--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deprecated/buildtools/commonbldutils/sbsv2htmlscanlog/sbsv2htmlscanlog.pl Wed Oct 27 16:03:51 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1367 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# summarise an automated build log
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Carp;
+use File::stat;
+use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
+# Add the directory contain this perl script into the path to find modules
+use lib $FindBin::Bin;
+use sbsv2scanlog;
+# For Date calculations
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; # For running in source
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/build/lib"; # For running in epoc32\tools
+use XML::Parser;
+# Variables
+my $line;
+my $iSlurp;
+my %Components;
+my %Commands;
+my $component;
+my $command;
+my %errors;
+my %warnings;
+my %remarks;
+my %migrationNotes;
+my %AdvisoryNotes;
+my %CmdErrors;
+my %CmdWarnings;
+my %CmdRemarks;
+my %CmdMigrationNotes;
+my %CmdAdvisoryNotes;
+my %missing;
+my %not_built;
+my $starttime;
+my $duration;
+my $currentfiletime;
+my $warningcount;
+my $errorcount;
+my $remarkcount;
+my $migrationNoteCount;
+my $AdvisoryNoteCount;
+my ($iStatus, $iName);
+my $warningmigrated;
+my %htmlColours=(
+"errors" =>"#ff0000",
+"warnings" =>"#fff000",
+"remarks" =>"#ffccff",
+"migrationNotes" =>"#ffcc99",
+"AdvisoryNotes" => "#ffa500"
+my $MigrateNextExitCode = 0;
+my $inRecipe = 0;
+my $RetryInProgress = 0;
+# Package variables - these can also be accessed the from package "SubHandlers"
+use vars qw($component $command %Components %Commands);
+our $iLog;
+my $Dsec;
+# Main section
+my ($iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose, @iLogs) =&ProcessCommandLine();
+# Open Output file
+ open (HTML, ">$iOutput") or die "Couldn't open $iOutput for writing: $!\n";
+# Parse each log File
+foreach $iLog (@iLogs) # parses through all logs
+ # Check the log file exists
+ if (-e $iLog)
+ {
+ # Process the logs
+ &ProcessLog();
+ } else {
+ print "WARNING: $iLog does not exist\n";
+ }
+# Print HTML Footer
+# ProcessLog
+# Inputs
+# $iLog - Logfile name
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function processes the commandline
+sub ProcessLog()
+ #Clear current file time as starting processing a new log
+ $currentfiletime = 0;
+ print "Processing: $iLog\n";
+ my $iParser = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Subs', Pkg => 'MySubs' , ErrorContext => 2,
+ Handlers => {Char => \&char_handler});
+ # Supply the XML Parser the data source
+ eval {
+ $iParser->parsefile($iLog);
+ };
+ #Set current component and command to special values to record log processing errors/warnings/etc
+ $component = 'sbsv2scanlog';
+ $command = 'sbsv2scanlog';
+ #Check for parse errors
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ #Generate error in log as the file time stamps are duff
+ &do_error($iLog, "No_linenumer", "XML Parse error:$@");
+ $Components{$component} = '0';
+ $Commands{$command} ='0';
+ }
+ # Calculate the Total Duration
+ # $currentfiletime is set from the info tags at the end of the log.
