changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildframework/helium/sf/python/pythoncore/lib/sysdef/	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+#Name        : 
+#Part of     : Helium 
+#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+#All rights reserved.
+#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+#at the URL "".
+#Initial Contributors:
+#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+""" System Definition file parser.
+Priority are not handled yet.
+Nested task unitlist are not handled properly yet.
+How to use it::
+    sdf = SystemDefinition(filename)
+    for name in sdf.layers:
+        print " + Units in layer %s" % name
+        for unit in sdf.layers[name].units:
+            print "     - " +  sdf.units[name].id
+    for name in sdf.units:
+        print sdf.units[name].id
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import types
+from xmlhelper import node_scan, recursive_node_scan
+import xml.dom.minidom
+_logger = logging.getLogger('sysdef.api')
+def filter_out(config_filters, unit_filters):
+    """ Function that determines if a unit should be included or not. 
+        returns None => could be included, string reason.
+    """
+    def hasvalue(filter_list, value):
+        """ Check if a filter list contains a particular value.
+            It handles list's item negation using "!".
+        """
+        for list_value in filter_list:
+            if list_value == value:
+                return True
+        return False
+    for filter_ in unit_filters:
+        if filter_.startswith("!"):
+            if hasvalue(config_filters, filter_[1:]):
+                return filter
+        else:
+            if not hasvalue(config_filters, filter_):
+                return filter_
+    return None
+def extract_filter_list(filters):
+    """ Convert a comma separated list of filters into a python list.
+        The method will skip empty filters (empty strings).
+    """
+    result = []
+    for filter_ in [filter_.strip() for filter_ in filters.split(",")]:
+        if len(filter_) > 0:
+            result.append(filter_)
+    return result
+class SysDefElement(object):
+    """ A generic element of a System Definition. """
+    def __init__(self, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        self._sysDef = sysDef
+    def _getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method """
+        return NotImplementedError()
+    def get_id(self):
+        """ Use name as default ID. """
+        return getattr(self, 'name').lower()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.get_id()
+class Unit(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract unit from SDF file. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+        self.binaries = []
+    def __getid(self):
+        """ Id getter. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('unitID')
+    def _getname(self):
+        """ Name getter. """
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('name'):
+            return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('bldFile'):
+            return self.__xml.getAttribute('bldFile')
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('mrp')
+    def __getpath(self):
+        """ Path getter. """
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('bldFile'):
+            return os.path.join(os.path.sep, self.__xml.getAttribute('bldFile'))
+        return os.path.join(os.sep, os.path.dirname(self.__xml.getAttribute('mrp')))
+    def __getfilters(self):
+        """ filter getter. """
+        filters = []
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('filter'):
+            filters = extract_filter_list(self.__xml.getAttribute('filter'))
+        return filters
+    id = property(__getid)
+    name = property(_getname)
+    path = property(__getpath)
+    filters = property(__getfilters)
+class _UnitGroup(SysDefElement):
+    """ A group of units. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self._xml = node
+        self._units = []
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method """
+        return self._xml.getAttribute('name')
+    def __getunits(self):
+        """ Units getter method """
+        return self._units
+    name = property(__getname)
+    units = property(__getunits)
+class Layer(_UnitGroup):
+    """ Abstract layer from SDF file. """    
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        _UnitGroup.__init__(self, node, sysDef)
+        self._modules = []
+        self._module_count = 0
+        for unitNode in recursive_node_scan(self._xml, 'unit'):
+            unit = Unit(unitNode, self._sysDef)
+            self._units.append(unit)
+            self._sysDef.addElement(unit)
+        for moduleNode in recursive_node_scan(self._xml, 'module') + recursive_node_scan(self._xml, 'collection'):
+            module = Module(moduleNode, self._sysDef)
+            self._modules.append(module)
+            self._module_count += 1
+            # Not added to the model.
