changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 628 7c4a911dc066
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#Name        :
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+"""create the dependancy graph for the documentation"""
+import os
+import amara
+import codecs
+import zipfile
+class Library:
+    """ Class Library holds information of the required modules or components such as license and the version """
+    def __init__(self, name, license, version=''):
+ = name
+        self.license = license
+        self.version = version
+        self.requires = []
+class ModuleGroup:
+    """ This class represents a group of module """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.libraries = {}
+    def addConf(self, name, des, color):
+        """add configuration"""
+        self.libraries[name] = (des, [], color)
+    def addLibrary(self, conf, library):
+        """add library"""
+        for lib in self.getLibraries(conf):
+            if ==
+                lib.license = library.license
+                return
+        self.getLibraries(conf).append(library)
+    def getLibraries(self, conf):
+        """get Libraries"""
+        (_, libs, _) = self.libraries[conf]
+        return libs
+    def getDescription(self, conf):
+        """get description"""
+        (des, _, _) = self.libraries[conf]
+        return des
+    def getColor(self, conf):
+        """get colour"""
+        (_, _, color) = self.libraries[conf]
+        return color
+COLORS = ['pink', 'red', 'lightblue', 'orange', 'green', 'yellow', 'turquoise', 'limegreen']
+class ReadIvyConfig:
+    """ Class to read the ivy configuration """
+    def __init__(self, ivyfilename):
+        self.ivyfilename = ivyfilename
+        self.ivyxml = amara.parse(open(ivyfilename))
+ = ModuleGroup()
+    def readConfigurations(self):
+        """read configurations"""
+        for conf in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].configurations.conf:
+            color = COLORS.pop()
+  , conf.description, color)
+    def readModules(self):
+        """read modules"""
+        license = ''
+        for module in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].dependencies.xml_children:
+            if hasattr(module, 'data'):
+                if 'License:' in
+                    license =
+            elif hasattr(module, 'name'):
+                modulename ='-', '_')
+                if != 'SWEPT':
+          , Library(modulename, license))
+                    license = ''
+    def readSubModules(self):
+        """read Sub Modules"""
+        for module in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].dependencies.xml_children:
+            if hasattr(module, 'name'):
+                if 'jars' in
+                    ivydir = os.path.dirname(self.ivyfilename)
+                    ivydir = os.path.join(ivydir, 'modules')
+                    ivyjarfile = os.path.join(ivydir, + '-1.0.ivy.xml')
+                    ivymodulexml = amara.parse(open(ivyjarfile))
+                    license = ''
+                    for artifact in ivymodulexml['ivy-module'].publications.xml_children:
+                        if hasattr(artifact, 'data'):
+                            if 'License:' in
+                                license =
+                        elif hasattr(artifact, 'name'):
+                            bits ='-')
+                            name = bits[0]
+                            version = ''
+                            if len(bits) > 1:
+                                version = bits[1]
+                  , Library(name, license, version))
+                            license = ''
+def readEggs(libraries, dirtosearch, internaldir):
+    """read Egg files"""
+    libraries.addConf(PYTHON_GROUP, 'Python libs', libraries.getColor('core_install'))
+    libraries.addConf(SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP, 'Python subcon libs', libraries.getColor('subcon'))
+    for _xx in [os.walk(dirtosearch, topdown=False), os.walk(internaldir, topdown=False)]:
+        for root, _, files in _xx:
+            notinsubcon = os.path.normpath(internaldir) in os.path.normpath(root)
+            for fname in files:
+                filename = os.path.join(root, fname)
+                if fname == 'PKG-INFO':
+                    pkgmetafile = open(filename)
+                    library = readPkgInfo(pkgmetafile)
+                    pkgmetafile.close()
