--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/lib/XML/XQL.pm Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,3947 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Enno Derksen
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# To do (in no particular order):
+# - Element tag names that are the same as a XQL keyword (e.g. "or", "not", ..)
+# are currently not supported. The parser and lexer needs to be smarter and
+# know what context they are in.
+# - output using xql:result etc.
+# - xml:space=preserve still needs to be adhered to in text() etc.
+# - I already added xql_preserveSpace. Still need to use it in (raw)text() etc.
+# - XQL functions (like value()) should probably work on input lists > 1 node
+# (The code was changed, but it needs to be tested. ancestor() wasn't fixed)
+# - verify implementation of xql_namespace
+# - verify implementation of end, index
+# - check passing of context to the solve() methods
+# - functions/methods may be wrong. They receive the entire LHS set,
+# so count() is right, but the rest may be wrong!
+# - may need to use different comment delimiters, '#' may be used in future XQL
+# definition (according to Joe Lapp, one of the XQL spec authors)
+# - caching of Node xql_values (?)
+# - finish the Date class
+# - discuss which classes: Date, Time, and/or DateTime ?
+# - conversion of Query result to Perl primitives, i.e. how do we return the
+# result of a query.
+# - add support for ordering/formatting the query results, see XML-QL
+# - discuss typecasting mechanism
+# - error reporting mechanism
+# - yyerror handler doesn't seem to work
+# - passing intermediate exceptions ($@) to the user
+# - more debugging support
+# - subst, map etc.
+# - use rawText for Nodes?
+# - recurse or not?
+# - text/rawText default - recurse or not?
+# - what should default value() implementation use?
+# - check if all Syntactic Constraints in XQL spec are implemented
+# - support all node types, i.e. Notation, Attlist etc.
+# - sorting in 'document order' doesn't work yet for 'other' DOM nodes
+# - generateFunction - support functions that return lists?
+# - match() function - what should it return?
+# - keeping track of reference nodes not always done right
+# - also think about Perl builtin functions
+# - conversion to Perl number throws warnings with -w (in comparisons etc.)
+# - sorting
+# - add sorting by attribute name (within same element)
+# (or other criteria)
+# - optional sorting in $union$ ?
+# - could add a flag that says "don't worry about document order for $union$"
+# - user defined sort?
+# - Subscript operator
+# - Filter operator
+# - etc.
+package XML::XQL;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use XML::RegExp;
+use vars qw( @EXPORT $VERSION
+ $ContextStart $ContextEnd $BoldOn $BoldOff
+ %Func %Method %FuncArgCount
+ %AllowedOutsideSubquery %ConstFunc %ExpandedType
+ $Restricted $Included $ReXQLName
+ %CompareOper $Token_q $Token_qq $LAST_SORT_KEY
+ );
+@EXPORT = qw( $VERSION $Restricted $Included );
+ $VERSION = '0.63';
+ die "XML::XQL is already used/required" if defined $Included;
+ $Included = 1;
+ # From XQL spec (The '-' was added to allow XPath style function names.)
+ $ReXQLName = "(?:[-a-zA-Z_]+\\w*)";
+ $Token_q = undef;
+ $Token_qq = undef;
+ $Restricted = 0 unless defined $Restricted;
+ if (not $Restricted)
+ {
+ # Allow names with Perl package prefixes
+ $ReXQLName = "(?:$ReXQLName(?:::$ReXQLName)*)";
+ # Support q// and qq// strings
+ $Token_q = "q";
+ $Token_qq = "qq";
+ }
+# To save the user some typing for the simplest cases
+sub solve
+ my ($expr, @args) = @_;
+ my $query = new XML::XQL::Query (Expr => $expr);
+ my @result = $query->solve (@args);
+ $query->dispose;
+ @result;
+#---------- Parser related stuff ----------------------------------------------
+# Find (nested) closing delimiter in q{} or qq{} strings
+sub parse_q
+ my ($qname, $q, $str, $d1, $d2) = @_;
+ my ($match) = "";
+ my ($found);
+ while ($str =~ /^([^$d1$d2]*)($d1|($d2))(.*)/s)
+ {
+ defined ($3) and return ($4, $match . $1); # $d2 found
+ # match delimiters recursively
+ $match .= $1 . $2;
+ ($str, $found) = parse_q ($qname, $q, $4, $d1, $d2);
+ $match .= $found . $d2;
+ }
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("no $qname// closing delimiter found near '$q$d1'");
+# To support nested delimiters in q{} and qq() strings
+my %MatchingCloseDelim =
+ '{' => '}',
+ '(' => ')',
+ '<' => '>',
+ '[' => ']'
+sub Lexer
+ my($parser)=shift;
+ exists($parser->YYData->{LINE})
+ or $parser->YYData->{LINE} = 1;
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT}
+ or return('', undef);
+ print "Lexer input=[" . $parser->YYData->{INPUT} . "]\n"
+ if $parser->{yydebug};
+ if ($Restricted)
+ {
+ # strip leading whitespace
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT} =~ s/^\s*//;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # strip leading whitespace and comments
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT} =~ s/^(\s|#.*)*//;
+ }
+ for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT})
+ {
+ s#^"([^"]*)"##o and return ('TEXT', $1);
+ s#^'([^']*)'##o and return ('TEXT', $1);
+ if (not $Restricted)
+ {
+ # Support q// and qq// string delimiters
+ for my $qname ('q', 'qq')
+ {
+ my ($q) = $parser->{Query}->{$qname};
+ if (defined ($q) and s/^$q(\[\(\{\<#!=-\+|'":;\.,\?\/!@\%^\*)//)
+ {
+ my ($d1, $d2) = ($1, $MatchingCloseDelim{$1});
+ my ($str);
+ if (defined $d2)
+ {
+ ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}, $str) = parse_q (
+ $qname, $q, $_, $d1, $d2);
+ }
+ else # close delim is same open delim
+ {
+ $d2 = $d1;
+ s/([^$d2])*$d2// or XML::XQL::parseError (
+ "no $qname// closing delimiter found near '$q$d1'");
+ $str = $1;
+ }
+ return ('TEXT', eval "$q$d1$str$d2");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s/^(-?\d+\.(\d+)?)// and return ('NUMBER', $1);
+ s/^(-?\d+)// and return ('INTEGER', $1);
+ s/^(\$|\b)(i?(eq|ne|lt|le|gt|ge))\1(?=\W)//i
+ and return ('COMPARE', "\L$2");
+ s/^((\$|\b)(any|all|or|and|not|to|intersect)\2)(?=\W)//i
+ and return ("\L$3", $1);
+ s/^((\$|\b)union\2(?=\W)|\|)//i and return ('UnionOp', $1);
+ s/^(;;?)// and return ('SeqOp', $1);
+ if (not $Restricted)
+ {
+ s/^(=~|!~)// and return ('MATCH', $1);
+ s/^\$((no_)?match)\$//i
+ and return ('MATCH', "\L$1");
+ s/^\$($ReXQLName)\$//o and return ('COMPARE', $1);
+ }
+ s/^(=|!=|<|<=|>|>=)// and return ('COMPARE', $1);
+ s!^(//|/|\(|\)|\.\.?|@|\!|\[|\]|\*|:|,)!!
+ and return ($1, $1);
+ s/^($ReXQLName)\s*\(//o
+ and return ('XQLName_Paren', $1);
+ s/^($XML::RegExp::Name)//o and return ('NCName', $1);
+ }
+#------ end Parser related stuff ----------------------------------------------
+# Converts result from a Disjunction to a 0 or 1.
+# If it's a XML::XQL::Boolean, its value is returned.
+# If it's an empty list it returns 0.
+# If it's a node or a Text or Number, it returns 1.
+# If it's a list with 1 or more elements, it returns 1 if at least one
+# element evaluates to 1 (with toBoolean)
+sub toBoolean # static method
+ my $arg = shift;
+ my $type = ref ($arg);
+ if ($type eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ for my $n (@$arg)
+ {
+ return 1 if toBoolean ($n);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return $arg->xql_toBoolean;
+sub listContains
+ my ($list, $x) = @_;
+#?? $n should be a PrimitiveType or an XML Node
+ for my $y (@$list)
+ {
+#?? return 1 if $x == $y;
+ if (ref($x) eq ref($y)) # same object class
+ {
+ my ($src1, $src2) = ($x->xql_sourceNode, $y->xql_sourceNode);
+ next if ((defined $src1 or defined $src2) and $src1 != $src2);
+ return ($x == $y) if (UNIVERSAL::isa ($x, 'XML::XQL::Node'));
+ return 1 if $x->xql_eq ($y);
+ }
+ }
+ 0;
+sub toList
+ my $r = shift;
+ (ref ($r) eq "ARRAY") ? $r : [ $r ];
+# Prepare right hand side for a comparison, i.e.
+# turn it into a single value.
+# If it is a list with 2 or more values, it croaks.
+sub prepareRvalue
+ my $r = shift;
+ if (ref ($r) eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ # more than 1 value gives a runtime error (as per Joe Lapp)
+ croak "bad rvalue $r" if @$r > 1;
+ $r = $r->[0];
+ }
+ if (ref ($r) and $r->isa ('XML::XQL::Node'))
+ {
+ $r = $r->xql_value;
+ }
+ $r;
+sub trimSpace
+ $_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $_[0];
+# Assumption: max. 32768 (2**15 = 2**($BITS-1)) children (or attributes) per node
+# Use setMaxChildren() to support larger offspring.
+my $BITS = 16;
+$LAST_SORT_KEY = (2 ** $BITS) - 1;
+# Call with values: $max = 128 * (256**N), where N=0, 1, 2, ...
+sub setMaxChildren
+ my $max = shift;
+ my $m = 128;
+ $BITS = 8;
+ while ($max > $m)
+ {
+ $m = $m * 256;
+ $BITS += 8;
+ }
+ $LAST_SORT_KEY = (2 ** $BITS) - 1;
+sub createSortKey
+ # $_[0] = parent sort key, $_[1] = child index,
+ # $_[2] = 0 for attribute nodes, 1 for other node types
+ my $vec = "";
+ vec ($vec, 0, $BITS) = $_[1];
+ vec ($vec, 7, 1) = $_[2] if $_[2]; # set leftmost bit (for non-attributes)
+ $_[0] . $vec;
+#--------------- Sorting source nodes ----------------------------------------
+# Sort the list by 'document order' (as per the XQL spec.)
+# Values with an associated source node are sorted by the position of their
+# source node in the XML document.
+# Values without a source node are placed at the end of the resulting list.
+# The source node of an Attribute node, is its (parent) Element node
+# (per definition.) The source node of the other types of XML nodes, is itself.
+# The order for values with the same source node is undefined.
+sub sortDocOrder
+#?? or should I just use: sort { $a->xql_sortKey cmp $b->xql_sortKey }
+ my $list = shift;
+#print "before---\n";
+#for (@$list)
+# print "key=" . keyStr($_->xql_sortKey) . " node=" . $_->getTagName . " id=" . $_->getAttribute('id') . "\n";
+ @$list = map { $_->[1] } # 3) extract nodes
+ sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } # 2) sort by sortKey
+ map { [$_->xql_sortKey, $_] } # 1) make [sortKey,node] records
+ @$list;
+#print "after---\n";
+#for (@$list)
+# print "key=" . keyStr($_->xql_sortKey) . " node=" . $_->getTagName . " id=" . $_->getAttribute('id') . "\n";
+ $list;
+# Converts sort key from createSortKey in human readable form
+# For debugging only.
