changeset 628 7c4a911dc066
parent 588 c7c26511138f
child 645 b8d81fa19e7d
--- a/buildframework/helium/doc/src/development/developer_guide.rst	Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/buildframework/helium/doc/src/development/developer_guide.rst	Fri Aug 13 14:59:05 2010 +0300
@@ -63,6 +63,37 @@
     Common libraries for Java, Perl and Python and XML schemas.
+Anatomy of a library project
+   + builder
+      - build.xml
+      - bld.bat
+      - bld
+      + antlibs
+         Ant specific dependencies needed to execute ant properly
+         e.g: Java checkstyle, Code coverage tools
+         The jar in that folder will not be used as compilation dependencies
+   + <layer>
+       + doc
+          General documentation of the project
+       + settings
+          + ivysettings.xml
+       + deps
+          + <org>
+             + <name>
+                + <rev>
+                   - <name>-<rev>.jar
+          + ...
+       + java
+          + component1
+          + componentn ...
+       + python
+          + component1
+          + componentn ...
+   + <layer> ...
 Ant script structure
@@ -71,7 +102,7 @@
 .. index::
-  single: Custom Ant library
+  single: Custom Ant libraries
 Custom Ant libraries
@@ -85,6 +116,242 @@
 The component also need an Ivy file (``ivy.xml``) in order to be detected and built. The file must define the correct list of dependencies for the component so it get built in the correct order.
+A component is a self contained structure which implements a set of feature related to a specific domain (e.g: Diamonds, SCM). The following diagram shows 
+the physical structure of a component.
+   + <component_name>
+         - build.xml
+         - ivy.xml
+         + src
+            + com
+               + nokia
+                   + helium
+                      + <component_name>
+                          + ant
+                             + taskdefs
+                               source of the Ant tasks
+                             + types
+                               source of the Ant DataType 
+                             + listeners
+                               source of the Ant Listener
+                             + conditions
+                               source of the Ant Conditions
+         + tests
+           - build.xml
+           - bld.bat
+           -
+           + antunits
+              - test_xxx.ant.xml* - Unittest implemented using AntUnit  
+           + data
+             data used for the the unittests.
+           + src
+             + com
+                + nokia
+                   + helium
+                      + <component_name>
+                         + tests
+                            source of junit unittests.
+build.xml file
+This is the simplest file you must have at component level, ``<name of the component>`` is really important
+as it defines the future name of the JAR file.
+   <project name="<name of the component>">
+       <description>Component build file.</description>
+       <import file="../../builder/java/macros.ant.xml"/>
+   </project>
+ivy.xml file
+The ``ivy.xml`` file is used to gather the relevant dependencies to build your component and to order
+the build of the components correctly::
+   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+   <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:xsi=""
+          xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+       <info
+          organisation=""
+           module="<name of the component>"
+           status="integration">
+       </info>
+       <dependencies>
+          <dependency name="<name of an another component>" rev="latest.integration" conf="default" />
+          <dependency org="dom4j" name="dom4j" rev="1.2.9" conf="default" />
+       </dependencies>
+   </ivy-module>
+More info about Ivy can be found from:
+AntUnit files
+The builder will automatically test all the AntUnit files from ``<component>/tests/antunit``.
+Test must be written by keeping in mind that source tree must remain unmodified after the testing (please use the ``test.temp.dir``).
+Test file example::
+   <project name="test-<component>-<feature>" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" xmlns:hlm="">
+      <description>Helium unittests.</description>
+      <target name="setUp">
+         <delete dir="${test.temp.dir}" failonerror="false" />
+         <mkdir dir="${test.temp.dir}" />
+      </target>
+      <target name="tearDown">
+         <delete dir="${test.temp.dir}" failonerror="false" />
+         <mkdir dir="${test.temp.dir}" />
+      </target>
+      <target name="test-file-generation">
+         <echo message="foo-bar" file="${test.temp.dir}/demo.txt" />
+         <au:assertFileExists file="${test.temp.dir}/demo.txt" />
+      </target>
+   </project>
+Source code license
+Each file should include the following license header::
+   /*
+    * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+    * All rights reserved.
+    * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+    * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+    * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+    * at the URL "".
+    *
+    * Initial Contributors:
+    * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+    *
+    * Contributors:
+    *
+    * Description:  
+    *
+    */
+All classes and methods must be documented.
+Ant facade classes like task or type must be doclet documented. This implies the javadoc
+to be user and not developer oriented, for instance examples of the task/type usage are really appreciated.
+Also all setter methods visible through Ant must be documented properly using *@ant.required* 
+or *@ant.not-required* javadoc style attributes.
+You can find more information on how to document Ant tasks using the doclet plugin on 
+General coding guidelines
+ * Java components must not use ``getProperty()`` with a hardcoded name coming from helium (e.g.: ``getProject().getProperty("helium.dir"))`` The only exceptions to this are:
+    * Ant listeners (the name of the property must be linked to the listener not to Helium!)
+    * Code under the legacy component.
+ * It is forbidden to share unittest data between components (else it breaks the "self-contained" principle).
+Ant type and task guidelines
+In order to match as must as  configurability concepts, Helium custom types and tasks must follow  development guidelines as 
+much as possible. You can find then on
+Developer must preferably use standard Ant logging for any user log output.
