changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/ccm/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" Library that contains custom Synergy functionnlities: e.g
+        * Snapshotter that can snapshot unfrozen baselines
+        * Threaded snapshotter.
+import ccm
+import os
+import threading
+import threadpool
+import traceback
+import logging
+from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation, parse
+import StringIO     #pylint throws this up as unused but it is required by delete call in the code 
+                    #so do not remove unless removeing the delete (which is required at some point).
+# Uncomment this line to enable logging in this module, or configure logging elsewhere
+_logger = logging.getLogger('ccm.extra')
+class CCMExtraException(ccm.CCMException):
+    """ Exception raised by the methods of this module. """
+    def __init__(self, description, subexceptions):
+        ccm.CCMException.__init__(self, description)
+        self.subexceptions = subexceptions
+def Snapshot(project, targetdir, dir=None):
+    """ This function can snapshot anything from Synergy, even prep/working projects """
+    assert project != None, "a project object must be supplied"
+    assert project.type == "project", "project must be of project type"
+    if not dir:
+        dir = project.root_dir()
+    targetdir = os.path.join(targetdir,
+    os.makedirs(targetdir)
+    for object in dir.children(project):
+        if object.type == 'dir':
+            Snapshot(project, targetdir, object)
+        elif object.type == 'project':
+            Snapshot(object, targetdir)
+        else:
+            object.to_file(os.path.join(targetdir,
+class _FastSnapshot:
+    """ Snapshot Job executed by the thread pool. """
+    def __init__(self, pool, project, targetdir, callback, exc_hld):
+        """ Construtor, will store the parameter for the checkout. """
+        self.pool = pool
+        self.project = project
+        self.targetdir = targetdir
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.exc_hld = exc_hld
+    def __call__(self):
+        """ Do the checkout, and then walkthrough the project hierarchy to find subproject to snapshot. """
+"Snapshotting %s under %s" % (self.project, self.targetdir))
+        self.project.snapshot(self.targetdir, False)
+        def walk(dir, targetdir):
+            """walkthrough the project hierarchy to find subproject to snapshot"""
+            for object in dir.children(self.project):
+                if isinstance(object, ccm.Dir):
+                    walk(object, os.path.join(targetdir,
+                elif isinstance(object, ccm.Project):
+          "Adding project %s" % object.objectname)
+                    self.pool.addWork(_FastSnapshot(self.pool, object, targetdir, self.callback, self.exc_hld))
+        if len(self.project.subprojects) > 0:
+            rootdir = self.project.root_dir()
+            walk(rootdir, os.path.join(self.targetdir,
+        return ""
+def FastSnapshot(project, targetdir, threads=4):
+    """ Create snapshot running by running snapshots concurrently.
+        Snapshot will be made recursively top-down, and each sub project will
+        be snapshotted in parallel. 
+    """
+    assert threads > 0, "Number of threads must be > 0."
+    assert project != None, "a project object must be supplied."
+    assert project.type == "project", "project must be of project type."
+    # error handling
+    exceptions = []
+    results = []
+    def handle_exception(request, exc_info):
+        """ append the exceptions"""
+        _logger.error( "Exception occurred in request #%s: %s" % (request.requestID, exc_info[1]))
+        exceptions.append(exc_info[1])
+    def handle_result(result):
+        """ append the result"""
+        results.append(result)
+    pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(threads)
+    pool.addWork(_FastSnapshot(pool, project, targetdir, handle_result, handle_exception))
+    pool.wait()
+    if len(exceptions):
+        raise CCMExtraException("Errors occurred during snapshot.", exceptions)
+    return "\n".join(results)
+def FastMaintainWorkArea(project, path, pst=None, threads=4, wat=False):
+    """ Maintain the workarea of a project in parallel. """
+    assert threads > 0, "Number of threads must be > 0."
+    assert isinstance(project, ccm.Project), "a valid project object must be supplied."