+ $duration += $currentfiletime;
+ #Clear current component and command
+ $component = '';
+ $command = '';
+# PrintResults
+# Inputs
+# $iTitle (Title for Log file)
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function prints all the data as HTML
+sub PrintResults
+ my ($iTitle) = @_;
+ my $title;
+ # Print Heading of Log File
+ my $heading ="Overall";
+ print HTML qq{<h1>$iTitle</h1>\n};
+ print HTML qq{<h2>$heading</h2>\n};
+ # Calculate the total number of remarks messages
+ $remarkcount = 0;
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %remarks)
+ {
+ $remarkcount += scalar(@{$remarks{$component}});
+ }
+ # Calculate the Total number of errors
+ $errorcount = 0;
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %errors)
+ {
+ $errorcount += scalar(@{$errors{$component}});
+ }
+ # Calculate the total number of warnings
+ $warningcount = 0;
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %warnings)
+ {
+ $warningcount += scalar(@{$warnings{$component}});
+ }
+ # Calculate the total number of migration notes
+ $migrationNoteCount=0;
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %migrationNotes)
+ {
+ $migrationNoteCount += scalar(@{$migrationNotes{$component}});
+ }
+ # Calculate the total number of Advisory notes
+ $AdvisoryNoteCount=0;
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %AdvisoryNotes)
+ {
+ $AdvisoryNoteCount += scalar(@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}});
+ }
+ # Start the Table
+ &StartHTMLTable();
+ # Print the Totals
+ &HTMLTableRow($heading,"Total", $duration, $errorcount, $warningcount, $AdvisoryNoteCount, $remarkcount, $migrationNoteCount);
+ # End the Table
+ print HTML qq{</table>\n};
+ # By Component
+ print HTML qq{<h2>By Component</h2>\n};
+ # Start the Table
+ $title="Component";
+ &StartHTMLTable($title);
+ # Print the by Component Data
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Components)
+ {
+ # Calculate the number errors and warnings
+ my $totalerrors;
+ my $totalwarnings;
+ my $totalremarks;
+ my $totalMigrationNotes;
+ my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
+ if (!defined $remarks{$component})
+ {
+ # No Remarks were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalremarks = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalremarks = scalar(@{$remarks{$component}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $errors{$component})
+ {
+ # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalerrors = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalerrors = scalar(@{$errors{$component}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $warnings{$component})
+ {
+ # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalwarnings = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$warnings{$component}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $migrationNotes{$component})
+ {
+ # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalMigrationNotes=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$migrationNotes{$component}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $AdvisoryNotes{$component})
+ {
+ # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}});
+ }
+ # Print the Table Row
+ &HTMLTableRow($title,$component, $Components{$component}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes,$totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
+ }
+ # End the Table
+ print HTML qq{</table>\n};
+ # By Command
+ print HTML qq{<h2>By Command</h2>\n};
+ # Start the Table
+ $title="Command";
+ &StartHTMLTable($title);
+ # Print the by Command Data
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Commands)
+ {
+ # Calculate the number errors, warnings and remarks
+ my $totalerrors;
+ my $totalwarnings;
+ my $totalremarks;
+ my $totalMigrationNotes;
+ my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
+ if (!defined $CmdRemarks{$command})
+ {
+ # No Remarks were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalremarks = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalremarks = scalar(@{$CmdRemarks{$command}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $CmdErrors{$command})
+ {
+ # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalerrors = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalerrors = scalar(@{$CmdErrors{$command}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $CmdWarnings{$command})
+ {
+ # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalwarnings = 0;
+ } else {
+ $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$CmdWarnings{$command}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $CmdMigrationNotes{$command})
+ {
+ # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalMigrationNotes=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}});
+ }
+ if (!defined $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command})
+ {
+ # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
+ $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}});
+ }
+ # Print the Table Row
+ &HTMLTableRow($title,$command, $Commands{$command}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes, $totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
+ }
+ # End the Table
+ print HTML qq{</table>\n};
+ # Print Things Missing
+ if (scalar %missing)
+ {
+ my $count = scalar keys %missing;
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Things Missing ($count)</h2>\n};
+ print HTML "Don't know how to make...\n";
+ foreach my $file (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %missing)
+ {
+ printf HTML "%d\t%s</BR>\n", $missing{$file}, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ # Print Things Not Built
+ if (scalar %not_built)
+ {
+ my $count = scalar keys %not_built;
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Things Not Built ($count)</h2>\n};
+ foreach my $file (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %not_built)
+ {
+ print HTML "MISSING: $file ($not_built{$file})</BR>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Errors by Component
+ if ($iVerbose > 0)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %errors))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2><a name="errorsByOverall_Total">Error Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %errors)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $component;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ my $count = scalar @{$errors{$component}};
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="errorsByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$errors{$component}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Warning by Component
+ if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
