changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" Symbian log converter.
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import codecs
+import time
+import datetime
+from xml.sax import make_parser 
+from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler 
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION = {"FATAL": [r"mingw_make.exe"],
+                         "ERROR": [r'^(?:(?:\s*\d+\)\s*)|(?:\s*\*\*\*\s*))ERROR:',
+                                   r"^MISSING:",
+                                   r"Error:\s+",
+                                   r"^Error:",
+                                   r"'.+' is not recognized as an internal or external command",
+                                   r"FLEXlm error:",
+                                   r"(ABLD|BLDMAKE) ERROR:",
+                                   r"FATAL ERROR\(S\):",
+                                   r"fatal error U1077",
+                                   r"warning U4010",
+                                   r"^make(?:\[\d+\])?\: \*\*\*",
+                                   r"^make(?:\[\d+\])?:\s+.*\s+not\s+remade",
+                                   r"\"(.*)\", line (\d+): (Error: +(.\d+.*?):.*)$",
+                                   r"error: ((Internal fault):.*)$",
+                                   r"Exception: [A-Z0-9_]+",
+                                   r"target .* given more than once in the same rule",
+                                   r"^ERROR:",
+                                   r"^ERROR EC\d+:",
+                                   r"^ERROR\t",
+                                   r"syntax error at line",],
+                         "CRITICAL": [r"[Ww]arning:?\s+(#111-D|#1166-D|#117-D|#128-D|#1293-D|#1441-D|#170-D|#174-D|#175-D|#185-D|#186-D|#223-D|#231-D|#257-D|#284-D|#368-D|#414-D|#430-D|#47-D|#514-D|#546-D|#68-D|#69-D|#830-D|#940-D|#836-D|A1495E|L6318W|C2874W|C4127|C4355|C4530|C4702|C4786|LNK4049)"],
+                         "WARNING": [r'\): Missing file:',
+                                      r'^(\d+\))?\s*WARNING:', r'^MAKEDEF WARNING:',
+                                      r'line \d+: Warning:', r':\s+warning\s+\w+:',
+                                      r"\\\\(.*?)\(\d+\)\s:\sWarning:\s\(\d+\)",
+                                      r"^(BLDMAKE |MAKEDEF )?WARNING:",
+                                      r"WARNING\(S\)",
+                                      r"\(\d+\) : warning C",
+                                      r"LINK : warning",
+                                      r":\d+: warning:",
+                                      r"\"(.*)\", line (\d+): (Warning: +(?!A1495E)(.\d+.*?):.*)$",
+                                      r"Usage Warning:",
+                                      r"mwld.exe:",
+                                      r"^Command line warning",
+                                      r"ERROR: bad relocation:",
+                                      r"^(\d+) warning",
+                                      r"EventType:\s+Error\s+Source:\s+SweepNT",
+                                      r"^WARN\t",
+                                      ],
+                        "REMARK": [r"Command line warning D4025 : ",
+                                   r"^REMARK: ",
+                                   r"^EventType:\s+Error\s+Source:\s+GNU\s+Make",
+                                   r":\d+: warning: cannot find matching deallocation function",
+                                   r"((:\d+)*: note: )",
+                                   ],
+                        "INFO": [r"^INFO:"]
+                        }
+def find_priority(line, config):
+    keys = config.keys()
+    keys.reverse()    
+    for category in keys:
+        for rule in config[category]:
+            if != None:
+                return category.lower()
+    return "stdout"
+class Stack:
+    """ Bottomless stack. If empty just pop a default element. """
+    def __init__(self, default):
+        self.__default = default
+        self.__stack = []
+    def pop(self):
+        result = None
+        try:
+            result = self.__stack.pop()
+        except IndexError, e:
+            result = self.__default
+        return result
+    def push(self, item):
+        self.__stack.append(item)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.__stack)
+def to_cdata(text):
+    """ Cleanup string to match CDATA requiements.
+        These are the only allowed characters: #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF].
+    """
+    result = ""
+    for c in list(text):
+        v = ord(c)        
+        if v == 0x9 or v == 0xa or v == 0xd:
+            result += c
+        elif v>=0x20 and v <= 0xd7ff:
+            result += c
+        elif v>=0xe000 and v <= 0xfffd:
+            result += c
+        elif v>=0x10000 and v <= 0x10ffff:
+            result += c
+        else:
+            result += " " 
+    return result
+class LogWriter(object):
+    """ XML Log writer. """
+    def __init__(self, stream, filename):
+        self.__stream = stream
+        self.__stream.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n")
+        self.__stream.write("<log filename=\"%s\">\n" % filename)
+        self.__stream.write("\t<build>\n")
+        self.__indent = "\t"
+        self.__intask = 0
+    def close(self):
+        # closing open tasks...
