changeset 587 85df38eb4012
parent 217 0f5e3a7fb6af
child 588 c7c26511138f
--- a/buildframework/helium/tools/preparation/test/test_preparation.ant.xml	Thu Mar 04 15:10:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/buildframework/helium/tools/preparation/test/test_preparation.ant.xml	Tue Apr 27 08:33:08 2010 +0300
@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@
     <!-- in the normal run we should not have the same content in the second run -->
     <property name="" value="Z:" />
     <import file="../../../helium.ant.xml" />
+    <property name="preparation.temp.dir" location="${}/antunit/preparation" />
+    <target name="setUp">
+        <delete dir="${preparation.temp.dir}" failonerror="false" />
+        <mkdir dir="${preparation.temp.dir}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="tearDown">
+        <delete dir="${preparation.temp.dir}" failonerror="false" />
+    </target>
     <!-- Simple Synergy testing. -->
     <target name="-test-ccm">
@@ -205,4 +215,27 @@
+    <path id="">
+        <pathelement path="${preparation.temp.dir}/dir1" />
+        <pathelement path="${preparation.temp.dir}/dir2" />
+    </path>
+    <target name="test-create-directory-structure-no-reference">
+        <antcall target="create-directory-structure" />
+        <au:assertLogContains text="'directory.structure.config' reference not found, so not any directory structure will be created." />
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-create-directory-structure">
+        <antcall target="create-directory-structure">
+            <reference refid="" torefid="directory.structure.config" />
+        </antcall>
+        <au:assertLogContains text="dir1" />
+        <au:assertLogContains text="dir2" />
+        <au:assertTrue>
+            <available file="${preparation.temp.dir}/dir1" type="dir" />
+        </au:assertTrue>
+        <au:assertTrue>
+            <available file="${preparation.temp.dir}/dir2" type="dir" />
+        </au:assertTrue>
+    </target>