]->[_Internal];
+sub setSysId
+    $_[0]->[_SysId] = $_[1];
+sub setPubId
+    $_[0]->[_PubId] = $_[1];
+sub setInternal
+    $_[0]->[_Internal] = $_[1];
+sub setName
+    $_[0]->[_Name] = $_[1];
+sub removeChildHoodMemories
+    my ($self, $dontWipeReadOnly) = @_;
+    my $parent = $self->[_Parent];
+    if (defined $parent && $parent->getNodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE)
+    {
+	undef $parent->[_Doctype]; # was delete
+    }
+    $self->SUPER::removeChildHoodMemories;
+sub dispose
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->[_Entities]->dispose;
+    $self->[_Notations]->dispose;
+    $self->SUPER::dispose;
+sub setOwnerDocument
+    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    $self->[_Entities]->setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+    $self->[_Notations]->setOwnerDocument ($doc);
+sub expandEntity
+    my ($self, $ent, $param) = @_;
+    my $kid = $self->[_Entities]->getNamedItem ($ent);
+    return $kid->getValue
+	if (defined ($kid) && $param == $kid->isParameterEntity);
+    undef;	# entity not found
+sub getAttlistDecl
+    my ($self, $elemName) = @_;
+    for my $kid (@{$_[0]->[_C]})
+    {
+	return $kid if ($kid->getNodeType == ATTLIST_DECL_NODE &&
+			$kid->getName eq $elemName);
+    }
+    undef;	# not found
+sub getElementDecl
+    my ($self, $elemName) = @_;
+    for my $kid (@{$_[0]->[_C]})
+    {
+	return $kid if ($kid->getNodeType == ELEMENT_DECL_NODE &&
+			$kid->getName eq $elemName);
+    }
+    undef;	# not found
+sub addElementDecl
+    my ($self, $name, $model, $hidden) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->getElementDecl ($name);
+#?? could warn
+    unless (defined $node)
+    {
+	$node = $self->[_Doc]->createElementDecl ($name, $model, $hidden);
+	$self->appendChild ($node);
+    }
+    $node;
+sub addAttlistDecl
+    my ($self, $name) = @_;
+    my $node = $self->getAttlistDecl ($name);
+    unless (defined $node)
+    {
+	$node = $self->[_Doc]->createAttlistDecl ($name);
+	$self->appendChild ($node);
+    }
+    $node;
+sub addNotation
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createNotation (@_);
+    $self->[_Notations]->setNamedItem ($node);
+    $node;
+sub addEntity
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $node = $self->[_Doc]->createEntity (@_);
+    $self->[_Entities]->setNamedItem ($node);
+    $node;
+# All AttDefs for a certain Element are merged into a single ATTLIST
+sub addAttDef
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $elemName = shift;
+    # create the AttlistDecl if it doesn't exist yet
+    my $attListDecl = $self->addAttlistDecl ($elemName);
+    $attListDecl->addAttDef (@_);
+sub getDefaultAttrValue
+    my ($self, $elem, $attr) = @_;
+    my $elemNode = $self->getAttlistDecl ($elem);
+    (defined $elemNode) ? $elemNode->getDefaultAttrValue ($attr) : undef;
+sub getEntity
+    my ($self, $entity) = @_;
+    $self->[_Entities]->getNamedItem ($entity);
+sub setParams
+    my ($self, $name, $sysid, $pubid, $internal) = @_;
+    $self->[_Name] = $name;
+#?? not sure if we need to hold on to these...
