changeset 662 60be34e1b006
parent 655 3f65fd25dfd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/buildsystemtools/lib/XML/XQL/	Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1438 @@
+#      This file was generated using Parse::Yapp version 0.16.
+#          Don't edit this file, use source file instead.
+package XML::XQL::Parser;
+use vars qw ( @ISA );
+use strict;
+@ISA= qw ( Parse::Yapp::Driver );
+use Parse::Yapp::Driver;
+sub new {
+        my($class)=shift;
+        ref($class)
+    and $class=ref($class);
+    my($self)=$class->SUPER::new( yyversion => '0.16',
+                                  yystates =>
+	{#State 0
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 6,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Query' => 27,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Sequence' => 31,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 1
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"[" => 36
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -51,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'Subscript_2' => 37
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 2
+		DEFAULT => -43
+	},
+	{#State 3
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'MATCH' => 40,
+			'COMPARE' => 39
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'ComparisonOp' => 38
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 4
+		DEFAULT => -65
+	},
+	{#State 5
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"or" => 41
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -21
+	},
+	{#State 6
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'SeqOp' => 42
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -19
+	},
+	{#State 7
+		DEFAULT => -67
+	},
+	{#State 8
+		DEFAULT => -59
+	},
+	{#State 9
+		DEFAULT => -42
+	},
+	{#State 10
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'COMPARE' => -37,
+			'MATCH' => -37
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -33
+	},
+	{#State 11
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NCName' => 25
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildQName' => 43,
+			'WildNCName' => 18
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 12
+		DEFAULT => -62
+	},
+	{#State 13
+		DEFAULT => -68
+	},
+	{#State 14
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 44,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 45,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 15
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'UnionOp' => 46
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -27
+	},
+	{#State 16
+		ACTIONS => {
+			".." => -17,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => -17,
+			"\@" => -17,
+			'NCName' => -17,
+			"(" => -17,
+			"*" => -17,
+			"." => -17
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -44
+	},
+	{#State 17
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 47,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 18
+		ACTIONS => {
+			":" => 48
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -4
+	},
+	{#State 19
+		DEFAULT => -10
+	},
+	{#State 20
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 49,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 45,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 21
+		DEFAULT => -25
+	},
+	{#State 22
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			'TEXT' => 50,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			")" => 54,
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NUMBER' => 51,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			'INTEGER' => 53,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 52,
+			'Invocation_2' => 55,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'Param' => 56,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 23
+		DEFAULT => -18
+	},
+	{#State 24
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 57,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 25
+		DEFAULT => -2
+	},
+	{#State 26
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"and" => 58
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -23
+	},
+	{#State 27
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'' => 59
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 28
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 6,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Query' => 60,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Sequence' => 31,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 29
+		DEFAULT => -3
+	},
+	{#State 30
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 61
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -46,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'PathOp' => 62
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 31
+		DEFAULT => -1
+	},
+	{#State 32
+		DEFAULT => -66
+	},
+	{#State 33
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"intersect" => 63
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -29
+	},
+	{#State 34
+		DEFAULT => -64
+	},
+	{#State 35
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"!" => 64
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -48
+	},
+	{#State 36
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			'INTEGER' => 65,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'Subquery' => 67,
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 6,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Range' => 68,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'IndexArg' => 69,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'IndexList' => 66,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Query' => 70,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Sequence' => 31,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 37
+		DEFAULT => -50
+	},
+	{#State 38
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			'TEXT' => 71,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NUMBER' => 72,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			'INTEGER' => 74,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 73,
+			'Subscript' => 35,
+			'RValue' => 75
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 39
+		DEFAULT => -31
+	},
+	{#State 40
+		DEFAULT => -32
+	},
+	{#State 41
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 76,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 42
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 6,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Sequence' => 77,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 43
+		DEFAULT => -11
+	},
+	{#State 44
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'MATCH' => 40,
+			'COMPARE' => 39
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'ComparisonOp' => 78
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 45
