--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/lib/XML/Handler/Composer.pm Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+package XML::Handler::Composer;
+use strict;
+use XML::UM;
+use Carp;
+ XMLDecl => '"',
+ Attr => '"',
+ Entity => '"',
+ SystemLiteral => '"',
+ );
+ Text =>
+ {
+ '<' => '<',
+ '&' => '&',
+ ']]>' => ']]>',
+ },
+ CDataSection =>
+ {
+ ']]>' => ']]>', # NOTE: this won't be translated back correctly
+ },
+ Attr => # attribute value (assuming double quotes "" are used)
+ {
+# '"' => '"', # Use ("'" => ''') when using single quotes
+ '<' => '<',
+ '&' => '&',
+ },
+ Entity => # entity value (assuming double quotes "" are used)
+ {
+# '"' => '"', # Use ("'" => ''') when using single quotes
+ '%' => '%',
+ '&' => '&',
+ },
+ Comment =>
+ {
+ '--' => '--', # NOTE: this won't be translated back correctly
+ },
+ ProcessingInstruction =>
+ {
+ '?>' => '?>', # not sure if this will be translated back correctly
+ },
+ # The SYSTEM and PUBLIC identifiers in DOCTYPE declaration (quoted strings)
+ SystemLiteral =>
+ {
+# '"' => '"', # Use ("'" => ''') when using single quotes
+ },
+sub new
+ my ($class, %options) = @_;
+ my $self = bless \%options, $class;
+ $self->{EndWithNewline} = 1 unless defined $self->{EndWithNewline};
+ if (defined $self->{Newline})
+ {
+ $self->{ConvertNewlines} = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Use this when printing newlines in case the user didn't specify one
+ $self->{Newline} = "\x0A";
+ }
+ $self->{DocTypeIndent} = $self->{Newline} . " "
+ unless defined $self->{DocTypeIndent};
+ $self->{IndentAttlist} = " " unless defined $self->{IndentAttlist};
+ $self->{Print} = sub { print @_ } unless defined $self->{Print};
+ $self->{Quote} ||= {};
+ for my $q (keys %DEFAULT_QUOTES)
+ {
+ $self->{Quote}->{$q} ||= $DEFAULT_QUOTES{$q};
+ }
+ # Convert to UTF-8 by default, i.e. when <?xml encoding=...?> is missing
+ # and no {Encoding} is specified.
+ # Note that the internal representation *is* UTF-8, so we
+ # simply return the (string) parameter.
+ $self->{Encode} = sub { shift } unless defined $self->{Encode};
+ # Convert unmapped characters to hexadecimal constants a la '号'
+ $self->{EncodeUnmapped} = \&XML::UM::encode_unmapped_hex
+ unless defined $self->{EncodeUnmapped};
+ my $encoding = $self->{Encoding};
+ $self->setEncoding ($encoding) if defined $encoding;
+ $self->initMappers;
+ $self;
+# Setup the mapping routines that convert '<' to '<' etc.
+# for the specific XML constructs.
+sub initMappers
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %escape;
+ my $convert_newlines = $self->{ConvertNewlines};
+ for my $n (qw{ Text Comment CDataSection Attr SystemLiteral
+ ProcessingInstruction Entity })
+ {
+ $escape{$n} = $self->create_utf8_mapper ($n, $convert_newlines);
+ }
+ # Text with xml:space="preserve", should not have newlines converted.
+ $escape{TextPreserveNL} = $self->create_utf8_mapper ('Text', 0);
+ # (If newline conversion is inactive, $escape{TextPreserveNL} does the
+ # same as $escape{Text} defined above ...)