+            #self._sysDef.addElement(module) 
+    def __getmodules(self):
+        """ Module list accessor. """
+        return self._modules
+    def __getmodulescount(self):
+        """ Module cound accessor. """
+        return self._module_count
+    modules = property(__getmodules)
+    modules_count = property(__getmodulescount)
+class Module(_UnitGroup):
+    """ Abstract module from SDF file. """    
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        _UnitGroup.__init__(self, node, sysDef)
+        for unitNode in recursive_node_scan(self._xml, "unit"):
+            unit = Unit(unitNode, self._sysDef)
+            self._units.append(unit)
+class UnitList(_UnitGroup):
+    """ Abstract unitlist from SDF file. """
+    def __init__(self, node, units, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        _UnitGroup.__init__(self, node, sysDef)
+        for unitRef in node_scan(self._xml, "unitRef"):
+            try:
+                self._units.append(units[unitRef.getAttribute('unit')])
+            except KeyError, error:
+                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unit '%s'\n" % unitRef.getAttribute('unit') + str(error) + "\n")
+class BuildLayer(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract buildlayer. """
+    def __init__(self, node, config, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+        self.config = config
+        self.targetList = []
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('targetList'):
+            for tlname in re.split(r'\s+', self.__xml.getAttribute('targetList').strip()):
+                for target in self._sysDef.targetlists[tlname].targets:
+                    self.targetList.append(target)                
+    def __getcommand(self):
+        """ Command getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('command')
+    def __getunitParallel(self):
+        """ Unit Parallel getter method (boolean). """
+        return (self.__xml.getAttribute('unitParallel').upper() == "Y")
+    command = property(__getcommand)
+    unitParallel = property(__getunitParallel)
+class Option(SysDefElement):
+    """ Represents an option used in abld calls. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')
+    def __getabldOption(self):
+        """ Abld option getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('abldOption')
+    def __getenable(self):
+        """ Unit Parallel getter method (boolean). """
+        return (self.__xml.getAttribute('enable').upper() == 'Y')
+    def __getfilteredOption(self):
+        """ Filtered abld option getter method. """
+        if not self.enable:
+            return ''
+        return self.abldOption
+    name = property(__getname)
+    abldOption = property(__getabldOption)
+    enable = property(__getenable)
+    filteredOption = property(__getfilteredOption)
+class SpecialInstruction(SysDefElement):
+    """ Reads special instruction command. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')
+    def __getcommand(self):
+        """ Command getter method """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('command')
+    def __getpath(self):
+        """ Path getter method """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('cwd')
+    name = property(__getname)
+    command = property(__getcommand)
+    path = property(__getpath)
+class Task(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract task node from SDF xml. """
+    def __init__(self, node, config, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+        self._config = config
+        self.__job = None
+    def units(self):
+        """ Process unit list from layers """
+        result = []
+        for ref in node_scan(self.__xml, "unitListRef"):
+            units = []
+            try:
+                units = self._config.sdf.unitlists[ref.getAttribute('unitList')].units
+                for unit in units:
+                    reason = filter_out(self._config.filters, unit.filters)
+                    if reason == None:
+                        result.append(unit)
+                    else:
+                        sys.stderr.write("Filter-out: %s (%s)\n" % (, reason)) 
+            except KeyError, error:
+                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList of layer %s\n" % error)
+        return result
+    def __getjob(self):
+        """ Return the job contained inside the task. """
+        for job in node_scan(self.__xml, r"buildLayer|specialInstructions"):
+            if job.nodeName == 'specialInstructions':
