changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 628 7c4a911dc066
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/archive/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" Archive mappers that map how the input files are divided into archives.
+import buildtools
+import os
+import codecs
+import fileutils
+import logging
+import symrec
+import re
+import csv
+import shutil
+_logger = logging.getLogger('logger.mappers')
+# Default value for missing/invalid policy files.
+class Mapper(object):
+    """ Mapper Abstract class. Any custom implementation must derive it!.
+    It handles metadata creation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config, tool):
+        self._tool = tool
+        self._config = config
+        self._metadata = None
+        if not os.path.exists(self._config['archives.dir']):
+            os.makedirs(self._config['archives.dir'])
+        if self._config.has_key("grace.metadata") and self._config.get_boolean("grace.metadata", False):
+            if self._config.has_key("grace.template") and os.path.exists(self._config["grace.template"]) and \
+             not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'] + ".metadata.xml")):
+                shutil.copy(config["grace.template"], os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'] + ".metadata.xml"))
+            self._metadata = symrec.ReleaseMetadata(os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name']+ ".metadata.xml"),
+                                       service=self._config['grace.service'],
+                                       product=self._config['grace.product'],
+                                       release=self._config['grace.release'])
+    def declare_package(self, filename, extract="single"):
+        """ Add a package to the metadata file. """
+        if self._metadata is None:
+            return
+        self._metadata.add_package(os.path.basename(filename), extract=extract, filters=self._config.get_list('grace.filters', None), default=self._config.get_boolean('grace.default', True))
+    def create_commands(self, manifest):
+        """ Return a list of command list. """
+        return [[self._tool.create_command(self._config['name'], manifests=[manifest])]]
+class DefaultMapper(Mapper):
+    """ The default mapper. It splits the content based on size characteristics.
+    'the max.files.per.archive' and 'max.uncompressed.size' properties define how the input files
+    are split between a number of part zips.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config, archiver):
+        """ Initialization. """
+        Mapper.__init__(self, config, archiver)
+    def create_commands(self, manifest):
+        """ Return a list of command lists. """
+        result = []
+"  * Input manifest: " + manifest)
+        manifests = self._split_manifest_file(self._config['name'], manifest)
+        if not os.path.exists(self._config['archives.dir']):
+  "  * Mkdir " + self._config['archives.dir'])
+            os.makedirs(self._config['archives.dir'])
+        for manifest in manifests:
+  "  * Creating command for manifest: " + manifest)
+            filename = os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(manifest))[0])
+            if len(manifests) == 1:
+                filename = os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'])
+  "  * " + filename + self._tool.extension())
+            self.declare_package(filename + self._tool.extension(), self._config.get('grace.extract', 'single'))
+            result.extend(self._tool.create_command(self._config.get('zip.root.dir', self._config['root.dir']), filename, manifests=[manifest]))
+        return [result]
+    def _split_manifest_file(self, name, manifest_file_path):
+        """ This method return a list of files that contain the content of the zip parts to create. """
+        filenames = []
+        if (self._config.has_key('max.files.per.archive') or self._config.has_key('max.uncompressed.size')):
+            size = 0
+            files = 0
+            part = 0
+            filename = ""
+            output = None
+            if os.path.exists(self._config['root.dir']) and os.path.isdir(self._config['root.dir']):
+                curdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+                os.chdir(self._config.get('zip.root.dir', self._config['root.dir']))            
+                maxfiles = self._config.get('max.files.per.archive', 100000000)
+      "Max number of files per archive: " + str(maxfiles))
+                max_uncompressed_size = self._config.get('max.uncompressed.size', 100000000)
+      "Max uncompressed size per archive: " + str(max_uncompressed_size))
+                file_handle =, "r", "utf-8" )
+                for line in file_handle.readlines():
+                    line = line.rstrip()
+                    if(os.path.isfile(line)):
+                        if part == 0 or files == int(maxfiles) or size + os.path.getsize(line) >= int(max_uncompressed_size):
+                            if output != None:
+                                output.close()
