changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
child 618 df88fead2976
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/ats3/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+# -*- encoding: latin-1 -*-
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" The ATS related parsers """
+# pylint: disable-msg=W0142,W0102
+# pylint: disable-msg=C0302
+# pylint: disable-msg=R0201,R0912,R0915,R0911,R0902
+#W0142 => * and ** were used
+#W0102 => Dangerous default value [] as argument
+#C0302 => Too many lines
+#R* remove during refactoring
+import os
+import re
+import logging
+from path import path # pylint: disable-msg=F0401
+import fnmatch
+import subprocess
+import codecs
+import traceback
+_logger = logging.getLogger('ats-parser')
+import configuration
+def split_config_to_attributes_and_properties(specfile):
+    """Split the specfile to its parts"""
+    attributes = {}
+    properties = {}
+    builder = configuration.NestedConfigurationBuilder(specfile)
+    configs = builder.getConfigurations()
+    # the supported configs are either attributes or properties
+    # collect each in a dictionary and return them.
+    for config in configs:
+        if == 'attributes' :
+            for attr in config:
+                attributes[attr] = config[attr]
+        if == 'properties' :
+            for prop in config:
+                properties[prop] = config[prop]
+    return (properties, attributes)
+class CppParser(object):
+    """
+    Parser for CPP tool output. Returns cleaned output from the execution
+    of CPP with or without parent paths included in the output.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.path_to_build = ""
+    def get_cpp_output(self, bld_path = None, output_parameter = "n", imacros = None):
+        """
+        To clean out conditionals from the compilation it is necessary to 
+        use C preprocessing to clean out those.
+        If ('n' - normal) output is chosen, parser returns list of paths
+        If ('e' - extended) output is chosen parser returns list of (path, parent_path) tuples
+        If ('d' - dependency) output is chosen parser returns a dicitionary (can be a nested dictionary) 
+                  of paths dependency (-ies). 
+        'imacros' can also be given as parameters for CPP options.
+        if bld file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".inf"
+        """
+        temp_path = os.getcwd()
+        if "bld.inf" in str(bld_path).lower():
+            os.chdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bld_path, os.pardir)))
+        else:
+            os.chdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bld_path)))
+        if imacros is not None:
+            includedir = os.path.join(os.path.splitdrive(bld_path)[0] + os.sep, 'epoc32', 'include')
+            command = r"cpp -imacros %s -I %s bld.inf" % (str(imacros), includedir)
+        else:
+            command = u"cpp bld.inf"
+        process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+        pipe = process.stdout
+        if output_parameter == "d":
+            return self.create_dependency_dictionary(pipe, bld_path)
+        #If not depdendency dictiontionary then create normal or extended list
+        #Creates dictionary for 'n' (normal) and 'e' extended paths
+        clean_path_list = []
+        path_list = []
+        for line in pipe.readlines():
+            #_logger.debug(line.strip())
+            if"\A#\s.*?", line.strip()) or"\A#.*?[0-9]", line.strip()):
+                if line.strip() not in path_list:
+                    path_list.append(line.strip())
+        process.wait()
+        if process.returncode == 1:
+            _logger.error('CPP failed: ' + command + ' in: ' + os.getcwd())
+        pipe.close()
+        os.chdir(temp_path)
+        if output_parameter is "n":
+            for _path in self.clean_cpp_output(bld_path, path_list):
+                clean_path_list.append(_path[0])
+        elif output_parameter is "e":
+            clean_path_list = self.clean_cpp_output(bld_path, path_list)
+        clean_path_list = list(set(clean_path_list))
+        bfp = BldFileParser()
+        for tsrc in clean_path_list:
+            mmp_path = bfp.get_test_mmp_files(tsrc[0])
+            if tsrc[0] == tsrc[1]:
+                if mmp_path == None or mmp_path == []:
+                    clean_path_list.remove(tsrc)
+        return clean_path_list
+    def create_dependency_dictionary(self, _pipe_, path_to_bld):
+        """
+        The output from CPP is cleaned in a fashion that the output is
+        a dictionary (or nested dictionary) of paths and their dependencies.