+                    requirefilename = os.path.join(filename, '..', 'requires.txt')
+                    if os.path.exists(requirefilename):
+                        requiresfile = open(requirefilename)
+                        readRequiresFile(requiresfile, library)
+                        requiresfile.close()
+                    libraries.addLibrary(notinsubcon, library)
+                if os.path.isfile(filename) and fname.endswith('.egg'):
+                    eggfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+                    data ='EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO')
+                    library = readPkgInfo(data.split('\n'))
+                    if 'EGG-INFO/requires.txt' in eggfile.namelist():
+                        requiresdata ='EGG-INFO/requires.txt')
+                        readRequiresFile(requiresdata.split('\n'), library)
+                    libraries.addLibrary(notinsubcon, library)
+                    eggfile.close()
+def readRequiresFile(data, library):
+    """read Requires File"""
+    for line in data:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line != '' and not (line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']')):
+            library.requires.append(line.split('>=')[0].strip())
+def readPkgInfo(data):
+    """read Pkg info"""
+    name = ''
+    version = ''
+    license = ''
+    license2 = ''
+    for line in data:
+        if 'Name:' in line:
+            name = line.strip().replace('Name: ', '')
+        if 'Version:' in line:
+            version = line.strip().replace('Version: ', '')
+        if 'License:' in line:
+            license = line.strip().replace('License: ', '')
+        if 'Classifier: License :: ' in line:
+            license2 = license2 + ' ' + line.strip().replace('Classifier: License :: ', '').replace('OSI Approved :: ', '')
+    if license.lower() == 'unknown' or license == '' or license2 != '':
+        license = license2
+    return Library(name, license, version)
+def addLicensesColors(graphdata, group):
+    """add license colours"""
+    newgraphdata = []
+    for line in graphdata:
+        newline = line
+        for conf in group.libraries:
+            for module in group.getLibraries(conf):
+                if in line.lower() and 'label=' in line:
+                    newline = line.replace('label=', 'color=%s,label=' % group.getColor(conf))
+                    if module.license != '':
+                        newline = newline.replace("\"];", "|%s\"];" % module.license)
+                    break
+        newgraphdata.append(newline)
+    return newgraphdata
+def createKey(group):
+    """create key"""
+    key = """subgraph cluster1 {
+    label = "Key";
+    style=filled;
+    color=lightgrey;
+    """
+    for conf in group.libraries:
+        if conf != PYTHON_GROUP and conf != SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP:
+            key = key + "\"%s: %s\" [style=filled,color=%s];" % (conf, group.getDescription(conf), group.getColor(conf))
+    key = key + "}"
+    return key
+def createGraph(ivyxmlfilename, graphfilename, dirtosearch, internaldir, subcon):
+    """create graph """
+    readivy = ReadIvyConfig(ivyxmlfilename)
+    readivy.readConfigurations()
+    readivy.readModules()
+    readivy.readSubModules()
+    group =
+    readEggs(group, dirtosearch, internaldir)
+    key = createKey(group)
+    graphdata = loadGraphFile(graphfilename)
+    newgraphdata = addLicensesColors(graphdata, group)
+    #add key to graph
+    newgraphdata[-1] = newgraphdata[-1].replace('}', key + '\n}')
+    graphwritefile =, 'w', 'utf8')
+    graphwritefile.writelines(newgraphdata)
+    graphwritefile.close()
+    linkPythonLibs(group, graphfilename, subcon)
+def loadGraphFile(graphfilename):
+    """load graph file"""
+    destgraphfile =, 'r', 'utf8')
+    graphdata = []
+    for line in destgraphfile:
+        graphdata.append(line)
+    destgraphfile.close()
+    return graphdata
+def addToGraph(graphfilenametoadd, destgraphfilename):
+    """add to graph"""
+    graphdata = loadGraphFile(destgraphfilename)
+    graphfile =, 'r', 'utf8')
+    graphdatatoadd = ''
+    for line in graphfile:
+        line = line.replace('digraph {', '')
+        graphdatatoadd = graphdatatoadd + line
+    graphfile.close()
+    graphdata[-1] = graphdata[-1].replace('}', graphdatatoadd)
+    graphwritefile =, 'w', 'utf8')
+    graphwritefile.writelines(graphdata)
