changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/doc/src/manual/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
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+Name        :
+Part of     : Helium 
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+All rights reserved.
+This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+at the URL "".
+Initial Contributors:
+Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+.. index::
+  single: ATS - STIF, TEF, RTEST, MTF and EUnit
+.. _`Stage-ATS-label`:
+Stage: ATS - STIF, TEF, RTEST, MTF and EUnit (also Qt)
+ATS testing is the automatic testing of the phone code once it has been compiled and linked to create a ROM image.
+Explanation of the process for getting ATS (`STIF`_ and `EUnit`_) tests compiled and executed by Helium, through the use of the ``ats-test`` target.
+<#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))>
+.. _`STIF`:
+.. _`EUnit`:
+.. image::
+* `Harmonized Test Interface (HTI)`_ needs to be compiled and into the image.
+* The reader is expected to already have a working ATS setup in which test cases can be executed.  ATS server names, 
+  access rights and authentication etc. is supposed to be already taken care of.
+<#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))>
+.. _`Harmonized Test Interface (HTI)`:
+.. _`Harmonized Test Interface (HTI)`:
+Test source components
+Test source usually lives in a component's ``tsrc`` directory.  Test source components are created like any other Symbian SW component; 
+there is a ``group`` directory with a ``bld.inf`` file for building, ``.mmp`` files for defining the targets, and so on.
+The test generation code expects ``.pkg`` file in the ``group`` directory of test component to be compiled, to get the paths of the files 
+(can be data, configuration, initialization, etc files) to be installed and where to install on the phone. 
+Three STEPS to setup ATS with Helium
+**Step 1: Configure System Definition Files**
+ If the tsrc directory structure meets the criteria defined in the `new API test automation guidelines`_, then test components 
+ should be included in the System Definition files; **layers** in ``layers.sysdef.xml`` file and **configuration** in ``build.sysdef.xml`` 
+ file (`Structure of System Definition files`_).
+ <#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))>
+.. _`new API test automation guidelines`:
+.. _`Structure of System Definition files`:
+A template of layer in layers.sysdef.xml
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <layer name="name_test_layer">
+        <module name="module_name_one">
+            <unit unitID="unit_id1" name="unit_name1" bldFile="path_of_tsrc_folder_to_be_built" mrp="" />
+        </module>
+        <module name="module_name_two">
+            <unit unitID="unit_id2" name="unit_name2" bldFile="path_of_tsrc_folder_to_be_built" mrp="" />
+        </module>
+    </layer> 
+* Layer name should end with **_test_layer**
+* Two standard names for ATS test layers are being used; ``unit_test_layer`` and ``api_test_layer``. Test components (the``unit`` tags) 
+  should be specified under these layers and grouped by ``module`` tag(s).
+* In the above, two modules means two drop files will be created; ``module`` may have one or more ``unit``
+* By using property ``exclude.test.layers``, complete layers can be excluded and the components inside that layer will not be included in the AtsDrop. This property is a comma (,) separated list
+**Step 2: Configure ATS properties in build.xml**
+**(A)** Username and Password for the ATS should be set in the `.netrc file`_::
+    machine ats login ats_user_name password ats_password
+Add the above line in the ``.netrc`` file and replace ``ats_user_name`` with your real ATS username and ``ats_password`` with ATS password.
+**(B)** The following properties are ATS dependent with their edit status
+* [must] - must be set by user
+* [recommended] - should be set by user but not mandatory
+* [allowed] - should **not** be set by user however, it is possible.
+.. csv-table:: ATS Ant properties
+   :header: "Property name", "Edit status", "Description"
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.server`", "[must]", "For example: ``4fix012345`` or ````. Default server port is ``8080``, but it is not allowed between intra and Noklab. Because of this we need to define server port as 80. The host can be different depending on site and/or product."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.drop.location`", "[must]", "Server location (UNC path) to save the ATSDrop file, before sending to the ATS Server. For example: ``\\\\trwsem00\\some_folder\\``. In case, :hlm-p:`ats.script.type` is set to ``import``, ATS doesn't need to have access to :hlm-p:`ats.drop.location`,  its value can be any local folder on build machine, for example ``c:/temp`` (no network share needed)."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[must]", "Name of the product to be tested."