+		DEFAULT => -37
+	},
+	{#State 46
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 79,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 47
+		DEFAULT => -26
+	},
+	{#State 48
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NCName' => 25
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 80
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 49
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'MATCH' => 40,
+			'COMPARE' => 39
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'ComparisonOp' => 81
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 50
+		DEFAULT => -9
+	},
+	{#State 51
+		DEFAULT => -8
+	},
+	{#State 52
+		DEFAULT => -6
+	},
+	{#State 53
+		DEFAULT => -7
+	},
+	{#State 54
+		DEFAULT => -13
+	},
+	{#State 55
+		DEFAULT => -12
+	},
+	{#State 56
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"," => 83
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -15,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'Invocation_3' => 82
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 57
+		DEFAULT => -45
+	},
+	{#State 58
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 84,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 59
+		DEFAULT => -0
+	},
+	{#State 60
+		ACTIONS => {
+			")" => 85
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 61
+		DEFAULT => -17
+	},
+	{#State 62
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 86,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 63
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Intersection' => 87,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 64
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'Invocation' => 88
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 65
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"to" => 89
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -56
+	},
+	{#State 66
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"]" => 90
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 67
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"]" => 91
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 68
+		DEFAULT => -57
+	},
+	{#State 69
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"," => 93
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -54,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'IndexList_2' => 92
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 70
+		DEFAULT => -61
+	},
+	{#State 71
+		DEFAULT => -41
+	},
+	{#State 72
+		DEFAULT => -40
+	},
+	{#State 73
+		DEFAULT => -38
+	},
+	{#State 74
+		DEFAULT => -39
+	},
+	{#State 75
+		DEFAULT => -34
+	},
+	{#State 76
+		DEFAULT => -22
+	},
+	{#State 77
+		DEFAULT => -20
+	},
+	{#State 78
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			'TEXT' => 71,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NUMBER' => 72,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			'INTEGER' => 74,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 73,
+			'Subscript' => 35,
+			'RValue' => 94
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 79
+		DEFAULT => -28
+	},
+	{#State 80
+		DEFAULT => -5
+	},
+	{#State 81
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			'TEXT' => 71,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NUMBER' => 72,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			'INTEGER' => 74,
+			"\@" => 11
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 73,
+			'Subscript' => 35,
+			'RValue' => 95
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 82
+		ACTIONS => {
+			")" => 96
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 83
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'NCName' => 25,
+			'TEXT' => 50,
+			"(" => 28,
+			"any" => 14,
+			"all" => 20,
+			"*" => 29,
+			'NUMBER' => 51,
+			".." => 4,
+			'XQLName_Paren' => 22,
+			"." => 34,
+			"//" => 23,
+			"/" => 16,
+			"\@" => 11,
+			'INTEGER' => 53,
+			"not" => 17
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'WildNCName' => 18,
+			'WildQName' => 19,
+			'Filter' => 1,
+			'Union' => 21,
+			'RelativePath' => 2,
+			'LValue' => 3,
+			'Conjunction' => 5,
+			'Disjunction' => 52,
+			'ElementName' => 7,
+			'Grouping' => 8,
+			'PathOp' => 24,
+			'AbsolutePath' => 9,
+			'Path' => 10,
+			'Param' => 97,
+			'RelativeTerm' => 12,
+			'Negation' => 26,
+			'AttributeName' => 13,
+			'Intersection' => 15,
+			'Bang' => 30,
+			'Invocation' => 32,
+			'Comparison' => 33,
+			'Subscript' => 35
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 84
+		DEFAULT => -24
+	},
+	{#State 85
+		DEFAULT => -63
+	},
+	{#State 86
+		DEFAULT => -47
+	},
+	{#State 87
+		DEFAULT => -30
+	},
+	{#State 88
+		DEFAULT => -49
+	},
+	{#State 89
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'INTEGER' => 98
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 90
+		DEFAULT => -52
+	},
+	{#State 91
+		DEFAULT => -60
+	},
+	{#State 92
+		DEFAULT => -53
+	},
+	{#State 93
+		ACTIONS => {
+			'INTEGER' => 65
+		},
+		GOTOS => {
+			'IndexArg' => 99,
+			'Range' => 68
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 94
+		DEFAULT => -35
+	},
+	{#State 95
+		DEFAULT => -36
+	},
+	{#State 96
+		DEFAULT => -14
+	},
+	{#State 97
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"," => 83
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -15,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'Invocation_3' => 100
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 98
+		DEFAULT => -58
+	},
+	{#State 99
+		ACTIONS => {
+			"," => 93
+		},
+		DEFAULT => -54,
+		GOTOS => {
+			'IndexList_2' => 101
+		}
+	},
+	{#State 100
+		DEFAULT => -16
+	},
+	{#State 101
+		DEFAULT => -55
+	}
+                                  yyrules  =>
+	[#Rule 0
+		 '$start', 2, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 1
+		 'Query', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 2
+		 'WildNCName', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 3
+		 'WildNCName', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 4
+		 'WildQName', 1,
+sub {
+ [ Name => $_[1] ]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 5
+		 'WildQName', 3,
+sub {
+			[ NameSpace => $_[1], Name => $_[2]]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 6
+		 'Param', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 7
+		 'Param', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 8
+		 'Param', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 9
+		 'Param', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Text ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 10
+		 'ElementName', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Element (@{$_[1]}); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 11
+		 'AttributeName', 2,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Attribute (@{$_[2]}); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 12