+ if (scalar(keys %warnings))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2><a name="warningsByOverall_Total">Warning Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %warnings)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $component;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ my $count = scalar @{$warnings{$component}};
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="warningsByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$warnings{$component}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Advisory Notes by Component
+ if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
+ if (scalar(keys %AdvisoryNotes))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2><a name="AdvisoryNotesByOverall_Total">Advisory Note Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %AdvisoryNotes)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $component;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ my $count = scalar @{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}};
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="AdvisoryNotesByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Remarks by Component
+ if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %remarks))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2><a name="remarksByOverall_Total">Remarks Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %remarks)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $component;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ my $count = scalar @{$remarks{$component}};
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="remarksByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$remarks{$component}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Migration Notes by Component
+if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
+ if (scalar(keys %migrationNotes))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2><a name="migrationNotesByOverall_Total">Migration Note Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
+ foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %migrationNotes)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $component;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ my $count = scalar @{$migrationNotes{$component}};
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="migrationNotesByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$migrationNotes{$component}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Errors by Command
+ if ($iVerbose > 0)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %CmdErrors))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Error Details by Command</h2>\n};
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdErrors)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $command;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="errorsByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$CmdErrors{$command}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Warning by Command
+ if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
+ if (scalar(keys %CmdWarnings))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Warning Details by Command</h2>\n};
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdWarnings)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $command;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="warningsByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$CmdWarnings{$command}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Advisory Notes by Command
+ if ($iVerbose >1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %CmdAdvisoryNotes))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Advisory Note Details by Command</h2>\n};
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdAdvisoryNotes)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $command;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="AdvisoryNotesByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Remarks by Command
+ if ($iVerbose > 1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %CmdRemarks))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Remarks Details by Command</h2>\n};
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdRemarks)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $command;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="remarksByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$CmdRemarks{$command}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Actual Migration Notes by Command
+ if ($iVerbose >1)
+ {
+ # Only Print the header if there are some errors
+ if (scalar(keys %CmdMigrationNotes))
+ {
+ print HTML qq{<h2>Migration Note Details by Command</h2>\n};
+ foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdMigrationNotes)
+ {
+ my ($HTML) = $command;
+ $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
+ encode_entities($HTML);
+ print HTML qq{<h3><a name="migrationNotesByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
+ foreach $line (@{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}})
+ {
+ encode_entities($line);
+ print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
+ }
+ print HTML qq{</BR>\n}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# StartHTMLTable
+# Inputs
+# $iC1Title (Column 1 Title)
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function prints the start of the HTML Table
+sub StartHTMLTable
+ my ($iC1Title) = @_;
+ if ($iC1Title eq '')
+ {
+ $iC1Title = " ";
+ } else {
+ encode_entities($iC1Title);
+ }
+ # Start the Table
+ print HTML qq{<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">\n};
+ # Print the Header Row
+ print HTML qq{<tr>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="50%">$iC1Title</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="15%">Time</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Errors</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Warnings</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Advisory Notes</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Remarks</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Migration Notes</th>\n};
+ print HTML qq{</tr>\n};
+# HTMLTableCell
+# Inputs
+# $iType (errors,warnings,remarks,migration_notes)
+# $iCount (number of errors)
+# $iLink (empty string or linktype)
+# Outputs
+# Returns HTML table data element with appropriate link & background color
+# Description
+# Constructs HTML table element - used by HTMLTableRow to handle the formatting
+# of the data cells, complete with colouring and links where appropriate.
+sub HTMLTableCell
+ my ($iType,$iCount,$iLink)= @_;
+ my $td = qq{td width="8%" align="center"}; # implied by the TH elements already?