+    ":hlm-p:`eunit.test.package`", "[recommended]", "The EUnit package name to be unzipped on the environment, for executing EUnit tests."
+    ":hlm-p:`eunitexerunner.flags`", "[recommended]", "Flags for EUnit exerunner can be set by setting the value of this variable. The default flags are set to ``/E S60AppEnv /R Off``."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon-separated email addresses."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.flashfiles.minlimit`", "[recommended]", "Limit of minimum number of flash files to execute :hlm-t:`ats-test` target, otherwise ```` will not be generated. Default value is 2 files."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "Modify the plan name if you have understanding of ``test.xml`` file or leave it as it is. Default value is ``plan``."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.product.hwid`", "[recommended]", "Product HardWare ID (HWID) attached to ATS. By default the value of HWID is not set."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.script.type`", "[recommended]", "There are two types of ats script files to send drop to ATS server, ``runx`` and ``import``; only difference is that with ``import`` ATS doesn't have to have access rights to ```` file, as it is sent to the system over http and import doesn't need network shares. If that is not needed ``import`` should not be used. Default value is ``runx`` as ``import`` involves heavy processing on ATS server."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "Sets target platform for compiling test components. Default value is ``armv5 urel``."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.test.timeout`", "[recommended]", "To set test commands execution time limit on ATS server, in seconds. Default value is ``60``."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of ``test.xml`` file or leave it as it is. Default value is a string consist of build id, product name, major and minor versions."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.trace.enabled`", "[recommended]", "Should be ``True`` if tracing is needed during the tests running on ATS. Default value is ``False``, the values are case-sensitive. See"
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.ctc.enabled`", "[recommended]", "Should be ``True`` if coverage measurement and dynamic analysis (CTC) tool support is to be used by ATS. Default value is ``False``. The values are case-sensitive."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "CTC host, provided by CATS used to create coverage measurement reports. MON.sym files are copied to this location, for example ````. If not given, code coverage reports are not created"
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule`", "[recommended]", "If the property is set to ``True``, then the only test components which will have PKG files, will be included into the ``test.xml`` as a test-set. Which means, even if there's a test component (executable) but there's no PKG file, it should not be considered as a test component and hence not included into the test.xml as a separate test. By default the property value is ``False``."
+    "``reference.ats.flash.images``", "[recommended]", "Fileset for list of flash images (can be .fpsx, .C00, .V01 etc) It is recommended to set the fileset, default filset is given below which can be overwritten. set *dir=""* attribute of the filset to ``${r'$'}{build.output.dir}/variant_images`` if hlm-t:`variant-image-creation` target is being used."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[allowed]", "The default value is ``data`` and refers to the 'data' directory under 'tsrc' directory."
+    ":hlm-p:`tsrc.path.list`", "[allowed]", "Contains list of the tsrc directories. Gets the list from system definition layer files. Assuming that the test components are defined already in te ``layers.sysdef.xml`` files to get compiled. Not recommended, but the property value can be set if there are no System Definition file(s), and tsrc directories paths to set manually."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[allowed]", "Sets ATS reports store location. Default location is ``${r'$'}{publish.dir}/${r'$'}{publish.subdir}``."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.multiset.enabled`", "[allowed]", "Should be ``True`` so a set is used for each pkg file in a component, this allows tests to run in parallel on several devices."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[allowed]", "Should be ``true`` so at end of the build diamonds is checked for test results and Helium fails if tests failed."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[allowed]", "Should be ``true`` so only ADOs changed during :hlm-t:`do-prep-work-area` are tested by ATS."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats4.enabled`", "[allowed]", "Should be ``true`` if ATS4 is to be used."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.emulator.enable`", "[allowed]", "Should be ``true`` if ``WINSCW`` emulator is to be used."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.specific.pkg`", "[allowed]", "Text in name of PKG files to use eg. 'sanity' would only use xxxsanity.pkg files from components."