+        """
+        bld_parser = BldFileParser()
+        pkg_parser = PkgFileParser()
+        mmp_parser = MmpFileParser()
+        temp_path = os.getcwd()
+        parent = os.getcwd()
+        self.path_to_build = path_to_bld
+        test_sets = {}
+        harness = ""
+        main_level = ""
+        test_cases = []
+        output_list = []
+        for line in _pipe_.readlines():
+            if re.match(r"#.*", line.lower()):
+                #_logger.debug(line)
+                tpat =  re.findall(r'"(.*bld.inf?)"', line.lower())
+                if tpat != []:
+                    output_list.append((line, os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path_to_build, tpat[0])))))
+        _pipe_.close()
+        #Creating dependencies
+        for case in output_list:
+            if re.match(r".*[bld.inf][^0-9]\Z", case[0].lower().strip()):
+                if main_level == "":
+                    main_level = case[1]
+                parent = case[1]
+                os.chdir(case[1])
+                test_cases.append((parent, case[1]))
+            elif re.match(r".*[1]\Z", case[0].lower().strip()):
+                parent = os.getcwd()
+                os.chdir(case[1])
+                test_cases.append((parent, case[1]))
+            elif re.match(r".*[2]\Z", case[0].lower().strip()):
+                if test_cases:
+                    for tcase in test_cases:
+                        if parent in tcase[1]:
+                            parent = tcase[0]
+                            os.chdir(tcase[1])
+                            break
+        for t_case in test_cases:
+            if t_case[0] == t_case[1] and (not bld_parser.get_test_mmp_files(t_case[1])):
+                del t_case
+            elif t_case[0] in main_level:
+                test_sets[t_case[1]] = {}
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'] = {}
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]] = {}
+                harness = mmp_parser.get_harness(t_case[1])
+                #if harness == "": harness = None
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['type'] = mmp_parser.get_dll_type(t_case[1])
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['harness'] = harness
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['pkg_files'] = pkg_parser.get_pkg_files(t_case[1], False)
+                test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['mmp_files'] = bld_parser.get_test_mmp_files(t_case[1], False)
+            else:
+                for key, value in test_sets.items():
+                    if t_case[0] in value['content'].keys():
+                        harness = mmp_parser.get_harness(t_case[1])
+                        if harness is "" or harness in test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[0]]['harness']:
+                            test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[1]] = {}
+                            test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[1]]['type'] = mmp_parser.get_dll_type(t_case[1])
+                            test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[1]]['harness'] = harness
+                            test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[1]]['pkg_files'] = pkg_parser.get_pkg_files(t_case[1], False)
+                            test_sets[key]['content'][t_case[1]]['mmp_files'] = bld_parser.get_test_mmp_files(t_case[1], False)
+                        else:
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]] = {}
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'] = {}
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]] = {}
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['type'] = mmp_parser.get_dll_type(t_case[1])
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['harness'] = harness
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['pkg_files'] = pkg_parser.get_pkg_files(t_case[1], False)
+                            test_sets[t_case[1]]['content'][t_case[1]]['mmp_files'] = bld_parser.get_test_mmp_files(t_case[1], False)
+        os.chdir(temp_path)
+        if test_sets == {}:
+            for itm in output_list:
+                _logger.debug(itm)
+            for itm in test_cases:
+                _logger.debug(itm)
+            _logger.error(path_to_bld + ' test_sets are empty')
+        return test_sets
+    def clean_cpp_output(self, bld_path, path_list):
+        """
+        The output from CPP needs to be "cleaned" so that extra chars needs
+        to be removed and also hierarchy which cpp is following is preserved
+        and returned as an output. 
+        """
+        pat = ""
+        value = ""
+        cleaned_output = []
+        if "bld.inf" in bld_path:
+            path_to_parent = os.path.dirname(bld_path)
+        else:
+            path_to_parent = bld_path
+        pat = re.compile(r'\A#\s*?.*?[\"](.*?)[\"].*?')
+        for _path in path_list:
+            if re.match(r".*[bld.inf]\s*?[^0-9]\Z", _path.lower().strip()):
+                value = pat.match(_path.strip())
+                path_to_tc = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.join((bld_path),
+                cleaned_output.append((path_to_tc, path_to_parent))
+            if re.match(r".*[1]\s*?\Z", _path.lower().strip()):
+                value = pat.match(_path.strip())
+                path_to_tc = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bld_path,
+                cleaned_output.append((path_to_tc, path_to_parent))
+            if re.match(r".*[2]\s*?\Z", _path.lower().strip()):
+                if cleaned_output:
+                    for cout in cleaned_output:
+                        if path_to_parent.lower() == cout[0].lower():
+                            path_to_tc = cout[1]
+            path_to_parent = path_to_tc
+        return cleaned_output
+class BldFileParser(object):
+    """
+    Parser for bld.inf files. Returns MACRO values.