+    $self->[_SysId] = $sysid if defined $sysid;
+    $self->[_PubId] = $pubid if defined $pubid;
+    $self->[_Internal] = $internal if defined $internal;
+    $self;
+sub rejectChild
+    # DOM Spec says: DocumentType -- no children
+    not $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly;
+sub print
+    my ($self, $FILE) = @_;
+    my $name = $self->[_Name];
+    my $sysId = $self->[_SysId];
+    my $pubId = $self->[_PubId];
+    $FILE->print ("<!DOCTYPE $name");
+    if (defined $pubId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" PUBLIC \"$pubId\" \"$sysId\"");
+    }
+    elsif (defined $sysId)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" SYSTEM \"$sysId\"");
+    }
+    my @entities = @{$self->[_Entities]->getValues};
+    my @notations = @{$self->[_Notations]->getValues};
+    my @kids = @{$self->[_C]};
+    if (@entities || @notations || @kids)
+    {
+	$FILE->print (" [\x0A");
+	for my $kid (@entities)
+	{
+	    next if $kid->[_Hidden];
+	    $FILE->print (" ");
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	    $FILE->print ("\x0A");
+	}
+	for my $kid (@notations)
+	{
+	    next if $kid->[_Hidden];
+	    $FILE->print (" ");
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	    $FILE->print ("\x0A");
+	}
+	for my $kid (@kids)
+	{
+	    next if $kid->[_Hidden];
+	    $FILE->print (" ");
+	    $kid->print ($FILE);
+	    $FILE->print ("\x0A");
+	}
+	$FILE->print ("]");
+    }
+    $FILE->print (">");
+sub to_expat
+    my ($self, $iter) = @_;
+    $iter->Doctype ($self->getName, $self->getSysId, $self->getPubId, $self->getInternal);
+    for my $ent ($self->getEntities->getValues)
+    {
+	next if $ent->[_Hidden];
+	$ent->to_expat ($iter);
+    }
+    for my $nota ($self->getNotations->getValues)
+    {
+	next if $nota->[_Hidden];
+	$nota->to_expat ($iter);
+    }
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	next if $kid->[_Hidden];
+	$kid->to_expat ($iter);
+    }
+sub _to_sax
+    my ($self, $doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+    $dtdh->doctype_decl ( { Name => $self->getName, 
+			    SystemId => $self->getSysId, 
+			    PublicId => $self->getPubId, 
+			    Internal => $self->getInternal });
+    for my $ent ($self->getEntities->getValues)
+    {
+	next if $ent->[_Hidden];
+	$ent->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+    }
+    for my $nota ($self->getNotations->getValues)
+    {
+	next if $nota->[_Hidden];
+	$nota->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+    }
+    for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes)
+    {
+	next if $kid->[_Hidden];
+	$kid->_to_sax ($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+    }
+package XML::DOM::Parser;
+use vars qw ( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( XML::Parser );
+sub new
+    my ($class, %args) = @_;
+    $args{Style} = 'Dom';
+    $class->SUPER::new (%args);
+# This method needed to be overriden so we can restore some global 
+# variables when an exception is thrown
+sub parse
+    my $self = shift;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_doc;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_elem;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_doctype;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_in_prolog;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_end_doc;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_saw_doctype;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_in_CDATA;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_keep_CDATA;
+    local $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_last_text;
+    # Temporarily disable checks that Expat already does (for performance)
+    local $XML::DOM::SafeMode = 0;
+    # Temporarily disable ReadOnly checks
+    local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
+    my $ret;
+    eval {
+	$ret = $self->SUPER::parse (@_);
+    };
+    my $err = $@;
+    if ($err)
+    {
+	my $doc = $XML::Parser::Dom::_DP_doc;
+	if ($doc)
+	{
+	    $doc->dispose;
+	}
+	die $err;
+    }
+    $ret;
+sub set_LWP_UserAgent
+    $LWP_USER_AGENT = shift;
+sub parsefile
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $url = shift;
+    # Any other URL schemes?
+    if ($url =~ /^(https?|ftp|wais|gopher|file):/)
+    {
+	# Read the file from the web with LWP.
+	#
+	# Note that we read in the entire file, which may not be ideal
+	# for large files. LWP::UserAgent also provides a callback style
+	# request, which we could convert to a stream with a fork()...
+	my $result;
+	eval
+	{
+	    use LWP::UserAgent;
+	    my $ua = $self->{LWP_UserAgent};
+	    unless (defined $ua)
+	    {
+		unless (defined $LWP_USER_AGENT)
+		{
+		    $LWP_USER_AGENT = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+		    # Load proxy settings from environment variables, i.e.:
+		    # http_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy etc. (see LWP::UserAgent(3))
+		    # You need these to go thru firewalls.