+sub keyStr
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $n = $BITS / 8;
+ my $bitn = 2 ** ($BITS - 1);
+ my $str;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < length $key; $i += $n)
+ {
+ my $dig = substr ($key, $i, $n);
+ my $v = vec ($dig, 0, $BITS);
+ my $elem = 0;
+ if ($v >= $bitn)
+ {
+ $v -= $bitn;
+ $elem = 1;
+ }
+ $str .= "/" if defined $str;
+ $str .= "@" unless $elem;
+ $str .= $v;
+ }
+ $str;
+sub isEmptyList
+ my $list = shift;
+ (ref ($list) eq "ARRAY") && (@$list == 0);
+# Used by Element and Attribute nodes
+sub buildNameSpaceExpr
+ my ($nameSpace, $name) = @_;
+ $name = ".*" if $name eq "*";
+ if (defined $nameSpace)
+ {
+ $nameSpace = ".*" if $nameSpace eq "*";
+ "^$nameSpace:$name\$";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "^$name\$";
+ }
+sub prepareForCompare
+ my ($left, $right) = @_;
+ my $leftType = $left->xql_primType;
+ if ($leftType == 0) # Node
+ {
+ $left = $left->xql_value;
+ $leftType = $left->xql_primType;
+ }
+ my $rightType = $right->xql_primType;
+ if ($rightType == 0) # Node
+ {
+ $right = $right->xql_value;
+ $rightType = $right->xql_primType;
+ }
+ # Note: reverse the order if $leftType < $rightType
+ ($leftType < $rightType, $left, $right);
+sub xql_eq
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_eq ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_eq ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_ne
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_ne ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_ne ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_lt
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_ge ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_lt ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_le
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_gt ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_le ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_gt
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_le ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_gt ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_ge
+ my ($left, $right, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ my $reverse;
+ ($reverse, $left, $right) = prepareForCompare ($left, $right);
+ $reverse ? $right->xql_lt ($left, $ignoreCase)
+ : $left->xql_ge ($right, $ignoreCase);
+sub xql_ieq { xql_eq (@_, 1); }
+sub xql_ine { xql_ne (@_, 1); }
+sub xql_ilt { xql_lt (@_, 1); }
+sub xql_igt { xql_gt (@_, 1); }
+sub xql_ige { xql_ge (@_, 1); }
+sub xql_ile { xql_le (@_, 1); }
+sub tput
+ # Let me know if I need to add other systems for which 'tput' is not
+ # available.
+ if ($^O =~ /Win|MacOS/)
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $c = shift;
+ # tput is only available on Unix systems.
+ # Calling `tput ...` on Windows generates warning messages
+ # that can not be suppressed.
+ return `tput $c`;
+ }
+# Underline the query subexpression that fails (if tput exists)
+$ContextStart = tput ('smul') || ">>"; # smul: underline on
+$ContextEnd = tput ('rmul') || "<<"; # rmul: underline off
+# Used for making the significant keyword of a subexpression bold, e.g. "$and$"
+$BoldOn = tput ('bold') || "";
+$BoldOff = tput ('rmul') . tput ('smul') || "";
+# rmul reverts the string back to normal text, smul makes it underlined again,
+# so the rest of the subexpresion will be underlined.
+sub setErrorContextDelimiters
+ ($ContextStart, $ContextEnd, $BoldOn, $BoldOff) = @_;
+sub delim
+ my ($str, $node, $contextNode) = @_;
+ if ($node == $contextNode)
+ {
+ $str =~ s/\016([^\017]*)\017/$BoldOn$1$BoldOff/g;
+ "$ContextStart$str$ContextEnd";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $str =~ s/\016([^\017]*)\017/$1/g;
+ $str;
+ }
+sub bold
+ my $x = shift;
+ "\016$x\017"; # arbitrary ASCII codes
+sub parseError
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ print STDERR $msg . "\n";
+ croak $msg;
+# Builtin XQL functions (may not appear after Bang "!")
+%Func =
+ ancestor => \&XML::XQL::Func::ancestor,
+ attribute => \&XML::XQL::Func::attribute,
+ comment => \&XML::XQL::Func::comment,
+ element => \&XML::XQL::Func::element,
+ id => \&XML::XQL::Func::id,
+ node => \&XML::XQL::Func::node,
+ pi => \&XML::XQL::Func::pi,
+ textNode => \&XML::XQL::Func::textNode,
+ true => \&XML::XQL::Func::true,
+ false => \&XML::XQL::Func::false,
+# NOTE: date() is added with: use XML::XQL::Date;
+# Builtin XQL methods (may appear after Bang "!")
+%Method =
+ baseName => \&XML::XQL::Func::baseName,
+ count => \&XML::XQL::Func::count,
+ end => \&XML::XQL::Func::end,
+ 'index' => \&XML::XQL::Func::xql_index,
+ namespace => \&XML::XQL::Func::namespace,
+ nodeName => \&XML::XQL::Func::nodeName,
+ nodeType => \&XML::XQL::Func::nodeType,
+ nodeTypeString => \&XML::XQL::Func::nodeTypeString,
+ prefix => \&XML::XQL::Func::prefix,
+ text => \&XML::XQL::Func::text,
+ rawText => \&XML::XQL::Func::rawText,
+ value => \&XML::XQL::Func::value,
+# Number of arguments for builtin XQL functions:
+# Value is either an integer or a range. Value is 0 if not specified.
+# Range syntax:
+# range ::= '[' start ',' end [ ',' start ',' end ]* ']'
+# start ::= INTEGER
+# end ::= INTEGER | '-1' ('-1' means: "or more")
+# Example: [2, 4, 7, 7, 10, -1] means (2,3,4,7,10,11,...)
+%FuncArgCount =
+ ancestor => 1,
+ attribute => [0,1],
+ count => [0,1],
+# date => 1,
+ element => [0,1],
+ id => 1,
+ text => [0,1],
+ rawText => [0,1],
+%AllowedOutsideSubquery =
+ ancestor => 1,
+ attribute => 1,
+ comment => 1,
+ element => 1,
+ id => 1,
+ node => 1,
+ pi => 1,
+ textNode => 1,
+#?? what about subst etc.
+# Functions that always return the same thing if their arguments are constant
+%ConstFunc =
+ true => 1,
+ false => 1,
+# date => 1,
+%ExpandedType =
+ "boolean" => "XML::XQL::Boolean",
+ "text" => "XML::XQL::Text",
+ "number" => "XML::XQL::Number",
+ "date" => "XML::XQL::Date",
+ "node" => "XML::XQL::Node",
+sub expandType
+ my ($type) = @_;
+ # Expand "number" to "XML::XQL::Number" etc.
+ my $expanded = $ExpandedType{"\L$type"};
+ defined $expanded ? $expanded : $type;
+sub defineExpandedTypes
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each %args)
+ {
+ # Convert keys to lowercase
+ $ExpandedType{"\L$key"} = $val;
+ }
+sub generateFunction
+ my ($name, $funcName, $returnType, $argCount, $allowedOutsideSubquery,
+ $const, $queryArg) = @_;
+ $argCount = 0 unless defined $argCount;
+ $allowedOutsideSubquery = 1 unless defined $allowedOutsideSubquery;
+ $const = 0 unless defined $const;
+ $queryArg = 0 unless defined $queryArg;
+ $returnType = expandType ($returnType);
+ my $wrapperName = "xql_wrap_$name";
+ $wrapperName =~ s/\W/_/g; # replace colons etc.
+ my $func;
+ my $code = <<END_CODE;
+sub $wrapperName {
+ my (\$context, \$list, \@arg) = \@_;
+ for my \$i (0 .. \$#arg)
+ {
+ if (\$i == $queryArg)
+ {
+ \$arg[\$i] = XML::XQL::toList (\$arg[\$i]->solve (\$context, \$list));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ \$arg[\$i] = XML::XQL::prepareRvalue (\$arg[\$i]->solve (\$context, \$list));
+ return [] if XML::XQL::isEmptyList (\$arg[\$i]);
+ \$arg[\$i] = \$arg[\$i]->xql_toString;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ref ($argCount) eq "ARRAY" && @$argCount == 2 &&
+ $argCount->[0] == $argCount->[1])
+ {
+ $argCount = $argCount->[0];
+ }
+ if ($queryArg != -1)
+ {
+ $code .=<<END_CODE;
+ my \@result = ();
+ my \@qp = \@{\$arg[$queryArg]};
+ for (my \$k = 0; \$k < \@qp; \$k++)
+ {
+ \$arg[$queryArg] = \$qp[\$k]->xql_toString;
+ }
+ if (ref ($argCount) ne "ARRAY")
+ {
+ $code .= " my \$result = $funcName (";
+ for my $i (0 .. $argCount-1)
+ {
+ $code .= ", " if $i;
+ $code .= "\$arg[$i]";
+ }
+ $code .= ");\n";
+ }
+ elsif (@$argCount == 2)
+ {
+ my ($start, $end) = ($argCount->[0], $argCount->[1]);
+ if ($end == -1)
+ {
+ $code .= " my \$result = $funcName (";
+ for my $i (0 .. ($start - 1))
+ {
+ $code .= ", " if $i;
+ $code .= "\$arg[$i]";
+ }
+ $code .= ", \@arg[" . $start . " .. \$#arg]);\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $code .= " my \$n = \@arg;\n my \$result;\n ";
+ for my $j ($argCount->[0] .. $argCount->[1])
+ {
+ $code .= " els" unless $j == $argCount->[0];
+ $code .= ($j == $argCount->[1] ? "e\n" :
+ "if (\$n == $j)\n");
+ $code .= " {\n \$result = $funcName (";
+ for my $i (0 .. $j-1)
+ {
+ $code .= ", " if $i;
+ $code .= "\$arg[$i]";
+ }
+ $code .= ");\n }\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else #?? what now...
+ {
+ $code .= " my \$result = $funcName (\@arg);\n";
+ }
+ if ($returnType eq "*") # return result as is
+ {
+ $code .= " \$result = [] unless defined \$result;\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $code .= " \$result = defined \$result ? new $returnType (\$result) : [];\n";
+ }
+ if ($queryArg == -1)
+ {
+ $code .= " \$result;\n}\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $code .= " push \@result, \$result;\n }\n \\\@result;\n}\n";
+ }
+ $code .= "\$func = \\\&$wrapperName;";
+#print "CODE=$code\n";
+ eval "$code";
+ if ($@) { croak "generateFunction failed for $funcName: $@\n"; }
+ defineFunction ($name, $func, $argCount,
+ $allowedOutsideSubquery, $const);
+sub defineFunction
+ my ($name, $func, $argCount, $allowedOutside, $const) = @_;
+ $Func{$name} = $func;
+ $FuncArgCount{$name} = $argCount;
+ $AllowedOutsideSubquery{$name} = 1 if $allowedOutside;
+ $ConstFunc{$name} = $const;
+sub defineMethod
+ my ($name, $func, $argCount, $allowedOutside) = @_;
+ $Method{$name} = $func;
+ $FuncArgCount{$name} = $argCount;
+ $AllowedOutsideSubquery{$name} = 1 if $allowedOutside;
+%CompareOper =
+ 'eq' => \&XML::XQL::xql_eq,
+ 'ne' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ne,
+ 'le' => \&XML::XQL::xql_le,
+ 'ge' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ge,
+ 'gt' => \&XML::XQL::xql_gt,
+ 'lt' => \&XML::XQL::xql_lt,
+ 'ieq' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ieq,
+ 'ine' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ine,
+ 'ile' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ile,
+ 'ige' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ige,
+ 'igt' => \&XML::XQL::xql_igt,
+ 'ilt' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ilt,
+ '=' => \&XML::XQL::xql_eq,
+ '!=' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ne,
+ '>' => \&XML::XQL::xql_gt,
+ '>=' => \&XML::XQL::xql_ge,
+ '<' => \&XML::XQL::xql_lt,
+ '<=' => \&XML::XQL::xql_le,
+sub defineComparisonOperators
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ %CompareOper = (%CompareOper, %args);
+sub defineTokenQ
+ $Token_q = $_[0];
+sub defineTokenQQ
+ $Token_qq = $_[0];
+my %ElementValueType = ();
+my $ElementValueTypeCount = 0;
+sub elementValue
+ my ($elem) = @_;
+#?? raw text/recursive ?
