changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 645 b8d81fa19e7d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/doc/src/manual/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+Name        :
+Part of     : Helium 
+Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+All rights reserved.
+This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+at the URL "".
+Initial Contributors:
+Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+.. index::
+  single: Stage - Publishing
+Stage: Publishing
+.. index::
+  single: Uploading to Diamonds
+Uploading build information to Diamonds
+Diamonds is a utility tool that keeps track of build and release information. See the **Metrics** manual under section `Helium Configuration`_ for more info.
+.. _Helium Configuration: ../metrics.html#helium-configuration
+.. index::
+  single: Zipping Build area
+Zipping of the build area
+The Engineering English build area is archived in the :hlm-t:`zip-ee` target. Zipping of the localised build area is done by :hlm-t:`zip-localised` target. These properties need to be set:
+    Location of the config file.
+    Spec name for ee zipping (e.g. "ee").
+    Spec name for localised build area zipping (e.g. "localised").
+The :hlm-p:`zip.config.file` property defines the path to a :ref:`common-configuration-format-label` file that defines the content of the zips created. It can consist of multiple configs, e.g.
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <build>
+        <config name="ee" abstract="true">
+            <set name="max.uncompressed.size" value="2000000000"/>
+            <set name="max.files.per.archive" value="65000"/>
+            <set name="archive.tool" value="7za"/>
+            <set name="root.dir" value="${r'$'}{}\"/>
+            <set name="archives.dir" value="${r'$'}{build.output.dir}\build_area\engineering_english_test"/>
+            <set name="" value="${r'$'}{}"/>
+            <config>
+                <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_dev_flashfiles"/>
+                <set name="include" value="output\development_flash_images\"/>
+                </config>
+                <config>
+                    <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_release_flashfiles"/>
+                    <set name="include" value="output\release_flash_images\"/>
+                </config>
+            </config>
+            <config name="localised" abstract="true">
+                <set name="max.uncompressed.size" value="2000000000"/> 
+                <set name="max.files.per.archive" value="65000"/>    
+                <set name="archive.tool" value="7za"/>
+                <set name="root.dir" value="${r'$'}{}\"/>
+                <set name="archives.dir" value="${r'$'}{build.output.dir}\build_area\localised"/>
+                <set name="" value="${r'$'}{}"/>
+                <config>
+                    <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_dev_flashfiles_ee"/>
+                    <set name="include" value="output\development_flash_images\engineering_english\"/>
+                </config>
+                <config>
+                    <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_dev_flashfiles_localised"/>
+                    <set name="include" value="output\development_flash_images\localised\"/>
+                </config>
+            </config>
+        </config>
+        <config name="policy">
+            <config>
+                <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_dev_flashfiles"/>
+                <set name="include" value="output\development_flash_images\"/>
+                <set name="mapper" value="policy"/>
+                <set name="" value="really_confidential_stuff"/>
+                <set name="policy.filenames" value="Distribution.Policy.S60"/>
+            </config>
+        </config>
+        <config name="policy.remover">
+            <config>
+                <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_s60_osext"/>
+                <set name="include" value="s60\osext\"/>
+                <set name="mapper" value="policy.remover"/>
+                <set name="" value="really_confidential_stuff"/>
+                <set name="policy.filenames" value="Distribution.Policy.S60"/>
+                <set name="policy.root.dir" value="${r'$'}{root.dir}/s60"/>
+            </config>
+        </config>
+        <config name="scanner">
+            <config>
+                <set name="name" value="${r'$'}{}_dev_flashfiles"/>
+                <set name="scanners" value="abld.what"/>
+                <set name="abld.buildpath" value="path/to/component/group"/>
+                <set name="exclude" value="**/*.dll"/>
+                <set name="exclude.lst" value="${r'$'}{}/exclude.lst"/>
+            </config>
+        </config>
+    </build>
+.. csv-table:: Common property descriptions
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"   
+   "````", "Directory to store temporary files generated during the process.", ""
+   "``name``", "The name of the zip file.", ""
+.. csv-table:: File System scanner property descriptions (default)
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"
+   "``include``", "Path to include files/directories in the zip. Follows the Ant fileset convention.", ""
+   "``exclude``", "Path to exclude files/directories in the zip. Follows the Ant fileset convention.", ""
+   "``exclude.lst``", "Location of a file containing an exclude list(one pattern per line).", ""
+   "``distribution.policy.s60``", "Defines that the included files will be filtered based on the value of the ``Distribution.Policy.S60`` files. The file found closest to the root will override those in subdirectories.", "The value found in the file, e.g. 0 or 1. This can be negated by putting a '!' in front."
+.. csv-table:: Abld 'what' scanner property descriptions (abld.what)
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"
+   "``exclude``", "Path to exclude files/directories in the zip. Follows the Ant fileset convention.", ""
+   "``exclude.lst``", "Location of a file containing an exclude list(one pattern per line).", ""
+   "``abld.buildpath``", "The path to an bld.inf directory. The files built from this component will be included.", ""
+   "``abld.type``", "For what platform should abld be run for.", "armv5"
+   "``abld.epocroot``", "To specify an EPOCROOT other than \\.", ""
+.. csv-table:: Default Mappers property description (default)
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"
+   "``name``", "The name of the zip file.", ""
+   "``max.uncompressed.size``", "Maximum size in bytes of the content being included in each zip file. If the included content exceeds this, multiple zips will be created.", ""
+   "``max.files.per.archive``", "Maximum number of files that can be included in an archive. If the total exceeds this, multiple zips will be created.", ""
+   "``archive.tool``", "The command-line archiving tool. 7zip and zip are supported.", "7za, zip"
+   "``root.dir``", "The root directory of the content being zipped.", ""
+   "``archives.dir``", "The directory where the zip files are saved to.", ""
+   "``zip.root.dir``", "The root directory for the content inside the zip file.", "root.dir value"
+.. csv-table:: Policy Mappers property description (policy)
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"
+   "``name``", "The name of the zip file.", ""
+   "````", "Suffix of the archive that contains the confidential content.", "internal"
+   "``policy.filenames``", "Comma separated list of policy filename.", "Distribution.Policy.S60"
+   "``archive.tool``", "The command-line archiving tool. 7zip and zip are supported.", "7za, zip"
+   "``archives.dir``", "The directory where the zip files are saved to.", ""
+   "``policy.csv``", "This property defines the location of the policy definition file.", ""
+   "``policy.default.value``", "This property defines the policy value when policy file is missing or invalid (e.g. wrong format).", "9999"
+The policy mapper enables the sorting of the content compare to its policy value. The mapper is looking for a policy file in the file to archive directory.
+If the distribution policy file is missing then the file will go to the ``policy.default.value`` archive. Else it tries to open the file which
+MUST be ASCII encoded, and have its content matching the following expression: ``^\\d+\\s*$``.
+File not matching those specifications will be reported as invalid and the assiociated content will go to the ``policy.default.value`` archive.
+Archive filenames are generated the following way:
+Policy value is 0::
+   ${r'$'}{archive.dir}/${r'$'}{name}.zip
+Policy value is different from 0::
+   ${r'$'}{archive.dir}/${r'$'}{name}_${r'$'}{}_<policy_value>.zip
+If the policy file is missing or its content is invalid ot the olicy value is not found in the ``${r'$'}{policy.csv}``::
+   ${r'$'}{archive.dir}/${r'$'}{name}_${r'$'}{}_${r'$'}{policy.default.value}.zip
+.. csv-table:: Policy Remover Mappers property description (policy)
+   :header: "Property", "Description", "Values"
+   "``name``", "The name of the zip file.", ""
+   "````", "Suffix of the archive that contains the confidential content.", "internal"
+   "``policy.filenames``", "Comma separated list of policy filename.", "Distribution.Policy.S60"
+   "``archive.tool``", "The command-line archiving tool. 7zip and zip are supported.", "7za, zip"
+   "``archives.dir``", "The directory where the zip files are saved to.", ""
+   "``policy.root.dir``", "This property allows the user to restrict the root of policy scanning.", "root.dir value"
+   "``policy.default.value``", "This property defines the policy value when policy file is missing or invalid (e.g. wrong format).", "9999"
+The remover mapper in addition to policy mapper behaviour will remove the content not required for the build.
+The removal process is based on the policy.csv file information, content will be kept in the following cases:
+ * Included in build column is ``yes``    
+ * Included in build column is ``bin``    
+Two additionals removers have been introduced to support action from SFL and EPL column, you use the following
+named mappers to use them:
+ * ``sfl.policy.remover`` based on the 4th column of the csv
+ * ``epl.policy.remover`` based on the 5th column of the csv
+They support the same set of configuration properties as the default ``policy.remover``.
+.. index::
+  single: Zipping SUBCON
+Subcon zipping
+Subcon zipping is also configured using the same XML format as :hlm-t:`zip-ee` and implemented in the :hlm-t:`zip-subcon` target. A :hlm-p:`` property must be defined but currently it is still a separate configuration file.