changeset 625 a1925fb7753a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/bin/	Thu Aug 12 09:00:16 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+# grokbuild
+Gathers performance metrics from the logs of a complex multi-step build.
+Supports Helium 9 at the moment but is adaptable.
+Can read from emake annotation files.  
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from  optparse import OptionParser
+import annofile
+import datetime
+class UndeterminedBuildID(Exception):
+	pass
+class LogfileNotFound(Exception):
+	pass
+class HeliumLog(object):
+	""" Some common properties of any log file in a helium build """
+	filenamesuffix = None
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid, options=None):
+		self.logfilename = os.path.join(logpath, buildid + self.filenamesuffix)
+		self.buildid = buildid
+		self.options = options
+	@classmethod
+	def findall(c, logpath):
+		""" Find all the logs that are of this type - essentially also finds all builds 
+		    which dumped their output in the same place """
+		filename_re = re.compile('(.*/)?(?P<buildid>[^\\\/]*)' + c.filenamesuffix)
+		logs = {}
+		for f in os.listdir(logpath):
+			m = filename_re.match(f)
+			if m:
+				file_buildid = m.groupdict()['buildid']
+				logs[file_buildid] = os.path.join(logpath,f)
+		return logs
+	def __str__(self):
+		return "<metric name='buildid'  value='%s'>\n" % self.buildid
+class MainAntLog(HeliumLog):
+	""" This is the primary log of the helium build.  Useful for obtaining the total build time. Not good for this if the build failed. """
+	# output/logs/92_7952_201020_003_main.ant.log
+	filenamesuffix = "_main.ant.log"
+	timeformat = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S:%f" # e.g. Thu 2010/06/24 09:15:42:625 AM
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid, options=None):
+		super(MainAntLog,self).__init__(logpath, buildid, options)
+		# Starting logging into y:\output\logs\mcl_7901_201024_20100623181534_main.ant.log at Wed 2010/06/23 21:16:12:972 PM
+		# Stopping logging into y:\output\logs\mcl_7901_201024_20100623181534_main.ant.log from hlm:record task at Thu 2010/06/24 09:15:42:625 AM
+		start_re = re.compile("Starting logging into [^ ]+ at ... ([^ ]+ +[^ ]+) .*")
+		stop_re = re.compile("Stopping logging into [^ ]+ from [^ ]+ task at ... ([^ ]+ +[^ ]+) (AM)|(PM).*")
+		start_time = None
+		stop_time = None
+		with open(self.logfilename) as f:
+			for l in f:
+				if start_time is None:
+					m = start_re.match(l)
+					if m:
+						#sys.stderr.write("start TIME: %s\n" %m.groups()[0])
+						start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(m.groups()[0], self.timeformat)
+				else: # if there are many stop lines then make sure the last one overrides the others
+					m = stop_re.match(l)
+					if m:
+						stop_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(m.groups()[0], self.timeformat)
+						#sys.stderr.write("stop TIME: %s\n" %m.groups()[0])
+		#sys.stderr.write("build start/stop: %s / %s  from %s\n" % (start_time, stop_time, self.logfilename))
+		build_duration = stop_time - start_time  # returns a timedelta object
+		self.build_duration = build_duration.seconds +  86400 * build_duration.days  # seconds
+	def __str__(self):
+		return "<metric name='build_duration'  value='%d'>\n" % self.build_duration
+class AntEnvLog(HeliumLog):
+	# output/logs/92_7952_201020_003_ant_env.log
+	filenamesuffix = "_ant_env.log"
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid):
+		super(AntEnvLog,self).__init__(logpath, buildid)
+class TargetTimesLog(HeliumLog):
+	"""Very useful timing data from Ant but does not get created in all builds by default (must be configured"""
+	# output/logs/92_7952_custom_dilbert_201022_dilbert_targetTimesLog.csv
+	filenamesuffix = "_targetTimesLog.csv"
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid):
+		super(TargetTimesLog,self).__init__(logpath, buildid)
+		self.raptorsecs = 0
+		self.totalsecs = 0
+		with open(self.logfilename) as f:
+			for ll in f:
+				l = ll.rstrip("\n")
+				#print self.logfilename
+				#print "L:",l
+				(rname, rsecs) = l.split(",")
+				rsecs = int(rsecs)
+				#print "rname, rsecs: %s %d"%(rname,rsecs)
+				self.totalsecs += rsecs
+				if rname == "compile-sbs":
+					self.raptorsecs += rsecs
+	def __str__(self):
+		s = "<metric name='build_duration'  value='%s'>" % self.totalsecs  \
+			+ "\n<metric name='raptor_duration'  value='%s'>\n" % self.raptorsecs
+		return s
+class RaptorAnnofile(object):
+	"""Thin wrapper around the annofile class to make it relevant to this utility."""