+		    $LWP_USER_AGENT->env_proxy;
+		}
+		$ua = $LWP_USER_AGENT;
+	    }
+	    my $req = new HTTP::Request 'GET', $url;
+	    my $response = $LWP_USER_AGENT->request ($req);
+	    # Parse the result of the HTTP request
+	    $result = $self->parse ($response->content, @_);
+	};
+	if ($@)
+	{
+	    die "Couldn't parsefile [$url] with LWP: $@";
+	}
+	return $result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	return $self->SUPER::parsefile ($url, @_);
+    }
+package XML::Parser::Dom;
+    import XML::DOM::Node qw( :Fields );
+    import XML::DOM::CharacterData qw( :Fields );
+use vars qw( $_DP_doc
+	     $_DP_elem
+	     $_DP_doctype
+	     $_DP_in_prolog
+	     $_DP_end_doc
+	     $_DP_saw_doctype
+	     $_DP_in_CDATA
+	     $_DP_keep_CDATA
+	     $_DP_last_text
+	     $_DP_level
+	     $_DP_expand_pent
+	   );
+# This adds a new Style to the XML::Parser class.
+# From now on you can say: $parser = new XML::Parser ('Style' => 'Dom' );
+# but that is *NOT* how a regular user should use it!
+$XML::Parser::Built_In_Styles{Dom} = 1;
+sub Init
+    $_DP_elem = $_DP_doc = new XML::DOM::Document();
+    $_DP_doctype = new XML::DOM::DocumentType ($_DP_doc);
+    $_DP_doc->setDoctype ($_DP_doctype);
+    $_DP_keep_CDATA = $_[0]->{KeepCDATA};
+    # Prepare for document prolog
+    $_DP_in_prolog = 1;
+    # We haven't passed the root element yet
+    $_DP_end_doc = 0;
+    # Expand parameter entities in the DTD by default
+    $_DP_expand_pent = defined $_[0]->{ExpandParamEnt} ? 
+					$_[0]->{ExpandParamEnt} : 1;
+    if ($_DP_expand_pent)
+    {
+	$_[0]->{DOM_Entity} = {};
+    }
+    $_DP_level = 0;
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+sub Final
+    unless ($_DP_saw_doctype)
+    {
+	my $doctype = $_DP_doc->removeDoctype;
+	$doctype->dispose;
+    }
+    $_DP_doc;
+sub Char
+    my $str = $_[1];
+    if ($_DP_in_CDATA && $_DP_keep_CDATA)
+    {
+	undef $_DP_last_text;
+	# Merge text with previous node if possible
+	$_DP_elem->addCDATA ($str);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	# Merge text with previous node if possible
+	# Used to be:	$expat->{DOM_Element}->addText ($str);
+	if ($_DP_last_text)
+	{
+	    $_DP_last_text->[_Data] .= $str;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    $_DP_last_text = $_DP_doc->createTextNode ($str);
+	    $_DP_last_text->[_Parent] = $_DP_elem;
+	    push @{$_DP_elem->[_C]}, $_DP_last_text;
+	}
+    }
+sub Start
+    my ($expat, $elem, @attr) = @_;
+    my $parent = $_DP_elem;
+    my $doc = $_DP_doc;
+    if ($parent == $doc)
+    {
+	# End of document prolog, i.e. start of first Element
+	$_DP_in_prolog = 0;
+    }
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    my $node = $doc->createElement ($elem);
+    $_DP_elem = $node;
+    $parent->appendChild ($node);
+    my $n = @attr;
+    return unless $n;
+    # Add attributes
+    my $first_default = $expat->specified_attr;
+    my $i = 0;
+    while ($i < $n)
+    {
+	my $specified = $i < $first_default;
+	my $name = $attr[$i++];
+	undef $_DP_last_text;
+	my $attr = $doc->createAttribute ($name, $attr[$i++], $specified);
+	$node->setAttributeNode ($attr);
+    }
+sub End
+    $_DP_elem = $_DP_elem->[_Parent];
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    # Check for end of root element
+    $_DP_end_doc = 1 if ($_DP_elem == $_DP_doc);
+# Called at end of file, i.e. whitespace following last closing tag
+# Also for Entity references
+# May also be called at other times...