+ $self->{Escape} = \%escape;
+sub setEncoding
+ my ($self, $encoding) = @_;
+ $self->{Encode} = XML::UM::get_encode (
+ Encoding => $encoding, EncodeUnmapped => $self->{EncodeUnmapped});
+sub create_utf8_mapper
+ my ($self, $construct, $convert_newlines) = @_;
+ my $c = $XML_MAPPING_CRITERIA{$construct};
+ croak "no XML mapping criteria defined for $construct"
+ unless defined $c;
+ my %hash = %$c;
+ # If this construct appears between quotes in the XML document
+ # (and it has a quoting character defined),
+ # ensure that the quoting character is appropriately converted
+ # to " or '
+ my $quote = $self->{Quote}->{$construct};
+ if (defined $quote)
+ {
+ $hash{$quote} = $quote eq '"' ? '"' : ''';
+ }
+ if ($convert_newlines)
+ {
+ $hash{"\x0A"} = $self->{Newline};
+ }
+ gen_utf8_subst (%hash);
+# Converts a string literal e.g. "ABC" into '\x41\x42\x43'
+# so it can be stuffed into a regular expression
+sub str_to_hex # static
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/(.)/ sprintf ("\\x%02x", ord ($1)) /egos;
+ $s;
+# In later perl versions (5.005_55 and up) we can simply say:
+# use utf8;
+# $literals = join ("|", map { str_to_hex ($_) } keys %hash);
+# $s =~ s/($literals)/$hash{$1}/ego;
+sub gen_utf8_subst # static
+ my (%hash) = @_;
+ my $code = 'sub { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/(';
+ $code .= join ("|", map { str_to_hex ($_) } keys %hash);
+ $code .= ')|(';
+ $code .= '[\\x00-\\xBF]|[\\xC0-\\xDF].|[\\xE0-\\xEF]..|[\\xF0-\\xFF]...';
+ $code .= ')/ defined ($1) ? $hash{$1} : $2 /ego; $s }';
+ my $f = eval $code;
+ croak "XML::Handler::Composer - can't eval code: $code\nReason: $@" if $@;
+ $f;
+# This should be optimized!
+sub print
+ my ($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->{Print}->($self->{Encode}->($str));
+# Used by start_element. It determines the style in which empty elements
+# are printed. The default implementation returns "/>" so they are printed
+# like this: <a/>
+# Override this method to support e.g. XHTML style tags.
+sub get_compressed_element_suffix
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ "/>";
+ # return " />" for XHTML style, or
+ # "><$tagName/>" for uncompressed tags (where $tagName is $event->{Name})
+#----- PerlSAX handlers -------------------------------------------------------
+sub start_document
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{InCDATA} = 0;
+ $self->{DTD} = undef;
+ $self->{PreserveWS} = 0; # root element has xml:space="default"
+ $self->{PreserveStack} = [];
+ $self->{PrintedXmlDecl} = 0; # whether <?xml ...?> was printed
+sub end_document
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # Print final Newline at the end of the XML document (if desired)
+ $self->print ($self->{Newline}) if $self->{EndWithNewline};
+# This event is received *AFTER* the Notation, Element, Attlist etc. events
+# that are contained within the DTD.
+sub doctype_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $q = $self->{Quote}->{SystemLiteral};
+ my $escape_literal = $self->{Escape}->{SystemLiteral};
+ my $name = $event->{Name};
+ my $sysId = $event->{SystemId};
+ $sysId = &$escape_literal ($sysId) if defined $sysId;
+ my $pubId = $event->{PublicId};
+ $pubId = &$escape_literal ($pubId) if defined $pubId;
+ my $str = "<!DOCTYPE $name";
+ if (defined $pubId)
+ {
+ $str .= " PUBLIC $q$pubId$q $q$sysId$q";
+ }
+ elsif (defined $sysId)
+ {
+ $str .= " SYSTEM $q$sysId$q";
+ }
+ my $dtd_contents = $self->{DTD};
+ my $nl = $self->{Newline};
+ if (defined $dtd_contents)
+ {
+ delete $self->{DTD};
+ $str .= " [$dtd_contents$nl]>$nl";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $str .= ">$nl";
+ }
+ $self->print ($str);
+sub start_element
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ my $preserve_stack = $self->{PreserveStack};
+ if (@$preserve_stack == 0)
+ {
+ # This is the root element. Print the <?xml ...?> declaration now if
+ # it wasn't printed and it should be.
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ }
+ my $str = "<" . $event->{Name};
+ my $suffix = ">";
+ if ($event->{Compress})
+ {
+ $suffix = $self->get_compressed_element_suffix ($event);
+ }
+ # Push PreserveWS state of parent element on the stack
+ push @{ $preserve_stack }, $self->{PreserveWS};
+ $self->{PreserveWS} = $event->{PreserveWS};
+ my $ha = $event->{Attributes};
+ my @attr;
+ if (exists $event->{AttributeOrder})
+ {
+ my $defaulted = $event->{Defaulted};
+ if (defined $defaulted && !$self->{PrintDefaultAttr})
+ {
+ if ($defaulted > 0)
+ {
+ @attr = @{ $event->{AttributeOrder} }[0 .. $defaulted - 1];
+ }
+ # else: all attributes are defaulted i.e. @attr = ();
+ }
+ else # no attr are defaulted
+ {
+ @attr = @{ $event->{AttributeOrder} };
+ }
+ }
+ else # no attr order defined
+ {
+ @attr = keys %$ha;
+ }
+ my $escape = $self->{Escape}->{Attr};
+ my $q = $self->{Quote}->{Attr};
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @attr; $i++)
+ {
+#?? could print a newline every so often...
+ my $name = $attr[$i];
+ my $val = &$escape ($ha->{$name});
+ $str .= " $name=$q$val$q";
+ }
+ $str .= $suffix;
+ $self->print ($str);
+sub end_element
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->{PreserveWS} = pop @{ $self->{PreserveStack} };
+ return if $event->{Compress};
+ $self->print ("</" . $event->{Name} . ">");
+sub characters
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ if ($self->{InCDATA})
+ {
+#?? should this use $self->{PreserveWS} ?
+ my $esc = $self->{Escape}->{CDataSection};
+ $self->print (&$esc ($event->{Data}));
+ }
+ else # regular text
+ {
+ my $esc = $self->{PreserveWS} ?
+ $self->{Escape}->{TextPreserveNL} :
+ $self->{Escape}->{Text};
+ $self->print (&$esc ($event->{Data}));
+ }
+sub start_cdata
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{InCDATA} = 1;
+ $self->print ("<![CDATA[");
+sub end_cdata
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{InCDATA} = 0;
+ $self->print ("]]>");
+sub comment
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $esc = $self->{Escape}->{Comment};
+#?? still need to support comments in the DTD
+ $self->print ("<!--" . &$esc ($event->{Data}) . "-->");
+sub entity_reference
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $par = $event->{Parameter} ? '%' : '&';
+#?? parameter entities (like %par;) are NOT supported!
+# PerlSAX::handle_default should be fixed!
+ $self->print ($par . $event->{Name} . ";");
+sub unparsed_entity_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ $self->entity_decl ($event);
+sub notation_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $name = $event->{Name};
+ my $sysId = $event->{SystemId};
+ my $pubId = $event->{PublicId};
+ my $q = $self->{Quote}->{SystemLiteral};
+ my $escape = $self->{Escape}->{SystemLiteral};
+ $sysId = &$escape ($sysId) if defined $sysId;
+ $pubId = &$escape ($pubId) if defined $pubId;
+ my $str = $self->{DocTypeIndent} . "<!NOTATION $name";
+ if (defined $pubId)
+ {
+ $str .= " PUBLIC $q$pubId$q";
+ }
+ if (defined $sysId)
+ {
+ $str .= " SYSTEM $q$sysId$q";
+ }
+ $str .= ">";
+ $self->{DTD} .= $str;
+sub element_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $name = $event->{Name};
+ my $model = $event->{Model};
+ $self->{DTD} .= $self->{DocTypeIndent} . "<!ELEMENT $name $model>";
+sub entity_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $name = $event->{Name};
+ my $par = "";
+ if ($name =~ /^%/)
+ {
+ # It's a parameter entity (i.e. %ent; instead of &ent;)
+ $name = substr ($name, 1);
+ $par = "% ";
+ }
+ my $str = $self->{DocTypeIndent} . "<!ENTITY $par$name";
+ my $value = $event->{Value};
+ my $sysId = $event->{SysId};
+ my $pubId = $event->{PubId};
+ my $ndata = $event->{Ndata};
+ my $q = $self->{Quote}->{SystemLiteral};
+ my $escape = $self->{Escape}->{SystemLiteral};
+ if (defined $value)
+ {
+#?? use {Entity} quote etc...