+	# Examples:
+	# 92_7952_custom_dilbert_201022_dilbert_dfs_build_sf_tools_all.resource.emake.anno
+	# 92_7952_custom_dilbert_201022_dilbert_dfs_build_sf_dfs_variants.default.emake.anno
+	# 92_7952_201022_003_dfs_build_ncp_dfs_variants.resource_deps.emake.anno
+	def __init__(self, filename, buildid, maxagents):
+		self.phase = ""
+		self.filename = filename
+		self.buildid = buildid
+		self.annofile = annofile.Annofile(self.filename, maxagents)
+	def __str__(self):
+		return "<annofile name='%s' phase='%s'>\n%s</annofile>\n" \
+	         % (os.path.basename(self.filename), self.phase, str(self.annofile))
+class RaptorBuild(HeliumLog):
+	"""Any Raptor logfile.  Mainly used for getting the names of the 
+	annotation files which the annofile parser will use. Also gets
+	the version of raptor and the total time taken by this particular
+	invocation of Raptor"""
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid, build, options=None):
+		self.filenamesuffix = '_%s' % build
+		super(RaptorBuild,self).__init__(os.path.join(logpath, "compile"), buildid, options)
+ = build
+		if not os.path.isfile(self.logfilename):
+			raise LogfileNotFound("missing log file: %s\n" % self.logfilename)
+		self.annofile_refs = []	
+		self.build_duration = None
+		status_re = re.compile("<status exit='([a-z]+)'")
+		emake_invocation_re = re.compile("<info>Executing.*--emake-annofile=([^ ]+)")
+		emake_maxagents_re = re.compile("--emake-maxagents=(\d+)")
+		sbs_version_re = re.compile("<info>sbs: version ([^\n\r]*)")
+		run_time_re = re.compile("<info>Run time ([0-9]+) seconds</info>")
+ = { 'TOTAL':0, 'ok':0, 'failed':0, 'retry':0 }
+		with open(self.logfilename) as f:
+			sys.stderr.write("      parsing build log %s\n" % os.path.split(self.logfilename)[1])
+			for l in f:
+				# match in order of likelihood (most probable first)
+				m = status_re.match(l)
+				if m:
+['TOTAL'] += 1
+					status =
+					try:
+[status] += 1
+					except KeyError:
+						sys.stderr.write("unknown recipe status '%s'" % status)
+					continue
+				m = emake_invocation_re.match(l)
+				if m:
+					(adir, aname) = os.path.split(
+					if aname.find("pp")==-1: # no parallel parsing ones preferably
+						sys.stderr.write("        found annotation file %s\n" % aname)
+						# if --emake-maxagents is present then use that, otherwise use
+						# the value passed in through the options.