+ if ($iCount != 0)
+ {
+ $td = "$td BGCOLOR=$htmlColours{$iType}";
+ }
+ if ($iLink eq "" || $iCount == 0)
+ {
+ return qq{<$td>$iCount</td>};
+ }
+ $iLink = $iType."By".$iLink;
+ return qq{<$td><a href="#$iLink">$iCount</a></td>};
+# HTMLTableRow
+# Inputs
+# $iTitle (Need to differentiate between command and component to provide correct anchors)
+# $iC1Data(Column 1 Data)
+# $iC2Data(Column 2 Data) (Time in seconds)
+# $iC3Data(Column 3 Data) (Number of errors)
+# $iC4Data(Column 4 Data) (Number of warnings)
+# $iC5Data(Column 5 Data) (Number of Advisory notes )
+# $iC6Data(Column 6 Data) (Number of remarks )
+# $iC7Data(Column 7 Data) (Number of migration notes )
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function prints a line of the HTML Table
+sub HTMLTableRow
+ my ($iTitle,$iC1Data, $iC2Data, $iC3Data, $iC4Data,$iC5Data, $iC6Data, $iC7Data) = @_;
+ #print "$iC2Data\n";
+ # Convert the seconds in hh:mm:ss format
+ $iC2Data = &ConvertSeconds($iC2Data);
+ # HTML encode the text
+ encode_entities($iC1Data);
+ encode_entities($iC2Data);
+ encode_entities($iC3Data);
+ encode_entities($iC4Data);
+ encode_entities($iC5Data);
+ encode_entities($iC6Data);
+ encode_entities($iC7Data);
+ my $linkname = "$iTitle"."_"."$iC1Data";
+ # Print the Row, including summary in a script comment
+ print HTML qq{<tr>\n};
+ print HTML qq{<!--\t$linkname\t$iC2Data\t$iC3Data\t$iC4Data\t$iC5Data\t$iC6Data\t$iC7Data\t-->\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<td width="50%">$iC1Data</td>\n};
+ print HTML qq{\t<td width="15%" align="center">$iC2Data</td>\n};
+ print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("errors", $iC3Data,$linkname),"\n";
+ print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("warnings",$iC4Data,$linkname),"\n";
+ print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("AdvisoryNotes", $iC5Data,$linkname),"\n";
+ print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("remarks", $iC6Data,$linkname),"\n";
+ print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("migrationNotes", $iC7Data,$linkname),"\n";
+ print HTML qq{</tr>\n};
+# ConvertSeconds
+# Inputs
+# $iSeconds
+# Outputs
+# $iString (seconds in hh:mm:ss)
+# Description
+# This function processes the commandline
+sub ConvertSeconds
+ my ($iSeconds) = @_;
+ my ($iString);
+ my ($ih) = int($iSeconds/3600);
+ my ($im) = int(($iSeconds-($ih*3600))/60);
+ my ($is) = $iSeconds-($ih*3600)-($im*60);
+ # Print the correct format if the data is HiRes (has a decimal point in the string)
+ if ($is =~ /\d+\.\d+/)
+ {
+ $iString = sprintf "%d:%02d:%06.3f", $ih, $im, $is;
+ } else {
+ $iString = sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", $ih, $im, $is;
+ }
+ return $iString;
+# ProcessCommandLine
+# Inputs
+# Outputs
+# $iOutput (Output filename)
+# $iVerbose (Verbose Level)
+# $iLogs (Log files to process)
+# Description
+# This function processes the commandline
+sub ProcessCommandLine {
+ my ($iHelp, @iLogs, $iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose);
+ GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'l=s' =>\@iLogs, 'o=s' => \$iOutput, 't=s' => \$iTitle, 'v+' => \$iVerbose);
+ if (($iHelp) || (!defined @iLogs) || (!defined $iOutput))
+ {
+ Usage();
+ } elsif (-e $iOutput) {
+ die "$iOutput already exists";
+ }
+ foreach my $iLog (@iLogs)
+ {
+ warn "$iLog does not exist" if (! -e $iLog);
+ }
+ # Set default title
+ if ($iTitle eq '')
+ {
+ $iTitle = "Log File Summary";
+ }
+ return($iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose, @iLogs);
+# Usage
+# Output Usage Information.