+                self.__job = SpecialInstruction(job, self._sysDef)
+            elif job.nodeName == 'buildLayer':
+                self.__job = BuildLayer(job, self._config, self._sysDef)
+        return self.__job
+    job = property(__getjob)
+class Configuration(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract configuration from SDF file. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')    
+    def __getfilters(self):
+        """ Filters getter method. """
+        filters = []
+        if self.__xml.hasAttribute('filter'):
+            filters = extract_filter_list(self.__xml.getAttribute('filter'))
+        return filters  
+    def __getlayerrefs(self):
+        """ Layer's references getter method. """
+        result = []
+        for ref in node_scan(self.__xml, "layerRef"):
+            try:
+                result.append(self._sysDef.layers[ref.getAttribute('layerName')])
+            except KeyError, error:
+                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find layer '%s'\n" % error)
+        return result
+    def __getunitlistrefs(self):
+        """ Unit list references getter method. """
+        result = []
+        for ref in node_scan(self.__xml, "unitListRef"):
+            try:
+                result.append(self._sysDef.unitlists[ref.getAttribute('unitList')])
+            except KeyError, error:
+                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList %s\n" % error)
+        return result
+    def __getunits(self):
+        """ Return unit from unitList or layer. """
+        result = []            
+        for ref in node_scan(self.__xml, "unitListRef|layerRef"):
+            units = []
+            try:
+                if ref.nodeName == 'unitListRef':
+                    units = self._sysDef.unitlists[ref.getAttribute('unitList')].units
+                else:
+                    units = self._sysDef.layers[ref.getAttribute('layerName')].units
+                for unit in units:
+                    reason = filter_out(self.filters, unit.filters)
+                    if reason == None:
+                        # Get the unit object from the cache if this is a string
+                        # TODO - remove once unitlist returns list of Unit objects
+                        if isinstance(unit, types.UnicodeType):
+                            unit = self._sysDef[unit]
+                        result.append(unit)
+                    else:
+                        sys.stderr.write("Filter-out: %s (%s)\n" % (, reason)) 
+            except KeyError, error:
+                sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find unitList or layer %s\n" % error)
+        return result
+    def __gettasks(self):
+        """ Tasks getter method. """
+        result = []
+        for task in node_scan(self.__xml, "task"):
+            result.append(Task(task, self, self._sysDef))
+        return result
+    name = property(__getname)
+    filters = property(__getfilters)    
+    layerrefs = property(__getlayerrefs)
+    unitlistrefs = property(__getunitlistrefs)
+    units = property(__getunits)
+    tasks = property(__gettasks)
+class Target(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract target from SDF file. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')    
+    def __getabldTarget(self):
+        """ Abld target getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('abldTarget')
+    name = property(__getname)
+    abldTarget = property(__getabldTarget)
+class TargetList(SysDefElement):
+    """ Abstract targetlist from SDF file. """
+    def __init__(self, node, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+        self.__xml = node
+    def __getname(self):
+        """ Name getter method. """
+        return self.__xml.getAttribute('name')    
+    def __gettargets(self):
+        """ Targets getter method. """
+        result = []
+        for target in re.split(r'\s+', self.__xml.getAttribute('target')):
+            result.append(self._sysDef.targets[target.strip()])
+        return result
+    name = property(__getname)
+    targets = property(__gettargets)    
+class SystemDefinition(object):
+    """ Logical representation of the System Definition.
+    The System Definition is defined in terms of a system model and a
+    build model. The default physical representation of this is the Symbian
+    XML format. """
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        self.__xml = xml.dom.minidom.parse(open(filename, "r"))
+        self._cache = {}
+        #TODO - why store these as hashes?