+                            size = 0
+                            files = 0
+                            part += 1
+                            filename = "%s_part%02d" % (name, part)
+                            filenames.append(os.path.join(self._config[''], filename + ".txt"))
+                            output =[''], filename + ".txt"), 'w', "utf-8" )
+                        files += 1
+                        size += os.path.getsize(line)
+                        output.write(u"".join([line, u'\n']))
+                    elif(os.path.isdir(line)):
+                        if (len(os.listdir(line)) == 0):
+                            if part == 0 or files == int(maxfiles):
+                                if output != None:
+                                    output.close()
+                                size = 0
+                                files = 0
+                                part += 1
+                                filename = "%s_part%02d" % (name, part)
+                                filenames.append(os.path.join(self._config[''], filename + ".txt"))
+                                output = open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._config[''], filename + ".txt")), 'w')
+                            files += 1
+                            output.write(u"".join([line, u'\n']))
+                    else:
+                        _logger.warning('Not recognized as file or directory: %s' % line)
+                if output != None:
+                    output.close()
+                file_handle.close()
+                os.chdir(curdir)
+        else:
+            filenames.append(manifest_file_path)
+        return filenames
+class PolicyMapper(Mapper):
+    """ Implements a policy content mapper.
+    It transforms a list of files into a list of commands with their inputs.
+    All files with policy 0 will be under the main archive.
+    All other files will get backed up by policy and then store into an second archive. 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config, archiver):
+        """ Initialization. """
+        Mapper.__init__(self, config, archiver)
+        self._policies = {}
+        self._policy_cache = {}
+        self._binary = {}
+        # Load csv
+        if self._config.has_key('policy.csv'):
+            if os.path.exists(self._config['policy.csv']):
+                self.load_policy_binary(self._config['policy.csv'])
+            else:
+                _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: File not found '%s'." % self._config['policy.csv'])
+    def load_policy_binary(self, csvfile, column=1):
+        """ Loads the binary IDs from the CSV file. """
+"POLICY_INFO: Loading policy definition '%s'." % csvfile)
+        reader = csv.reader(open(csvfile, "rU"))
+        for row in reader:
+            if re.match(r"^((?:\d+)|(?:0842[0-9a-zA-Z]{3}))$", row[0].strip()):                
+      "POLICY_INFO: Adding policy: '%s' => '%s'" % (row[0].strip(), row[column].strip().lower()))
+                self._binary[row[0].strip()] = row[column].strip().lower()
+            else:
+                _logger.warning("POLICY_WARNING: Discarding policy: '%s'." % row[0].strip())
+    def zip2zip(self):
+        """ Should the non public zip be zipped up under a specific zip. """
+        return self._config.get_boolean('policy.zip2zip', False)
+    def create_commands(self, manifest):
+        """ Generates a list of build commands. """
+        result = []
+        stages = []
+        # Create the archive output directory
+        if not os.path.exists(self._config['archives.dir']):
+  "  * Mkdir " + self._config['archives.dir'])
+            os.makedirs(self._config['archives.dir'])
+        # Sort the manifest content, splitting it by policy
+        file_handle =, "r", "utf-8")
+        for line in file_handle.readlines():
+            line = line.rstrip()
+            self._sort_by_policy(line)
+        file_handle.close()
+        # Generating sublists.
+        for key in self._policies.keys():
+            self._policies[key].close()
+            manifest = os.path.join(self._config[''], self._config['name'] + "_%s" % key + ".txt")
+            filename = os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'] + "_%s" % key)
+  "  * " + filename + self._tool.extension())
+            result.extend(self._tool.create_command(self._config.get('zip.root.dir', self._config['root.dir']), filename, manifests=[manifest]))
+        stages.append(result)
+        # See if any internal archives need to be created
+        content = []
+        for key in self._policies.keys():
+            if not self.zip2zip():
+                self.declare_package(self._config['name'] + "_%s" % key + self._tool.extension())
+            else:
+                if key != "0":
+                    content.append(os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'] + "_%s" % key + self._tool.extension()))
+                else:
+                    self.declare_package(self._config['name'] + "_%s" % key + self._tool.extension())
+        # Creating zip that contains each policy zips.