+    # error handling
+    exceptions = []
+    results = []
+    def handle_exception(request, exc_info):
+        """append the exception"""
+        _logger.error( "Exception occured in request #%s: %s\n%s" % (request.requestID, exc_info[1], traceback.format_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])))
+        exceptions.append(exc_info[1])
+    def handle_result(result):
+        """append  the result"""
+        results.append(result)
+    class __MaintainProject:
+        """_Maintain Project"""
+        def __init__(self, subproject, toplevel, wat=False):
+            self.subproject = subproject
+            self.toplevel = toplevel
+            self.wat = wat
+        def __call__(self):
+            output = ""
+  "Maintaining project %s" % self.subproject)
+            for tuple in self.subproject.finduse():
+                if tuple['project'] == self.toplevel:
+                    self.subproject['wa_path'] = os.path.join(self.toplevel['wa_path'], tuple['path'])
+                    self.subproject["project_subdir_template"] = ""
+          "Maintaining project %s under %s" % (self.subproject, self.subproject['wa_path']))
+                    output = self.subproject.work_area(True, True, True, wat=self.wat)
+  "Project %s maintained" % self.subproject)
+            return output
+    pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(threads)
+    project.work_area(True, False, True, path, pst, wat=wat)
+    for subproject in project.get_members(type="project"):
+"Adding project %s" % subproject)
+        pool.addWork(__MaintainProject(subproject, project, wat), callback=handle_result, exc_callback=handle_exception)
+    pool.wait()
+    if len(exceptions) > 0:
+        raise CCMExtraException("Errors occured during work area maintenance.", exceptions)
+    return "\n".join(results)
+def get_toplevel_project(session, path):
+    """get the top level project from CCM or return None"""
+    try:
+        wainfo = session.get_workarea_info(path)
+        project = get_toplevel_project(session, os.path.dirname(wainfo['path']))
+        if project == None:
+            project = wainfo['project']
+        return project
+    except ccm.CCMException:
+        return None
+class SessionProvider:
+    """ A class which provides an open user session """
+    def __init__(self, opener=None):
+        """initialisation"""
+        self._opener = opener
+        if self._opener is None:
+            self._opener = ccm.open_session
+    def get(self, username=None, password=None, engine=None, dbpath=None, database=None, reuse=True):
+        """return the paramaters required to open a synergy session"""
+        _logger.debug("SessionProvider: Creating a new session.")
+        return self._opener(username, password, engine, dbpath, database, reuse)
+    def __del__(self):
+        """delete the CCM session"""
+"Deleting the session provider.")
+        self.close()
+    def close(self):
+        """close the session which actually does nothing"""
+        pass
+class CachedSessionProvider(SessionProvider):
+    """
+    <session database="foobar" ccmaddr="xxxx"/>
+    <session database="foobarx" ccmaddr="xxxx"/>
+    """
+    def __init__(self, opener=None, cache=None):
+        """ Creates CachedSessionProvider, with a specific 
+            opener and cache file.
+        """
+        SessionProvider.__init__(self, opener=opener)
+"Using CachedSessionProvider.")
+        self.__closed = False
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.cacheXml = cache
+        self.cacheFree = {}
+        self.cacheUsed = []
+        self.load()
+    def close(self):
+        """ Closing the SessionProvider. """
+"Closing the CachedSessionProvider.")
+        if self.cacheXml == None:
+  "Cleaning up opened sessions.")