+Internal debug logging must be implemented using the log4j framework.
+ * ANT Listeners must use log4j logging framework - using Ant logging system might cause some looping issues.
+ * Ant ``Type`` and ``Task`` classes must use the Ant logging mechanism to report to the user.
+ * Generic framework code (that which doesn't link to Ant directly) must use log4j. 
+ * Usage of ``System.out.println()`` should be avoided.
+ * All the unhandled exceptions should be considered as errors and should be reported as such:
+    * use ``log("message", Project.MSG_ERR)`` under Ant.
+    * ``log.error()`` otherwise.
+    * Exceptions to this rule must be clearly commented under the code.
+ * Debug information:
+    * log4j framework (``log.debug()``) must be used to push information to the Helium debug log - so debug information is not
+      directly visible by the user.
+    * The Ant logging framework can also be used to log Type/Task debug info (but log4j is preferred).
+    * The ``printStackTrace()`` method should be used on below scenarios:
+       * At the time of an unknown exception.
+       * Should be used with exceptions other than ``BuildException``.
+       * In case it is difficult to debug the issue with ``Exception.getMessage()``.
+       * Use when debugging complex issues (this doesn't mean the line should remain in the code after development).
+       * When it is required to print the all the information about the occurring ``Exception``. 
+This is an example on how to use logging::
+   import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+   class MyClass extends Task {
+       private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);
+       public void execute() {
+           log("Executing...");
+           log.debug("some useful debug information.");
+       }
+   }
+Please find more information on log4j from the online manual:
+Debug log
+The log4j debug output is written to ``hlm_debug.log`` that is stored under ``HELIUM_CACHE_DIR``. This may be set one of these two values::
+    %TEMP%\helium\%USERNAME%\%JOB_ID%
+    %TEMP%\helium\%USERNAME%
+Ensure ``TEMP`` is set to a location that is visible to all so the file can be accessed from all accounts.
+Exceptional event reporting and handling is crutial in software development. Developer must make sure it is done accordingly
+to the framework it is currently using:
+ * To report a build failure under Ant a ``BuildException`` must be used.
+    But we have to keep in mind that a ``BuildException`` is not tracked because it derives from ``RuntimeException``.
+    So we have to be careful with those and try to limit their puprose to the original usage: Ant build failure.
+ * It is preferable to use a meaningful exception type like ``FileNotFoundException``.
+ * Throwing or catching raw exceptions like ``Exception``, ``RuntimeException`` should be avoided.  
+Deprecation is an inevitable in involving software. The usage of deprecation implies most of the time the replacement of a feature 
+by an newer. To make sure it has the minimum impact on the user, we need to provide both features for at least one major release, so 
+the customer has time to do the relevant modification to migrate. In order to ease as much as possible the deployment and the migration
+to a newer version of any Ant object please follow this guidelines:
+ * Ant attributes replacement
+    * Use the @Deprecated annotation on the Java code to make sure this method is not in use anymore under our code.
+    * Log a warning message to the user using Ant logging. Please use the following template:
+        * The usage of the '<deprecated_attribute_name>' attribute is deprecated, please consider using the '<new_attribute_name>' attribute.
+    * Try to keep the functionality by adapting the code inside the deprecated setter to use the newer API.
+Example of Ant attribute deprecation for a Java task::
+   @Deprecated
+   public void setDb(File database) {
+       log("The usage of the 'db' attribute is deprecated, please consider using the 'database' attribute.", Project.MSG_WARN);
+       this.database = database;
+   }
 .. index::
   single: How to build the delivery?
@@ -196,3 +463,80 @@
 A new Ivy config file can be added for a non-jar or egg type file.
+Feature enable Configuration
+If we are adding new features (which are similar to diamonds, coverage toosl), then those feature needs to enabled in the build sequence using 'feature.enabled' property.
+Using feature.enabled property we need to set intermediate property and that intermidiate property should have the name pattern as internal.feature.enabled.
+Intermidiate properties should be set using ant <condition> task. Do not use antcontrib <if> task (avoid as much as possible).
+We need to trigger the targets using intermidiate property. 
+Target based feature testing
+And depending target should be called using intermediate property.
+    feature.enabled = true
+    <condition property="internal.feature.enabled">
+        <istrue value="${feature.enabled}"/>
+    </condition>
+    <target name="xyz" if="internal.feature.enabled"/>
+If any property is deprecated then that should be documented in the respective .ant.xml.
+    <!-- Set to true to enable feature - deprecated: Start using feature.enabled property
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @deprecated since 11.0 
+    -->
+    <property name="old.feature" value="true"/>
+    feature.enabled = true
+    old.feature = false
+    <condition property="internal.feature.enabled">
+        <or>
+            <istrue value="${feature.enabled}"/>
+            <isset property="old.feature"/>
+        </or>
+    </condition>
+    <target name="xyz" if="internal.feature.enabled"/>
+Task base feature testing
+If the if task is used inside a target it is then preferable to use the feature.enabled property directly:
+   <target name="target-name">
+       ...
+       <if>
+          <or>
+              <istrue value="${feature.enabled}"/>
+              <isset property="old.feature"/>          
+          </or>
+          <then>
+              ...
+          </then>
+          ...
+       </if>
+       ...
+   </target>
+Of course the 'old.feature' will be kept for one major release and removed in the next one.
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