+        self._units = {}
+        self._layers = {}
+        self._modules = {}
+        self._unitlists = {}
+        self._configurations = {}
+        self._options = {}
+        self._targets = {}
+        self._targetlists = {}
+        self.__parse()
+    def __getunits(self):
+        """ Units getter method. """
+        return self._units
+    def __getmodules(self):
+        """ Modules getter method. """
+        return self._modules
+    def __getlayers(self):
+        """ Layers getter method. """
+        return self._layers
+    def __getunitlists(self):
+        """ Unit lists getter method. """
+        return self._unitlists
+    def __getoptions(self):
+        """ Options getter method. """
+        return self._options    
+    def __getconfigurations(self):
+        """ Configurations getter method. """
+        return self._configurations
+    def __gettargetlists(self):
+        """ Targets lists getter method. """
+        return self._targetlists
+    def __gettargets(self):
+        """ Targets getter method. """
+        return self._targets
+    units = property(__getunits)
+    unitlists = property(__getunitlists)
+    layers = property(__getlayers)
+    options = property(__getoptions)
+    configurations = property(__getconfigurations)
+    targetlists = property(__gettargetlists)
+    targets = property(__gettargets)
+    modules = property(__getmodules)
+    def __parse(self):
+        """__parse"""
+        for l_layer in self.__xml.getElementsByTagName('layer'):
+            layer = Layer(l_layer, self)
+            self.layers[] = layer
+            self.addElement(layer)
+            for unit in layer.units:
+                self._units[unit.get_id()] = unit
+            for mod in layer.modules:
+                self._modules[] = mod
+        for build in self.__xml.getElementsByTagName('build'):
+            for u_list in build.getElementsByTagName('unitList'):
+                unitlist = UnitList(u_list, self._units, self)
+                self.unitlists[] = unitlist
+                self.addElement(unitlist)
+            for xml_config in build.getElementsByTagName('configuration'):
+                config = Configuration(xml_config, self)
+                self.configurations[] = config
+                self.addElement(config)
+            for option_node in build.getElementsByTagName('option'):
+                option = Option(option_node, self)
+                if == 'SAVESPACE':
+                    continue
+                self.options[] = option 
+                self.addElement(option)
+            for target_node in build.getElementsByTagName('target'):
+                target = Target(target_node, self)
+                self.targets[] = target
+                self.addElement(target)
+            for targetlist_node in build.getElementsByTagName('targetList'):
+                targetlist = TargetList(targetlist_node, self)
+                self.targetlists[] = targetlist
+                self.addElement(targetlist)
+    def addElement(self, element):
+        """ Adds SysDef element to cache. """
+        #TODO - handle duplicate names of different types
+        if not self._cache.has_key(element.get_id()):
+            self._cache[element.get_id()] = element
+  'Adding SysDef element to cache: %s' % str(element))
+        else:
+            _logger.warning("Element already exists: %s" %
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        """ Item getter method. """
+        return self._cache[key]
+    def merge_binaries(self, binaries_reader):
+        """ Merge binaries based on build log and system definition. """
+        for (unit_name, binaries) in binaries_reader:
+            unit_name = unit_name.lower()
+            if self.units.has_key(unit_name):
+                for bin in binaries:
+                    #if bin.find('_stolon_ekern') != -1:
+                    _logger.debug("Merging: %s" % bin)
+                unit = self.units[unit_name]
+                unit.binaries = [Binary(bin.lower(), self) for bin in binaries]
+                for binary in unit.binaries:
+                    self.addElement(binary)
+          'Merging binary: %s' % str(binary))
+            else:
+                _logger.warning('Component found in the build log but not in sysdef: %s' % unit_name)
+    def merge_binary_sizes(self, binary_sizes_reader):
+        """ Merge binary size base on binary sizes input and system definition. """
+        for (binary_name, size, rom_type) in binary_sizes_reader:
+            #if binary_name.find('_stolon_ekern') != -1:
+            binary_name = binary_name.lower()
+            _logger.debug("Merging binary size: %s" % binary_name)
+            if self._cache.has_key(binary_name):
+                binary = self._cache[binary_name]
+                binary.size = size
+                binary.rom_type = rom_type
+            else:
+                _logger.warning('Binary found in the binary sizes input but not in the system definition: %s' % binary_name)
+class Binary(SysDefElement):
+    """ A binary file that may go into a ROM image. """
+    def __init__(self, name, sysDef):
+        """ Initialisation """
+        SysDefElement.__init__(self, sysDef)
+ = name
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+#    sdf = SystemDefinitionFile("Z:/output/build/canonical_system_definition.xml")
+#    writer = MakeWriter2("Z:/output/build/makefile")
+#    writer.write(sdf)
+#    writer.close()
+#    print sdf.toMakefile()