+sub Usage {
+ print <<USAGE_EOF;
+ Usage: Scanlog.pl [options]
+ options:
+ -h help
+ -l Log file to scan [Multiple allowed]
+ -o Output file
+ -v Increments Verbose level [Maximum Level = 2]
+ -t Title to add to the Summary
+ exit 1;
+# PrintHTMLHeader
+# Inputs
+# $iTitle (Title for Log file)
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function print the HTML Header
+sub PrintHTMLHeader {
+ my ($iTitle) = @_;
+ print HTML <<HTML_EOF;
+<FONT FACE="Courier New">
+# PrintHTMLFooter
+# Inputs
+# Outputs
+# Description
+# This function print the HTML Footer
+sub PrintHTMLFooter {
+ print HTML <<HTML_EOF;
+sub do_remarks()
+ my ($iLog, $iLineNumber, $line)= @_;
+ # Store remarks by Command
+ if (!defined $CmdRemarks{$command})
+ {
+ $CmdRemarks{$command} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$CmdRemarks{$command}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ # Store remarks by Component
+ if (!defined $remarks{$component})
+ {
+ $remarks{$component} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$remarks{$component}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+sub do_warning()
+ my ($iLog, $iLineNumber, $line)= @_;
+ # Store warning by Command
+ if (!defined $CmdWarnings{$command})
+ {
+ $CmdWarnings{$command} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$CmdWarnings{$command}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ # Store warning by Component
+ if (!defined $warnings{$component})
+ {
+ $warnings{$component} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$warnings{$component}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+sub do_migrationNotes()
+ {
+ my ($iLog, $iLineNumber, $line)= @_;
+ # Store Migration Notes by command
+ if (!defined $CmdMigrationNotes{$command})
+ {
+ $CmdMigrationNotes{$command} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ # Store Migration Notes by Component
+ if (!defined $migrationNotes{$component})
+ {
+ $migrationNotes{$component} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$migrationNotes{$component}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ }
+sub do_AdvisoryNotes()
+ {
+ my ($iLog, $iLineNumber, $line)= @_;
+ # Store Advisory Notes by command
+ if (!defined $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command})
+ {
+ $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ # Store Advisory Notes by Component
+ if (!defined $AdvisoryNotes{$component})
+ {
+ $AdvisoryNotes{$component} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+sub do_error()
+ my ($iLog, $iLineNumber, $line)= @_;
+ # Store Errors by Command
+ if (!defined $CmdErrors{$command})
+ {
+ $CmdErrors{$command} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$CmdErrors{$command}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+ # Store Errors by Component
+ if (!defined $errors{$component})
+ {
+ $errors{$component} = ();
+ }
+ push @{$errors{$component}}, "$iLog:$iLineNumber>$line";
+# Read a number of lines in the log ignoreing the content
+sub do_slurp()
+ my ($num_lines) =@_;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i++)
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+sub char_handler
+ my ($iExpat, $data) = @_;
+ my ($iStatus);
+ # Now Buffer it up for context data
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} .= $data;
+ #Delay parsing until end of line is found or close xml tag or end of recipe
+ return if ($inRecipe);
+ if (!($data =~ /\n$/))
+ {
+ #Put in the line buffer until the rest of the line comes in or an element end causes a parseline call
+ $iExpat->{line_buffer} .= $data;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ #line ends in a \n
+ #Add the $data to buffer(normally empty) and parse
+ &parseline($iExpat,$iExpat->{line_buffer}.$data);
+ #Empty the line buffer
+ $iExpat->{line_buffer} ='';
+ }
+sub parseline
+ my ($iExpat, $data,$iLineNumber) = @_;
+ if (!($iLineNumber =~ /\d+/))
+ {