+An example of setting up properties:
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <property name="ats.server" value="4fio00105"  />
+    <property name="ats.drop.location" location="\\trwsimXX\ATS_TEST_SHARE\" />
+    <property name="" value=";" />
+    <property name="ats.flashfiles.minlimit" value="2" />
+    <property name="" value="PRODUCT" />
+    <property name="" value="plan" />
+    <property name="ats.product.hwid" value="" />
+    <property name="ats.script.type" value="runx" />
+    <property name="" value="armv5 urel" />
+    <property name="ats.test.timeout" value="60" />
+    <property name="" value="${r'$'}{}_${r'$'}{}_${r'$'}{major.version}.${r'$'}{minor.version}" />
+    <property name="ats.trace.enabled" value="False" />
+    <property name="ats.ctc.enabled" value="False" />
+    <property name="ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule" value="False" />
+    <property name="" value="${r'$'}{publish.dir}/${r'$'}{publish.subdir}" />
+    <property name="eunit.test.package" value="" />
+    <property name="eunitexerunner.flags" value="/E S60AppEnv /R Off" />
+        ...
+        <import file="${r'$'}{helium.dir}/helium.ant.xml" />
+        ...
+    <fileset id="reference.ats.flash.images" dir="${r'$'}{release.images.dir}">
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.core.fpsx"/>
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.rofs2.fpsx"/>
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.rofs3.fpsx"/>
+    </fileset>
+.. Note::
+   Always declare *Properties* before and *filesets* after importing helium.ant.xml.
+**STEP 3: Call target ats-test**
+To execute the target, a property should be set(``<property name="enabled.ats" value="true" />``).
+Then call ``ats-test``, which will create the (test package).
+If property ** is set, an email (test report) will be sent when the tests are ready on ATS.
+CTC code coverage measurements reports can be created as part of Test Automation process.
+1. Build the src using ``build_ctc`` configuration, which is in ``build.sysdef.xml`` file, to create ``MON.sym`` files. It means that a property ``sysdef.configurations.list`` should be modified either add or replace current build configuration with ``build_ctc``
+2. Set the property, ````, as described above, for sending the ``MON.sym`` files to the network drive. *(Please contact ATS server administrator and ask for the value to set this property)*
+3. Enable CTC process by setting up property ``ats.ctc.enabled`` to "true"
+4. Test drops are sent to the ATS server, where, after executing tests ``ctcdata.txt`` files are created. ``ctcdata.txt`` and ``MON.sym`` files are then further processed to create code coverage reports.
+5. View or download the Code coverage reports by following the link provided in the ATS report email (sent after the tests are executed on ATS)
+*NOTE: After receiving the email notification, it may take a few minutes before the code coverage reports are available.*
+Qt Tests:
+QtTest.lib is supported and the default harness is set to EUnit. If ``QtTest.lib`` is there in ``.mmp`` file, Helium sets the Harness to Eunit and ATS supported Qt steps are added to test.xml file
+In ``layers.sysdef.xml`` file, the layer name should end with "_test_layer" e.g. "qt_unit_test_layer".
+There are several ``.PKG`` files created after executing ``qmake``, but only one is selected based on which target platform is set. Please read the property (````) description above.
+.. _`Skip-Sending-AtsDrop-label`:
+Skip Sending AtsDrop to ATS
+By setting property of ``skip.ats.sending``, ``ats-test`` target only creates a drop file, and does not send the drop (or package) to ATS server.
+Customizing the test.xml in ATS
+The user can customize the generated test.xml with files:
+* **preset_custom.xml** goes before first set
+* **postset_custom.xml** goes after last set
+* **precase_custom.xml** goes before first case 
+* **postcase_custom.xml** goes after last case
+* **prestep_custom.xml** goes before first step
+* **poststep_custom.xml** goes after last step
+* **prerun_custom.xml** goes before first run or execute step
+* **postrun_custom.xml** goes after last run or execute step
+* **prepostaction.xml** goes before first postaction
+* **postpostaction.xml** goes after last postaction
+The files must be in the directory custom under the tsrc folder processed. 