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            for dbname in self.cacheFree.keys():
+                while len(self.cacheFree[dbname]) > 0:
+                    session = self.cacheFree[dbname].pop()
+                    session.close_on_exit = True
+                    session.close()
+            while len(self.cacheUsed) > 0:
+                session = self.cacheUsed.pop()
+                session.close_on_exit = True
+            self._lock.release()
+        self.__closed = True
+    def save(self):
+        """ save the sessionProvider"""
+        if self.cacheXml is not None and not self.__closed:
+  "Writing %s" % self.cacheXml)
+            impl = getDOMImplementation()
+            sessions = impl.createDocument(None, "sessions", None)
+            top_element = sessions.documentElement
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            def add_session(dbname, session):
+                """add session"""
+                sessionNode = sessions.createElement("session")
+                sessionNode.setAttribute("database", dbname)
+                sessionNode.setAttribute("ccmaddr", session.addr())
+                top_element.appendChild(sessionNode)
+            for dbname in self.cacheFree.keys():
+                for session in self.cacheFree[dbname]:
+                    add_session(dbname, session)
+            for session in self.cacheUsed:
+                add_session(session.database(), session)
+            self._lock.release()
+            open_f = open(self.cacheXml, "w+")
+            open_f.write(sessions.toprettyxml())
+            open_f.close()
+            _logger.debug(sessions.toprettyxml())
+    def load(self):
+        """load the command"""
+        if self.cacheXml is not None and os.path.exists(self.cacheXml):
+  "Loading %s" % self.cacheXml)
+            doc = parse(open(self.cacheXml, 'r')) 
+            sessions = doc.documentElement
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            try:
+                for child in sessions.childNodes:
+                    if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE and child.tagName == "session" and child.hasAttribute('database') and child.hasAttribute('ccmaddr'):
+                        if child.getAttribute('database') not in self.cacheFree:
+                            self.cacheFree[child.getAttribute('database')] = []
+                        if ccm.session_exists(child.getAttribute('ccmaddr'), child.getAttribute('database')):
+                  " + Session: database=%s, ccmaddr=%s" % (child.getAttribute('database'), child.getAttribute('ccmaddr')))
+                            self.cacheFree[child.getAttribute('database')].append(ccm.Session(None, None, None, ccm_addr=child.getAttribute('ccmaddr'), close_on_exit=False))
+                        else:
+                  " - Session database=%s, ccmaddr=%s doesn't seem to be valid anymore." % (child.getAttribute('database'), child.getAttribute('ccmaddr')))
+            finally:
+                self._lock.release()
+    def get(self, username=None, password=None, engine=None, dbpath=None, database=None, reuse=True):
+        """create a CCM session"""
+        if self.__closed:
+            raise Exception("Could not create further session the provider is closed.")
+        _logger.debug("CachedSessionProvider: Getting a session.")
+        if database is not None and database in self.cacheFree and len(self.cacheFree[database]) > 0:
+  "CachedSessionProvider: Reusing session.")
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            session_free = self.cacheFree[database].pop()
+            self.cacheUsed.append(session_free)
+            self._lock.release()
+            return CachedProxySession(self, session_free) 
+        else:
+            _logger.debug("CachedSessionProvider: Creating new session.")
+            session = SessionProvider.get(self, username, password, engine, dbpath, database, False)
+            session.close_on_exit = False
+            proxy_session = CachedProxySession(self, session)
+            data_base = proxy_session.database()
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            if data_base not in self.cacheFree:
+                self.cacheFree[data_base] = []
+            self.cacheUsed.append(session)
+            self._lock.release()
+            return proxy_session
+    def free(self, session):
+        """freeup a CCM session"""
+        _logger.debug("CachedSessionProvider: Freeing session: %s" % session)
+        data_base = session.database()
+        if session in self.cacheUsed:
+            _logger.debug("CachedSessionProvider: Removing session from used list.")
+            self._lock.acquire()
+            self.cacheUsed.remove(session)
+            self.cacheFree[data_base].append(session)
+            self._lock.release()
+class CachedProxySession:
+    """ Proxy session which will cleanup the session and free it from the provider """
+    def __init__(self, provider, session):
+        """ Constructor. """
+        self.__session = session 
+        self.__provider = provider
+    def __getattr__(self, attrib):
+        """ Delegate attributes to the session object. """
+        _logger.debug("CachedProxySession.__getattr__(%s)" % attrib)
+        if attrib == "close":
+            return self.__close
+        return getattr(self.__session, attrib)
+    def __close(self):
+        """ Overriding the session closing. """
+        _logger.debug("CachedProxySession.__close")
+        self.__session.close()
+    def __del__(self):
+        """ Free the session on destruction. """
+        _logger.debug("CachedProxySession.__del__")
+        self.__close()