+ return new XML::XQL::Text ($elem->xql_text, $elem)
+ if $ElementValueTypeCount == 0; # user hasn't defined any types
+ my $tagName = $elem->xql_nodeName;
+ my $func = $ElementValueType{$tagName};
+ return new XML::XQL::Text ($elem->xql_text, $elem) unless defined $func;
+ &$func ($elem, $tagName);
+sub defineElementValueConvertor
+ my ($elemTagName, $func) = @_;
+ my $prev = defined $ElementValueType{$elemTagName};
+ $ElementValueType{$elemTagName} = $func;
+ if (defined $func != $prev)
+ {
+ defined $func ? $ElementValueTypeCount++ : $ElementValueTypeCount--;
+ }
+my %AttrValueType = ();
+my $AttrValueTypeCount = 0;
+sub attrValue
+ my ($attr) = @_;
+#?? raw text/recursive ?
+ return new XML::XQL::Text ($attr->xql_text, $attr)
+ if $AttrValueTypeCount == 0; # user hasn't defined any types
+ my $elem = $attr->xql_parent->xql_nodeName;
+ my $attrName = $attr->xql_nodeName;
+ my $func = $AttrValueType{"$elem $attrName"};
+ if (not defined $func)
+ {
+ $elem = "*";
+ $func = $AttrValueType{"$elem $attrName"};
+ }
+ return new XML::XQL::Text ($attr->xql_text, $attr) unless defined $func;
+ &$func ($attr, $attrName, $elem);
+sub defineAttrValueConvertor
+ my ($elemTagName, $attrName, $type) = @_;
+ my $both = "$elemTagName $attrName";
+ my $prev = defined $AttrValueType{$both};
+ $AttrValueType{$both} = $type;
+ if (defined $type != $prev)
+ {
+ defined $type ? $AttrValueTypeCount++ : $AttrValueTypeCount--;
+ }
+#=== debug
+sub exception
+ my ($ex) = @_;
+ print "Exception: $ex\n" if $ex;
+ $ex;
+sub d
+ my $n = shift;
+ my $type = ref $n;
+ if ($type eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ my $str = "";
+ for my $i (@$n)
+ {
+ $str .= ", " unless $str eq "";
+ $str .= d ($i);
+ }
+ return "[$str]";
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq "HASH")
+ {
+ my $str = "";
+ while (my ($key, $val) = %$n)
+ {
+ $str .= ", " unless $str eq "";
+ $str .= $key . " => " . d ($val);
+ }
+ return "{$str}";
+ }
+ elsif ($type)
+ {
+ return $n->xql_contextString if ($n->isa ('XML::XQL::Operator'));
+ return "${type}\[" . $n->xql_toString . "]" if $n->isa ('XML::XQL::PrimitiveType');
+# return "${type}\[" . $n->toString . "]" if $n->isa ('XML::DOM::Element');
+ }
+ $n;
+package XML::XQL::Query;
+use Carp;
+use XML::XQL::Parser;
+use vars qw( %Func %FuncArgCount );
+my $parser = new XML::XQL::Parser;
+# This is passed as 'yyerror' to YYParse
+sub Error
+ my($parser) = shift;
+ print STDERR "Error in Query Expression near: " . $parser->YYData->{INPUT} . "\n";
+sub defineFunction
+ my ($self, $name, $func, $argCount, $allowedOutside, $const) = @_;
+ $self->{Func}->{$name} = $func;
+ $self->{FuncArgCount}->{$name} = $argCount;
+ $self->{AllowedOutsideSubquery}->{$name} = 1 if $allowedOutside;
+ $self->{ConstFunc} = $const;
+sub defineMethod
+ my ($self, $name, $func, $argCount, $allowedOutside) = @_;
+ $self->{Method}->{$name} = $func;
+ $self->{FuncArgCount}->{$name} = $argCount;
+ $self->{AllowedOutsideSubquery}->{$name} = 1 if $allowedOutside;
+sub defineComparisonOperators
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ $self->{CompareOper} = \%args;
+sub defineTokenQ
+ $_[0]->{'q'} = $_[1];
+sub defineTokenQQ
+ $_[0]->{'qq'} = $_[1];
+sub new
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ croak "no Expr specified" unless defined $args{Expr};
+ my $self = bless \%args, $class;
+ my $error = $self->{'Error'} || \&XML::XQL::Query::Error;
+ my $debug = defined ($self->{Debug}) ? $self->{Debug} : 0; # 0x17;
+ $self->{'q'} = $XML::XQL::Token_q unless exists $self->{'q'};
+ $self->{'qq'} = $XML::XQL::Token_qq unless exists $self->{'qq'};
+ # Invoke the query expression parser
+ $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = $self->{Expr};
+ $parser->{Query} = $self;
+ $self->{Tree} = $parser->YYParse (yylex => \&XML::XQL::Lexer,
+ yyerror => $error,
+ yydebug => $debug);
+ # Nothing but whitespace should be left over
+ if ($parser->YYData->{INPUT} !~ /^\s*$/)
+ {
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("Error when parsing expression. Unexpected characters at end of expression [" . $parser->YYData->{INPUT} . "]")
+ }
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("Error when parsing expression")
+ unless defined $self->{Tree};
+ $self->{Tree}->{Query} = $self;
+ $self->{Tree}->xql_check (0, 0); # inSubQuery=0, inParam=0
+ print "Expression parsed successfully\n" if $debug;
+ $self;
+sub dispose
+ my $self = shift;
+ undef $self->{Tree}->{Query};
+ $self->{Tree}->dispose;
+ delete $self->{Tree};
+sub isNodeQuery
+ $_[0]->{NodeQuery};
+sub solve
+ my ($self, @list) = @_;
+ my $context = undef;
+ # clear cached "once" values
+ $self->{Tree}->xql_prepCache;
+ my $result = $self->{Tree}->solve ($context, \@list);
+ ref ($result) eq "ARRAY" ? @$result : ($result);
+sub toString
+ $_[0]->{Expr};
+sub toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $root = $doc->createElement ("XQL");
+ $doc->appendChild ($root);
+ $root->appendChild ($self->{Tree}->xql_toDOM ($doc));
+ $doc;
+sub findComparisonOperator
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $cmp;
+ if (exists $self->{CompareOper}->{$name})
+ {
+ $cmp = $self->{CompareOper}->{$name};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cmp = $XML::XQL::CompareOper{$name};
+ }
+ if (not defined $cmp)
+ {
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("undefined comparison operator '$name'");
+ }
+ $cmp;
+# Return function pointer. Croak if wrong number of arguments.
+sub findFunctionOrMethod
+ my ($self, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my $func;
+ my $type = "function";
+ if (exists $self->{Func}->{$name})
+ {
+ $func = $self->{Func}->{$name};
+ }
+ elsif (exists $self->{Method}->{$name})
+ {
+ $func = $self->{Method}->{$name};
+ $type = "method";
+ }
+ elsif (defined $XML::XQL::Func{$name})
+ {
+ $func = $XML::XQL::Func{$name};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $XML::XQL::Method{$name})
+ {
+ $func = $XML::XQL::Method{$name};
+ $type = "method";
+ }
+ elsif (not $XML::XQL::Restricted)
+ {
+ $func = XML::XQL::generatePerlWrapper ($name);
+ }
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("undefined function/method '$name' in query '" .
+ $self->toString . "'")
+ unless defined &$func;
+ my $funcArgCount = $self->{FuncArgCount}->{$name}
+ || $XML::XQL::FuncArgCount{$name} || 0;
+ # Check number of args
+ my $nargs = @$args;
+#print "$args " . XML::XQL::d($args) . "\n";
+ my $ok = 0;
+ if (ref ($funcArgCount) eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $n = @$funcArgCount;
+ while ($i < $n)
+ {
+ my $s = $funcArgCount->[$i++];
+ my $e = $funcArgCount->[$i++] || $s; # same as $s if odd #args
+ if ($nargs >= $s && ($e == -1 || $nargs <= $e))
+ {
+ $ok = 1; # found it
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ok = ($nargs eq $funcArgCount);
+ }
+ XML::XQL::parseError ("wrong number of args ($nargs) for $type $name in query '" .
+ $self->toString . "', it should be " . XML::XQL::d($funcArgCount))
+ if not $ok;
+ return ($func, $type);
+sub isAllowedOutsideSubquery
+ my ($self, $funcName) = @_;
+ my ($ok) = $self->{AllowedOutsideSubquery}->{$funcName};
+ return $ok if defined $ok;
+ $XML::XQL::AllowedOutsideSubquery{$funcName};
+package XML::XQL::Operator;
+use fields qw{ Left Right Parent };
+sub new
+ my ($class, %attr) = @_;
+ my $self = bless \%attr, $class;
+ $self->{Left}->setParent ($self) if defined $self->{Left};
+ $self->{Right}->setParent ($self) if defined $self->{Right};
+ $self;
+sub dispose
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (defined ($self->{Left}))
+ {
+ $self->{Left}->dispose;
+ undef $self->{Left};
+ }
+ if (defined ($self->{Right}))
+ {
+ $self->{Right}->dispose;
+ undef $self->{Right};
+ }
+ undef $self->{Parent};
+sub xql_check
+ my ($self, $inSubQuery, $inParam) = @_;
+ $self->{Left}->xql_check ($inSubQuery, $inParam);
+ $self->{Right}->xql_check ($inSubQuery, $inParam) if defined $self->{Right};
+sub xql_prepCache
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->{Left}->xql_prepCache;
+ $self->{Right}->xql_prepCache if defined $self->{Right};
+sub xql_toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $name = ref $self;
+ $name =~ s/.*:://;
+ my $elem = $doc->createElement ($name);
+ if (defined $self->{Left})
+ {
+ my $left = $doc->createElement ("left");
+ $elem->appendChild ($left);
+ $left->appendChild ($self->{Left}->xql_toDOM ($doc));
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{Right})
+ {
+ my $right = $doc->createElement ("right");
+ $elem->appendChild ($right);
+ $right->appendChild ($self->{Right}->xql_toDOM ($doc));
+ }
+ $elem;
+sub isConstant
+ 0;
+# Overriden by Union and Path operators
+sub mustSort
+ 0;
+sub setParent
+ $_[0]->{Parent} = $_[1];
+sub warning
+ my ($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print STDERR "WARNING: $msg";
+ print STDERR " Context: " . $self->toContextString . "\n";
+sub root
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $top = $self;
+ while (defined ($top->{Parent}))
+ {
+ $top = $top->{Parent};
+ }
+ $top;
+sub query
+ $_[0]->root->{Query};
+sub toContextString
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->root->xql_contextString ($self);
+sub debugString
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $str = "[" . ref($self);
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each %$self)
+ {
+ $str .= "$key=>" . XML::XQL::d($val);
+ }
+ $str . "]";
+sub verbose
+ my ($self, $str, $list) = @_;
+# print STDERR "$self - $str: " . XML::XQL::d($list) . "\n";
+ $list;
+package XML::XQL::Root; # "/" at start of XQL expression
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if (@$list < 1);
+#?? what if first value is not a XML::XQL::Node? should we try the second one?
+ [$list->[0]->xql_document];
+#?? add isOnce here?