+The files need to be proper XML snippets that fit to their place. In case of an error an error is logged and a comment inserted to the generated XML file.
+A postaction section customization file ( prepostaction.xml or postpostaction.xml) could look like this
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <postAction>
+    <type>Pre PostAction from custom file</type> 
+    <params>
+       <param name="foo2" value="bar2" /> 
+    </params>
+  </postAction>
+The ``prestep_custom.xml`` can be used to flash and unstall something custom.
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <step name="Install measurement tools" harness="STIF" significant="false">
+    <!-- Copy SIS-packages to DUT -->
+    <command>install</command>
+    <params>
+        <param src="Nokia_Energy_Profiler_1_1.sisx"/>
+        <param dst="c:\data\Nokia_Energy_Profiler_1_1.sisx"/>
+    </params>
+    ...
+  </step>
+And then the  ``prerun_custom.xml`` can be used to start measuring.
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <step name="Start measurement" harness="STIF" significant="false">
+      <!-- Start measurement -->
+      <command>execute</command>
+      <params>
+          <param file="neplauncher.exe"/>
+          <param parameters="start c:\data\nep.csv"/>
+          <param timeout="30"/>
+      </params>
+  </step>
+**Note:** The users is expected to check the generated test.xml manually, as there is no validation. Invalid XML input files will be disregarded and a comment will be inserted to the generated XML file.
+Overriding Test xml values
+Set the property ``ats.config.file`` to the location of the config file.
+Example configuration:
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <ATSConfigData>  
+        <config name="common" abstract="true">
+            <!-- Properties to add/ modify -->
+            <config type="properties">
+               <set name="HARNESS" value="STIF" />
+               <set name="2" value="3" />
+            </config>
+            <!-- Settings to add/ modify -->
+            <config type="settings">
+               <set name="HARNESS" value="STIF" />
+               <set name="2" value="3" />
+            </config>
+            <!-- Attributes to modify -->
+            <config type="attributes">
+               <set name="xyz" value="2" />
+               <set name="significant" value="true" />
+            </config>
+        </config>
+    </ATSConfigData>
+.. index::
+  single: ATS - ASTE
+Stage: ATS - ASTE
+Explanation of the process for getting ATS `ASTE`_ tests compiled and executed by Helium, through the use of the ``ats-aste`` target.
+<#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))>
+.. _`ASTE`:
+* `Harmonized Test Interface (HTI)`_ needs to be compiled and into the image.
+* The reader is expected to already have a working ATS setup in which test cases can be executed.  ATS server names, access rights and authentication etc. is supposed to be already taken care of.
+* `SW Test Asset`_ location and type of test should be known.
+<#if !(ant?keys?seq_contains("sf"))>
+.. _`Harmonized Test Interface (HTI)`:
+.. _`SW Test Asset`:
+Test source components
+Unlike STIF, EUnit etc tests, test source components (or ``tsrc`` structure) is not needed for `ASTE`_ tests.
+Two STEPS to setup ASTE with Helium
+**STEP 1: Configure ASTE properties in build.xml**
+**(A)** Username and Password for the ATS should be set in the `.netrc file`_
+.. code-block:: text
+    machine ats login ats_user_name password ats_password
+Add the above line in the .netrc file and replace *ats_user_name* with your real ats username and "ats_password" with ats password.
+.. _`.netrc file`: configuring.html?highlight=netrc#passwords
+**(B)** The following properties are ASTE dependent with their edit status
+* [must] - must be set by user
+* [recommended] - should be set by user but not mandatory
+* [allowed] - should **not** be set by user however, it is possible.