+ #If no linenumber is passed the set to the current line in the parse
+ $iLineNumber = $iExpat->current_line;
+ }
+ my $CheckForComponentExitCodesToMigrate = 0;
+ #Set some defaults if $component and $command are empty
+ if ($component eq '')
+ {
+ $component = "anonymous component";
+ $Components{$component} = '0';
+ }
+ if ($command eq '')
+ {
+ $command = "anonymous command";
+ $Commands{$command} ='0';
+ }
+ # Lines to Ignore
+ $iStatus =&sbsv2scanlog::CheckForIgnore($data);
+ if($iStatus)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ # AdvisoryNotes
+ ($iStatus) =&sbsv2scanlog::CheckForAdvisoryNotes($data);
+ if ($iStatus)
+ {
+ if ($RetryInProgress)
+ {
+ #A retry is in progress so downgrade to a remark
+ &do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ &do_AdvisoryNotes($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ #CheckForComponentExitCodesToMigrate
+ $CheckForComponentExitCodesToMigrate = &sbsv2scanlog::CheckForComponentExitCodesToMigrate($data,$component);
+ if ($CheckForComponentExitCodesToMigrate )
+ {
+ $MigrateNextExitCode = 1;
+ }
+ # Migration Notes
+ $iStatus = &sbsv2scanlog::CheckForMigrationNotes($data,$component);
+ if ($iStatus)
+ {
+ if ($RetryInProgress)
+ {
+ #A retry is in progress so downgrade to a remark
+ &do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ &do_migrationNotes($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ #Setup global $warningmigrated flag so warning_ function can ignore the warning element that this migration note was in
+ $warningmigrated = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Remarks
+ ($iStatus) =&sbsv2scanlog::CheckForRemarks($data);
+ if ($iStatus)
+ {
+ &do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ }
+ # Errors
+ ($iStatus) =&sbsv2scanlog::CheckForErrors($data);
+ if ($iStatus)
+ {
+ if ($RetryInProgress)
+ {
+ #A retry is in progress so downgrade to a remark
+ &do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ &do_error($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Warnings
+ ($iStatus) =&sbsv2scanlog::CheckForWarnings($data);
+ if ($iStatus)
+ {
+ if ($RetryInProgress)
+ {
+ #A retry is in progress so downgrade to a remark
+ &do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ &do_warning($iLog, $iLineNumber, $data);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ package MySubs;
+ # recipe
+ #
+ # Inputs
+ #
+ # Outputs
+ #
+ # Description
+ # This function handles the recipe tag in the XML
+ sub recipe
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ #Set global flag to change char data handling to the end of the recipe
+ #So that errors/warnings/migration notes can be down grade to remarks
+ #if a retry is signalled
+ $inRecipe = 1;
+ my (%iAttr);
+ # Read the attributes
+ while (@_) {
+ my $iAtt = shift;
+ my $iVal = shift;
+ $iAttr{$iAtt} = $iVal;
+ }
+ #print "recipe name =".$iAttr{'name'}."\n";
+ if ($iAttr{'component'} ne '')
+ {
+ $component = $iAttr{'component'};
+ } else {
+ #Try using the bld.inf as unique component identifier
+ $component = $iAttr{'bldinf'};
+ }
+ $command = $iAttr{'name'}." ".$iAttr{'platform'};
+ }
+ sub recipe_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift;
+ #Handle all recipe text that was inside this element
+ #Split the multiline cdata_buffer in to single lines
+ my @lines = split /\n/,$iExpat->{cdata_buffer};
+ for (my $buffnum = 0 ; $buffnum < scalar (@lines); $buffnum++)
+ {
+ #Parse each line
+ #Calculate the actual line number subtracking status and time element lines (2) and position in array from end
+ my $linenum = ($iExpat->current_line) - 2 - (scalar (@lines) - $buffnum);
+ &main::parseline($iExpat, $lines[$buffnum],$linenum);
+ }
+ #Clear $inRecipe flag
+ $inRecipe = 0;
+ #Clear $RetryInProgress flag as a retry cannot out live a recipe
+ $RetryInProgress = 0;
+ #Clear all data set by recipe start
+ $component = '';
+ $command = '';
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ }
+ sub time