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub xql_contextString
+ XML::XQL::delim ("/", @_);
+package XML::XQL::Path;
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+use fields qw{ PathOp };
+sub new
+ my ($class, %arg) = @_;
+ my $self = bless \%arg, $class;
+ $self->{Left} ||= new XML::XQL::Root;
+ $self->{Left}->setParent ($self);
+ $self->{Right}->setParent ($self);
+ $self;
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ $list = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ $self->verbose ("left", $list);
+ return $list if @$list < 1;
+ if ($self->{PathOp} eq '/')
+ {
+ $self->verbose ("result", $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list));
+ }
+ else # recurse "//"
+ {
+ my $new_list = [];
+ my $n = @$list;
+ NODE: for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
+ {
+ my $node = $list->[$i];
+ # Node must be an Element or must be allowed to contain Elements
+ # i.e. must be an Element or a Document
+ # (DocumentFragment is not expected here)
+ my $nodeType = $node->xql_nodeType;
+ next NODE unless ($nodeType == 1 || $nodeType == 9);
+ # Skip the node if one of its ancestors is part of the input $list
+ # (and therefore already processed)
+ my $parent = $node->xql_parent;
+ while (defined $parent)
+ {
+ for (my $j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--)
+ {
+ next NODE if ($parent == $list->[$j]);
+ }
+ $parent = $parent->xql_parent;
+ }
+ recurse ($node, $new_list);
+ }
+ my $results = $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $new_list);
+ # Sort the result list unless the parent Operator will sort
+ my $parent = $self->{Parent};
+ XML::XQL::sortDocOrder ($results)
+ unless defined ($parent) and $parent->mustSort;
+ $self->verbose ("result //", $results);
+ }
+sub mustSort
+ $_[0]->{PathOp} eq '//';
+sub recurse
+ my ($node, $list) = @_;
+ push @$list, $node;
+ for my $kid (@{$node->xql_element})
+ {
+ recurse ($kid, $list);
+ }
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $str = $self->{Left}->isa ('XML::XQL::Root') ?
+ "" : $self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_);
+ XML::XQL::delim ($str . XML::XQL::bold($self->{PathOp}) .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+sub xql_toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $elem = $self->SUPER::xql_toDOM ($doc);
+ $elem->setAttribute ("pathOp", $self->{PathOp});
+ $elem;
+package XML::XQL::Sequence; # "elem;elem" or "elem;;elem"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+use fields qw{ Oper };
+# See "The Design of XQL" by Jonathan Robie
+# <URL:http://www.texcel.no/whitepapers/xql-design.html>
+# for definition of Sequence operators.
+# Note that the "naive" implementation slows things down quite a bit here...
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ $self->verbose ("left", $left);
+ return [] unless @$left;
+ my $right = $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list);
+ $self->verbose ("right", $right);
+ return [] unless @$right;
+ my @result;
+ if ($self->{Oper} eq ';') # immediately precedes
+ {
+ my %hleft; @hleft{@$left} = (); # initialize all values to undef
+ my %pushed;
+ for my $r (@$right)
+ {
+ # Find previous sibling that is not a text node that has only
+ # whitespace that can be ignored (because xml:space=preserve)
+ my $prev = $r->xql_prevNonWS;
+ # $prev must be defined and must exist in $left
+ next unless $prev and exists $hleft{$prev};
+ # Filter duplicates (no need to sort afterwards)
+ push @result, $prev unless $pushed{$prev}++;
+ push @result, $r unless $pushed{$r}++;
+ }
+ }
+ else # oper eq ';;' (i.e. precedes)
+ {
+ my %pushed;
+ for my $r (@$right)
+ {
+ for my $l (@$left)
+ {
+ # If left node precedes right node, add them
+ if ($l->xql_sortKey lt $r->xql_sortKey)
+ {
+ # Filter duplicates
+ push @result, $l unless $pushed{$l}++;
+ push @result, $r unless $pushed{$r}++;
+ }
+ }
+#?? optimize - left & right are already sorted...
+ # sort in document order
+ XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result) if @result;
+ }
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold($self->{Oper}) .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Current; # "."
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ $list;
+sub xql_contextString
+ XML::XQL::delim (".", @_);
+package XML::XQL::Parent; # ".."
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator';
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, $node->xql_parent;
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ XML::XQL::delim ("..", @_);
+package XML::XQL::Element; # "elem"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+use fields qw{ Name NameSpace Expr };
+sub new
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ if (not defined ($args{NameSpace}))
+ {
+ if ($args{Name} eq "*")
+ {
+ return bless \%args, 'XML::XQL::AllElements';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return bless \%args, 'XML::XQL::SimpleElement';
+ }
+ }
+ $args{Expr} = XML::XQL::buildNameSpaceExpr ($args{NameSpace},
+ $args{Name});
+ bless \%args, $class;
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ my $expr = $self->{Expr};
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{$node->xql_element})
+ {
+ push @result, $kid if $kid->xql_nodeName =~ /$expr/;
+ }
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ my $space = $self->{NameSpace};
+ my $str = defined($space) ? "$space:$name" : $name;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($str, $self, @_);
+sub xql_toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $elem = $self->SUPER::xql_toDOM ($doc);
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ my $space = $self->{NameSpace};
+ my $str = defined($space) ? "$space:$name" : $name;
+ $elem->setAttribute ("name", $str);
+ $elem;
+package XML::XQL::SimpleElement; # "elem"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Element'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{ $node->xql_element ($name) };
+ }
+ \@result;
+package XML::XQL::AllElements; # "*"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Element'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{$node->xql_element};
+ }
+ \@result;
+package XML::XQL::Attribute; # "@attr"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L of Attributes
+use fields qw{ Name NameSpace Expr };
+sub new
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ if (not defined ($args{NameSpace}))
+ {
+ if ($args{Name} eq "*")
+ {
+ return bless \%args, 'XML::XQL::AllAttr';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return bless \%args, 'XML::XQL::SimpleAttr';
+ }
+ }
+ $args{Expr} = XML::XQL::buildNameSpaceExpr ($args{NameSpace},
+ $args{Name});
+ bless \%args, $class;
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ my $expr = $self->{Expr};
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{$node->xql_attribute})
+ {
+ push @result, $kid if $kid->xql_nodeName =~ /$expr/;
+ }
+ }
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ my $space = $self->{NameSpace};
+ my $str = defined($space) ? "\@$space:$name" : ('@' . $name);
+ XML::XQL::delim ($str, $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::SimpleAttr; # "@attr"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Attribute'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{ $node->xql_attribute ($name) };
+ }
+ \@result;
+package XML::XQL::AllAttr; # "@*"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Attribute'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{$node->xql_attribute};
+ }
+ \@result;
+package XML::XQL::Subscript; # "[3, 5 $to$ 7, -1]"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+use fields qw{ IndexList };
+#?? optimize for simple subscripts
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $inlist) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$inlist)
+ {
+ my $list = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, [$node]);
+ $self->verbose("Left", $list);
+ my $n = int (@$list);
+ next if ($n == 0);
+ # build ordered index list
+ my @indexFlags = ();
+ $#indexFlags = $n - 1;
+ my $index = $self->{IndexList};
+ my $len = @$index;
+#?? this is done a lot - optimize....
+ my $i = 0;
+ while ($i < $len)
+ {
+ my $start = $index->[$i++];
+ $start += $n if ($start < 0);
+ my $end = $index->[$i++];
+ $end += $n if ($end < 0);
+ next unless $start <= $end && $end >=0 && $start < $n;
+ $start = 0 if ($start < 0);
+ $end = $n-1 if ($end >= $n);
+ for my $j ($start .. $end)
+ {
+ $indexFlags[$j] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ for $i (0 .. $n-1)
+ {
+ push @result, $list->[$i] if $indexFlags[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $index = $self->{IndexList};
+ my $str = XML::XQL::bold("[");
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$index; $i++)
+ {
+ $str .= ", " if $i > 0;
+ my $s = $index->[$i++];
+ my $e = $index->[$i];
+ $str = ($s == $e) ? $s : "$s \$to\$ $e";
+ }
+ $str .= XML::XQL::bold("]");
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) . $str, $self, @_);
+sub xql_toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $elem = $self->SUPER::xql_toDOM ($doc);
+ my $index = $self->{IndexList};
+ my $str = "";
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @$index; $i++)
+ {
+ $str .= ", " if $i > 0;
+ my $s = $index->[$i++];
+ my $e = $index->[$i];
+ $str .= ($s == $e) ? $s : "$s \$to\$ $e";
+ }
+ my $ie = $doc->createElement ("index");
+ $ie->setAttribute ("list", $str);
+ $elem->appendChild ($ie);
+ $elem;
+package XML::XQL::Union; # "book $union$ magazine", also "|"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L x L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = XML::XQL::toList ($self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list));
+ my $right = XML::XQL::toList ($self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list));
+ return $right if (@$left < 1);
+ return $left if (@$right < 1);
+ my @result = @$left;
+ for my $node (@$right)
+ {
+ push @result, $node unless XML::XQL::listContains ($left, $node);
+ }
+ my $parent = $self->{Parent};
+ # Don't sort if parent is a Union or //, because the parent will do the sort
+ unless (defined $parent and $parent->mustSort)
+ {
+ XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result)
+ }
+# $self->verbose ("Union result", \@result);
+ \@result;
+sub mustSort
+ 1;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold (" \$union\$ ") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Intersect; # "book $intersect$ magazine"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L x L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = XML::XQL::toList ($self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list));
+ return [] if @$left < 1;
+ my $right = XML::XQL::toList ($self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list));
+ return [] if @$right < 1;
+ # Assumption: $left and $right don't have duplicates themselves
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$left)
+ {
+#? reimplement with hash - faster!
+ push @result, $node if XML::XQL::listContains ($right, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold (" \$intersect\$ ") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Filter; # "elem[expr]"
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator'; # L -> L
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $inlist) = @_;
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$inlist)
+ {
+ my $list = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, [$node]);
+ next if @$list == 0;
+ my $subQuery = $self->{Right};
+ $context = [0, scalar (@$list)];
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+#?? optimize? only need the first one to succeed
+ my $r = $subQuery->solve ($context, [ $node ]);
+ push @result, $node if XML::XQL::toBoolean ($r);
+ $context->[0]++; # increase the index for the index() method
+ }
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub xql_check
+ my ($self, $inSubQuery, $inParam) = @_;
+ $self->{Left}->xql_check ($inSubQuery, $inParam);
+ $self->{Right}->xql_check (1, $inParam);
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold ("[") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold ("]"), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::BooleanOp;
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator';
+package XML::XQL::Or;
+use base 'XML::XQL::BooleanOp';
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ return $XML::XQL::Boolean::TRUE if XML::XQL::toBoolean ($left);
+ return $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list);
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold (" \$or\$ ") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::And;
+use base 'XML::XQL::BooleanOp';
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ return $XML::XQL::Boolean::FALSE unless XML::XQL::toBoolean ($left);
+ return $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list);
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold (" \$and\$ ") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Not;
+use base 'XML::XQL::BooleanOp';
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $left = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ return XML::XQL::toBoolean ($left) ? $XML::XQL::Boolean::FALSE : $XML::XQL::Boolean::TRUE;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim (XML::XQL::bold ("\$not\$ ") .
+ $self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Compare;
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator';
+use fields qw{ Func All };
+use Carp;
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ my $type;
+ my $cmpFunc = $self->{Func};
+ my $left = $self->verbose ("left", XML::XQL::toList ($self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list)));
+ return [] if @$left < 1;
+ my $right;
+ eval {
+ $right = $self->verbose ("right", XML::XQL::prepareRvalue ($self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list)));
+ };
+ return [] if XML::XQL::exception ($@);
+ if ($self->{All})
+ {
+ for my $node (@$left)
+ {
+ eval {
+ # Stop if any of the comparisons fails
+ return [] unless &$cmpFunc ($node, $right);
+ };
+ return [] if XML::XQL::exception ($@);
+ }
+ return $left;
+ }
+ else # $any$
+ {
+ my @result = ();
+ for my $node (@$left)
+ {
+ eval {
+ push (@result, $node)
+ if &$cmpFunc ($node, $right);
+ };
+ return [] if XML::XQL::exception ($@);
+ }
+ return \@result;
+ }
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $all = $self->{All} ? "\$all\$ " : "";
+ XML::XQL::delim ($all . $self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) . " " .