+.. csv-table:: ATS Ant properties
+   :header: "Property name", "Edit status", "Description"
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.server`", "[must]", "For example: ``4fio00105`` or ````. Default server port is ``8080``, but it is not allowed between intra and Noklab. Because of this we need to define server port as ``80``. The host can be different depending on site and/or product."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.drop.location`", "[must]", "Server location (UNC path) to save the ATSDrop file, before sending to the ATS. For example: ``\\\\trwsem00\\some_folder\\``. In case, ``ats.script.type`` is set to ``import``, ATS doesn't need to have access to :hlm-p:`ats.drop.location`,  its value can be any local folder on build machine, for example ``c:/temp`` (no network share needed)."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[must]", "Name of the product to be tested."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.aste.testasset.location`", "[must]", "Location of SW Test Assets, if the TestAsset is not packaged then it is first compressed to a ``.zip`` file. It should be a UNC path."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[must]", "Flash images releases, for example 'SPP 51.32'."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[must]", "Version of the software to be tested. For example: 'W810'"
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon(s) ";" separated email addresses."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.flashfiles.minlimit`", "[recommended]", "Limit of minimum number of flash files to execute ats-test target, otherwise will not be generated. Default value is "2" files."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "Modify the plan name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Default value is "plan"."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.product.hwid`", "[recommended]", "Product HardWare ID (HWID) attached to ATS. By default the value of HWID is not set."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.test.timeout`", "[recommended]", "To set test commands execution time limit on ATS server, in seconds. Default value is '60'."
+    ":hlm-p:``", "[recommended]", "Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of ``test.xml`` file or leave it as it is. Default value is a string consists of build id, product name, major and minor versions."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.aste.test.type`", "[recommended]", "Type of test to run. Default is 'smoke'."
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.aste.testasset.caseids`", "[recommended]", "These are the cases that which tests should be run from the TestAsset. For example, value can be set as ``100,101,102,103,105,106,``. A comma is needed to separate case IDs"
+    ":hlm-p:`ats.aste.language`", "[recommended]", "Variant Language to be tested. Default is 'English'"
+    "``reference.ats.flash.images``", "[recommended]", "Fileset for list of flash images (can be .fpsx, .C00, .V01 etc) It is recommended to set the fileset, default filset is given below which can be overwritten. set *dir=\"\"* attribute of the filset to ``${r'$'}{build.output.dir}/variant_images`` if :hlm-t:`variant-image-creation` target is being used."
+An example of setting up properties:
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <property name="ats.server" value="4fio00105"  />
+    <property name="ats.drop.location" value="\\trwsimXX\ATS_TEST_SHARE\" />
+    <property name="" value=";" />
+    <property name="ats.flashfiles.minlimit" value="2" />
+    <property name="" value="PRODUCT" />
+    <property name="" value="plan" />
+    <property name="ats.product.hwid" value="" />
+    <property name="ats.test.timeout" value="60" />
+    <property name="" value="${r'$'}{}_${r'$'}{}_${r'$'}{major.version}.${r'$'}{minor.version}" />
+    <property name="ats.aste.testasset.location" value="" />
+    <property name="" value="SPP 51.32" />
+    <property name="ats.aste.test.type" value="smoke" />
+    <property name="ats.aste.testasset.caseids" value="100,101,102,104,106," />
+    <property name="" value="W810" />
+    <property name="ats.aste.language" value="English" />
+    ...
+    <import file="${r'$'}{helium.dir}/helium.ant.xml" />
+    ...
+    <fileset id="reference.ats.flash.images" dir="${r'$'}{release.images.dir}">
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.core.fpsx"/>
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.rofs2.fpsx"/>
+        <include name="**/${r'$'}{}*.rofs3.fpsx"/>
+    </fileset>
+*PLEASE NOTE:* Always declare *Properties* before and *filesets* after importing helium.ant.xml.
+**STEP 2: Call target ats-aste**
+To execute the target, a property should be set(``<property name="enabled.aste" value="true" />``).
+Then call ``ats-aste``, which will create the (test package).
+If property ```` is set, an email (test report) will be sent when the tests are ready on ATS/ASTE.
+Skip Sending AtsDrop to ATS
+click :ref:`Skip-Sending-AtsDrop-label`: