changeset 600 6d08f4a05d93
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/imgtools/imglib/boostlibrary/boost/regex/v4/u32regex_token_iterator.hpp	Fri Jun 25 18:11:34 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003
+ * John Maddock
+ *
+ * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the 
+ * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
+ * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+  *   LOCATION:    see for most recent version.
+  *   FILE         u32regex_token_iterator.hpp
+  *   VERSION      see <boost/version.hpp>
+  *   DESCRIPTION: Provides u32regex_token_iterator implementation.
+  */
+      || BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) \
+// Borland C++ Builder 6, and Visual C++ 6,
+// can't cope with the array template constructor
+// so we have a template member that will accept any type as 
+// argument, and then assert that is really is an array:
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp>
+namespace boost{
+#  include BOOST_ABI_PREFIX
+#  pragma warning(push)
+#  pragma warning(disable:4700)
+template <class BidirectionalIterator>
+class u32regex_token_iterator_implementation 
+   typedef u32regex                              regex_type;
+   typedef sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>      value_type;
+   match_results<BidirectionalIterator> what;   // current match
+   BidirectionalIterator                end;    // end of search area
+   BidirectionalIterator                base;   // start of search area
+   const regex_type                     re;     // the expression
+   match_flag_type                      flags;  // match flags
+   value_type                           result; // the current string result
+   int                                  N;      // the current sub-expression being enumerated
+   std::vector<int>                     subs;   // the sub-expressions to enumerate
+   u32regex_token_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p, BidirectionalIterator last, int sub, match_flag_type f)
+      : end(last), re(*p), flags(f){ subs.push_back(sub); }
+   u32regex_token_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p, BidirectionalIterator last, const std::vector<int>& v, match_flag_type f)
+      : end(last), re(*p), flags(f), subs(v){}
+      // can't reliably get this to work....
+      || BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) \
+      || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, < 60700)
+   template <class T>
+   u32regex_token_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p, BidirectionalIterator last, const T& submatches, match_flag_type f)
+      : end(last), re(*p), flags(f)
+   {
+      // assert that T really is an array:
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(::boost::is_array<T>::value);
+      const std::size_t array_size = sizeof(T) / sizeof(submatches[0]);
+      for(std::size_t i = 0; i < array_size; ++i)
+      {
+         subs.push_back(submatches[i]);
+      }
+   }
+   template <std::size_t CN>
+   u32regex_token_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p, BidirectionalIterator last, const int (&submatches)[CN], match_flag_type f)
+      : end(last), re(*p), flags(f)
+   {
+      for(std::size_t i = 0; i < CN; ++i)
+      {
+         subs.push_back(submatches[i]);
+      }
+   }
+   bool init(BidirectionalIterator first)
+   {
+      base = first;
+      N = 0;
+      if(u32regex_search(first, end, what, re, flags, base) == true)
+      {
+         N = 0;
+         result = ((subs[N] == -1) ? what.prefix() : what[(int)subs[N]]);
+         return true;
+      }
+      else if((subs[N] == -1) && (first != end))
+      {
+         result.first = first;
+         result.second = end;
+         result.matched = (first != end);
+         N = -1;
+         return true;
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   bool compare(const u32regex_token_iterator_implementation& that)
+   {
+      if(this == &that) return true;
+      return (&re.get_data() == & 
+         && (end == that.end) 
+         && (flags == that.flags) 
+         && (N == that.N) 
+         && (what[0].first == that.what[0].first) 
+         && (what[0].second == that.what[0].second);
+   }
+   const value_type& get()
+   { return result; }
+   bool next()
+   {
+      if(N == -1)
+         return false;
+      if(N+1 < (int)subs.size())
+      {
+         ++N;
+         result =((subs[N] == -1) ? what.prefix() : what[subs[N]]);
+         return true;
+      }
+      //if(what.prefix().first != what[0].second)
+      //   flags |= match_prev_avail | regex_constants::match_not_bob;
+      BidirectionalIterator last_end(what[0].second);
+      if(u32regex_search(last_end, end, what, re, ((what[0].first == what[0].second) ? flags | regex_constants::match_not_initial_null : flags), base))
+      {
+         N =0;
+         result =((subs[N] == -1) ? what.prefix() : what[subs[N]]);
+         return true;
+      }
+      else if((last_end != end) && (subs[0] == -1))
+      {
+         N =-1;
+         result.first = last_end;
+         result.second = end;
+         result.matched = (last_end != end);
+         return true;
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   u32regex_token_iterator_implementation& operator=(const u32regex_token_iterator_implementation&);
+template <class BidirectionalIterator>
+class u32regex_token_iterator 
+   : public std::iterator<
+         std::forward_iterator_tag, 
+         sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>,
+         typename re_detail::regex_iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type,
+         const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>*,
+         const sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>& >         
+   typedef u32regex_token_iterator_implementation<BidirectionalIterator> impl;
+   typedef shared_ptr<impl> pimpl;
+   typedef          u32regex                                                regex_type;
+   typedef          sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>                        value_type;
+   typedef typename re_detail::regex_iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type 
+                                                                            difference_type;
+   typedef          const value_type*                                       pointer;
+   typedef          const value_type&                                       reference; 
+   typedef          std::forward_iterator_tag                               iterator_category;
+   u32regex_token_iterator(){}
+   u32regex_token_iterator(BidirectionalIterator a, BidirectionalIterator b, const regex_type& re, 
+                        int submatch = 0, match_flag_type m = match_default)
+                        : pdata(new impl(&re, b, submatch, m))
+   {
+      if(!pdata->init(a))
+         pdata.reset();
+   }
+   u32regex_token_iterator(BidirectionalIterator a, BidirectionalIterator b, const regex_type& re, 
+                        const std::vector<int>& submatches, match_flag_type m = match_default)
+                        : pdata(new impl(&re, b, submatches, m))
+   {
+      if(!pdata->init(a))
+         pdata.reset();
+   }
+      // can't reliably get this to work....