+        while self.__intask > 0:
+            self.close_task()
+        self.__stream.write("\t</build>\n")
+        self.__stream.write("</log>\n")
+        self.__stream.close()
+    def open_task(self, name):
+        self.__indent += "\t"
+        self.__intask += 1
+        self.__stream.write("%s<task name=\"%s\">\n" % (self.__indent, name))
+    def close_task(self):
+        if self.__intask > 0:
+            self.__intask -= 1
+            self.__stream.write("%s</task>\n" % (self.__indent))
+            self.__indent = self.__indent[:-1]
+    def message(self, priority, msg):
+        try:
+            acdata = to_cdata(msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
+            self.__stream.write("%s<message priority=\"%s\"><![CDATA[%s]]></message>\n" % (self.__indent+"\t", priority, acdata))
+        except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
+            print e
+def convert(inputfile, outputfile, fulllogging=True, configuration=DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION):
+    """ Convert an input log into an XML log and write an outputfile. """
+    # Compiling the regexp  
+    built_config = {}
+    for category in configuration.keys():
+        built_config[category] = []
+        for rule in configuration[category]:
+            built_config[category].append(re.compile(rule))
+    # Generating the XML log
+    log = open(inputfile, 'r')
+    olog =, 'w+', 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
+    xmllog = LogWriter(olog, inputfile)
+    match_finnished = re.compile(r"^===\s+.+\s+finished") 
+    match_started = re.compile(r"^===\s+(.+)\s+started") 
+    match_component = re.compile(r"^===\s+(.+?)\s+==\s+(.+)")
+    match_logger_component = re.compile(r'^\s*\[.+?\]\s*')
+    #match_ant_target_start = re.compile(r'.*INFO\s+-\s+Target\s+####\s+(.+)\s+####\s+has\s+started')
+    #match_ant_target_end = re.compile(r'.*INFO\s+-\s+Target\s+####\s+(.+)\s+####\s+has\s+finnished')
+    match_ant_target_start = re.compile(r'^([^\s=\[\]]+):$')
+    match_ant_target_end = re.compile(r'^([^\s=]+):\s+duration')
+    symbian = False
+    ant_has_open_task = False
+    # looping
+    for line in log:
+        # matching Ant logging
+        if not symbian and match_ant_target_end.match(line):
+            xmllog.close_task()
+            ant_has_open_task = False
+            continue
+        elif not symbian and match_ant_target_start.match(line):
+            result = match_ant_target_start.match(line)
+            if result != None:
+                if ant_has_open_task:
+                    xmllog.close_task()
+                    ant_has_open_task = False
+                xmllog.open_task(
+                ant_has_open_task = True
+            continue
+        # matching Symbian logging
+        line = match_logger_component.sub(r'', line)
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith("++ Finished at"):
+            xmllog.close_task()
+        elif line.startswith("=== "):
+            if match_finnished.match(line):
+                xmllog.close_task()
+            else:
+                # This is a symbian log
+                symbian = True
+                result = match_component.match(line)
+                if result != None:
+                    xmllog.open_task(
+                # === cenrep_s60_32 started
+                result = match_started.match(line)
+                if result != None:
+                    xmllog.open_task(
+        else:
+            # Type?
+            priority = find_priority(line, built_config)
+            if (fulllogging or priority != 'stdout'):
+                xmllog.message(priority, line)
+    # end file
+    xmllog.close()
+def convert_old(inputfile, outputfile, fulllogging=True, configuration=DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION):
+    """ Convert an input log into an XML log and write an outputfile. """
+    # Compiling the regexp  
+    built_config = {}
+    for category in configuration.keys():
+        built_config[category] = []
+        for rule in configuration[category]:
+            built_config[category].append(re.compile(rule))
+    # Generating the XML log
+    log = open (inputfile, 'r')
+    doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+    root = doc.createElementNS("", "log")
+    root.setAttributeNS("", "name", inputfile)
+    doc.appendChild(root)
+    build = doc.createElementNS("", "build")
+    root.appendChild(build)
+    # current group/task
+    current = build
+    # bottomless stask, if losing sync all message will be at top level.