+ my $esc = $self->{Escape}->{Entity};
+ my $p = $self->{Quote}->{Entity};
+ $str .= " $p" . &$esc ($value) . $p;
+ }
+ if (defined $pubId)
+ {
+ $str .= " PUBLIC $q" . &$escape ($pubId) . $q;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $sysId)
+ {
+ $str .= " SYSTEM";
+ }
+ if (defined $sysId)
+ {
+ $str .= " $q" . &$escape ($sysId) . $q;
+ }
+ $str .= " NDATA $ndata" if defined $ndata;
+ $str .= ">";
+ $self->{DTD} .= $str;
+sub attlist_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $elem = $event->{ElementName};
+ my $str = $event->{AttributeName} . " " . $event->{Type};
+ $str .= " #FIXED" if defined $event->{Fixed};
+ $str = $str;
+ my $def = $event->{Default};
+ if (defined $def)
+ {
+ $str .= " $def";
+ # Note sometimes Default is a value with quotes.
+ # We'll use the existing quotes in that case...
+ }
+ my $indent;
+ if (!exists($event->{First}) || $event->{First})
+ {
+ $self->{DTD} .= $self->{DocTypeIndent} . "<!ATTLIST $elem";
+ if ($event->{MoreFollow})
+ {
+ $indent = $self->{Newline} . $self->{IndentAttlist};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $indent = " ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $indent = $self->{Newline} . $self->{IndentAttlist};
+ }
+ $self->{DTD} .= $indent . $str;
+ unless ($event->{MoreFollow})
+ {
+ $self->{DTD} .= '>';
+ }
+sub xml_decl
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ return if $self->{PrintedXmlDecl}; # already printed it
+ my $version = $event->{Version};
+ my $encoding = $event->{Encoding};
+ if (defined $self->{Encoding})
+ {
+ $encoding = $self->{Encoding};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->setEncoding ($encoding) if defined $encoding;
+ }
+ my $standalone = $event->{Standalone};
+ $standalone = ($standalone ? "yes" : "no") if defined $standalone;
+ my $q = $self->{Quote}->{XMLDecl};
+ my $nl = $self->{Newline};
+ my $str = "<?xml";
+ $str .= " version=$q$version$q" if defined $version;
+ $str .= " encoding=$q$encoding$q" if defined $encoding;
+ $str .= " standalone=$q$standalone$q" if defined $standalone;
+ $str .= "?>$nl$nl";
+ $self->print ($str);
+ $self->{PrintedXmlDecl} = 1;
+# Prints the <xml ...?> declaration if it wasn't already printed
+# *and* the user wanted it to be printed (because s/he set $self->{Encoding})
+sub flush_xml_decl
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if $self->{PrintedXmlDecl};
+ if (defined $self->{Encoding})
+ {
+ $self->xml_decl ({ Version => '1.0', Encoding => $self->{Encoding} });
+ }
+ # If it wasn't printed just now, it doesn't need to be printed at all,
+ # so pretend we did print it.
+ $self->{PrintedXmlDecl} = 1;
+sub processing_instruction
+ my ($self, $event) = @_;
+ $self->flush_xml_decl;
+ my $escape = $self->{Escape}->{ProcessingInstruction};
+ my $str = "<?" . $event->{Target} . " " .
+ &$escape ($event->{Data}). "?>";
+ $self->print ($str);
+1; # package return code
+=head1 NAME
+XML::Handler::Composer - Another XML printer/writer/generator
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use XML::Handler::Composer;
+my $composer = new XML::Handler::Composer ( [OPTIONS] );
+XML::Handler::Composer is similar to XML::Writer, XML::Handler::XMLWriter,
+XML::Handler::YAWriter etc. in that it generates XML output.
+This implementation may not be fast and it may not be the best solution for
+your particular problem, but it has some features that may be missing in the
+other implementations:
+=over 4
+=item * Supports every output encoding that L<XML::UM> supports
+L<XML::UM> supports every encoding for which there is a mapping file
+in the L<XML::Encoding> distribution.
+=item * Pretty printing
+When used with L<XML::Filter::Reindent>.
+=item * Fine control over which kind of quotes are used
+See options below.
+=item * Supports PerlSAX interface
+=head1 Constructor Options
+=over 4
+=item * EndWithNewline (Default: 1)
+Whether to print a newline at the end of the file (i.e. after the root element)
+=item * Newline (Default: undef)
+If defined, which newline to use for printing.