+      || BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) \
+      || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, < 60700)
+   template <class T>
+   u32regex_token_iterator(BidirectionalIterator a, BidirectionalIterator b, const regex_type& re,
+                        const T& submatches, match_flag_type m = match_default)
+                        : pdata(new impl(&re, b, submatches, m))
+   {
+      if(!pdata->init(a))
+         pdata.reset();
+   }
+   template <std::size_t N>
+   u32regex_token_iterator(BidirectionalIterator a, BidirectionalIterator b, const regex_type& re,
+                        const int (&submatches)[N], match_flag_type m = match_default)
+                        : pdata(new impl(&re, b, submatches, m))
+   {
+      if(!pdata->init(a))
+         pdata.reset();
+   }
+   u32regex_token_iterator(const u32regex_token_iterator& that)
+      : pdata(that.pdata) {}
+   u32regex_token_iterator& operator=(const u32regex_token_iterator& that)
+   {
+      pdata = that.pdata;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   bool operator==(const u32regex_token_iterator& that)const
+   { 
+      if((pdata.get() == 0) || (that.pdata.get() == 0))
+         return pdata.get() == that.pdata.get();
+      return pdata->compare(*(that.pdata.get())); 
+   }
+   bool operator!=(const u32regex_token_iterator& that)const
+   { return !(*this == that); }
+   const value_type& operator*()const
+   { return pdata->get(); }
+   const value_type* operator->()const
+   { return &(pdata->get()); }
+   u32regex_token_iterator& operator++()
+   {
+      cow();
+      if(0 == pdata->next())
+      {
+         pdata.reset();
+      }
+      return *this;
+   }
+   u32regex_token_iterator operator++(int)
+   {
+      u32regex_token_iterator result(*this);
+      ++(*this);
+      return result;
+   }
+   pimpl pdata;
+   void cow()
+   {
+      // copy-on-write
+      if(pdata.get() && !pdata.unique())
+      {
+         pdata.reset(new impl(*(pdata.get())));
+      }
+   }
+typedef u32regex_token_iterator<const char*> utf8regex_token_iterator;
+typedef u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> utf16regex_token_iterator;
+typedef u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar32*> utf32regex_token_iterator;
+// construction from an integral sub_match state_id:
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const char*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const char* p, const u32regex& e, int submatch = 0, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const char*>(p, p+std::strlen(p), e, submatch, m);
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, int submatch = 0, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*>(p, p+std::wcslen(p), e, submatch, m);
+#if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2)
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, int submatch = 0, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(p, p+u_strlen(p), e, submatch, m);
+template <class charT, class Traits, class Alloc>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>& p, const u32regex& e, int submatch = 0, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   typedef typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator iter_type;
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<iter_type>(p.begin(), p.end(), e, m);
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, int submatch = 0, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), e, submatch, m);
+// construction from a reference to an array:
+template <std::size_t N>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const char*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const char* p, const u32regex& e, const int (&submatch)[N], regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const char*>(p, p+std::strlen(p), e, submatch, m);
+template <std::size_t N>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, const int (&submatch)[N], regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*>(p, p+std::wcslen(p), e, submatch, m);
+#if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2)
+template <std::size_t N>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, const int (&submatch)[N], regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(p, p+u_strlen(p), e, m);
+template <class charT, class Traits, class Alloc, std::size_t N>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>& p, const u32regex& e, const int (&submatch)[N], regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   typedef typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator iter_type;
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<iter_type>(p.begin(), p.end(), e, m);
+template <std::size_t N>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, const int (&submatch)[N], regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), e, submatch, m);
+#endif // BOOST_MSVC < 1300
+// construction from a vector of sub_match state_id's:
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const char*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const char* p, const u32regex& e, const std::vector<int>& submatch, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const char*>(p, p+std::strlen(p), e, submatch, m);
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, const std::vector<int>& submatch, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*>(p, p+std::wcslen(p), e, submatch, m);
+#if !defined(U_WCHAR_IS_UTF16) && (U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T != 2)
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, const std::vector<int>& submatch, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(p, p+u_strlen(p), e, submatch, m);
+template <class charT, class Traits, class Alloc>
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>& p, const u32regex& e, const std::vector<int>& submatch, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   typedef typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator iter_type;
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<iter_type>(p.begin(), p.end(), e, m);
+inline u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_token_iterator(const UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, const std::vector<int>& submatch, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
+   return u32regex_token_iterator<const UChar*>(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), e, submatch, m);
+#  pragma warning(pop)
+#  include BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX
+} // namespace boost