+sub Default
+    my ($expat, $str) = @_;
+#    shift; deb ("Default", @_);
+    if ($_DP_in_prolog)	# still processing Document prolog...
+    {
+#?? could try to store this text later
+#?? I've only seen whitespace here so far
+    }
+    elsif (!$_DP_end_doc)	# ignore whitespace at end of Document
+    {
+#	if ($expat->{NoExpand})
+#	{
+	    $str =~ /^&(.+);$/os;
+	    return unless defined ($1);
+	    # Got a TextDecl (<?xml ...?>) from an external entity here once
+	    $_DP_elem->appendChild (
+			$_DP_doc->createEntityReference ($1));
+	    undef $_DP_last_text;
+#	}
+#	else
+#	{
+#	    $expat->{DOM_Element}->addText ($str);
+#	}
+    }
+# XML::Parser 2.19 added support for CdataStart and CdataEnd handlers
+# If they are not defined, the Default handler is called instead
+# with the text "<![CDATA[" and "]]"
+sub CdataStart
+    $_DP_in_CDATA = 1;
+sub CdataEnd
+    $_DP_in_CDATA = 0;
+sub Comment
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    # These comments were inserted by ExternEnt handler
+    if ($_[1] =~ /(?:($START_MARKER)|($END_MARKER))/)
+    {
+	if ($1)	 # START
+	{
+	    $_DP_level++;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    $_DP_level--;
+	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	my $comment = $_DP_doc->createComment ($_[1]);
+	$_DP_elem->appendChild ($comment);
+    }
+sub deb
+#    return;
+    my $name = shift;
+    print "$name (" . join(",", map {defined($_)?$_ : "(undef)"} @_) . ")\n";
+sub Doctype
+    my $expat = shift;
+#    deb ("Doctype", @_);
+    $_DP_doctype->setParams (@_);
+    $_DP_saw_doctype = 1;
+sub Attlist
+    my $expat = shift;
+#    deb ("Attlist", @_);
+    $_[5] = "Hidden" unless $_DP_expand_pent || $_DP_level == 0;
+    $_DP_doctype->addAttDef (@_);
+sub XMLDecl
+    my $expat = shift;
+#    deb ("XMLDecl", @_);
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    $_DP_doc->setXMLDecl (new XML::DOM::XMLDecl ($_DP_doc, @_));
+sub Entity
+    my $expat = shift;
+#    deb ("Entity", @_);
+    # Parameter Entities names are passed starting with '%'
+    my $parameter = 0;
+    if ($_[0] =~ /^%(.*)/s)
+    {
+	$_[0] = $1;
+	$parameter = 1;
+	if (defined $_[2])	# was sysid specified?
+	{
+	    # Store the Entity mapping for use in ExternEnt
+	    if (exists $expat->{DOM_Entity}->{$_[2]})
+	    {
+		# If this ever happens, the name of entity may be the wrong one
+		# when writing out the Document.
+		XML::DOM::warning ("Entity $_[2] is known as %$_[0] and %" .
+				   $expat->{DOM_Entity}->{$_[2]});
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		$expat->{DOM_Entity}->{$_[2]} = $_[0];
+	    }
+	    #?? remove this block when XML::Parser has better support
+	}
+    }
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    $_[5] = "Hidden" unless $_DP_expand_pent || $_DP_level == 0;
+    $_DP_doctype->addEntity ($parameter, @_);
+# Unparsed is called when it encounters e.g:
+#   <!ENTITY logo SYSTEM "http://server/logo.gif" NDATA gif>
+sub Unparsed
+    Entity (@_);	# same as regular ENTITY, as far as DOM is concerned
+sub Element
+    shift;
+#    deb ("Element", @_);
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    push @_, "Hidden" unless $_DP_expand_pent || $_DP_level == 0;
+    $_DP_doctype->addElementDecl (@_);
+sub Notation
+    shift;
+#    deb ("Notation", @_);
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    $_[4] = "Hidden" unless $_DP_expand_pent || $_DP_level == 0;
+    $_DP_doctype->addNotation (@_);
+sub Proc
+    shift;
+#    deb ("Proc", @_);
+    undef $_DP_last_text;
+    push @_, "Hidden" unless $_DP_expand_pent || $_DP_level == 0;
+    $_DP_elem->appendChild ($_DP_doc->createProcessingInstruction (@_));
+# ExternEnt is called when an external entity, such as:
+#	<!ENTITY externalEntity PUBLIC "-//Enno//TEXT Enno's description//EN" 
+#	                        "http://server/descr.txt">
+# is referenced in the document, e.g. with: &externalEntity;
+# If ExternEnt is not specified, the entity reference is passed to the Default
+# handler as e.g. "&externalEntity;", where an EntityReference object is added.