+    Parsing Paths can be done using CPP parser  
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.mmp_files = []
+    #def get_mmp_files():
+    #    """
+    #    returns mmp files from PRJ_MMPFILES macro
+    #   """    
+    def get_test_mmp_files(self, bld_file_path = None, with_full_path = True):
+        """
+        returns a list of test mmp files 
+        Usage: if "x:\abc\bldfile", "PRJ_TESTMMPFILES". 
+        1. get_test_mmp_files("x:\abc\bldfile") - with full paths e.g. ["x:\abc\abc.mmp"]
+        2. get_test_mmp_files("x:\abc\bldfile", False) - without full paths e.g. ["abc.mmp"]
+        if bld file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".inf"
+        """
+        if bld_file_path == None:
+            _logger.warning("Incorrect bld file")
+            return None
+        else:
+            bld_file_path = path(bld_file_path)
+            if not "bld.inf" in str(bld_file_path).lower():
+                bld_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(bld_file_path), "bld.inf")
+            if not os.path.exists(bld_file_path):
+                _logger.error(r"bld file path does not exist: '%s'" % bld_file_path)
+                return None
+        return self.get_files(path(bld_file_path), "PRJ_TESTMMPFILES", with_full_path)
+    def get_files(self, bld_inf_path, bld_macro, with_full_path = True):
+        """
+        Component's MMP files, as stored in BLD.INF.
+        """
+        bld_inf_path = path(bld_inf_path)
+        bld_inf = bld_inf_path.text()
+        if bld_inf.count(bld_macro) > 1:
+            _logger.error(bld_macro + ' in ' + bld_inf_path + ' more than once')
+        try:
+            bld_inf = re.compile(r"%s" % bld_macro).split(bld_inf)[1].strip()
+            bld_inf = re.compile(r"PRJ_+\S").split(bld_inf)[0].strip()
+        except IndexError:
+            try:
+                bld_inf = re.compile(r"%s" % bld_macro).split(bld_inf)[0].strip()
+                bld_inf = re.compile(r"PRJ_+\S").split(bld_inf)[0].strip()
+            except IndexError:
+                _logger.warning("Index Error while parsing bld.inf file")
+        comments_free_text = self.ignore_comments_from_input(bld_inf)
+        self.mmp_files = re.findall(r"(\S+?[.]mmp)", comments_free_text, re.IGNORECASE)
+        if with_full_path:
+            bld_dir = bld_inf_path.dirname()
+            return [path.joinpath(bld_dir, mmp).normpath()
+                    for mmp in self.mmp_files]
+        else:
+            return self.mmp_files
+    def ignore_comments_from_input(self, input_str = ""):
+        """
+        Removes comments from the input string. Enables the use of examples
+        in bld.inf.
+        """
+        _input = ""
+        for i in input_str.split("\n"):
+            _input += "\n" + i.split("//")[0]
+        if not _input == "":
+            input_str = _input
+        count = input_str.count("/*")
+        count2 = input_str.count("*/")
+        if (count == count2):
+            idx_1 = input_str.find('/*')
+            idx_2 = input_str.find('*/') + 2
+            while count > 0:
+                substr_1 = input_str[:idx_1].strip()
+                substr_2 = input_str[idx_2:].strip()
+                input_str = substr_1 + " " + substr_2
+                idx_1 = input_str.find('/*')
+                idx_2 = input_str.find('*/') + 2
+                count = input_str.count('/*')
+            return input_str.strip()
+        else:
+            _logger.warning("Comments in bld.inf-file inconsistent. "
+                            "Check comments in bld.inf.")
+            return input_str.strip()
+    #def get_exports():
+    #    """
+    #    returns exports from the macro PRJ_EXPORTS
+    #    """
+class MmpFileParser(object):
+    """
+    Parser for .mmp files. Returns wanted information from the mmp-file
+    - file type (executable dll, plugin, exe, etc)
+    - test harness (STIF, EUNIT) if mmp is related to the test component
+    - file name
+    - libraries listed in the mmp
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.mmp_files = []
+        self.path_to_mmp = ""
+    def get_target_filetype(self, path_to_mmp = None):
+        """
+        Filetype given using TARGETTYPE in .mmp file is returned.
+        If "c:\path\to\mmp" is a location where mmp file is stored
+        get_target_filetype("c:\path\to\mmp")
+        if mmp file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".mmp"
+        """
+        return self.read_information_from_mmp(path_to_mmp, 4)
+    def get_target_filename(self, path_to_mmp = None):
+        """
+        Filename given using TARGET in .mmp file is returned
+        If "c:\path\to\mmp" is a location where mmp file is stored
+        get_target_filename("c:\path\to\mmp")
+        if mmp file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".mmp"
+        """
+        return self.read_information_from_mmp(path_to_mmp, 3)
+    def get_libraries(self, path_to_mmp = None):
+        """
+        Libraries listed in the MMP file are returned in a list
+        If "c:\path\to\mmp" is a location where mmp file is stored
+        get_libraries("c:\path\to\mmp")
+        if mmp file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".mmp"
+        """
+        return self.read_information_from_mmp(path_to_mmp, 5)
+    def get_harness(self, path_to_mmp = None):
+        """
+        Returns harness of test component
+        If "c:\path\to\mmp" is a location where mmp file is stored
+        get_harness("c:\path\to\mmp")
+        if mmp file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".mmp"
+        """
+        return self.read_information_from_mmp(path_to_mmp, 6)
+    def get_dll_type(self, path_to_mmp = None):
+        """
+        Returns type of test whether 'executable' or 'dependent' (dependent can be a stub or plugin)
+        If "c:\path\to\mmp" is a location where mmp file is stored
+        get_dll_type("c:\path\to\mmp")
+        if mmp file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".mmp"
+        """
+        return self.read_information_from_mmp(path_to_mmp, 7)
+    def read_information_from_mmp(self, path_to_mmp, flag = 0):
+        """
+        Returns wanted information - user can define 
+        the wanted information level by setting a flag
+        value following way:
+        0 - (targetfilename, filetype, libraries, harness)
+        1 - (targetfilename, filetype, libraries)
+        2 - (targetfilename, filetype)
+        3 - targetfilename
+        4 - filetype
+        5 - libraries
+        6 - harness (in case of test component)
+        7 - mmpfilename
+        """
+        filename = ""
+        filetype = ""
+        dll_type = ""
+        libraries = []
+        lst_mmp_paths = []
+        harness = ""
+        stif = False
+        eunit = False
+        stifunit = False
+        tef = False
+        self.path_to_mmp = path_to_mmp
+        try:
+            if isinstance(path_to_mmp, list):
+                lst_mmp_paths = self.path_to_mmp
+            else:    
+                self.path_to_mmp = path(self.path_to_mmp)
+                if not ".mmp" in str(self.path_to_mmp).lower():
+                    bld_parser = BldFileParser()
+                    self.mmp_files = bld_parser.get_test_mmp_files(self.path_to_mmp, False)
+                    for mpath in self.mmp_files:
+                        lst_mmp_paths.append(os.path.join(self.path_to_mmp, mpath))
+                else:
+                    lst_mmp_paths.append(self.path_to_mmp)
+            for mmp in lst_mmp_paths:
+                mmp_file = open(mmp, 'r')
+                for line in mmp_file:
+                    if re.match(r"\A(target\s).*([.]\w+)", line.lower().strip()):
+                        found = re.findall(r"\Atarget[\s]*(\w+[.]\w+)", line.lower())
+                        if found:
+                            filename = found[0]
+                    elif re.match(r"\A(targettype\s).*", line.lower().strip()):
+                        found = re.findall(r"\Atargettype[\s]*(\w+)", line.lower())
+                        if found:
+                            filetype = found[0]                       
+                libraries = libraries + re.findall(r"\b(\w+[.]lib)\b", mmp.text().lower())
+                if '//rtest' in mmp.text().lower() or '* rtest' in mmp.text().lower() or '// rtest' in mmp.text().lower():
+                    libraries.append('rtest')
+            if libraries:
+                if "stiftestinterface.lib" in libraries:
+                    stif = True
+                if "eunit.lib" in libraries or "qttest.lib" in libraries:
+                    eunit = True
+                if "stifunit.lib" in libraries:
+                    stifunit = True
+                elif "testexecuteutils.lib" in libraries or 'testframeworkclient.lib' in libraries or 'rtest' in libraries:
+                    tef = True
+            if tef:
+                harness = "GENERIC"
+            elif stif and eunit:
+                #_logger.warning("both eunit.lib and stiftestinterface.lib listed in mmp file - choosing STIF.")
+                harness = "STIF"
+            elif stif and not eunit:
+                harness = "STIF"
+            elif eunit and not stif:
+                harness = "EUNIT"
+            elif stifunit and not stif and not eunit:
+                harness = "STIFUNIT"
+            if harness is "":
+                dll_type = "dependent"
+            elif harness is "EUNIT":
+                dll_type = "executable"
+            elif harness is "STIF":
+                dll_type = "executable"
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        finally:
+            if flag == 0:
+                return (filename, filetype, libraries, harness)
+            elif flag == 1:
+                return (filename, filetype, libraries)
+            elif flag == 2:
+                return (filename, filetype)
+            elif flag == 3:
+                return filename
+            elif flag == 4:
+                return filetype
+            elif flag == 5:
+                return libraries
+            elif flag == 6:
+                return harness
+            elif flag == 7:
+                return dll_type
+class PkgFileParser(object):
+    """
+    Parses .pkg files. Returns a list of:
+      a. src path of the file
+      b. dst path on the phone
+      c. type of the file
+    for every file in the pkg file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, platform = None, specific_pkg = None):
+        self.platform = platform
+        self.build_platform = None
+        if self.platform is not None and "_" in self.platform:
+            plat_tar ="(.*)_(.*).pkg", self.platform)
+            self.build_platform, self.build_target = plat_tar.groups() 
+ = ""
+        self._files = []
+        self.pkg_files = []
+        self.pkg_file_path = None
+        self.exclude = ""
+        self.location = None
+        self.specific_pkg = specific_pkg
+        if specific_pkg:
+            self.platform = specific_pkg + '.pkg'
+    def get_pkg_files(self, location = None, with_full_path = True):
+        """
+        Returns list of PKG files on the given location. If True, full path is returned 
+        otherwise only filenames. Default is set to True
+        Assume at location "c:\abd\files", two pkg file '1.pkg' and '2.pkg', then the funtion
+        can be called as:
+        1. get_pkg_files("c:\abd\files")        - will return a list of pkg files with full paths. 
+                                                  like ['c:\abd\files\1.pkg', 'c:\abd\files\2.pkg']
+        2. get_pkg_files("c:\abd\files", False) - will return a list of pkg files only. 
+                                                  like ['1.pkg', '2.pkg']
+        """
+        self.location = path(location)
+        self.pkg_files = []
+        if not self.location.exists():
+            return None
+        for pths, _, files in os.walk(self.location):
+            pfiles = [f for f in files if self.platform != None and f.endswith(self.platform)]
+            if self.platform != None and len(pfiles)>0:
+                if with_full_path:
+                    self.pkg_files.append(os.path.join(pths, pfiles[0]))
+                else:
+                    self.pkg_files.append(str(pfiles[0]))
+            elif self.specific_pkg == None:
+                for name in files:
+                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, "*.pkg"):
+                        if with_full_path:
+                            self.pkg_files.append(os.path.join(pths, name))
+                        else:
+                            self.pkg_files.append(str(name))
+        return self.pkg_files
+    def get_data_files(self, location = [], drive = "", exclude = ""):
+        """
+        Returns data files, source and destination of the files to be installed 
+        on the phone 
+        e.g. location = tsrc\testComponent\group
+        Function can be called in any of the following ways:
+        1. get_data_files("c:\abc\abc.pkg")                 - only data files' paths are returnd 
+                                                              as they are mention in the pkg file
+        2. get_data_files("c:\abc\abc.pkg", "x:")           - Proper data files' paths are returnd 
+                                                              with drive letter included 
+        3. get_data_files("c:\abc\abc.pkg", "x:", "\.dll")  - Data files' paths are returnd with 
+                                                              drive letter included but the dll 
+                                                              files will be excluded if found in 
+                                                              the pkg file
+        if pkg file is not given, the function will try to find the file(s) on the given location with extension ".pkg"
+        """
+ = drive
+        self.exclude = exclude
+        self._files = []
+        if type(location) is not list:
+            locations = [location]
+        else:
+            locations = location
+        for _file_ in locations:
+            #if location is already a file
+            if ".pkg" in str(_file_).lower():
+                self._files = _file_
+            else:
+                self.location = path(_file_)
+                if not self.location.exists():
+                    continue
+                for p_file in self.get_pkg_files(self.location, True):
+                    self._files.append(p_file)
+        return self.__read_pkg_file(self._files)
+    def __map_pkg_path(self, pkg_line, pkg_file_path, pkg_file):
+        """Parse package file to get the src and dst paths" for installing files"""
+        mmp_parser = MmpFileParser()
+        ext = ""
+        val1 = ""
+        val2 = ""
+        map_src = ""
+        map_dst = ""
+        self.pkg_file_path = pkg_file_path
+        if not self.exclude == "":
+            if'%s' % self.exclude, pkg_line) is not None:
+                return None
+        #searches for the file path (src and dst) in the pkg file
+        #e.g.: "..\conf\"-"C:\TestFramework\"
+        result ='^\s*"(.*?)".*?-.*?"(.*?)"', pkg_line)
+        if result is None:
+            return None
+        val1, val2 = result.groups()
+        if val1 != "":
+            #replacing delimiters (${platform} and ${target}) in PKG file templates, 
+            #for instance, QT tests PKG files have delimeters 
+            if "$(platform)" in val1.lower() and self.build_platform is not None:
+                val1 = val1.lower().replace("$(platform)", self.build_platform)
+            if "$(target)" in val1.lower() and self.build_target is not None:
+                val1 = val1.lower().replace("$(target)", self.build_target)
+            if path.isabs(path(val1).normpath()):
+                map_src = str(path.joinpath(, val1).normpath())
+            elif"\A\w", val1, 1):
+                map_src = str(path.joinpath(self.pkg_file_path + os.sep, os.path.normpath(val1)).normpath())
+            else:
+                map_src = str(path.joinpath(self.pkg_file_path, path(val1)).normpath())
+            map_dst = str(path(val2).normpath())
+        else:
+            map_src, map_dst = val1, val2
+        map_src = map_src.strip()
+        #replaces the characters with the drive letters
+        map_dst = map_dst.replace("!:", "c:")
+        map_dst = map_dst.replace("$:", "c:")
+        map_dst = re.sub(r'^(\w)', r'\1', map_dst).strip()
+        indx = map_dst.rsplit(".")
+        try:
+            ext = indx[1]
+        except IndexError:
+            _logger.warning("Index Error in map_pkg_path()")
+        _test_type_ = ""
+        _target_filename_ = ""
+        _target_filename_ = mmp_parser.get_target_filename(self.pkg_file_path)
+        _test_type_ = mmp_parser.get_dll_type(self.pkg_file_path)
+        _harness_ = mmp_parser.get_harness(self.pkg_file_path)
+        _libraries_ = mmp_parser.get_libraries(self.pkg_file_path)
+        if ext == "ini":
+            file_type = "engine_ini"
+        elif ext == "cfg":
+            file_type = "conf"
+        elif ext == "dll":
+            #adding type of dll (executable or dependent), if file type is dll
+            if _test_type_ == "dependent":
+                file_type = "data" + ":%s" % _test_type_
+            else:
+                if "qttest.lib" in _libraries_:
+                    file_type = "data" + ":qt:dependent" 
+                else:
+                    file_type = "testmodule"
+        elif ext == 'exe' and 'rtest' in _libraries_:
+            file_type = "testmodule:rtest"
+        elif ext == "exe":
+            if _test_type_ == "dependent":
+                file_type = "data" + ":%s" % _test_type_
+            else:
+                if "qttest.lib" in _libraries_:
+                    file_type = "testmodule:qt"
+                else:
+                    file_type = "testmodule"
+        elif ext == "sisx":
+            file_type = ""
+        elif ext == "xml":
+            file_type = "trace_init"
+        elif ext == "pmd":
+            file_type = "pmd"
+        elif ext == "script":
+            if "testframeworkclient.lib" in _libraries_:
+                file_type = "testscript:mtf"
+            else:
+                file_type = "testscript"
+        else:
+            file_type = "data"
+        if not map_src or map_src == "." or not map_dst or map_dst == ".":
+            return None
+        return path(map_src).normpath(), path(map_dst).normpath(), file_type, pkg_file
+    def __read_pkg_file(self, pkg_files):
+        """Reads contents of PKG file"""
+        pkg_paths = []
+        for pkg_file in pkg_files:
+            if not os.path.exists( pkg_file ):
+                _logger.error("No PKG -file in path specified")
+                continue
+            else:
+                file1 =, 'r', 'utf16')
+                try:
+                    lines = file1.readlines()
+                except UnicodeError:
+                    file1 = open(pkg_file, 'r')
+                    lines = file1.readlines()
+                pkg_file_path = path((pkg_file.rsplit(os.sep, 1))[0])
+                for line in lines:
+                    pkg_path = self.__map_pkg_path(line, pkg_file_path, os.path.basename(pkg_file))
+                    if pkg_path is None:
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        pkg_paths.append(pkg_path)
+        return pkg_paths
\ No newline at end of file