changeset 587 85df38eb4012
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/java/sbs/sbs.rst	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+.. index::
+  module: Configuring Raptor (SBS)
+Configuring Raptor (SBS)
+.. contents::
+This document describes requirements and how to run sbs builds using helium. Now it is 
+possible to pass directly pass all the raptor input directly and there are no mapping of
+raptor parameter specific to helium.
+SBS Requirements
+Before starting the build, SBS needs to be updated for s60 related changes, please follow the instructions from the link below,
+`How to Build Raptor <>`_
+1. SBS_HOME environment variable needs to be set
+2. PATH environment variable needs to be updated with SBS related exe::
+    path(SBS_HOME\\BIN;SBS_HOME\\win32\\mingw\\bin;SBS_HOME\\win32\\msys\\bin)
+3. RVCT requirement for raptor is 22_686 or higher, in IDO config / product config batch file the env variable needs to be set to `HLM_RVCT_VERSION=22_686`
+For Example: ::
+ set HELIUM_HOME=E:\Build_E\ec_test\helium-trunk\helium
+ set PATH=e:\svn\bin;E:\sbs\bin;c:\apps\actpython;%PATH%
+ set SBS_HOME=E:\sbs
+ set MWSym2Libraries=%MWSym2Libraries%;C:\APPS\carbide\x86Build\Symbian_Support\Runtime\Runtime_x86\Runtime_Win32\Libs
+ set TEAM=site_name
+(Note: For IDOs, these environment variables are set automatically, for S60 option is proposed).
+Required SBS input for Helium
+SBS Input consists of SBSInput and SBSBuild types:
+1. SBSInput - SBS Input stores the list of raptor arguments both the sbs options and
+sbs make options. Nested sbs input option is also possible, for details please see the 
+antdoclet information for sbsInput.
+2. SBSBuild - SBS Build is the collection of SBSInput. Each SBSInput refering within
+SBSBuild corresponds to a single invocation of raptor with the corresponding sbs arguments
+refered within the sbsInput. Each sbsInput refered within SBSBuild roughly corresponds to
+the abld commands associated with corresponding abld configurations. <configuration> </configuration>
+is corresponds ot SBSBuild. This is there only for backward compatibility and will be removed
+once the mighration is completed for schema 3.0, in which case, abld mapping of configuration
+is not required and sbsInput could be directly used. Example is as below,
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <hlm:sbsbuild id="sbs.dfs_build_export">
+        <sbsInput refid="dfs_build_export_input" />
+    </hlm:sbsbuild> 
+1. To run using SBS mode (schema 1.4.0)
+List of SBSInput one to one mapping with corresponding abld commands mapped for a configuration.
+example is below,
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <!-- tools common sbs options -->
+    <hlm:sbsoptions id="commonSBS">
+        <arg line="-k" />
+        <arg name="--filters" value="FilterMetadataLog"/>
+    </hlm:sbsoptions>
+    <hlm:sbsoptions id="exportSBS">
+        <argset refid="commonSBS" />
+        <arg line="--export-only" />
+    </hlm:sbsoptions>
+    <!-- sbs input for export -->
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="export-sbs">
+        <sbsoptions refid="exportSBS" />
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+    <hlm:sbsbuild id="sbs.dfs_build_export">
+        <sbsInput refid="dfs_build_export_input" />
+    </hlm:sbsbuild> 
+Assuming there is a dfs_build_export schema configuration 1.4.0 system definition file.
+Then there should be a corresponding <hlm:sbsbuild> type defined prefixing with sbs
+as sbs.dfs_build_export as above which contains a reference to sbsinput. The sbsInput
+contains actual raptor commands equivalent to abld commands to be executed for that
+configuration, in this case it is referring exportSBS, which in turn referring to commonsbs
+so finally the command generated would be 
+.. code-block:: xml
+    sbs -k --filters=FilterMetadataLog --export-only
+This command is executed for all the componentes specified in the dfs_build_export
+No change from the configuration is required, except the new raptor input needs to be imported.
+2. To run using SBS mode (schema 3.0.0) - partial support
+For schema 3.0, required inputs are,
+ a. sbs arguments
+ b. package definition files
+ c. filters to filter the component
+ d. patternset - specifying specific set of layers to be executed.
+Note: Filters are not supported yet.
