changeset 628 7c4a911dc066
parent 588 c7c26511138f
child 645 b8d81fa19e7d
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/publish/publish.ant.xml	Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/publish/publish.ant.xml	Fri Aug 13 14:59:05 2010 +0300
@@ -26,6 +26,23 @@
     Zipping, delta zipping and copying targets
+    <!-- Tools configuration for basic Helium tools. -->
+    <hlm:envdata id="">
+        <hlm:executable name="7za" versionArgs="" versionRegex="7-Zip (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="ant" versionArgs="-version" versionRegex="Apache Ant version (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="armcc" versionArgs="" versionRegex="RVCT(.+)" output="stderr"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="ccm" versionArgs="version -c" versionRegex="(\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="codescanner" versionArgs="" versionRegex="version (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="ctc" versionArgs="" versionRegex="This is CTC\+\+ \(v(\S+)\)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="java" versionArgs="-version" versionRegex="java version &quot;(\S+)\&quot;"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="perl" versionArgs="-v" versionRegex="This is perl, v(\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="python" versionArgs="--version" versionRegex="Python (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="sbs" versionArgs="-version" versionRegex="sbs version (.+)$"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="unzip" versionArgs="-v" versionRegex="UnZip (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="emake" versionArgs="--version" versionRegex="Electric Make version (\S+)"/>
+        <hlm:executable name="ectool" versionArgs="--version" versionRegex="ElectricCommander Tool version (\S+)"/>
+    </hlm:envdata>
     <!--* @property zip.config.file
     The ZIP configuration XML file.
     @type string
@@ -74,12 +91,108 @@
     @editable required
     @scope public
+    <!--* Set to true to generate zip file containing binaries generated by build.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @since 11.0
+    -->
+    <property name="archiving.enabled" value="true"/>
+    <!--* @property internal.archiving.enabled
+    Set to run archiving targets if archiving.enabled set to true.
+    @type boolean
+    @scope private
+    -->
+    <!--* @property skip-zips
+    Set to true to generate zip file containing binaries generated by build. - deprecated: Start using archiving.enabled property.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @deprecated since 11.0
+    -->
+    <!--* @property publish.enabled
+    Set to true to publish build artificats.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @since 11.0
+    -->
+    <!--* @property internal.publish.enabled
+    Set to run publishing targets if publish.enabled set to true.
+    @type boolean
+    @scope private
+    -->
+    <!--* @property publish
+    Set to true to publish build artificats.. - deprecated: Start using publish.enabled property.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @deprecated since 11.0
+    -->
+    <!--* @property archive.wa.enabled
+    Set to true to archive or zip the synergy workarea.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @since 11.0
+    -->
+    <!--* @property internal.archive.wa.enabled
+    Set to run synergy wa archiving targets if archive.wa.enabled set to true.
+    @type boolean
+    @scope private
+    -->
+    <!--* @property zip.wa
+    Set to true to arhive or zip the synergy workarea. - deprecated: Start using archive.wa.enabled property.
+    @type boolean
+    @editable required
+    @scope public
+    @deprecated since 11.0
+    -->
+    <!-- Check, is zipping binaries enabled -->
+    <condition property="internal.archiving.enabled">
+        <and>
+            <not>
+                <isfalse value="${archiving.enabled}" />
+            </not>
+            <not>
+                <isset property="skip-zips"/>
+            </not>
+        </and>
+    </condition>
+    <!-- Check, is publish enabled -->
+    <condition property="internal.publish.enabled">
+        <or>
+            <istrue value="${publish.enabled}"/>
+            <isset property="publish"/>
+        </or>
+    </condition>
+    <!-- Check, is publish enabled -->
+    <condition property="internal.archive.wa.enabled">
+        <or>
+            <istrue value="${archive.wa.enabled}"/>
+            <isset property="zip.wa"/>
+        </or>
+    </condition>
     <import file="internal-api/internal-api.ant.xml" />
     <import file="nwiki.ant.xml" />
     <import file="synergy.ant.xml" />
     <import file="test/test2_publishing_to_diamonds.ant.xml" />
     <!-- Set the maximum number of threads running for archiving (for a parallel job).