+						m = emake_maxagents_re.match(l)
+						if m:
+							maxagents = int(
+						else:
+							maxagents = options.maxagents
+							sys.stderr.write("          using maxagents %d as there is no record in the logs\n" % maxagents)
+						self.annofile_refs.append( (os.path.join(logpath, "makefile", aname), maxagents) )
+					continue
+				m = run_time_re.match(l)
+				if m:
+					self.build_duration = int(
+					continue
+				m = sbs_version_re.match(l)
+				if m:
+					self.version =
+		self.annofiles = []
+		for p in self.annofile_refs:
+			self.annofiles.append(RaptorAnnofile(p[0], buildid, p[1]))
+	def __str__(self):
+		recipes = [" <metric name='raptor_%s_recipes' value='%d'/>\n" % x for x in]
+		return 	"<raptorbuild logfile='%s'>\n" % os.path.split(self.logfilename)[-1] + \
+			" <metric name='raptor_version'  value='%s' />\n" % (self.version) + \
+			" <metric name='raptor_duration_%s'  value='%d' />\n" % (, self.build_duration) + \
+			"".join(recipes) + \
+			"".join([str(a) for a in self.annofiles]) + \
+			"</raptorbuild>\n"
+class HeliumBuild(object):
+	"""A build with any version of Helium"""
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid, options=None):
+		self.options = options
+		self.buildid = buildid
+		self.logpath = logpath
+		self.logfiles=[]
+	def __str__(self):
+		return  self.buildid + \
+			"\n"+[str(a) for a in self.annofiles] + "\n"
+class Helium9Build(HeliumBuild):
+	""" Filenames, structure etc conform to Helium 9 """
+	def __init__(self, logpath, buildid, options=None):
+		super(Helium9Build,self).__init__(logpath, buildid, options)
+		self.mainantlog = MainAntLog(logpath, buildid, options)
+		self.raptorbuilds = []
+		# mcl_7901_201024_20100623181534_dfs_build_ncp_variants.build_input_compile.log
+		# mcl_7901_201024_20100623181534_dfs_build_sf_variants.build_input_compile.log
+		# mcl_7901_201024_20100623181534_dfs_build_winscw_dfs_build_winscw_input_compile.log
+		#
+		# ....but the problem is that the anno files have a slightly differing convention:
+		#        92_7952_201022_003_dfs_build_ncp_dfs_variants.resource_deps.emake.anno
+		#  _dfs_build_ncp_variants
+		#  _dfs_build_ncp_dfs_variants
+                # read the annofile names from inside the raptor log output
+		for r in ["dfs_build_ncp_variants.build_input_compile.log","dfs_build_sf_variants.build_input_compile.log","dfs_build_winscw_dfs_build_winscw_input_compile.log", "ncp_symbian_build_symtb_input_compile.log"]:
+			try:
+				self.raptorbuilds.append(RaptorBuild(logpath, buildid, r, options))
+			except LogfileNotFound, ex:
+				sys.stderr.write(str(ex))
+	def __str__(self):
+		raptor_duration = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,[y.build_duration for y in self.raptorbuilds],0)
+		return "<heliumbuild ver='9' id='%s'>\n" % (self.buildid) + \
+			"<metric name='total_duration'  value='%d' />\n" % (self.mainantlog.build_duration) + \
+			"<metric name='raptor_duration'  value='%d' />\n" % (raptor_duration) + \
+	 		"".join([str(a) for a in self.raptorbuilds ]) + \
+	 		"</heliumbuild>\n"
+class HeliumLogDir(object):
+	"""Multiple builds can be done one after another (usually when rebuilding 
+	   things that failed, apparently) and their logs left in the output dir.
+	   The naming convention ensures that they don't overwrite each other.
+	   This class identifies each build and tries to analyse them one by one."""
+	def __init__(self, epocroot, options=None):
+		self.logpath = os.path.join(epocroot, "output/logs")
+		logs = MainAntLog.findall(self.logpath)
+		self.builds = []
+		for b in logs.keys():
+			try:
+				sys.stderr.write("  Found build with id %s\n" % b)
+				build = Helium9Build(self.logpath, b, options)
+				self.builds.append(build)
+			except IOError,e:
+				sys.stderr.write("  Buildid %s found but does not refer to a complete build\n" % b)
+				sys.stderr.write(str(e)+"\n")
+	def write(self, stream):
+		for b in self.builds:
+			stream.write(str(b)+"\n")
+parser = OptionParser(prog = "grokbuild",
+                      usage = """%prog [-h | options] path_to_EPOCROOT 
+The build logs are usually in $EPOCROOT/output/logs""")
+parser.add_option("--maxagents", type="int", dest="maxagents", default=30,
+				 help="The number of simultaneous agents used in the build. You need to supply this if --emake-class was used rather than --emake-maxagents since this is then a property of the build cluster and is not usually recorded in the logs. The default is %default."
+				 )
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) == 0:
+	sys.stderr.write("Need at least one argument: a path to the logs.\n")
+	sys.exit(-1)
+epocroot = args[0]
+sys.stderr.write("Gathering Performance Metrics for %s\n" % epocroot)
+b = HeliumLogDir(epocroot, options)