+        if self.zip2zip() and len(content) > 0:
+            manifest = os.path.join(self._config[''], self._config['name'] +  ".internal.txt")
+            file_handle = manifest, "w+", "utf-8" )
+            file_handle.write(u"\n".join(content))
+            file_handle.close()
+            internal = "internal"
+            if self._config.has_key(''):
+                internal = self._config['']
+            filename = os.path.join(self._config['archives.dir'], self._config['name'] +  "_" + internal)
+  "  * " + filename + self._tool.extension())
+            self.declare_package(filename + self._tool.extension(), "double")
+            stages.append(self._tool.create_command(self._config['archives.dir'], filename, manifests=[manifest]))
+            cmds = []
+            for filename in content:
+                cmds.append(buildtools.Delete(filename=filename))
+            stages.append(cmds)
+        return stages
+    def get_dir_policy(self, dirname):
+        """ Get policy value for a specific directory. """
+        dirname = os.path.normpath(dirname)
+        if not self._policy_cache.has_key(dirname):
+            policyfile = None
+            for name in self.get_policy_filenames():
+                if os.sep != '\\':
+                    for filename in os.listdir(dirname):
+                        if filename.lower() == name.lower():
+                            policyfile = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
+                            break
+                elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, name)): 
+                    policyfile = os.path.join(dirname, name)
+                    break
+            value = self._config.get('policy.default.value', MISSING_POLICY)
+            if policyfile != None:      #policy file present
+                try:
+                    value = fileutils.read_policy_content(policyfile)
+                    if value not in self._binary.keys():    #check policy file is valid
+                        _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: policy file found %s but policy %s value not exists in csv" % (policyfile, value))
+                except Exception, exc:
+                    _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: %s" % exc)         
+                    value = self._config.get('policy.default.value', MISSING_POLICY)
+            else:       #no policy file present
+                filePresent = False
+                dirPresent = False
+                for ftype in os.listdir(dirname):   #see if files or directories are present
+                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, ftype)):
+                        dirPresent = True
+                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, ftype)):
+                        filePresent = True
+                if filePresent:    #files present : error     
+                    _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: could not find a policy file under: '%s'" % dirname)
+                elif dirPresent and not filePresent:  #directories only : warning
+                    _logger.error("POLICY_WARNING: no policy file, no files present, but sub-folder present in : '%s'" % dirname)
+                else:       #no files no dirs : warning
+                    _logger.error("POLICY_WARNING: empty directory at : '%s'" % dirname)
+            # saving the policy value for that directory.
+            self._policy_cache[dirname] = value
+        return self._policy_cache[dirname]
+    def get_policy_filenames(self):
+        """ Returns the list of potential policy filenames. """
+        return self._config.get_list('policy.filenames', ['Distribution.policy.s60'])
+    def _sort_by_policy(self, filename):
+        """ Store the input file sorted by its policy number. """
+        path = os.path.join(self._config['root.dir'], filename)
+        parentdir = os.path.dirname(path)
+        if os.path.isdir(path):
+            parentdir = path
+        value = self.get_dir_policy(parentdir)
+        if not value in self._policies:
+            self._policies[value] = os.path.join(self._config[''], self._config['name'] + "_%s" % value + ".txt"), "w+", "utf-8" )
+        self._policies[value].write(u"%s\n" % filename)
+class PolicyRemoverMapper(PolicyMapper):
+    """ This class implements a variant of the policy mapper.
+    It removes the internal source. Only binary flagged content is kept.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, config, archiver):
+        """ Initialization. """
+        PolicyMapper.__init__(self, config, archiver)
+        self._rm_policy_cache = {}
+    def get_policy_root_dir(self):
+        """ Return the policy.root.dir or root.dir if not set or not under root.dir."""