+# Also for %externalEntity; references in the DTD itself.
+# It can also be called when XML::Parser parses the DOCTYPE header
+# (just before calling the DocType handler), when it contains a
+# reference like "docbook.dtd" below:
+#    <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD DocBk XML V3.1.3//EN" 
+#	"docbook.dtd" [
+#     ... rest of DTD ...
+sub ExternEnt
+    my ($expat, $base, $sysid, $pubid) = @_;
+#    deb ("ExternEnt", @_);
+    # Invoke XML::Parser's default ExternEnt handler
+    my $content;
+    if ($XML::Parser::have_LWP)
+    {
+	$content = XML::Parser::lwp_ext_ent_handler (@_);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$content = XML::Parser::file_ext_ent_handler (@_);
+    }
+    if ($_DP_expand_pent)
+    {
+	return $content;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	my $entname = $expat->{DOM_Entity}->{$sysid};
+	if (defined $entname)
+	{
+	    $_DP_doctype->appendChild ($_DP_doc->createEntityReference ($entname, 1));
+            # Wrap the contents in special comments, so we know when we reach the
+	    # end of parsing the entity. This way we can omit the contents from
+	    # the DTD, when ExpandParamEnt is set to 0.
+	    return "<!-- $START_MARKER sysid=[$sysid] -->" .
+		$content . "<!-- $END_MARKER sysid=[$sysid] -->";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    # We either read the entity ref'd by the system id in the 
+	    # <!DOCTYPE> header, or the entity was undefined.
+	    # In either case, don't bother with maintaining the entity
+	    # reference, just expand the contents.
+	    return "<!-- $START_MARKER sysid=[DTD] -->" .
+		$content . "<!-- $END_MARKER sysid=[DTD] -->";
+	}
+    }
+1; # module return code
+=head1 NAME
+XML::DOM - A perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use XML::DOM;
+ my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+ my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml");
+ # print all HREF attributes of all CODEBASE elements
+ my $nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName ("CODEBASE");
+ my $n = $nodes->getLength;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
+ {
+     my $node = $nodes->item ($i);
+     my $href = $node->getAttributeNode ("HREF");
+     print $href->getValue . "\n";
+ }
+ # Print doc file
+ $doc->printToFile ("out.xml");
+ # Print to string
+ print $doc->toString;
+ # Avoid memory leaks - cleanup circular references for garbage collection
+ $doc->dispose;
+This module extends the XML::Parser module by Clark Cooper. 
+The XML::Parser module is built on top of XML::Parser::Expat, 
+which is a lower level interface to James Clark's expat library.
+XML::DOM::Parser is derived from XML::Parser. It parses XML strings or files
+and builds a data structure that conforms to the API of the Document Object 
+Model as described at
+See the XML::Parser manpage for other available features of the 
+XML::DOM::Parser class. 
+Note that the 'Style' property should not be used (it is set internally.)
+The XML::Parser I<NoExpand> option is more or less supported, in that it will
+generate EntityReference objects whenever an entity reference is encountered
+in character data. I'm not sure how useful this is. Any comments are welcome.
+As described in the synopsis, when you create an XML::DOM::Parser object, 
+the parse and parsefile methods create an I<XML::DOM::Document> object
+from the specified input. This Document object can then be examined, modified and
+written back out to a file or converted to a string.
+When using XML::DOM with XML::Parser version 2.19 and up, setting the 
+XML::DOM::Parser option I<KeepCDATA> to 1 will store CDATASections in
+CDATASection nodes, instead of converting them to Text nodes.
+Subsequent CDATASection nodes will be merged into one. Let me know if this
+is a problem.
+When using XML::Parser 2.27 and above, you can suppress expansion of
+parameter entity references (e.g. %pent;) in the DTD, by setting I<ParseParamEnt>
+to 1 and I<ExpandParamEnt> to 0. See L<Hidden Nodes|/_Hidden_Nodes_> for details.
+A Document has a tree structure consisting of I<Node> objects. A Node may contain
+other nodes, depending on its type.
+A Document may have Element, Text, Comment, and CDATASection nodes. 
+Element nodes may have Attr, Element, Text, Comment, and CDATASection nodes. 
+The other nodes may not have any child nodes. 
+This module adds several node types that are not part of the DOM spec (yet.)
+These are: ElementDecl (for <!ELEMENT ...> declarations), AttlistDecl (for
+<!ATTLIST ...> declarations), XMLDecl (for <?xml ...?> declarations) and AttDef
+(for attribute definitions in an AttlistDecl.)
+=head1 XML::DOM Classes
+The XML::DOM module stores XML documents in a tree structure with a root node
+of type XML::DOM::Document. Different nodes in tree represent different
+parts of the XML file. The DOM Level 1 Specification defines the following
+node types:
+=over 4
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Node> - Super class of all node types
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Document> - The root of the XML document
+=item * L<XML::DOM::DocumentType> - Describes the document structure: <!DOCTYPE root [ ... ]>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Element> - An XML element: <elem attr="val"> ... </elem>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Attr> - An XML element attribute: name="value"
+=item * L<XML::DOM::CharacterData> - Super class of Text, Comment and CDATASection
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Text> - Text in an XML element
+=item * L<XML::DOM::CDATASection> - Escaped block of text: <![CDATA[ text ]]>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Comment> - An XML comment: <!-- comment -->
+=item * L<XML::DOM::EntityReference> - Refers to an ENTITY: &ent; or %ent;
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Entity> - An ENTITY definition: <!ENTITY ...>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction> - <?PI target>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::DocumentFragment> - Lightweight node for cut & paste
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Notation> - An NOTATION definition: <!NOTATION ...>
+In addition, the XML::DOM module contains the following nodes that are not part 
+of the DOM Level 1 Specification:
+=over 4
+=item * L<XML::DOM::ElementDecl> - Defines an element: <!ELEMENT ...>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::AttlistDecl> - Defines one or more attributes in an <!ATTLIST ...>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::AttDef> - Defines one attribute in an <!ATTLIST ...>
+=item * L<XML::DOM::XMLDecl> - An XML declaration: <?xml version="1.0" ...>
+Other classes that are part of the DOM Level 1 Spec:
+=over 4
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Implementation> - Provides information about this implementation. Currently it doesn't do much.
+=item * L<XML::DOM::NodeList> - Used internally to store a node's child nodes. Also returned by getElementsByTagName.
+=item * L<XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap> - Used internally to store an element's attributes.
+Other classes that are not part of the DOM Level 1 Spec:
+=over 4
+=item * L<XML::DOM::Parser> - An non-validating XML parser that creates XML::DOM::Documents
+=item * L<XML::DOM::ValParser> - A validating XML parser that creates XML::DOM::Documents. It uses L<XML::Checker> to check against the DocumentType (DTD)
+=item * L<XML::Handler::BuildDOM> - A PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM::Documents.
+=head1 XML::DOM package
+=over 4
+=item Constant definitions
+The following predefined constants indicate which type of node it is.
+ UNKNOWN_NODE (0)                The node type is unknown (not part of DOM)
+ ELEMENT_NODE (1)                The node is an Element.
+ ATTRIBUTE_NODE (2)              The node is an Attr.
+ TEXT_NODE (3)                   The node is a Text node.
+ CDATA_SECTION_NODE (4)          The node is a CDATASection.
+ ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE (5)       The node is an EntityReference.
+ ENTITY_NODE (6)                 The node is an Entity.
+ PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE (7) The node is a ProcessingInstruction.
+ COMMENT_NODE (8)                The node is a Comment.
+ DOCUMENT_NODE (9)               The node is a Document.
+ DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE (10)         The node is a DocumentType.
+ DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE (11)     The node is a DocumentFragment.
+ NOTATION_NODE (12)              The node is a Notation.
+ ELEMENT_DECL_NODE (13)		 The node is an ElementDecl (not part of DOM)
+ ATT_DEF_NODE (14)		 The node is an AttDef (not part of DOM)
+ XML_DECL_NODE (15)		 The node is an XMLDecl (not part of DOM)
+ ATTLIST_DECL_NODE (16)		 The node is an AttlistDecl (not part of DOM)
+ Usage:
+   if ($node->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE)
+   {
+       print "It's an Element";
+   }
+B<Not In DOM Spec>: The DOM Spec does not mention UNKNOWN_NODE and, 
+quite frankly, you should never encounter it. The last 4 node types were added
+to support the 4 added node classes.
+=head2 Global Variables
+=over 4
+=item $VERSION
+The variable $XML::DOM::VERSION contains the version number of this 
+implementation, e.g. "1.07".
+=head2 METHODS
+These methods are not part of the DOM Level 1 Specification.
+=over 4
+=item getIgnoreReadOnly and ignoreReadOnly (readOnly)
+The DOM Level 1 Spec does not allow you to edit certain sections of the document,
+e.g. the DocumentType, so by default this implementation throws DOMExceptions
+(i.e. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) when you try to edit a readonly node. 
+These readonly checks can be disabled by (temporarily) setting the global 
+IgnoreReadOnly flag.
+The ignoreReadOnly method sets the global IgnoreReadOnly flag and returns its
+previous value. The getIgnoreReadOnly method simply returns its current value.
+ my $oldIgnore = XML::DOM::ignoreReadOnly (1);
+ eval {
+ ... do whatever you want, catching any other exceptions ...
+ };
+ XML::DOM::ignoreReadOnly ($oldIgnore);     # restore previous value
+Another way to do it, using a local variable:
+ { # start new scope
+    local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
+    ... do whatever you want, don't worry about exceptions ...
+ } # end of scope ($IgnoreReadOnly is set back to its previous value)
+=item isValidName (name)
+Whether the specified name is a valid "Name" as specified in the XML spec.
+Characters with Unicode values > 127 are now also supported.
+=item getAllowReservedNames and allowReservedNames (boolean)
+The first method returns whether reserved names are allowed. 
+The second takes a boolean argument and sets whether reserved names are allowed.
+The initial value is 1 (i.e. allow reserved names.)
+The XML spec states that "Names" starting with (X|x)(M|m)(L|l)
+are reserved for future use. (Amusingly enough, the XML version of the XML spec
+(REC-xml-19980210.xml) breaks that very rule by defining an ENTITY with the name 
+A "Name" in this context means the Name token as found in the BNF rules in the
+XML spec.
+XML::DOM only checks for errors when you modify the DOM tree, not when the
+DOM tree is built by the XML::DOM::Parser.
+=item setTagCompression (funcref)
+There are 3 possible styles for printing empty Element tags:
+=over 4
+=item Style 0
+ <empty/> or <empty attr="val"/>
+XML::DOM uses this style by default for all Elements.
+=item Style 1
+  <empty></empty> or <empty attr="val"></empty>
+=item Style 2
+  <empty /> or <empty attr="val" />
+This style is sometimes desired when using XHTML. 
+(Note the extra space before the slash "/")
+See L<> Appendix C for more details.
+By default XML::DOM compresses all empty Element tags (style 0.)
+You can control which style is used for a particular Element by calling
+XML::DOM::setTagCompression with a reference to a function that takes
+2 arguments. The first is the tag name of the Element, the second is the
+XML::DOM::Element that is being printed. 
+The function should return 0, 1 or 2 to indicate which style should be used to
+print the empty tag. E.g.