+(Note that XML::Parser etc. convert newlines into "\x0A".)
+If undef, newlines will not be converted and XML::Handler::Composer will
+use "\x0A" when printing.
+A value of "\n" will convert the internal newlines into the platform
+specific line separator.
+See the PreserveWS option in the characters event (below) for finer control
+over when newline conversion is active.
+=item * DocTypeIndent (Default: a Newline and 2 spaces)
+Newline plus indent that is used to separate lines inside the DTD.
+=item * IndentAttList (Default: 8 spaces)
+Indent used when printing an <!ATTLIST> declaration that has more than one
+attribute definition, e.g.
+ <!ATTLIST my_elem
+ attr1 CDATA "foo"
+ attr2 CDATA "bar"
+ >
+=item * Quote (Default: { XMLDecl => '"', Attr => '"', Entity => '"', SystemLiteral => '"' })
+Quote contains a reference to a hash that defines which quoting characters
+to use when printing XML declarations (XMLDecl), attribute values (Attr),
+<!ENTITY> values (Entity) and system/public literals (SystemLiteral)
+as found in <!DOCTYPE>, <!ENTITY> declarations etc.
+=item * PrintDefaultAttr (Default: 0)
+If 1, prints attribute values regardless of whether they are default
+attribute values (as defined in <!ATTLIST> declarations.)
+Normally, default attributes are not printed.
+=item * Encoding (Default: undef)
+Defines the output encoding (if specified.)
+Note that future calls to the xml_decl() handler may override this setting
+(if they contain an Encoding definition.)
+=item * EncodeUnmapped (Default: \&XML::UM::encode_unmapped_dec)
+Defines how Unicode characters not found in the mapping file (of the
+specified encoding) are printed.
+By default, they are converted to decimal entity references, like '{'
+Use \&XML::UM::encode_unmapped_hex for hexadecimal constants, like '«'
+=item * Print (Default: sub { print @_ }, which prints to stdout)
+The subroutine that is used to print the encoded XML output.
+The default prints the string to stdout.
+=head1 Method: get_compressed_element_suffix ($event)
+Override this method to support the different styles for printing
+empty elements in compressed notation, e.g. <p/>, <p></p>, <p />, <p>.
+The default returns "/>", which results in <p/>.
+Use " />" for XHTML style elements or ">" for certain HTML style elements.
+The $event parameter is the hash reference that was received from the
+start_element() handler.
+=head1 Extra PerlSAX event information
+XML::Handler::Composer relies on hints from previous SAX filters to
+format certain parts of the XML.
+These SAX filters (e.g. XML::Filter::Reindent) pass extra information by adding
+name/value pairs to the appropriate PerlSAX events (the events themselves are
+hash references.)
+=over 4
+=item * entity_reference: Parameter => 1
+If Parameter is 1, it means that it is a parameter entity reference.
+A parameter entity is referenced with %ent; instead of &ent; and the
+entity declaration starts with <!ENTITY % ent ...> instead of <!ENTITY ent ...>
+NOTE: This should be added to the PerlSAX interface!
+=item * start_element/end_element: Compress => 1
+If Compress is 1 in both the start_element and end_element event, the element
+will be printed in compressed form, e.g. <a/> instead of <a></a>.
+=item * start_element: PreserveWS => 1
+If newline conversion is active (i.e. Newline was defined in the constructor),
+then newlines will *NOT* be converted in text (character events) within this
+=item * attlist_decl: First, MoreFollow
+The First and MoreFollow options can be used to force successive <!ATTLIST>
+declarations for the same element to be merged, e.g.
+ <!ATTLIST my_elem
+ attr1 CDATA "foo"
+ attr2 CDATA "bar"
+ attr3 CDATA "quux"
+ >
+In this example, the attlist_decl event for foo should contain
+(First => 1, MoreFollow => 1) and the event for bar should contain
+(MoreFollow => 1). The quux event should have no extra info.
+'First' indicates that the event is the first of a sequence.
+'MoreFollow' indicates that more events will follow in this sequence.
+If neither option is set by the preceding PerlSAX filter, each attribute
+definition will be printed as a separate <!ATTLIST> line.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+This code is highly experimental!
+It has not been tested well and the API may change.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Send bug reports, hints, tips, suggestions to Enno Derksen at