+        if not self._config.has_key("policy.root.dir"):
+            return os.path.normpath(self._config['root.dir'])
+        else:
+            if fileutils.destinsrc(self._config['root.dir'], self._config['policy.root.dir']):
+                return os.path.normpath(self._config['policy.root.dir'])
+            else:
+                return os.path.normpath(self._config['root.dir'])
+    def get_rmdir_policy(self, dirname):
+        """ check if the directory should be dropped or not"""
+        dirname = os.path.normpath(dirname)
+        # check if parent is banned...
+        prootdir = os.path.normpath(self.get_policy_root_dir())
+        rootdir = os.path.normpath(self._config['root.dir'])
+        if os.sep == '\\':
+            dirname = dirname.lower()
+            prootdir = prootdir.lower()
+            rootdir = rootdir.lower()        
+        # else get real value...
+        if not self._rm_policy_cache.has_key(dirname):
+            self._rm_policy_cache[dirname] = self.get_dir_policy(dirname)
+        return self._rm_policy_cache[dirname]
+    def create_commands(self, manifest):
+        """ Generates a list of build commands. """
+        stages = PolicyMapper.create_commands(self, manifest)
+        if not self._config.has_key('policy.csv'):
+            _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: Property 'policy.csv' not defined everything will get removed.")
+        cmds = []
+        file_handle = manifest, "r", "utf-8" )
+        for line in file_handle.readlines():
+            line = line.rstrip()
+            filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._config.get('zip.root.dir', self._config['root.dir']), line))
+            value = self.get_rmdir_policy(os.path.dirname(filepath))            
+            delete = True
+            if value in self._binary.keys():
+                if self._binary[value] == "yes":
+          "POLICY_INFO: Keeping %s (%s=>yes)!" % (filepath, value))
+                    delete = False
+                elif self._binary[value] == "bin":
+          "POLICY_INFO: Keeping %s (%s=>bin)!" % (filepath, value))
+                    delete = False
+            else:
+                _logger.error("POLICY_ERROR: %s value for %s not in csv file. Will be removed!!" % (value, filepath))
+            if delete:
+      "POLICY_INFO: File %s will be removed!" % filepath)
+                cmds.append(buildtools.Delete(filename=filepath))
+        file_handle.close()
+        if len(cmds) > 0:
+            stages.append(cmds)
+        return stages
+class SFPolicyRemoverMapper(PolicyRemoverMapper):
+    """ Implement an SFL column based policy remover. """
+    def __init__(self, config, archiver):
+        """ Initialization. """
+        PolicyRemoverMapper.__init__(self, config, archiver)
+    def load_policy_binary(self, csvfile):
+        """ Loading the policy using the 3rd column. """
+"POLICY_INFO: Loading actions from the 3rd column")
+        PolicyRemoverMapper.load_policy_binary(self, csvfile, column=3)
+class EPLPolicyRemoverMapper(PolicyRemoverMapper):
+    """ Implement an EPL column based policy remover. """
+    def __init__(self, config, archiver):
+        """ Initialization. """
+        PolicyRemoverMapper.__init__(self, config, archiver)
+    def load_policy_binary(self, csvfile):
+        """ Loading the policy using the 4th column. """
+"POLICY_INFO: Loading actions from the 4th column")
+        PolicyRemoverMapper.load_policy_binary(self, csvfile, column=4)
+MAPPERS = {'default': DefaultMapper,
+             'policy': PolicyMapper,
+             'policy.remover': PolicyRemoverMapper,
+             'sfl.policy.remover': SFPolicyRemoverMapper,
+             'epl.policy.remover': EPLPolicyRemoverMapper,}
+def get_mapper(name, config, archiver):
+    """ Get mapper instance from its string id. """
+    if name in MAPPERS:
+        return MAPPERS[name](config, archiver)
+    raise Exception("ERROR: Could not find mapper '%s'." % name)