     @type integer
@@ -135,6 +248,7 @@
         <include name="tools/release/**/*" />
         If publish property is set, copy the publish.files fileset to the publish.dir directory using 
         number.of.threads parallel threads
@@ -142,13 +256,20 @@
     <macrodef name="publishMacro" uri="">
-                <isset property="publish" />
+                <isset property="internal.publish.enabled" />
                     <for list="${publish.fileset.ids}" param="" parallel="true" threadCount='${number.of.threads}'>
                             <copy todir="${publish.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
                                 <fileset refid="@{}" />
+                            <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="@{}.diamonds.files">
+                                <map from="${build.output.dir}" to="${publish.dir}"/>
+                                <fileset refid="@{}"/>
+                            </pathconvert>
+                            <property name="diamonds.files" value="" />
+                            <var name="diamonds.files" value="${@{}.diamonds.files} ${diamonds.files}"/>
@@ -158,7 +279,7 @@
     <!-- Creates the publish directory. Directory location is defined by property: ${publish.dir} -->
-    <target name="prep-publish" if="publish">
+    <target name="prep-publish" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}" />
@@ -249,6 +370,7 @@
     <!-- This macro allows you to add or update one archive definition inside the release metadata files.
@@ -313,6 +435,7 @@
     <!-- This macro update the metadata file generated by the config provided by file.
@@ -364,6 +487,7 @@
     <condition property="">
             <equals arg1="${build.system}" arg2="ec-helium" />
@@ -371,6 +495,7 @@
     <!-- Zips files using a type and zip config file as args -->
     <macrodef name="zipContentMacro" uri="">
         <attribute name="type" />
@@ -391,48 +516,42 @@
             <mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}"/>
             <property name="zip.@{type}.nopolicy.log.file" location="${@{phase}.log.dir}/${}_@{type}_archive.nopolicy.log" />
             <property name="zip.@{type}.policy.log.file" location="${@{phase}.log.dir}/${}_@{type}_archive.policy.log" />
-            <trycatch property="exception" reference="exception">
-                <try>
-                    <!-- Don't print 'compressing' on console -->
-                    <hlm:logtoconsole action="stop" />
-                    <!-- Stops writing on ...ant_build.log file-->
-                    <hlm:startSpecificLogMacro name="${zip.@{type}.log.file}" phase="@{phase}"/>
-                    <!-- Path to the parsed file of zip specification file
-                    @type string
-                    @scope private
-                    -->
-                    <property name="zip.config.file.parsed" location="${}/zip.cfg.xml.parsed" />
-                    <copy file="@{file}" tofile="${zip.config.file.parsed}" overwrite="true">
-                        <filterchain>
-                            <expandproperties />
-                        </filterchain>
-                    </copy>
-                    <hlm:updateArchiveConfig configtype="${zips.@{type}}" configfileparsed="${zip.config.file.parsed}" usingec="@{ec}" failonemptyconfig="@{failonemptyconfig}"/>
-                    <if>
-                        <istrue value="@{ec}" />
-                        <then>
-                            <echo>${}</echo>
-                            <hlm:emakeMacro name="archive-full-@{type}" makefile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.make" target="all" dir="${}/" annodetail="basic,history,file,waiting" root="${}" failonerror="false" phase="archive"/>
-                        </then>
-                        <else>
-                            <if>
-                                <isgreaterthan arg1="${number.of.threads}" arg2="${archive.max.number.of.threads}"/>
-                                <then>
-                                    <ant antfile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.xml">
-                                        <!-- how many parallel threads can run
-                                        @type string
-                                        -->
-                                        <property name="number.of.threads" value="${archive.max.number.of.threads}"/>
-                                    </ant>
-                                </then>
-                                <else>
-                                    <ant antfile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.xml" />
-                                </else>
-                            </if>
-                        </else>
-                    </if>
-                    <hlm:python>
+            <hlm:taskRecorder output="${zip.@{type}.log.file}">
+                <!-- Path to the parsed file of zip specification file
+                @type string
+                @scope private
+                -->