+As raptor doesn't support schema 3.0 directly, the schema 3.0 is downgraded to
+2.0 schema, then it is joined / merged with symbian / nokia system definition.
+Finally calling raptor commands with the raptor input.
+The minimum required input for schema 3.0 is, sbsinput.
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <!-- sbs input for export -->
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="export-sbs">
+        <sbsoptions refid="exportSBS" />
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+When building for raptor just the export-sbs needs to be passed as the argument to 
+compile-main target as below,
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <antcall target="compile-main" inheritRefs="true">
+        <param name="sbs.inputs.list" value="export-sbs,armv5-build"/>
+    </antcall>
+Which will execute each sbs input from the list as a separate sbs call and execute it. Schema 3.0
+is very basic and is only intended for internal testing / validation.
+Customizing raptor input
+Different scenario the user might need to provide the raptor inputs, (required to map raptor 
+commands for abld configuration which is not there in the default raptor input xml file, 
+want to override the default raptor input to pass additional parameters), below section covers
+how these can be customized.
+Mapping raptor commands for new configuration from system definition file (1.4.0)
+First step is to identify the abld commands executed by the new configuration. Correspondingly the
+raptor commands need to be identified for that. Then need to check from the common raptor input 
+is there any input which can be reused. If any raptor input could be re-usable, the just refering
+that input and adding additional arguments would provide the exact raptor command arguments to be
+For example, if the new configuration for which the raptor command input is to be created is,
+os, which is not there in the default raptor input, then abld commands executed are 
+(to be simpoer - bldmake, export, tools_rel, winscw, armv5). The corresponding raptor input would
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="build_input_os_export">
+        <sbsInput refid="export-${build.system}" />
+        <sbsOptions>
+            <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${}_export_os_build.log" />
+            <arg name="--makefile" value="${}/${}_export_os_build" />
+        </sbsOptions>
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="build_input_os_tools">
+        <sbsInput refid="tools-${build.system}" />
+        <sbsOptions>
+            <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${}_tools_rel_os_build.log" />
+            <arg name="--makefile" value="${}/${}_tools_rel_os_build" />
+        </sbsOptions>
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="build_input_os_winscw">
+        <sbsInput refid="winscw-${build.system}" />
+        <sbsOptions>
+            <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${}_winscw_os_build.log" />
+            <arg name="--makefile" value="${}/${}_winscw_os_build" />
+        </sbsOptions>
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+    <hlm:sbsinput id="build_input_os_armv5">
+        <sbsInput refid="armv5-${build.system}" />
+        <sbsOptions>
+            <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${}_armv5_os_build.log" />
+            <arg name="--makefile" value="${}/${}_armv5_os_build" />
+        </sbsOptions>
+    </hlm:sbsinput>
+The default raptor input for each build target (tools, winscw, armv5) are reused here and just the
+log file names are changed.
+Next the sequence of command execution needs to be defined for the corresponding os confoguration as below.
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <hlm:sbsbuild id="sbs.os">
+        <sbsInput refid="build_input_os_export" />
+        <sbsInput refid="build_input_os_tools" />
+        <sbsInput refid="build_input_os_winscw" />
+        <sbsInput refid="build_input_os_armv5" />
+    </hlm:sbsbuild>
+For configuration name os in the system definition file, it will take the list of raptor input
+as defined with sbs.os, then it will execute each sbsinput as separate sbs calls with the arguments
+extracted from the corresponding reference id.
+Overriding default raptor arguments
+In case the default argument is not enough for the user requirements, this could be overriden by
+redefining the reference of a particular sbsoptions will provide the user to change the arguments.
+For example, if the user just wants to pass debug flag for armv5 raptor inputs, the raptor input 
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <!-- Mainbuild common sbs options -->
+    <hlm:sbsoptions id="armv5CommonSBS">
+        <argset refid="commonSBS" />
+        <arg line="-c armv5" />
+    </hlm:sbsoptions>
+could be redefined as below in the user configuration,
+.. code-block:: xml
+    <!-- Mainbuild common sbs options -->
+    <hlm:sbsoptions id="armv5CommonSBS">
+        <argset refid="commonSBS" />
+        <arg line="-c armv5" />
+        <arg line="-d" />
+    </hlm:sbsoptions>
+This would add the debug flag in all the raptor configuration which is using armv5CommonSBS.
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