+ XML::XQL::bold ($self->{Oper}) . " " .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Func;
+use Carp;
+sub count
+ my ($context, $list, $expr) = @_;
+ my $cnt;
+ if (defined $expr)
+ {
+ $list = XML::XQL::toList ($expr->solve ($context, $list));
+ $cnt = @$list;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cnt = $context->[1];
+ }
+#?? ref node?
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($cnt);
+sub id
+ my ($context, $list, $query) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my $id = XML::XQL::prepareRvalue ($query->solve ($context, $list));
+#?? check result?
+#?? if [0] is not a Node, I should probably try the next one
+ my $doc = $list->[0]->xql_document;
+ _findId ($doc->xql_element->[0], $id);
+sub _findId # static method
+ my ($elem, $id) = @_;
+ my $attr = $elem->xql_attribute ("id");
+ return [$elem] if (@$attr == 1 && $attr->[0]->xql_nodeName eq $id);
+ for my $kid (@{$elem->xql_element})
+ {
+ $attr = _findId ($kid);
+ return $attr if @$attr;
+ }
+ return [];
+sub end
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ new XML::XQL::Boolean ($context->[0] == $context->[1] - 1);
+sub xql_index
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+# print "index: " . XML::XQL::d($context) . "\n";
+#?? wrong!
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($context->[0]);
+sub ancestor
+ my ($context, $list, $query) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @anc = ();
+#?? fix for @$list > 1
+ my $parent = $list->[0]->xql_parent;
+ while (defined $parent)
+ {
+ # keep list of ancestors so far
+ unshift @anc, $parent;
+ # solve the query for the ancestor
+ my $result = $query->solve ($context, [$parent]);
+ for my $node (@{$result})
+ {
+ for my $anc (@anc)
+ {
+ return [$node] if $node == $anc;
+ }
+ }
+ $parent = $parent->xql_parent;
+ }
+ return [];
+sub node
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ return $list->[0]->xql_node if @$list == 1;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{ $node->xql_node };
+ }
+ XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result);
+sub _nodesByType
+ my ($list, $type) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{ $node->xql_node })
+ {
+ push @result, $kid if $kid->xql_nodeType == $type;
+ }
+ }
+ @$list > 1 ? XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result) : \@result;
+sub pi
+ my ($context, $list, $pi_name) = @_;
+ if (defined $pi_name)
+ {
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ $pi_name = $pi_name->solve ($context, $list)->xql_toString;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{ $node->xql_node })
+ {
+ push @result, $kid
+ if $kid->xql_nodeType == 7 && $kid->getTarget eq $pi_name;
+ }
+ }
+ return @$list > 1 ? XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result) : \@result;
+ }
+ return _nodesByType ($_[1], 7);
+sub comment
+ _nodesByType ($_[1], 8);
+sub textNode
+ _nodesByType ($_[1], 3);
+sub nodeName
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($node->xql_nodeName, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub namespace
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ my $namespace = $node->xql_namespace;
+ next unless defined $namespace;
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($namespace, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub prefix
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ my $prefix = $node->xql_prefix;
+ next unless defined $prefix;
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($prefix, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub baseName
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ my $basename = $node->xql_baseName;
+ next unless defined $basename;
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($basename, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub nodeType
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Number ($node->xql_nodeType, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub nodeTypeString
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($node->xql_nodeTypeString, $node);
+ }
+ @result;
+sub value
+ my ($context, $list) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, $node->xql_value; # value always returns an object
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub text
+ my ($context, $list, $recurse) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ if (defined $recurse)
+ {
+ $recurse = $recurse->solve ($context, $list)->xql_toString;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $recurse = 1; # default
+ }
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ my $text = $node->xql_text ($recurse);
+ next unless defined $text;
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($text, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub rawText
+ my ($context, $list, $recurse) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ if (defined $recurse)
+ {
+ $recurse = $recurse->solve ($context, $list)->xql_toString;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $recurse = 1; # default
+ }
+ my @result;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ my $text = $node->xql_rawText ($recurse);
+ next unless defined $text;
+ push @result, new XML::XQL::Text ($text, $node);
+ }
+ \@result;
+sub true
+ return $XML::XQL::Boolean::TRUE;
+sub false
+ return $XML::XQL::Boolean::FALSE;
+#sub date() is in XQL::XML::Date
+sub element
+ my ($context, $list, $text) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ if (defined $text)
+ {
+ $text = XML::XQL::prepareRvalue ($text->solve ($context, $list))->xql_toString;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{$node->xql_element ($text)};
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{$node->xql_element};
+ }
+ }
+ @$list > 1 ? XML::XQL::sortDocOrder (\@result) : \@result;
+sub attribute
+ my ($context, $list, $text) = @_;
+ return [] if @$list == 0;
+ my @result;
+ if (defined $text)
+ {
+ $text = XML::XQL::prepareRvalue ($text->solve ($context, $list))->xql_toString;
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{ $node->xql_attribute ($text) };
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for my $node (@$list)
+ {
+ push @result, @{ $node->xql_attribute };
+ }
+ }
+ \@result;
+package XML::XQL::Bang;
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator';
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ $list = $self->{Left}->solve ($context, $list);
+ $self->{Right}->solve ($context, $list);
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->{Left}->xql_contextString (@_) .
+ XML::XQL::bold ("!") .
+ $self->{Right}->xql_contextString (@_), $self, @_);
+package XML::XQL::Invocation;
+use base 'XML::XQL::Operator';
+use fields qw{ Args Name Type Once ConstVal };
+use Carp;
+sub new
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ my $self = bless \%args, $class;
+ for my $par (@{$self->{Args}})
+ {
+ $par->setParent ($self);
+ }
+ $self;
+sub dispose
+ my $self = shift;
+ for (@{ $self->{Args} })
+ {
+ $_->dispose;
+ }
+ undef $self->{Args};
+ undef $self->{Parent};
+sub isConstant
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # An Invocation is constant, if all it's arguments are constant
+ # and it's a "constant" function
+ my $name = $self->{Name};
+ my $cf = $self->query->{ConstFunc};
+ my $const = exists ($cf->{$name}) ?
+ $cf->{name} : $XML::XQL::ConstFunc{$name};
+ return 0 unless $const;
+ for my $par (@{$self->{Args}})
+ {
+ return 0 unless $par->isConstant;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub xql_check
+ my ($self, $inSubQuery, $inParam) = @_;
+ # Syntactic Constraint 7:
+ # In a node query this function or method is only valid inside an instance
+ # of Subquery, unless it appears within an instance of Param.
+ # Functions and methods are valid anywhere in a full query.
+ my $query;
+ if (not ($inSubQuery or $inParam) and ($query = $self->query)->isNodeQuery)
+ {
+ unless ($query->isAllowedOutsideSubquery ($self->{Name}))
+ {
+ XML::XQL::parseError $self->{Type} . " " . $self->{Name} .
+ " is only allowed inside a Subquery or Param for 'Node Queries'." .
+ " Context: " . $self->toContextString;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $par (@{$self->{Args}})
+ {
+ $par->xql_check ($inSubQuery, 1); # these are Params
+ }
+ # once() should only be evaluated once per query
+ # "constant" functions should only be evaluated once *ever*
+ $self->{Once} = $self->isOnce || $self->isConstant;
+sub xql_prepCache
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # once() should only be evaluated once per query
+ # "constant" functions should only be evaluated once *ever*
+ delete $self->{ConstVal} if $self->isOnce;
+ for my $par (@{$self->{Args}})
+ {
+ $par->xql_prepCache;
+ }
+sub isOnce
+ $_[0]->{Name} eq "once";
+sub isMethod
+ $_[0]->{Type} eq "method";
+sub solve
+ my ($self, $context, $list) = @_;
+ # Use the cached value if it's a "constant" function
+ return $self->{ConstVal} if (exists $self->{ConstVal});
+ my $func = $self->{Func};
+ my $result;
+ eval {
+ $result = &$func ($context, $list, @{$self->{Args}});
+ $self->{ConstVal} = $result if $self->{Once};
+ };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+#?? or croak
+ $self->warning ("invocation of '" . $self->{Name} . "' failed:\n\t$@");
+ $self->{ConstVal} = [] if $self->{Once};
+ return [];
+ }
+ $result;
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $str = XML::XQL::bold ($self->{Name}) . "(";
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$self->{Args}}; $i++)
+ {
+ $str .= ", " if $i > 0;
+ $str .= $self->{Args}->[$i]->xql_contextString (@_);
+ }
+ $str .= ")";
+ XML::XQL::delim ($str, $self, @_);
+# Base class shared by Node and PrimitiveType
+package XML::XQL::PrimitiveTypeBase;
+sub dispose
+sub xql_check
+sub xql_prepCache
+sub xql_prevSibling
+ undef;
+# This method returns an integer that determines how values should be casted
+# for comparisons. If the left value (LHS) has a higher xql_primType, the
+# right value (RHS) is cast to the type of the LHS (otherwise, the LHS is casted
+# to the type of the LHS)
+# Values for certain types:
+# Node 0 (always cast a node to a Text string first)
+# Text 1
+# Number 2
+# Boolean 3
+# Date 4 (other classes automatically use 4 by default)
+sub xql_primType
+ 4; # default for all classes other then Node, Text, Number, Boolean
+sub xql_toBoolean
+ 1; # it is true if it exists
+sub xql_namespace
+ undef;
+sub xql_baseName
+ undef;
+sub xql_prefix
+ undef;
+sub xql_sortKey
+ my $src = $_[0]->xql_sourceNode;
+ $src ? $src->xql_sortKey : $XML::XQL::LAST_SORT_KEY;
+sub xql_toDOM
+ my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+ my $name = ref $self;
+ $name =~ s/.*:://;
+ my $elem = $doc->createElement ($name);
+ $elem->setAttribute ("value", $self->xql_toString);
+ $elem;
+package XML::XQL::PrimitiveType;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( XML::XQL::PrimitiveTypeBase );
+sub new
+ my ($class, $val, $srcNode) = @_;
+ bless [$val, $srcNode], $class;
+sub isConstant
+ 1;
+sub setParent
+ # not defined
+sub solve
+ $_[0]; # evaluates to itself
+# Derived classes should not override this method.
+# Override xql_toString instead.
+sub xql_contextString
+ my $self = shift;
+ XML::XQL::delim ($self->xql_toString, $self, @_);
+# Return the value of the Object as a primitive Perl value, i.e. an integer,
+# a float, or a string.
+sub xql_toString
+ $_[0]->[0];
+sub xql_sourceNode
+ $_[0]->[1];
+sub xql_setSourceNode
+ $_[0]->[1] = $_[1];
+sub xql_setValue
+ # This could potentially change the value of a constant in the XQL
+ # query expression.
+ $_[0]->[0] = $_[1];
+sub xql_nodeType
+ 0; # it's not a Node
+sub xql_compare
+ # Temporarily switch off $WARNING flag, to disable messages a la:
+ # Argument "1993-02-14" isn't numeric in ncmp
+ local $^W = 0;
+ $_[0]->[0] <=> $_[1]->xql_toString;
+sub xql_eq { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) == 0; }
+sub xql_ne { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) != 0; }
+sub xql_lt { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) < 0; }
+sub xql_le { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) <= 0; }
+sub xql_gt { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) > 0; }
+sub xql_ge { my $self = shift; $self->xql_compare (@_) >= 0; }
+package XML::XQL::Boolean;
+use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $TRUE $FALSE );
+use Carp;
+@ISA = qw( XML::XQL::PrimitiveType );
+@EXPORT = qw( $TRUE $FALSE );
+$TRUE = new XML::XQL::Boolean (1);
+$FALSE = new XML::XQL::Boolean (0);
+sub xql_primType
+ 3;
+sub xql_toBoolean
+ $_[0]->[0]; # evaluate it to its value
+sub xql_negate
+#?? do we need to keep track of a source node here?