+    graphwritefile.close()
+def linkPythonLibs(libraries, destgraphfilename, subcon):
+    """link Python Libraries"""
+    graphdata = loadGraphFile(destgraphfilename)
+    output = "helium_ant -> helium_python;\n"
+    if subcon:
+        list = [SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP]
+    else:
+    for group in list:
+        for lib in libraries.getLibraries(group):
+            output = output + ("helium_python -> \"%s\";\n" %
+            output = output + ("\"%s\" [style=filled,shape=record,color=%s,label=\"%s %s|%s\"];\n" % (, libraries.getColor(group),, lib.version, lib.license))
+            for require in lib.requires:
+                output = output + ("\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" % (, require))
+    graphdata.reverse()
+    for line in graphdata:
+        if line.strip() == '':
+            graphdata.pop(0)
+        else:
+            break
+    graphdata.reverse()
+    graphdata[-1] = graphdata[-1].replace('}', output + '}')
+    graphwritefile =, 'w', 'utf8')
+    graphwritefile.writelines(graphdata)
+    graphwritefile.close()
+def externalDependancies(database, output):
+    """External Dependancies"""
+    out = open(output, 'w')
+    dbase = amara.parse(open(database))
+    out.write('digraph G {\n')
+    for proj in dbase.antDatabase.project:
+        items = []
+        if hasattr(proj, 'property'):
+            for prop in
+                if 'external' + os.sep in os.path.abspath(str(prop.defaultValue)):
+                    items.append(str(prop.defaultValue))
+        if hasattr(proj, 'fileDependency'):
+            for dep in proj.fileDependency:
+                dep = str(dep).split(' ')[0]
+                if 'external' + os.sep in os.path.abspath(str(dep)):
+                    items.append(str(dep))
+        items = set(items)
+        for i in items:
+            out.write('\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n' % (str(, i.replace(os.environ['HELIUM_HOME'], 'helium').replace(os.sep, '/')))
+    out.write('}')
+    out.close()
+def appendLogs(targ, proj, output, macro=False):
+    """append logs"""
+    if hasattr(targ, 'signal'):
+        for signal in targ.signal:
+            if macro:
+                output.append("\"%s\" [fontname=\"Times-Italic\"];" % str(
+            output.append('subgraph \"cluster%s\" {label = \"%s\"; \"%s\"}\n' % (str(, str(, str(
+            splt = str(signal).split(',')
+            if len(splt) > 1:
+                if splt[1] == 'now':
+                    color = 'red'
+                elif splt[1] == 'defer':
+                    color = 'yellow'
+                else:
+                    color = 'green'
+                output.append('subgraph \"cluster%s\" {color=%s;style=filled;label = \"Failbuild: %s\"; \"%s\"}\n' % (str(splt[1]), color, str(splt[1]), str(splt[0])))
+            output.append('\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [style=dotted]\n' % (str(, str(splt[0])))
+    if hasattr(targ, 'log'):
+        for log in targ.log:
+            logdir = '/output/logs/'
+            logname = os.path.basename(str(log))
+            if not ('**' in logname):
+                logname = logname.replace('*', '${sysdef.configuration}').replace('--logfile=', '')
+                if not logdir in logname:
+                    logname = logdir + logname
+                logname = logname.replace(os.sep, '/')
+                if macro:
+                    output.append("\"%s\" [fontname=\"Times-Italic\"];" % str(
+                output.append('subgraph \"cluster%s\" {label = \"%s\"; \"%s\"}\n' % (str(, str(, str(
+                output.append('\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n' % (str(, logname))
+def findLogFiles(database, output):
+    """find Log files"""
+    out = open(output, 'w')
+    dbase = amara.parse(open(database))
+    out.write('digraph G {\n')
+    output = []
+    root_objects = []
+    for project in dbase.antDatabase.project:
+        root_objects.append(project)
+    for antlib in dbase.antDatabase.antlib:
+        root_objects.append(antlib)
+    for p_ro in root_objects:
+        if hasattr(p_ro, 'macro'):
+            for t_targ in p_ro.macro:
+                appendLogs(t_targ, p_ro, output, True)
+        if hasattr(p_ro, 'target'):
+            for t_targ in
+                appendLogs(t_targ, p_ro, output)
+    for l_list in set(output):
+        out.write(l_list)
+    out.write('}')
+    out.close()