+		 'Invocation', 2,
+sub {
+			my ($func, $type) = $_[0]->{Query}->findFunctionOrMethod ($_[1], $_[2]);
+			new XML::XQL::Invocation (Name => $_[1], 
+						  Args => $_[2],
+						  Func => $func,
+						  Type => $type); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 13
+		 'Invocation_2', 1,
+sub {
+ [] 
+	],
+	[#Rule 14
+		 'Invocation_2', 3,
+sub {
+ unshift @{$_[2]}, $_[1]; $_[2]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 15
+		 'Invocation_3', 0,
+sub {
+ [] 
+	],
+	[#Rule 16
+		 'Invocation_3', 3,
+sub {
+ unshift @{$_[3]}, $_[2]; $_[3]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 17
+		 'PathOp', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 18
+		 'PathOp', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 19
+		 'Sequence', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 20
+		 'Sequence', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Sequence (Left => $_[1], Oper => $_[2], 
+					    Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 21
+		 'Disjunction', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 22
+		 'Disjunction', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Or (Left => $_[1], Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 23
+		 'Conjunction', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 24
+		 'Conjunction', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::And (Left => $_[1], Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 25
+		 'Negation', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 26
+		 'Negation', 2,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Not (Left => $_[2]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 27
+		 'Union', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 28
+		 'Union', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Union (Left => $_[1], Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 29
+		 'Intersection', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 30
+		 'Intersection', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Intersect ($_[1], $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 31
+		 'ComparisonOp', 1,
+sub {
+		  [ $_[1], $_[0]->{Query}->findComparisonOperator ($_[1]) ]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 32
+		 'ComparisonOp', 1,
+sub {
+		  [ $_[1], $_[0]->{Query}->findComparisonOperator ($_[1]) ]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 33
+		 'Comparison', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 34
+		 'Comparison', 3,
+sub {
+			new XML::XQL::Compare (All => 0, Left => $_[1], 
+				Oper => $_[2]->[0], Func => $_[2]->[1], 
+				Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 35
+		 'Comparison', 4,
+sub {
+			new XML::XQL::Compare (All => 0, Left => $_[2], 
+				Oper => $_[3]->[0], Func => $_[3]->[0],
+				Right => $_[4]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 36
+		 'Comparison', 4,
+sub {
+			new XML::XQL::Compare (All => 1, Left => $_[2], 
+				Oper => $_[3]->[0], Func => $_[3]->[0],
+				Right => $_[4]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 37
+		 'LValue', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 38
+		 'RValue', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 39
+		 'RValue', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 40
+		 'RValue', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Number ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 41
+		 'RValue', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Text ($_[1]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 42
+		 'Path', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 43
+		 'Path', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 44
+		 'AbsolutePath', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::Root; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 45
+		 'AbsolutePath', 2,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Path (PathOp => $_[1], Right => $_[2]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 46
+		 'RelativePath', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 47
+		 'RelativePath', 3,
+sub {
+		    new XML::XQL::Path (Left => $_[1], PathOp => $_[2], 
+				        Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 48
+		 'Bang', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 49
+		 'Bang', 3,
+sub {
+		    XML::XQL::parseError ("only methods (not functions) can be used after the Bang (near '!" . $_[3]->{Name} . "'")
+			unless $_[3]->isMethod;
+		    new XML::XQL::Bang (Left => $_[1], 
+				        Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 50
+		 'Subscript', 2,
+sub {
+		    defined($_[2]) ? 
+			new XML::XQL::Subscript (Left => $_[1], 
+					    IndexList => $_[2]) : $_[1]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 51
+		 'Subscript_2', 0, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 52
+		 'Subscript_2', 3,
+sub {
+ $_[2]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 53
+		 'IndexList', 2,
+sub {
+ push (@{$_[1]}, @{$_[2]}); $_[1]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 54
+		 'IndexList_2', 0,
+sub {
+ [] 
+	],
+	[#Rule 55
+		 'IndexList_2', 3,
+sub {
+ push (@{$_[2]}, @{$_[3]}); $_[2]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 56
+		 'IndexArg', 1,
+sub {
+ [ $_[1], $_[1] ]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 57
+		 'IndexArg', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 58
+		 'Range', 3,
+sub {
+		    # Syntactic Constraint 9:
+		    # If both integers are positive or if both integers are 
+		    # negative, the first integer must be less than or
+          	    # equal to the second integer. 
+		    XML::XQL::parseError (
+			"$_[1] should be less than $_[3] in '$_[1] $_[2] $_[3]'")
+				if ($_[1] > $_[3] && ($_[1] < 0) == ($_[3] < 0));
+		    [ $_[1], $_[3] ]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 59
+		 'Filter', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 60
+		 'Filter', 4,
+sub {
+			new XML::XQL::Filter (Left => $_[1], Right => $_[3]); 
+	],
+	[#Rule 61
+		 'Subquery', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 62
+		 'Grouping', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 63
+		 'Grouping', 3,
+sub {
+ $_[2]; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 64
+		 'RelativeTerm', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Current; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 65
+		 'RelativeTerm', 1,
+sub {
+ new XML::XQL::Parent; 
+	],
+	[#Rule 66
+		 'RelativeTerm', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 67
+		 'RelativeTerm', 1, undef
+	],
+	[#Rule 68
+		 'RelativeTerm', 1, undef
+	]
+                                  @_);
+    bless($self,$class);