+ $_[0]->[0] ? $FALSE : $TRUE;
+sub xql_compare
+#?? how do we convert string to boolean value
+ $_[0]->[0] <=> ($_[1]->xql_toString ? 1 : 0);
+sub xql_lt { badComparisonError (@_); }
+sub xql_gt { badComparisonError (@_); }
+sub xql_le { badComparisonError (@_); }
+sub xql_ge { badComparisonError (@_); }
+sub badComparisonError
+ croak 'comparison operator (other than =, !=, $ieq$, $ine$) not defined for type Boolean';
+package XML::XQL::Number;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( XML::XQL::PrimitiveType );
+#use overload
+# 'fallback' => 1, # use default operators, if not specified
+# '""' => \&debug;
+sub debug
+ "Number[" . $_[0]->[0] . "]";
+sub xql_primType
+ 2;
+package XML::XQL::Text;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( XML::XQL::PrimitiveType );
+#use overload
+# 'fallback' => 1, # use default operators, if not specified
+# '""' => \&debug;
+sub debug
+ "Text[" . $_[0]->[0] . "]";
+sub xql_primType
+ 1;
+sub xql_compare
+ my ($self, $other, $ignoreCase) = @_;
+ if ($ignoreCase)
+ {
+ my $lhs = $self->[0];
+ my $rhs = $other->xql_toString;
+ "\U$lhs" cmp "\U$rhs";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $self->[0] cmp $other->xql_toString;
+ }
+# Declare package XML::XQL::Node so that XML implementations can say
+# that their nodes derive from it:
+# This worked for me when I added XQL support for XML::DOM:
+# {
+# push @XML::DOM::Node::ISA, 'XML::XQL::Node';
+# }
+package XML::XQL::Node;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+@ISA = qw( XML::XQL::PrimitiveTypeBase );
+use Carp;
+sub xql_primType
+ 0;
+sub xql_toBoolean
+ 1; # it is true if it exists
+sub xql_attribute
+ [];
+sub xql_sourceNode
+ $_[0];
+# Default implementation - override this for speed
+sub xql_element
+ my ($node, $elem) = @_;
+ my @list = ();
+ if (defined $elem)
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{$_[0]->xql_node})
+ {
+ # 1: element
+ push @list, $kid
+ if $kid->xql_nodeType == 1 && $kid->xql_nodeName eq $elem;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for my $kid (@{$_[0]->xql_node})
+ {
+ push @list, $kid if $kid->xql_nodeType == 1; # 1: element
+ }
+ }
+ \@list;
+sub xql_text
+ undef;
+sub xql_rawText
+ undef;
+sub xql_rawTextBlocks
+ undef;
+sub xql_value
+ new XML::XQL::Text ($_[0]->xql_text ($_[1]), $_[0]);
+# Convert xql_value to Perl string (or undef if xql_value is undefined)
+sub xql_toString
+ my $val = $_[0]->xql_value;
+ return undef if XML::XQL::isEmptyList ($val);
+ $val->xql_toString;
+sub xql_setValue
+ # Not implemented for most node types
+sub xql_data
+ "";
+sub xql_nodeType
+ 0;
+sub xql_nodeName
+ [];
+# Java code from "XML:: Namespaces in 20 lines" by James Clark:
+# see: http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/clarkNS-980804.html
+# String expandName(String name, Element element, boolean isAttribute) {
+# // The index of the colon character in the name.
+# int colonIndex = name.indexOf(':');
+# // The name of the attribute that declares the namespace prefix.
+# String declAttName;
+# if (colonIndex == -1) {
+# // Default namespace applies only to element type names.
+# if (isAttribute)
+# return name;
+# declAttName = "xmlns";
+# }
+# else {
+# String prefix = name.substring(0, colonIndex);
+# // "xml:" is special
+# if (prefix.equals("xml"))
+# return name;
+# declAttName = "xmlns:" + prefix;
+# }
+# for (; element != null; element = element.getParent()) {
+# String ns = element.getAttributeValue(declAttName);
+# if (ns != null) {
+# // Handle special meaning of xmlns=""
+# if (ns.length() == 0 && colonIndex == -1)
+# return name;
+# return ns + '+' + name.substring(colonIndex + 1);
+# }
+# }
+# return null;
+# }
+# From "Namespaces in XML"
+# at http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-xml-names-19980916
+# The prefix xml is by definition bound to the namespace name
+# urn:Connolly:input:required. The prefix xmlns is used only for
+# namespace bindings and is not itself bound to any namespace name.
+my $XML_NAMESPACE = "urn:Connolly:input:required";
+#?? default namespace
+sub xql_namespace
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $nodeType = $self->xql_nodeType;
+ my $element = $self;
+ if ($nodeType == 2) # 2: Attr
+ {
+ $element = $self->xql_parent;
+ }
+ elsif ($nodeType != 1) # 1: Element
+ {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $name = $self->xql_nodeName;
+ my $declAttName;
+ if ($name =~ /([^:]+):([^:]+)/)
+ {
+ my ($prefix, $basename) = ($1, $2);
+ # "xml:" is special
+ return $XML_NAMESPACE if $prefix eq "xml";
+ $declAttName = "xmlns:$prefix";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Default namespace applies only to element type names.
+ return $DEFAULT_NAMESPACE if $nodeType == 2; # 2: Attr
+#?? default namespace?
+ $declAttName = "xmlns";
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ my $ns = $element->xql_attribute ($declAttName);
+ next unless defined $ns;
+ return $ns->xql_rawText;
+ $element = $element->xql_parent;
+ }
+ while (defined ($element) and $element->xql_nodeType == 1);
+ # namespace not found
+ undef;
+sub xql_basename
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $nodeType = $self->xql_nodeType;
+ return undef unless $nodeType == 1 || $nodeType == 2;
+ my $name = $self->xql_nodeName;
+ $name =~ s/^[^:]://; # strip prefix
+ $name;
+sub xql_prefix
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $nodeType = $self->xql_nodeType;
+ return undef unless $nodeType == 1 || $nodeType == 2;
+ $self->xql_nodeName =~ /^([^:]+):/;
+ $1;
+# Used by ancestor()
+sub xql_parent
+ undef;
+my @NodeTypeString =
+ "", "element", "attribute", "text", "", "", "", "processing_instruction",
+ "comment", "document"
+sub xql_nodeTypeString
+ my $i = $_[0]->xql_nodeType;
+ return $NodeTypeString[$i] if ($i >= 1 && $i <= 3 || $i >= 7 && $i <= 9);
+#?? what should this return?
+ "<unknown xql_nodeType $i>";
+if (not $XML::XQL::Restricted)
+ require XML::XQL::Plus;
+# All nodes should implement:
+#?? this section must be updated!!
+# - xql_document
+# - xql_node: return an unblessed list reference with childNodes (not
+# attributes)
+# - xql_nodeType (default implementation for XML::XQL::Node returns 0):
+# Element: 1
+# Element Attribute: 2
+# Markup-Delimited Region of Text (Text and CDATASection): 3
+# Processing Instruction: 7
+# Comment: 8
+# Document (Entity): 9
+# - xql_text
+# - xql_value (default implementation is xql_text)
+# - xql_parent: return parent node or undef (Document, DocumentFragment)
+# Element should define/override the following:
+# - xql_nodeName: return the element name
+# - xql_attribute("attributeName"): return an unblessed reference to a list
+# with the attribute, or [] if no such attribute
+# - xql_attribute(): return an unblessed reference to a list with
+# all attribute nodes
+# - xql_baseName, xql_prefix
+# Attribute:
+# - xql_nodeName: return the attribute name
+# - xql_baseName, xql_prefix
+# EntityReference:
+# - xql_data: return expanded text value
+# Text, CDATASection:
+# - xql_data: return expanded text value
+# -xql_element could be overriden to speed up performance
+=head1 NAME
+XML::XQL - A perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use XML::XQL;
+ use XML::XQL::DOM;
+ $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+ $doc = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml");
+ # Return all elements with tagName='title' under the root element 'book'
+ $query = new XML::XQL::Query (Expr => "book/title");
+ @result = $query->solve ($doc);
+ $query->dispose; # Avoid memory leaks - Remove circular references
+ # Or (to save some typing)
+ @result = XML::XQL::solve ("book/title", $doc);
+ # Or (to save even more typing)
+ @result = $doc->xql ("book/title");
+The XML::XQL module implements the XQL (XML Query Language) proposal
+submitted to the XSL Working Group in September 1998.
+The spec can be found at: L<http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html>
+Most of the contents related to the XQL syntax can also be found in the
+L<XML::XQL::Tutorial> that comes with this distribution.
+Note that XQL is not the same as XML-QL!
+The current implementation only works with the L<XML::DOM> module, but once the
+design is stable and the major bugs are flushed out, other extensions might
+follow, e.g. for XML::Grove.
+XQL was designed to be extensible and this implementation tries to stick to that.
+Users can add their own functions, methods, comparison operators and data types.
+Plugging in a new XML tree structure (like XML::Grove) should be a piece of cake.
+To use the XQL module, either
+ use XML::XQL;
+ use XML::XQL::Strict;
+The Strict module only provides the core XQL functionality as found in the
+XQL spec. By default (i.e. by using XML::XQL) you get 'XQL+', which has
+some additional features.
+See the section L<Additional Features in XQL+> for the differences.
+This module is still in development. See the To-do list in XQL.pm for what
+still needs to be done. Any suggestions are welcome, the sooner these
+implementation issues are resolved, the faster we can all use this module.
+If you find a bug, you would do me great favor by sending it to me in the
+form of a test case. See the file t/xql_template.t that comes with this distribution.
+If you have written a cool comparison operator, function, method or XQL data
+type that you would like to share, send it to enno@att.com and I will
+add it to this module.
+=head1 XML::XQL global functions
+=over 4
+=item solve (QUERY_STRING, INPUT_LIST...)
+ @result = XML::XQL::solve ("doc//book", $doc);
+This is provided as a shortcut for:
+ $query = new XML::XQL::Query (Expr => "doc//book");
+ @result = $query->solve ($doc);
+ $query->dispose;
+Note that with L<XML::XQL::DOM>, you can also write (see L<XML::DOM::Node>
+for details):
+ @result = $doc->xql ("doc//book");
+=item setDocParser (PARSER)
+Sets the XML::DOM::Parser that is used by the new XQL+ document() method.
+By default it uses an XML::DOM::Parser that was created without any arguments,
+ $PARSER = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+Defines the XQL function (at the global level, i.e. for all newly created
+queries) with the specified NAME. The ARGCOUNT parameter can either be a single
+number or a reference to a list with numbers.
+A single number expands to [ARGCOUNT, ARGCOUNT]. The list contains pairs of
+numbers, indicating the number of arguments that the function allows. The value
+-1 means infinity. E.g. [2, 5, 7, 9, 12, -1] means that the function can have
+2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 or more arguments.
+The number of arguments is checked when parsing the XQL query string.
+The second parameter must be a reference to a Perl function or an anonymous
+sub. E.g. '\&my_func' or 'sub { ... code ... }'
+If ALLOWED_OUTSIDE (default is 0) is set to 1, the function or method may
+also be used outside subqueries in I<node queries>.
+(See NodeQuery parameter in Query constructor)
+If CONST (default is 0) is set to 1, the function is considered to be
+"constant". See L<Constant Function Invocations> for details.
+If QUERY_ARG (default is 0) is not -1, the argument with that index is
+considered to be a 'query parameter'. If the query parameter is a subquery,
+that returns multiple values, the result list of the function invocation will
+contain one result value for each value of the subquery.
+E.g. 'length(book/author)' will return a list of Numbers, denoting the string
+lengths of all the author elements returned by 'book/author'.
+Note that only methods (not functions) may appear after a Bang "!" operator.
+This is checked when parsing the XQL query string.
+See also: defineMethod
+Generates and defines an XQL function wrapper for the Perl function with the
+name FUNCNAME. The function name will be NAME in XQL query expressions.
+The return type should be one of the builtin XQL Data Types or a class derived
+from XML::XQL::PrimitiveType (see L<Adding Data Types>.)
+See defineFunction for the meaning of ARGCOUNT, ALLOWED_OUTSIDE, CONST and
+Function values are always converted to Perl strings with xql_toString before
+they are passed to the Perl function implementation. The function return value
+is cast to an object of type RETURN_TYPE, or to the empty list [] if the
+result is undef. It uses expandType to expand XQL primitive type names.
+If RETURN_TYPE is "*", it returns the function
+result as is, unless the function result is undef, in which case it returns [].
+Defines the XQL method (at the global level, i.e. for all newly created
+queries) with the specified NAME. The ARGCOUNT parameter can either be a single
+number or a reference to a list with numbers.
+A single number expands to [ARGCOUNT, ARGCOUNT]. The list contains pairs of
+numbers, indicating the number of arguments that the method allows. The value
+-1 means infinity. E.g. [2, 5, 7, 9, 12, -1] means that the method can have
+2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 or more arguments.
+The number of arguments is checked when parsing the XQL query string.
+The second parameter must be a reference to a Perl function or an anonymous
+sub. E.g. '\&my_func' or 'sub { ... code ... }'
+If ALLOWED_OUTSIDE (default is 0) is set to 1, the function or method may
+also be used outside subqueries in I<node queries>.
+(See NodeQuery parameter in Query constructor)
+Note that only methods (not functions) may appear after a Bang "!" operator.
+This is checked when parsing the XQL query string.
+See also: defineFunction
+=item defineComparisonOperators (NAME => FUNCREF [, NAME => FUNCREF]*)
+Defines XQL comparison operators at the global level.
+The FUNCREF parameters must be a references to a Perl function or an anonymous
+sub. E.g. '\&my_func' or 'sub { ... code ... }'
+E.g. define the operators $my_op$ and $my_op2$:
+ defineComparisonOperators ('my_op' => \&my_op,
+ 'my_op2' => sub { ... insert code here ... });
+=item defineElementValueConvertor (TAG_NAME, FUNCREF)
+Defines that the result of the value() call for Elements with the specified
+TAG_NAME uses the specified function. The function will receive
+two parameters. The second one is the TAG_NAME of the Element node
+and the first parameter is the Element node itself.
+FUNCREF should be a reference to a Perl function, e.g. \&my_sub, or
+an anonymous sub.
+E.g. to define that all Elements with tag name 'date-of-birth' should return
+XML::XQL::Date objects:
+ defineElementValueConvertor ('date-of-birth', sub {
+ my $elem = shift;
+ # Always pass in the node as the second parameter. This is
+ # the reference node for the object, which is used when
+ # sorting values in document order.
+ new XML::XQL::Date ($elem->xql_text, $elem);
+ });
+These convertors can only be specified at a global level, not on a per query
+basis. To undefine a convertor, simply pass a FUNCREF of undef.
+=item defineAttrValueConvertor (ELEM_TAG_NAME, ATTR_NAME, FUNCREF)
+Defines that the result of the value() call for Attributes with the specified
+ATTR_NAME and a parent Element with the specified ELEM_TAG_NAME
+uses the specified function. An ELEM_TAG_NAME of "*" will match regardless of
+the tag name of the parent Element. The function will receive
+3 parameters. The third one is the tag name of the parent Element (even if
+ELEM_TAG_NAME was "*"), the second is the ATTR_NAME and the first is the
+Attribute node itself.
+FUNCREF should be a reference to a Perl function, e.g. \&my_sub, or
+an anonymous sub.
+These convertors can only be specified at a global level, not on a per query
+basis. To undefine a convertor, simply pass a FUNCREF of undef.
+=item defineTokenQ (Q)
+Defines the token for the q// string delimiters at a global level.
+The default value for XQL+ is 'q', for XML::XQL::Strict it is undef.
+A value of undef will deactivate this feature.
+=item defineTokenQQ (QQ)
+Defines the token for the qq// string delimiters at a global level.
+The default value for XQL+ is 'qq', for XML::XQL::Strict it is undef.
+A value of undef will deactivate this feature.
+=item expandType (TYPE)
+Used internally to expand type names of XQL primitive types.
+E.g. it expands "Number" to "XML::XQL::Number" and is not case-sensitive, so
+"number" and "NuMbEr" will both expand correctly.
+=item defineExpandedTypes (ALIAS, FULL_NAME [, ...])
+For each pair of arguments it allows the class name FULL_NAME to be abbreviated
+with ALIAS. The definitions are used by expandType().
+(ALIAS is always converted to lowercase internally, because expandType
+is case-insensitive.)
+Overriding the ALIAS for "date", also affects the object type returned by the
+date() function.
+=item setErrorContextDelimiters (START, END, BOLD_ON, BOLD_OFF)
+Sets the delimiters used when printing error messages during query evaluation.
+The default delimiters on Unix are `tput smul` (underline on) and `tput rmal`
+(underline off). On other systems (that don't have tput), the delimiters are
+">>" and "<<" resp.
+When printing the error message, the subexpression that caused the error will
+be enclosed by the delimiters, i.e. underlined on Unix.
+For certain subexpressions the significant keyword, e.g. "$and$" is enclosed in
+the bold delimiters BOLD_ON (default: `tput bold` on Unix, "" elsewhere) and
+BOLD_OFF (default: (`tput rmul` . `tput smul`) on Unix, "" elsewhere,
+see $BoldOff in XML::XQL::XQL.pm for details.)
+=item isEmptyList (VAR)
+Returns 1 if VAR is [], else 0. Can be used in user defined functions.
+=head1 Additional Features in XQL+
+=over 4
+=item Parent operator '..'
+The '..' operator returns the parent of the current node, where '.' would
+return the current node. This is not part of any XQL standard, because you
+would normally use return operators, which are not implemented here.
+=item Sequence operators ';' and ';;'
+The sequence operators ';' (precedes) and ';;' (immediately precedes) are
+not in the XQL spec, but are described in 'The Design of XQL' by Jonathan Robie
+who is one of the designers of XQL. It can be found at
+See also the XQL Tutorial for a description of what they mean.
+=item q// and qq// String Tokens
+String tokens a la q// and qq// are allowed. q// evaluates like Perl's single
+quotes and qq// like Perl's double quotes. Note that the default XQL strings do
+not allow escaping etc., so it's not possible to define a string with both
+single and double quotes. If 'q' and 'qq' are not to your liking, you may
+redefine them to something else or undefine them altogether, by assigning undef
+to them. E.g:
+ # at a global level - shared by all queries (that don't (re)define 'q')
+ XML::XQL::defineTokenQ ('k');
+ XML::XQL::defineTokenQQ (undef);
+ # at a query level - only defined for this query
+ $query = new XML::XQL::Query (Expr => "book/title", q => 'k', qq => undef);
+From now on k// works like q// did and qq// doesn't work at all anymore.
+=item Query strings can have embedded Comments
+For example:
+ $queryExpr = "book/title # this comment is inside the query string
+ [. = 'Moby Dick']"; # this comment is outside
+=item Optional dollar delimiters and case-insensitive XQL keywords
+The following XQL keywords are case-insensitive and the dollar sign delimiters
+may be omitted: $and$, $or$, $not$, $union$, $intersect$, $to$, $any$, $all$,
+$eq$, $ne$, $lt$, $gt$, $ge$, $le$, $ieq$, $ine$, $ilt$, $igt$, $ige$, $ile$.
+E.g. $AND$, $And$, $aNd$, and, And, aNd are all valid replacements for $and$.
+Note that XQL+ comparison operators ($match$, $no_match$, $isa$, $can$) still
+require dollar delimiters and are case-sensitive.
+=item Comparison operator: $match$ or '=~'
+E.g. "book/title =~ '/(Moby|Dick)/']" will return all book titles containing
+Moby or Dick. Note that the match expression needs to be quoted and should
+contain the // or m// delimiters for Perl.
+When casting the values to be matched, both are converted to Text.
+=item Comparison operator: $no_match$ or '!~'
+E.g. "book/title !~ '/(Moby|Dick)/']" will return all book titles that don't
+contain Moby or Dick. Note that the match expression needs to be quoted and
+should contain the // or m// delimiters for Perl.
+When casting the values to be matched, both are converted to Text.
+=item Comparison operator: $isa$
+E.g. '//. $isa$ "XML::XQL::Date"' returns all elements for which the value()
+function returns an XML::XQL::Date object. (Note that the value() function can
+be overridden to return a specific object type for certain elements and
+attributes.) It uses expandType to expand XQL primitive type names.
+=item Comparison operator: $can$
+E.g. '//. $can$ "swim"' returns all elements for which the value()
+function returns an object that implements the (Perl) swim() method.
+(Note that the value() function can be overridden to return a specific object
+type for certain elements and attributes.)
+=item Function: once (QUERY)
+E.g. 'once(id("foo"))' will evaluate the QUERY expression only once per query.
+Certain query results (like the above example) will always return the same
+value within a query. Using once() will cache the QUERY result for the
+rest of the query.
+Note that "constant" function invocations are always cached.
+See also L<Constant Function Invocations>
+=item Function: subst (QUERY, EXPR, EXPR [,MODIFIERS, [MODE]])
+E.g. 'subst(book/title, "[M|m]oby", "Dick", "g")' will replace Moby or moby
+with Dick globally ("g") in all book title elements. Underneath it uses Perl's
+substitute operator s///. Don't worry about which delimiters are used underneath.
+The function returns all the book/titles for which a substitution occurred.
+The default MODIFIERS string is "" (empty.) The function name may be abbreviated
+to "s".
+For most Node types, it converts the value() to a string (with xql_toString)
+to match the string and xql_setValue to set the new value in case it matched.
+For XQL primitives (Boolean, Number, Text) and other data types (e.g. Date) it
+uses xql_toString to match the String and xql_setValue to set the result.
+Beware that performing a substitution on a primitive that was found in the
+original XQL query expression, changes the value of that constant.
+If MODE is 0 (default), it treats Element nodes differently by matching and
+replacing I<text blocks> occurring in the Element node. A text block is defined
+as the concatenation of the raw text of subsequent Text, CDATASection and
+EntityReference nodes. In this mode it skips embedded Element nodes.
+If a text block matches, it is replaced by a single Text node, regardless
+of the original node type(s).
+If MODE is 1, it treats Element nodes like the other nodes, i.e. it converts
+the value() to a string etc. Note that the default implementation of value()
+calls text(), which normalizes whitespace and includes embedded Element
+descendants (recursively.) This is probably not what you want to use in most
+cases, but since I'm not a professional psychic... :-)
+=item Function: map (QUERY, CODE)
+E.g. 'map(book/title, "s/[M|m]oby/Dick/g; $_")' will replace Moby or moby
+with Dick globally ("g") in all book title elements. Underneath it uses Perl's
+map operator. The function returns all the book/titles for which a
+change occurred.
+??? add more specifics
+=item Function: eval (EXPR [,TYPE])
+Evaluates the Perl expression EXPR and returns an object of the specified TYPE.
+It uses expandType to expand XQL primitive type names.
+If the result of the eval was undef, the empty list [] is returned.