+                <property name="zip.config.file.parsed" location="${}/zip.cfg.xml.parsed" />
+                <copy file="@{file}" tofile="${zip.config.file.parsed}" overwrite="true">
+                    <filterchain>
+                        <expandproperties />
+                    </filterchain>
+                </copy>
+                <hlm:updateArchiveConfig configtype="${zips.@{type}}" configfileparsed="${zip.config.file.parsed}" usingec="@{ec}" failonemptyconfig="@{failonemptyconfig}"/>
+                <if>
+                    <istrue value="@{ec}" />
+                    <then>
+                        <echo>${}</echo>
+                        <hlm:emakeMacro name="archive-full-@{type}" makefile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.make" target="all" dir="${}/" annodetail="basic,history,file,waiting" root="${}" failonerror="false" phase="archive"/>
+                    </then>
+                    <else>
+                        <if>
+                            <isgreaterthan arg1="${number.of.threads}" arg2="${archive.max.number.of.threads}"/>
+                            <then>
+                                <ant antfile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.xml">
+                                    <!-- how many parallel threads can run
+                                    @type string
+                                    -->
+                                    <property name="number.of.threads" value="${archive.max.number.of.threads}"/>
+                                </ant>
+                            </then>
+                            <else>
+                                <ant antfile="${}/ZIP_${zips.@{type}}.xml" />
+                            </else>
+                        </if>
+                    </else>
+                </if>
+                <hlm:python>
 import archive
 import configuration
@@ -441,22 +560,10 @@
 configs = configSet.getConfigurations(r'${zips.@{type}}')
 prebuilder = archive.ArchivePreBuilder(configuration.ConfigurationSet(configs), r'${zips.@{type}}')
-                    </hlm:python>
-                    <hlm:mergeMetadataMacro file="${zip.config.file.parsed}" config="${zips.@{type}}" />
-                    <hlm:updateMD5Macro file="${zip.config.file.parsed}" config="${zips.@{type}}" />
-                </try>
-                <catch>
-                    <!-- Printing and propagating the error -->
-                    <echo>ERROR: ${exception}</echo>
-                    <throw refid="exception"/>
-                </catch>
-                <finally>
-                    <!-- Todo: metadata: Convert to metadata structure -->
-                    <!-- Stops log back to main log. -->
-                    <hlm:stopSpecificLogMacro name="${zip.@{type}.log.file}" phase="@{phase}"/>
-                    <hlm:logtoconsole action="resume" />
-                </finally>
-            </trycatch>
+                </hlm:python>
+                <hlm:mergeMetadataMacro file="${zip.config.file.parsed}" config="${zips.@{type}}" />
+                <hlm:updateMD5Macro file="${zip.config.file.parsed}" config="${zips.@{type}}" />
+            </hlm:taskRecorder>
             <hlm:assertFileExists file="${zip.@{type}.log.file}" />
             <copy file="${zip.@{type}.log.file}" tofile="${zip.@{type}.nopolicy.log.file}" verbose="true">
@@ -497,6 +604,7 @@
     1. To update the archive configuration file with substituted drives information for UNC paths (if any).
     2. To create the .make file to zip the sources using EC.    
@@ -543,33 +651,34 @@
     <!-- Zips the Engineering English content. -->
-    <target name="zip-ee" unless="skip-zips">
+    <target name="zip-ee" if="internal.archiving.enabled">
         <hlm:zipContentMacro type="ee" file="${zip.config.file}" />
     <!-- Zips the subcon content. -->
-    <target name="zip-subcon" unless="skip-zips">
+    <target name="zip-subcon" if="internal.archiving.enabled">
         <hlm:zipContentMacro type="subcon" file="${zip.config.file}" />
     <!-- Zips the subcon rom content. -->
-    <target name="zip-subcon-roms" unless="skip-zips">
+    <target name="zip-subcon-roms" if="internal.archiving.enabled">
         <hlm:zipContentMacro type="subcon_roms" file="${zip.config.file}" />
     <!-- Zips the localised content. -->
-    <target name="zip-localised" unless="skip-zips">
+    <target name="zip-localised" if="internal.archiving.enabled">
         <hlm:zipContentMacro type="localised" file="${zip.config.file}" />
     <!-- Zips the trace rom content -->
-    <target name="zip-trace-roms" unless="skip-zips">
+    <target name="zip-trace-roms" if="internal.archiving.enabled">
         <hlm:zipContentMacro type="trace_roms" file="${zip.config.file}" />
     <!-- Publishes the content defined by the filesets at the top of this project.
     The files are split into 4 filesets to parallelize the publish operation:
@@ -581,9 +690,9 @@
     All content is copied to the location defined by publish.dir. Also verify the source and target content after publish.