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ my (%iAttr);
+ # Read the attributes
+ while (@_) {
+ my $iAtt = shift;
+ my $iVal = shift;
+ $iAttr{$iAtt} = $iVal;
+ }
+ #Elapsed time and Total up for Command
+ $Commands{$command} += $iAttr{'elapsed'};
+ #Elapsed time and Total up for Component
+ $Components{$component} += $iAttr{'elapsed'};
+ }
+ sub time_
+ {
+ #Do nothing
+ }
+ sub info
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ $component = 'SBS: Info';
+ $command = 'SBS: Info';
+ $Components{$component} = '0';
+ $Commands{$command} ='0';
+ }
+ sub info_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #Handle any unhandle text that was inside this element
+ if ($iExpat->{line_buffer} =~ /.+/)
+ {
+ &main::parseline($iExpat, $iExpat->{line_buffer});
+ $iExpat->{line_buffer} ='';
+ }
+ #Clear all data set by info start
+ $component = '';
+ $command = '';
+ if ($iExpat->{cdata_buffer} =~ /Run time (.*?) seconds/)
+ {
+ ($currentfiletime) =$1;
+ }
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ }
+ sub warning
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ #reset $warningmigrated flag
+ $warningmigrated = 0;
+ $component = 'SBS: Warning';
+ $command = 'SBS: Warning';
+ $Components{$component} = '0';
+ $Commands{$command} ='0';
+ }
+ sub warning_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #Handle any unhandle text that was inside this element
+ if ($iExpat->{line_buffer} =~ /.+/)
+ {
+ &main::parseline($iExpat, $iExpat->{line_buffer});
+ $iExpat->{line_buffer} ='';
+ }
+ my ($iLineNumber) = $iExpat->current_line;
+ if ($warningmigrated != 1)
+ {
+ #Record error in its own right for the error xml element
+ &main::do_warning($iLog, $iLineNumber, $iExpat->{cdata_buffer});
+ }
+ #Clear all data set by info start
+ $component = '';
+ $command = '';
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ }
+ sub error
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ #Set generic component and command names so that these don't get allocated to a empty component
+ $component = 'SBS: Error';
+ $command = 'SBS: Error';
+ $Components{$component} = '0';
+ $Commands{$command} ='0';
+ }
+ sub error_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ #Handle any unhandle text that was inside this element
+ if ($iExpat->{line_buffer} =~ /.+/)
+ {
+ &main::parseline($iExpat, $iExpat->{line_buffer});
+ $iExpat->{line_buffer} ='';
+ }
+ my ($iLineNumber) = $iExpat->current_line;
+ #Record error in its own right for the error xml element
+ &main::do_error($iLog, $iLineNumber, $iExpat->{cdata_buffer});
+ #Clear all data set by info start
+ $component = '';
+ $command = '';
+ #empty cdata buffer
+ $iExpat->{cdata_buffer} = '';
+ }
+ sub status
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ my (%iAttr);
+ # Read the attributes
+ while (@_) {
+ my $iAtt = shift;
+ my $iVal = shift;
+ $iAttr{$iAtt} = $iVal;
+ }
+ my ($iLineNumber) = $iExpat->current_line;
+ if ($iAttr{'exit'} eq 'retry')
+ {
+ $RetryInProgress = 1;
+ #Record retry as a remark
+ &main::do_remarks($iLog, $iLineNumber, "$component retried on $command with ".$iAttr{'code'});
+ return;
+ } elsif ($iAttr{'exit'} ne 'ok') {
+ #Record as migration note for non ok exit because a previous line has triggered this flag
+ if ($MigrateNextExitCode)
+ {
+ &main::do_migrationNotes($iLog, $iLineNumber, "$component failed on $command with ".$iAttr{'code'});
+ } else {
+ #Record error in its own right for the non 'ok' exit status
+ &main::do_error($iLog, $iLineNumber, "$component failed on $command with ".$iAttr{'code'});
+ }
+ }
+ #Resest the Migrate exit code flag because a previous line has triggered this flag
+ $MigrateNextExitCode =0;
+ }
+ sub status_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ # Nothing to do
+ }
+ sub debug
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ # Nothing to do
+ }
+ sub debug_
+ {
+ my $iExpat = shift; my $iElement = shift;
+ # Nothing to do
+ }