+E.g. 'eval("2 + 5", "Number")' returns a Number object with the value 7, and
+ 'eval("%ENV{USER}")' returns a Text object with the user name.
+Consider using once() to cache the return value, when the invocation will
+return the same result for each invocation within a query.
+??? add more specifics
+=item Function: new (TYPE [, QUERY [, PAR] *])
+Creates a new object of the specified object TYPE. The constructor may have any
+number of arguments. The first argument of the constructor (the 2nd argument
+of the new() function) is considered to be a 'query parameter'.
+See defineFunction for a definition of I<query parameter>.
+It uses expandType to expand XQL primitive type names.
+=item Function: document (QUERY) or doc (QUERY)
+The document() function creates a new L<XML::XML::Document> for each result
+of QUERY (QUERY may be a simple string expression, like "/usr/enno/file.xml".
+See t/xql_document.t or below for an example with a more complex QUERY.)
+document() may be abbreviated to doc().
+document() uses an XML::DOM::Parser underneath, which can be set with
+XML::XQL::setDocParser(). By default it uses a parser that was created without
+any arguments, i.e.
+ $PARSER = new XML::DOM::Parser;
+Let's try a more complex example, assuming $doc contains:
+ <doc>
+ <file name="file1.xml"/>
+ <file name="file2.xml"/>
+ </doc>
+Then the following query will return two L<XML::XML::Document>s,
+one for file1.xml and one for file2.xml:
+ @result = XML::XQL::solve ("document(doc/file/@name)", $doc);
+The resulting documents can be used as input for following queries, e.g.
+ @result = XML::XQL::solve ("document(doc/file/@name)/root/bla", $doc);
+will return all /root/bla elements from the documents returned by document().
+=item Method: DOM_nodeType ()
+Returns the DOM node type. Note that these are mostly the same as nodeType(),
+except for CDATASection and EntityReference nodes. DOM_nodeType() returns
+4 and 5 respectively, whereas nodeType() returns 3, because they are
+considered text nodes.
+=item Function wrappers for Perl builtin functions
+XQL function wrappers have been provided for most Perl builtin functions.
+When using a Perl builtin function like "substr" in an XQL+ querry, an
+XQL function wrapper will be generated on the fly. The arguments to these
+functions may be regular XQL+ subqueries (that return one or more values) for
+a I<query parameter> (see generateFunction for a definition.)
+Most wrappers of Perl builtin functions have argument 0 for a query parameter,
+except for: chmod (parameter 1 is the query parameter), chown (2) and utime (2).
+The following functions have no query parameter, which means that all parameters
+should be a single value: atan2, rand, srand, sprintf, rename, unlink, system.
+The function result is casted to the appropriate XQL primitive type (Number,
+Text or Boolean), or to an empty list if the result was undef.
+=head2 XPath functions and methods
+The following functions were found in the XPath specification:
+=over 4
+=item Function: concat (STRING, STRING, STRING*)
+The concat function returns the concatenation of its arguments.
+=item Function: starts-with (STRING, STRING)
+The starts-with function returns true if the first argument string starts with
+the second argument string, and otherwise returns false.
+=item Function: contains (STRING, STRING)
+The contains function returns true if the first argument string contains the
+second argument string, and otherwise returns false.
+=item Function: substring-before (STRING, STRING)
+The substring-before function returns the substring of the first argument
+string that precedes the first occurrence of the second argument string
+in the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument
+string does not contain the second argument string. For example,
+ substring-before("1999/04/01","/") returns 1999.
+=item Function: substring-after (STRING, STRING)
+The substring-after function returns the substring of the first argument string
+that follows the first occurrence of the second argument string in
+the first argument string, or the empty string if the first argument string does
+not contain the second argument string. For example,
+ substring-after("1999/04/01","/") returns 04/01,
+ substring-after("1999/04/01","19") returns 99/04/01.
+=item Function: substring (STRING, NUMBER [, NUMBER] )
+The substring function returns the substring of the first argument starting at
+the position specified in the second argument with length specified in
+the third argument. For example,
+ substring("12345",2,3) returns "234".
+If the third argument is not specified, it returns the substring
+starting at the position specified in the second argument and continuing to
+the end of the string. For example,
+ substring("12345",2) returns "2345".
+More precisely, each character in the string is considered
+to have a numeric position: the position of the first character is 1,
+the position of the second character is 2 and so on.
+NOTE: This differs from the B<substr> method , in which the
+method treats the position of the first character as 0.
+The XPath spec says this about rounding, but that is not true in this
+I<The returned substring contains those characters for which the position of the
+character is greater than or equal to the rounded value of the
+second argument and, if the third argument is specified, less than the
+sum of the rounded value of the second argument and the rounded value of
+the third argument; the comparisons and addition used for the above
+follow the standard IEEE 754 rules; rounding is done as if by a call to the
+round function.>
+=item Method: string-length ( [ QUERY ] )
+The string-length returns the number of characters in the string.
+If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node
+converted to a string, in other words the string-value of the context node.
+Note that the generated XQL wrapper for the Perl built-in B<substr> does not
+allow the argument to be omitted.
+=item Method: normalize-space ( [ QUERY ] )
+The normalize-space function returns the argument string with whitespace
+normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing
+sequences of whitespace characters by a single space. Whitespace characters are
+the same as those allowed by the S production in XML. If the
+argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node converted to a string, in
+other words the string-value of the context node.
+=item Function: translate (STRING, STRING, STRING)
+The translate function returns the first argument string with occurrences of
+characters in the second argument string replaced by the character at
+the corresponding position in the third argument string. For example,
+ translate("bar","abc","ABC") returns the string BAr.
+If there is a
+character in the second argument string with no character at a corresponding
+position in the third argument string (because the second argument
+string is longer than the third argument string), then occurrences of that
+character in the first argument string are removed. For example,
+ translate("--aaa--","abc-","ABC") returns "AAA".
+If a character occurs more than once in the second argument string, then the
+first occurrence determines the replacement character. If the third argument
+string is longer than the second argument string, then excess characters
+are ignored.
+NOTE: The translate function is not a sufficient solution for case conversion
+in all languages. A future version may
+provide additional functions for case conversion.
+This function was implemented using tr///d.
+=item Function: sum ( QUERY )
+The sum function returns the sum of the QUERY results, by
+converting the string values of each result to a number.
+=item Function: floor (NUMBER)
+The floor function returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number
+that is not greater than the argument and that is an integer.
+=item Function: ceiling (NUMBER)
+The ceiling function returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number
+that is not less than the argument and that is an integer.
+=item Function: round (NUMBER)
+The round function returns the number that is closest to the argument
+and that is an integer. If there are two such numbers, then the one that is
+closest to positive infinity is returned.
+=head1 Implementation Details
+=over 4
+=item XQL Builtin Data Types
+The XQL engine uses the following object classes internally. Only Number,
+Boolean and Text are considered I<primitive XQL types>:
+=over 4
+=item * XML::XQL::Number
+For integers and floating point numbers.
+=item * XML::XQL::Boolean
+For booleans, e.g returned by true() and false().
+=item * XML::XQL::Text
+For string values.
+=item * XML::XQL::Date
+For date, time and date/time values. E.g. returned by the date() function.
+=item * XML::XQL::Node
+Superclass of all XML node types. E.g. all subclasses of XML::DOM::Node subclass
+from this.
+=item * Perl list reference
+Lists of values are passed by reference (i.e. using [] delimiters).
+The empty list [] has a double meaning. It also means 'undef' in certain
+situations, e.g. when a function invocation or comparison failed.
+=item Type casting in comparisons
+When two values are compared in an XML comparison (e.g. $eq$) the values are
+first casted to the same data type. Node values are first replaced by their
+value() (i.e. the XQL value() function is used, which returns a Text value by
+default, but may return any data type if the user so chooses.)
+The resulting values are then casted to the type of the object with the highest
+xql_primType() value. They are as follows: Node (0), Text (1), Number (2),
+Boolean (3), Date (4), other data types (4 by default, but this may be
+overriden by the user.)
+E.g. if one value is a Text value and the other is a Number, the Text value is
+cast to a Number and the resulting low-level (Perl) comparison is (for $eq$):
+ $number->xql_toString == $text->xql_toString
+If both were Text values, it would have been
+ $text1->xql_toString eq $text2->xql_toString
+Note that the XQL spec is vague and even conflicting where it concerns type
+casting. This implementation resulted after talking to Joe Lapp, one of the
+spec writers.
+=item Adding Data Types
+If you want to add your own data type, make sure it derives from
+XML::XQL::PrimitiveType and implements the necessary methods.
+I will add more stuff here to explain it all, but for now, look at the code
+for the primitive XQL types or the Date class (L<XML::XQL::Date> in Date.pm.)
+=item Document Order
+The XQL spec states that query results always return their values in
+I<document order>, which means the order in which they appeared in the original
+XML document. Values extracted from Nodes (e.g. with value(), text(), rawText(),
+nodeName(), etc.) always have a pointer to the reference node (i.e. the Node
+from which the value was extracted.) These pointers are acknowledged when
+(intermediate) result lists are sorted. Currently, the only place where a
+result list is sorted is in a $union$ expression, which is the only place
+where the result list can be unordered.
+(If you find that this is not true, let me know.)
+Non-node values that have no associated reference node, always end up at the end
+of the result list in the order that they were added.
+The XQL spec states that the reference node for an XML Attribute is the Element
+to which it belongs, and that the order of values with the same reference node
+is undefined. This means that the order of an Element and its attributes would
+be undefined.
+But since the XML::DOM module keeps track of the order of the attributes, the
+XQL engine does the same, and therefore, the attributes of an Element are
+sorted and appear after their parent Element in a sorted result list.
+=item Constant Function Invocations
+If a function always returns the same value when given "constant" arguments,
+the function is considered to be "constant". A "constant" argument can be
+either an XQL primitive (Number, Boolean, Text) or a "constant" function
+invocation. E.g.
+ date("12-03-1998")
+ true()
+ sin(0.3)
+ length("abc")
+ date(substr("12-03-1998 is the date", 0, 10))
+are constant, but not:
+ length(book[2])
+Results of constant function invocations are cached and calculated only once
+for each query. See also the CONST parameter in defineFunction.
+It is not necessary to wrap constant function invocations in a once() call.
+Constant XQL functions are: date, true, false and a lot of the XQL+
+wrappers for Perl builtin functions. Function wrappers for certain builtins
+are not made constant on purpose to force the invocation to be evaluated
+every time, e.g. 'mkdir("/user/enno/my_dir", "0644")' (although constant
+in appearance) may return different results for multiple invocations.
+See %PerlFunc in Plus.pm for details.
+=item Function: count ([QUERY])
+The count() function has no parameters in the XQL spec. In this implementation
+it will return the number of QUERY results when passed a QUERY parameter.
+=item Method: text ([RECURSE])
+When expanding an Element node, the text() method adds the expanded text() value
+of sub-Elements. When RECURSE is set to 0 (default is 1), it will not include
+sub-elements. This is useful e.g. when using the $match$ operator in a recursive
+context (using the // operator), so it won't return parent Elements when one of
+the children matches.
+=item Method: rawText ([RECURSE])
+See text().
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<XML::XQL::Query>, L<XML::XQL::DOM>, L<XML::XQL::Date>
+The Japanese version of this document can be found on-line at
+The L<XML::XQL::Tutorial> manual page. The Japanese version can be found at
+The XQL spec at L<http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html>
+The Design of XQL at L<http://www.texcel.no/whitepapers/xql-design.html>
+The DOM Level 1 specification at L<http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1>
+The XML spec (Extensible Markup Language 1.0) at L<http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml>
+The L<XML::Parser> and L<XML::Parser::Expat> manual pages.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please send bugs, comments and suggestions to Enno Derksen <F<enno@att.com>>