+ XML::DOM::setTagCompression (\&my_tag_compression);
+ sub my_tag_compression
+ {
+    my ($tag, $elem) = @_;
+    # Print empty br, hr and img tags like this: <br />
+    return 2 if $tag =~ /^(br|hr|img)$/;
+    # Print other empty tags like this: <empty></empty>
+    return 1;
+ }
+=over 4
+=item * Perl Mappings
+The value undef was used when the DOM Spec said null.
+The DOM Spec says: Applications must encode DOMString using UTF-16 (defined in 
+Appendix C.3 of [UNICODE] and Amendment 1 of [ISO-10646]).
+In this implementation we use plain old Perl strings encoded in UTF-8 instead of
+=item * Text and CDATASection nodes
+The Expat parser expands EntityReferences and CDataSection sections to 
+raw strings and does not indicate where it was found. 
+This implementation does therefore convert both to Text nodes at parse time.
+CDATASection and EntityReference nodes that are added to an existing Document 
+(by the user) will be preserved.
+Also, subsequent Text nodes are always merged at parse time. Text nodes that are 
+added later can be merged with the normalize method. Consider using the addText
+method when adding Text nodes.
+=item * Printing and toString
+When printing (and converting an XML Document to a string) the strings have to 
+encoded differently depending on where they occur. E.g. in a CDATASection all 
+substrings are allowed except for "]]>". In regular text, certain characters are
+not allowed, e.g. ">" has to be converted to "&gt;". 
+These routines should be verified by someone who knows the details.
+=item * Quotes
+Certain sections in XML are quoted, like attribute values in an Element.
+XML::Parser strips these quotes and the print methods in this implementation 
+always uses double quotes, so when parsing and printing a document, single quotes
+may be converted to double quotes. The default value of an attribute definition
+(AttDef) in an AttlistDecl, however, will maintain its quotes.
+=item * AttlistDecl
+Attribute declarations for a certain Element are always merged into a single
+AttlistDecl object.
+=item * Comments
+Comments in the DOCTYPE section are not kept in the right place. They will become
+child nodes of the Document.
+=item * Hidden Nodes
+Previous versions of XML::DOM would expand parameter entity references
+(like B<%pent;>), so when printing the DTD, it would print the contents
+of the external entity, instead of the parameter entity reference.
+With this release (1.27), you can prevent this by setting the XML::DOM::Parser
+options ParseParamEnt => 1 and ExpandParamEnt => 0.
+When it is parsing the contents of the external entities, it *DOES* still add
+the nodes to the DocumentType, but it marks these nodes by setting
+the 'Hidden' property. In addition, it adds an EntityReference node to the
+DocumentType node.
+When printing the DocumentType node (or when using to_expat() or to_sax()), 
+the 'Hidden' nodes are suppressed, so you will see the parameter entity
+reference instead of the contents of the external entities. See test case
+t/dom_extent.t for an example.
+The reason for adding the 'Hidden' nodes to the DocumentType node, is that
+the nodes may contain <!ENTITY> definitions that are referenced further
+in the document. (Simply not adding the nodes to the DocumentType could
+cause such entity references to be expanded incorrectly.)
+Note that you need XML::Parser 2.27 or higher for this to work correctly.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The Japanese version of this document by Takanori Kawai (Hippo2000)
+at L<>
+The DOM Level 1 specification at L<>
+The XML spec (Extensible Markup Language 1.0) at L<>
+The L<XML::Parser> and L<XML::Parser::Expat> manual pages.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+The method getElementsByTagName() does not return a "live" NodeList.
+Whether this is an actual caveat is debatable, but a few people on the 
+www-dom mailing list seemed to think so. I haven't decided yet. It's a pain
+to implement, it slows things down and the benefits seem marginal.
+Let me know what you think. 
+(To subscribe to the www-dom mailing list send an email with the subject 
+"subscribe" to I only look here occasionally, so don't
+send bug reports or suggestions about XML::DOM to this list, send them
+to instead.)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Enno Derksen at
+Thanks to Clark Cooper for his help with the initial version.