-    <target name="publish" depends="prep-publish" if="publish">
+    <target name="publish" depends="prep-publish" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <hlm:publishMacro />
-        <resourcecount property="">
+        <!--<resourcecount property="">
             <fileset id="publish.files.location" dir="${build.output.dir}">
                 <exclude name="logs/**/*_ant_build.log" />
                 <exclude name="*" />
@@ -602,18 +711,18 @@
                 <echo message="ERROR: There are ${} changes in the publish directory. Uploading the changes again..." />
                 <hlm:publishMacro />
-        </if>
+        </if>-->
     <!-- Basic publish target that publishes all important content. -->
-    <target name="publish-generic" depends="prep-publish,publish-tools" if="publish">
+    <target name="publish-generic" depends="prep-publish,publish-tools" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <hlm:publishMacro />
     <!-- Publishes tools needed to run commands from a published build area. -->
-    <target name="publish-tools" depends="prep-publish" if="publish">
+    <target name="publish-tools" depends="prep-publish" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <echoproperties destfile="${publish.dir}/build_properties.txt">
                 <propertyref name="publish.dir" />
@@ -630,7 +739,7 @@
     <!-- The same as a basic publish. -->
-    <target name="publish-variants" depends="prep-publish" if="publish">
+    <target name="publish-variants" depends="prep-publish" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <hlm:publishMacro />
@@ -643,34 +752,6 @@
         <echo file="${lxr.publish.dir}\${}_ready.txt" />
-    <!-- Mails the Diamonds XML data to the Diamonds server account. -->
-    <target name="mail-log-to-diamonds">
-        <runtarget target="lookup-email" />
-        <echo message="Sending XML log through email." />
-        <!--Ant mail task can not include xml as msg body. so do it in python-->
-        <!-- TODO - would this work by using a <message> subelement? -->
-        <hlm:python>
-import sys, smtplib, string
-fromaddr = r'${email.from}'
-toaddrs  = r'${diamonds.mail}'
-smtpserver  = r'${email.smtp.server}'
-subject  = "[DIAMONDS_DATA] ${}>>>${}>>>${diamonds.path}"
-file = open(r'${diamonds.log.file}', 'r')
-msg =
-body = string.join(("From: %s" %fromaddr, "To: %s" %toaddrs, "Subject: %s" %subject, "", msg), "\r\n")
-    server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
-    server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, body)
-    server.quit()
-    print "Mail sent to " , toaddrs
-except Exception:
-    print "SMTP server " + smtpserver + " unavailable!! Unable to send log to " , toaddrs
-        </hlm:python>
-    </target>
     <!-- Reports on the status of the build, through other targets. -->
     <target name="report" depends="binary-sizes-log"/>
@@ -755,6 +836,7 @@
         <antcall target="post-build-md5" />
     <!-- Generate a list of checksums for all files in the build area using EC system. @scope private-->
     <target name="build-md5-ec" depends="pre-build-md5">
         <mkdir dir="${}" />
@@ -829,7 +911,6 @@
         <move file="${}/specialInstructions.xml" tofile="${}" />
         <move file="${}/${}.md5" tofile="${md5.signature.file}" />
@@ -885,17 +966,19 @@
     <!-- Publishes the Ant build log.
     First the logging should be stopped, before the file is copied. Hence this target should be called
     by the "final" target last.
-    <target name="publish-build-log" depends="prep-publish" if="publish">
+    <target name="publish-build-log" depends="prep-publish" if="internal.publish.enabled">
         <copy todir="${publish.dir}/logs" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
             <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}" includes="**/*.log" />
     <!-- Copy the debug log to the build area if available-->
     <target name="copy-debug-logs">
         <echo message="log4j.dir:${log4j.cache.dir}" /> 
@@ -909,12 +992,14 @@
     <!-- Target to simulate that the build is failed because of processing
     ant output
     <target name="raise-error">
         <echo message="ERROR: Build failed due to exceptions" />
     <!-- Update the build status by processing the ant build output log -->
     <target name="build-status">
@@ -928,6 +1013,19 @@
         <hlm:signalMacro logfile="${build.log}" 
             signal.input="exceptionSignalInput" />
+    <property name="ExecListener.file" value="${build.cache.log.dir}/${}_executables.csv"/>
+    <!-- Logs details about the tools used in the environment.
+    This includes name, path, version. -->
+    <target name="log-environment">
+        <hlm:environment output="${build.log.dir}/${}_environment.xml">
+            <hlm:envdata refid=""/>
+        </hlm:environment>
+    </target>
     <!-- Exception handler to process the ant output log -->
     <target name="hlm-exception-handler">
@@ -939,13 +1037,16 @@
     <target name="do-exception-handler" depends="raise-error, build-status, build-log-summary, copy-debug-logs, publish-build-log" />
     <!-- Does any wrap-up at the end of the build. This should be the last target for every top-level target. -->
-    <target name="final" depends="build-status, build-log-summary, copy-debug-logs, publish-build-log" />
+    <target name="final" depends="build-status, build-log-summary, copy-debug-logs, publish-build-log, log-environment" />
     <!-- This target will zip the WA depending on the ado mapping file -->
-    <target name="zip-wa" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="zip.wa">
+    <target name="zip-wa" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="internal.archive.wa.enabled">
         <tempfile property="zipwa.dynamic.config" suffix=".xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/zip-ant-wa-copy.xml.ftl" outputFile="${zipwa.dynamic.config}">
             <data expandProperties="yes">