+    stack = Stack(build)
+    match_finnished = re.compile(r"^===\s+.+\s+finished") 
+    match_started = re.compile(r"===\s+(.+)\s+started") 
+    match_component = re.compile(r"^===\s+(.+?)\s+==\s+(.+)")
+    match_logger_component = re.compile(r'^\s*\[.+?\]\s*')
+    #match_ant_target_start = re.compile(r'.*INFO\s+-\s+Target\s+####\s+(.+)\s+####\s+has\s+started')
+    #match_ant_target_end = re.compile(r'.*INFO\s+-\s+Target\s+####\s+(.+)\s+####\s+has\s+finnished')
+    match_ant_target_start = re.compile(r'^([^\s=]+):$')
+    match_ant_target_end = re.compile(r'^([^\s=]+):\s+duration')
+    # looping
+    for line in log:
+        # matching Ant logging
+        if match_ant_target_end.match(line):
+            current = stack.pop()
+            continue
+        elif match_ant_target_start.match(line):
+            result = match_ant_target_start.match(line)
+            if result != None:
+                stack.push(current)
+                task = doc.createElementNS("", "task")
+                task.setAttributeNS("", "name",
+                current.appendChild(task)
+                current = task
+            continue
+        # matching Symbian logging
+        line = match_logger_component.sub(r'', line)
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith("++ Finished at"):
+            current = stack.pop()
+        elif line.startswith("==="):
+            if match_finnished.match(line):
+                current = stack.pop()
+            else:
+                result = match_component.match(line)
+                if result != None:
+                    stack.push(current)
+                    task = doc.createElementNS("", "task")
+                    task.setAttributeNS("", "name",
+                    current.appendChild(task)
+                    current = task
+                # === cenrep_s60_32 started
+                result = match_started.match(line)
+                if result != None:
+                    task = doc.createElementNS("", "task")
+                    task.setAttributeNS("", "name",
+                    stack.push(current)
+                    current.appendChild(task)
+                    current = task
+        else:
+            msg = doc.createElementNS("", "message")
+            # Type?
+            priority = find_priority(line, built_config)
+            if (fulllogging or priority != 'stdout'):
+                msg.setAttributeNS("", "priority", priority)
+                msg.appendChild(doc.createCDATASection(to_cdata(line.decode("utf-8"))))
+                current.appendChild(msg)
+    file_object =, 'w', "utf_8")
+    file_object.write(doc.toprettyxml())
+    file_object.close()
+class ContentWriter(ContentHandler):
+    """ SAX Content writer. Parse and write an XML file. """
+    def __init__(self, os, indent=""):
+        self.os = os
+        self.indent = indent
+        self.__content = u""
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+        self.os.write(self.indent + "<" + name)        
+        if attrs.getLength() > 0:
+            self.os.write(" ")        
+        self.os.write(" ".join(map(lambda x: "%s=\"%s\"" % (x, attrs.getValue(x)), attrs.getNames())))            
+        self.os.write(">\n")
+        self.indent += "\t"
+        self.__content = ""
+    def endElement(self, name):
+        if len(self.__content) > 0:
+            self.os.write(self.indent + self.__content + "\n")                
+        self.indent = self.indent[:-1]
+        self.os.write("%s</%s>\n" % (self.indent, name))
+        self.__content = ""
+    def characters(self, content):        
+        self.__content += unicode(escape(content.strip()))
+class AppendSummary(ContentWriter):
+    """ SAX content handler to add an XML log to the summary. """
+    def __init__(self, output, xmllog):
+        ContentWriter.__init__(self, output)
+        self.xmllog = xmllog
+    def startDocument(self):
+        self.os.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+        ContentWriter.startElement(self, name, attrs)
+        if name == "logSummary":
+            parser = make_parser()
+            parser.setContentHandler(ContentWriter(self.os, self.indent))
+            parser.parse(open(self.xmllog, 'r'))
+def append_summary(summary, xmllog, maxmb=80):
+    """ Append content to the summary xml file. """
+    if os.path.getsize(summary) + os.path.getsize(xmllog) > (maxmb*1024*1024):
+        print 'Error: ' + summary + ' larger than ' + str(maxmb) + 'MB, not appending'
+        return
+    outfile = + ".tmp", 'w', "utf8")
+    parser = make_parser()
+    parser.setContentHandler(AppendSummary(outfile, xmllog))
+    input = open(summary, 'r')
+    parser.parse(input)
+    input.close()
+    outfile.close()
+    # Updating the summary file.
+    os.unlink(summary)
+    os.rename(summary + ".tmp", summary)    
+def symbian_log_header(output, config, command, dir):
+    output.log("===-------------------------------------------------")
+    output.log("=== %s" % config)
+    output.log("===-------------------------------------------------")
+    output.log("=== %s started %s" % (config,
+    output.log("=== %s == %s" % (config, dir))
+    output.log("-- %s" % command)
+    output.log("++ Started at %s" %
+    output.log("+++ HiRes Start %f" % time.time())
+    output.log("Chdir %s" % dir)
+def symbian_log_footer(output):
+    output.log("+++ HiRes End %f" % time.time())
+    output.log("++ Finished at %s" %
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    convert(sys.argv[1], "%s.xml" % sys.argv[1], fulllogging=False)
+    """ An empty summary:
+        <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><logSummary/>
+    """
+    #s = open(r"z:\summary.xml", "w")
+    #s.write("""<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><logSummary/>""")
+    #s.close()
+    #append_summary(r'Z:\summary.xml', r'Z:\output\logs\test_0.0.1.mc_5132_2_build.log2.xml')
+    #append_summary(r'Z:\summary.xml', r'Z:\output\logs\test_0.0.1_BOM.xml')
\ No newline at end of file