changeset 587 85df38eb4012
parent 217 0f5e3a7fb6af
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/common/templates/log/cc_summary_metadata_orm.html.ftl	Thu Mar 04 15:10:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/common/templates/log/cc_summary_metadata_orm.html.ftl	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -42,18 +42,16 @@
 <#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%_ccm_get_input.log%\''] as logfile>
-<#assign metadata_ccm_records = table_info['native']['select * from metadataentry where logpath_id = ${logpath} and (priority_id in (select id from priority where priority=\'ERROR\')  or priority_id in (select id from priority where priority=\'WARNING\'))'] >
 <h2>Synergy errors</h2>
-    <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry INNER JOIN priority ON priority.priority_id=metadataentry.priority_id where metadateentry.logpath_id=${} and (UPPER(priority.priority) like \'ERROR\' OR UPPER(priority.priority) like \'WARNING\''] as entry >    
-        ${entry.text}
+    <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry m INNER JOIN priority p ON p.priority_id=m.priority_id where m.logpath_id=${} and ( UPPER(p.priority) like \'ERROR\' or UPPER(p.priority) like \'WARNING\' )'] as entry >
+        ${entry.text}<br/>
-<h2>Build errors</h2>
-<#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%_compile.log\' and path not like \'%_clean_compile.log\''] as logfile>
+<#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%_compile.log\' and LOWER(l.path) not like \'%_clean_%compile.log\''] as logfile>
+<h2>Build errors (${logfile.path})</h2>
 <#assign colors = {'error': 'FF0000', 'critical': 'FF7000', 'warning': 'FFF000', 'remark': '0000FF'}/>
 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
@@ -64,15 +62,17 @@
     <th width="15%">Warnings</th>
     <th width="15%">Notes</th>
-    <#assign component_table = table_info['select id, component from component where logPath_id=${logpath}'] >
-    <#assign component_ids = component_table?keys?sort >
-<#list table_info['jpa']['select c from Component c where c.logpathID=${} ORDERBY component'] as component>
+<#list table_info['jpa']['select c from Component c where c.logPathID=${} ORDER BY c.component'] as component>
     <#list colors?keys as type>
-         <#assign count =  table_info['jpasingle']['select count( from MetadataEntry as m JOIN  m.priority as p where (UPPER(p.priority) like \'%${type?upper_case}%\' and M.componentId=${}'][0] >    
-        <#if ( count?number &gt; 0)>
+        <#assign count =  table_info['jpasingle']['select count( from MetadataEntry m JOIN  m.priority as p JOIN m.component as c where (UPPER(p.priority)=\'${type?upper_case}\' and${})'][0] >    
+        <#if type=='error'>
+            <#assign count_missing = table_info['jpasingle']['select count( from WhatLogEntry w JOIN w.component c where c.logPathID=${} and w.missing=\'true\''][0]> 
+            <#assign count = count?number + count_missing?number>
+        </#if>
+        <#if (count?number > 0)>
 <td align="center" bgcolor="#${colors[type]}">${count}</td>
 <td align="center">0</td>
@@ -80,22 +80,22 @@
 <#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%roms.log\''] as logfile>
     <h2>ROMs ${logfile.path}</h2>
-    <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry where m.logpathId=${}'] as entry >
+    <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry m where m.logpath_id=${}'] as entry >
-<#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%validate_policy.xml\''] as logfile>
-        <h2>Distribution Policy validation</h2>
+<#list table_info['jpa']['select l from LogFile l where LOWER(l.path) like \'%validate-policy.summary.xml\''] as logfile>
+<h2>Distribution Policy validation</h2>
-        <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry where m.logpathId=${}'] as entry >
+        <#list table_info['']['select * from metadataentry m where m.logpath_id=${}'] as entry >